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February 22, 2025
February 22, 2025

Problem-Focused SOAP Note Format

Demographic Data

  • Age and gender (must be HIPAA compliant)


  • Chief Complaint (CC): A short statement about why they are there
  • History of Present Illness (HPI):  Write your HPI in paragraph form. Start with the age, gender, and why they are there (example: 23-year-old female here for…). Elaborate using the acronym OLDCART: Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristics, Aggravating/Alleviating Factors, Relieving Factors, Treatment
  • Past Med. Hx (PMH): Medical or surgical problems, hospitalizations, medications, allergies, immunizations, and preventative health maintenance
  • Family Hx: any history of CA, DM, HTN, MI, CVA?
  • Social Hx: Including nutrition, exercise, substance use, sexual hx, occupation, school, etc.
  • Review of Systems (ROS) as appropriate: Include health maintenance (e.g., eye, dental, pap, vaccines, colonoscopy)


Problem-Focused SOAP Note



  • Vital Signs
  • Physical findings listed by body systems, not paragraph form- Highlight abnormal findings

Assessment (the diagnosis) 

  • At least Two (2) differential diagnoses (if applicable) with rationale and pertinent positives and negatives for each
  • Final diagnosis with rationale, pertinent positives and negatives, and pathophysiological explanation

Problem-Focused SOAP Note


  • Dx Plan (lab, x-ray)
  • Tx Plan (meds): including medication(s) prescribed (if any), dosage, frequency, duration, and refill(s) (if any)
  • Pt. Education, including specific medication teaching points
  • Referral/Follow-up
  • Health maintenance: including when screenings eye, dental, pap, vaccines, immunizations, etc. are next due


  • Compare care given to the patient with the National Standards of Care/National Guidelines. Cite accordingly.

Problem-Focused SOAP Note Format

Demographic Data

  • Age and gender (must be HIPAA compliant)

Problem-Focused SOAP Note


  • Chief Complaint (CC): A short statement about why they are there ,
  • History of Present Illness (HPI):  Write your HPI in paragraph form. Start with the age gender and why they are there (example: 23-year-old female here for…). ,Elaborate using the acronym OLDCART: Onset Location Duration, Characteristics, Aggravating/Alleviating Factors Relieving Factors Treatment,
  • Past Med. Hx (PMH): Medical or surgical problems hospitalizations medications allergies immunizations and preventative health maintenance,
  • Family Hx: any history of CA DM HTN MI CVA?,
  • Social Hx: Including nutrition exercise substance use sexual hx occupation school etc.,
  • Review of Systems (ROS) as appropriate: Include health maintenance (e.g. eye dental pap vaccines colonoscopy)


  • Vital Signs
  • Physical findings listed by body systems, not paragraph form- Highlight abnormal findings

Assessment (the diagnosis) 

  • At least Two (2) differential diagnoses (if applicable) with rationale and pertinent positives and negatives for each
  • Final diagnosis with rationale, pertinent positives and negatives, and pathophysiological explanation

Problem-Focused SOAP Note


  • Dx Plan (lab, x-ray)
  • Tx Plan (meds): including medication(s) prescribed (if any), dosage, frequency, duration, and refill(s) (if any)
  • Pt. Education, including specific medication teaching points
  • Referral/Follow-up
  • Health maintenance: including when screenings eye, dental, pap, vaccines, immunizations, etc. are next due


  • Compare care given to the patient with the National Standards of Care/National Guidelines. Cite accordingly.


February 22, 2025
February 22, 2025

Conduct a 4P’s Analysis
Analyze how the local small business(Mama Daughters) applies each of the 4P’s of marketing. Your analysis should address the following: https://www.mamasdaughtersdiner.com/


Conduct a 4P’s Analysis


    • Product:
      Describe the main products or services offered by the business. What are the unique features that set their offerings apart from competitors? Consider aspects like quality, variety, and any specialized products or services.
    • Price:
      Examine the pricing strategy of the business. How do they price their products or services compared to local competitors? Discuss any discounts, deals, or loyalty programs they offer to customers.
    • Place:
      Discuss the business’s location and distribution strategy. How do they make their products or services accessible to customers? Consider their physical location, hours of operation, and any delivery or online ordering options.
    • Promotion:
      Analyze the promotional efforts of the business. How do they market their products or services? What promotional channels do they use (e.g., local ads, social media, flyers)? Highlight any recent marketing campaigns or customer engagement strategies.

