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January 18, 2025
January 18, 2025

Cybersecurity Theories

Work on your project milestone 3 and report your evidence to support that the milestone was completed.

Submit a 2-page status report that includes recommendations for stakeholders pertaining to cybersecurity theories and frameworks for managing risks, threats, or vulnerabilities. Also, describe the tasks completed in this milestone in an updated work breakdown structure (WBS), in Excel, Word, or Project, showing the actual time it took to complete each task. Finally, describe lessons learned while implementing this milestone. In addition, demonstrate that the milestone is fully completed by showing sufficient evidence. Depending on the project, the evidence can take the form of research findings, diagrams, designs, screenshots, databases, queries, source code, configurations, videos, policies, etc. Your evidence should result in at least 5 pages. This is in addition to your 2-page status report. If your evidence is in the form of videos, the videos should be at least 8–10 minutes long. This is only for your evidence.


Cybersecurity Theories

Milestone 3:

Milestone 3: Implementation and Testing

The third and final milestone is the implementation of Zero Trust as a security model and conducting tests to assess its efficiency., The steps will involve deploying and setting up some of the chosen tools and technology within existing systems. ,The system’s security will also be assessed using the process referred to as penetration testing. ,Furthermore there will be a User Acceptance Testing to capture feedback and fix some problems with the product’s usability., This milestone emphasizes iterative testing and improvement that confirms that the deployed system is operational and technically functional.,

Work on your project milestone 3 and report your evidence to support that the milestone was completed., Cybersecurity Theories

Submit a 2-page status report that includes recommendations for stakeholders pertaining to cybersecurity theories and frameworks for managing risks threats or vulnerabilities. ,Also, describe the tasks completed in this milestone in an updated work breakdown structure (WBS), in Excel, Word, or Project, showing the actual time it took to complete each task. Finally, describe lessons learned while implementing this milestone. In addition, demonstrate that the milestone is fully completed by showing sufficient evidence. Depending on the project, the evidence can take the form of research findings, diagrams, designs, screenshots, databases, queries, source code, configurations, videos, policies, etc. Your evidence should result in at least 5 pages. This is in addition to your 2-page status report. If your evidence is in the form of videos, the videos should be at least 8–10 minutes long. This is only for your evidence.

Milestone 3:

Milestone 3: Implementation and Testing

The third and final milestone is the implementation of Zero Trust as a security model and conducting tests to assess its efficiency. The steps will involve deploying and setting up some of the chosen tools and technology within existing systems. The system’s security will also be assessed using the process referred to as penetration testing. Furthermore, there will be a User Acceptance Testing to capture feedback and fix some problems with the product’s usability. This milestone emphasizes iterative testing and improvement that confirms that the deployed system is operational and technically functional.

January 18, 2025
January 18, 2025

Working with Binary and Octal Numbering

Objective: Apply your skills in binary and octal numbering to configuring *nix directory and file permissions.

Description: As a security professional, you need to understand different numbering systems. For example, if you work with routers, you might have to create access control lists (ACLs) that filter inbound and outbound network traffic, and most ACLs require understanding binary numbering. Similarly, if you’re hardening a Linux system, your understanding of binary helps you create the correct umask and permissions. Unix uses base-8 (octal) numbering for creating directory and file permissions.


Binary and Octal Numbering

Write the octal equivalents for the following binary numbers: 100, 111, 101, 011, and 010. Binary and Octal Numbering

Write how to express *nix owner permissions of r-x in binary. (Remember that the – symbol means the permission isn’t granted.), What’s the octal representation of the binary number you calculated?, (The range of numbers expressed in octal is 0 to 7. Because *nix has three sets of permissions three sets of 3 binary bits logically represent all possible permissions.),

In binary and octal numbering how do you express granting read write and execute permissions to the owner of a file and no permissions to anyone else? Binary and Octal Numbering,

In binary and octal numbering, how do you express granting read, write, and execute permissions to the owner of a file; read and write permissions to group; and read permission to other?

In Unix a file can be created by using a umask which enables you to modify the default permissions for a file or directory. For example, a directory has the default permission of octal 777. ,If a Unix administrator creates a directory with a umask of octal 020, what effect does this setting have on the directory? Hint: To calculate the solution, you can subtract the octal umask value from the octal default permissions.

The default permission for a file on a Unix system is octal 666. If a file is created with a umask of octal 022, what are the effective permissions? Calculate your results.

January 18, 2025
January 18, 2025

Assignment Business Management

Select an organization on which to base the following assignment:

Use the business press or business section of any news source (i.e. Al Jazeera, Fortune, The Economist, The Guardian, BusinessWeek, etc.) and find at least two articles related to one of the following: Downsizing, implementation of new technology, or a merger or acquisition.


