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February 20, 2025
February 20, 2025


Artwork & Cultures

Find a work of art to answer the following questions. 

The artwork can be from any culture or time period.

Give a short description of the work:

Artwork & Cultures


  • Is it realistic abstract or non-objective?,
  • What does it depict? What colors are used?,
  • What artistic role does it play? Does it take on more than one role? Review the different roles discussed in subunit 1.4 to help you decide.,
  • Provide the title date and artist’s name. Make sure your source has all of this information.,
  • What medium is used (painting drawing printmaking sculpture photograph or digital image video installation or performance)?,
  • What artistic category (subunit 1.5) does it fall under?,

Artwork & Cultures

Part 2

View the three works of art from the hyperlinks below.

They are all from different time periods and cultures. Notice how each one has a repeated formal element similar to the others.

  • What style and category does each work belong to?
  • Do these similarities have ties to an ordinary meaning between them, or do you think the meaning of each work is separate from the others? Why or why not?
  • What cultural, religious, or other considerations do you consider when defining your answers?
  • Write at least one paragraph to explain each work of art.

Here are the images to view:


Part 1
Question at position 1

Find a work of art to answer the following questions. 

The artwork can be from any culture or time period.

Give a short description of the work:

  • Is it realistic, abstract or non-objective?
  • What does it depict? What colors are used?
  • What artistic role does it play? Does it take on more than one role? Review the different roles discussed in subunit 1.4 to help you decide.
  • Provide the title, date and artist’s name. Make sure your source has all of this information.
  • What medium is used (painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, photograph or digital image, video, installation or performance)?
  • What artistic category (subunit 1.5) does it fall under?

Artwork & Cultures

Part 2

View the three works of art from the hyperlinks below.

They are all from different time periods and cultures. Notice how each one has a repeated formal element similar to the others.

  • What style and category does each work belong to?
  • Do these similarities have ties to an ordinary meaning between them, or do you think the meaning of each work is separate from the others? Why or why not?
  • What cultural, religious, or other considerations do you consider when defining your answers?
  • Write at least one paragraph to explain each work of art.

Here are the images to view:


February 20, 2025
February 20, 2025

Parent’s Assistance Letter

The student will develop a three to four-page welcome letter (single-spaced) that conveys the assistance and
support that will be made available to parents and children in a classroom. The letter must include:
• an introduction of yourself and the classroom
• ways you will make children feel safe and comfortable
• your goals for the children
• educational supports that you will make available to parents
• social support and resources available to assist families, and
• positive communication that conveys high expectations


Parent's Assistance Letter


make sure the letter is very welcoming, genuine, warm. Talk about families, classroom setup, the rest of the staff of the classroom. talk about physical and emotional safety. talk about your goals, what you want to teach the kids. talk about kindness, madness, books, how to make the children feel comfortable with the parents.

Parent’s Assistance Letter

The student will develop a three to four-page welcome letter (single-spaced) that conveys the assistance and
support that will be made available to parents and children in a classroom. The letter must include:
• an introduction of yourself and the classroom
• ways you will make children feel safe and comfortable
• your goals for the children
• educational supports that you will make available to parents
• social support and resources available to assist families, and
• positive communication that conveys high expectations

Parent’s Assistance Letter

make sure the letter is very welcoming, genuine, warm. Talk about families, classroom setup, the rest of the staff of the classroom. talk about physical and emotional safety. talk about your goals, what you want to teach the kids. talk about kindness, madness, books, how to make the children feel comfortable with the parents.

The student will develop a three to four-page welcome letter (single-spaced) that conveys the assistance and
support that will be made available to parents and children in a classroom. The letter must include:,
• an introduction of yourself and the classroom,
• ways you will make children feel safe and comfortable,
• your goals for the children,
• educational supports that you will make available to parents,
• social support and resources available to assist families,
• positive communication that conveys high expectations

Parent’s Assistance Letter

make sure the letter is very welcoming, genuine, warm. Talk about families, classroom setup, the rest of the staff of the classroom. talk about physical and emotional safety. talk about your goals, what you want to teach the kids. talk about kindness, madness, books, how to make the children feel comfortable with the parents.

