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December 2, 2024
December 2, 2024

This week you will use your Health Promotion Plan (Week 5) to create a health education infographic. The information in your infographic should target a specific population group for your Healthy People 2030 topic and be organized, accurate, and informative as well as visually appealing using appropriate layout, design, and graphics. Begin by viewing the following video to assist with this assignment: Creating the Health Education InfographicLinks to an external site..


Health Promotion Plan

You will create an infographic from the provided template that will inform and educate your population of interest using the following criteria:

  1. Create an APA-formatted title page that will be included as a separate Word document., In addition to the APA-required information on this title page include your target audience and feedback from a member of your target audience. (Note: You will first create the infographic share it to obtain feedback, and then document this feedback on your title page.),
  2. Review the 3 objectives you listed in your Health Promotion Plan. Utilizing these objectives and the content in the “outline” section of your Health Promotion Plan develop content for your infographic.,
  3. Use text headings and graphics to convey the content to your target audience for them to achieve the stated objectives. Health Promotion Plan,
  4. Include understandable information about your behavioral theory/model as it applies to your topic and provide a reference for your behavior change theory in your reference section. ,Select at least one element from your chosen behavior change theory and demonstrate an application of the behavior change model that can be implemented by the reader
    1. For example, the Health Belief Model could be utilized by providing a statistical fact on the incidence of a disease and potential poor health outcomes if recommendations are not followed. The Transtheoretical Model might be demonstrated by inquiring about readiness to change and a reminder on resources. Social Cognitive Theory might be demonstrated by asking the reader to select a support group to join. An application of the Theory of Planned Behavior might be to inquire about a change in attitude after reading the infographic along with intentions for the future.
  5. When writing your content, use simple and straight-forward language appropriate for your target audience. Proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics are required. Remember to avoid using medical jargon and complex medical terms.
  6. Include references and in-text citations for your sources. You need a minimum of three scholarly or professional sources. Include APA-formatted references in the section of the infographic labeled “References.” The font can be made smaller than 12 (no smaller than 8 size font) to fit your references into this section as needed. They do not need to be double spaced on this document.
  7. Please note you will need to share your infographic with a member of your target audience and document their feedback on the title page.  For example, “John Doe reviewed the infographic and indicated he had difficulty understanding some of the terms. The terms were modified.” You may not document feedback from a healthcare provider or patient. Health Promotion Plan
  8. Save your final document as a .pdf file format and upload to the dropbox.

Use this template to create your assignment: NSG 3200 Health Promotion Project Template FinalDownload NSG 3200 Health Promotion Project Template FinalOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader

(USLOs 2.1, 4.1, 5.5, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5)


December 2, 2024
December 2, 2024

Nursing Priority Sharons Case Study

Sharon Gibson is a nursing student who is having a clinical rotation on the medical-surgical unit. She has two patients assigned to her. Mr. Duncan is 80 years old and was admitted last night with sepsis. He is confused and has no family or friends with him. The nursing assistant has taken his vital signs and tells Sharon that his blood pressure is 90/50 mm Hg, temperature is 102°F, pulse is 50 beats/min, and respirations are 28 breaths/min. The second patient, Mrs. Thomas, is 60 years old and is to be discharged today. She was admitted 4 days ago with pneumonia. She has diabetes and is not compliant with her diet. She is to have a chest x-ray examination done before discharge. Her son, who is in her room, has taken off work for the morning so he can take her home.


Nursing Priority Sharons Case Study

  1. Which patient should Sharon determine as the priority and go to first? Why?,
  2. One of the goals of Sharon’s assignment is delegating to others on the nursing team. ,Which tasks are appropriate for Sharon to ask the nursing tech to do?,
  3. Sharon is concerned that she will not have enough time to complete her clinical assignment., What actions indicate that Sharon is using time management skills to complete her assignment? ,Nursing Priority Sharons Case Study

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
  • Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
  • You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.  Nursing Priority Sharons Case Study
December 2, 2024
December 2, 2024

Qualitative & Quantitative Research

Review the quantitative and qualitative examples from this week., In 2-3 pages define what the two research designs are include a minimum of 3 examples of research of each (must be from the APUS library and APA formatted) and end with a conclusion paragraph summarizing what you have learned.


Qualitative & Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research

On the other hand, Qualitative Research deals with a more of an abstract way of thinking. Qualitative deals with the way a person feels about a particular subject. We can say that I went out and asked people what they would do if X happened. There is still math involved, but not as extensively as in Quantitative. This type of research method has been used as a “feeling” method. By this, feeling refers to the feelings of the subjects that are being studied. Unlike the data in the quantitative side, there do not have to be any complicated formulas to use.

