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November 7, 2024
November 7, 2024


Domestic and Global Perspectives

To compare influences on domestic and global perspectives on the news.


For this assignment, you will apply critical thinking skills to evaluate the context and assumptions on a problem or issue and formulate and support your conclusions.


Domestic and Global Perspectives


While the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment protects the right of journalists to gather and report information, it does not require them to be objective in their writing. If it did, American news consumers would not have experienced the eras of Yellow Journalism, Gonzo Journalism, muckraking, the penny press, or the sensationalism we still see today. Why is it that the First Amendment is not more specific about what it requires in “published” content?  Domestic and Global Perspectives

Objectivity is but one standard that has been applied by the American news media to their work, usually to basic hard news stories or what some call “straight” news reporting. It is not a mandated format for all newswriting.

Interpretative news reports, which some call news analysis, is another format used by American news media. It has become more prominent since the emergence of news reports on social media and 24/7 cable news reports before that. But it, too, is not a mandated format for newswriting.

These formats are choices. And they can appear side-by-side with different choices on the same topic by journalists writing for the same publication.

The ethical standards by which American journalists determine and present “news” reflect normative theories about how the news content they write should be objective, accurate, balanced, fair, and contain complete facts. This view, which emerged in the 20th century but didn’t firmly take root for news producers or news consumers until the Pentagon Papers and the Watergate investigation, suggests the news media have an obligation, according to Emery and Smith (1954): Domestic and Global Perspectives

“…to strive for honest and comprehensive coverage of the news, and for courageous expression of editorial opinion in support of the basic principles of human liberty and social progress” (744).

The U.S. Constitution does not say that. The First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; … “After Watergate, in particular, many Americans came to see news reporters as public servants or “prox[ies] for the people, maintaining a vigilant watch… and sounding the alarm when malfeasance, misfeasance, or extracurricular hanky-panky is discovered” (Hulteng, 1979, p. 48).

However, newspapers don’t sell news content. Radio, cable, satellite, broadcast, internet, social media, and streaming news platforms don’t sell video/TV news programs. The basic premise of advertising-supported media—their economic reality—is that they sell ears and eyeballs. They use their content to attract the interest of specific audiences for which they charge advertisers access. And those ears and eyeballs—and the standards used to attract their attention—can vary based on demographics.

The normative theory supporting our way of life—our democracy—is based on Milton’s ideas that good ideas will rise to the top. The U.S. news media have free rein with their content on the theory the public will seek out the truth. The reality is they are businesses and have always operated by business standards, within which certain of their journalists did one thing (objective news reporting — these are the people with their boots on the ground, so to speak; the ones who provide facts according to the standards you mentioned) while other of their journalists were tasked to inform (think investigate and analyze here) and entertain (think human interest and Dear Abby here as examples).

In other words, the U.S. news media write to get read. They focus on their specific missions for their specific audiences by exploiting what researchers call Uses and Gratification Theory. UGT says audiences have power over their media consumption and that they are the ones who assume an active role in interpreting and integrating media into their own lives. That is, news, information, and entertainment consumers gravitate toward material that has the most utility for them (Katz, Blumler, & Gurevitch, p. 16).

Researchers who study Reinforcement or Phenomenistic Theory, on the other hand, have found that we tend to pay attention to what’s familiar and comfortable to us, and that:

  • People expose themselves to mass comm messages that are consistent with their existing beliefs, values, attitudes, etc.
  • If there is inconsistency, sometimes people don’t see it, or they reinterpret it to fit their preconceptions.

Combine this tendency with what you learned about media ubiquity, media dependency, media bias, and technological determinism and how these changes have manifested themselves as the fragmentation of the news, information, and entertainment markets, and you can see why allegations of “fake news” emerged.

For this activity, you will write a brief essay that compares U.S. views on what “news” is on any given day to those of people in different societies.


