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January 11, 2025
January 11, 2025

Vulnerable Populations & Refugees

Choose one of the topics listed below and review the images, graphs, charts, and statistics related to that topic.

Download the XL4002 Performance Task Assessment Template for Module 1, Part 1. In the template, write your response to the following points:


Vulnerable Populations & Refugees


What is the background of the population you chose? What key social determinants of health are conveyed in the visual presentations? (1 paragraph),

Apply the political analysis strategies in Chapter 8 of Mason et al. (2021) to this population. Name two stakeholders relevant to this population and explain their role in your political analysis. (1 paragraph),

Name one political strategy that could be implemented to leverage facilitators or constraints into political momentum to address the issues relevant to this population through policy. (1 paragraph),


Complete the Learning Activities in Module 2. Review Code of Ethics for Nursing, Provisions 7–9.

Use the CON Writing Template to write a paper addressing the following points:,

  • Explain nurse leaders’ critical role in political influence and how they can build upon their own sources of power.,
  • Based on your understanding of the Code of Ethics for Nurses explain nurses’ responsibilities in advancing ethical nursing and health policies. Vulnerable Populations & Refugees,
  • Provide an example of how to enhance effective policy advocacy engagement to address social determinants of health either at the individual or organizational level.


Choose one of the topics listed below and review the images, graphs, charts, and statistics related to that topic.

Download the XL4002 Performance Task Assessment Template for Module 1, Part 1. In the template, write your response to the following points: Vulnerable Populations & Refugees


What is the background of the population you chose? What key social determinants of health are conveyed in the visual presentations? (1 paragraph)

Apply the political analysis strategies in Chapter 8 of Mason et al. (2021) to this population. Name two stakeholders relevant to this population and explain their role in your political analysis. (1 paragraph)

Name one political strategy that could be implemented to leverage facilitators or constraints into political momentum to address the issues relevant to this population through policy. (1 paragraph)


Complete the Learning Activities in Module 2. Review Code of Ethics for Nursing, Provisions 7–9.

Use the CON Writing Template to write a paper addressing the following points:

  • Explain nurse leaders’ critical role in political influence and how they can build upon their own sources of power.
  • Based on your understanding of the Code of Ethics for Nurses, explain nurses’ responsibilities in advancing ethical nursing and health policies.
  • Provide an example of how to enhance effective policy advocacy engagement to address social determinants of health, either at the individual or organizational level.


January 11, 2025
January 11, 2025

Goals of a Patient Interview

The primary goals of a patient interview include gathering accurate and comprehensive patient information, establishing a rapport, understanding the patient’s perspective, and developing a collaborative care plan. It helps healthcare providers assess the patient’s current health status, identify their concerns, and prioritize their care needs.


Goals of a Patient Interview


Ways to Enhance a Successful Patient Interview Process:

  1. Active Listening: Give the patient your full attention, ensuring they feel heard and understood.
  2. Open-Ended Questions: Use prompts like “Can you tell me more about your symptoms?” to encourage detailed responses.
  3. Non-Verbal Communication: Maintain eye contact, use appropriate facial expressions, and adopt an open posture to foster trust.
  4. Empathy and Validation: Acknowledge the patient’s emotions and concerns, showing that their feelings are valued and respected.

Discussion 2: The 4 Cs of Communication

The 4 Cs of communication are Clear, Concise, Correct, and Complete. These principles ensure effective information exchange and reduce the risk of misunderstandings.

Goals of a Patient Interview

Applying the 4 Cs in Culturally Competent Care as a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP):

  1. Clear: Use simple, jargon-free language and confirm patient understanding through teach-back techniques, especially when cultural or linguistic differences exist.
  2. Concise: Deliver information in a straightforward manner, focusing on essential details to prevent overwhelming the patient.
  3. Correct: Provide accurate information, being mindful of cultural beliefs and preferences to ensure relevance and appropriateness.
  4. Complete: Address all aspects of the patient’s concerns, integrating cultural considerations to ensure holistic care.

By embracing cultural awareness and tailoring communication styles, the FNP can foster trust and deliver equitable, patient-centered care.

