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February 28, 2025
February 28, 2025

Final Project Plan

What is your proposed change and how will you implement it?

Throughout this course, you will work at your clinical site with a preceptor and with stakeholders to implement a plan to change a potential or known problem at your practice. For this Assignment, you will review the project management plan you developed in NURS 8502. Reflect on your plan, your preceptors, and your specialty to determine what/if changes are needed to begin the implementation of your plan.


Final Project Plan



Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.

Final Project Plan


To Prepare

  • Review the project management plan selected and developed in NURS 8502.,
  • Meet with your clinical site to review your project plan for changes.,
  • Review the Learning Resources covering available project management plan options.

The Assignment

Submit your revised and updated final project management plan.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Walden Writing Center Sample Paper provides an example of those required elements (available at https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/templates/general#s-lg-box-20293632). All papers submitted must use this formatting.

Submit by Day 7 of Week 1. 

Final Project Plan

What is your proposed change and how will you implement it?

Throughout this course, you will work at your clinical site with a preceptor and with stakeholders to implement a plan to change a potential or known problem at your practice. For this Assignment, you will review the project management plan you developed in NURS 8502. Reflect on your plan, your preceptors, and your specialty to determine what/if changes are needed to begin the implementation of your plan.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.


To Prepare

  • Review the project management plan selected and developed in NURS 8502.
  • Meet with your clinical site to review your project plan for changes.
  • Review the Learning Resources covering available project management plan options.

The Assignment

Submit your revised and updated final project management plan.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The Walden Writing Center Sample Paper provides an example of those required elements (available at https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/templates/general#s-lg-box-20293632). All papers submitted must use this formatting.

Submit by Day 7 of Week 1. 




February 28, 2025
February 28, 2025

United States Preventive Service Define preconception period and discuss why this is an important time for women who are planning to get pregnant. Why folate supplement is important.

  • Following the guidelines of the United States Preventive Service Taskforce (USPSTF) how you would recommend the folate to be taken. by women who plan to get pregnant?
  • Name dietary sources for folate.


United States Preventive Service 


  • Name patients with higher risk who indicate a need for folate. supplementation is recommended.
  • The Diagnosis criteria for Pre-eclampsia based on the ACOG guidelines and the maternal and fetal complications related. Discuss the Diagnosis criteria for Pre-eclampsia based on the ACOG guidelines and the maternal and fetal complications related.

United States Preventive Service 

  • C.C is a 36-year-old female patient known in the office who came to consult you because she has been feeling left breast tenderness, low grade fever and malaise for about four days. She delivered her baby 3 months ago and is breastfeeding. You found the left breast warm and painful when examined. Fissures on nipples presented. List your diagnosis and support.
  • If infection is suspected which bacteria are usually involve in this process.
  • Discuss a management plan for C.C (pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment).
  • List patient’s education and recommendations
  1. An effective health assessment incorporates not only physiological parameters; please suggest other parameters that should be considered and included on health assessments to reach maximal health potential on individuals.
  2. Name the different family developmental stages and give examples of each one.
  3. Describe family structure and function and the relationship with health care.

United States Preventive Service 

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
  • Define preconception period and discuss why this is an important time for women who are planning to get pregnant. Why folate supplement is important.
  • Following the guidelines of the United States Preventive Service Taskforce (USPSTF) how you would recommend the folate to be taken. by women who plan to get pregnant?
  • Name dietary sources for folate.
  • Name patients with higher risk who indicate a need for folate. supplementation is recommended.
  • The Diagnosis criteria for Pre-eclampsia based on the ACOG guidelines and the maternal and fetal complications related. Discuss the Diagnosis criteria for Pre-eclampsia based on the ACOG guidelines and the maternal and fetal complications related.
  • C.C is a 36-year-old female patient known in the office who came to consult you because she has been feeling left breast tenderness, low grade fever and malaise for about four days. She delivered her baby 3 months ago and is breastfeeding. You found the left breast warm and painful when examined. Fissures on nipples presented. List your diagnosis and support.
  • If infection is suspected which bacteria are usually involve in this process.
  • Discuss a management plan for C.C (pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment).
  • List patient’s education and recommendations

United States Preventive Service 

  1. An effective health assessment incorporates not only physiological parameters; please suggest other parameters that should be considered and included on health assessments to reach maximal health potential on individuals.
  2. Name the different family developmental stages and give examples of each one.
  3. Describe family structure and function and the relationship with health care.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.


February 28, 2025
February 28, 2025

Data Analysis Plan

This upcoming task will ideally, but not necessarily, be focused on a topic you are interested in as a possible topic for the project you will conduct. The purpose of this project is not for you to draft parts of the project you will conduct. The purpose is for you to demonstrate how to formulate a data analysis plan that will fulfill the purpose of a practice change project. Here is the outline of part of the content of a proposal for a hypothetical DNP project with a focus on statistical analysis. DNP projects are a type of translational research – translating previous research into practice. For this task, you should use a previously published project or research study as the basis for the methodology of a hypothetical project. When this is done in an actual project, the previous research methodology is adopted to the specific setting, patients, and time frame for the project. Cite the research study that you are using as a basis for your proposal Use this outline to organize your contribution this week.


Data Analysis Plan


  • State the purpose of the project. Cite the research that is the basis for the proposal.
  • Transform the purpose statement into a PICOT-formatted project question (See the Gallagher & Melnyk, 2019, editorial for additional information cited under the Instructional Resources for this week.).
    • P = Population – who will be included in the project and how many groups will be studied in the project.
    • I = Intervention – the treatment or intervention that will be manipulated or changed during the implementation phase of the project.
    • C = Comparison – the usual treatment or intervention used prior to the project.
    • O = Outcome – the characteristic that will be measured to determine the effect of the intervention.
      • Find or identify a data collection instrument to measure this variable and give the name of the instrument.
    • Data Analysis Plan
      • Indicate what type of variable this instrument collects (categorical or continuous) and what level of measurement it is (nominal, ordinal, interval, variable).
    • T = Time: Total time for data collection from the start of data collection to the end.
  • Data analysis – Descriptive statistics:
    • Identify the descriptive statistics that will be used to organize and summarize the data collected that will fulfill the purpose of the study – choose one of the descriptive statistics listed below and give the rationale for your choice based on the type of data produced by the data collection instrument:
      • Measure of central tendency with measure of variability and range.
      • Frequency with percentages.

Data Analysis Plan

  • Describe the most effective method to use for illustrating the descriptive statistics with a graph or histogram.,
  • Data analysis – inferential statistic:
    • Name the most appropriate inferential statistic to use to fulfill the purpose of the study:,
    • Give the rationale for your choice based on the purpose statement PICO-formatted project question, and the type of data produced by the data collection instrument.,
    • What are the assumptions for this test?,
  • Write the null and alternative hypotheses for the inferential statistic in words and in an equation using the same designations of the population variables and time that were used in the purpose statement and PICOT-formatted project question.,
  • How will the effect size of the findings be determined? Give the rationale for your choice based on the inferential test used.,


February 28, 2025
February 28, 2025

Organizational Structure & Change Management

Flexibility, adaptability, and responsiveness to the external environment is essential if organizations are going to survive and thrive in a rapidly changing environment. Therefore, leaders and managers must know how to implement change successfully in their organizations or departments in response to rapidly shifting conditions. The ability to respond to change is partially determined by an organization’s structure and culture, along with having the knowledge of how to implement change effectively. The purpose of this project is to examine your understanding of the roles and skills of managers and to build a set of skills that will help you understand how to implement organizational change strategies. Using a case study, you will be asked to demonstrate how motivationrelationship building, and trust affect organizational effectiveness as change is implemented.


Organizational Structure & Change Management


Step 1:  Carefully read the case study below.

Step 2:  Comprise a 5-6 page paper (excluding the title page and reference list page) that includes ALL of the following points:

  • Research the concepts of organizational structure and change management and use this as the basis for creating your change management plan.,
  • Research the concepts of motivation trust and behavior as they individually and collectively relate to the ability for leaders to create sound management relationships that ultimately lead to successful organizations and the concepts of organizational structure and change management as they relate to the creation and implementation of a global organizational structure.,
  • Apply your research on the concepts of motivation trust and behavior to the relationship-building issues identified in the case study. ,
  • Develop a forward strategy for leadership and management that focuses on relationship building diversity and trust that will help the organization implement these new strategies.,
  • Consider change management and global organizational culture as you develop your plan.,
  • Explain the reasoning/conclusions behind your plan elements and support them with your research class materials and case-study facts.
  • Organizational Structure & Change Management
  • Carefully read the grading rubric for the assignment!

Check the instructions to make sure ALL elements of the assignment have been covered

  • Students are expected to use a variety as well as multiple course readings and research to support ideas, reasoning, and conclusions.
    • This assignment requires the use of, at minimum, 5 scholarly references/sources
  • Follow an approved writing style format such as MLA, APA, or Chicago style, and format guidelines to ensure that your final submission includes a Title Page, In-Text Citations, and a Reference  List.
    • Paraphrase from relevant sources to show a greater understanding of the topics. Limit quotes, though when used explain their significance. Provide the page or paragraph number as appropriate. Note that a reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.
  • The analysis should begin with an introductory paragraph that clearly and succinctly explains what you intend to cover in the body of the paper.
  • The analysis should end with a conclusion/summary paragraph that clearly and succinctly explains what you covered in the body of the paper.
  • Third-person writing is required. Third-person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first-person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second-person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link: https://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/first-second-and-third-person .
  • Contractions are not used in business writing, so the expectation is that students do NOT use contractions in the assignment.
  • The paper must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins with 12 pt. font.
  • Submit the final project into the appropriate assignment submission folder by the due date.

Organizational Structure & Change Management

NOTE:  All submitted work is to be your original work. You may not use any work from another student, the Internet, or an online clearinghouse.  You are expected to understand the Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism Policy and know that it is your responsibility to learn about instructor and general academic expectations with regard to proper citation of sources. 

Case Study

  Ann McConnell is chief information officer (CIO) at Jackson Spice Ingredients (JSI), a large Maryland spice and food ingredient company. In an industry that has a large national market presence, yet is global in its need for raw materials, JSI is always looking for ways to increase productivity and speed things up while staying connected to its worldwide sources.  The mission of the organization is “to profitably expand its global leadership position in the spice, seasoning markets while being good stewards of the environment.”

Two years into the job, McConnell suggested to company president, Charles Jackson, that it implement a new global organizational structure that is focused on divisions or geographic areas, thus enabling a stronger focus on local environments and sustainability. One of the first steps would be to reorganize the current functional structure and moving or hiring new managers for each of the new divisions.  The new divisional structure will enable more of a focus on the local environment, thus assisting managements in understanding how they can impact each demographic area.

Organizational Structure & Change Management

In a meeting with managers,  Charles and Ann need to introduce the new strategies. They know that 3 of the 7 current managers will be reluctant to change to the new organizational structure and strategy.   Charles and Ann need to consider what management strategies they will need to focus on how to get all the managers on board and they need to consider what management skills will be most needed to implement the new strategies.

Taking into consideration what you have learned the past few weeks on learning organizations, culture, and human capital, develop a strategy for leadership to use that will help management in their new roles and that will focus on the organizational vision and purpose

February 28, 2025
February 28, 2025
  1. Select a Health Problem that primarily affects the pediatric population. (You did this in Module 1 Discussion ,
  2. Provide information about the incidence prevalence and pathophysiology of the disease/disorder to the cellular level.,
  • Differential Diagnosis
  1. Educate advanced practice nurses on
  • assessment and diagnostic exams (Remember APRN are the primary care providers),
  • care/treatment including genetics/genomics—specific for this disorder,
  1. Provide patient education for management cultural and spiritual considerations for care must also be addressed.


Health Problem


Submission Instructions:

  • Presentation is original work and logically organized.
  • Followed current APA format for PowerPoint slides, including citation of references.
  • PowerPoint presentation with 10-15 slides were clear and easy to read. Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.  Journal articles and books should be referenced according to the current APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).
  1. Health Problem
  1. Select a health problem that primarily affects the pediatric population. (You did this in Module 1 Discussion 2.)
  2. Provide information about the incidence, prevalence, and pathophysiology of the disease/disorder to the cellular level.
  • Differential Diagnosis
  1. Educate advanced practice nurses on
  • assessment and diagnostic exams (Remember, APRN are the primary care providers)
  • care/treatment including genetics/genomics—specific for this disorder
  1. Provide patient education for management, cultural, and spiritual considerations for care must also be addressed.
  1. Health Problem

Submission Instructions:

  • Presentation is original work and logically organized.
  • Followed current APA format for PowerPoint slides, including citation of references.
  • PowerPoint presentation with 10-15 slides were clear and easy to read. Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.  Journal articles and books should be referenced according to the current APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).


