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January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Rash Diagnosis and Treatment

Students much review the case study and answer all questions with a scholarly response using APA and include 2 scholarly references. Answer the case studies on the same document and upload 1 document to Moodle.

Rash Diagnosis and Treatment

The answers must be in your own words with reference to the journal or book where you found the evidence to your answer. Do not copy-paste or use a past students work as all files submitted in this course are registered and saved in turn it in program.

Turn it in Score must be less than 20 % or will not be accepted for credit, must be your own work and in your own words. You can resubmit, Final submission will be accepted if less than 20. Copy-paste from websites or textbooks will not be accepted or tolerated. Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic Misconduct Statement.

All answers to case studies must-have reference cited in the text for each answer and a minimum of 2 Scholarly References (Journals, books) (No websites)  per case Study

Late Assignment is not acceptable Rash Diagnosis and Treatment

Case Study

Follow up Visit

Patient Data: BG is a 24 yo male weighing 180 pounds at 5’ 8 was schedule as a regular follow up for the following rash:

  • Identify the picture Rash Diagnosis and Treatment,
  • Mention at least three differential diagnoses as part of your assessment and diagnostic strategies,
  • Discuss and describe the diagnosis,

Discuss lines of treatment for conclude diagnosis Rash Diagnosis and Treatment,

Students much review the case study and answer all questions with a scholarly response using APA and include 2 scholarly references., Answer the case studies on the same document and upload 1 document to Moodle.,

The answers must be in your own words with reference to the journal or book where you found the evidence to your answer. Do not copy-paste or use a past students work as all files submitted in this course are registered and saved in turn it in program.

Turn it in Score must be less than 20 % or will not be accepted for credit, must be your own work and in your own words. You can resubmit, Final submission will be accepted if less than 20. Copy-paste from websites or textbooks will not be accepted or tolerated. Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic Misconduct Statement.

All answers to case studies must-have reference cited in the text for each answer and a minimum of 2 Scholarly References (Journals, books) (No websites)  per case Study

Late Assignment is not acceptable 

Case Study

Follow up Visit

Patient Data: BG is a 24 yo male weighing 180 pounds at 5’ 8 was schedule as a regular follow up for the following rash:

  • Identify the picture
  • Mention at least three differential diagnoses as part of your assessment and diagnostic strategies
  • Discuss and describe the diagnosis

Discuss lines of treatment for conclude diagnosis

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Logic in Daily Reasoning

This week we are going to focus on basic logic and how you can use logic outside of the classroom. Unfortunately, many of our daily interactions include logical errors. Not all things that we call illogical are really logical errors.

Logic in Daily Reasoning

Consider the following four arguments.

Pick one and only one of them.

For the argument you chose do you think that is a logical argument? Why do you say that?,

Explain this in terms of the logic involved using the terminology of our text., An argument is logical provided that the conclusion is guaranteed to be true when the premises are true., The premises could be false but if they were true the conclusion would be forced to be true if the conclusion can be false while the premises are true the argument is not logical., Arguments are determined logical or not based on how the statements work together., Arguments are logical or not and never true or false., Individual propositions are true or false and never logical or illogical., Two common errors: Illogical is not the same thing as irrational. Logical is not the same thing as reasonable. People often make those equivalences in their heads, but they are wrong.

If you introduce terminology from other sources, you must provide APA style citations and references and explain what the terms mean. Be sure your explanation is complete. It is important to realize that an argument can be logical even if some of its components are false.


  1. If it rains the sidewalk will be wet. The sidewalk is wet. Therefore it rained.
  2. I have seen homeless people stealing shopping carts from Safeway. Safeway has a shortage of shopping carts. Therefore the shortage of shopping carts is due to homelessness
  3. Joan said that she would either go to the beach or watch TV. Joan was seen at the beach. Therefore Joan did not watch TV.
  4. All Space Aliens have rust colored fur. ALF is a Space Alien. Therefore ALF has rust colored fur.

Be sure to use terms and concepts from the content covered this week to support your decision.

This is a challenging discussion question, and I expect there will be many errors, and I expect to point them out as we go. This is how we can learn this concept.

Be sure and watch the two logic videos before you try to answer this – it should clarify a couple of the common errors

Response Requirements

  • By Thursday, respond to the prompt above in a minimum of 175 words and a maximum of 250 words..
  • By Monday, post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member.
January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Healthy People Community-Based Nursing

The Healthy People project is a collection of national health objectives that serve to inform community and public health departments by identifying preventable threats to health and establishing national goals to reduce health threats.