Discussion 1: Goals of a Patient Interview

The primary goals of a patient interview include gathering accurate and comprehensive patient information, establishing a rapport, understanding the patient’s perspective, and developing a collaborative care plan. It helps healthcare providers assess the patient’s current health status, identify their concerns, and prioritize their care needs.

Ways to Enhance a Successful Patient Interview Process:,

  1. Active Listening: Give the patient your full attention, ensuring they feel heard and understood.,
  2. Open-Ended Questions: Use prompts like “Can you tell me more about your symptoms?” to encourage detailed responses.,
  3. Non-Verbal Communication: Maintain eye contact use appropriate facial expressions and adopt an open posture to foster trust.,
  4. Empathy and Validation: Acknowledge the patient’s emotions and concerns showing that their feelings are valued and respected.

Discussion 2: The 4 Cs of Communication

The 4 Cs of communication are Clear, Concise, Correct, and Complete. These principles ensure effective information exchange and reduce the risk of misunderstandings.

Applying the 4 Cs in Culturally Competent Care as a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP):

  1. Clear: Use simple, jargon-free language and confirm patient understanding through teach-back techniques, especially when cultural or linguistic differences exist.
  2. Concise: Deliver information in a straightforward manner, focusing on essential details to prevent overwhelming the patient.
  3. Correct: Provide accurate information, being mindful of cultural beliefs and preferences to ensure relevance and appropriateness.
  4. Complete: Address all aspects of the patient’s concerns, integrating cultural considerations to ensure holistic care.

By embracing cultural awareness and tailoring communication styles, the FNP can foster trust and deliver equitable, patient-centered care.

January 11, 2025
January 11, 2025

Topic Outline Reflection

As part of your learning experience, active participation in the reflection is essential. An important part of the final grade will be based on your participation. You will be evaluated on the quality and quantity of your participation in the forum corresponding to the grading rubric. Your post is due by day seven of the week by 11:59 PM Eastern Time.


Topic Outline Reflection

The post should be in your own words and demonstrate critical thinking, analysis, and expected level of knowledge. The post should be in complete sentences and paragraph form. You should not have bullet points as they are not in complete sentences or paragraph form. Copy-pasting may result in a zero.

To fully address the chosen prompt, you will refer to the topical outline of the course syllabus that corresponds with the prompt you select. This will help guide you in demonstrating your understanding of the content while providing a thorough and detailed reflection post. Your post should be more than a few sentences to demonstrate critical thinking. It must include a minimum of one APA 7th edition style in-text citation and full matching references of appropriate reading to support your responses.

If you have questions about this participation requirement, post them to the Course Q&A Discussion forum.

Refer to the syllabus for a complete breakdown of the expectations. Topic Outline Reflection

Grading Criteria

See the weekly discussion rubric for grading criteria.


Select two of the unit student learning outcome (USLO) prompts below to respond to in this week’s reflection.

  1. Define life and the key components necessary for living systems to exist. https://files.galencollege.edu/media/ADN/BIO1100/the-key-components-necessary-for-life/index.html#/lessons/3jHVI1qrd_fsPo_c1zqE5cf_nx0h8Wa_
  2. Identify the relationship between Anatomy and Physiology and their subdivisions. https://files.galencollege.edu/media/ADN/BIO1100/anatomy-physiology-and-their-subdivisions/index.html#/

3. Structure and Function of the Organ Systemshttps://files.galencollege.edu/media/ADN/BIO1100/structure-and-function-of-the-organ-systems/index.html#/

As part of your learning experience active participation in the reflection is essential. ,An important part of the final grade will be based on your participation. You will be evaluated on the quality and quantity of your participation in the forum corresponding to the grading rubric. Your post is due by day seven of the week by 11:59 PM Eastern Time. ,

The post should be in your own words and demonstrate critical thinking, analysis, and expected level of knowledge. ,The post should be in complete sentences and paragraph form. You should not have bullet points as they are not in complete sentences or paragraph form. Copy-pasting may result in a zero. ,

To fully address the chosen prompt you will refer to the topical outline of the course syllabus that corresponds with the prompt you select. This will help guide you in demonstrating your understanding of the content while providing a thorough and detailed reflection post., Your post should be more than a few sentences to demonstrate critical thinking. ,It must include a minimum of one APA 7th edition style in-text citation and full matching references of appropriate reading to support your responses.,

If you have questions about this participation requirement, post them to the Course Q&A Discussion forum.,

Refer to the syllabus for a complete breakdown of the expectations. Topic Outline Reflection

Grading Criteria

See the weekly discussion rubric for grading criteria. Topic Outline Reflection


Select two of the unit student learning outcome (USLO) prompts below to respond to in this week’s reflection.

