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August 4, 2023
August 4, 2023

Ford and the Economic Recession. We are all unfortunately aware of the difficulties and challenges faced by the American automobile industry. From a position of national and international leadership, our Big Three (General Motors, Ford and Chrysler) of the American auto industry has lost its competitive edge to auto companies in Japan, Korea, and Germany. Research the history and details that lead Ford to foresee the coming financial crisis.  Analyze the management style and decisions as well as the leadership traits displayed by Ford management that allowed them to avoid the fate of General Motors and Chrysler. Look at the options available to Ford and the reasons behind the decisions they made based on the leadership guidance from management. Analyze why they decided they did not need or did not want government assistance. We are all unfortunately aware of the difficulties and challenges faced by the American automobile industry. From a position of national and international leadership, our Big Three (General Motors, Ford and Chrysler) of the American auto industry has lost its competitive edge to auto companies in Japan, Korea, and Germany. Research the history and details that lead Ford to foresee the coming financial crisis.

Ford and the Economic Recession

Analyze the management style and decisions as well as the leadership traits displayed by Ford management that allowed them to avoid the fate of General Motors and Chrysler. Look at the options available to Ford and the reasons behind the decisions they made based on the leadership guidance from management. Analyze why they decided they did not need or did not want government assistance. We are all unfortunately aware of the difficulties and challenges faced by the American automobile industry. From a position of national and international leadership, our Big Three (General Motors, Ford and Chrysler) of the American auto industry has lost its competitive edge to auto companies in Japan, Korea, and Germany. Research the history and details that lead Ford to foresee the coming financial crisis.  Analyze the management style and decisions as well as the leadership traits displayed by Ford management that allowed them to avoid the fate of General Motors and Chrysler. Look at the options available to Ford and the reasons behind the decisions they made based on the leadership guidance from management. Analyze why they decided they did not need or did not want government assistance.

Use APA referencing style.

August 4, 2023
August 4, 2023

Assisted Reproductive Technology. Melissa is a 38-year-old woman who was recently diagnosed with endometrial cancer. After consulting with her gynecologist and oncologist, a hysterectomy was selected as the course of treatment. The oncologist removed Melissa’s uterus and cervix, but left her ovaries intact. No cancer was detected in her ovaries, and they showed signs of continuing ovulation. Using your textbook, as well as some additional resources, conduct research regarding the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) options Melissa has if she decides that she wants a biological child. Explain which ART option you would recommend to Melissa. State the steps involved (from beginning to the birth of the child). Explain the steps involved in this process for Melissa. What are some benefits of using the ART process? What are some drawbacks of using the ART process? Melissa is a 38-year-old woman who was recently diagnosed with endometrial cancer. After consulting with her gynecologist and oncologist, a hysterectomy was selected as the course of treatment. The oncologist removed Melissa’s uterus and cervix, but left her ovaries intact. No cancer was detected in her ovaries, and they showed signs of continuing ovulation.

Assisted Reproductive Technology

Using your textbook, as well as some additional resources, conduct research regarding the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) options Melissa has if she decides that she wants a biological child. Explain which ART option you would recommend to Melissa. State the steps involved (from beginning to the birth of the child). Explain the steps involved in this process for Melissa. What are some benefits of using the ART process? What are some drawbacks of using the ART process? Melissa is a 38-year-old woman who was recently diagnosed with endometrial cancer. After consulting with her gynecologist and oncologist, a hysterectomy was selected as the course of treatment. The oncologist removed Melissa’s uterus and cervix, but left her ovaries intact. No cancer was detected in her ovaries, and they showed signs of continuing ovulation. Using your textbook, as well as some additional resources, conduct research regarding the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) options Melissa has if she decides that she wants a biological child. Explain which ART option you would recommend to Melissa. State the steps involved (from beginning to the birth of the child). Explain the steps involved in this process for Melissa. What are some benefits of using the ART process? What are some drawbacks of using the ART process?

Use APA referencing style.

August 4, 2023
August 4, 2023

Parent-Child Interactions. In the article noted in this activity, the authors point out that most introductory sociology textbooks identify the main socialization agents as family, peers, schools, media, work, and religion. “…[W]hat is far less often acknowledged is the contribution that children’s toys and games play in representing and reinforcing dominant conceptions of ‘appropriate’ social identities found in social discourse and in institutional arrangements” (para. 1). Go to a public space like a library, mall or park and observe family interactions for an hour or so, taking notes of the interactions you observe. Based on your observations, how might the parent-child interactions be supporting the process of primary and secondary socialization? Discuss any visual evidence of role strain or role conflict that you noticed. In the article noted in this activity, the authors point out that most introductory sociology textbooks identify the main socialization agents as family, peers, schools, media, work, and religion. “…[W]hat is far less often acknowledged is the contribution that children’s toys and games play in representing and reinforcing dominant conceptions of ‘appropriate’ social identities found in social discourse and in institutional arrangements” (para. 1). Go to a public space like a library, mall or park and observe family interactions for an hour or so, taking notes of the interactions you observe.

