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January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Video Review Extra Credit

  • You can earn 10 points extra credit by watching one of these and writing a 350 – 500 word paper summarizing the main ideas and how each video relates to what we are learning in class. (3 papers max).

Video Review Extra Credit

  • Here are some things to address: What topics, themes, and/or artists were covered? What did you learn? Would you recommend it to other students? Did it help you understand the material we are covering? How? I may ask you questions about the video in response to your paper, so make sure you watch it and take notes! I do not want a summary video.

Before you start your paper, read this article: “How to Write Great Reviews: Writing a Good Review Takes More Than Just an Opinion.”Links to an external site.

  • You can earn 10 points extra credit by watching one of these and writing a 350 – 500 word paper summarizing the main ideas and how each video relates to what we are learning in class. (3 papers max).,
  • Here are some things to address: What topics themes and/or artists were covered?, What did you learn?, Would you recommend it to other students?, Did it help you understand the material we are covering? How?, I may ask you questions about the video in response to your paper so make sure you watch it and take notes?, I do not want a summary video.

Before you start your paper, read this article: “How to Write Great Reviews: Writing a Good Review Takes More Than Just an Opinion.”Links to an external site.

  • You can earn 10 points extra credit by watching one of these and writing a 350 – 500 word paper summarizing the main ideas and how each video relates to what we are learning in class. (3 papers max). Video Review Extra Credit
  • Here are some things to address: What topics, themes, and/or artists were covered? What did you learn? Would you recommend it to other students? Did it help you understand the material we are covering? How? I may ask you questions about the video in response to your paper, so make sure you watch it and take notes! I do not want a summary video. Video Review Extra Credit

Before you start your paper, read this article: “How to Write Great Reviews: Writing a Good Review Takes More Than Just an Opinion.”Links to an external site.

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Parthenon Marbles Debate Analysis

  1. Read the information on the Parthenon Marbles at the websites below.
  2. Write a 300-word paper discussing the Parthenon Marbles using the questions below. You should do your own research in addition to the websites I have listed below.

Parthenon Marbles Debate Analysis

Please include the following in your paper: Parthenon Marbles Debate Analysis

      • What are they?
      • Who took them and why?
      • What condition were the marbles in when taken?,
        What would have happened to the marbles if they hadn’t been taken?,
      • How are they housed and displayed now?,
      • How would they be housed if returned? Would they be on display?,
      • Without being emotional, take a side. If the intentions of removing artifacts from their places of origin are for conservation and education, should such artifacts be returned when situations improve in the places of origin?
      • Some things to consider when discussing the issue of returning artwork or cultural artifacts back to their rightful owners:
        • For example, should museums give back to descendants of victims of the Holocaust art stolen from them?, What if the art is now owned by private collectors? Should it still be returned?,
        • What about the mummies on display in the British Museum? Should they be returned?,
        • What if all museums were asked to give back things that they had acquired (bought or stolen) over time?,
        • Would they be able to do it? What would be the ramifications of this?,
        • Come up with some other examples of the dilemmas involved in returning art and artifacts to rightful owners.
      • How do politics, history, and technology factor into ownership of works of art?

Make sure to cite your sources.

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Supply and Demand

The COVID-19 pandemic and its ongoing aftermath, combined with global production and transportation challenges, have caused significant disruptions in supply chains. These disruptions have led to shortages of many everyday items.

Supply and Demand

For this discussion, choose an item that you personally experienced a shortage of in your life (e.g., a product you regularly buy, a good essential to your work, or an item you actively searched for during a shortage).


Create a thread to answer all the discussion questions below.

  1. Personal Connection: Why did you choose this specific item?, Share a personal anecdote that highlights why this shortage was significant to you or how it impacted your daily life.,
  2. Factors Behind the Shortage: Investigate the specific factors contributing to the shortage of your chosen item., Use evidence or personal observations related to local stores suppliers or industries that affected availability., Reflect on how these factors may have varied depending on your location or community.,
  3. Supply and Demand Impact: How did you notice the shortage impacting the availability or popularity of the item? Did you observe people behaving differently in response to the shortage? Describe specific instances where you or others had to adjust their purchasing habits.
  4. Price Changes: Share your own experience or observations about how the price of this item was affected. Did you notice price increases, fluctuations, or efforts to ration the item? Explain how you personally responded to these changes.
  5. Economic Analysis: Using concepts from Chapter 3 (such as supply curve, demand curve, equilibrium price, or market forces), analyze the shortage and its effects. Be sure to ground your analysis in your own experiences and observations.

Note: To maintain the focus on personal insights, avoid using generic examples or items you haven’t personally encountered.


