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November 19, 2024
November 19, 2024

Sun Microsystems’ leader

For a number of years, Scott McNealy has been Sun Microsystems’ leader and champion. Mr. McNealy carried the company through the wild 1990s and made profits for shareholders. Sun produced products that the industry wanted and needed and McNealy’s presence and vision kept Sun on the correct path.

Sun Microsystems’ leader


What happened to derail the Sun Express? Instead of listening to those who preached conservatism as the dot.com bubble burst in the early 2000s, McNealy conducted business as usual and with this approach made a big and costly mistake. Sun stock went from a high of $64 in 2000 to roughly $4 today. McNealy’s leadership style—optimism, daring, humor, and even outrageousness—that served Sun so well in the 1990s do not seem to be what Sun needs in the more cost-conscious 2000s. Friends have pleaded with McNealy to back off of his old approach a notch or two, but have failed to sway him. Is there any way out for Sun and Scott McNealy?

  1. Do an online search of Sun Microsystems current status (or see www.sun.com) and review Sun’s history.,  Write two paragraphs reviewing management practices that have helped and hurt Sun in the past few years. [10 points],
  2. Review TWO current periodicals to determine views on Mr. McNealy’s leadership style and managerial decisions at Sun., Summarize your findings with at least two paragraphs. [20 points] Sun Microsystems’ leader

NOTE FROM YOUR INSTRUCTOR: Students will find an abundant amount of material on the Internet and in current periodicals about Sun and Scott McNealy. The difficulties will also be reported. An excellent source is “A CEO’s Last Stand” by Jim Kerstetter and Peter Burrows in BusinessWeek, July 26, 2004, on pages 64–70. Students can also see a Q&A with Scott McNealy by going to www.businessweek.com/magazine/extra.htm. (These interviews are normally carried for some time on the magazine’s website.) Students should also appreciate the rich history of Scott McNealy and his leadership of Sun. This activity is a good study of how a senior executive can have difficulties in retaining power when economic and managerial decisions become difficult.

  1. Assuming that you were hired as a consultant to the Sun board of directors write a brief (at least two paragraphs) describing what should be done with the Sun management team. ,Make it clear whether the management team should be changed or whether economic and technological circumstances have caused the problems at Sun meaning the current management team can still lead Sun to success. [10 points],
  2. Additional information:  Sun Microsystems’ leader

Please make sure that to number your answers. (I will deduct up to 30 points for answers that are not numbered.).

Beyond the parameters above, you may show your own self-expression, initiative, and creativity to the content and style of your answers. Please do not attach a document with your answers.



November 19, 2024
November 19, 2024

Human Behavior & Social Environment

Must be in 1st person point of view and you will talk about it in your experiences

The book you will be using: Human Behavior in Social Environment 6th Edition     Author: Anissa Rogers


Human Behavior & Social Environment

Choose two theories or perspectives from Chapter 9 Chapter 10 or Chapter 11 (two total), describe each theory,  demonstrate how you would evaluate your development in adulthood middle adulthood and old age using the key concepts of each theory and/or perspective chosen.

Students will be graded on quality of writing, thoroughness, and depth of critical analysis in applying content discussed in the textbook.

2-3 page includes references APA format

Must be in 1st person point of view and you will talk about it in your experiences

The book you will be using: Human Behavior in Social Environment 6th Edition     Author: Anissa Rogers

Choose two theories or perspectives from Chapter 9, Chapter 10 or Chapter 11 (two total), describe each theory, and then demonstrate how you would evaluate your development in adulthood, middle adulthood and old age using the key concepts of each theory and/or perspective chosen.

Students will be graded on quality of writing thoroughness and depth of critical analysis in applying content discussed in the textbook.,

2-3 page includes references APA format,

Must be in 1st person point of view and you will talk about it in your experiences,

The book you will be using: Human Behavior in Social Environment 6th Edition     Author: Anissa Rogers

Choose two theories or perspectives from Chapter 9, Chapter 10 or Chapter 11 (two total), describe each theory, and then demonstrate how you would evaluate your development in adulthood, middle adulthood and old age using the key concepts of each theory and/or perspective chosen.

Students will be graded on quality of writing, thoroughness, and depth of critical analysis in applying content discussed in the textbook.