There are many search engines that people try to use for information. ,The educational library is always the most reliable and trustworthy place to find information., Proquest is one of the most popular search engines and when it is not available others use EBSCO., These are two youcan use as well. Please just always remember to check the box that says peer reviewed to get the best results.

Practice: Using the classroom tabs, find the school’s library web site and navigate to the search engines. Investigate engines, other than ProQuest and EBSCO, to find an engine that you feel comfortable with. Try to adapt it in your use here in your school work. Qualitative & Quantitative Research

Because the majority of researchers are, for lack of better words, scared of the quantitative style of research, we are going to spend this week clearing the process up for the class. Also as chapter four in the book by Pochampally, Kishore and Nukala, Satish starts off with, that the reverse and closed-loop supply chains use quantitative research as a basis for the planning situations. The book also says the models discussed are basic concepts, thankfully. Although logisticians like some small sense of mathematical computation, not many of us actually enjoy crunching numbers. Qualitative & Quantitative Research

This week introduces the concepts of analytic hierarchy process (including eigenvector method), analytic network process, fuzzy logic, extent analysis method, fuzzy multicriteria analysis method, quality function deployment, method of total preferences, linear physical programming, goal programming, technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS), Borda’s choice rule, expert systems, Bayesian updating, Taguchi loss function, Six Sigma, neural networks, geographical information systems, and linear integer programming, respectively.


December 2, 2024
December 2, 2024

Week 10 Discussion – Presenting  Business Idea

For this week’s discussion:

How will you convince investors to invest in your business? Create a presentation using the following format:

  • Audio/Video presentation over PowerPoint (no more than 12 slides)

Include the following topics in your presentation:



Presenting  Business Idea

  • Title Page
    • Include the company name and your name.
  • Outline of what the company does.
    • What are you selling (product or services)
  • Target Market.
    • Who is the target market for your product or services?
  • Market Size.
    • How big is the market or industry on which you’re focusing?
    • What are the growth opportunities?
  • Competition.
    • Who are your top 3 competitors?
  • Your Management Team.
    • Who runs the business?
    • What are their roles and key skills?
  • Business Model.
    • How will your business make money?
  • Financials.
    • What key financial information does your audience need to decide whether to invest in you and your business?,
  • Funding
    • How much are you asking from investors and the equity given in exchange?,
    • How will the funds from investors be used?,
  • Summary
    • Why should the investors invest in this business and in you?,


  • Include a brief overview of your business: company name “Earthly Elegance” and what you are selling (a maximum of 3 sentences) in the discussion window and then attach the video or PowerPoint (with the audio or video recording) using the Insert/Document option.,
  • You have been working with the information for this presentation all quarter in the discussion and assignments., This is not new information. Now is your chance to succinctly show investors what your chosen business is all about and why they should want to invest in you and your company.,
  • Your presentation needs to impress the investors make it creative and interesting while including all the relevant information.,
  • If you select one of the PowerPoint formats, include bullets (short phrases with the most important information), relevant images, and graphs. You should not include full sentences on the slides but make sure to have the speaker notes section completed.


November 30, 2024
November 30, 2024

Child Welfare Policy

Write an 8 page research paper on a current child welfare policy that you think requires change. The following are topics you may use: Competent Child Welfare Services to Gay and Lesbian Adolescents and Families; Gay and Lesbian Foster/Adoptive Parents; Kinship Homes; Prevention and Protective Service; Child Abuse and Neglect; Domestic Violence; Siblings in Foster Care; Therapeutic Foster Boarding Homes; Impact of Substance use on Families and Children- or any o that you may select in consultation with your mentor.


Child Welfare Policy
Include the following elements in your paper:

A) Societal recognition of the problem- how did the problem get recognized, and how did they get society interested in it? What research has been conducted on the topic? Is there extensive research or only a few studies?

B) What does the research indicate as the advantages and disadvantages of this policy?

Include your reasoning for the recommended change.

C) How do ethnicity race and socioeconomic status affect the policy?,

In addition to the text and scholarly journals, you can use the web resources provided in this course to assist you in presenting and researching your policy of interest.