Healthy People Community-Based Nursing

Visit the Healthy People website at: http://www.healthypeople.gov. Click on Healthy People

2030 and locate answers to the following questions about the project:

  1. What is Healthy People 2030 and how was it developed? (10 points)
  2. List the four overarching goals? (4 points)
  3. In your own words, briefly explain what each goal means. (8 points)
  4. Discuss the 4 foundation health measures: General Health Status, Health-Related Healthy People Community-Based Nursing

Quality of Life and Well-Being, Determinants of Health and Disparities using the

following guide

  1. Briefly describe all the measures of progress listed under each foundation

health measure. (20 points)

  1. For each foundation measure category, select any one measure of progress

and briefly discuss what it means and how it can be used to evaluate the

foundation health measure category (15 points)

  1. Identify one health problem that you have observed in your local community briefly

describe it. How big of a problem is it and who does it affect most and why? (10


  1. Go to the Home page again and click on Topics and Objectives. Then click on Public

Health Infrastructure.

  1. Briefly describe the mission and importance of Public Health Infrastructure. (2 points)
  2. List the three key elements and give an example of each. (3 points)
  3. Using the 10 essential public health services, describe how as a nurse you can use

each of the ten essential public health services to manage the health problem you have

identified in your local community. (20 points)

  1. Mechanics, APA format and quality of presentation and writing (8 points)

Healthy People Community-Based Nursing

The Healthy People project is a collection of national health objectives that serve to inform

community and public health departments by identifying preventable threats to health and

establishing national goals to reduce health threats.

Visit the Healthy People website at: http://www.healthypeople.gov. Click on Healthy People

2030 and locate answers to the following questions about the project:

  1. What is Healthy People 2030 and how was it developed? (10 points),
  2. List the four overarching goals? (4 points),
  3. In your own words briefly explain what each goal means. (8 points),
  4. Discuss the 4 foundation health measures: General Health Status Health-Related

Quality of Life and Well-Being Determinants of Health and Disparities using the

following guide,

  1. Briefly describe all the measures of progress listed under each foundation

health measure. (20 points),

  1. For each foundation measure category, select any one measure of progress

and briefly discuss what it means and how it can be used to evaluate the

foundation health measure category (15 points)

  1. Identify one health problem that you have observed in your local community briefly

describe it. How big of a problem is it and who does it affect most and why? (10


  1. Go to the Home page again and click on Topics and Objectives. Then click on Public

Health Infrastructure.

  1. Briefly describe the mission and importance of Public Health Infrastructure. (2 points)
  2. List the three key elements and give an example of each. (3 points)
  3. Using the 10 essential public health services, describe how as a nurse you can use

each of the ten essential public health services to manage the health problem you have

identified in your local community. (20 points)

  1. Mechanics, APA format and quality of presentation and writing (8 points)


January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

NR 400: Community-Based Nursing

Community Agency Assignment Guideline and rubric

Overview: Agency Serving a Vulnerable Population

Select a clinic or community agency within the community. The organization you select must serve the needs of a vulnerable population group. Research the clinic or agency to obtain a clear idea of services provided and the specific population it serves.

Community-Based Nursing

Examples of clinical or community health agencies:

  • Parishes
  • Employee/Occupational Health Community-Based Nursing
  • Public Health Department
  • Refugee Centers
  • Child/Adult Protective Services
  • School Health Clinic
  • Hospice
  • Halfway House: Drug Abuse, Prison, etc.
  • Homeless Center
  • Public Clinics: Pediatric, Psychiatric, OB, Geriatric, Migrant, etc.
  • Rehab Program: Cardiac, etc.
  • Shelters: Homeless, Women’s, etc.
  • HIV/AIDS programs/clinics
  • Veterans’ agencies
  • Adolescent Programs
  • Group homes for MHMR clients, etc.
  • Support groups for cancer, sexual abuse, etc. survivors

Directions Community-Based Nursing

Research the selected agency and using the following headings, discuss:

  1. Name of agency and why you selected this agency? 5 %,
  2. Brief history and mission of the agency 20 %,
  3. Target population the agency serves 10%,
  4. Services and programs offered 15%,
  5. What criteria (i.e. income age etc) must clients meet in order to be served by the

agency? 20%,

  1. What you found interesting about this agency or helpful for you as a professional

nurse? 20%,

  1. Cite and reference as appropriate 10%

NR 400: Community-Based Nursing

Community Agency Assignment Guideline and rubric

Overview: Agency Serving a Vulnerable Population

Select a clinic or community agency within the community. The organization you select must

serve the needs of a vulnerable population group. Research the clinic or agency to obtain a

clear idea of services provided and the specific population it serves.