2-3 page includes references APA format

November 19, 2024
November 19, 2024

Creation of Classes

In a single file named game.java, create an Enemy class, Player class, and gameObject class.  The Enemy and Player (sub) classes should inherit from the gameObject (super) class.  Create a player and a few enemies.  Create the basic movements (left/right/up/down) for the player.  Develop a menu in the main method that allows the player to move around.


Creation of Classes

gameObject SuperClass
Variables Description
static char World[][] = new char[41][21]; This is the character array that will store what is at each XY location.,  It is static so there is only one World for all game objects.
int Xpos, Ypos XY location of the game object.  ,The top left of the screen will be 11.
int HP Hitpoints of the game object it is alive as long as HP > 0
int Attack Attack rating of the game object – the higher the number, the more damage it does
int Armor (optional) Armor rating of the game object – the higher the number, the less damage it takes when attacked
char Avatar The character that will be displayed when the World is printed
Methods Description
PrintWorld() This will print the World to the screen.  Example code:
for (int y=1; y<=20; y++)
for (int x=1; x<=40; x++)
// optionally put a space after each element
if (x < 40) System.out.print(” “);
MoveRight() Move the game object to the right.  Here’s some example code:
if (World[Xpos+1][Ypos] == ‘ ‘)
World[Xpos][Ypos] = ‘ ‘;
World[Xpos][Ypos] = Avatar;
MoveLeft() Move the game object to the left.
MoveUp() Move the game object to the up.
MoveDown() Move the gameobject to the down.


Enemy SubClass (inherits from gameObject)
Variable Names Variable Description
String Type Type of enemy such as “Orc” or “Troll”
int Speed (optional) The speed of the enemy.  You could have some enemies move 2 spaces per turn instead of 1.
Methods Names Methods Description
Enemy() Constructor that takes 1 parameter – Type

You can set the Enemy’s Xpos,Ypos to a random location

In the constructor, you will set these things based on the Race:  HP, Attack, Armor, Speed, Avatar.  For example:
if (Type.equals(“Orc”))
{  HP = 50;  Attack = 5;  Armor = 20;  Speed = 1;  Avatar = ‘O’; }


Player SubClass (inherits from gameObject)
Variable Names Variable Description
String Name Name of the player. Creation of Classes
int Gold (optional) The amount of gold the player has collected.
Methods Names Methods Description
Player() Constructor that takes 2 parameters – Name, Avatar

Since there will only be 1 player, this constructor will only be called once.  Therefore you can initialize the World here.  Here’s some example things you could do:

// set entire world to spaces
for (int x=1; x<=40; x++)
for (int y=1; y<=20; y++)
World[x][y] = ‘ ‘;

// put the player into the world after filling it with spaces
XPos=2;  YPos=2;  World[2][2]=Avatar;

// line perimeter of world with trees ‘@’
for (int x=1; x<=40; x++)
{  World[x][1] = ‘@’;  World[x][20] = ‘@’;  }
for (int y=1; y<=20; y++)
{  World[1][y] = ‘@’;  World[40][y] = ‘@’;  }

// draw a lake at a random location ~
int a = (int)(Math.random()*30)+4;
int b = (int)(Math.random()*10)+3;
World[a][b] = ‘~’; World[a+1][b] = ‘~’; World[a+2][b] = ‘~’;
World[a][b+1] = ‘~’; World[a+1][b+1] = ‘~’; World[a+2][b+1] = ‘~’;
World[a][b+2] = ‘~’; World[a+1][b+2] = ‘~’; World[a+2][b+2] = ‘~’;


Below is an example screen print showing the player, Orcs, Trolls, armor and weapons.Creation of Classes

@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
@ K             $                                                           @
@                                                                           @
@         %                                                     O     O     @
@                                                                     O     @
@                     ~ ~ ~                               T                 @
@                     ~ ~ ~             O O                                 @
@                     ~ ~ ~             O O                                 @
@           +                                                               @
@                                                                           @
@                         $                                                 @
@                                                                           @
@                                                                           @
@                                                                     +     @
@       O O                         %                                       @
@                                                                           @
@               $                                                           @
@                                       $                     T             @
@                                                                           @
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

Enter your command:


The main program will be rather simple since many things are handled in the classes.

import java.util.*;
public class game
public static void main (String[] args)
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
String Choice = “”;

// creating the player will initialize the world
Player P = new Player(“Kirk”,’K’);

// create some enemies in random locations
Enemy E1 = new Enemy(“Dragon”);

while (!Choice.equals(“q”))
System.out.println(“Enter your command: “);
Choice = in.nextLine();

// call move methods – you can use the standard gaming directions – a,s,d,w
if (Choice.equals(“a”))

November 19, 2024
November 19, 2024

Eviction on American Families

In this pset we’re going to continue our study of the effects of eviction on American families. This week we discussed how we can use observational data to ask causal questions. In this problem set we’re going to practice identifying and controlling for confounding variables in order to get better estimates for the average treatment effect.