Child Welfare Policy

Write an 8 page research paper on a current child welfare policy that you think requires change. The following are topics you may use: Competent Child Welfare Services to Gay and Lesbian Adolescents and Families; Gay and Lesbian Foster/Adoptive Parents; Kinship Homes; Prevention and Protective Service; Child Abuse and Neglect; Domestic Violence; Siblings in Foster Care; Therapeutic Foster Boarding Homes; Impact of Substance use on Families and Children or any other from the readings, that you may select in consultation with your mentor.
Include the following elements in your paper:

Societal recognition of the problem- how did the problem get recognized and how did they get society interested in it?, What research has been conducted on the topic Is there extensive research or only a few studies?,

What does the research indicate as the advantages and disadvantages of this policy?,

How do ethnicity, race, and socioeconomic status affect the policy?,

In addition to the text and scholarly journals, you can use the web resources provided in this course to assist you in presenting and researching your policy of interest.

November 30, 2024
November 30, 2024

Realistic Case Study

Content Requirements
You will create a PowerPoint presentation with a realistic case study and include appropriate and pertinent clinical information, that will be covering the following:

Realistic Case Study

  1. Subjective data: Demographics; Chief Complaint; History of the Present Illness (HPI) that includes the presenting problem and the 8 dimensions of the problem; Medications; Allergies; Past medical history; Family history; Past surgical history; Social history;  Review of Systems (ROS)
  2. Objective data: Vital signs; Physical exam, Labs (reviewed from the patient’s medical records, if no lab/diagnostic tests were done recently to review, you must indicate that to receive credit).
  3. Assessment: Differential diagnosis; Primary Diagnosis
  4. Plan: Laboratory and diagnostic tests; Pharmacologic treatment plan; Non-pharmacologic treatment plan; Anticipatory guidance (primary prevention strategies); Follow up plan.
  5. Other: Incorporation of current clinical guidelines; Integration of research articles; Role of the Nurse practitioner

Submission Instructions:

  • The presentation is original work and logically organized, formatted, and cited in the current APA style, including citation of references.
  • The presentation should consist of 10-15 slides

Content Requirements
You will create a PowerPoint presentation with a realistic case study and include appropriate and pertinent clinical information that will be covering the following:

  1. Subjective data: Demographics; Chief Complaint; History of the Present Illness (HPI) that includes the presenting problem and the 8 dimensions of the problem; Medications  Allergies Past medical history Family history Past surgical history Social history Review of Systems (ROS),
  2. Objective data: Vital signs; Physical exam, Labs reviewed from the patient’s medical records if no lab diagnostic tests were done recently to review, you must indicate that to receive credit).
  3. Assessment: Differential diagnosis and Primary Diagnosis,
  4. Plan: Laboratory and diagnostic tests Pharmacologic treatment plan Non-pharmacologic treatment plan Anticipatory guidance primary prevention strategies, Follow up plan.
  5. Other: Incorporation of current clinical guidelines integration of research articles Role of the Nurse practitioner,


Submission Instructions:

  • The presentation is original work and logically organized, formatted, and cited in the current APA style, including citation of references.
  • The presentation should consist of 10-15 slides
November 30, 2024
November 30, 2024


History of Present Illness
A 26-year-old male firefighter presents to his PCP following an ED visit for an episode of dehydration and severe muscle pain experienced during rigorous physical activity. Yesterday, he fought a fire for an extended period under extreme physical conditions. Despite consuming significant amounts of water, he began feeling lightheaded, experienced severe pain in his calves and shoulders, and noticed dark-colored urine. He was evaluated in the ED and discharged with instructions to hydrate. However, he continues to have dark-colored urine, generalized muscle pain, and fatigue. He reports feeling “like I’ve been hit by a truck.”




Review of Systems (ROS)
Positive: Weakness, exhaustion, palpitations, shortness of breath, nausea, dark-colored urine, muscle pain (shoulders, lower back, calves).
Negative: Diarrhea, constipation, anuria, hematuria, muscle weakness, numbness, tingling. COMPREHENSIVE CASE STUDY

Past Medical History: Recurrent musculoskeletal injuries (shoulder, knee), HTN, and anxiety.

Social History: Moderate alcohol use (occasional beer), no tobacco or drug use. Unmarried in a casual relationship with no children. Active lifestyle

Family History: Mother with breast cancer (remission), father without chronic conditions. Sibling brother with Hx chronic migraines

Allergies: None.

Medications: Ibuprofen 200mg PO q 8 hrs PRN muscle aches, Lisinopril 2.5mg PO daily, Lexapro 10mg PO daily.

Physical Examination

Vitals: T 37.3°C (99.1°F), P 96BPM, RR 12 BPM, BP 134/86, BMI 29.7.

General: A&O; no acute distress; overweight.

Skin: No erythema, pallor, or abnormalities noted.

HEENT: Normal findings.

Lungs: Vesicular breath sounds throughout, equal bilaterally.

Cardiac: Regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs/rubs/gallops.

Abdomen: Soft, mild epigastric tenderness, bilateral flank tenderness, no CVA tenderness.