Assignment Business Management

In a 2 to 4 pages, APA-formatted paper:

  • Summarize each story (no more than five sentences). ,
  • Where is the organization now in their change proposal?
  • Where does the organization want to be? ,
  • How ready do you think this company is to begin the change management process?,
    • What is it about the story that clues you into this?
  • Does the story detail how they will manage the change?,
    • If not how would you propose they manage that journey?
  • Does the story detail how they plan to institutionalize the change?,
    • If not how would you propose they do this?
  • Does the story detail how they will avoid mistakes?,
    • If not, how would you propose they do so?

Assignment: Select an organization on which to base the following assignment:

Use the business press or business section of any news source (i.e. Al Jazeera, Fortune, The Economist, The Guardian, BusinessWeek, etc.) and find at least two articles related to one of the following: Downsizing, implementation of new technology, or a merger or acquisition.

In a 2 to 4 pages, APA-formatted paper:

  • Summarize each story (no more than five sentences).
  • Where is the organization now in their change proposal?
  • Where does the organization want to be?
  • How ready do you think this company is to begin the change management process?
    • What is it about the story that clues you into this?
  • Does the story detail how they will manage the change?
    • If not, how would you propose they manage that journey?
  • Does the story detail how they plan to institutionalize the change?
    • If not, how would you propose they do this?
  • Does the story detail how they will avoid mistakes?
    • If not, how would you propose they do so?


January 18, 2025
January 18, 2025


Managing and optimizing brand equity is one of the long-term goals of any organization and thus it is a joint responsibility of all the functional departments. Brand equity is the set of assets linked to the brand. These assets include brand awareness, brand loyalty, and brand associations. Appropriate alignment of key departments with marketing is a key element in the brand management and optimization process.

Optimizing Brand Equity


As the regional marketing director leading a phased marketing strategy to reopen parks after a safety incident, you must ensure key functional departments in the organization coordinate for a smooth reopening of the parks. There is a need for clear, concise, and frequent communication for helping departments understand their responsibilities and their interdependencies with other departments. As a part of your initial analysis about the brand implications, create a presentation to help the departmental heads understand the alignment needs and the roles and responsibilities of the cross-functional departments.


In this assignment, you will identify the responsibilities of three functional departments of the organization in the course scenario: sales, operations, and marketing. You will also share the need for alignment between these functional departments to ensure the smooth reopening of the park and to improve brand equity. Optimizing Brand Equity

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Describe the need for an alignment among the sales operations and marketing departments to ensure the successful reopening of the park. Consider the following key elements (1–2 slides):,
    • Interdepartmental communication
    • Knowledge and feedback sharing,
  2. Identify and describe the role of these cross-functional departments and how they can contribute to improve brand equity., Consider following points for your description (3–5 slides):,
    • Sales
      • If the sales department’s primary role is to create individual and group sales for the company, what strategy can they undertake to grow sales considering the current situation?, Ground your response in research and rich detail using citations and resources.,
    • Operations
      • If the operations department’s primary role is the safety of the guests and employees what strategy can they undertake to ensure a safe and fun experience for both guests and employees?, Ground your response in research and rich detail using citations and resources.,
    • Marketing
      • If the marketing department’s primary role is to attract, retain, and grow revenues from the park’s target audience what strategy can they undertake considering the current situation?, Ground your response in research and rich detail using citations and resources. Optimizing Brand Equity,

What to Submit

Submit a PowerPoint presentation that is 5 to 7 slides in length with APA citations and detailed speakers notes.

January 18, 2025
January 18, 2025

Acquiring Aviation Firms


You are a former Navy officer and fighter pilot who is now the controller of a division of TransGlobal Airlines, which utilizes a fleet of corporate jets for charter at several airports in the southeast part of the United States. Your division’s private charter clients include several Fortune 500 companies in the region. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has informed you that the company is considering the acquisition of two smaller aviation firms in the Caribbean specializing in chartered flights for luxury vacations using light aircraft (60 passengers or less). The CFO has tasked you with assessing the organizational benefits of acquiring these aviation firms.


Acquiring Aviation Firms

Before evaluating these aviation firms, you want to evaluate the performance of TransGlobal Airlines.


Write a memo to the rest of the leadership team at TransGlobal Airlines, identifying strategic goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) to help evaluate the company’s performance. Use the information provided to you in the TransGLobal Airlines Company Information document to complete your memo.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Acquiring Aviation Firms

  1. SMART Goals: Write at least two strategic goal using SMART criteria for each of the four components in a balanced scorecard. Explain your rationale for choosing each goal.
    1. Financial
    2. Internal process
    3. Customer
    4. Learning and development
  2. KPIs: Identify at least two KPI corresponding to each strategic goal.
    1. Explain how you determined the KPIs.