Eviction on American Families

Pt 1: Reading in Data (20 pts) In the code block below read in our data for this problem set: the debt dataset we’ve been working with for the past week., Also be sure to change the name of this problem set to your name both in the header above and with the filename., Remove NA observations in the debt dataset. “‘{r} # Pt 2: Identifying and Transforming Treatment and Outcome Variables (10 pts), In this problem set we are interested in estimating the average causal effect of eviction on focal child ,Pt 1: The code below creates a new variable in our debt dataset called “unsafe_perception”., This variablNote: Before you can compile this document you need to fect. Extra Credit (10 Pts) Describe below one other variable not included in the debt dataset that might confound the relationship between eviction and child perceptions of safety. We call these variables unobserved variables. Explain why this variable may confound the relationship. Remember, for a variable to confound a causal relationship it has to both have an effect on the treatment variable and have an effect on the outcome variable. Describe how this confounding variable may do this.

Pt 1: Reading in Data (20 pts) In the code block below read in our data for this problem set: the debt dataset we’ve been working with for the past week., Also be sure to change the name of this problem set to your name both in the header above and with the filename., Remove NA observations in the debt dataset. “‘{r} # Pt 2: Identifying and Transforming Treatment and Outcome Variables (10 pts), In this problem set we are interested in estimating the average causal effect of eviction on focal child ,Pt 1: The code below creates a new variable in our debt dataset called “unsafe_perception”., This variablNote: Before you can compile this document you need to fect. Extra Credit (10 Pts) Describe below one other variable not included in the debt dataset that might confound the relationship between eviction and child perceptions of safety. We call these variables unobserved variables. Explain why this variable may confound the relationship. Remember, for a variable to confound a causal relationship it has to both have an effect on the treatment variable and have an effect on the outcome variable. Describe how this confounding variable may do this.

November 19, 2024
November 19, 2024


Atomic Bombs on Japan

Whether the United States was justified in using Atomic bombs on Japan in August 1945 and the effects of those bombings remain a topic of heated debate among historians and the public. Analyze the available evidence and explain the controversy.


Atomic Bombs on Japan

Directions: Using the textbook chapters and at least two of the primary sources listed in this module, write a 300-word post responding to the prompt provided as a reply in the discussion thread. Be as specific as possible in your response, basing your response on evidence rather than opinion (this may be challenging). Your response should conform to the normal requirements of formal written English, and must include in-line citations and references for all information used in APA format. After writing your post, respond to at classmate with a 150-word post that adds new information or ideas based on evidence to the discussion. Simply agreeing, saying ‘good job,” or responding with unsupported opinions is not sufficient.

Because writing, analytical, and critical thinking skills are part of the learning outcomes of this course, all assignments should be the individual work of the student. Developing strong competencies in these areas will prepare you for a competitive workplace. For the purposes of this class, the use of generative AI platforms (ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot, etc.) for analysis, writing, and editing work constitutes academic misconduct. Atomic Bombs on Japan

Primary sources

Appeals of President Franklin D. Roosevelt Against Aerial Bombardment of Civilian Populations, September 1, 1939. https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1939v01/ch13

Harry S. Truman, Diary, July 25, 1945. http://www.dannen.com/decision/hst-jl25.html

Ralph Bard, Memorandum on the Use of the S-1 Bomb, June 27, 1945. http://www.doug-long.com/bard.htm Atomic Bombs on Japan

John McCloy, Comments on the Atomic Bombing of Japan, June – July, 1945. http://www.doug-long.com/mccloy.htm

Leo Szilard, Petition to the President of the United States, July 3, 1945. http://www.dannen.com/decision/45-07-03.html

Leo Szilard, President Truman Did Not Understand, August 15, 1960, U.S. News and World Reporthttp://members.peak.org/~danneng/decision/usnews.html