  1. Select a major national or international news topic from the last month that interests you.,
  2. Then select two different newspapers or other reputable online news sources and explore the differences in how they reported the same news story.,
  3. Write a 1-2 page (about 250-500 words) paper that addresses the following questions: ,
  • Why did you find this news story compelling? ,
  • What journalistic approach (objective interpretative literary etc.) do the different newspapers use to report the story? ,
  • How does the newspaper’s audience affect the way in which the news story is presented? ,
  • What style of journalism do you prefer when receiving your news? ,


  1. A thoughtful, thorough 1-2 page (up to 500- words), double-spaced, essay in 12-point, Times Roman or similar serif font, with all the basic components for a beginning, middle, and end.
    • The first paragraph should contain a thesis that introduces your main idea or position on the question posed to you in the assignment prompt. What is the point you intend to make in your answer?
    • The middle paragraphs should provide information, examples, and details to support your main idea or position. This is where you should show use because statements and detail what you know or think about the topic. Include the headlines for your example news stories and their urls, so that your instructor can find and review them.
    • The final paragraph should sum up your main idea or position on the topic.
  1. Support your comments with relevant information that you researched in the course’s learning resources.
    • Use APA-style in-text citations to cite the sources of the information that you used in assembling ideas for your argument.
    • Create a matching APA reference list at the end of the document. These will need to include a reference to the news sources you used. For example, the Purdue OWL’s advice on the format for online news article is:

Note: The format for this type of source depends on whether your source comes from a site with an associated newspaper.

If the source does come from a site with an associated newspaper, leave the title of the article unformatted, but italicize the title of the newspaper.


Lastname, F. M. (Year, Month Date). Title of article. Title of Publication. URL

Richards, C. (2019, December 9). Best music of 2019: Lana Del Rey sings lullabies about the end of America. Washington Posthttps://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/music/best-music-of-2019-lana-del-rey-sings-lullabies-about-the-end-of-america/2019/12/06/6e82c5ec-15d8-11ea-a659-7d69641c6ff7_story.html


November 7, 2024
November 7, 2024

Community Assessment Windshield Survey Assignment Instructions Fall 2024

There are 2 parts to the community window assignment:  Part A and Part B. Make sure you complete both sections .

Part A Instructions:  Type your answers to all of the questions inside of each box    using  complete sentences and proper 7th edition APA format for citations.


Community Assessment Windshield Survey


Community Name

What is the name of your community?

Why did you select the above community?

EXAMPLE: The name of my community is Plainfield, Illinois.  I selected Plainfield as my community because I have plan on working as a nurse practitioner in Plainfield and my clinical practicum for this semester is located in the Plainfield community.



Are the boundaries geographical, political, or economic?

Do neighborhoods have names?

Are there sub-communities?

How are these identified?

Housing and Zoning

What is the age of the buildings?  Are the residences single family or multifamily dwellings?





Signs of Decay

Is the area well maintained or in disrepair? Is there garbage strewn? Are there trashed/abandoned cars, places for rodents or other wildlife to hide, vacant lots?


Parks and Recreational Areas

Are there play areas for children and adults? Are they safe and maintained? Is there a Community Center? Who uses them?



Common Areas

Where do people collect for social gatherings; where do they “hang out”? Are they for particular groups or are they open to all? Are there signs posted?













What stores (grocery, retail, drug, dry cleaning, etc.) are in the area? How do residents travel to them?



How do most people get around the area? Is there public transportation? If so what kind and does it appear to be used? Who uses it? What is the condition of the streets, roads, highways?



Is there evidence of local and national newspapers to other media? Are there informational posters on streets, busses, billboards, etc.?


Service Centers

What services are available in the community – health care, social services, schools, employment offices etc.?


People in the Community

Who is in the area during the day?  What evidence is there a particular “classes” of people – upper, middle, working, lower?



What are the major industries located in the area? What types of occupations are evident?


Protective Services

Where are fire and police stations located? Is there evidence of police and fire protection in the area?


What churches and church-run schools are in the area (denomination)? How many are there of each denomination?











Health and Morbidity

Is there evidence of any health problems such as drug/alcohol abuse, communicable or chronic diseases, mental illness (etc.)?



What is the predominant ethnic group? Are there residents from a variety of ethnic backgrounds or is the community mostly one group? Which one? Are there stores, restaurants, churches, schools, or languages that indicate a particular ethnic group(s)?



Is there evidence of political activity?  Are there any signs that indicate a predominant political party (parties)or concern(s)?



Part B Instructions:   Write a maximum 3 page summary based on your community windshield survey findings and answers  you provided in Part A.

Your  maximum 3 page  summary must include all of the following:

  1. a minimum of 3 community needs based on your windshield survey :

    Community Assessment Windshield Survey

1a:  a social need (political, racial, housing transportation) need

1b.  an economic need  (environmental/food/jobs)

1c.   a health/disease related need.

  1. Identify 2 Health Peoples 2030 objectives which relates to the health/disease related need you,

identified in   Question # 1c  above  that you would like to serve as the basis for your FNP capstone

Community Assessment Windshield Survey

     project and continue to  develop in each of the remaining  clinical practicum,

  1. State the social determinants of health which impact  the 3 needs you identified in Question #1.,
  2. Discuss a minimum of 3 roles of the following roles that you could utilize to improve clinical practice,

based   on the results of your community  windshield survey:,

Provider,  Educator, Mentor, Advocate, Interdisciplinary Consultant, Researcher, Administrator

  1. Reference Page : Minimum of six references- four which are an academic peer-reviewed are

required . Note : Wikipedia is not considered an academic peer-reviewed or scholarly source.

An example of your maximum 3 page summary is attached under the assignment tab for you to use as a template for your maximum 3 page summary.

November 7, 2024
November 7, 2024

URLs Assignment

Use these URL’s to complete the assignment Each Part should be 150 words minimum.  I have also attached an example of a URL and the rubric down below are instructions for the assignments on the main page where I posted the actual assignment. Please let me know if you have any questions”


URLs Assignment


Chapter 11: Find a URL that illustrates practical, real-world uses for Skinner’s operant conditioning.  And discuss this question:  If you could change the behavior of your significant other without them knowing you were changing it, would you?  What behavior? This should be fun.

I would change him from lying.



Chapter 13: Tough chapter.  “To sleep perchance to dream.”,  Psychoanalysis is very involved in what Freud called ‘dreamwork’. , But this is not the only theory of dreams. , For this URL find a different theory of dreams.,  And find something with some legitimate research support nothing new age  Why do you think we dream?




Use these URL’s to complete the assignment Each Part should be 150 words minimum.  I have also attached an example of a URL and the rubric down below are instructions for the assignments on the main page where I posted the actual assignment. Please let me know if you have any questions”


Chapter 11: Find a URL that illustrates practical, real-world uses for Skinner’s operant conditioning.  And discuss this question:  If you could change the behavior of your significant other without them knowing you were changing it, would you?  What behavior? This should be fun.

I would change him from lying.



Chapter 13: Tough chapter.  “To sleep, perchance to dream.”  Psychoanalysis is very involved in what Freud called ‘dreamwork’.  But this is not the only theory of dreams.  For this URL, find a different theory of dreams.  And find something with some legitimate research support, nothing new age  Why do you think we dream?




November 7, 2024
November 7, 2024

Business Model Canvas Template

assistance needed in completing the attached business model canvas template. The business name for the canvas is earthquake-proof office windows. the second attachment is the business concept for the earthquake-proof office windows concept. this will assist in building the required business model canvas template. the third attachment is a sample business model canvas.


Business Model Canvas Template

note: when completing the attached be sure to answer all questions in each category.,

assistance needed in completing the attached ., The business name for the canvas is earthquake-proof office windows., the second attachment is the business concept for the earthquake-proof office windows concept., this will assist in building the required  template. the third attachment is a sample .

note: when completing the attached , be sure to answer all questions in each category.

assistance needed in completing the attached . The business name for the canvas is earthquake-proof office windows. the second attachment is the business concept for the earthquake-proof office windows concept. this will assist in building the required  template. the third attachment is a sample .

note: when completing the attached , be sure to answer all questions in each category.

assistance needed in completing the attached . The business name for the canvas is earthquake-proof office windows. the second attachment is the business concept for the earthquake-proof office windows concept. this will assist in building the required  template. the third attachment is a sample .

note: when completing the attached business model canvas template, be sure to answer all questions in each category.

assistance needed in completing the attached  template. The business name for the canvas is earthquake-proof office windows. the second attachment is the business concept for the earthquake-proof office windows concept. this will assist in building the required  template. the third attachment is a sample.

note: when completing the attached business , be sure to answer all questions in each category.

November 7, 2024
November 7, 2024

Company CTF Competition

Assignment Instructions


You work for a company that holds an annual capture the flag (CTF) competition. In the past, competitions had at least 1,500 people competing against one another. There are 250 challenges in the system ranging from general IT to cybersecurity. There is no way to know exactly how long it takes participants to perform a challenge; however, on average, some investigations have determined between 30 seconds to 1 minute. The system must stay up during the competition. It is estimated that each year the number of participants will grow 15%. It has been decided that in the upcoming year, the system will be delivered to contestants from the Cloud as Software as a Service (SaaS) instead of an on-premise system. The main reason for this is that a power outage occurred last year, and the system was not operational for 4 hours during the 72-hour event. Management does not want that to happen again.


Company CTF Competition

You work in a small IT team and your director of IT asked your team to research Amazon and Microsoft for the CTF system., Facebook developed the CTF system is open source and runs on Ubuntu. ,You will also determine the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the two providers.

Assignment Requirements

You will work in a group for this assignment. First research the two cloud providers Amazon and Microsoft and provide background information as to why you picked the two you did., The background information should be at least 500 words.

Assignment Instructions


You work for a company that holds an annual capture the flag (CTF) competition. In the past, competitions had at least 1,500 people competing against one another. There are 250 challenges in the system ranging from general IT to cybersecurity. There is no way to know exactly how long it takes participants to perform a challenge; however, on average, some investigations have determined between 30 seconds to 1 minute. The system must stay up during the competition. It is estimated that each year the number of participants will grow 15%. It has been decided that in the upcoming year, the system will be delivered to contestants from the Cloud as Software as a Service (SaaS) instead of an on-premise system. The main reason for this is that a power outage occurred last year, and the system was not operational for 4 hours during the 72-hour event. Management does not want that to happen again.

You work in a small IT team, and your director of IT asked your team to research Amazon and Microsoft for the CTF system. Facebook developed the CTF system, is open source, and runs on Ubuntu. You will also determine the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the two providers.

Assignment Requirements

You will work in a group for this assignment. First, research the two cloud providers Amazon and Microsoft and provide background information as to why you picked the two you did. The background information should be at least 500 words.

November 7, 2024
November 7, 2024

Effective Health Assessment

An effective health assessment incorporates not only physiological parameters; please suggest other parameters that should be considered and included on health assessments to reach maximal health potential on individuals.


Effective Health Assessment

  1. Name the different family developmental stages and give examples of each one.

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources

An effective health assessment incorporates not only physiological parameters; please suggest other parameters that should be considered and included on health assessments to reach maximal health potential on individuals.

  1. Name the different family developmental stages and give examples of each one.

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources

An  incorporates not only physiological parameters please suggest other parameters that should be considered and included on health assessments to reach maximal health potential on individuals.,

  1. Name the different family developmental stages and give examples of each one.,

Your initial post should be at least 500 words,formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources,

An effective health assessment incorporates not only physiological parameters; please suggest other parameters that should be considered and included on health assessments to reach maximal health potential on individuals.

  1. Name the different family developmental stages and give examples of each one.

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources

An effective health assessment incorporates not only physiological parameters; please suggest other parameters that should be considered and included on health assessments to reach maximal health potential on individuals.

  1. Name the different family developmental stages and give examples of each one.

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources


November 7, 2024
November 7, 2024

Electronical Medical Record system

Weekly Clinical Experience 4

Describe the Electronical Medical Record system that is used on your clinical practice site.

  1. What are the Pros and cons you have found.
  2. Is E-prescription incorporated on the EMH?
  3. Does it have adaptive learning?
  4. Does it have Incorporated patient doorway?
  5. Is there Flexibility with the absence of internet connectivity?
  6. Does it have effective documentation and Image management capability.

Electronical Medical Record system

Support and share your personal experience so all of us can learn.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sourcesWeekly Clinical Experience 4

Describe the Electronical Medical Record system that is used on your clinical practice site. ,

  1. What are the Pros and cons you have found.,
  2. Is E-prescription incorporated on the EMH?,
  3. Does it have adaptive learning?,
  4. Does it have Incorporated patient doorway?,
  5. Is there Flexibility with the absence of internet connectivity?,
  6. Does it have effective documentation and Image management capability.,

Support and share your personal experience so all of us can learn.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

. Weekly Clinical Experience 4

Describe the Electronical Medical Record system that is used on your clinical practice site.

  1. What are the Pros and cons you have found.
  2. Is E-prescription incorporated on the EMH?
  3. Does it have adaptive learning?
  4. Does it have Incorporated patient doorway?
  5. Is there Flexibility with the absence of internet connectivity?
  6. Does it have effective documentation and Image management capability.

Support and share your personal experience so all of us can learn.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sourcesWeekly Clinical Experience 4

Describe the Electronical Medical Record system that is used on your clinical practice site.

  1. What are the Pros and cons you have found.
  2. Is E-prescription incorporated on the EMH?
  3. Does it have adaptive learning?
  4. Does it have Incorporated patient doorway?
  5. Is there Flexibility with the absence of internet connectivity?
  6. Does it have effective documentation and Image management capability.

Support and share your personal experience so all of us can learn.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.


November 7, 2024
November 7, 2024

Hallucinatory  Events Case Study

IDENTIFICATION: The patient is a 78-year-old female in general good health living in an assisted living facility. She is a retired executive secretary.

CHIEF COMPLAINT: “Every once in awhile, I see my dead mother laying on the bed, I get scared and run out of the room and get a staff member to come in here. I’m so embarrassed because nothing is in the bed when I return. This happens a lot and sometimes I see people I never met before standing in my kitchen. I get scared, and they disappear.”


Hallucinatory  Events Case Study

HISTORY OF CHIEF COMPLAINT: The patient was referred for a psychiatric evaluation following the incidents described in the Chief Complaint, which began 3 months ago with abrupt onset. These incidents did not occur while sleeping or waking up from sleep.

PAST PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: No history of mental illness. Denied any symptoms of mental illness other than the information described earlier.

MEDICAL HISTORY: Her vital signs were normal following the hallucinatory events, that is, pulse 90, BP 130/88. A medical consultation was ordered. The primary care provider ordered an electroencephalogram (EEG)/MRI of the brain to r/o seizures, brain tumors, or encephalopathy, and the results were within normal limits (WNLs) other than periventricular white matter changes associated with age. Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), urinalysis (UA), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), B12, RBC folate, RPR, and complete blood count (CBC) were all normal. A 48-hour Holter monitor was also ordered. Immediately before her hallucinatory events, distinct episodes of bradycardia of 30 beats/minutes were identified. This cardiac insufficiency would likely contribute to hypoxia. Due to the bradycardia identified with the 48-hour monitor, a pacemaker was inserted. Taking cholesterol medication atorvastatin once a day for several years with normal cholesterol for past 2 years. Taking aspirin 81 mg daily.Hallucinatory  Events Case Study


FAMILY HISTORY: Enjoyed living in the assisted living for the past 3 years, had many friends, family visited often, she went to church every Sunday and was well liked.


Perinatal: No known complications.

Childhood: Developmental milestones achieved WNL.

Adolescence: She was on the honor roll in high school and attended 2 years of college for secretarial training with an all A average.Hallucinatory  Events Case Study

Adulthood: She worked as an executive secretary for an auto company for 30 years until her retirement 10 years ago. After the death of her husband of 50 years, she moved to the assisted living facility about 5 years ago. She said that taking care of the house had become too much of a responsibility for her. She has three children and five grandchildren and is “close” with all of them. They visit often. Her apartment at the assisted living facility is neat and clean and well furnished.



Appearance: Well dressed, attractive, with weight in proportion to height. She smiles easily.

Behavior and psychomotor activity: Cooperative. Good eye contact. No abnormal movements.

Consciousness Normal. Alert.
Orientation Oriented to person, place and time.
Memory No indications of dementia, mini-mental state examination normal,

up-to-date on current events with rapid response time to questions asked.Hallucinatory  Events Case Study

No indication of even mild neurocognitive decline.


Concentration and attention Normal. No distractibility.
Abstract thought Normal.
Speech and language Normal rate and volume. Clear. Full vocabulary.
Perceptions No abnormal perceptions during the interview but describes visual hallucinations that occur at intervals when she is wide awake in the morning, evening or midday. They frighten her and she seeks staff help.
Thought processes Organized and logical.
Thought content No unusual content other than fear of hallucinations recurring.
Suicidality or homicidality None.
Mood Euthymic.
Affect Full range and congruent to mood.
Impulse control Good.
Judgment Good.
Insight Good, aware that hallucinations cannot be real.
Reliability Seems like a reliable historian.


Post directly into the discussion board. Do not add as an attachment.