Conduct a 4P’s Analysis

  • 2 pages APA format
  • Source: website (above) and small business textbook (attached)
    1. Conduct a 4P’s Analysis:
      Analyze how the local small business(Mama Daughters) applies each of the 4P’s of marketing. Your analysis should address the following: https://www.mamasdaughtersdiner.com/

      • Product:
        Describe the main products or services offered by the business. What are the unique features that set their offerings apart from competitors? Consider aspects like quality, variety, and any specialized products or services.
      • Price:
        Examine the pricing strategy of the business. How do they price their products or services compared to local competitors? Discuss any discounts, deals, or loyalty programs they offer to customers.
    2. Conduct a 4P’s Analysis
      • Place:
        Discuss the business’s location and distribution strategy., How do they make their products or services accessible to customers? ,Consider their physical location hours of operation and any delivery or online ordering options.,
      • Promotion:
        Analyze the promotional efforts of the business. How do they market their products or services?, What promotional channels do they use (e.g. local ads social media flyers)?, Highlight any recent marketing campaigns or customer engagement strategies.,
    • 2 pages APA format
    • Source: website (above) and small business textbook (attached)



February 22, 2025
February 22, 2025

To understand how to design a Comprehensive Compensation Strategy, you will apply

your learning to the selected case study.


Continue using the same company from Case Study 1 and 2 analysis.

  • Record your name, the date, and the company name you have chosen for your

case study on the title page of your paper.


Comprehensive Compensation Strategy


Take time to read and review Chapters 9-13 to answer these questions.

Answer the following questions for the case study you have chosen. Read all aspects of

your case study carefully. Please make sure you address each question thoroughly and

clearly. Each question should be at least 2-3 paragraphs to illustrate your

understanding. Review the grading rubric before writing your paper.

Review the answers you have already provided to each of your assignments for your

case study.

Comprehensive Compensation Strategy

Consider how you answered the questions regarding your business

strategy, your compensation objectives, your company’s values, the factors that shape

your company’s external competitiveness, and your competitive pay policy, as well as

your internal pay structure and hierarchy. You have essentially begun the process of

designing your company’s total compensation policies.

Comprehensive Compensation Strategy

With the information you have already built about your company, answer the following

questions to complete your total rewards design:

1) What behaviors do you want to reinforce in your company? Why are these

behaviors important? How will you link behaviors to performance?

2) What type of pay mix would you design for your company?

  1. a) Discuss base pay increases (merit, COLA, promotions) that would best fit

your company. What (if any) would you implement and why (How will this

HRM307 – Compensation &


Case Study 3

Copyright Post University 2022, All Rights Reserved

improve performance)? What are the implications for the company and its

ability to pay?

Comprehensive Compensation Strategy

  1. b) Discuss individual variable pay incentives that would best fit your

company., Be specific. What (if any) type would you implement and why

(How will these incentives improve performance)?,

  1. c) Discuss team incentives that would best fit your company., Be specific.

What (if any) type would you implement and why (How will these

incentives improve performance)?,

3) What type of performance appraisal would best fit your company and why?,

4) What benefits would be important to your employee population? What and how

would you offer them and why?,

5) What other total rewards strategies would you like to implement in your company

that have not been identified above that would best fit your unique organization?,


  • Submit a Word document in APA format (double spaced with references and

APA in text citations).

  • Maximum 6 pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference pages.
  • At least two resources.

Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before

you write and again after you write

February 22, 2025
February 22, 2025

The following Series of Reactions were carried out by Phillips and Kenyon and reported in 1923.  Starting from the same compound, two reaction sequences were carried out.  These sequences resulted in the synthesis of 3A and 3B.  However, the enantiomeric purity of 3A and 3B is not the same.  This suggests that the reaction mechanism are not the same.  Your task is to create a presentation showing your proposed mechanisms of the reactions, answering the questions, and narrating an explanation of your work.


Series of Reactions


1) Prepare neatly hand-written pages for the your mechanisms in the two pathways.  Each step should be on a separate page, including push-arrows and transitions states.  For example, the reaction of 1 with KH should have its own page.

Series of Reactions

2) Prepare additional pages for questions. Show your work.

3) Present a narrated presentation of your pages. This is what you will submit.  This can be as simple as recording a video with you phone, explaining the pages.

If you wish, you can incorporate the page images into a Power Point and add narration or use the Kaltura app on Brightspace.  It is up to you, but the pages must be neatly hand written, and there must be an audio narration.

Series of Reactions

Compounds 12 and 3B are pure enantiomers.  Compound 3A is a mixture of enantiomers.  Pay attention to the optical rotations, as this gives insight into the reaction mechanism(s).  The zig-zag line in 3A indicates a mixture of enantiomers.

Series of Reactions

  1. For compound 1 determine the R or S designation.  Show how you assigned priorities and arrived to the configuration you selected.,
  2. Propose reaction mechanism(s) for both pathways.  Be sure to include the push-arrows and transition state(s) in your mechanism.,
  3. Given your proposed mechanism did the chiral center of the starting material 1in Pathway B undergo retention inversion racemization or partial racemiziation?,
  4. Given your proposed mechanism did the chiral center of the starting material 1in Pathway A undergo retention inversion racemization or partial racemization?,
  5. What specific optical rotation would you expect for 3A if it were the pure enantiomer of3B?,
  6. Calculate the % of  Show your calculations.,
  7. Did your mechanism for Pathway A explain the results in terms of optical purity/enantiomeric composition?  If not, you need to come up with another mechanism.  Hint: It is possible for a single reaction to have two different mechanisms simultaneously.
February 22, 2025
February 22, 2025

Design System Architecture

 This assignment will address the following objectives:

  • CO-1: Explain the significance of the system development life cycle and its effectiveness.,
  • CO-2: Analyze a business case study by applying Systems Analysis and Design concepts principles processes and techniques,
  • CO-3: Apply industry driven techniques for designing developing deploying and securing enterprise applications.,
  • CO-4: Develop major life cycle deliverables like Vision Document SRS (Software Requirements Specification)  or SDD (System Design Document).,


Design System Architecture


Assignment 4 Design System Architecture


The purpose of this assignment is to develop a draft SDD (System Design Document) and architecture for the Case Study. Our SDD will not contain all normally expected content especially detailed logic due to time constraints.

Assignment Directions

  1. Download the SDD Template 2021.docxand rename it Week4AssignmentSystemArchitectureLastnameFirstname replacing the name with your name.
  2. Use the specifications you have already created, your Case Study, and instructions in the SDD to complete all parts of the following sections:

Section 1. Introduction

Section 2. Purpose including

  1. Purpose,

2.1 Document Conventions

2.2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

2.3 Product Scope

2.4 References

Section 3. System Overview including

Design System Architecture

  1. System Overview

3.1 Goals, Functionality, and Architecture

3.2 Design Constraints

  1.  Using diagrams.net (https://www.diagrams.net/index.html) complete an architecture diagram for your Case Study and all parts of Section 4. Architecture including:

Section 4. Sysem Architecture

Section 4.1 Architectural Design (architecture diagram)

Section 4.2 Subsystem Decomposition

Section 4.3 Access Control and Security

Section 4.4 Design Rationale


Microsoft developed a generic architecture model that can be applied to any web architecture.

Web Architecture

  1. Microsoft. (2016). Chapter 21: Designing Web Applications. Retrieved from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee658099.aspx. This includes a generic web architecture that can be customized for our case study. See the template below.  You cannot just substitute the diagram below but you must provide your own custom design.
  2. Generic Web based architecture. Microsoft, (n.d.). Chapter 2: Key Principles of Software Architecture. Retrieved 3/29/2013 from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee658124.aspx.


Submit your assignment below.

Grading Rubric

  1. SDD Section 1 and Section 2 (25)

Complete Section 1 Introduction including the following:

1.1 Complete Section 1 Introduction

Complete Section 2 Purpose including the following:

1.2 Complete Section 2 Purpose.

1.3 Complete Section 2.1 Document Conventions.

1.4 Complete Section 2.2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions.

1.5 Complete Section 2.3 Product Scope,

1.6 Complete Section 2.4 Reference.

  1. SDD Section 3 (25)

Complete Section 3 System Overview including:

3.1 Complete Section 3 System Overview.

3.1 Complete Section 3.1 Goals, Functionality, and Architecture

3.2 Complete Section 3.2 Design Constraints

  1. SDD Section 4 (25)

Design System Architecture

Complete Section 4 System Architecture including the following :

4.1 Complete Section 4. System Architecture

4.2 Complete Section 4.1 Architectural Design (architecture diagram)

4.3 Complete Section 4.2 Subsystem Decomposition

4.4 Complete Section 4.3 Access Control and Security.

4.5 Complete Section 4.4 Design Rationale

  1. Writing Format (25) 

Prepare the document in APA format. Grammatical, spelling or punctuation—the writing is grammatically correct, clear and concise. The response is well formulated and easy to read and understand. Correct terminology was used when needed. Original formatting is maintained. Entries are in alphabetical order.


February 22, 2025
February 22, 2025

Reflection Journal Human Rights

Journal #3 Topic: How does your agency address the advancing of human rights, social, economic and/or environmental justice. Your agency may not focus on all of these areas so speak to only the areas addressed. You may also include other reflections in your journal but please ensure to speak about the topic for the journal as well.


Reflection Journal Human Rights

Be sure to utilize all headings, including paragraph headings, in your journal.  Paragraph Headings:  What, So What, Now What, Summary.

  • What: State facts and observations of the event/situation. (objective),
  • So What: Students to present personal thoughts, reflections and/or feelings about the event/situation., May also include a discussion about how your perspective has changed. (subjective),
  • Now What:  Based on educational knowledge already possessed or learned how does that knowledge affect your future behavior or action in connection with the event/situation?,  Clearly connect knowledge with social work practice. (see explanation below),
  • Summary: Brief overview of the journal. Each heading discussion should be about the same event/situation.

Reflection Journal Human Rights

Focus (discussion of Journal) may be any Topic of the Week on the Syllabus OR any experience or observation that you had during your internship at the agency.

How to Connect knowledge to practice in your journal??  Discuss knowledge that you learned or know through your education and how you applied that to your practice in field placement.  Why are you doing what you are doing as a social worker?

Reflection Journal Human Rights

Journals should be no more than 2 pages in length and double-spaced. Please use APA format for all papers; points will be deducted if the paper is not in the proper format. Here is a resource General Format – Purdue OWL® – Purdue UniversityLinks to an external site.

Note- the internship that I’m doing is currently is in a clinical therapy wellness studio. The clinic deals with clients who are suffering from Depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders. Also please make sure to write the headings.

February 22, 2025
February 22, 2025

Critical Issues in Mental Health

Interview one person involved in the formal delivery of mental health services (phone or on-site). Elicit from them and list in rank order “the three most critical issues in mental health today.” Have them describe these issues in some detail.  Write a brief (1-2 pages of narrative) reflection on these issues (including the issues and the description you received from this professional) from your perspective.


Critical Issues in Mental Health


Note: This write up must adhere to APA formatting.

Critical Issues in Mental Health

Grading Criteria

  • You identify an appropriate mental health professional that you interviewed via an appropriate method (i.e. telephone or on-site). ,
  • You list in rank order the three critical issues as described by your interviewee including their description/rationale for listing these three as most critical and their rationale for the ordering.,
  • You include your perspective on these issues and their ordering. ,
  • You have cited relevant course material or other reputable sources to defend your claims on your perspective of these issues and their ordering. ,
  • Submission adheres to APA formatting is of appropriate length and is grammatically appropriate.

Critical Issues in Mental Health

Three Critical Issues Paper

Interview one person involved in the formal delivery of mental health services (phone or on-site). Elicit from them and list in rank order “the three most critical issues in mental health today.” Have them describe these issues in some detail.  Write a brief (1-2 pages of narrative) reflection on these issues (including the issues and the description you received from this professional) from your perspective.

Note: This write up must adhere to APA formatting.

Grading Criteria

  • You identify an appropriate mental health professional that you interviewed via an appropriate method (i.e. telephone or on-site).
  • You list in rank order the three critical issues as described by your interviewee including their description/rationale for listing these three as most critical and their rationale for the ordering.
  • You include your perspective on these issues and their ordering.
  • You have cited relevant course material or other reputable sources to defend your claims on your perspective of these issues and their ordering.
  • Submission adheres to APA formatting, is of appropriate length and is grammatically appropriate.



February 22, 2025
February 22, 2025

The Genre of Gospel and the Use of Parables Gospels:

  1. According to IBI (chapter 10), “the concepts of thinking horizontally and

vertically … summarize the task of interpreting the Gospels’ unique blend of

history and theology” (514). In terms of the interpretation of the Gospels,

contrast below horizontal and vertical thinking, according to IBI (see 514-18).

Which approach takes priority over the other, and why? How do the authors of

IBI evaluate the use of redaction criticism in the interpretation of the Gospels? Compose 250-300 words


Use of Parables Gospels


What is the significance of the concept of the kingdom of God for the

Gospels, according to the authors of IBI. Compose one paragraph (250-300


Use of Parables Gospels

  1. According to the authors of IBI, “an appreciation of the parables as narrative

fiction. … [Parables] encourage readers to identify with one or more of [the]

characters and experience the plot of the story from their various points of

view” (525); “readers should consider each parable from the perspective of

each of the main characters” (526). State below two of the problems identified

by the authors of IBI in the history of the interpretation of the parables (524-

25) that preceded their recommendation of the interpretative guidelines above. Compose 250-300 word

The Genre of Gospel and the Use of Parables Gospels:

  1. According to IBI (chapter 10) “the concepts of thinking horizontally and

vertically … summarize the task of interpreting the Gospels’ unique blend of

history and theology” (514)., In terms of the interpretation of the Gospels

contrast below horizontal and vertical thinking, according to IBI (see 514-18).,

Which approach takes priority over the other and why? How do the authors of

IBI evaluate the use of redaction criticism in the interpretation of the Gospels?, Compose 250-300 words


What is the significance of the concept of the kingdom of God for the

Gospels according to the authors of IBI. Compose one paragraph (250-300


  1. According to the authors of IBI “an appreciation of the parables as narrative

fiction. … [Parables] encourage readers to identify with one or more of [the]

characters and experience the plot of the story from their various points of

view”, (525); “readers should consider each parable from the perspective of

each of the main characters” (526). State below two of the problems identified

by the authors of IBI in the history of the interpretation of the parables (524-

25) that preceded their recommendation of the interpretative guidelines above. Compose 250-300 word


February 22, 2025
February 22, 2025

Learning Strengths and Challenges


For this assignment, you will reflect on your own learning processes to better understand your learning strengths and challenges as well as formulate a plan for growth.


Use the resources in your Weeks 5 and 6 What You Need to Know sections to explore each of the following cognitive concepts:


Learning Strengths and Challenges



  • Metacognition.
  • Optimal challenge and performance.
  • Motivation and procrastination.

As you learn about metacognition, optimal challenge and performance, and motivation and procrastination, think about your areas of strength and greatest areas for growth in relation to these areas of the learning process. Be prepared to describe these strengths and areas for growth in your paper.

Learning Strengths and Challenges

Professional Sources and Scholarly Research

In your paper, you will support your analysis about your strengths and areas for growth through the use of professional sources, such as textbooks, information from professional organizations and educational sites, and research findings from scholarly professional journals. These sources will help you to name and explain your strengths and opportunities for growth through the concepts explained in the sources. You can use the resources listed in the Weeks 5 and 6 What You Need to Know sections, or you can find professional and scholarly sources of your own choosing from the Capella library.

If you are unfamiliar with scholarly journals, review these library resources:

Assignment Instructions

Using the Personal Learning Analysis Template [DOCX] Download Personal Learning Analysis Template [DOCX], write a 5–7 page paper that addresses your learning processes in the following areas:

  • Metacognition.
  • Optimal challenge and performance.
  • Motivation and procrastination.

In your paper, do the following:

Learning Strengths and Challenges

  • Analyze your skills in specific areas of metacognition supporting your thinking with information from professional and scholarly sources.,
  • Analyze the role of optimal challenge in your academic performance supporting your thinking with information from professional and scholarly sources.,
  • Analyze the role of motivation and procrastination in your academic performance supporting your thinking with information from professional and scholarly sources.,
  • Describe your areas of strength and areas for growth in learning,
    • Describe your strengths in one or two paragraphs.
    • Describe your areas for growth in at least one fully developed paragraph.,
  • Choose one of your areas of growth and create a plan to strengthen this area., Identify some strategies and steps that you’ll take to continue to build this area of skill. Support your strategies with information from professional or scholarly sources.
  • Learning Strengths and Challenges

Additional Requirements

Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
    • Check your spelling and grammar. Visit the Writing Center’s Microsoft EditorLinks to an external site. page for tips on using Microsoft Editor to support your writing.
    • Please feel free to write in first person (I, me, et cetera).
  • Sources: Use a minimum of four resources. Sources can be a combination of course resources, professional sources (such as a textbook), and peer-reviewed scholarly articles (no more than eight years old).
    • Note on the scoring rubric that to reach distinguished scoring, you will need to apply information from professional scholarly journals to support your analysis.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting guidelines. Refer to Evidence and APALinks to an external site. page on Campus for guidance.
    • Use in-text citations throughout your work and provide full references at the end of your paper.
  • Template: Use the Personal Learning Analysis Template [DOCX] Download Personal Learning Analysis Template [DOCX]for your paper.
  • Length: 5–7 typed, double-spaced pages of content in addition to a title page and references page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.



February 21, 2025
February 21, 2025


 Sexual Assault Trauma

  1. Title Slide
  2. Introduction (1 slide): Identify concepts to be addressed and sections of the presentation. Include speaker notes that explain in more detail what will be covered.,
  3. Nature and prevalence (1-2 slides): Describe the nature and prevalence of the selected trauma. Provide in-text citations from a scholarly source. Include speaker notes to explain content in detail. ,

Sexual Assault Trauma

  1. Symptoms (1-2 slides): Discuss trauma symptoms commonly experienced by survivors of the selected trauma. Provide in-text citations from a scholarly source. Include speaker notes to explain content in detail.,
  2. Scenario (2-4 slides): Create a client scenario based on the selected trauma. Provide demographic information about the client. ,Provide a description of the trauma experienced. Provide the symptoms the client is experiencing because of the trauma., Provide in-text citations from a scholarly source. Include speaker’s notes that explain the slide content in more detail a description of the trauma experienced and the symptoms the client is experiencing because of the trauma.


Sexual Assault Trauma

  1. Psychotherapy (2-3 slides): Describe two psychotherapeutic approaches that could be used to treat the client in the scenario provided. Describe therapeutic techniques used with each approach. Provide in-text citations from a scholarly source. Include speaker notes to explain content in detail.
  2. Psychopharmacology (1-3 slides): Discuss whether the PMHNP would recommend psychopharmacologic intervention for the client. If medication is recommended, describe the medication and appropriate follow-up. Provide in-text citations from a scholarly source. Include speaker notes to explain content in detail.

Sexual Assault Trauma

  1. Collaboration (1-2 slides): Discuss whether the PMHNP would collaborate with any other disciplines or professionals in the treatment of the client. If collaboration is recommended or legally/ethically required, describe the other types of providers who may be involved. Provide in-text citations from a scholarly source. If collaboration is legally required, may use state scope of practice guidelines to support ideas. Include speaker notes to explain the content in detail.
  2. Conclusion (1 slide): Summarize the content of the presentation. Speaker notes should provide final comments on the topic.
  3. References (1+ slides): Provide references in APA format. May use bullets. Hanging indents are not required.