Dwight D. Eisenhower, View of the Atomic Bomb, The White House Years: Mandate for Change, 1953-56, 1963.  http://www.nuclearfiles.org/menu/key-issues/nuclear-weapons/history/pre-cold-war/hiroshima-nagasaki/opinion-eisenhower-bomb.htm

Documents Relating to American Foreign Policy, Hiroshima. https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/hiroshim.htm

Book sources

Chapter 13 of Kordas, A. M., Lynch, R. J., Nelson, K. B., & Tatlock, J. (2022). World history. volume 2: From 1400. OpenStax. https://openstax.org/books/world-history-volume-2/pages/13-introduction

Chapter 14.1 of Kordas, A. M., Lynch, R. J., Nelson, K. B., & Tatlock, J. (2022). World history. volume 2: From 1400. OpenStax.  https://openstax.org/books/world-history-volume-2/pages/13-introduction

John Green. (2012). USA vs USSR Fight! The Cold War: Crash Course World History #39. https://youtu.be/y9HjvHZfCUI?si=SQfmxNOUHpKxAi7k

John Green. (2012). World War II: Crash Course World History #38. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q78COTwT7nE&list=PLBDA2E52FB1EF80C9&index=38

Part B

Compose a Reflection on Learning statement responding to one of the primary sources listed below. This is an exercise in “metacognition,” or recognizing how and what you are learning. Write 300 words about:

  • What you find interesting or surprising about the source you selected?,
  • Why was that information interesting or new to you?,
  • What insight does it give you into American history?,

After posting your discussion post respond to another student, preferably one who wrote responded to a different primary source with a 100-150 word post., In your peer responses work to add new information and ideas to the conversation., Posts that simply say “I agree” or “good job” will not receive credit for the peer response portion of the assignment.

As with all of our other assignments, references and citations in APA style are required.

Because writing, analytical, and critical thinking skills are part of the learning outcomes of this course, all assignments should be the individual work of the student. Developing




November 19, 2024
November 19, 2024

Research Question and Hypothesis

The goal of this assignment is to set you up for success in designing research inquiries moving forward. Part of a solid research idea and proposal is having a workable research question that is narrow enough that it can be addressed in the space provided (for example a 15-20 page research paper versus a 50-page thesis), and written in a way that is open-ended and free from bias.


Research Question and Hypothesis 

  1. Start your assignment with an introductory paragraph about your research topic and why it is of interest and a research “puzzle.” You want to guide your reader from your research area to your research topic, then on to your general research question and specific research question.

While there are many ways to frame a research question, at the graduate level, your research questions should be 1) open-ended and start with “How,” “Why,” “What,” or “To what extent;” 2) should incorporate the variables you seek to assess and their relationship; and 3) should indicate how you intend to test the nature of that relationship. You want to make sure that your question has an appropriate amount of complexity so that it requires a significant amount of research and analysis. A simple Google search should not be able to answer your research question.

Too broad:  How can personal ambition in politics be harmful?,

Too narrow: What is Vladimir Putin’s position on ballistic missile defense?,

Too vague: What is Vladimir Putin’s “operational code?” Research Question and Hypothesis ,

Appropriately Complex and Focused: To what extent has Vladimir Putin been motivated by a drive for power compared to his predecessor Boris Yeltsin?,

A key question to help address the above central research question may be: How have Putin’s personal ambitions shaped Russia’s relations with the United States?

  1. Next, provide a purpose statement that conveys your intentions about what you hope to produce. See the references in your Lessons for additional insight. Often within the literature, this discussion is usually called out by a phrase like the following: “This paper examines . . .,” “The aim of this paper is to . . .,” or “The purpose of this essay is to . . .”. Remember that a purpose statement makes a promise to the reader about the development of the argument but does not preview the particular conclusions that the writer has drawn. Your purpose statement should demonstrate what you are hoping to find out, and also explain what you want your readers to understand (motivation or argument of the research). Later on, when you go to write a paper, a trick to help keep your paper focused on your purpose or argument is to paste it into the header or footer while you write.

