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February 21, 2025
February 21, 2025

Policy Analysis

Section 4- Final Draft (100 points)

PH 528

Introduction: State Senator Hob Bryan (Mississippi District 7) is the chairman of the Mississippi State Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee. Now that the state legislature has passed a bill legalizing medical marijuana use in the state, members of the committee are debating whether to draft legislation to legalize recreational use of marijuana in Mississippi. Senator Bryan has asked you to write a policy analysis on this issue


Policy Analysis

A policy analysis contains five sections: problem identification, background, landscape, options, and recommendation. For this assignment, you will revise your completed sections based on feedback and put them together to form a full policy analysis.

Sections: Must be 5 pages minimum- section page amounts are suggestions

  1. Problem Identification (1 sentence
  2. Background (~1 page)
  3. Landscape (~3 pages
  4. Options (~1.5 pages)
  5. Recommendation (~0.5 pages)


  • No title, heading, or title page needed- just begin with your problem question
  • Bolded section titles
  • Use in-text citations and include a reference page in APA citation style
  • 5 pages of content (minimum, can be more) + reference page
  • Double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 pt. Times New Roman font
  • Can include tables if that helps to organize your thoughts

Policy Analysis

Other Notes:

  • Read and use Ch. 14 in your textbook, which outlines how to write a policy analysis
  • All information should include an in-text citation and a mention on your reference page in APA
    • Can reference scholarly articles, news articles, and reputable government, health, or non-profit agencies
  • Avoid direct quotations from references- paraphrase and cite
    • Your policy analysis will be run through SafeAssign to check for plagiarism- a SafeAssign score of more than 20% will receive an automatic zero

Due Date: Submit through Blackboard as a .doc or .docx file by 11:59 PM on Sunday 2/23.

Policy Analysis

Section 4- Final Draft (100 points)

PH 528

Introduction: State Senator Hob Bryan (Mississippi District 7) is the chairman of the Mississippi State Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee., Now that the state legislature has passed a bill legalizing medical marijuana use in the state members of the committee are debating whether to draft legislation to legalize recreational use of marijuana in Mississippi, Senator Bryan has asked you to write a policy analysis on this issue.,

A policy analysis contains five sections: problem identification background landscape options and recommendation. ,For this assignment you will revise your completed sections based on feedback and put them together to form a full policy analysis.

Sections: Must be 5 pages minimum- section page amounts are suggestions

  1. Problem Identification (1 sentence)
  2. Background (~1 page)
  3. Landscape (~3 pages)
  4. Options (~1.5 pages)
  5. Recommendation (~0.5 pages)


  • No title, heading, or title page needed- just begin with your problem question
  • Bolded section titles
  • Use in-text citations and include a reference page in APA citation style
  • 5 pages of content (minimum, can be more) + reference page
  • Double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 pt. Times New Roman font
  • Can include tables if that helps to organize your thoughts

Other Notes:

  • Read and use Ch. 14 in your textbook, which outlines how to write a policy analysis
  • All information should include an in-text citation and a mention on your reference page in APA
    • Can reference scholarly articles, news articles, and reputable government, health, or non-profit agencies
  • Avoid direct quotations from references- paraphrase and cite
    • Your policy analysis will be run through SafeAssign to check for plagiarism- a SafeAssign score of more than 20% will receive an automatic zero


Due Date: Submit through Blackboard as a .doc or .docx file by 11:59 PM on Sunday 2/23.

February 21, 2025
February 21, 2025

Project Proposal

In one- two paragraphs you should write the proposed title of the project, what the project will be about, and why you selected that project. You will not be graded on any other portion of this course until the topic proposal is completed and approved by the professor.

Please note that there are restrictions on the topics that will be approved for your project. If this happens to you, please do not be discouraged. Your instructor may raise concerns about your topic to help ensure that your topic will be approved.  Ultimately, all topics must be approved by the professor and you will be notified if there are adjustments that must be made.