What to Submit

Submit a 1- to 2-page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include sources cited according to APA7 style.


You are a former Navy officer and fighter pilot who is now the controller of a division of TransGlobal Airlines, which utilizes a fleet of corporate jets for charter at several airports in the southeast part of the United States. Your division’s private charter clients include several Fortune 500 companies in the region. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has informed you that the company is considering the acquisition of two smaller aviation firms in the Caribbean specializing in chartered flights for luxury vacations using light aircraft (60 passengers or less). The CFO has tasked you with assessing the organizational benefits of acquiring these aviation firms.

Before evaluating these aviation firms, you want to evaluate the performance of TransGlobal Airlines.

Acquiring Aviation Firms


Write a memo to the rest of the leadership team at TransGlobal Airlines identifying strategic goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) to help evaluate the company’s performance. ,Use the information provided to you in the TransGLobal Airlines Company Information document to complete your memo.,

Specifically you must address the following rubric criteria:,

  1. SMART Goals: Write at least two strategic goal using SMART criteria for each of the four components in a balanced scorecard., Explain your rationale for choosing each goal.
    1. Financial
    2. Internal process
    3. Customer
    4. Learning and development,
  2. KPIs: Identify at least two KPI corresponding to each strategic goal.,
    1. Explain how you determined the KPIs.,

What to Submit

Submit a 1- to 2-page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include sources cited according to APA7 style.

January 18, 2025
January 18, 2025

NSG 498: Senior Leadership Practicum

Wk 2 Summative Assessment: Clinical Judgement Define the Problem Presentation

Top of Form

Bottom of Form


Senior Leadership Practicum

Exam Content

You have been talking with your team and interacting with patients. You see some patterns that you would like to change to improve quality. Your team is motivated to help.

This week you will identify the focus of your project and anticipate the ethical, legal, and regulatory concerns that may arise in your career as a nursing leader.

For this summative assessment, create a presentation that communicates the focus and scope of your project. You may select from multiple venues to explain the details of your plan. You will demonstrate problem-solving skills as you organize the details of your plan.

Review Appendix B – Question Development Tool from Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Model and Guidelines.

Begin your plan with the following: Senior Leadership Practicum,

    • Define the problem.,
    • Identify the problem to be addressed and the setting in which it occurs.,
    • Outline your proposal to address the problem.,
    • Identify and discuss ethical, legal, and regulatory concerns relating to the problem.,
    • Explain why you chose the problem.,

Support your plan by gathering as much information about your selected problem as possible., Consider both qualitative and quantitative data. For example:,

    • Leader and peer interviews
    • Patient/customer surveys
    • Quality improvement (QI) reports from the facility
    • Benchmarking studies/baseline data.
    • If baseline data is available:
  • What are the goals?
  • Are current practices meeting the organizational goals?
  • Are the prescribed practices followed

Format your assignment in 1,600-word paper

**Include 3 references that are from past 5 years – APA 7th edition

NSG 498: Senior Leadership Practicum

Wk 2 Summative Assessment: Clinical Judgement Define the Problem Presentation

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Exam Content

You have been talking with your team and interacting with patients. You see some patterns that you would like to change to improve quality. Your team is motivated to help.

This week you will identify the focus of your project and anticipate the ethical, legal, and regulatory concerns that may arise in your career as a nursing leader.

For this summative assessment, create a presentation that communicates the focus and scope of your project. You may select from multiple venues to explain the details of your plan. You will demonstrate problem-solving skills as you organize the details of your plan.

Review Appendix B – Question Development Tool from Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice: Model and Guidelines.

Begin your plan with the following:

    • Define the problem.
    • Identify the problem to be addressed and the setting in which it occurs.
    • Outline your proposal to address the problem.
    • Identify and discuss ethical, legal, and regulatory concerns relating to the problem.
    • Explain why you chose the problem.

Support your plan by gathering as much information about your selected problem as possible. Consider both qualitative and quantitative data. For example:

    • Leader and peer interviews
    • Patient/customer surveys
    • Quality improvement (QI) reports from the facility
    • Benchmarking studies/baseline data.
    • If baseline data is available:
  • What are the goals?
  • Are current practices meeting the organizational goals?
  • Are the prescribed practices followed?