This formula and example set from the Baruch College Writing Center may be helpful:

This student is studying…

(Narrowed Topic)

…because this author wants to find out…

(Research Question)

….so that readers understand…

(Motivation or Argument)

Differences in Boston-based and Philadelphia-based abolitionist rhetoric… …why Boston-based abolitionists emphasized broad themes of social justice… …how previous scholars may have overlooked the role of free black Bostonians in shaping anti-slavery ideals.
The Origins of the Glass-Steagall Act …why lawmakers supported its passage… …that their motives resulted not from careful economic analysis but rather from ideological preconceptions about the role of commercial banks in society.

(From Baruch College Writing Center “Focusing Research Topics Workshop” www.writingcenter.baruch.cuny.edu)

  1. Pull out the dependent (DV) and independent variable(s) (IV) that you are interested in looking at. This needs to be specific and you need to discuss ideas for how you might go about measuring the impact that the IV has on the DV. You need to focus on one or two specific variables (and discuss how they are defined), otherwise, your research will quickly spin out of control as you will not have the capacity to effectively address the relationship between all the variables. The PRS Groupoffers a good list of variables they use in their research. This list is just an example of variables to show you what a variable might look like and how it might be defined.

Hypothesis: A statement for how a change or condition in one or more independent variables causes (s) a change or condition in a dependent variable.

Not all studies or research papers require the use of a hypothesis. In most cases, hypotheses are used when a study is conducting an experiment or when a study is quantitative in nature. However, this is an important skill to develop in case you do go on to complete quantitative research or conduct a formal experiment. Research Question and Hypothesis

In this next step, you will develop a hypothesis that reflects your educated guess as to the relationship between your selected variables. You may use an “if” or “then” statement or you may formulate it as a narrative statement. Finally, explain why these are the important variables to look at within this research project. Why focus on these variables and not other variables?

By the time you are done, you should have at least 3-4 pages of content (double-spaced in Times-New Roman font 12), not including the title page, and a “references list or bibliography” page. Your writing should be consistent with the professional/academic writing style. For a refresher on the conventions of academic writing please refer to the latest Turabian writing guide or APA writing manual. Since multiple writing styles are in use within this course, on your title page, please note which style you are using within your assignment. This will help me cater my comments to the style you are using. The style you use needs to be the one that is used within your program of study.

Please contact me if you have any questions. Research Question and Hypothesis

You can also consult:

The College Student’s Guide to Writing A Great Research Paper: 101 Easy Tips & Tricks to Make Your Work Stand Out


Use the filename (no spaces) yourlastnameWeek3.doc for uploading this file to the Assignment.

Note: This assignment will be something that you draw upon to help you complete your final assignment, which is a research proposal. For that assignment, you may use the same research question you developed here or create another one.



November 19, 2024
November 19, 2024

Nurses Burnout during COVID-19

burnout in nurses working during the covid -19 pandemic, how does implementing stress management and support programs compared to no intervention affect burnout levels and patient care quality within 6 months?

The issue of burnout in nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a significant concern, as the pandemic placed immense pressure on healthcare systems worldwide. Research into the effects of implementing stress management and support programs has shown that such interventions can have a meaningful impact on reducing burnout levels and improving patient care quality. Here’s an analysis of how these interventions compare to no intervention within a six-month period:


Nurses Burnout during COVID-19

  1. Impact of Stress Management and Support Programs on Burnout Levels:

Burnout in nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic was primarily driven by factors such as prolonged exposure to high stress, overwhelming patient loads, personal safety concerns, and a lack of resources. These factors led to emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a reduced sense of personal accomplishment.

  • Stress management programs (e.g., mindfulness training, resilience building, relaxation techniques) and support programs (e.g., counseling, peer support groups, mentorship, debriefing sessions) are designed to address these root causes by providing emotional relief, coping strategies, and fostering a supportive work environment. Nurses Burnout during COVID-19
  • Studies have consistently shown that such programs are effective in:
    • Reducing emotional exhaustion: Nurses who participate in stress management programs report lower levels of emotional exhaustion compared to those who do not have access to these programs.,
    • Decreasing depersonalization: By offering psychological support nurses are better able to maintain their empathy toward patient reducing feelings of cynicism and detachment.,
    • Improving job satisfaction: Support programs help nurses feel valued and supported leading to a greater sense of personal accomplishment and job satisfaction.,
  • Quantitative Results: In studies conducted during the pandemic healthcare workers in institutions that implemented stress management or peer support programs reported significant reductions in burnout scores after a few months of participation., For example burnout levels decreased by up to 30% within 6 months in programs that included mindfulness training and mental health support., Nurses Burnout during COVID-19
  1. Impact of Stress Management and Support Programs on Patient Care Quality:

Burnout is not only a problem for healthcare workers but also affects patient care quality. Burnout can result in:

  • Decreased attentiveness to patient needs
  • Increased errors in clinical decision-making
  • Lower patient satisfaction
  • Delayed responses to patient needs or emergencies
  • Stress management and support programs have been shown to mitigate these negative impacts by improving nurses’ mental health and resilience. When nurses feel supported and less stressed:
    • Improved focus and better clinical performance: Less burnout means that nurses are more attentive and able to provide high-quality care.
    • Improved communication: Nurses who feel supported are more likely to engage in effective communication with patients and colleagues, which is critical for patient safety and satisfaction.
  • Patient outcomes have been positively correlated with the reduction of nurse burnout. A systematic review of healthcare worker well-being during the pandemic found that institutions that implemented mental health support for staff experienced better patient satisfaction scores, fewer medical errors, and improved clinical outcomes. Nurses Burnout during COVID-19
  1. Comparison to No Intervention:

Without intervention, burnout levels tend to escalate over time especially in high-stress environments like those during the COVID-19 pandemic. Key issues include:,

  • Increased turnover and absenteeism: Nurses who are burned out are more likely to take sick leave or leave the profession altogether.,
  • Lower engagement with patients, leading to poorer quality of care..
  • Increased likelihood of making mistakes due to fatigue stress and emotional exhaustion.,
  • Lack of intervention leads to prolonged burnout which exacerbates the cycle of stress disengagement and ultimately poorer patient care outcomes. ,In contrast with a structured intervention even within a six-month period nurses can experience significant improvements in their well-being and overall care quality.
  1. Summary of Findings:
  • With Intervention (Stress Management/Support Programs): Nurses show a marked reduction in burnout, enhanced well-being, improved job satisfaction, and better patient care outcomes.
  • Without Intervention: Burnout persists or worsens, leading to higher turnover, diminished care quality, and poorer patient outcomes.

In conclusion, implementing stress management and support programs in nursing teams, especially during periods of intense stress like the COVID-19 pandemic, leads to significant improvements in both burnout reduction and patient care quality within a six-month period. These interventions help mitigate the negative effects of burnout, fostering a healthier workforce and better clinical outcomes.



November 18, 2024
November 18, 2024

AICPA Code of  Conduct

The goal of this reflective assignment is to help you learn more about the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and how it applies to accounting. By looking at specific rules in the code, you will think about the professional duties and ethical concerns in the professional career. Please answer the following questions: 1. Choose two specific principles from the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. Discuss your key insights from your reflection on the chosen principles. https://pub.aicpa.org/codeofconduct/Ethics.aspx Links to an external site. 2. Identify and discuss any emerging ethical issues in the accounting profession.


AICPA Code of  Conduct

Propose potential revisions or additions to the AICPA code to address evolving ethical considerations. 3. What strategies can be employed to maintain ethical conduct and uphold the AICPA Code? =============== Students are required to write in organized paragraphs with complete sentences. Do not use bullet points or direct quotes. Turnitin Policy: Please write it in your own words (paraphrase) when completing this assignment. Please refer to The goal of this reflective assignment is to help you learn more about the  and how it applies to accounting. By looking at specific rules in the code, you will think about the professional duties and ethical concerns in the professional career. Please answer the following questions: 1. Choose two specific principles from the  Discuss your key insights from your reflection on the chosen principles. https://pub.aicpa.org/codeofconduct/Ethics.aspx Links to an external site., 2. Identify and discuss any emerging ethical issues in the accounting profession., Propose potential revisions or additions to the AICPA code to address evolving ethical considerations., 3. What strategies can be employed to maintain ethical conduct and uphold the AICPA Code?, =============== Students are required to write in organized paragraphs with complete sentences., Do not use bullet points or direct quotes. Turnitin Policy: Please write it in your own words (paraphrase) when completing this assignment. Please refer to The goal of this reflective assignment is to help you learn more about the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and how it applies to accounting. By looking at specific rules in the code, you will think about the professional duties and ethical concerns in the professional career. Please answer the following questions: 1. Choose two specific principles from the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. Discuss your key insights from your reflection on the chosen principles. https://pub.aicpa.org/codeofconduct/Ethics.aspx Links to an external site. 2. Identify and discuss any emerging ethical issues in the accounting profession. Propose potential revisions or additions to the AICPA code to address evolving ethical considerations. 3. What strategies can be employed to maintain ethical conduct and uphold the AICPA Code? =============== Students are required to write in organized paragraphs with complete sentences. Do not use bullet points or direct quotes. Turnitin Policy: Please write it in your own words (paraphrase) when completing this assignment. Please refer to