Project Proposal


  • Considerations for the behaviors chosen:
    • Can have a a plan written and implemented within the next 9 weeks,
    • Should be a specific behavior not a large category,
    • Should be increasing the behavior,
    • Should be in within your scope and ability to implement an intervention around (should not be large changes in structure),
    • Be able to implement the intervention within the 8 weeks and start taking data within next 3 weeks,
    • Intervention should be within your control (not firing people bonuses pay per performance),

Project Proposal

Create a powerpoint that is a minimum of 4 slide to present to the course.

This presentation should include:

  • Topic proposed
  • Rationale
  • At least one citation to support targeting this area
  • Questions/concerns for the group regarding topic


Be sure to include:

  • The organizational background (name of agency, location, products/services provided, number of staff, number of clients/customers and other relevant stakeholders)
  • Assessment (describe the assessment you used and its purpose)
  • Report your findings (what’s going well, areas of struggle/need/pain points/inefficiencies) and preliminary, functionally equivalent interventions.

Here’s an example:


The School, located in Everytown, USA, provides educational and related services to students from kindergarten to 8th grade.  The students were not able to be maintained in their public school district due to behavioral concerns.  The school provides academic, social emotional and behavioral services and support to the 37 students enrolled.  The school also provides professional development to their staff (21 full-time and nine part-time employees) and community-based resources to students, families, and school districts.

The School administration was interested in conducting an assessment to identify potential performance improvement opportunities for their school.

Project Proposal


The PDC-HS is an individual level assessment that has 20 yes-no questions that are completed on a checklist. The PDC-HS can identify potential causes of their problematic behavioral excesses or deficits (Carr & Wilder, 2016). The main areas assessed by the PDC-HS are training, task clarification and prompting, resources, materials, and processes, and performance consequences, effort, and competition. The PDC-HS also includes sample interventions for identified/scored areas of potential performance improvement.


Of the 20 questions, three answers were no, indicating a possible need for intervention. Those questions included: “Is the employee ever verbally, textually, or electronically reminded to complete the task,” “Are there sufficient numbers of trained staff available in the program.” and “Is the task simple or does it involve relatively low response effort.”

Recommended interventions and supporting literature: Task clarification and prompting (Bacon et al., 1982; Cunningham & Austin, 2007; Gravina, et al., 2008) reassess task process and personnel (Diener et al., 2009; McGee & Diener, 2010), regularly highlight task outcomes (Methot et al., 1996), and reduce aversive task properties (Green et al., 2008).

Project Proposal


In order to increase effectiveness, the School would benefit from addressing issues with the behavior support services.  Interventions with high impact and simple implementation were suggested.

This plan will help develop opportunities for improvement to redesign behavioral contingencies and plans for implementing them. Behavioral contingencies are what support performance on the job. As the environment the organization operates in changes, the individual employee’s behavior needs to change as well. This includes a well-designed and managed job with a comprehensive job description and performance management tools.

APPENDICES (attached)

Appendix A: PDC-HS

Project Proposal

Find 4-5 articles that support the topic and proposed interventions that you are including within your project.

These articles should be peer reviewed and related to organizational behavior management.

Submit an assignment that includes the reference for each article and key elements of the study (participants, IV, DV, experimental design, results, etc)

February 21, 2025
February 21, 2025

Business Ethics & Morals

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

  1. Explore the responsibilities of moral agents involved in all aspects of business.,

2.2 Identify concepts associated with company culture and corporate social responsibility.,

  1. Examine the ethical foundations for controversial issues in business.,

3.2 Describe how ethical business practices relate to different models of corporate social



Business Ethics & Morals


  1. Formulate ethical solutions for real-world situations using ethical theories and concepts.,

5.2 Describe the relationship between corporate social responsibility and reputation management.,

Required Unit Resources

Chapter 5: Corporate Social Responsibility

In order to access the following resources, click the links below.

Cadbury, A (1987, September). Ethical managers make their own rules. Harvard Business Review, 65(5), 69–


Business Ethics & Morals



Friedman, M. (1970, September 13). The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. New York

Times. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A635262696/ITBC?u=oran95108&sid=bookmarkITBC&xid=6dcae06c

Unit Lesson

This unit is about corporate social responsibility, or CSR as it is commonly known. There are different ways of

thinking about the extent to which corporations have moral responsibilities and what the nature of those moral

responsibilities are. However, from a philosophical point of view, there is a more fundamental issue here,

namely, whether a corporation is the kind of thing that can have moral responsibilities in the first place.