Format your assignment in 1,600-word paper

**Include 3 references that are from past 5 years – APA 7th edition



January 18, 2025
January 18, 2025

Small Business Management

Assume you are managing a small business that is experiencing a very rapid increase in sales. Unfortunately, this increase in sales has been accompanied by an increase in customer complaints that your company is letting “things slip between the cracks.” You recognize that the old way of interacting with customers is no longer sufficient. You have a sales force of ten, and you would like to supply each with access to a basic CRM package. Go online and identify several CRM packages that might be appropriate for your business. Specify each package’s capabilities and cost. How would you go about selecting one of these packages? Write a report outlining the information you collected and the logic of your selection.


Small Business Management

No Ai-generated

References: This should be 3-4 pages with three references minimum. APA style

Assume you are managing a small business that is experiencing a very rapid increase in sales. Unfortunately, this increase in sales has been accompanied by an increase in customer complaints that your company is letting “things slip between the cracks.” You recognize that the old way of interacting with customers is no longer sufficient. You have a sales force of ten, and you would like to supply each with access to a basic CRM package. Go online and identify several CRM packages that might be appropriate for your business. Specify each package’s capabilities and cost. How would you go about selecting one of these packages? Write a report outlining the information you collected and the logic of your selection. Small Business Management

No Ai-generated

References: This should be 3-4 pages with three references minimum. APA style

Assume you are managing a small business that is experiencing a very rapid increase in sales. ,Unfortunately this increase in sales has been accompanied by an increase in customer complaints that your company is letting “things slip between the cracks.”, You recognize that the old way of interacting with customers is no longer sufficient., You have a sales force of ten and you would like to supply each with access to a basic CRM package., Go online and identify several CRM packages that might be appropriate for your business. ,Specify each package’s capabilities and cost., How would you go about selecting one of these packages?, Write a report outlining the information you collected and the logic of your selection. Small Business Management,

No Ai-generated

References: This should be 3-4 pages with three references minimum. APA style

January 18, 2025
January 18, 2025

The Power of Outrospection

Please refer to this week’s learning materials. They are intended to help you engage effectively in this discussion.

Due Thursday

Watch “RSA ANIMATE: The Power of Outrospection” on the RSA YouTube™ video community channel. A transcript is available.


The Power of Outrospection

Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:

  • Consider the differences between affective empathy and cognitive empathy. How will understanding the differences affect your perspectives as a researcher, in your professional field, and as a leader? Share any additional insights you gained from the video.

Discussion 2

The final assignment for this course is submitting your prospectus to Tk20 for the deliverable for phase I of the dissertation journey., In LDR/711A: Leadership Theory and Practice you had an opportunity to explore topics for your dissertation and in RES/709: Research Conceptualization and Design you expounded on your idea and formulated a research plan.,

Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:

  • What is your dissertation topic, and how is that topic in alignment with your program of study?,
  • Which personal biases have you identified in formulating your research plan?,
    • Consider the differences between affective empathy and cognitive empathy. How will understanding the differences affect your perspectives as a researcher in your professional field and as a leader? Share any additional insights you gained from the video. How have you mitigated those biases?,Please refer to this week’s learning materials. They are intended to help you engage effectively in this discussion.Due Thursday

      Watch “RSA ANIMATE: The Power of Outrospection” on the RSA YouTube™ video community channel. A transcript is available.

      Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:

    Discussion 2

    The final assignment for this course is submitting your prospectus to Tk20 for the deliverable for phase I of the dissertation journey. In LDR/711A: Leadership Theory and Practice you had an opportunity to explore topics for your dissertation, and in RES/709: Research Conceptualization and Design you expounded on your idea and formulated a research plan.

    Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:

    • What is your dissertation topic, and how is that topic in alignment with your program of study?
    • Which personal biases have you identified in formulating your research plan?
    • How have you mitigated those biases?
January 18, 2025
January 18, 2025

Discussion Prompt “Lifestyle Changes for Disease Prevention and Management”

Completion requirements

Discussion Prompt: Lifestyle Changes for Disease Prevention and Management

Overview: Lifestyle modifications play a crucial role in preventing and managing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. For this discussion, you will explore how lifestyle changes—such as nutrition, physical activity, stress management, and avoiding harmful behaviors—can prevent or modify disease processes and promote restoration of health. (CSLO #4)

Disease Prevention and Management



  1. Choose a Disease Process: Select a specific disease process (e.g., hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
  2. Discuss Lifestyle Changes: Describe at least two lifestyle changes that can prevent, modify, or restore health in relation to your selected disease. Use evidence-based practice (EBP) to support your discussion.

o Include specific examples of dietary changes, physical activity, smoking cessation, or stress management techniques.