Parent-Child Interactions

Based on your observations, how might the parent-child interactions be supporting the process of primary and secondary socialization? Discuss any visual evidence of role strain or role conflict that you noticed. In the article noted in this activity, the authors point out that most introductory sociology textbooks identify the main socialization agents as family, peers, schools, media, work, and religion. “…[W]hat is far less often acknowledged is the contribution that children’s toys and games play in representing and reinforcing dominant conceptions of ‘appropriate’ social identities found in social discourse and in institutional arrangements” (para. 1). Go to a public space like a library, mall or park and observe family interactions for an hour or so, taking notes of the interactions you observe. Based on your observations, how might the parent-child interactions be supporting the process of primary and secondary socialization? Discuss any visual evidence of role strain or role conflict that you noticed.

Use APA referencing style.

August 4, 2023
August 4, 2023

Dealing with Traumatic Experiences. For this assignment, pretend to be leading a team that is addressing a group of people who have recently experienced a trauma (school shooting, sexual assault, human trafficking, domestic violence, war, etc.). Be creative here. Use any population that you are passionate about and come up with a scenario. Explain the scenario to me. Design a strategy for how you and your team will address the needs of that population by answering the questions below. What did this client or population experience? What are the resulting behaviors? In other words, how are they acting because of what happened? Why is this a problem?  What is the desired behavior? In other words, what do you want them to find (peace, hope, safety)? What do they need? What can you (as the Human Services Professional) provide? How can you and your team be of assistance? Where will you find funding (donations, state, federal funding, etc.)? What paths to recovery can be taken (yoga, EMDR, drumming classes, etc.) and why did you choose these paths?  Create a timeline with specific dates outlining how you will help this population and implement the paths to recovery. Justify why your plan will be effective.

Dealing with Traumatic Experiences

Dealing with Traumatic Experiences. For this assignment, pretend to be leading a team that is addressing a group of people who have recently experienced a trauma (school shooting, sexual assault, human trafficking, domestic violence, war, etc.). Be creative here. Use any population that you are passionate about and come up with a scenario. Explain the scenario to me. Design a strategy for how you and your team will address the needs of that population by answering the questions below. What did this client or population experience? What are the resulting behaviors? In other words, how are they acting because of what happened? Why is this a problem?  What is the desired behavior? In other words, what do you want them to find (peace, hope, safety)? What do they need? What can you (as the Human Services Professional) provide? How can you and your team be of assistance? Where will you find funding (donations, state, federal funding, etc.)? What paths to recovery can be taken (yoga, EMDR, drumming classes, etc.) and why did you choose these paths?  Create a timeline with specific dates outlining how you will help this population and implement the paths to recovery. Justify why your plan will be effective.

Use APA referencing style.

August 4, 2023
August 4, 2023

Homeland Security Intelligence. What are the strengths of a distributed homeland security intelligence production; a federal system with independent and largely “sovereign” state, local, tribal jurisdictions?  Is there any way that this could be made even better/stronger? Locate the nearest Fusion Center to you (I live in Elizabeth City, North Carolina) via the U.S. Homeland Security link.  If you are overseas, please pick one from where you are from or your last/next duty station. Once you find your local Fusion Center, discuss in depth the specific role/mission of that Fusion Center.  Lastly, do you believe, based on what you now know about Fusion Centers, that this Fusion Center is clear to the public on its mission and that it can meet the goals/objectives needed to ensure the region is under adequate protection? What are the strengths of a distributed homeland security intelligence production; a federal system with independent and largely “sovereign” state, local, tribal jurisdictions?  Is there any way that this could be made even better/stronger? Locate the nearest Fusion Center to you (I live in Elizabeth City, North Carolina) via the U.S. Homeland Security link.