This is a question of what philosophers call moral agency. Not everything in life has moral agency. Inanimate

objects cannot be said to be good or evil, nor can plants and most (perhaps all) nonhuman animals. Not even

all humans are moral agents. Humans do not have full moral agency when they are born (there is no such

thing as an evil baby), and it takes some time for it to develop, which is why we think kids who do bad things

have diminished moral responsibility. The best model we have of a moral agent is a fully autonomous adult

human—someone who can make choices freely. To borrow a phase, with this freedom comes moral

responsibility. In philosophical parlance, this is a moral person.

Business Ethics & Morals

The concept of CSR does not map neatly onto the concept of a person. Corporations, by definition, are not

identical to any one human being. They are not identical to a particular collection of human beings, since

stockholders, employees, and executives can change without affecting the identity of the corporation. We

could make a similar point about other types of collective entities, from sports teams to national governments.

Moral agency is relatively simple when we apply it to adult humans, but much more complicated when we

apply it to collective entities like corporations. Sorting out the conceptual complexity surrounding CSR is not


Corporate Social Responsibility

PHI 4301, Business Ethics 2



the point of this unit; however, it is important to acknowledge that most of the debate around CSR is a logical

consequence of the imperfect mapping between humans and corporations as moral agents.

When Mitt Romney said, “corporations are people” during the 2012 presidential campaign, he was met with

derision from mainstream media (as cited in Hartman et al., 2024, p. 153). In fairness to Romney, he was

correctly reflecting the consensus of business and legal opinion that corporations are, indeed, moral persons.

U.S. law protects the free speech as well as religious expression rights of corporations and holds corporations

liable for wrongdoing. We consider corporations to be moral agents, but scholars differ as to the correct model

for framing the discussion around their consequences, principles, and character.

Business Ethics & Morals

The minimalist position—referred to variously as the economic model, shareholder model, or managerial

capitalism—says businesses have an obligation to serve the interests of their respective owners and that is it.

The title of Milton Friedman’s (1970) article “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits” is

as explicit a declaration of the shareholder model as you will find. The model is primarily concerned with

consequences. Businesses do have obligations to comply with laws and customs against fraud, but these are

not moral principles as much as the basic ground rules for entering the market. Basically, if a business makes

money for its owners, then it is good, and the more profit the better (Freidman, 1970). The primacy of

profitmaking does entail certain moral principles. Business managers have a duty to protect and promote

profits for business owners, regardless of the consequences for society. Any intervention that decreases profit

for the sake of society amounts to a violation of owners’ rights. Although nothing prevents a business from

participating in social causes, they ought to be targeted toward a reputational advantage bringing additional


In contrast to the shareholder model, the stakeholder model casts a wider net of moral concern. Sir Adrian

Cadbury (1987) stated that the ethical framework for businesses is set by society and that company leaders

must come up with codes of conduct to run companies. This puts the responsibility on both society and

business leaders. To put it more candidly, businesses that benefit from society cannot just freeload on the

moral values everyone else in society upholds. Stakeholders include not just business owners but all those

affected by business decisions. The stakeholder model entails principles that put ethical constraints on

business decisions (Hartman et al., 2024). Stakeholders are humans, humans have rights, and it is morally

wrong to violate human rights. It follows that businesses have a moral duty to operate within a set of choices

that respect human rights.

Business Ethics & Morals

If we characterize the stakeholder model as do no harm, then we can characterize the integrative model as do

some good. This model says businesses exist within a global community having the ultimate goal of human

flourishing or, more broadly, a biosphere supporting all life (Hartman et al., 2024). In this context, business

activity is morally no different from any other activity impacting the whole. The profitability of a business is but

one metric we must use to evaluate its goodness. Other considerations must include social and ecological

benefits. The integrative model is by far the most consequentialist of the CSR models.