  1. Define life and the key components necessary for living systems to exist. https://files.galencollege.edu/media/ADN/BIO1100/the-key-components-necessary-for-life/index.html#/lessons/3jHVI1qrd_fsPo_c1zqE5cf_nx0h8Wa_
  2. Identify the relationship between Anatomy and Physiology and their subdivisions. https://files.galencollege.edu/media/ADN/BIO1100/anatomy-physiology-and-their-subdivisions/index.html#/

3. Structure and Function of the Organ Systemshttps://files.galencollege.edu/media/ADN/BIO1100/structure-and-function-of-the-organ-systems/index.html#/

January 11, 2025
January 11, 2025

Healthcare Evidence-Based Practice

The goal of this assignment is to deepen your understanding of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in healthcare informatics. In the discussion, you will explore how informatics tools and data influence the implementation of EBP and examine how healthcare providers can use data to improve patient outcomes.


Healthcare Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence Based Practice in Informatics


  1. Research & Summarize
    • Define Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and explain its importance in healthcare.
    • Identify and briefly describe three key components of EBP in the clinical decision-making process.
    • Summarize how healthcare informatics supports EBP. Provide at least two specific examples (e.g., use of clinical decision support systems, electronic health records, data analytics).
    • references/sources from goggle scholars

The discussion must be at least 300 words and submitted in APA 7th edition format with a minimum of 3 peer reviewed references within the last 5 years.

Module 1 Discussion

The goal of this assignment is to deepen your understanding of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in healthcare informatics. In the discussion, you will explore how informatics tools and data influence the implementation of EBP and examine how healthcare providers can use data to improve patient outcomes.

Evidence Based Practice in Informatics


  1. Research & Summarize
    • Define Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and explain its importance in healthcare.,
    • Identify and briefly describe three key components of EBP in the clinical decision-making process.,
    • Summarize how healthcare informatics supports EBP. Provide at least two specific examples (e.g. use of clinical decision support systems electronic health records data analytics).
    • references/sources from goggle scholars

The discussion must be at least 300 words and submitted in APA 7th edition format with a minimum of 3 peer reviewed references within the last 5 years.

Module 1 Discussion

The goal of this assignment is to deepen your understanding of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in healthcare informatics. In the discussion, you will explore how informatics tools and data influence the implementation of EBP and examine how healthcare providers can use data to improve patient outcomes.

Evidence Based Practice in Informatics


  1. Research & Summarize
    • Define Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and explain its importance in healthcare.
    • Identify and briefly describe three key components of EBP in the clinical decision-making process.
    • Summarize how healthcare informatics supports EBP. Provide at least two specific examples (e.g., use of clinical decision support systems, electronic health records, data analytics).
    • references/sources from goggle scholars

The discussion must be at least 300 words and submitted in APA 7th edition format with a minimum of 3 peer reviewed references within the last 5 years.

January 11, 2025
January 11, 2025

Brainstorming Activity Textual Analysis

Instructions: Read and annotate your chosen essay, and fill out this worksheet as thoroughly as possible. (Be sure to write down page numbers as you take notes and fill out this sheet! It will save you a lot of time later as you’re drafting your essay.) When you’re done, upload your Brainstorming Assignment to the specific location in MyHills.


