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January 29, 2025
January 29, 2025

Coca-Cola Racial Discrimination Response

  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964

Coca-Cola has been sued for race discrimination and racial harassment by 16 black and Hispanic employees located in Queens and Westchester, New York. These employees claim that they were forced to perform low-level jobs that were not assigned to white workers.

Coca-Cola Racial Discrimination Response

One of the victimized employees, Sondra Walker claimed that she was subjected to degrading racial slurs.

The plaintiffs allege that their complaints went unheeded, no disciplinary action was taken against their aggressors, and, in fact, they were subject to retaliation.

Walker cited two particular incidences that were quite egregious: on one occasion, a white employee was permitted to wear a Confederate flag bandana on his head, and on another occasion, a white employee who was asked to clean a sewer uttered a racial slur.

Guillermo Nunez, a plaintiff who is claiming he suffered infliction of emotional distress, retorted that it was his belief that Coca-Cola was an ethically minded employer prior to its indifference to racial harassment.

Coca-Cola spokesman Toney Anaya stated that Coca-Cola was aware of the allegations and was in the process of conducting an in-house investigation.

1 A.  How could a global company like Coca-Cola have allowed such a serious incident of racial harassment to occur? What could have been done to avoid it?



1.B Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Affirmative Action

This is the practical assignment where you will practice skills related to employment law that will translate into real-life skills that will be utilized in your career as a human resources specialist

The assignment is as follows: 

Ray and Debbie are the owners of a technology company with over one hundred employees.  Their company has hired you as an HR Specialist.  Your first task is to complete a memorandum: 

    1. Creating a new company policy pertaining to race discrimination that complies with the terms of the civil rights act and all applicable laws;,
    2. Discussing potential employee training that can be enacted to help avoid or reduce any company legal liability associated with racial discrimination; and
    3.  Addressing steps that should be taken in the event a complaint is received pertaining to race discrimination.


**Please cite the textbook reference below and other scholarly authors! Moran, J.J. (2014). Employment law: new challenges in the business environment. (6th Ed.). Boston: Pearson

ZV, 1C. Coca-Cola’s strategy for handling harassment and discrimination among its employees has serious flaws, as evidenced by the racial harassment allegations made against the business., A global company such as Coca-Cola ought to have implemented the required procedures training and policies to stop this kind of activity., Coca-Cola has numerous rules in place to prevent discrimination and racial harassment., However, employees could not completely comprehend the seriousness of these behaviors or the company’s objectives if there were no continuous, efficient training and awareness initiatives in place. (Inclusion and Diversity and Anti-Harassment Policy, 2024).

The mere fact that complaints were allegedly disregarded and no disciplinary action was taken raises the possibility that Coca-Cola failed to enforce its standards which may have prohibited racial discrimination and harassment., To support the impacted staff and ensure that proper disciplinary actions were taken against those implicated in misbehavior Coca-Cola should have launched an immediate and impartial investigation into the claims., This would show workers that the business is dedicated to upholding an inclusive and courteous work environment and takes racial harassment seriously., The effectiveness of anti-discrimination policies is undermined when there are no repercussions for the offenders such as allowing racist slurs., This meant that management did not respond in a timely manner and/or that there was a cultural tolerance of discriminatory behavior (Coca-Cola Bottling of Mobile to Pay $35000 to Settle EEOC Sex Discrimination Suit 2016).,

Coca-Cola should have used routine audits of workplace culture and employee feedback systems to spot any discriminatory or harassing trends early on and stop future incidents., The organization needed to make an effort to establish a culture at work that values inclusion and diversity. Additionally, in order to ensure that workers felt comfortable using the reporting channels, the organization ought to have a greater knowledge of them. For accusations of harassment or discrimination, Coca-Cola needed to make sure that staff members had easy access to a private, impartial, and confidential reporting system (Findlaw.com, 2024).

In closing, to resolve these concerns, Coca-Cola must act quickly and forcefully in the future. This includes strengthening reporting procedures, providing more thorough employee training, and holding all staff members responsible for fostering an inclusive and courteous work environment. This will allow them to restate their commitment to diversity and inclusion and work toward ensuring that such instances never occur again. This will help the company to gain the trust and credibility of the employees again (Coca-Cola, 2024).



Coca-Cola bottling of Mobile to pay $35,000 to settle EEOC sex discrimination suit. (2016). US EEOC. https://www.eeoc.gov/newsroom/coca-cola-bottling-mobile-pay-35000-settle-eeoc-sex-discrimination-suit

Coca-Cola. (2024). Human rights policy. https://www.coca-colahellenic.com/en/about-us/corporate-governance/policies/human-rights-policy

FindLaw.com – 42 U.S.C. § 1981 – U.S. Code – Unannotated Title 42. The Public Health and Welfare § 1981. Equal rights under the law – last updated January 01, 2024 | https://codes.findlaw.com/us/title-42-the-public-health-and-welfare/42-usc-sect-1981/

KW, 1.D, Discrimination of race is an occurrence when one race of employees receives preferential treatment over another race (Moran, 2014).  Coca-Cola has not been new to discrimination accusations and lawsuits. In 2001, Coca-Cola was involved in the nation’s biggest class-action settlement due to race employment discrimination.  The allegations against Coca-Cola involved pay variances between races and a glass ceiling that kept African Americans from obtaining any positions in their company past entry-level management (Mehrit, n.d.).