November 18, 2024
November 18, 2024


Destabilization in American

1968 was a turning point. Up to this time, there had been a conservative wing and liberal wing in each party. What key events of the 1960s lead to destabilization in American politics and society? How did these events and the presidential campaigns of 1968 contribute to shifting American conservatism into a Conservative identity associated with only one party? Who can be said to have triumphed in the aftermath of 1968, and what did that mean for the reshaping of America’s two major political parties?

Destabilization in American


This essay prompt requires a long-form written response, using complete sentences and appropriate grammar and punctuation. Your essay should utilize at least two of the sources found in the online Primary source reader, http://www.americanyawp.com/reader.html. Expect to write 600 to 900 words to fully answer the prompt. This will be scored on a 0-25


1968 was a turning point. Up to this time there had been a conservative wing and liberal wing in each party., What key events of the 1960s lead to destabilization in American politics and society?, How did these events and the presidential campaigns of 1968 contribute to shifting American conservatism into a Conservative identity associated with only one party?, Who can be said to have triumphed in the aftermath of 1968,  what did that mean for the reshaping of America’s two major political parties?

This essay prompt requires a long-form written response using complete sentences and appropriate grammar and punctuation., Your essay should utilize at least two of the sources found in the online Primary source reader, http://www.americanyawp.com/reader.html. Expect to write 600 to 900 words to fully answer the prompt. This will be scored on a 0-25


1968 was a turning point. Up to this time, there had been a conservative wing and liberal wing in each party. What key events of the 1960s lead to destabilization in American politics and society? How did these events and the presidential campaigns of 1968 contribute to shifting American conservatism into a Conservative identity associated with only one party? Who can be said to have triumphed in the aftermath of 1968, and what did that mean for the reshaping of America’s two major political parties?

This essay prompt requires a long-form written response, using complete sentences and appropriate grammar and punctuation. Your essay should utilize at least two of the sources found in the online Primary source reader, http://www.americanyawp.com/reader.html. Expect to write 600 to 900 words to fully answer the prompt. This will be scored on a 0-25





November 18, 2024
November 18, 2024

Intimate Partner Violence

Consider all of the information you read (and viewed) regarding domestic and intimate partner violence and the social work role in preventing and addressing these issues in practice.  Please also consider your practice experiences and field experiences related to this topic. Areas to consider should be:

Intimate Partner Violence


  1. Does your agency have policies in place regarding violence in the workplace?,
  2. What safety features and procedures are in place to protect workers who go on home visits or have after hours appointments?,
  3. In what capacity might you encounter domestic or intimate partner violence at your placement and what resources are available to you to assist clients with these areas of concern?,
  4. What is one thing you can to advocate for victims of violence?,

Consider all of the information you read (and viewed) regarding domestic  and the social work role in preventing and addressing these issues in practice.,  Please also consider your practice experiences and field experiences related to this topic., Areas to consider should be:

  1. Does your agency have policies in place regarding violence in the workplace?
  2. What safety features and procedures are in place to protect workers who go on home visits or have after hours appointments?
  3. In what capacity might you encounter domestic or intimate partner violence at your placement and what resources are available to you to assist clients with these areas of concern?
  4. What is one thing you can to advocate for victims of violence?

Consider all of the information you read (and viewed) regarding domestic and intimate partner violence and the social work role in preventing and addressing these issues in practice.  Please also consider your practice experiences and field experiences related to this topic. Areas to consider should be:

  1. Does your agency have policies in place regarding violence in the workplace?
  2. What safety features and procedures are in place to protect workers who go on home visits or have after hours appointments?
  3. In what capacity might you encounter domestic or intimate partner violence at your placement and what resources are available to you to assist clients with these areas of concern?
  4. What is one thing you can to advocate for victims of violence?