Brainstorming Activity Textual Analysis

  1. Explain your initial reaction to the essay’s argument or method. (Write at least three or four sentences).,
  2. What is the author’s thesis or main argument? (If you can’t find a specific sentence, you could explain what main argument the author seems to be making.),
  3. List the author’s major supporting points (main points).,
  4. What types of support does the author offer to develop the main point(s)? (Studies interviews statistics news stories personal narratives hypothetical examples comparisons definitions etc.),
  5. What seems to be the author’s purpose (entertain inform raise awareness persuade)?,
  6. What assumptions (if any) does the author seem to make about the audience’s values and/or experiences?,
  7. How would you describe the author’s ethos in this essay? Explain. (Does she appear trustworthy and knowledgeable? Does she seem to have good will? Is she likeable? How does she come across?),
  8. What textual components contribute to the author’s ethos (her credibility/the audience’s view of her)? List specific textual elements contributing to this ethos. Then, explain how each one negatively or positively impacts her ethos and why it would impact her ethos in that way. Be sure to list page numbers so you can easily find these references when you draft your essay. (Often rhetorical methods like tone, point of view, personal examples, and source integration impact ethos.)
  9. How does the author make use of pathos (appeals to the audience’s emotions) in this essay? List specific examples of ways the author uses (or abuses) pathos. Then, explain how each example would impact the audience and why it would impact the audience in that way. (Stories, imagery, connotative language, organization of content, statistics, and even point of view often contribute to pathos.) Brainstorming Activity Textual Analysis
  10. How does the author use logos (appeals to logic)? List examples of logical appeals from the essay. Then, explain how each example might impact the audience and why it would impact them this way. (You will want to look at organization, examples, statistics, definitions, source references, etc.) Brainstorming Activity Textual Analysis
  11. What, if any, logical fallacies do you see in the author’s argument? Using the logical fallacies definitions in Inquiry, list them here and explain how you see them in the text. (Note: If you don’t see any logical fallacies, don’t list any.)
  12. Look at the introduction. What method does the author use in the introduction? What impact does the introduction have? Do you think it is effective?
  13. Looking at the overall essay development, do you see any logic behind the order in which the author presents major points or any pattern behind the use of examples? Explain
  14. Look at the conclusion. What does the author seek to accomplish in the conclusion? What methods does she use? Is the conclusion effective? Explain.
  15. Do you believe the author succeeds in accomplishing her purpose? Is the essay’s argument effective? Explain.
  16. Which of her rhetorical methods do you think most helps or hurts her argument? Explain.


© Kara Wilson and Indian Hills Community College

January 10, 2025
January 10, 2025

Key Elements of Triple Aim

Describe the key elements of the Triple Aim. Explain how this differs from the proposed Quadruple Aim. Discuss 1 of the elements you are incorporating in your professional practice.

Identify 3 leadership styles. Describe the potential perceived impacts of each on health care workers. Consider your personal leadership style. Explain how your leadership style might be perceived by others.

Describe the key elements of the Triple Aim. Explain how this differs from the proposed Quadruple Aim. Discuss 1 of the elements you are incorporating in your professional practice.


Key Elements of Triple Aim

Identify 3 leadership styles. Describe the potential perceived impacts of each on health care workers. Consider your personal leadership style. Explain how your leadership style might be perceived by others.

Identify 3 leadership styles. Describe the potential perceived impacts of each on health care workers. Consider your personal leadership style. Explain how your leadership style might be perceived by others.

Identify 3 leadership styles. Describe the potential perceived impacts of each on health care workers. Consider your personal leadership style. Explain how your leadership style might be perceived by others.

Describe the key elements of the Triple Aim. Explain how this differs from the proposed Quadruple Aim., Discuss 1 of the elements you are incorporating in your professional practice.,

Identify 3 leadership styles. Describe the potential perceived impacts of each on health care workers., Consider your personal leadership style. ,Explain how your leadership style might be perceived by others.

Identify 3 leadership styles. Describe the potential perceived impacts of each on health care workers. Consider your personal leadership style. Explain how your leadership style might be perceived by others.

Identify 3 leadership styles. Describe the potential perceived impacts of each on health care workers. Consider your personal leadership style. Explain how your leadership style might be perceived by others.

Identify 3 leadership styles. Describe the potential perceived impacts of each on health care workers. Consider your personal leadership style. Explain how your leadership style might be perceived by others.

January 9, 2025
January 9, 2025

Change Project Implementation Plan

The purpose of this assignment will be to begin developing an implementation plan for your project.