It is possible that, in the end, the differences between the CSR models will not matter very much. Operating in

accordance with the integrative model is, according to a growing number of studies, a highly effective way to

satisfy the aims of the stakeholder model. In other words, evidence suggests that businesses with an

expansive view of their moral agency are more profitable over time than businesses with a narrow moral



Cadbury, A (1987, September). Ethical managers make their own rules. Harvard Business Review.


Friedman, M. (1970, September 13). The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. New York

Times. https://www.nytimes.com/1970/09/13/archives/a-friedman-doctrine-the-social-responsibility-ofbusiness-is-to.html

PHI 4301, Business Ethics 3



Hartman, L. P., DesJardins, J., & MacDonald, C. (2024). Business ethics: Decision making for personal

integrity and social responsibility (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.


Learning Activities (Nongraded)

Nongraded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in their course of study. You do not have to submit

them. If you have questions, contact your instructor for further guidance and information.

The nongraded resource below can be found in Blackboard beneath the study guide:

Unit IV Check Your Understanding-Self Check Quiz








February 21, 2025
February 21, 2025

Network Topologies

Answer the following critical-thinking questions:

  1. Analyze and describe three network topologies and four network types in common use today.,
  2. Evaluate and explain how the Internet works including the roles of the Internet backbone TCP/IP protocol IP address switches and routers.,
  3. Summarize five common Internet and Web applications.,


Network Topologies

Your submission should be a minimum of one page of content in length. Please type the question as well as your answer. Properly cite any source utilized in APA format.

Answer the following critical-thinking questions:

  1. Analyze and describe three network topologies and four network types in common use today.
  2. Evaluate and explain how the Internet works, including the roles of the Internet backbone, TCP/IP protocol, IP address, switches, and routers.
  3. Summarize five common Internet and Web applications.

Your submission should be a minimum of one page of content in length. Please type the question as well as your answer. Properly cite any source utilized in APA format.

Answer the following critical-thinking questions:

  1. Analyze and describe three network topologies and four network types in common use today.
  2. Evaluate and explain how the Internet works, including the roles of the Internet backbone, TCP/IP protocol, IP address, switches, and routers.
  3. Summarize five common Internet and Web applications.

Your submission should be a minimum of one page of content in length. Please type the question as well as your answer. Properly cite any source utilized in APA format.

Answer the following critical-thinking questions:

  1. Analyze and describe three network topologies and four network types in common use today.
  2. Evaluate and explain how the Internet works, including the roles of the Internet backbone, TCP/IP protocol, IP address, switches, and routers.
  3. Summarize five common Internet and Web applications.

Your submission should be a minimum of one page of content in length. Please type the question as well as your answer. Properly cite any source utilized in APA format.

February 21, 2025
February 21, 2025

Employee Wage and Hour Violations

There are many cases of serious wage and hour violations by employers. These include employers failing to provide breaks; pressuring workers to under-report hours of work; requiring that work be performed both before and after shifts; or simply deleting work hours from timecards or computerized payroll records. With these violations in mind, please respond to the following:


Employee Wage and Hour Violations


  • Briefly summarize FLSA including the protections of the law.,
  • What are the legal implications for employers? ,Do you feel there are any legitimate criticisms of FLSA from an employer’s perspective?

Employee Wage and Hour Violations

There are many cases of serious wage and hour violations by employers. These include employers failing to provide breaks; pressuring workers to under-report hours of work; requiring that work be performed both before and after shifts; or simply deleting work hours from timecards or computerized payroll records. With these violations in mind, please respond to the following:

  • Briefly summarize FLSA, including the protections of the law.
  • What are the legal implications for employers? Do you feel there are any legitimate criticisms of FLSA from an employer’s perspective?

There are many cases of serious wage and hour violations by employers. ,These include employers failing to provide breaks pressuring workers to under-report hours of work requiring that work be performed both before and after shifts; or simply deleting work hours from timecards or computerized payroll records., With these violations in mind please respond to the following:

Employee Wage and Hour Violations

  • Briefly summarize FLSA, including the protections of the law.
  • What are the legal implications for employers? Do you feel there are any legitimate criticisms of FLSA from an employer’s perspective?