In the situation with Sondra Walker and Guillermo Nunez, there was another occurrence of racial discrimination.  Title VII does not allow for racial discrimination and when allegations arise, the company must investigate the allegations in a prompt manner (Moran, 2014).  Coca-Cola had knowledge of the allegations as stated by spokesperson Toney Anaya.  Due to the fact that there was more than one incident, it can appear as though an in-house investigation by Coca-Cola did not occur urgently.

Coca-Cola allowed for such an incident to occur by not responding to the complaints quickly.  According to Walker and Nunez in their complaints to Coca-Cola, their complaints were not addressed, leading to professional policies being enforced poorly, relationships and organizational culture not centered around ethical practices.  It is evident that training was inadequate to the employees of the organization.  If their discrimination prevention practices and procedures were properly attended to, it could have established with the employees that they should not be targeted at any time, thereby decreasing their motivation and productivity levels.  The EEOC provides that approximately 75% of employees who have faced harassment do not report it to their superiors.  This can lead to financial detriments to the company, along with negative reputations (Grace, 2023).  The employees of Coca-Cola did report the discrimination and harassment, which indicates that either Coca-Cola did not perform regular training of its employees, or if they did, actions were not taken to cease problematic and discriminatory behaviors.

In order to avoid the discriminatory practices at Coca-Cola, they could have implemented mandatory discrimination and harassment training and also provided protections against retaliatory behavior. According to McHugh (2021), the sole intent of instilling proper behavior is not the correct way to combat discrimination, while routinely evaluating and updating their policies that arise promptly is beneficial.  Practices such as regular audits of discrimination policies to ensure that all protected categories are recognized and visibly presenting information to report incidents made clear to employees is essential (McHugh, 2021).

Coca-Cola also could have extended their training to include external resources if needed and mandated training on a consistent, regular basis as well as part of all on-boarding of new employees.  Proper training would have taught the employees what is permitted or discriminatory and established clear and concise boundaries of what is not tolerated in the workplace.  The administering of time-sensitive guidelines for investigating claims instead of delayed reaction time prevents additional incidents to transpire.


Grace, C. (2023, November 9). Why anti-harassment, bullying, and discrimination training is important. LRN. https://lrn.com/blog-why-effective-anti-harassment-bullying-discrimination-training-is-important

McHugh, C., Esquire. (2021). Preventing workplace race discrimination. United Educators. https://www.ue.org/risk-management/the-workplace/preventing-workplace-race-discrimination

Mehri, C. (n.d). The Coca-Cola Company Racial Discrimination. Discrimination Lawyer Washington DC – Mehri & Skalet. https://findjustice.com/cases/the-coca-cola-company/

Moran, J.J. (2014). Employment law: new challenges in the business environment. (6th Ed.). Boston: Pearson. ISBN: 9780133075229


Inclusion and Diversity and Anti-Harassment policy. (2024). https://www.coca- colahellenic.com/en/about-us/corporate-governance/policies/inclusion-and-diversity-policy

*******1.C and 1.D****


January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Concept Measuring In Clinical Setting

General directions for the discussion:

There are two (2) questions for this discussion. Please choose one of the questions for your initial posting.

You are required to respond to at least one of your peers. You must respond to a different discussion question than the one you have answered.



Concept Measuring In Clinical Settings

You are also required to include a word count in parentheses (your question response must be between 300-500 words), excluding the original question and references. This word count is part of the Discussion Board Rubric.

Please note that there are two dates listed on the Course Schedule. The first is the due date for the initial posting and the second the completion date for the threaded response.

The due date listed here is for full completion of the module, including the threaded discussion. The DB be monitored to verify that the initial posting was completed on the date listed on the schedule.

Discussion Board 2 Questions Concept Measuring In Clinical Setting

  1. Select an article on your Supplemental Reading list in Module 1.2 and answer the following questions:,
  • How is the concept defined?,
  • What is the empirical referent for the concept?, Suggest ways the concept might be measured in your clinical setting. If the authors did not suggest ways of measuring the concept create ways of measuring the concept based on the defining attributes of the concept.,
  • What other information helps to illuminate the concept? e.g. case examples or exemplars antecedents consequences synthesis contrast. Concept Measuring In Clinical Setting,
  • What did the particular method of concept analysis add to your understanding of the concept? In other words justify the use of the method — or consider how a different concept analysis method might have provided a different picture of the concept.,
  • Provide an example of this concept from your practice. ,How does the conceptualization of the concept fit with your experience?,
  • Does the concept analysis begin to suggest propositions or testable hypotheses? For instance, could you begin to say something like “This concept occurs when . . .” or “When this concept is present, then . . .”? Give examples, if possible. In other words, consider how this concept analysis might be the beginning of a theory. Concept Measuring In Clinical Setting
  1. Considering the various levels of abstraction (Metaparadigm, Philosophy, Conceptual Model, Grand Theory, Middle Range Theory, Practice Theory), which do you see as most appropriate to your nursing practice? Why? Or could you argue for a time and place for each level of abstraction?




January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Recent Crime Trends

In this module, we read about the current crime and policy landscape nationally, in particular, recent crime trends and the growth in all parts of the criminal justice system. The chapter by Mears emphasizes that there is little research to support current policies and, just as importantly, that little is known about the implementation and effects of many of them.