Homeland Security Intelligence

If you are overseas, please pick one from where you are from or your last/next duty station. Once you find your local Fusion Center, discuss in depth the specific role/mission of that Fusion Center.  Lastly, do you believe, based on what you now know about Fusion Centers, that this Fusion Center is clear to the public on its mission and that it can meet the goals/objectives needed to ensure the region is under adequate protection?What are the strengths of a distributed homeland security intelligence production; a federal system with independent and largely “sovereign” state, local, tribal jurisdictions?  Is there any way that this could be made even better/stronger? Locate the nearest Fusion Center to you (I live in Elizabeth City, North Carolina) via the U.S. Homeland Security link.  If you are overseas, please pick one from where you are from or your last/next duty station. Once you find your local Fusion Center, discuss in depth the specific role/mission of that Fusion Center.  Lastly, do you believe, based on what you now know about Fusion Centers, that this Fusion Center is clear to the public on its mission and that it can meet the goals/objectives needed to ensure the region is under adequate protection?

Use APA referencing style.

August 4, 2023
August 4, 2023

Internal Control System. You work for a small manufacturing firm, where it is clearly too expensive to have proper segregation of duties. Because of this lack of control, management knows that opportunities exist to perpetrate fraud within the company. Management is particularly concerned with possible collusion between purchasing agents and vendors because of the relatively small size of the company and the fact that a single purchasing agent is often solely responsible for a vendor’s account. Management knows now that a lot of money can be saved by proactively preventing fraud and not just acting on a reactionary or crisis basis. They have started to establish an open-door policy where all employees are encouraged to talk about pressures and opportunities faced while on the job. Management also wants to establish a hotline where employees can report suspicious activity. Is an employee hotline necessary? Is this sort of whistle-blowing ethical? What can management do as they establish this hotline to encourage employees to actually use it?

Internal Control System

Internal Control System. You work for a small manufacturing firm, where it is clearly too expensive to have proper segregation of duties. Because of this lack of control, management knows that opportunities exist to perpetrate fraud within the company. Management is particularly concerned with possible collusion between purchasing agents and vendors because of the relatively small size of the company and the fact that a single purchasing agent is often solely responsible for a vendor’s account. Management knows now that a lot of money can be saved by proactively preventing fraud and not just acting on a reactionary or crisis basis. They have started to establish an open-door policy where all employees are encouraged to talk about pressures and opportunities faced while on the job. Management also wants to establish a hotline where employees can report suspicious activity. Is an employee hotline necessary? Is this sort of whistle-blowing ethical? What can management do as they establish this hotline to encourage employees to actually use it?

Use APA referencing style.

August 4, 2023
August 4, 2023

Fortune 500 Company. The current world economy is increasingly becoming integrated and interdependent; as a result, the relationship between business and society is becoming more complex. In this assignment, you will be researching a Fortune 500 company from an approved company list provided by your professor. Write an evaluation of your chosen company’s performance with respect to its stated values. Summarize the company’s primary products and or services. Suggest three ways in which primary stakeholders can influence the organization’s financial performance. Provide support for your response. Describe two critical factors in the organization’s external environment that can affect its success. Support your assertions. Assess the company’s biggest success or missed opportunity to respond to a recent or current social issue. How did it impact company performance? Fortune 500 Company. The current world economy is increasingly becoming integrated and interdependent; as a result, the relationship between business and society is becoming more complex. In this assignment, you will be researching a Fortune 500 company from an approved company list provided by your professor. Write an evaluation of your chosen company’s performance with respect to its stated values. Summarize the company’s primary products and or services. Suggest three ways in which primary stakeholders can influence the organization’s financial performance. Provide support for your response.

Fortune 500 Company

Describe two critical factors in the organization’s external environment that can affect its success. Support your assertions. Assess the company’s biggest success or missed opportunity to respond to a recent or current social issue. How did it impact company performance? The current world economy is increasingly becoming integrated and interdependent; as a result, the relationship between business and society is becoming more complex. In this assignment, you will be researching a Fortune 500 company from an approved company list provided by your professor. Write an evaluation of your chosen company’s performance with respect to its stated values. Summarize the company’s primary products and or services. Suggest three ways in which primary stakeholders can influence the organization’s financial performance. Provide support for your response. Describe two critical factors in the organization’s external environment that can affect its success. Support your assertions. Assess the company’s biggest success or missed opportunity to respond to a recent or current social issue. How did it impact company performance?

Use APA referencing style.

August 4, 2023
August 4, 2023

COVID-19 Pandemic and Fake News. We get a lot of information from online sites, including our news. “Fake news” is a common term these days. It has been used in political campaigns, during a pandemic, and in other contexts. How do we know that what we are reading online is legitimate? This article from Britannica.com discusses myths about COVID-19 vaccines that have spread online. Choose one of the myths or another fake news story you have seen and share why a reader might be tempted to believe it. In your response, address each of the questions below: What seems real to you? Is there fact and fiction mixed in together to convince the skeptical reader? Where would you go to find information to validate the claims made in the example you chose? Is My Source Credible? COVID-19 Pandemic and Fake News. We get a lot of information from online sites, including our news. “Fake news” is a common term these days. It has been used in political campaigns, during a pandemic, and in other contexts. How do we know that what we are reading online is legitimate? This article from Britannica.com discusses myths about COVID-19 vaccines that have spread online.