There are many cases of serious wage and hour violations by employers. These include employers failing to provide breaks; pressuring workers to under-report hours of work; requiring that work be performed both before and after shifts; or simply deleting work hours from timecards or computerized payroll records. With these violations in mind, please respond to the following:

Employee Wage and Hour Violations

  • Briefly summarize FLSA, including the protections of the law.
  • What are the legal implications for employers? Do you feel there are any legitimate criticisms of FLSA from an employer’s perspective?
February 21, 2025
February 21, 2025

Results & Validity and Bias

Read and watch the lecture resources & materials below early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s).

(Note: The citations below are provided for your research convenience. You should always cross-reference the current APA guide for correct styling of citations and references in your academic work.)


Results & Validity and Bias



  • Popham, W. J. (2024).
    • Chapter 3: Reliability of Assessment
    • Chapter 4: Validity
    • Chapter 5: Fairness

Comparing Assessment Types for Reliability and Validity, Bias, and Fairness

Results & Validity and Bias


In this assignment, you will compare four major types of assessment practices: Selected-Response Tests, Constructed-Response Tests, Performance Assessments, and Portfolio Assessments. The goal of this analysis is to critically evaluate their application, strengths, limitations, and alignment with educational policies.

Follow the steps below to complete your analysis:

Column 3: Reliability and Validity: 

  • How reliable and valid is each assessment type?, Are there any challenges in maintaining these qualities?,

Column 4: Bias and Fairness: 

  • What are the potential biases inherent in each assessment type?,
  • How do policies ensure fairness in the administration and scoring of these assessment,

Results & Validity and Bias

Submission Instructions:

  • Add two columns to the right on the table submitted in Module 1. Column 3: Reliability and Validity Column 4: Bias and Fairness. Fill in the appropriate sections.,
    • What are the potential biases inherent in each assessment type?,
    • How do policies ensure fairness in the administration and scoring of these assessments? Include In-text Citation and References,

      Results & Validity and Bias

      Read and watch the lecture resources & materials below early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s).

      (Note: The citations below are provided for your research convenience. You should always cross-reference the current APA guide for correct styling of citations and references in your academic work.)


      • Popham, W. J. (2024).
        • Chapter 3: Reliability of Assessment
        • Chapter 4: Validity
        • Chapter 5: Fairness

      Comparing Assessment Types for Reliability and Validity, Bias, and Fairness


      In this assignment, you will compare four major types of assessment practices: Selected-Response Tests, Constructed-Response Tests, Performance Assessments, and Portfolio Assessments. The goal of this analysis is to critically evaluate their application, strengths, limitations, and alignment with educational policies.

      Follow the steps below to complete your analysis:

      Column 3: Reliability and Validity: 

      • How reliable and valid is each assessment type? Are there any challenges in maintaining these qualities?

      Column 4: Bias and Fairness: 

    Submission Instructions:

    • Add two columns to the right on the table submitted in Module 1. Column 3: Reliability and Validity; Column 4: Bias and Fairness. Fill in the appropriate sections.
    • Include In-text Citation and References
February 21, 2025
February 21, 2025

 Capstone Project Nursing Leadership Skills

Exercise Instructions


Part 1 Attempt feedback

You are on the right track. For the final proposal, discuss nursing leadership skills and stakeholders. What specifically will the nurses teach?

Part 2 Attempt feedback

Focus on one clinic setting. Is the program a nurse led educational Capstone for the patient or staff? It is not clear who you will target and how. You need articles on the benefits on psych nurses. What is the cost or statistical data on mental illness thus the need for a MBSR in practice?


Capstone Project Nursing Leadership Skills





  1. Implementation/Conclusion

– Implement the change you are proposing- This should be a continuation of Part I and Part II,

  1. Describe the practice change is it in the community organizational clinic setting and so forth,
  2. Discuss how you would implement and assess the change this should include time frame setting participants barriers external and internal factors.,
  3. How would you evaluate the change process?,

Capstone Project Nursing Leadership Skills

-The change must be measurable

-How would you measure or evaluate? Is there a tool to measure?,

  1. The literature review must support your change and implementation. Use leadership qualities and skills that will be utilized for successful completion of the project.,
  2. Discuss who will be invited to the proposal: who are the stakeholders?