Recent Crime Trends

In this week’s discussion, reflect a bit on the assigned reading, and then address this key question: What are the risks of adopting unnecessary, ineffective, or inefficient criminal justice policies? How would you characterize those risks at the national and the local level?

In this module we read about the current crime and policy landscape nationally in particular recent crime trends and the growth in all parts of the criminal justice system., The chapter by Mears emphasizes that there is little research to support current policies and just as importantly that little is known about the implementation and effects of many of them. Recent Crime Trends,

In this week’s discussion, reflect a bit on the assigned reading and then address this key question: ,What are the risks of adopting unnecessary ineffective or inefficient criminal justice policies?, How would you characterize those risks at the national and the local level?

In this module, we read about the current crime and policy landscape nationally, in particular, recent crime trends and the growth in all parts of the criminal justice system. The chapter by Mears emphasizes that there is little research to support current policies and, just as importantly, that little is known about the implementation and effects of many of them.

In this week’s discussion, reflect a bit on the assigned reading, and then address this key question: What are the risks of adopting unnecessary, ineffective, or inefficient criminal justice policies? How would you characterize those risks at the national and the local level

Discussion, reflect a bit on the assigned reading, and then address this key question: What are the risks of adopting unnecessary, ineffective, or inefficient criminal justice policies? How would you characterize those risks at the national and the local level?





January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Relational Psychoanalytic Theories

Your Original Post is due by Saturday. There is no prescribed length for your posts, but they should reflect your own work, exhibit a high level of synthesis of course materials, and reflect a high caliber of scholarly writing. Citations and references are to be included in your responses. Your post should reflect APA 7 requirements.

By Wednesday please respond to 2 peers by:

Asking a probing question.

Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings. Offer and support an opinion.

Validate an idea with your own experience. Make a suggestion.

Expand on your colleagues’ postings.

Discussion Board Question: (select 1 Case Scenerio)

Using the case below, talk about the case using Individual Psychology (Adlerian).

Relational Psychoanalytic Theories

  • How would the client/student fill in the blanks: I am . Others are

                            . The world is                             . Therefore, in order to have a place to belong, I             .

  • Using the terms inferiority, private logic, and birth order, talk about why you think the client/student is experiencing difficulties.
  • Select 2 Adlerian techniques you would use in working with the client/student and explain your goal in using them.
  • How does the client’s cultural identity impact their experience of their presenting.

Check tips on how to do your Nursing Assignments.

SC Case – FD

FD is a 17-year-old South Asian female senior at the high school. FD came to the school counselor as part of the senior meeting process, though she has been seen in the school counselor’s office since 9th grade for academic and social-emotional support. FD presents as soft spoken and respectful, but it hesitant to talk in depth about her post high school plans.

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FD was called down for her senior meeting midway through the Fall semester to make sure she is on track for college applications. FD admits she has not applied to anywhere, has only done the first part of her Common App, and has instead been spending time with her friends hanging out. She lets you know her parents are not aware of this, and that they had minimal role in her siblings college application process as her siblings were very on top of things.

Relational Psychoanalytic Theories

FD presents with inconsistent academic performance over her high school years paired with anxiety and lack of motivation. When FD initiates a meeting, she often expresses disappointment with herself, anxiety over her future if she cannot do well, and pressure being placed on herself to do better. She acknowledges that this leads to her losing motivation and getting behind. This pattern has been consistent across her years in the school. She often comes to the counselor to share her feelings of being stressed and feeling like a failure when she receives a poor mark back in class. She often talks about wanting to please her family, and that low grades in math and science make her feel like an outcast. FD’s oldest brother (6 years her senior) is a chemical engineer, her older sister (2 years senior) received a full scholarship to a prestigious university studying Biochemistry. Her cousin, who attends the other high school in town, is a recruited athlete who is at the top of his class.

FD first came to the school counselor following receipt of her PSAT-9 scores, at the request of her parents. FD’s parents were upset about her score, feeling it was well below her ability level and concerned about her meeting NJ requirements due to a very low math score. FD finished freshman year over all well in her college prep and honors courses. She earned As in English, Foreign Language, and History, but struggled more in Biology (B-) and Honors Geometry (C+). She began 10th grade in Honors Chemistry and Honors Algebra II, and her grades were failing from the start of the semester. She did not qualify for honors math from her 9th grade final grade, but her parents pushed for her to be in the honors course, and it was approved. Her College Prep English course began to show strain, and by second semester she had to drop down to regular math and science sections. This helped her bring her English grade back up and end of the year she had As in English and History, a B in Chemistry, and a C- in Honors Algebra II. Her PSAT-10 scores improved, but her math was still not meeting state graduation requirements. Junior year, her parents requested her to be in AP courses in her primary subjects including Math, Science, English, and History. The school did not permit her to take AP Statistics, and at the parent’s request, she was placed in Honors Pre-Calculus. She was placed in a study group for the PSAT and her score was just at the passing mark for state requirements. She again finished the year strong in English and History, struggling in AP Environmental Science and Honors Pre Calc, earning B- grades in both classes. Senior year she was permitted to take mostly AP classes, including AP Biology and AP Calculus AB.

Relational Psychoanalytic Theories

The counselor has observed FD in the school being very social, always smiling and energetic, hanging out with a group of other students who would be considered popular but not those who are often in the highest academic classes. The student the counselor sees in the social setting is not the same as the one who comes to the office after getting a low grade. On the occasions when FD has been asked to come to the counselor’s office unrelated to struggling grades, FD does not acknowledge any anxiety, concerns about her grades, and avoids deeper discussions about her post college plans. It has also been observed that on those occasions, she comes in with a smile on her face and any mention by the counselor of her struggles in math and science or talk about her future result in what appears to be fleeting emotions that are quickly replaced with her smile and shrugging things off with not wanting to talk about that right now.

MH Case – KT

KT is a 43 year old divorced, Caucasian female, mother of three children. She was referred for psychological assessment and behavioral intervention for eating problems secondary to gastric bypass surgery. Onset of eating difficulties was two years post surgery. Over the last three years, she has had numerous procedures to determine the etiology of her eating difficulties; however, results have been inconclusive.

The client underwent gastric banding in 2015. She was diagnosed with pancreatitis, secondary to diabetes, earlier that year and was told that if she did not lose weight she would die. She experienced few problems in the post operative period and relates that this time was the “happiest time in her life.” Approximately two years post-surgery, she began experiencing difficulty digesting food. At first, certain foods would be difficult to keep down. Over time, she had difficulty keeping any food down. If she did manage not to vomit after a meal, she would then have diarrhea. She was nauseated all of the time. Over the last year, she has had increasing difficulty with food intake. In March 2021, she had an elevated white count of unknown etiology. Her doctor in Virginia dilated her and performed several upper GIs, still with no conclusive reason for her problems. She felt she was getting “sicker and sicker.” In November, 2021, she was referred to Dr. XX. He converted her banding to a bypass, but she continued to experience feeding problems. She was TPN at home for approximately 10 weeks until she was re- hospitalized. Only in the past week has she been able to eat some solid foods.

Relational Psychoanalytic Theories

The client has a long history of weight and body image disturbance. At 5’6, she currently weighs 138 lbs, but sees herself as “too thin for her structure.” She was teased about being overweight by other children while in the 4th and 5th grade and relates that this hurt her feelings. Although she perceived her weight to be “normal,” she started restricting her food intake at the age of 10 and started 4-5 diets within that first year of dieting. Her weight at age 18 was 120 lbs. Her lowest adult weight, at age 19, was 122 lbs. She remained at this weight for 6 years, although she acknowledges eating as a coping mechanism since age 20. As her marriage became more stressful, her compulsive eating was more frequent. Most eating occurred after fights with her husband. She began gaining weight with her first pregnancy at age 25. She never lost her pregnancy weight, but continued to gain weight as she had two more children. She ate compulsively but denies bingeing or purging or using laxatives for weight loss. She denies hiding her eating, but primarily ate while alone in the car, while running errands, and at home. Before eating, she felt empty, confused, angry, inadequate, lonely, nervous, panicked, and frustrated and disgusted with herself. She typically ate rapidly and felt out of control while eating. Eating did not ease her feelings. Instead, she tended to feel more miserable and guilty afterwards.

Since surgery, she has controlled her weight by limiting her portions. In the first years after her surgery, when she did eat larger portions, she would become nauseous and vomit. In the second post-operative year, she began having difficulty keeping food down. During this year, she went on at least 10 diets. She is very fearful of gaining weight and obsesses over even small weight gains, “I want to take it off right away.” Weight loss or gain seriously affects the way she feels about herself.

Relational Psychoanalytic Theories

KT was raised overseas and then in Virginia by still married parents. Her father was in the military in Europe. Her parents are currently healthy, though both have had cancer. She describes her childhood environment as “privileged.” Her parents were very social while they were in Europe and were in the movies in France. She denies any abuse or neglect. The client did well in school and later graduated with a bachelor’s degree in nursing. She worked as a nurse in several settings including the city jail. She last worked for three years as a psychiatric nurse at a Roanoke hospital. In her last year of work, she was reassigned as a “floater” due to absenteeism. She lost her job in June, 2022 due to continued absenteeism and has been on medical disability since then.

The client was married for 18 years. She described her husband as physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive. She felt like they went “from one crisis to another.” She finally left the relationship in 2018, after she had regained a sense of self-worth. They have three children, two sons, age 18 and 16, and one daughter, age 10. Around the time that she lost her job, both sons experienced difficulties with drug abuse and one ended up attending residential treatment. Both sons are doing well now. Her 10 year-old daughter is overweight and has a significant amount of anxiety about the client’s health fearing she is going to die.

Relational Psychoanalytic Theories

The client has a long history of mental health difficulties. At age 16, her parents moved to Virginia for her father’s job. Just before the move, the client’s boyfriend died of cancer and her mother was diagnosed with cancer. In the weeks following her boyfriend’s death, she spent hours at his gravesite and, after the family moved to Roanoke, would return to Richmond to sit at his grave. At the same time her mother was hospitalized for surgery to remove cancerous tissue, she attempted suicide by ingesting pills and her only thought as she lay in the in the ER was “how could I put my mother through this.”

She has been seeing a psychiatrist and a psychologist in Roanoke. Her psychiatrist works in the same office in which she was employed and later let go. Attending her appointments is often painful for the client, but she continues to see him because she does not want to hurt his feelings.

Relational Psychoanalytic Theories

Required Materials

  • , S. V., & Castleberry, J. (2023). Counseling Theories and Case Conceptualization. NY: Springer. Available for purchase from Springer Publishing

Links to an external site.

or purchase/rental from Amazon Links to an external site.

  • Videos https://connect.springerpub.com/content/book/978-0-8261-8292-0/ chapter/ch00#copy_link Links to an external site.
  • Novotney, (2017). Not your grandfather’s psychoanalysis. APA Monitor,

48(11). https://www.apa.org/monitor/2017/12/psychoanalysis Links to an external site.

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025


Nurse Goals Planning

Compose a 2-3 page paper to answer the following questions:

    1. What specific actions can you take as an APN to assist in attaining two or more of the four goals in the plan?   
    2. What aspects of health information technology will assist you, or will be an obstacle, in your endeavors? 
    3. What changes are required in the four domains of nursing practice to accomplish these two goals? The four domains of nursing practice in the CARE model: Federal Health IT Strategic Plan_2020_2025compressed.pdf Download Federal Health IT Strategic Plan_2020_2025compressed.pdfClinical, Administration, Research, and Education (of nurses). 
    4. Review this infographic on the four goals for the 5-year period from the federal strategic plan (link to full document hereLinks to an external site.): Nurse Goals Planning


Nurse Goals Planning



    1. Compose a 2-3 page paper to answer the following questions,

      1. What specific actions can you take as an APN to assist in attaining two or more of the four goals in the plan? ,  
      2. What aspects of health information technology will assist you or will be an obstacle in your endeavors?, 
      3. What changes are required in the four domains of nursing practice to accomplish these two goals? The four domains of nursing practice in the CARE model: Federal Health IT Strategic, Plan_2020_2025compressed.pdf Download Federal Health IT Strategic, Plan_2020_2025compressed.pdfClinical Administration Research and Education (of nurses). ,
      4. Review this infographic on the four goals for the 5-year period from the federal strategic plan (link to full document hereLinks to an external site.): Nurse Goals Planning
      5. Compose a 2-3 page paper to answer the following questions:
  1. Compose a 2-3 page paper to answer the following questions:

    1. What specific actions can you take as an APN to assist in attaining two or more of the four goals in the plan?   
    2. What aspects of health information technology will assist you, or will be an obstacle, in your endeavors? 
    3. What changes are required in the four domains of nursing practice to accomplish these two goals? The four domains of nursing practice in the CARE model: Federal Health IT Strategic Plan_2020_2025compressed.pdf Download Federal Health IT Strategic Nurse Goals Planning Plan_2020_2025compressed.pdfClinical, Administration, Research, and Education (of nurses). 
    4. Review this infographic on the four goals for the 5-year period from the federal strategic plan (link to full document hereLinks to an external site.):
January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

 Harris Case Study

  1. According to Harris explain the difference between ordinary human inquiry and social science.,
  2. According to Harris what makes academic journal articles different from other types of published material (e.g. book chapters, news articles etc.)?,
  3. According to Harris, what are some important things you should consider when critiquing how concepts are defined? Harris Case Study,
  4. According to Harris what are some important things you should consider when critiquing a study’s research design?,


Harris Case Study

  1. According to Harris what are some important things you should consider when critiquing sampling procedures?,
  2. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019) and Giblin (2014) how can we define an “organization”?,
  3. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019) how can we define “management”?,
  4. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), what is the difference between leadership and management?
  5. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), what are the similarities and differences between for-profit and nonprofit organizations? Harris Case Study
  6. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), what are the three primary components of the criminal justice system and what are some examples of organizations within each component?
  7. According to Allen and Sawhney (2019), describe the three different approaches to explaining leadership?
  8. According to Giblin (2014), why should we study criminal justice organizations?
  9. According to Giblin (2014), identify and describe the four common components of formal organizations.
  10. According to Giblin (2014), what is organizational theory?
  11. According to Giblin (2014), what is organizational behavior?
  12. According to Giblin (2014), why do individuals decide to organize?
  13. According to Giblin (2014), what are some common goals shared by criminal justice actors despite the fact the system is supposed to be adversarial?
  14. According to Giblin (2014), what are some key differences between public and private organizations?
  15. According to Giblin (2014), what is organizational structure? Harris Case Study
  16. According to Giblin (2014), what is vertical complexity and how is it assessed?
  17. According to Giblin (2014), what is horizontal complexity and how does it relate to criminal justice organizations?
  18. According to Giblin (2014), what is spacial complexity and how does it relate to criminal justice organizations?
  19. According to Giblin (2014), what is formalization and how does it relate to criminal justice organizations?
  20. According to Giblin (2014), what is centralization and how does it relate to criminal justice organizations?
  21. According to Giblin (2014), what is span of control and how does it relate to criminal justice organizations?



January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Traditional Psychoanalytic Theories

Choose your case

MK is a 15-year-old Puerto Rican adolescent female living with both her parents and a younger sibling. Her parents presented with significant marital problems had been separated several times and were discussing divorce. Her mother reported having a history of psychiatric treatment for depression and anxiety and indicated that the patient’s father suffered from bipolar disorder and had been receiving psychiatric treatment. He was hospitalized on multiple occasions during previous years for serious psychiatric symptoms.

MK was failing several classes in school, and her family was in the process of looking for a new school due to her failing grades and difficulties getting along with her classmates. She presented the following symptoms: frequent sadness and crying, increased appetite and overeating, guilt, low self-concept, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, hopelessness, and difficulty concentrating. In addition, she presented difficulties in her interpersonal relationships, persistent negative thoughts about her appearance and scholastic abilities, as well as guilt regarding her parents’ marital problems.

Traditional Psychoanalytic Theories

Traditional Psychoanalytic Theories

MK’s medical history revealed that she suffered from asthma, used eyeglasses, and was overweight. Her mother reported that she had been previously diagnosed with MDD 3 years ago and was treated intermittently for 2 years with supportive psychotherapy and anti-depressants (fluoxetine and sertraline; no dosage information available). This first episode was triggered by rejection by a boy for whom she had romantic feelings. Her most recent episode appeared to be related to her parents’ marital problems and to academic and social difficulties at school.

  • Using any of the theories in this unit, how can you explain why the student is struggling, and how you would approach intervention. Be sure to address any limitations based on site environment (school, agency, etc)

Check tips on how to do your Nursing Assignments.

MH Case Presenting Problem:

The client presented at the clinic with concerns of depressed mood, frequent crying at inopportune moments, panic attacks, and chronic pain. Ct is unable to function at his normal level in all areas of his life, and is facing forced retirement from his work of 30 years. The client has limited use of his arm due to injury followed by several surgeries, and he feels that this is the source of his problems. Moreover, he feels out of control, and unable to see an end to his misery.

Background Information:

The client is a late 40’s EA male who lives in the Duluth-Superior area.

Family. The client resides with his wife of 29 years and his son, younger 20s; his mid 20s daughter lives in the same city but not at home. According to the client, he has a good relationship with his family, a very understanding wife who supports him, and a positive relationship with his children. The client noted that several years ago his daughter received treatment for an eating disorder, but that the eating disorder was “her problem. She had us running around all over the place.” When asked, client indicated that his children do not know about his “problem,” and that at times they get frustrated with him for not participating in their lives more fully. The client noted that he was not very close with his father until his dad was dying. Reportedly, the client’s F would go to the garage work space and drink every night. The client described his father as just giving up in life in the end. The client has noted that he and his father are similar in many ways.

Traditional Psychoanalytic Theories

Work/Military Service. The client served in the military, but did not see significant direct combat. After that time, he remained in his position but was discharged and became a civilian employee. The client continues to be employed by the military as a civilian, and has been successfully advancing at the site; currently is a supervisor. At times, he has been called to Washington for his expertise in his particular field. However, currently the client has been off work for 6 months on a disability leave due to a recent surgery. Client described past five years of work as difficult.

Five years ago, the client fell in during a work trip and severely broke his wrist. Since that time, the client has been in continual pain and has had 7 operations on his arm. The most recent fused his wrist together; during this process they had to take bone from his hips and this has limited his mobility. Since the injury, the client noted an increased sense of depression and irritability (denies ability to express anger) as well as frequent experiences of extreme anxiety which would lead him to leave work for an hour to drive around. While working, he has trouble keeping track of where he is in a project – making computation, complex activities, and procedurally based work more difficult. When he realizes that he has lost his place, he becomes anxious and frustrated.

Client is a noted expert in his field, but due to his injury, he will have to retire at the end of this year. He describes proficiency in computer analysis, support, and programming; management of personnel, and applications of mathematical principles. He describes himself as a people person, but prefers work with his hands. Now that he is experiencing less anxiety, he is willing to pursue additional education.

Traditional Psychoanalytic Theories

Social. The client indicated that prior to the past years, he was a very social person – often attending social events with his wife and on the base. The client noted that since he began experiencing intense pain and anxiety/depression, he has limited his social activities, to near nonexistent, and spends much of his time alone in his workshop or in the family room. The client stated that it simply is not worth the panic that he experiences, but that since this has lessened, he is open to the possibility of increasing his interactions with others. However, he indicated that he doubts he will ever feel 100% comfortable functioning around large groups of people or in close interpersonal situations.

Support. The client stated that he has a good circle of friends but that they are very frustrated with him. The client indicated that he does not want to cause them discomfort by his disability, and that this has led him to isolate himself; leaving him with no one to discuss his pain/distress. The client noted that he knows he has support from his wife and children but that he does not want to be a burden to anyone else.

Upon entering counseling, the client would not go to coffee with his friends, but has started doing so in the past few weeks.

Traditional Psychoanalytic Theories

Activities. The client noted that prior to his decreased mobility due to the hip bone grafts, he ran marathons and spent considerable amount of time working. Since the decreased mobility, it is painful for him to walk further than one mile and extended periods of time on his feet in his workshop (hard floor) are difficult for him. The client noted a definite difficulty attending sporting events or arts events due to feeling like there may be no escape. However, he has attended some sporting events with his son and each time had to excuse himself to walk around the concourse for fresh air. In terms of leisure activities, the client has been doing wordworking for many years and finds considerable enjoyment in working in his workshop. He admits that his ability to do so is hindered by not only his decreased ability to stand for long periods of time, but both his functional range of motion for his arm and wrist as well as his difficulty keeping track of complex procedures make it difficult to work effectively on projects.

Psychiatric History. The client denied any past history of mental illness in self of family – except for father’s alcohol abuse. The client noted that for a few years he would go drinking after work, but when he realized that it was interfering with his family life, he quit. The client is currently on a medication for sleep, anxiety, and depression.

Mental Status:

Client presented as neatly dressed and well groomed with no apparent abnormalities in gait. Client appeared of average intelligence with coherent and goal oriented speech.

Client’s mood appeared dysthymic with affect congruent and appropriate for content. Client was oriented X3 with no manifestations of thought disorder. Additionally, the client denied experience of auditory or visual hallucinations. Although the ct’s thought processes were intact, he presents as very concrete with difficulty understanding abstract thoughts. His style is to remain very cognitive. Client’s memory for recent events appeared intact but client complains of an inability to concentrate well enough to complete job. Client denied active suicidal ideations, but did indicate thoughts of hurting himself, and has in the past come close – one occasion thought about driving into the bridge piling and on another went up to his sons room where the guns are kept and sat on the bed with a gun on his lap. The client noted that he would not kill himself because it would hurt his family.

Traditional Psychoanalytic Theories


Your Original Post is due by Saturday. There is no prescribed length for your posts, but they should reflect your own work, exhibit a high level of synthesis of course materials, and reflect a high caliber of scholarly writing. Citations and references are to be included in your responses. Your post should reflect APA 7 requirements.

By Tuesday please respond to 2 peers by:

Asking a probing question.

Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings. Offer and support an opinion.

Validate an idea with your own experience. Make a suggestion.

Expand on your colleagues’ postings.

Question 2: Read this article Links to an external site.

  • As we consider Freud’s theory and approach to counseling:
    • What do YOU think he got right, what do you think he got wrong?
    • Do we still see his influence in counseling theories today, and if so, why?
    • Finally, are his ideas appropriate culturally respectful and sensitive?

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January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Elements of Our Personal Identity

Elements of our personal identity, in combination with how we perceive these components in relation to others, impact the way we interact with the world. The American Counseling Association’s (2014) ACA Code of Ethics states,

Counselors are aware of—and avoid imposing—their own values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Counselors respect the diversity of clients, trainees, and research participants and seek training in areas in which they are at risk of imposing their values onto clients, especially when the counselor’s values are inconsistent with the client’s goals or are discriminatory in nature (A.4).

Elements of Our Personal Identity

To meet this and other ethical mandates, emerging and experienced professional counselors are obliged to engage in ongoing self-reflection and consider their individual and societal positionality.

One framework that is often used to evaluate self-identity is known as the ‘Social Identity Wheel”.

Check tips on how to do your Nursing Assignments.

Elements of Our Personal Identity

There are a number of iterations of this framework available. Please look at the following iteration as used by Johns Hopkins and provided under a Creative Commons Attribution License. It identifies 16 aspects of one’s social identity.

Source: Advancing the conversation: Next steps for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ) health sciences librarianship – Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Diversity-Wheel-as-used-at-Johns-Hopkins-University-12_fig1_320178286 [accessed 31 Aug, 2021]

For this assignment, please complete the following steps:

  1. List each of the 16 social identities and indicate what your social group membership is within it.

For example, it is likely that under ‘education’, you would identify as ‘some graduate school’.

You may present this information in whatever format you prefer (paragraphs, bullets, a table, etc.).

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Elements of Our Personal Identity

  1. Next, consider how your position within each social identity compares to others.  More specifically, consider how your position within this identity grants you or prevents you access to power.  There is no need to document this.
  2. Next, please address the following questions, providing thoughtful and well-developed responses to each:
  • When you consider each of the categories displayed, which two aspects of your Identity are you most conscious of on a daily basis? Explain why.
  • When you consider each of the categories displayed, which two aspects of your Identity are you least conscious of on a daily basis? Explain why.
  • What behaviors, if any, do you notice your status in any of the Identities Influences? How? To what degree?
  • How do you anticipate your various social Identities will influence your Interactions with other mental health professionals?
  • How do you anticipate your various social Identities will influence your Interactions with your clients?
January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Discussion Analysis Maria’s Case

This discussion has two parts – first a case study then a discovery post. Your discovery post should address the question at the bottom of this section in bold in addition to what you have learned from the unit and discussion.
Consider the case of Maria, respond to these three questions and
1. Briefly describe Maria using one of the models presented our readings (just describe not conceptualize the WHY of what is going on with her). You can choose your model – ones to strongly consider is the ADDRESSING model, PDI, Racial and Cultural Identity models, Ecological Model (EMMCPP). We encourage you to use resources to deepen your knowledge of these as you consider who Maria is.
2. Using concepts from your readings, explain why you think Maria is experiencing her presenting problem (anxiety and depression). Be sure to use tenets/constructs noted from theories and identify from what theory are
3. Analyze Maria’s situation using the empowerment counseling framework. Be sure to identify the power dynamics and intersections of privilege and oppression that impact their client’s experiences of anxiety and depression and discuss how you would empower their client using the four main components of empowerment
counseling. Be sure not to forget her age!!

Discussion Analysis Maria's Case

The Case of Maria
Maria, a 14-year-old Latina girl, finds herself in a tumultuous internal struggle as she
grapples with confusion about her sexuality. Raised in a family with strong religious
beliefs, Maria’s journey to self-discovery has led to feelings of anxiety and depression,
exacerbated by the perceived rejection she experiences from her family.

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Discussion Analysis Maria’s Case

Presenting Issues: Maria experiences excessive worry, trouble concentrating, difficulty
sleeping, and headaches and body aches. Maria experiences periods of sadness and
crying, where she finds herself sitting in her room doing nothing or walking around her
neighborhood alone listening to music for hours. She is having trouble in school and
isolating herself from her friends. Maria first experienced an attraction to a good female
friend about six months ago. They were not dating, just spending a lot of time together.
Maria felt a deep connection to her friend, and later began to feel physical sensations
when they would hang out. Maria was not sure what was going on and began to
ruminate about her feelings for this friend and what this meant about her. One time
when they were hanging out, they hugged and Maria experienced a moment where she
wanted to kiss her friend. Since that day, she has not spoken to her friend and not
explained why, despite her friend reaching out regularly to reconnect. About four
months ago, her mom was in her room during and Maria was crying. Maria let it “slip”
about her feelings. Her mother immediately shut her down, dismissing her feelings, and
said, nice Catholic girls don’t do things like that. Maria is reluctant to open up about her
feelings, fearing judgment and rejection from those around her so, in her words, she has
shut down.

Click the link for more tips on how to do your Nursing Assignments.

Discussion Analysis Maria’s Case

Family History: Maria is the youngest of three children to married parents. Her older
siblings are both boys, and five and three years older than her. Maria’s family is deeply
religious, and active in the Catholic faith. They attend services weekly, and Maria’s
mother attends twice per week. Maria’s parents do not talk about romantic relationships,
sexuality, and opted out of the school’s physical education sessions on health and sex
education. Close to her parents growing up, Maria is finding herself shut out. Her
attempts to share her feelings have been met with resistance and disapproval,
reinforcing a sense of rejection. Her older brother is at college, and is not aware of what
is happening, but her younger brother tries to support her.
Academic History: Maria’s anxiety and depression have taken a toll on her academic
performance. The once vibrant and engaged student has experienced a noticeable
decline in grades. Concentration difficulties, absenteeism, and a lack of motivation
contribute to her academic struggles. When in class, her teacher complains about her
day dreaming and not participating. She is passing all classes, but last school year she
was an all A student in honors classes. Since beginning high school, she has struggled
get settled in a routine with homework, which there is more of, and how to organize the
information coming in. The pace is faster, there are more tests, and she just does not
have the energy sometimes to care about it.

Discussion Analysis Maria’s Case

Social History: Maria’s struggles with identity and the fear of rejection have led to
significant changes in her social life. Once an active participant in social events, she
now withdraws from her peers, avoiding social interactions. She spends time in the
library during lunch, and did not join any clubs when she She does not feel she has any
friends who would understand how she is feeling and chooses to limit her social
interactions. She does play soccer, and is cordial with her teammates but does not go to
any of the get togethers unless they are during a tournament (the whole team goes to
Your Original Post is due by Monday 20th. There is no prescribed length for your posts,
but they should reflect your own work, exhibit a high level of synthesis of course
materials, and reflect a high caliber of scholarly writing. Citations and references are to
be included in your responses. Your post should reflect APA 7 requirements

January 26, 2025
January 26, 2025

Summary of Criminal Justice

You must submit a 3 page summary of the assigned readings from this week (approximately 1 page per article). This is not the appropriate place to discuss whether or not you enjoyed the material but is instead a means to assess whether or not you understood the material well enough to briefly summarize it.

Summary of Criminal Justice

In other words, do not make your own argument in the summary papers (you will do that on your exam), instead summarize the study or key arguments the author(s) is making.

  1. Lambert, E. G., Paoline, E. A., & Hogan, N. L. (2006). The impact of centralization and formalization on correctional staff job satisfaction and organizational commitment: An exploratory study. Criminal Justice Studies, 19(1), 23–44. (Reading 1 in the Giblin Book) Summary of Criminal Justice
  2. Armstrong, G. S., (2012). Factors to consider for optimal span of control in community supervision evidence-based practice environments. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 23(4), 427–446. (Reading 2 in the Giblin Book)
  3. Benson, J. S., & Decker, S. H. (2010). The organizational structure of international drug smuggling. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38(2), 130–138 (Reading 3 in the Giblin Book)

You must submit a 3 page summary of the assigned readings from this week (approximately 1 page per article)., This is not the appropriate place to discuss whether or not you enjoyed the material but is instead a means to assess whether or not you understood the material well enough to briefly summarize it., In other words do not make your own argument in the summary papers (you will do that on your exam),Instead summarize the study or key arguments the author(s) is making.,

  1. Lambert, E. G., Paoline, E. A., & Hogan, N. L. (2006). The impact of centralization and formalization on correctional staff job satisfaction and organizational commitment:, An exploratory study. Criminal Justice Studies, 19(1), 23–44. (Reading 1 in the Giblin Book)
  2. Armstrong, G. S., (2012). Factors to consider for optimal span of control in community supervision evidence-based practice environments. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 23(4), 427–446. (Reading 2 in the Giblin Book)
  3. Benson, J. S., & Decker, S. H. (2010). The organizational structure of international drug smuggling. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38(2), 130–138 (Reading 3 in the Giblin Book)