February 19, 2025
February 19, 2025

Addressing Ethical Violation

The Organization

  • Describe the human service organization, including its mission, services, and client population.
  • Develop a detailed scenario involving an ethical violation.
    • Be sure to include key characters, the nature of the violation, and how it was discovered.
  • Identify which NOHS Ethical Standards are relevant to the scenario and why.


Addressing Ethical Violation


Analysis of the Ethical Violation

  • Discuss the personal responsibilities and ethical duties of the individuals involved in the scenario.
    • Consider the roles of the violator, the victim, and any witnesses or bystanders.
  • Analyze the impact of ethical violations on the organization as a whole, such as organizational culture, trust, legal ramifications, and public perception.
  • Describe the steps that should be taken by the individuals and the organization in response to ethical violations.
    • This should include immediate actions, investigation procedures, and long-term strategies.

Addressing Ethical Violation

Training Program

  • Define the purpose of the training program and its key objectives.
  • Describe the content of the training program and include modules on the applicable NOHS ethical standards, how to recognize and report ethical violations, and how to foster an ethical workplace culture.
  • Explain how the training will be delivered (e.g., workshops, online courses, seminars) and the rationale behind these methods.


  • Describe the importance of addressing ethical violations in human service organizations
  • offer some final thoughts on the role of training and ethical standards in promoting an ethical workplace culture


Addressing Ethical Violation

The Organization

  • Describe the human service organization, including its mission services and client population.,
  • Develop a detailed scenario involving an ethical violation.,
    • Be sure to include key characters the nature of the violation and how it was discovered.,
  • Identify which NOHS Ethical Standards are relevant to the scenario and why.,

Analysis of the Ethical Violation

  • Discuss the personal responsibilities and ethical duties of the individuals involved in the scenario.,
    • Consider the roles of the violator the victim and any witnesses or bystanders.,
  • Analyze the impact of ethical violations on the organization as a whole such as organizational culture trust legal ramifications, and public perception.,
  • Describe the steps that should be taken by the individuals and the organization in response to ethical violations.,
    • This should include immediate actions, investigation procedures, and long-term strategies.

Addressing Ethical Violation

Training Program

  • Define the purpose of the training program and its key objectives.
  • Describe the content of the training program and include modules on the applicable NOHS ethical standards, how to recognize and report ethical violations, and how to foster an ethical workplace culture.
  • Explain how the training will be delivered (e.g., workshops, online courses, seminars) and the rationale behind these methods.


  • Describe the importance of addressing ethical violations in human service organizations
  • offer some final thoughts on the role of training and ethical standards in promoting an ethical workplace culture










February 19, 2025
February 19, 2025

Advocacy Project 

For this assignment you will draw on your studies to produce an advocacy plan for the issue featured in the Persuasive Essay and using the communicative mode of your choice., The issue in the Persuasive Essay will be used to create a local advocacy project., After giving some thought to any specific action plan(s) to be encouraged the other key part of this assignment is to choose an appropriate mode for how this advocacy might work (e.g. oral written visual digital live online recorded etc.).


Advocacy Project 

You will be given an opportunity to justify your choice of mode, so the choice itself needs to be a rhetorically sound, deliberate, and based on the conditions under which the desired audience will encounter the advocacy piece. Examples include a short video, a speech/public talk of some sort, a podcast, a brief written appeal to be placed in an appropriate venue, a visual flyer or poster, some sort of flash performance, etc.

Advocacy Project 


The aims of this assignment are twofold: 1) to demonstrate an awareness of what constitutes effective advocacy (e.g., its differences from persuasion), and 2) to show a strong awareness of the rhetorical benefits of different modes of communication, as well as their weaknesses.