-How will you present the information to your stakeholders?

Capstone Project Nursing Leadership Skills

OVERALL: The conclusion should have your Part I, II, II all put together in a thorough APA format.

-Use appropriate APA 7th Ed. format along with Syllabus outline

-Scholarly, peer-reviewed, and research articles cited should be within the last five years.

-This section should be 3-4 pages long (not including the title and reference page).

Capstone Project Nursing Leadership Skills

-The final Capstone project should be a minimum of 8 pages and maximum of 12 pages.

-Use proper in-text citations with a properly formatted reference list.

-All papers must be written in the 3rd person.

Capstone Poster Presentation


February 21, 2025
February 21, 2025

Technical Article Review

Assignment Instructions


A large portion of our computing professional careers is invested in reading and reviewing technical articles. It is a critical skill for us to learn how to read these articles and look for and extract critical elements that will add to our knowledge.


Technical Article Review



Each module check the assignments instructions for Article Review Assignments. This is where you will find the assigned topics (See below). Following that, complete the tasks below. Use the Article Review Template to prepare your Article Review Assignment. Submit your Article Review via the assignment submission link.

You should review the Article Review Example prior to completing the article review. Additionally, you have been provided an Article Review Template to help you complete the assignment. Use the provided template. Making your own format or using a template you may have found on the Internetoften results in your losing points for missing required content.

Technical Article Review

Approximate Time (all times are approximate):

  1. Article Selection—1 hour (if it takes more that this you are looking too hard)
  2. Article 1st read—30 minutes
  3. Article Critical Read with note taking—1hour
  4. Article Review Template construction
  5. If you completed items 2 and 3 above—30 minutes
  6. If you did not complete 2 and 3 above—3 hours


  1. Select a peer-reviewed article—generally one that has an author and date. Blogs would not be acceptable.,
  2. After completing your Article Review submit it to the assignment,
  3. The Bibliographic Reference at the top of the Article Review Template must contain the proper APA reference for only the article being reviewed,
  4. If you use external references in your narrative, they must be added to the end and properly contain both in-text citations and References citations—in APA format,
  5. Attach the Word file (properly named) in the assignment link,
  6. Do not quote from the article. Instead summarize and paraphrase. You must use your own words.,

Technical Article Review

Grading Tips:

  1. Be sure to review the criteria on the Article Review Grading Rubric prior to beginning this assignment.
  2. To maximize your grade on this assignment
  3. Submit on time
  4. Select a good article on the assigned topic
  5. Respond to all template areas with complete and proper paragraphs
  6. Use the template correctly
  7. Remove highlighted areas
  8. Save by correct name

iii. Do not change the general format

  1. Check Spelling and grammar

Article Review: Moore’s Law Assignment

Search for an article covering the topic of Moore’s Law and its impact on business computing:

  1. Use the Article Review Template.
  2. After completing Article Review, submit it through this submission link.
  3. The Subject text box must contain the exact title of the article.
  4. Attach the document as a Word document.
  5. Name the document in the following way: LastName–Article Review Moores.docx

Article Review: Influential Business Programming Language Assignment

Locate an article concerning the most influential programming language for Business:

Technical Article Review

  1. Use the Article Review Template.
  2. After completing Article Review submit it through this submission link.
  3. You must save your article review in MS Word format and name it as follows: lastName_Article_Review_2.docx

Article Review: Future of Computer Technology Assignment

Locate an article concerning the future of computer sciences or computer technology: Note:  Non-technology majors may choose an article looking at the future of their chosen profession.

  1. Use the Article Review Template.
  2. After completing Article Review, submit it through this submission link.
  3. You must save your article review in MS Word format and name it as follows: lastName_Article_Review_3.docx

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.



February 21, 2025
February 21, 2025

This week, you should write a reflection responding to the topic: “Sexual Behavior.”

You should demonstrate what you have learned about gender inequality and sexual orientation from these chapters, discuss your response to the reading, and pose any questions or critiques.

You should draw from all the readings – including the chapters, the article, and the lecture – in your reflection this week.


Sexual Behavior


Reflections should be 700 words, give or take, and key components of your reflections should:

Note essential concepts, theories, and overarching trends from the readings.

Organize your reflection around themes found within the readings and any additional resources.

Reflect on the material and what you learned.

What are your thoughts about the topic?

Sexual Behavior

Relate the material (using terms and concepts accurately) to your personal life or a real-life example. ,

Discuss any questions you might still have concerning the topic or provide a critique.,

Discuss anything you found confusing or that you do not understand.,

If you thought the readings did not address an essential aspect of the topic you can discuss that here too.,

Always provide support!  You should cite from the reading(s) and any outside sources throughout your reflection.,

While opinions are welcome, as graduate students you should always be ready to show support beyond yourself for any statement you make.,

“Anyone can say anything, but can you support it?”

When reflecting and relating the material to your life or a real-life example, I will assess how accurately you use the terms – not your opinions.  Opinions cannot be graded, but whether you provide support for your opinions and how accurately you use and apply the terms and concepts can.

Sexual Behavior

Reflections should not summarize the reading, and you do not need to address all the material/concepts in the chapter.  The goal is for you to think critically about and apply the material (see the first bullet).

Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN

The book is downloaded, go to chapter 9

Barkan, Steven E. 2020. Social Problems: Continuity and Change Version 2.0. FlatWorld. ISBN:

9: Sexual Behavior – Social Sci LibreTexts


February 21, 2025
February 21, 2025

Module 6: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics 


Distinguish between the organization of articles by evidence level and organization of articles by clinical question (Essay). Please utilize Figure 1 John Hopkins Evidence Based-Practice Model for Nursing and Health Care Professionals.

Once all the articles considered important to answer the clinical question have been gathered, the DNP should be able organize the articles by level of evidence and type of evidence.


Descriptive and Inferential Statistics 



  1. What is the purpose of the article organization?
  2. How do you compare the article organization by type of evidence vs the organization based on the type of clinical question?
  3. What is the best way to organize the studies when the organization is based on the clinical question?

Descriptive and Inferential Statistics 

Use an Essay Format 

  • You must present your writing double-spaced, in a Times New Roman, Arial or Courier New font, with a font size of 12.
  • Pay attention to grammar rules (spelling and syntax).
  • Your work must be original and must not contain material copied from books or the internet.
  • When citing the work of other authors, include citations and references using APA style to respect their intellectual property and avoid plagiarism.
  • Remember that your writing must have a header or a cover page that includes the name of the institution, the program, the course code, the title of the activity, your name and student number, and the assignment’s due date.

Contribute a minimum of 5 pages. It should include at least 3 academic sources, formatted and cited in APA.

Be sure to review the academic expectations for your submission.

Module 6: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics 


Distinguish between the organization of articles by evidence level and organization of articles by clinical question (Essay). ,Please utilize Figure 1 John Hopkins Evidence Based-Practice Model for Nursing and Health Care Professionals.,

Once all the articles considered important to answer the clinical question have been gathered the DNP should be able organize the articles by level of evidence and type of evidence.,

  1. What is the purpose of the article organization?,
  2. How do you compare the article organization by type of evidence vs the organization based on the type of clinical question? ,
  3. What is the best way to organize the studies when the organization is based on the clinical question?

Use an Essay Format 

Descriptive and Inferential Statistics 

  • You must present your writing double-spaced, in a Times New Roman, Arial or Courier New font, with a font size of 12.
  • Pay attention to grammar rules (spelling and syntax).
  • Your work must be original and must not contain material copied from books or the internet.
  • When citing the work of other authors, include citations and references using APA style to respect their intellectual property and avoid plagiarism.
  • Remember that your writing must have a header or a cover page that includes the name of the institution, the program, the course code, the title of the activity, your name and student number, and the assignment’s due date.

Contribute a minimum of 5 pages. It should include at least 3 academic sources, formatted and cited in APA.

Be sure to review the academic expectations for your submission.