Formulating the Diagnosis

  • Which diagnosis (or diagnoses) should be considered? (Provide at least 2 Dx.),
  • What is the rationale for each diagnosis?,
  • What test or tools should be considered to help identify the correct diagnosis?,
  • What differential diagnoses should be considered?,

Formulating the Treatment Strategy

  • What treatment would you prescribe and what is the rationale?,
    • Pharmacology
    • Diagnostic Tests
    • Referrals
    • Psychoeducation
  • What standard guidelines would you use to treat or assess this client?

Provide references to support your answers. (minimum of 3)

You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads

November 7, 2024
November 7, 2024

Vulnerable Population Nursing Task

4 Apa 7th edition references

1. What are the key factors preventing vulnerable populations from accessing healthcare, and what can be done to remove these barrier

2. How can communities become more engaged in advocating for policies that support vulnerable populations?

3. In what ways can the healthcare system work with other sectors (e.g., housing, legal services) to address the needs of these populations comprehensively?

Vulnerable Population Nursing Task


4. How can public awareness campaigns and education be used to reduce the stigma associated with vulnerable populations and encourage broader community support for their needs?4 apa 7th edition references

1. What are the key factors preventing vulnerable populations from accessing healthcare, and what can be done to remove these barrier

2. How can communities become more engaged in advocating for policies that support vulnerable populations?

3. In what ways can the healthcare system work with other sectors (e.g., housing, legal services) to address the needs of these populations comprehensively?

4. How can public awareness campaigns and education be used to reduce the stigma associated with vulnerable populations and encourage broader community support for their needs?4 Apa 7th edition references

Vulnerable Population Nursing Task

1. What are the key factors preventing vulnerable populations from accessing healthcare and what can be done to remove these barrier

2. How can communities become more engaged in advocating for policies that support vulnerable populations?

3. In what ways can the healthcare system work with other sectors (e.g., housing, legal services) to address the needs of these populations comprehensively?

4. How can public awareness campaigns and education be used to reduce the stigma associated with vulnerable populations and encourage broader community support for their needs?

Vulnerable Population Nursing Task

1. What are the key factors preventing vulnerable populations from accessing healthcare, and what can be done to remove these barrier

2. How can communities become more engaged in advocating for policies that support vulnerable populations?

3. In what ways can the healthcare system work with other sectors (e.g., housing, legal services) to address the needs of these populations comprehensively?

4. How can public awareness campaigns and education be used to reduce the stigma associated with vulnerable populations and encourage broader community support for their needs? Use APA referencing style

November 7, 2024
November 7, 2024

Social Science Task Questions

2-3 pages

In what ways does our society create economic inequality based on gender? Using information from the video and your textbook, discuss two obstacles women face based on economic inequality.
Provide specific details and examples, including data.
What are two potential solutions to facing these obstacles?
Provide specific details.
Include a reflection on the topic.

Social Science Task Questions

Did your perspective on this topic change as you learned more and completed the assignment? Provide details.
What information or data for this assignment did you find most interesting? Provide details.2-3 pages

In what ways does our society create economic inequality based on gender? Using information from the video and your textbook, discuss two obstacles women face based on economic inequality.
Provide specific details and examples, including data.
What are two potential solutions to facing these obstacles?
Provide specific details.
Include a reflection on the topic.

Social Science Task Questions

Did your perspective on this topic change as you learned more and completed the assignment? Provide details.
What information or data for this assignment did you find most interesting? Provide details.2-3 pages

In what ways does our society create economic inequality based on gender? Using information from the video and your textbook, discuss two obstacles women face based on economic inequality.
Provide specific details and examples, including data.
What are two potential solutions to facing these obstacles?
Provide specific details.
Include a reflection on the topic.

Did your perspective on this topic change as you learned more and completed the assignment? Provide details.
What information or data for this assignment did you find most interesting? Provide details.

Social Science Task Questions

In what ways does our society create economic inequality based on gender? Using information from the video and your textbook discuss two obstacles women face based on economic inequality.
Provide specific details and examples, including data.
What are two potential solutions to facing these obstacles?
Provide specific details.
Include a reflection on the topic.

Did your perspective on this topic change as you learned more and completed the assignment? Provide details.
What information or data for this assignment did you find most interesting? Provide details. Use APA referencing style.