Part 3

Final: The Advocacy Project is to be submitted along with a detailed summary of the project; this is at least 6–7 pages in length. The Advocacy Project must include the following:

Advocacy Project 


  1. Introduction: Must include a summary of the issues and a clear thesis statement,
  2. Rationale for the mode of choice: This must include the rationale for the mode of choice detailing why the issue is relevant to public policy.,
  3. Include the elements of your outline headings: Each heading must be supported with research facts strategies etc.
  4. Setting your goals
  5. Strategies for developing your message
  6. Strategies to get the message out
  7. Team building
  8. Putting it all together
  9. Conclusion: offers a good summary of issues treated in the paper and offers practical application.
  10. References

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.



February 19, 2025
February 19, 2025

Analysis of SRS Nonfunctional


The purpose of this assignment is to complete SRS Sections 5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements and 6. Other Requirements, for the Case Study and develop and apply the Structured Analysis and Design  (SAD) technique to create DataFlow Diagrams that represents the major processes of the Case Study.


Analysis of SRS Nonfunctional

Assignment Directions

  1. Rename your last submitted SRS.

Use your last corrected SRS from your previous assignment and rename it Assignment3AnalysisSRSDFDLastnameFirstname replacing the names with your name.  Make certain that you have made any corrections to your SRS before completing this assignment. Place the DFDs and tables for this assignment in your SRS.

  1. Complete Section 5. Nonfunctional Requirements in your SRS.

Nonfunctional requirement categories for this document include Safety, Security,, Software Quality, and Business Rules.   Each requirement must have a unique number, name and description.

Analysis of SRS Nonfunctional

2.1  Complete Section 5.1 Safety Requirements

Specify those requirements that are concerned with possible loss damage or harm that could result from the use of the product., Define any safeguards or actions that must be taken as well as actions that must be prevented., Refer to any external policies or regulations that state safety issues that affect the product’s design or use., Define any safety certifications that must be satisfied.

2.2 Complete Section 5.2 Security Requirements

Specify any requirements regarding security or privacy issues surrounding use of the product or protection of the data used or created by the product. Define any user identity authentication requirements. Refer to any external policies or regulations containing security issues that affect the product. Define any security or privacy certifications that must be satisfied.

2.3 Complete Section 5.3 Software Quality Attributes

Specify any additional quality characteristics for the product that will be important to either the customers or the developers. Some to consider are adaptability, availability, correctness, flexibility, interoperability, maintainability, portability, reliability, reusability, robustness, testability, and usability. Write these to be specific, quantitative, and verifiable when possible. At the least, clarify the relative preferences for various attributes, such as ease of use over ease of learning.

Analysis of SRS Nonfunctional

2.4 Complete Section 5.4 Business Rules

List any operating principles about the product such as which individuals or roles can perform which functions under specific circumstances. ,These are not functional requirements in themselves but they may imply certain functional requirements to enforce the rules.

  1. Complete Section 6. Other Requirements in your SRS.

Define any other requirements not covered elsewhere in the SRS. This might include database requirements, internationalization requirements, legal requirements, reuse objectives for the project, and so on. Add any new sections that are pertinent to the project. Follow the numbering convention use in other sections. Include the unique ID, name, and description.

3.1 Complete Section 6.1 Performance Requirements

List each performance requirement for the product components. Include a unique identifier, the name of each requirement, and a description for each requirement.

  1. Create a Context DFD for the Case Study

4.1 Create a Context DFD and place it in Appendix C.1.1 of your SRS.

Using diagrams.net (https://www.diagrams.net/index.html) create a Context DFD for your Case Study and place it in Appendix C.1.1 in your SRS.   Note that the drawing website is also known as draw.io.   See the example Tune Source Context Diagram in Figure 5.15, p. 211 in your textbook. Numbering conventions in the literature for DFDs varies.   We will not number the Context Diagram. The next level of decomposition is referred to as Level 0.

Details aboutdiagrams.net (draw.io) and videos on how to use it to create DFDs are in the Overview section of the course. Detailed information about the DFDs is in the Content modules and your textbook.   See the SRS Appendix C for additional details before you start this assignment.