Examples of clinical or community health agencies:

  • Parishes
  • Employee/Occupational Health
  • Public Health Department
  • Refugee Centers
  • Child/Adult Protective Services
  • School Health Clinic
  • Hospice
  • Halfway House: Drug Abuse, Prison, etc.
  • Homeless Center
  • Public Clinics: Pediatric, Psychiatric, OB, Geriatric, Migrant, etc.
  • Rehab Program: Cardiac, etc.
  • Shelters: Homeless, Women’s, etc.
  • HIV/AIDS programs/clinics
  • Veterans’ agencies
  • Adolescent Programs
  • Group homes for MHMR clients, etc.
  • Support groups for cancer, sexual abuse, etc. survivors


Research the selected agency and using the following headings, discuss:

  1. Name of agency and why you selected this agency? 5 %
  2. Brief history and mission of the agency 20 %
  3. Target population the agency serves 10%
  4. Services and programs offered 15%
  5. What criteria (i.e. income, age, etc,) must clients meet in order to be served by the

agency? 20%

  1. What you found interesting about this agency or helpful for you as a professional

nurse? 20%

  1. Cite and reference as appropriate 10%
January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Chinese Immigration and Stereotypes

The presentation is related to Chinese Immigration, so Chinese Americans- please review the rubric and all materials I posted below as that should guide you to what your assignment is.  Please see below for a copy/paste from the rubric itself.

Chinese Immigration and Stereotypes


In Module One, you learned some common terminology used to explain different aspects of cultural diversity and how these terms may influence decision making. You also completed your own personal diversity assessment using Loden’s Diversity Wheel. These activities will assist you as you begin to construct a cultural diversity education and training for Project One.

In this activity, you will examine the history of Chinese immigration to the United States in order to gain a better understanding of the relationship between cultural bias, stereotyping, and communication issues among a specific group, the police, and the criminal justice system. This will also assist you as you consider the specific factors from Loden’s Diversity Wheel that impact criminal-justice interactions in Project Two, which you will complete in Module Five. Chinese Immigration and Stereotypes

First, review the History of San Francisco’s Chinatown resource, On Police Treatment, Asian-Americans Show Ethnic, Generational Splits, and The Social History of Crime and Punishments in America: An Encyclopedia -Chinese Americans. Then, in a slide presentation, complete the following essential elements:

Cultural Stereotype

Slide 1

  • Provide a 50- to 100-word summary of cultural stereotypes related to Chinese immigrants.
    • Include any additional notes as speaker notes. Chinese Immigration and Stereotypes

Decision Making

Slides 2 and 3

  • Provide at least two examples of poor decision making in the criminal justice system or its professionals that are the direct result of cultural stereotyping.
    • Include each example on its own slide.


Slide 4

  • Provide a summary of the history of Chinese immigration to the United States.

Slide 5

  • Connect this history with cultural biases and stereotypes.


Slide 6

  • Identify speaking and listening communication issues that may arise due to bias or stereotyping related to the history of Chinese immigrants to the United States.,

Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:

  • Identify cultural stereotypes of Chinese immigrants.,
  • Provide examples of poor decision making as a result of cultural stereotyping.,
  • Explore the connection between the history of Chinese immigration to the United States and cultural bias and stereotypes.,

Identify communication issues that may arise due to bias or stereotyping.,

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Operational Excellence

Week 4 Assignment

  • Information Systems for Business and Beyond Questions:
  • Chapter 4 – study questions 1-13, Exercise 4, 5, & 6  (only one or 2 line answers)

Operational Excellence

  1. What is the difference between data, information, and knowledge?
  2. Explain in your own words how the data component relates to the hardware and software components of information systems.
  3. What is the difference between quantitative data and qualitative data? In what situations could the number 42 be considered qualitative data?
  4. What are the characteristics of a relational database?,
  5. When would using a personal DBMS make sense?,
  6. What is the difference between a spreadsheet and a database? List three differences between them.,
  7. Describe what the term normalization means.,
  8. Why is it important to define the data type of a field when designing a relational database?,
  9. Name a database you interact with frequently. What would some of the field names be?,
  10. What is metadata?
  11. Name three advantages of using a data warehouse. Operational Excellence
  12. What is data mining?
  13. In your own words, explain the difference between supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Give an example of each (not from the book).

Exercise –

  1. Do some original research and find two examples of data mining. Summarize each example and then write about what the two examples have in common. Operational Excellence
  2. Conduct some independent research on the process of business intelligence. Using at least two scholarly or practitioner sources, write a two-page paper giving examples of how business intelligence is being used. Operational Excellence
  3. Conduct some independent research on the latest technologies being used for knowledge management. Using at least two scholarly or practitioner sources, write a two-page paper giving examples of software applications or new technologies being used in this field.

2) Information Technology and Organizational Learning Questions

  • Chapter 4 – Review the section on Linear Development in Learning Approaches.  Discuss how learning changes over time impact organizational culture.  What is the impact of this cultural change on the success of IT projects?

The above submission should be one page in length and adhere to APA formatting standards.

**Remember the page length does not include the APA cover page or any references**

Note the first assignment should be in one section and the second section should have the information from the Information Technology and Organizational Learning assignment.  The paper requirements for the two-pages applies to the second part of the assignment directly related to the Information Technology and Organizational Learning assignment.

Text Book –

  • Information Systems for Business and Beyond Questions:


  • Text book attached to this.
January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Health Law and Violations

The field of health law is experiencing significant change. This change presents administrators with numerous legal challenges related to electronic health records (EHRs), outcome-based payments, mergers, fraud, insurance disbursements, antitrust laws, as well as the ethical and privacy implications of disruptive medical innovations in biotechnology and treatment research.

Health Law and Violations

To be a proficient health care administrator, it is crucial to possess a thorough understanding of key health care laws, including: Health Law and Violations

The primary objective of this assignment is to provide a clear and comprehensive analysis of a health care law and a court case while offering practical recommendations to organizational leadership. Health Law and Violations


In this assignment, you will take on the role of an administrator in a hospital or health care organization who is being considered for a promotion. To improve your chances for promotion, you are encouraged to prepare a report for senior leadership that demonstrates your knowledge and interpretation of one of the health care laws mentioned above and to examine a violation of that law.


Choose one of the health care laws listed above and research a court case where a violation of that law occurred. Health Law and Violations


Prepare a 5-page report in which you:

  1. Analyze the chosen health care law using the SESC formula (State Explain Support and Conclude) considering its effects on the health care system stakeholders and delivery of services., In your analysis evaluate the practical legal ethical financial and operational implications resulting from the law’s implementation.,
  2. Analyze the selected court case where the health care law was violated using the SESC formula.,
  3. Examine the steps that organizational leadership in the chosen court case could take to proactively prevent future violations of the health care law.,
  4. Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed articles less than 5 years old to support your analysis, including in-text citations. Use proper SWS formatting.,
  5. Meet clarity, writing mechanics, and SWS formatting requirements.

Formatting Requirements

  • Subheadings: Use bold subheadings to divide the report into sections that correspond to the areas listed in the instructions.
  • Length: Ensure that your report consists of a minimum of 5 pages, plus a title page and sources page, making the total length of the report approximately 7-8 pages.
  • Citations: This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Assess legal situations involving patients, providers, and health care personnel, using case or statutory law to guide leaders’ decision-making.
January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Linear Activation Networks Analysis

Suppose you had a neural network with linear activation functions. That is, for each unit the output is some constant c times the weighted sum of the inputs.

Linear Activation Networks Analysis

  1. Assume that the network has one hidden layer. For a given assignment to the weights w, write down equations for the value of the units in the output layer as a function of w and the input layer x, without any explicit mention of the output of the hidden layer. Show that there is a network with no hidden units that computes the same function. Linear Activation Networks Analysis
  2. Repeat the calculation in part (a), but this time do it for a network with any number of hidden layers.
  3. Suppose a network with one hidden layer and linear activation functions has n input and output nodes and h hidden nodes. What effect does the transformation in part (a) to a network with no hidden layers have on the total number of weights? Discuss the case h << n. Linear Activation Networks Analysis

Suppose you had a neural network with linear activation functions. That is, for each unit the output is some constant c times the weighted sum of the inputs.

  1. Assume that the network has one hidden layer., For a given assignment to the weights w write down equations for the value of the units in the output layer as a function of w and the input layer x without any explicit mention of the output of the hidden layer., Show that there is a network with no hidden units that computes the same function.,
  2. Repeat the calculation in part (a) but this time do it for a network with any number of hidden layers.,
  3. Suppose a network with one hidden layer and linear activation functions has n input and output nodes and h hidden nodes., What effect does the transformation in part (a) to a network with no hidden layers have on the total number of weights? Discuss the case h << n.
January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Strategies for Community Inclusion

How do complete this assignment…you will complete the final section of your community needs assessment plan. In this section, you will explain how you will carry out and critique three strategies to address the problem. You will also consider the types of data that you would use to make decisions about how to implement the strategies.

Strategies for Community Inclusion

Consider the following example:

Suppose that one of your strategies is to implement a job skills training program to address high unemployment among community members who are unskilled. In order to implement this strategy, you might take several steps, such as developing a curriculum, writing job descriptions for instructors, and creating an advertising/marketing campaign, to name a few. As you complete each step, you might also use different types of data to guide your decisions. For instance, you could review similar training programs in other communities to inform your curriculum, visit the Department of Labor website to identify qualifications, skills, and competitive pay rates for instructors, and speak to someone at the local unemployment office to determine a target audience for advertising and marketing. When critiquing the strategies, you will want to consider how well each strategy addressed the problem and how well it was implemented. Strategies for Community Inclusion

  • Review the FAQ document in the Learning Resources and focus on the questions about implementing and critiquing strategies for a community needs assessment.,
  • Reflect on the strategies that you prioritized in Week 4 for your community needs assessment plan.,
  • Identify three strategies that you would implement first to address the social problem.,
  • Consider the steps you would take to implement each strategy and the data that you would use to inform your decisions.,
  • Reflect on how you would critique the strategies both in terms of how well the strategy addresses the problem and how well it has been implemented.,

Three pages that addresses the following components of your Final Project. Strategies for Community Inclusion

  • Refine the Problem Statement.  
    • Inclusion for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
  • Next Steps. Develop a plan to carry out the top three strategies for addressing the problem of inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities using what you have learned about social change, prevention, advocacy, and consultation. Be sure to address the following in your plan:
    • Identify Strategies to Address the Problem. Identify the three strategies that you would carry out. Be sure to refer to the Prioritizing Strategies worksheet that you completed earlier in the course.
    • Carry Out the Strategies. Explain the steps that you would take to carry out the top three strategies to address the problem.
    • Identify Data to Carry Out the Strategies. Explain what type of data you would need to make decisions about how to implement the strategies (e.g., data to support programs, changes in service delivery, or policy change). Give two examples.
    • Critique the Strategies. Explain how you would critique the effectiveness of the proposed strategies.


Note: Read pp. 40–51 only.

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Community Health and Interventions

For this Performance Task Assessment, you will complete a two-part assessment. In Part 1, you will complete the Population Health Using a Community Lens template to reflect on how health problems affect a target population.

Community Health and Interventions

In Part 2, you will select either the Public Health Intervention (PHI) Wheel template or the Case Study template to demonstrate your understanding of how nursing interventions improve the health of populations.


To complete this Assessment, do the following:

Part 1: Population Health Using a Community Lens

Complete the Population Health Using a Community Lens template to reflect on how health problems affect a target population.

Part 2: Public Health Intervention

Select either the Public Health Intervention (PHI) Wheel template or the Case Study template to complete the Part 2 template.


Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2020). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community (10th ed.). Elsevier.

For this Performance Task Assessment you will complete a two-part assessment., In Part 1 you will complete the Population Health Using a Community Lens template to reflect on how health problems affect a target population.,

In Part 2 you will select either the Public Health Intervention (PHI) Wheel template or the Case Study template to demonstrate your understanding of how nursing interventions improve the health of populations.,


To complete this Assessment, do the following:

Part 1: Population Health Using a Community Lens

Complete the Population Health Using a Community Lens template to reflect on how health problems affect a target population.

Part 2: Public Health Intervention

Select either the Public Health Intervention (PHI) Wheel template or the Case Study template to complete the Part 2 template.


Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2020). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community (10th ed.). Elsevier.