After posting your response, engage with at least two peers by sharing how your personal experience with shortages or price changes compares to theirs. Highlight the role of location, timing, or other unique factors in shaping your experiences.

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Individual Discussion Board Module

Please read instructions and see if this is a good fit prior to bidding. Need this by February 1st 2025 No AI please, there is an AI filter used by professor.

Individual Discussion Board Module

For this individual discussion board assignment, each student will be responsible for writing a written summary of an HR-related business article about one of the topics discussed in Chapters 5 (Diversity & Inclusion), Chapters 6 (Planning for People), Chapter 7 (Recruiting) or Chapter 8 (Staffing).   At least one of the articles should have been published in within the last 2 years in one of the following outlets or in another rigorous journal:

Each of these outlets allows for several articles to be viewed for free each month and the UTTyler library has full access to both Harvard Business Review and the Wall Street Journal.,   Remember to use your library/librarian resources.,  This SHORT YOUTUBE VIDEOLinks to an external site. can help you find relevant journal and articles.

Your summary should address each of the following prompts:

  1. What was the purpose of the article?,
  2. How does the article relate to at least three topics covered in our labs or textbook?,
  3. What are three practical/applied implications of this article for managers or the organization?, 

Include a DIRECT LINK to the article (meaning that I do not have to make any additional clicks to access your article after clicking the link)., You can do this by copying and pasting the link to your article to the bottom of your assignment.,

The assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria: clarity and completeness of responses to the prompts outlined above, spelling/grammar/punctuation, adherence to style guidelines outlined above, and professionalism and integrity of responses.

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Comparative Economic Development

Why do economies develop differently? Economics, politics, and culture can all play a role. For this assessment, you’ll create a presentation to compare the development of 2 different countries or economies since 1992.

Comparative Economic Development

Step 1: Select 2 Economies

Review the pairs of economies listed below. Except for NAFTA/EU, each pair has 1 highly successful country and 1 less successful country.

  • NAFTA vs. European Union (the world’s two largest economic entities)
  • China vs. India (the world’s two most populous countries)
  • South Korea vs. North Korea (two polar economic opposites, one people)
  • Venezuela vs. Saudi Arabia (the world’s two largest sources of oil reserves)
  • Nigeria vs. Democratic Republic of the Congo (functioning government and civil order vs. struggling government and violent clashes among factions; note: the Republic of the Congo is not the same country as the Democratic Republic of the Congo)

Research the economies of your chosen pair.

Compare similarities and differences between the economies.

Step 2: Create a Presentation

Create a 12- to 16-slide presentation about the two economies. Explain how their economic, political, and cultural development since 1992 has influenced their economic growth and trade competitiveness.

Include tables and graphs in your presentation. Use these visual elements to support your analysis of the following economic statistics/indicators for your 2 chosen economies. Show data from 2009 through the most recent year available (the trough of the last economic cycle). Whenever possible, plot the metric for both economies on the same chart.

  • GDP per capita growth over time
  • Inflation rate over time
  • Unemployment rate over time
  • Exports as a percentage of GDP over time
  • National government debt as a percentage of GDP

Evaluate the reasons why the economic growth of the 2 economies/countries differed., Discuss how international trade influenced the strength of each economy., Discuss the role of value chains and value-added production.,

Analyze how the failure to use value-added trade measures distorts trade statistics.,

Examine at least 2 industries that have given each economy a comparative advantage in world trade.,

Include detailed speaker’s notes in your presentation.

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Health Promotion and Maintenance

NUR4590LLCBE Section 01CBE Professional Identity of the Nurse Leader Clinical (11 Weeks) – CBE Online Course – 2025 Winter Quarter

Health Promotion and Maintenance

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Bottom of Form

Assignment Content

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Question <bdi></bdi>

Core Clinical Objective

Integrate knowledge of expected growth and development, health promotion and prevention strategies to achieve optimal health.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this reflection by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

Activity Statements

    • Integrate knowledge from the arts, sciences, and humanities into nursing practice.
    • Apply behavioral change strategies to promote health and manage illness.

Reflection Questions

    • How is the foundational knowledge of the arts, sciences, and humanities used to examine the impact of behavioral changes and promote health and wellness?
    • How did you use information and communication technologies with preventive care during your practicum experience and what would you do to impact your practice?


Please review the grading rubric before beginning your reflection on the above core clinical objective. Make sure to answer the reflective questions thoroughly with substantial reference to your practicum experience.

NUR4590LLCBE Section 01CBE Professional Identity of the Nurse Leader Clinical (11 Weeks) – CBE Online Course – 2025 Winter Quarter

Reflection 2 – Health Promotion and Maintenance

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Assignment Content

Top of Form

Question <bdi></bdi>

Core Clinical Objective

Integrate knowledge of expected growth and development, health promotion and prevention strategies to achieve optimal health.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this reflection by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

Activity Statements

    • Integrate knowledge from the arts sciences and humanities into nursing practice.,
    • Apply behavioral change strategies to promote health and manage illness.,

Reflection Questions

    • How is the foundational knowledge of the arts sciences and humanities used to examine the impact of behavioral changes and promote health and wellness?,
    • How did you use information and communication technologies with preventive care during your practicum experience and what would you do to impact your practice?,


Please review the grading rubric before beginning your reflection on the above core clinical objective., Make sure to answer the reflective questions thoroughly with substantial reference to your practicum experience.

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Zoonotic Disease Preparedness Analysis

  • Select one zoonotic disease to focus on for this Assignment.
  • Locate a local, state, or regional emergency preparedness plan from a health department or health ministry related to your selected zoonotic disease.

Zoonotic Disease Preparedness Analysis

The Assignment

Write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the zoonotic disease that you selected. Be sure to address the following:

  • Describe the zoonotic disease you selected and explain why.,
  • Explain how this zoonotic disease represents a physical hazard and merits emergency preparedness. Be specific and provide examples.,
  • Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the emergency preparedness plan you located.,
  • Recommend at least one additional emergency preparedness activity or response that will help address local and global concerns for the zoonotic disease that you selected. Be specific.,
  • Be sure to substantiate your narrative with references to the peer-reviewed research that you obtained by performing a library search.,

The Assignment

Write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the zoonotic disease that you selected. Be sure to address the following:

  • Describe the zoonotic disease you selected and explain why.
  • Explain how this zoonotic disease represents a physical hazard and merits emergency preparedness. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the emergency preparedness plan you located.
  • Recommend at least one additional emergency preparedness activity or response that will help address local and global concerns for the zoonotic disease that you selected. Be specific.
  • Be sure to substantiate your narrative with references to the peer-reviewed research that you obtained by performing a library search.

The Assignment

Write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the zoonotic disease that you selected. Be sure to address the following:

  • Describe the zoonotic disease you selected and explain why.
  • Explain how this zoonotic disease represents a physical hazard and merits emergency preparedness. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the emergency preparedness plan you located.
  • Recommend at least one additional emergency preparedness activity or response that will help address local and global concerns for the zoonotic disease that you selected. Be specific.
  • Be sure to substantiate your narrative with references to the peer-reviewed research that you obtained by performing a library search.
January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Exploring Personhood and Ethics

Part One: What It Means to Be Human 

Based on the topic Resources, complete the “Personhood Chart” about personhood, human dignity, and moral status according to the Christian worldview and another worldview.

Exploring Personhood and Ethics

Part Two: Case Study on Moral Status

Based on the topic Resources, write a 500-750-word analysis of “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality.” Be sure to address the following questions:

  1. Which theory or theories are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? Explain.
  2. How does the theory influence each of their recommendation for action?
  3. What theory do you agree with? How would that theory influence your recommendation for action?
  4. How will the concepts of personhood, human dignity, and moral status inform your philosophy of health care and wellness?


Please do not use CHAT GPT OR AI

Part One: What It Means to Be Human 

Based on the topic Resources, complete the “Personhood Chart” about personhood, human dignity, and moral status according to the Christian worldview and another worldview.

Part Two: Case Study on Moral Status

Based on the topic Resources, write a 500-750-word analysis of “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality.” Be sure to address the following questions:

  1. Which theory or theories are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? Explain.
  2. How does the theory influence each of their recommendation for action?
  3. What theory do you agree with? How would that theory influence your recommendation for action?
  4. How will the concepts of personhood, human dignity, and moral status inform your philosophy of health care and wellness?


Please do not use CHAT GPT OR AI

Part One: What It Means to Be Human 

Based on the topic Resources, complete the “Personhood Chart” about personhood, human dignity, and moral status according to the Christian worldview and another worldview.

Part Two: Case Study on Moral Status

Based on the topic Resources, write a 500-750-word analysis of “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality.” Be sure to address the following questions:

  1. Which theory or theories are being used by Jessica Marco Maria and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? Explain.,
  2. How does the theory influence each of their recommendation for action?,
  3. What theory do you agree with?, How would that theory influence your recommendation for action?,
  4. How will the concepts of personhood human dignity and moral status inform your philosophy of health care and wellness?,


January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Effective Team Collaboration Strategies

Team Roles, Ground Rules and Guidelines What are the general expectations for all members of the team? Please include any assigned roles (meeting organizer, notes taker, etc.). Expectations for Time Management and Involvement Address participation, communication with the team, accessibility, and communication tools to be used, etc. Effective Team Collaboration Strategies

Effective Team Collaboration Strategies

Ensuring Fair and Even Contribution and Collaboration What strategy will you use to ensure that all team members are contributing and collaborating appropriately?, Describe the communication strategy you will use if a team member is not contributing and collaborating effectively., How will the team manage conflicts between team members?, Special Considerations What do you as a team agree will make this team experience different from past team experiences?,

Team Roles Ground Rules and Guidelines What are the general expectations for all members of the team?, Please include any assigned roles (meeting organizer, notes taker, etc.). Expectations for Time Management and Involvement Address participation, communication with the team, accessibility, and communication tools to be used, etc. Ensuring Fair and Even Contribution and Collaboration What strategy will you use to ensure that all team members are contributing and collaborating appropriately? Describe the communication strategy you will use if a team member is not contributing and collaborating effectively. How will the team manage conflicts between team members? Special Considerations What do you, as a team, agree will make this team experience different from past team experiences?

Team Roles, Ground Rules and Guidelines What are the general expectations for all members of the team? Please include any assigned roles (meeting organizer, notes taker, etc.). Expectations for Time Management and Involvement Address participation, communication with the team, accessibility, and communication tools to be used, etc. Ensuring Fair and Even Contribution and Collaboration What strategy will you use to ensure that all team members are contributing and collaborating appropriately? Describe the communication strategy you will use if a team member is not contributing and collaborating effectively. How will the team manage conflicts between team members? Special Considerations What do you, as a team, agree will make this team experience different from past team experiences?

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Driving Change Through Leadership

Play Simulation: Due Monday, 9:00 am (eastern), Week 3 Submit Written Responses: Due Monday, 9:00 am (eastern), Week 4 “Don’t manage – lead change before you have to.” Jack Welch While change is inevitable in business, it is not easy. To lead and manage change, you will need to understand the power of the change agent, urgency, and how to apply the appropriate tools to mobilize commitment to a change initiative. Driving Change Through Leadership

Driving Change Through Leadership

In this assignment, you will evaluate power and influence in creating urgency and building a change coalition to support a new initiative., Week 2: Play Simulation 1. Run Simulation a. Click on the Change Management Simulation Link, b. After you click on the link the scenarios are automatically assigned and ready to play. 2., Play through each of the four simulation scenarios (30-45 minutes per scenario)., a. You will adopt the role of CEO or Director of Product Innovation in each scenario., Your goal is to convince a critical mass of key employees to adopt a sustainability initiative., b. How to play: i. Setup – Log in to the simulation, choose one of the four scenarios, and explore the site ii. Prepare – Read the scenario introduction and “how to play” pages iii. Analyze Reports – View a dashboard of company information iv. Decide – Choose the first scenario and play by selecting change levers v. Review Results and Repeat – Continue to analyze and make decisions until 96 weeks occur or the initiative is adopted c. Play all 4 scenarios to completion. Complete the steps above for each of the four scenarios. In two scenarios, your role is CEO; in the other two scenarios, your role is Director of Product Innovation.

Play Simulation: Due Monday, 9:00 am (eastern), Week 3 Submit Written Responses: Due Monday, 9:00 am (eastern), Week 4 “Don’t manage – lead change before you have to.” Jack Welch While change is inevitable in business, it is not easy. To lead and manage change, you will need to understand the power of the change agent, urgency, and how to apply the appropriate tools to mobilize commitment to a change initiative. In this assignment, you will evaluate power and influence in creating urgency and building a change coalition to support a new initiative. Week 2: Play Simulation 1. Run Simulation a. Click on the Change Management Simulation Link b. After you click on the link, the scenarios are automatically assigned and ready to play. 2. Play through each of the four simulation scenarios (30-45 minutes per scenario). a. You will adopt the role of CEO or Director of Product Innovation in each scenario. Your goal is to convince a critical mass of key employees to adopt a sustainability initiative. b. How to play: i. Setup – Log in to the simulation, choose one of the four scenarios, and explore the site ii. Prepare – Read the scenario introduction and “how to play” pages iii. Analyze Reports – View a dashboard of company information iv. Decide – Choose the first scenario and play by selecting change levers v. Review Results and Repeat – Continue to analyze and make decisions until 96 weeks occur or the initiative is adopted c. Play all 4 scenarios to completion. Complete the steps above for each of the four scenarios. In two scenarios, your role is CEO; in the other two scenarios, your role is Director of Product Innovation.