In 750-1,000-words, include the following in your plan:

Change Project Implementation Plan

In 1-2 sentences, summarize the problem or issue being addressed by your proposed change project.

Based on the assessment of your practicum site and the literature evaluation you completed in Topic 4, propose how you will address the identified problem or issue (this will be the solution). Solutions should include sociocultural and linguistic considerations and affect nursing practice.

Discuss steps for how the nursing practice intervention will be implemented in the capstone project change proposal proposed above. In your discussion include the impact it will have on nursing practice.

Write a list of three to five objectives for your proposed intervention. Remember, objectives serve as the goals of your project.

Change Project Implementation Plan

Based on your objectives develop a list of three to five measurable outcomes for your proposed intervention., Remember outcomes serve as the tangible measurable results of implementing your project and should align with your objectives.,

Provide a rationale for how your proposed project objectives and outcomes demonstrate respect for autonomy (self-determination) for individuals and diverse populations.,

You are required to cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment., Sources must be published within the past 5 years appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.,

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Change Project Implementation Plan

Based on your objectives, develop a list of three to five measurable outcomes for your proposed intervention. Remember, outcomes serve as the tangible, measurable results of implementing your project and should align with your objectives.

Provide a rationale for how your proposed project, objectives, and outcomes demonstrate respect for autonomy (self-determination) for individuals and diverse populations.

You are required to cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the past 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion

January 9, 2025
January 9, 2025

Corporate Taxation Essentials Guide

What taxes do businesses need to pay during the year?

What is the current corporate income tax rate?

Corporate Taxation Essentials Guide

How is corporate income tax calculated based on profit?

What expenses can businesses deduct when calculating taxes?

When is the deadline for paying corporate income tax?

What are the regulations on extending the tax payment deadline?

slope game

What taxes do businesses need to pay during the year? Corporate Taxation Essentials Guide

What is the current corporate income tax rate?

How is corporate income tax calculated based on profit?

What expenses can businesses deduct when calculating taxes?

When is the deadline for paying corporate income tax?

What are the regulations on extending the tax payment deadline? Corporate Taxation Essentials Guide

slope game

What taxes do businesses need to pay during the year?

What is the current corporate income tax rate?

How is corporate income tax calculated based on profit?

What expenses can businesses deduct when calculating taxes? Corporate Taxation Essentials Guide

When is the deadline for paying corporate income tax?

What are the regulations on extending the tax payment deadline?

slope game

What taxes do businesses need to pay during the year?,

What is the current corporate income tax rate?,

How is corporate income tax calculated based on profit?,

What expenses can businesses deduct when calculating taxes?,

When is the deadline for paying corporate income tax?,

What are the regulations on extending the tax payment deadline?,

slope game

What taxes do businesses need to pay during the year?

What is the current corporate income tax rate?

How is corporate income tax calculated based on profit?

What expenses can businesses deduct when calculating taxes?

When is the deadline for paying corporate income tax?

What are the regulations on extending the tax payment deadline?

slope game

What taxes do businesses need to pay during the year?

What is the current corporate income tax rate?

How is corporate income tax calculated based on profit?

What expenses can businesses deduct when calculating taxes?

When is the deadline for paying corporate income tax?

What are the regulations on extending the tax payment deadline?

slope game

January 9, 2025
January 9, 2025

Mitigating School Safety Challenges

Prepare a brief paper synthesizing federal, state, and local legislation and/or

regulations regarding the school safety related points (Unsafe School Option) in No Child Left


Mitigating School Safety Challenges

Summarize the review by offering an opinion about “why” our nation moved in the

direction required by No Child Left Behind and how “persistently dangerous schools” can be


The paper should reflect that you:

Reviewed three websites related to “No Child Left Behind” and provide a brief paragraph

description of each web site and school safety related points in the federal regulation.,

Identified two primary state statutes that relate to school safety issues and persistently

dangerous schools as indicated in No Child Left Behind Act., Refer to your home state

for this part of the activity.