  1. Explain the Impact: Discuss how these lifestyle changes influence the disease process. Explain the physiological or behavioral changes that occur as a result.
  2. Relate to Nursing Practice: Identify the nurse’s role in educating and promoting these lifestyle modifications. How can nurses empower patients to adopt and sustain these changes?
  3. Support with Evidence: Integrate at least two peer-reviewed scholarly sources published within the last five years. Use APA format for in-text citations and your reference list.

APA style.

Discussion Prompt “Lifestyle Changes for Disease Prevention and Management”

Completion requirements

Discussion Prompt: Lifestyle Changes for Disease Prevention and Management

Overview: Lifestyle modifications play a crucial role in preventing and managing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. For this discussion, you will explore how lifestyle changes—such as nutrition, physical activity, stress management, and avoiding harmful behaviors—can prevent or modify disease processes and promote restoration of health. (CSLO #4)


  1. Choose a Disease Process: Select a specific disease process (e.g., hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
  2. Discuss Lifestyle Changes: Describe at least two lifestyle changes that can prevent modify or restore health in relation to your selected disease. Use evidence-based practice (EBP) to support your discussion.,

o Include specific examples of dietary changes physical activity smoking cessation or stress management techniques.,

  1. Explain the Impact: Discuss how these lifestyle changes influence the disease process., Explain the physiological or behavioral changes that occur as a result.,
  2. Relate to Nursing Practice: Identify the nurse’s role in educating and promoting these lifestyle modifications., How can nurses empower patients to adopt and sustain these changes?,
  3. Support with Evidence: Integrate at least two peer-reviewed scholarly sources published within the last five years., Use APA format for in-text citations and your reference list?,


APA style.

January 18, 2025
January 18, 2025

Aortic Stenosis Case Study

Question: Does my patient have significant aortic stenosis?

A 72 year-old woman with a history of CHF presents with several weeks of gradually progressive dyspnea on exertion (DOE). At her baseline, she is able to walk several blocks, but now feels winded. She denies chest pain, palpitations, syncope/near syncope, cough, orthopnea, or PND.


Aortic Stenosis Case Study

She states she is compliant with her medications and diet. She has had a recent functional study that showed minimal ischemia.

Meds aspirin
digoxin 0.125 qd
lisinopril 20 mg qd
furosemide 20 mg qd
KCl 10 mEq qd
PE HR 90, regular
PB 134/70
Labs chem 7:
Na 132
K 5
Cl 94
HCO3 30
BUN 18
Cr 1.3
CBC: notable for Hgb 14 g/dL (Hct 43%)
CV RRR, normal S1 and S2
No S3 but has S4
2/6 mid-peaking systolic murmur at the LUSB that radiates to the carotids.PMI is mildly enlarged and sustained
Neck Carotid pulse is brisk.
JVP flat
Positive abdominojugular reflux
CXR Xray shows cardiomegaly and mild vascular redistribution
ECG Unchanged with an incomplete LBBB pattern

Clinical Diagnosis

Worsening of her congestive heart failure (positive AJR, enlarged and sustained PMI, cardiomegaly, and vascular redistribution).

Clinical Questions

Is this patient’s worsening CHF due to significant aortic stenosis?,

Question: Does my patient have significant aortic stenosis?,

A 72 year-old woman with a history of CHF presents with several weeks of gradually progressive dyspnea on exertion (DOE)., At her baseline she is able to walk several blocks but now feels winded., She denies chest pain palpitations syncope/near syncope cough orthopnea or PND., She states she is compliant with her medications and diet. She has had a recent functional study that showed minimal ischemia. Aortic Stenosis Case Study

Meds aspirin
digoxin 0.125 qd
lisinopril 20 mg qd
furosemide 20 mg qd
KCl 10 mEq qd
PE HR 90, regular
PB 134/70
Labs chem 7:
Na 132
K 5
Cl 94
HCO3 30
BUN 18
Cr 1.3
CBC: notable for Hgb 14 g/dL (Hct 43%)
CV RRR, normal S1 and S2
No S3 but has S4
2/6 mid-peaking systolic murmur at the LUSB that radiates to the carotids.PMI is mildly enlarged and sustained
Neck Carotid pulse is brisk.
JVP flat
Positive abdominojugular reflux
CXR Xray shows cardiomegaly and mild vascular redistribution
ECG Unchanged with an incomplete LBBB pattern

Clinical Diagnosis

Worsening of her congestive heart failure (positive AJR, enlarged and sustained PMI, cardiomegaly, and vascular redistribution).

Clinical Questions

Is this patient’s worsening CHF due to significant aortic stenosis?