Musculoskeletal: Tenderness over bilateral shoulders, reduced ROM due to pain, generalized tenderness of calves and quadriceps, severe paralumbar tenderness with guarding and hypertonicity.

Neurological: A&O×3; cranial nerves intact.


Based on the subjective and objective information presented, select and prioritize three differential diagnoses including each diagnosis’s rationale pathophysiology and pertinent positives and negatives., COMPREHENSIVE CASE STUDY

For the working diagnosis, explain why this is the primary diagnosis, what physical findings support the primary diagnosis, and list any additional body systems not addressed in the physical exam and how those physical findings could further support your primary diagnosis.

  • List any additional questions you may have inquired about in your history taking that have not already been presented in the HPI and are necessary to establish your diagnosis.,
  • Address any necessary laboratory or diagnostic testing and the clinical significance of these diagnostics for your diagnosis or ultimate treatment plan.,
  • Discuss the next appropriate steps in your management and at least two potential complications of this diagnosis untreated.,
  • discuss medication management including pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic choices with appropriate dosing comprehensive patient education and follow-up recommendations.,

Recall the necessary components in your case studies from NUR631. We will continue to build on the format throughout the clinical aspect of adulthood.

APA format with at least FIVE peer-reviewed references to support diagnosis, management, and patient education.

APA FORMAT, AND REFERENCES,  peer review scholarly resource cited in APA format from  2019-2024 only. (Within the last five years)

Please do not solely use a website as your scholarly reference. While it is fine to use it as a supplement, a journal article or text should be referenced.

Please use North American peer-reviewed journals,

DO NOT  use any European  Journal

Please use reliable medical references such as the Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment book or UpToDate. Do not use WebMD, Wikipedia, etc., as these are not advanced practice references.

APA format (if using outside sources).

November 30, 2024
November 30, 2024

Real-world Data

Students will complete 3 parts to a project for the semester.  Each submission is individual and should not be shared with other classmates. Any form of copying and pasting from other sources and projects will be reported to the UT Arlington Office of Student Conduct.

Real-world Data

Aim: The overall aim of these projects is to analyze real-world data.  The specific objectives are:

  1. sample two sets of data from the real-world.,
  2. summarize each set of data statistically.,
  3. perform statistical chi-square tests on each set of data.,
  4. describe the above steps data and results in a report.,

On the cover of each Project Part report, please transcribe the following statement:

“I _________________ did not give or receive any assistance on this project, and the report submitted is wholly my own.”

Write your name in the blank and sign below it. You may use an electronic signature, such as Adobe SignLinks to an external site..

Tasks for Part III

Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test: Using a Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test with a significance level of 0.05, test the hypothesis that Set 1 is sampled from a Normal Distribution with a population mean equal to the sample mean and a population standard deviation equal to the sample standard deviation. Similarly, test the hypothesis with a significance level of 0.05 that Set 2 is sampled from an Exponential Distribution with a population mean equal to the sample mean. For each test, start with the data classes from your histogram and merge them to ensure each class has a sufficient number of observations. Then, for each data class, calculate the following:

  • Numbers of observations in the data.
  • Class probability.
  • Class expected value.
  • Chi-square component values.

Finally, for each test, calculate the chi-square value describe the degrees of freedom and explain your conclusion.,



Observed Frequency (oi)

Class Probability

Expected Frequency (ei)

2 Class Component

X ≤ 2

Count observations based on your collected data.

Calculate using the assumed probability distribution.

For each class, take its probability and multiply by n.

2 < X ≤ 7

7 < X ≤ 12

X > 12





2 statistic

Report: The project report is to be written in clear English with complete sentences. Be sure to define all notations and include descriptions of all tables and figures in the text.  To improve your writing, you should consider taking your report to the UTA Writing CenterLinks to an external site.. Your report should include a cover page and the following sections mentioned in rub

November 30, 2024
November 30, 2024

Development of an Operational Budget

Deliverable Length: 10–15 slides (not including title and reference slides); 150-200 words speaker notes per slide


Assignment Details

Create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes to educate others regarding the development of an operational budget and a capital budget. Be sure to address the following:

Development of an Operational Budget

  • Provide the process for developing an
  • Provide the process for developing a capital budget.
  • Differentiate between the operational and capital budgets.
  • Explain how the capital budget is required for strategic management.

Deliverable Length: 10–15 slides (not including title and reference slides); 150-200 words speaker notes per slide


Assignment Details

Create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes to educate others regarding the development of an operational budget and a capital budget. Be sure to address the following:

  • Provide the process for developing
  • Provide the process for developing a capital budget.
  • Differentiate between the operational and capital budgets.
  • Explain how the capital budget is required for strategic management.

Development of an Operational Budget

Deliverable Length: 10–15 slides (not including title and reference slides); 150-200 words speaker notes per slide


Assignment Details

Create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes to educate others regarding the development of an operational budget and a capital budget. Be sure to address the following:

  • Provide the process for developing an
  • Provide the process for developing a capital budget.,
  • Differentiate between the operational and capital budgets.,
  • Explain how the capital budget is required for strategic management.,

Deliverable Length: 10–15 slides (not including title and reference slides); 150-200 words speaker notes per slide


Assignment Details

Create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes to educate others regarding the development of an  and a capital budget. Be sure to address the following:

  • Provide the process for developing a capital budget.
  • Differentiate between the operational and capital budgets.
  • Explain how the capital budget is required for strategic management.
November 30, 2024
November 30, 2024

Literature Review on a Theory


Writing a Literature Review

Most research projects include a literature review to determine what knowledge exists on the subject under study and to develop the theoretical framework that will be used in the study. The literature review sets the context for the entire research project by explaining what others have found in researching the same or similar specific research questions.

Literature Review on a Theory

Literature reviews are also done to help summarize the current state of knowledge on a topic and the current knowledge gaps up to this point. In this format, they are often published as a pure literature review within peer-reviewed journals. One example can be found here specific to the literature  Distance Learning; here is another example that will help break it out for you: Critical Thinking Lit Review. Students often have a hard time writing literature reviews because it seems like a foreign way to organize information, however, in a way you can equate the way that an essay is written to that of a literature review. In an essay, one will bring in numerous references within each paragraph, the same would be the case for a literature review in that literature reviews are organized thematically. NCSU has a  Literature Review on a Theory fantastic video (https://www.lib.ncsu.edu/tutorials/litreview/) that helps explain what a literature review is and how they are written at the graduate and professional levels, I recommend taking a look as it will help give you some additional perspective on how these are written. For some additional information on how to organize your theoretical framework into your paper, check out this USC Library guide on Theoretical Frameworks.

A literature review begins with an introductory paragraph in which the writer frames the research topic and its significance, or the puzzle or topic area that the researcher is addressing. To do that, the writer will summarize the major relevant arguments on the research subject highlighting the main issues and how schools of thought might differ., If there are key terms to be defined, the writer would also do that here if the literature review is part of a larger research paper.

The body of the literature review tells readers what others have found in their studies about your specific research question or topic under investigation (the extent of existing knowledge on your specific research question/current state of the research on a particular topic), critiques what is right or wrong with these other studies, and discusses how the body of knowledge needs to be moved forward (and/or how the work is distinguishable from the research study you are proposing). Your review should organize material by theme or method or what makes sense for the project. ,Literature Review on a Theory

The conclusion should summarize the primary sense of the literature encapsulating for the reader where the existing literature ends and if carrying out a study, where your research will start.

Assignment Instructions:

This assignment serves as a building block for your final thesis proposal. For this literature review, you need to select a substantive theory either something that we discussed in the lesson or something outside of the course and focus your literature review around that theory., Your theory selection should make sense with the research question you intend to assess within your final research proposal. ,Since this is a literature review focused on a particular topic (i.e. the substantive theory) you will need to discuss the current state of the literature specific to that theory (for example, deterrence theory, social identity theory, etc). You’ll want to start with a discussion on the early conceptualizations of the theory and how it has developed over time. Your conclusion should include a discussion of where the research on that theory needs to go next. What are some questions that remain? What new ways should it be applied?

Format: Standard academic format will suffice: 1-inch borders on all four sides, double-spaced, with times new roman 12-point font. As with all academic assignments (unless otherwise specified) you must include a references section and list your references.

This literature review should include a critical review of at least 9-10 scholarly/peer-reviewed articles.

Since multiple writing styles are in use within this course, on your title page, please note which style you are using within your assignment. This will help me cater my comments to the style you are using. The style you use needs to be the one that is used within your program of study.

Total pages: 5 complete pages in length not including title page or references.

I have also attached a synthesis matrix that should help you organize your notes as you go, as well as the grading rubric for this assignment.

Use the filename (no spaces): yourlastnameW4.doc to upload this file to the HW4 assignment.

Note: As mentioned above this assignment is a building block for your final assignment. In your research proposal in addition to synthesizing the literature on a theory, you will also need to synthesize the literature surrounding the topic you are looking to explore as well. This will serve as a preliminary literature review that helps to demonstrate the importance of the topic and show that it has not yet been addressed within the literature.