Reviewed local school board rules regarding safety and security that may have been inspired by

issues as indicated in No Child Left Behind.Refer to your home school district for this part of the

activity., give 4 word topic

Prepare a brief paper synthesizing federal state and local legislation and/or

regulations regarding the school safety related points (Unsafe School Option) in No Child Left

Behind., Summarize the review by offering an opinion about “why” our nation moved in the

direction required by No Child Left Behind and how “persistently dangerous schools” can be


The paper should reflect that you:

Reviewed three websites related to “No Child Left Behind” and provide a brief paragraph

description of each web site and school safety related points in the federal regulation.

Identified two primary state statutes that relate to school safety issues and persistently

dangerous schools as indicated in No Child Left Behind Act.Refer to your home state

for this part of the activity.

Reviewed local school board rules regarding safety and security that may have been inspired by

issues as indicated in No Child Left Behind.Refer to your home school district for this part of the

activity. give 4 word topic

January 9, 2025
January 9, 2025

Driving Innovation Amid Change

In response to two Cindy and Matthew posts, address the following about their examples of innovation and creativity:

  • How will they incorporate their innovative ideas into an environment of constant change?
  • How does constant change affect an organization’s ability to innovate?

Driving Innovation Amid Change


In this course, I hope to gain skills that will help me inspire and manage innovation in my career. I think being able to encourage new ideas and improvements in my workplace can make a big difference. It could help our team work better and improve patient care, which is important in healthcare.

I have had some experience with developing creative ideas. I helped my team come up with a new way to organize patient information in our EMR system. We created a way that made it easier to find and update records. It worked out well because it saved us time and reduced mistakes. From that experience, I learned that teamwork and communication are key to making ideas successful.

I also see innovation and creativity in other organizations. Such as, some hospitals started using telemedicine to help patients who are unable to come in for appointments. This is a great way to reach more people and provide care. Another example is how some clinics are using mobile apps to remind patients about their appointments and medications. These ideas show how being creative can improve healthcare services and make things easier for everyone involved. Driving Innovation Amid Change


Professionally, I have served in the U.S. Air Force for the past 18 years as a Tactical Air Control Party member. My career demands a wide breadth of skills both within an administrative setting and isolated within austere environments. As such, I have learned to adapt and “find a way” to solve evolving problems, innovation in its base level. My goal for this course is to take the skills I have acquired over the years and back that with the formal knowledge and processes to advance my critical thinking and spark creative growth.

Regarding past innovations, I have spent the past two years managing an Air Force manning initiative to combine multiple skill disciplines into dedicated asset teams. It has been a learning curve of trial and error, limited guidance, and only a defined end state. What it has taught me, is that innovation does not occur over night and lynchpin ideas are born out of necessity. I’m excited to work with all of you and see how my limited knowledge of innovative strategy can apply to the corporate world.  Driving Innovation Amid Change



Senior management has decided to explore IoT for the company’s trucks and cars. Your task is to create an internal memo explaining that the company should integrate IoT into its product line using the RWW (real, win, worth it) screening tool and the information from the CTO BriefComparative Growth DataComparative Operating Statistics, and Comparative Product Plans documents uploaded below. Consider the following:

  1. Discuss the feasibility of the product line (refer to RWW screening tool question number one: Is it real?).,
    • Is there a need or desire for the product?,
    • Is the size of the potential market adequate?,
    • Can the product actually be made?,
    • Will the final product satisfy the market?,
  2. Discuss the ability of the company to win market share (refer to RWW screening tool question number two: Can we win?).,
    • Will your company’s products have a competitive advantage?
    • How will your competitors respond?
    • Can your company understand the market properly?
  3. Discuss the potential benefits to the company of producing this product (refer to RWW screening tool question number three: Is it worth doing?).
    • Will the product be profitable at an acceptable risk?
    • Does launching the product make strategic sense?
    • Does the product fit your company’s overall growth strategy?
    • Will your company’s senior management support this project?
  4. Based on the answers to the questions above, explain the reasons why IoT and connected cars are strategically important to the company.
    • Consider the evolving customer needs and desires; how would they impact the company’s product plan?
    • What do you think competitors will do (if anything) in response to changes in your company’s development plan?
    • Do you think that accelerating development of connected cars will help grow the company?

What to Submit

This memo should be a Word document of 1–2 pages in length using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins