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January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Psychiatric Case Study

  • Present the full complex case study. Include chief complaint; history of present illness; any pertinent past psychiatric, substance use, medical, social, family history; most recent mental status exam; current psychiatric diagnosis including differentials that were ruled out; and plan for treatment and management.

Psychiatric Case Study

  • Report normal diagnostic results as the name of the test and “normal” (rather than specific value). Abnormal results should be reported as a specific value.
  • Be succinct in your presentation, and do not exceed 8 minutes. Specifically address the following for the patient, using your SOAP note as a guide:
    • Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis?, What is the duration and severity of their symptoms?, How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life?,
    • Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment?,
    • Assessment: Discuss their mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses?, Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses and why you chose them., List them from highest priority to lowest priority. What was your primary diagnosis, and why? Describe how your primary diagnosis aligns with DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and supported by the patient’s symptoms.
    • Plan: In your video, describe your treatment plan using clinical practice guidelines supported by evidence-based practice. Include a discussion on your chosen FDA-approved psychopharmacologic agents and include alternative treatments available and supported by valid research. All treatment choices must have a discussion of your rationale for the choice supported by valid research. What were your follow-up plan and parameters? What referrals would you make or recommend as a result of this treatment session? Psychiatric Case Study
    • In your written plan include all the above as well as include one social determinant of health according to the HealthyPeople 2030 (you will need to research) as applied to this case in the realm of psychiatry and mental health. As a future advanced provider, what are one health promotion activity and one patient education consideration for this patient for improving health disparities and inequities in the realm of psychiatry and mental health? Demonstrate your critical thinking.
    • Reflection notes: What would you do differently with this patient if you could conduct the session over? If you are able to follow up with your patient, explain whether these interventions were successful and why or why not. If you were not able to conduct a follow up, discuss what your next intervention would be. Psychiatric Case Study


January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

IRBs Case Study

The Case: IRBs in Conflict you are presented with a case, please see below.  Review the case and answer the following questions.  Your answers can be bulleted.

IRBs Case Study

  1. In your introductory statement include your position on whether or not the IRB should approve the study. (5 points),
  2. What are the ethical issues and points of conflict in this case? (15 points) (limit to 1 paragraph),
  3. Who are the interested parties affected by the issues/conflicts and what are their reasonable expectations?, (5 points) (list and summarize the reasonable expectations)
  4. Depending on on your position on whether or not the IRB should approve the study what would be the probable consequences?, REMEMBER: Consequences can be multifaceted. (10 points) (limit to 1 paragraph),

Researchers in a developing nation in South America (SA) have been studying a hereditary disorder found only in an isolated, indigenous population living deep in the jungle. They now hope they can identify the gene(s) that may be associated with the disorder in order to identify causative factors and to find interventions and targeted therapies. To accomplish this, they will need to collaborate with a qualified US researcher, Dr. Herod I. Tarry. Dr .Tarry is a world-renowned molecular biologist who is utilizing a genomic technology that is not widely available. The SA researchers would send subject blood samples to Dr. Tarry’s U.S. lab for testing. IRBs Case Study

The SA researchers submitted a protocol amendment to the South America Institutional Review Board (SAIRB), which is the IRB of record for the study. The protocol amendment added Dr. Tarry to the study team and added the genomic research. In addition, the SAIRB-approved informed consent form (ICF) was revised to include information about the blood draw for genomic analysis. The SA researchers’ revised protocol and consent form were approved by the SAIRB in compliance with South America’s research regulatory requirements.

Per his institution’s requirements, Dr. Tarry must get approval for his work on the international study from the institution’s IRB (Amazing IRB). Dr. Tarry submits the SAIRB-approved documents in a proposal to the Amazing IRB. Dr. Tarry is asked to present the SA hereditary disorder study at the next convened meeting for Amazing IRB. IRBs Case Study

The Amazing IRB members are not receptive to the proposal, in large part due to the perceived quality of the ICF. The SAIRB-approved ICF is a single-spaced, typed page (about 550 words). It includes a description of the study, the procedures (including the blood draw for genomic analysis), risks, benefits, and confidentiality protections. However, the details are more limited than the Amazing IRB usually sees. IRBs Case Study

While the consent technically meets all the required US regulatory elements for informed consent, the Amazing IRB members feel it is far below US standards for consent documents. Dr. Tarry acknowledges the consent document is not written like consents are in the US. He states he is not consenting subjects for this study and he will not have any contact with them. He points out to the IRB members that the consent document is acceptable by the SA research regulatory standards and he hopes the Amazing IRB will approve the study and the consent as is. In final comments, he notes his role in the research can be very beneficial to the study population and as such it is extremely important for him to participate in the genomic research.

Textbook: Emanuel, E. J. Grady, C. Crouch, Lei, R.K., Miller, F.G. and Wendler, D.
(2011) “The Oxford Textbook of Clinical Research Ethics”. ISBN: 9780199768639 (Book
must be purchased) N.B: 2008 version is also acceptable. Book is available has hard copy

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Module 1 Critical Thinking & Application Prompts (Sp25) 

Instructions for Critical Thinking & Application Prompts:

Each week, you will be presented with a series of critical thinking and application prompts.

You will be directed to the applicable set of prompts by clicking the “Take the Quiz” button below.  Prior to starting this assignment, be sure you have carefully reviewed all of the content referenced on the Learning Materials page (and any other pages associated with the module).

Critical Thinking & Application Prompts

Each prompt is generally worthy of at least 250 words (2 – 3 well-written paragraphs) in response.  Be sure to connect with (and informally cite in-text) the applicable readings / videos from the module’s learning materials.

A note on in-text citing and connecting with the learning materials:  As a graduate student in a Master of Science degree program it’s very important that you offer perspectives and arguments that are grounded in theory and the scientific literature – NOT personal opinion or anecdotal evidence., I don’t want a works-cited page but I do want you to clearly cite your sources in-text for the various connections you’ll be making between the learning materials and your application thereof.,  For example one might write, “While I marveled at the uncanny ability of the psychic to tap into my true personality, the Barnum Effect (Aronson, Chapter 2) could have well explained my feelings…”  Be sure to use these informal in-text citations to make your arguments and support your perspectives.,

ProTip:  You may want to copy the essay questions into a Word doc (or similar) and compose your responses to the worksheet prompts offline.,  Then you can return to the quiz submission page to “copy and paste” your previously composed responses into the text box associated with each of the prompts.,  Once you have done that, you can click the “Submit the Quiz” button near the bottom of the screen in order to submit your essay questions for grading.  The Critical Thinking & Application essay-based quizzes are set to “single attempt” which means you cannot return to the quiz page to make revisions – so please keep that in mind and only “submit” your quiz when you are satisfied with your work!


Aronson, E., & Aronson, J. (2018). The Social Animal. Worth Publishers, Macmillan


January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Thesis Intersectionality in Sentencing Outcomes

ThesisII: Exploring systemic inequalities and the interplay of race, gender, and social class on sentencing outcomes in the state of Virginia.Research Question: how do race, social class, and gender intersect to influence sentencing outcomes in the Virginia justice system?

Intersectionality in Sentencing Outcomes

Write a thesis using the table of contents (order of paper)Analyzing data collected from secondary data from a 10-year range 2010-2020 collecting data from Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission, Virginia Department of Corrections, and State Court System Databases.Explain the data (FINDINGS) analyzed and how it aligns with The Intersectionality TheoryAnalyze data researched (FINDINGS) using quantitative analysis method and inferential and descriptive statistics.Use Stratified sampling Use the table of contents to structure

Thesis Intersectionality in Sentencing Outcomes

ThesisII: Exploring systemic inequalities and the interplay of race gender and social class on sentencing outcomes in the state of Virginia.,Research Question: how do race social class and gender intersect to influence sentencing outcomes in the Virginia justice system?, Write a thesis using the table of contents (order of paper)Analyzing data collected from secondary data from a 10-year range 2010-2020 collecting data from Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission Virginia Department of Corrections and State Court System Databases.,Explain the data (FINDINGS) analyzed and how it aligns with The Intersectionality Theory,Analyze data researched (FINDINGS) using quantitative analysis method and inferential and descriptive statistics.,Use Stratified sampling Use the table of contents to structure

Thesis Intersectionality in Sentencing Outcomes

ThesisII: Exploring systemic inequalities and the interplay of race, gender, and social class on sentencing outcomes in the state of Virginia.Research Question: how do race, social class, and gender intersect to influence sentencing outcomes in the Virginia justice system?Write a thesis using the table of contents (order of paper)Analyzing data collected from secondary data from a 10-year range 2010-2020 collecting data from Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission, Virginia Department of Corrections, and State Court System Databases.Explain the data (FINDINGS) analyzed and how it aligns with The Intersectionality TheoryAnalyze data researched (FINDINGS) using quantitative analysis method and inferential and descriptive statistics.Use Stratified sampling Use the table of contents to structure

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

PepsiCo vs. Coca-Cola Analysis

Your paper should be a minimum 4-page response not including the cover page and references. Using current literature, you will be looking at Pepsico Inc and Coca-Cola Co for the fiscal year ended 2015 and completing a variety of analysis on both of these companies. You will specifically be using:

PepsiCo vs. Coca-Cola Analysis

  • Pepsico Inc 2015 annual report
  • Pepsico Inc 2015 10-K
  • Pepsico Inc 2015 Def 14A PepsiCo vs. Coca-Cola Analysis
  • CocaCola Co 2015 annual report
  • CocaCola Co 2015 2015 10-K
  • CocaCola Co 2015 Def 14A
  • What is the history of these companies their current business operating sectors and reportable segments?, What factors affect their profitability and this industry in general?,
  • Compare the nature of Pepsi’s history business sectors and reportable segments to those of Coca-Cola’s history?,
  • What is the purpose of Form Def 14A?, What does “Def” stand for? What types of information does a proxy contain?,
  • Who is the auditor for Pepsico? Who is the auditor for Coca-Cola?, What were the audit fees as a percentage of (1) total revenue, and (2) total assets? Audit fees were not always publicly disclosed. In fact, such disclosure became mandatory only since the year 2000 in the United States. Why is public disclosure of audit and other fees paid to the audit firm important? What do you think prompted this change in disclosure requirements? Do you believe the current standards are sufficient?
  • Both managements comment on the fact that internal control over financial reporting has “inherent limitations.” What are those inherent limitations? How does management obtain comfort that internal control does not contain any material weaknesses?
  • Go to the Coca Cola website. Go to the investors’ section and corporate governance and then “learn more about governance and ethics”. Under Ethics and Compliance, locate the “Code of Business Conduct” and review this. What are the main components of this code? Provide a critique of the components and overall message contained in the code. What guidelines are provided as to how deviations from the company’s code of ethics are handled? PepsiCo vs. Coca-Cola Analysis

Your paper should be a minimum 4-page response not including the cover page and references.


January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Theory Matrix

This theory matrix is a compilation of all the theories we’ll be covering this semester. It is a document for you to use throughout your graduate program. Add the information you feel is important to remember about each theory. Add images, charts, examples, etc. that will help you you in further understanding and research projects!

Theory Matrix

Suggested Format:

  • Name of Theory
  • Foundations: What is the vital info of this theory (terms, definitions, etc)
  • Scholars: Who are the major researchers
  • Research: Reference list of some of the articles and publications related to this model/theory (this might come from our readings or others you find)
  • Notes: Reflections or Thoughts as desired


Leadership Timeline: 

  • 1900- Great Man Theory
  • 1930- Group Theory
  • 1940- Trait Theory (Big 5)
  • 1950- Behavioral Theory
  • 1960- Contingency Theory
  • 1970- Situational and Participative Transactional & Transformational
  • 1980- Managerial
  • 1990- Relationship
  • Today- Situational Leadership
    • Servant Leadership
    • Spiritual Leadership
    • Adaptive Leadership
    • Authentic Leadership
    • Psychological Capital

**Many of the theories overlap each other.  The lines are not clear-cut; they can be applied to each other to help understand the phenomenon.,  Don’t discard one theory for another one.


OGL 510


This theory matrix is a compilation of all the theories we’ll be covering this semester., It is a document for you to use throughout your graduate program., Add the information you feel is important to remember about each theory., Add images charts examples etc. that will help you you in further understanding and research projects!,


Suggested Format:

  • Name of Theory
  • Foundations: What is the vital info of this theory (terms, definitions, etc)
  • Scholars: Who are the major researchers
  • Research: Reference list of some of the articles and publications related to this model/theory (this might come from our readings or others you find)
  • Notes: Reflections or Thoughts as desired


Leadership Timeline: 

  • 1900- Great Man Theory
  • 1930- Group Theory
  • 1940- Trait Theory (Big 5)
  • 1950- Behavioral Theory
  • 1960- Contingency Theory
  • 1970- Situational and Participative Transactional & Transformational
  • 1980- Managerial
  • 1990- Relationship
  • Today- Situational Leadership
    • Servant Leadership
    • Spiritual Leadership
    • Adaptive Leadership
    • Authentic Leadership
    • Psychological Capital

**Many of the theories overlap each other.  The lines are not clear-cut; they can be applied to each other to help understand the phenomenon.  Don’t discard one theory for another one.

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Name: Student from ED 504

Research Proposal Topic

ED 504 – Spring 2025

  1. Problem statement: My identified classroom uses primarily independent work or homogeneous small groups for students to complete class assignments. In addition, it does not have a strong classroom culture and students do not engage with each other often.

Research Proposal Topic

In this classroom, student academic achievement is not as high as student achievement in other classrooms of the same grade level. Past studies have shown that heterogeneous groups have been shown to improve both classroom culture and student academic achievement. Research Proposal Topic

  1. Best practice used to address your problem: I plan to integrate heterogeneous grouping into my identified classroom multiple times a week in place of individual work. This will enable different students in my class to work together, regardless of their level of achievement, which will improve the classroom culture and lead to improvements in academic achievement.
  1. Hypothesis: Heterogeneous small groups will have a more positive impact on daily student academic achievement than homogeneous groups or independent work.
  1. Study Population: The population I will be studying is my identified classroom. This is a seventh-grade general education English classroom with a diverse population of 25 students. These students represent multiple different ethnicities, genders, religions, social classes, and levels of academic achievement. Research Proposal Topic

5a. Independent Variable: The independent variable I will be changing during this study will be the format of grouping students., For three days a week students will be placed in heterogeneous groups for ten minutes., For one day students will be placed in homogeneous groups., For one day students will be given independent work (this can serve as the control variable).,

5b. Dependent Variable: The dependent variable I will be measuring in this study is student academic achievement., This will be measured by a pre-test at the beginning of the study, as well as a short “exit ticket” at the end of each day for three weeks. Each exit ticket will have three or four questions about the information learned in class that day. Students will complete the exit ticket individually.

  1. Brief plan of action for executing your experimental design: I will begin by giving a pre-test to measure each student’s performance at the beginning of the study. This will enable me to properly assign groups with varying levels of student achievement in each group. Then, students will be placed in heterogeneous groups three times a week for ten minutes at a time. During the other two days, students will complete independent work or be placed in homogeneous groups. At the end of each day, students will complete a short exit ticket. This structure will continue for three weeks. At the end of the study, the exit tickets for each day will be compared to see if students perform better on the days they were placed in heterogeneous groups, homogeneous groups, or working independently.
January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Business Policy and Strategy PHI 4302 Unit III Case Study

Select a Fortune 500 company and imagine that you work as a strategist for your selected company. As you read through the Required Unit Resources, pay close attention to your firm’s strategy, and write a case study analyzing the following points:

Business Policy and Strategy

  • Examine your firm’s internal strengths and weaknesses., How can organizational relationships improve performance in the firm?,
  • How does the firm’s growth fit into the firm’s mission and vision statements?,
  • Who are your firm’s competitors?,
  • Do you see your firm’s strategy as effective or ineffective? Why?,

Your completed case study must be at least two pages in length, and you must use your textbook as one reference, and the CSU library as a second reference. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

Business Policy and Strategy PHI 4302 Unit III Case Study

Select a Fortune 500 company and imagine that you work as a strategist for your selected company. As you read through the Required Unit Resources, pay close attention to your firm’s strategy, and write a case study analyzing the following points:

  • Examine your firm’s internal strengths and weaknesses. How can organizational relationships improve performance in the firm?
  • How does the firm’s growth fit into the firm’s mission and vision statements?
  • Who are your firm’s competitors?
  • Do you see your firm’s strategy as effective or ineffective? Why?

Your completed case study must be at least two pages in length, and you must use your textbook as one reference, and the CSU library as a second reference. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

Business Policy and Strategy PHI 4302 Unit III Case Study

Select a Fortune 500 company and imagine that you work as a strategist for your selected company. As you read through the Required Unit Resources, pay close attention to your firm’s strategy, and write a case study analyzing the following points:

  • Examine your firm’s internal strengths and weaknesses. How can organizational relationships improve performance in the firm?
  • How does the firm’s growth fit into the firm’s mission and vision statements?
  • Who are your firm’s competitors?
  • Do you see your firm’s strategy as effective or ineffective? Why?

Your completed case study must be at least two pages in length, and you must use your textbook as one reference, and the CSU library as a second reference. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Effective Feedback for Growth

  • Identify the ratio of corrective versus affirming statements.
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that went well.

Effective Feedback for Growth

  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that could have been improved upon. Effective Feedback for Growth
  • Provide one suggestion to improve the feedback.
  • Using your textbook and/or other peer reviewed literature in behavior analysis, discuss critical elements of feedback and how you plan to deliver feedback effectively to promote performance growth.  (Approximately one page or three paragraphs.)
  • Identify the ratio of corrective versus affirming statements.  ,
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that went well. ,
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that could have been improved upon.,
  • Provide one suggestion to improve the feedback.,
  • Using your textbook and/or other peer reviewed literature in behavior analysis discuss critical elements of feedback and how you plan to deliver feedback effectively to promote performance growth.,  (Approximately one page or three paragraphs.)
  • Identify the ratio of corrective versus affirming statements.  Effective Feedback for Growth
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that went well.
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that could have been improved upon.
  • Provide one suggestion to improve the feedback.
  • Using your textbook and/or other peer reviewed literature in behavior analysis, discuss critical elements of feedback and how you plan to deliver feedback effectively to promote performance growth.  (Approximately one page or three paragraphs.)
  • Identify the ratio of corrective versus affirming statements.
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that went well.
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that could have been improved upon.
  • Provide one suggestion to improve the feedback.
  • Using your textbook and/or other peer reviewed literature in behavior analysis, discuss critical elements of feedback and how you plan to deliver feedback effectively to promote performance growth.  (Approximately one page or three paragraphs.)
  • Identify the ratio of corrective versus affirming statements.
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that went well.
  • Describe one aspect of the feedback that could have been improved upon.
  • Provide one suggestion to improve the feedback.
  • Using your textbook and/or other peer reviewed literature in behavior analysis, discuss critical elements of feedback and how you plan to deliver feedback effectively to promote performance growth.  (Approximately one page or three paragraphs.)


January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Football CFO Career Strategy

  1. Introduction
    • ○  Briefly introduce being a Chief financial officer of a football club
    • ○  Highlight the purpose of the report, covering how it integrates personal branding, career strategy, and role analysis.

Football CFO Career Strategy

  1. Personal Brand Implementation:
    • ○  Discuss the creation and implementation of two content pieces (e.g. LinkedIn posts articles) related to your chosen role.,
    • ○  Reflect on the engagement and feedback received from these posts.,
  2. In-Depth Role Analysis
    • ○  Conduct an in-depth analysis of a job in the sports industry., This could include interviews job shadowing or networking insights.,
    • ○  Analyze the key responsibilities challenges and success factors.,
  3. Career Development Portfolio 

○ Compile a portfolio that includes a summary of your LinkedIn profile, branding strategy, networking plan, and role analysis. Include any relevant certifications or interviews conducted. Football CFO Career Strategy

Action Plan

○ Develop a clear, practical action plan for securing your desired job in the sports industry. This should include strategies for skill development, networking, and gaining relevant experience. Football CFO Career Strategy

  1. Conclusion
    ○ Summarize your learnings, reflecting on the key takeaways from the project and how you plan to apply the insights moving forward. Football CFO Career Strategy
  1. Introduction
    • ○  Briefly introduce being a Chief financial officer of a football club
    • ○  Highlight the purpose of the report, covering how it integrates personal branding, career strategy, and role analysis.
  2. Personal Brand Implementation:
    • ○  Discuss the creation and implementation of two content pieces (e.g., LinkedIn posts, articles) related to your chosen role.
    • ○  Reflect on the engagement and feedback received from these posts.
  3. In-Depth Role Analysis
    • ○  Conduct an in-depth analysis of a job in the sports industry. This could include interviews, job shadowing, or networking insights.
    • ○  Analyze the key responsibilities, challenges, and success factors.
  4. Career Development Portfolio 

○ Compile a portfolio that includes a summary of your LinkedIn profile, branding strategy, networking plan, and role analysis. Include any relevant

certifications or interviews conducted.

Action Plan

○ Develop a clear, practical action plan for securing your desired job in the sports industry. This should include strategies for skill development, networking, and gaining relevant experience.

  1. Conclusion
    ○ Summarize your learnings, reflecting on the key takeaways from the project and how you plan to apply the insights moving forward.