COVID-19 Pandemic and Fake News

Choose one of the myths or another fake news story you have seen and share why a reader might be tempted to believe it. In your response, address each of the questions below: What seems real to you? Is there fact and fiction mixed in together to convince the skeptical reader? Where would you go to find information to validate the claims made in the example you chose? Is My Source Credible? COVID-19 Pandemic and Fake News. We get a lot of information from online sites, including our news. “Fake news” is a common term these days. It has been used in political campaigns, during a pandemic, and in other contexts. How do we know that what we are reading online is legitimate? This article from Britannica.com discusses myths about COVID-19 vaccines that have spread online. Choose one of the myths or another fake news story you have seen and share why a reader might be tempted to believe it. In your response, address each of the questions below: What seems real to you? Is there fact and fiction mixed in together to convince the skeptical reader? Where would you go to find information to validate the claims made in the example you chose? Is My Source Credible?

Use APA referencing style.

August 4, 2023
August 4, 2023

SDOH and Family Health. Describe the SDOH that affect the family health status. What is the impact of these SDOH on the family? Discuss why these factors are prevalent for this family. Based on the information gathered through the family health assessment, recommend age-appropriate screenings for each family member. Provide support and rationale for your suggestions. Choose a health model to assist in creating a plan of action. Describe the model selected. Discuss the reasons why this health model is the best choice for this family. Provide rationale for your reasoning. Using the model, outline the steps for a family-centered health promotion. Include strategies for communication. SDOH and Family Health. Describe the SDOH that affect the family health status. What is the impact of these SDOH on the family? Discuss why these factors are prevalent for this family. Based on the information gathered through the family health assessment, recommend age-appropriate screenings for each family member.

SDOH and Family Health

Provide support and rationale for your suggestions. Choose a health model to assist in creating a plan of action. Describe the model selected. Discuss the reasons why this health model is the best choice for this family. Provide rationale for your reasoning. Using the model, outline the steps for a family-centered health promotion. Include strategies for communication. Describe the SDOH that affect the family health status. What is the impact of these SDOH on the family? Discuss why these factors are prevalent for this family. Based on the information gathered through the family health assessment, recommend age-appropriate screenings for each family member. Provide support and rationale for your suggestions. Choose a health model to assist in creating a plan of action. Describe the model selected. Discuss the reasons why this health model is the best choice for this family. Provide rationale for your reasoning. Using the model, outline the steps for a family-centered health promotion. Include strategies for communication.

Use APA referencing style.

August 4, 2023
August 4, 2023

Go to The Seven Challenge Areas for Work-Life Balance on the Life Coach Directory website or an appropriate source of your choice to review challenge areas for work-life balance. Determine two work-life challenges that may be faced within any organization by military personnel such as reserve and National Guard members; people who speak with accents or have English fluency concerns; or gays and lesbians. Examine at least two employment laws that protect your selected group. Next, outline a plan that could assist an organization in protecting the selected group from discrimination. Go to The Seven Challenge Areas for Work-Life Balance on the Life Coach Directory website or an appropriate source of your choice to review challenge areas for work-life balance. Determine two work-life challenges that may be faced within any organization by military personnel such as reserve and National Guard members; people who speak with accents or have English fluency concerns; or gays and lesbians. Examine at least two employment laws that protect your selected group. Next, outline a plan that could assist an organization in protecting the selected group from discrimination.

Work-Life Balance

Go to The Seven Challenge Areas for Work-Life Balance on the Life Coach Directory website or an appropriate source of your choice to review challenge areas for work-life balance. Determine two work-life challenges that may be faced within any organization by military personnel such as reserve and National Guard members; people who speak with accents or have English fluency concerns; or gays and lesbians. Examine at least two employment laws that protect your selected group. Next, outline a plan that could assist an organization in protecting the selected group from discrimination.  Go to The Seven Challenge Areas for Work-Life Balance on the Life Coach Directory website or an appropriate source of your choice to review challenge areas for work-life balance. Determine two work-life challenges that may be faced within any organization by military personnel such as reserve and National Guard members; people who speak with accents or have English fluency concerns; or gays and lesbians. Examine at least two employment laws that protect your selected group. Next, outline a plan that could assist an organization in protecting the selected group from discrimination.

Use APA referencing style.