4.2 Discuss your DFD and place it in Appendix C.1.2 in your SRS.

  1. Create a Level 0 DFD (first level of decomposition) for the Case Study

5.1 Using draw.io create a Level 0 DFD for the Case Study and place it in Appendix C.2.1 of your SRS.

Remember that for Level 0 you break the  system  into sub processes that show the flow of data from process to process  and data stores.  The elements of the dataflows must balance between levels–you cannot lose data from one level to the next.  For example if you have a dataflow named “Request appointment” in the context diagram, it must also be represented in the Level 0 diagram.  So you enter a dataflow and its structure in the Data Dictionary tables.  More levels of decomposition can be completed, as necessary. Remember that processes and data stores are numbered.

A technique you can use to create DFDs is to use the use cases, create fragments of DFDs, and then combine the fragments to create a full DFD.

5.2 Discuss your Level 0 DFD in Appendix C.2.2 in your SRS.

  1. Complete Appendix C.3 Data Dictionary Entries for DFDs for your DFDs.

SRS Appendix C.3 is for your Data Dictionary entries for Data Flows , Processes, External Entities, and  DataStores (DataStores only appear on your Level 0 DFD. Enter them in alphabetical order.

6.1 Complete C.3.1 Process Table

Add process names and numbers as well as process description. List data lows and their source or destination for the process.

Analysis of SRS Nonfunctional

6.2 Complete C.3.2 External Entity Table

Add the names of external Entities and a description of each.

6.3 Complete C.3.3 DataStore Table

Add the names and number of the DataStores and include a description.  Include a list of all elements in the DataStore.

6.4 Complete C.3.4 DataFlow Table

Include the name of the DataFlow, DataFlow description and a list all elements in each DataFlow.

Submission Directions

Grading Rubric

  1. SRS Section 5. Nonfunctional Requirements and SRS Section 6. Other Requirements in your SRS (25)

Complete Section 5. Nonfunctional Requirements in your SRS and Section 6.Other Requirements

1.1 Complete Section 5.1 Safety Requirements.

1.2 Complete Section 5.2 Security Requirements.

1.3 Complete Section 5.3 Software Quality Attributes.

1.4 Complete Section 5.4 Business Rules.

1.5 Complete Section 6. Other Requirements in your SRS.

1.6 Complete Section 6.1 Performance Requirements

  1. SRS Context DFD in Appendix C.1 (25)

Create a Context DFD for the Case Study.

3.1 Create a Context DFD including External Entities, Process, and DataFlows using draw.io and place it in Appendix C.1.1 of your SRS.

3.2 Discuss your DFD in Appendix C.1.2 in your SRS.

  1. SRS Level 0 DFD (first level of decomposition) in Appendix C.2 (20)

Create a Level 0 DFD (first level of decomposition) for the Case Study

4.1 Using draw.io create a Level 0 DFD for the Case Study and place it in Appendix C.2.1 of your SRS.

4.2 Discuss your Level 0 DFD in section C.2.2 in your SRS.

  1. SRS Data Dictionary for DFDs in Appendix C.3 (20)

Complete Appendix C.3 Data Dictionary Entries for DFDs.

5.1 Complete C.3.1 Process Table.

5.2 Complete C.3.2 External Entity Table.

5.3 Complete C.3.3 DataStore Table.

5.4 Complete C.3.4 DataFlow Table.

  1. Writing Format (10) 

Prepare the document in APA format. Grammatical, spelling or punctuation—the writing is grammatically correct, clear and concise. The response is well formulated and easy to read and understand. Correct terminology was used when needed. Original formatting is maintained. Entries are in alphabetical order.

February 19, 2025
February 19, 2025

Soldiers and Unions

Please have complete and well thought out initial responses that are supported by the literature. I am looking for original input, so please share your own experiences and then add support from our book our outside resources. Your thoughts and experiences are important to our discussions, so we can all learn from them. Please make sure that you back up the posts with factual information from the book, work/life experiences, or elsewhere. A big part of management is convincing people about your point of view so this exercise should help. I am looking forward to some great discussions!

Soldiers and Unions




  1. Should soldiers be allowed to join unions? (Hint: consider both the environment and ethics.) Support your answer with a couple of reasons why/why not.
  2. Can an employer refuse that a Union is created in an organization? Why or why not?
  3. Is joining a Union free to employees?
  4. How can this information benefit you in the workplace?

Soldiers and Unions

Please have complete and well thought out initial responses that are supported by the literature. I am looking for original input, so please share your own experiences and then add support from our book our outside resources. Your thoughts and experiences are important to our discussions, so we can all learn from them. Please make sure that you back up the posts with factual information from the book, work/life experiences, or elsewhere. A big part of management is convincing people about your point of view so this exercise should help. I am looking forward to some great discussions!

Soldiers and Unions



    1. Should soldiers be allowed to join unions? (Hint: consider both the environment and ethics.) Support your answer with a couple of reasons why/why not.,
    2. Can an employer refuse that a Union is created in an organization? Why or why not?,
    3. Is joining a Union free to employees?,
    4. How can this information benefit you in the workplace?,
February 19, 2025
February 19, 2025

Ten Lesson Plans 

55 minutes EACH

Develop 10 lesson plans which include: Teaching-learning activities, teaching materials,

tests/quizzes or other forms of unit/lesson evaluation. Sample lesson plan form is on

Canvas Announcement page. Please USE THIS FORMAT FOR ALL LESSON


Each of this assignment is explained in detail in the Gilbert textbook Chapter 5

PowerPoint posted under Announcements. The PowerPoint posted has the exact way

the Lesson Plans are to be done. When you are confused or lost, email me, AND check

the Chapter 5 PowerPoint listed under Canvas Announcements!


Ten Lesson Plans 

Ten Lesson Plans 

55 minutes EACH

Develop 10 lesson plans which include: Teaching-learning activities teaching materials

tests/quizzes or other forms of unit/lesson evaluation., Sample lesson plan form is on

Canvas Announcement page. ,Please USE THIS FORMAT FOR ALL LESSON


Each of this assignment is explained in detail in the Gilbert textbook Chapter 5,

PowerPoint posted under Announcements. The PowerPoint posted has the exact way

the Lesson Plans are to be done. ,When you are confused or lost email me AND check

the Chapter 5 PowerPoint listed under Canvas Announcements!

55 minutes EACH

Develop  which include: Teaching-learning activities, teaching materials,

tests/quizzes or other forms of unit/lesson evaluation. Sample lesson plan form is on

Canvas Announcement page. Please USE THIS FORMAT FOR ALL LESSON


Each of this assignment is explained in detail in the Gilbert textbook Chapter 5

PowerPoint posted under Announcements. The PowerPoint posted has the exact way

the Lesson Plans are to be done. When you are confused or lost, email me, AND check

the Chapter 5 PowerPoint listed under Canvas Announcements!

Develop which include: Teaching-learning activities, teaching materials,

tests/quizzes or other forms of unit/lesson evaluation. Sample lesson plan form is on

Canvas Announcement page. Please USE THIS FORMAT FOR ALL LESSON


Each of this assignment is explained in detail in the Gilbert textbook Chapter 5

PowerPoint posted under Announcements. The PowerPoint posted has the exact way

the  are to be done. When you are confused or lost, email me, AND check

the Chapter 5 PowerPoint listed under Canvas Announcements!



February 19, 2025
February 19, 2025

Leadership Development Case

Discussion 6.1

Discuss ways in which low power distance as a social value among followers could affect their interaction with a leader who displays high power distance.,

Discussion 6.2

How do you feel about personally using Machiavellian-style leadership?, What do you see as some positive and negative aspects of Machiavellian-style leadership?


Leadership Development Case

Assignment 6.1

Chapter 12 Leadership Development Case for Analysis: The Suarez Effect

Writing Requirements

  • APA format, 2 pages for each question
  • Use the APA template located in the Student Resource Center to complete the assignment.

MRKT450:7:Online New Product Development (US & Global)

Discussion 6.1

Review chapter 10 and answer the following scenario:

“Our small electrical engines division recently threw out a screening system that was based on a fairly complete scoring model, as they called it. Seems the model kept rejecting too many of their product ideas, some of which looked like sure winners to them–and to me, incidentally. Under their new system, a top-management committee reviews these ideas personally, without all that paperwork, and it looks like things will be better. Do you have any reaction to that?”

Leadership Development Case

Discussion 6.2

Check out this website. Pick an article and discuss the value and their insights.


Assignment 6.1

Look at these two methods of meeting the Criteria for New Products. What are your thoughts. How do we meet each of these requirements or Do we have to meet all of them. Picture this. You have a new Product to introduce to the Management. Is it important that your product meet ALL of the criteria?

Criteria Based on the NewProd Studies

  • Must-Meet Criteria (rated yes/no):

– Strategic alignment

– Existence of market need

– Likelihood of technical feasibility

– Product advantage

– Environmental health and safety policies

– Return versus risk

– Show stoppers (“killer” variables)

  • Should-Meet Criteria (rated on scales):

– Strategic (alignment and importance)

– Product advantage (unique benefits, meets customer needs, provides value for money)

– Market attractiveness (size, growth rate)

– Synergies (marketing, distribution, technical, manufacturing expertise)

– Technical feasibility (complexity, uncertainty)

– Risk vs. return (NPV, IRR, ROI, payback)

Writing Requirements

  • APA format, 3 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
  • Use the APA template located in the Student Resource Center to complete the assignment.

Leadership Development Case

Discussion 7.1

Review Chapter 13 and discuss the following scenario:

“Most of our divisions believe in customer integration — involving the user in the new product process. I am a fanatic on it. But some people want us to carry this right into the technical design phase. This would be dangerous.  A lot of what we do must be secret–we can’t patent most of our ideas, and timing is every¬thing. That’s why we put so much emphasis on speed of development. But I still get pushed to do more. Help me. Tell me all the things we might do to get integrated customers but at the same time minimize the risks of losing our secrets.”

Discussion 7.2

Corporate Design Foundation (www.cdf.org): Follow the links to the on-line newsletter, @Issue.  Browse the titles of articles in the current issue and recent back issues and select one that addresses some aspect of product design.  Prepare a summary of the article.  Discuss the important role of design in the success of the product discussed in your article.

Discussion 8.1

Procter & Gamble (www.pg.com): Explore the P&G site and figure out how they test the likely market acceptance of their newest products.,  Is this an effective method?  What are its pros and cons? ,What do you think of some of the newest products under consideration?


You are going to be developing a new product for the company. You have to choose a team. Using the following format who would be on your team and what are the requirements you are looking for to develop your team.

Building a Team
• Establishing a Culture of Collaboration
• Team Assignment and Ownership
– Empowered product champion
• Selecting the Leader
– A good general manager
• Selecting the Team Members
– Core and extended team members

Leadership Development Case

Writing Requirements

  •  The questions need to be answered in paragraph format.
  • Your final submission for each case study should be 2-4 pages in length with APA formatting for each case study.
  • You will need to have a minimum of 2 web sources for each case study.
  • Use the Databases and APA template located in the Student Resource Center to complete the assignment.
February 19, 2025
February 19, 2025

Business Management

Understand the key concepts of job redesign and job crafting. Then think about your own job and workplace and how these concepts apply to your own work life. Once you have finished reviewing the background readings and have carefully thought about how these concepts relate to your own job, write a 2- to 3-page paper answering the following questions:


Business Management


  1. Of the three main types of job redesign (job enlargement job rotation job enrichment) which one do you think would be the most effective in your current workplace?, Explain your reasoning and cite Bauer and Erdogan (2012) or Griffin (2007) as part of your answer.,
  2. Suppose your supervisor decides to use job enrichment to redesign your job. Of the five core job characteristics discussed in Bauer and Erdogan (2012) or page 9 of Griffin (2007) which one do you think should be changed as part of your job redesign?,
  3. Which specific job crafting strategy or intervention do you think would be most effective at your organization or for your specific job?, Refer to one of the specific strategies or interventions discussed in Wrzesniewski (2014) or Dik and Duffy (2012).

Business Management

Background reading:

Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2012) Chapter 6.1: Motivating employees through job design. Introduction to Organizational Behavior. Flatworld Knowledge. http://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/an-introduction-to-organizational-behavior-v1.0/s10-01-motivating-employees-through-j.html

Griffin, R. (2007). Chapter 6: Organization structure and design. Principles of Management. Houghton Mifflin, New York.

Wrzesniewski, A. (2014). Chapter 6: Engage in job crafting. In Dutton, J. E., & Spreitzer, G. M. (eds). How to Be a Positive Leader: Small Actions, Big Impact. San Francisco, CA, USA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Dik, B. J., & Duffy, R. D. (2012). Chapter 7: Job crafting. Make Your Job a Calling: How the Psychology of Vocation Can Change Your Life at Work. West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Press.

Business Management

Understand the key concepts of job redesign and job crafting. Then think about your own job and workplace and how these concepts apply to your own work life. Once you have finished reviewing the background readings and have carefully thought about how these concepts relate to your own job, write a 2- to 3-page paper answering the following questions:

  1. Of the three main types of job redesign (job enlargement, job rotation, job enrichment), which one do you think would be the most effective in your current workplace? Explain your reasoning, and cite Bauer and Erdogan (2012) or Griffin (2007) as part of your answer.
  2. Suppose your supervisor decides to use job enrichment to redesign your job. Of the five core job characteristics discussed in Bauer and Erdogan (2012) or page 9 of Griffin (2007), which one do you think should be changed as part of your job redesign?
  3. Which specific job crafting strategy or intervention do you think would be most effective at your organization or for your specific job? Refer to one of the specific strategies or interventions discussed in Wrzesniewski (2014) or Dik and Duffy (2012).

Business Management

Background reading:

Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2012) Chapter 6.1: Motivating employees through job design. Introduction to Organizational Behavior. Flatworld Knowledge. http://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/an-introduction-to-organizational-behavior-v1.0/s10-01-motivating-employees-through-j.html

Griffin, R. (2007). Chapter 6: Organization structure and design. Principles of Management. Houghton Mifflin, New York.

Wrzesniewski, A. (2014). Chapter 6: Engage in job crafting. In Dutton, J. E., & Spreitzer, G. M. (eds). How to Be a Positive Leader: Small Actions, Big Impact. San Francisco, CA, USA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Dik, B. J., & Duffy, R. D. (2012). Chapter 7: Job crafting. Make Your Job a Calling: How the Psychology of Vocation Can Change Your Life at Work. West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Press.

February 19, 2025
February 19, 2025

Strategic Company Direction

Our focus this week is on choosing a strategic direction that will set your organization apart from competitors in a way that enables you to stand out from everyone else. Jack refers to this as “changing the game.” Sherman refers to it as “breaking away from the pack” (Chapter 11).


Strategic Company Direction


  • Using the company you selected for your course project identify a potential game-changing move that you believe will create a sustainable competitive advantage. This move should derive from one of the seven common moves first introduced in last week’s lecture notes.,
  • This potential move should represent a possible new move the company should consider for creating even more competitive differentiation. In other words it should not be a specific move that the company has or is currently implementing.,
  • Briefly summarize how the move will fundamentally shift the playing field to the company’s advantage and beat the competition.,
  • Explain which of the four positioning categories described by Sherman (Breakaway Reverse Positioning Blue Ocean or Disruptive Innovation) best describes the move and why.

Strategic Company Direction

  • Our focus this week is on choosing a strategic direction that will set your organization apart from competitors in a way that enables you to stand out from everyone else. Jack refers to this as “changing the game.” Sherman refers to it as “breaking away from the pack” (Chapter 11).
    • Using the company you selected for your course project, identify a potential game-changing move that you believe will create a sustainable competitive advantage. This move should derive from one of the seven common moves first introduced in last week’s lecture notes.
    • This potential move should represent a possible new move the company should consider for creating even more competitive differentiation. In other words, it should not be a specific move that the company has or is currently implementing.
    • Briefly summarize how the move will fundamentally shift the playing field to the company’s advantage and beat the competition.

Strategic Company Direction

  • Explain which of the four positioning categories described by Sherman (Breakaway, Reverse Positioning, Blue Ocean or Disruptive Innovation) best describes the move, and why.