February 28, 2025
February 28, 2025


The rapid emergence of social media as Social Networking Sites, blogs/microblogs, forums, question answering services, and online communities provide a wealth of information about public opinion on various aspects of healthcare that could be exploited by analytics to reveal trends. A huge amount of data posted on social media can be used to divulge information that can be leveraged to make useful inferences about population health and public opinion.


Social Networking Sites


Write a research paper that evaluates the role of analytics in assessing the role of social media in monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic opinions of the public about precautionary measures (masks social distancing) and vaccination attitude against COVID-19., Include a discussion on analytics tools were used to process the data and how statistically significant the conclusions made are? Why?, Were they used for any policy decisions during the pandemic?,

Research Paper Length and APA Requirements: No more than 5 pages (excluding title page and reference page)., Formatted in APA 7th Edition. Provide credible evidence through the use of in-text citations from your references to support your conclusions/information.

Social Networking Sites

Assignment Instructions:

The rapid emergence of social media as social networking sites, blogs/microblogs, forums, question answering services, and online communities provide a wealth of information about public opinion on various aspects of healthcare that could be exploited by analytics to reveal trends. A huge amount of data posted on social media can be used to divulge information that can be leveraged to make useful inferences about population health and public opinion.

Write a research paper that evaluates the role of analytics in assessing the role of social media in monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic, opinions of the public about precautionary measures (masks, social distancing), and vaccination attitude against COVID-19. Include a discussion on analytics tools were used to process the data and how statistically significant the conclusions made are? Why? Were they used for any policy decisions during the pandemic?

Research Paper Length and APA Requirements: No more than 5 pages (excluding title page and reference page). Formatted in APA 7th Edition. Provide credible evidence, through the use of in-text citations from your references, to support your conclusions/information.


February 28, 2025
February 28, 2025

Integrate School Safety Data for the Purpose of Safe School Program Evaluation Paper

Prepare an APA formatted paper that identifies means by which school  safety planning is enhanced through a process of assessment and  evaluation. It is important to explain how data is used and that the  terms “best practices” and “proven programs” are within the body of the  paper.

School Safety Data


The paper must address the following:

  • Define “safe schools” and “safe school planning.”,
  • Describe the kind of data used to make a determination of a “safe school.”,
  • Discuss evaluation of programs and systems related to the physical assessment of the school,
  • Summarize the paper by prioritizing the process of evaluation based on limited financial,

The paper must reflect that you identified five sources of school safety data.

Your paper should be a minimum of 8  pages

Integrate School Safety Data for the Purpose of Safe School Program Evaluation Paper

Prepare an APA formatted paper that identifies means by which school  safety planning is enhanced through a process of assessment and  evaluation. It is important to explain how data is used and that the  terms “best practices” and “proven programs” are within the body of the  paper.

The paper must address the following:

  • Define “safe schools” and “safe school planning.”
  • Describe the kind of data used to make a determination of a “safe school.”
  • Discuss evaluation of programs and systems related to the physical assessment of the school
  • Summarize the paper by prioritizing the process of evaluation based on limited financial

The paper must reflect that you identified five sources of school safety data.

Your paper should be a minimum of 8  pages

Integrate School Safety Data for the Purpose of Safe School Program Evaluation Paper

Prepare an APA formatted paper that identifies means by which school  safety planning is enhanced through a process of assessment and  evaluation. It is important to explain how data is used and that the  terms “best practices” and “proven programs” are within the body of the  paper.

The paper must address the following:

  • Define “safe schools” and “safe school planning.”
  • Describe the kind of data used to make a determination of a “safe school.”
  • Discuss evaluation of programs and systems related to the physical assessment of the school
  • Summarize the paper by prioritizing the process of evaluation based on limited financial

The paper must reflect that you identified five sources of school safety data.

Your paper should be a minimum of 8  pages

February 28, 2025
February 28, 2025

Research Topic: The Impact of Remote Work on Business Efficiency & Employee Productivity,

Research Questions: How has the shift to remote work influenced business efficiency and employee productivity?,

Will there be a shift in productivity with employees that are being forced back into the office?,

What factors contribute to higher or lower efficiency in remote work enviornments ?,

What are the effects of remote work on employee work-life balance and mental health?,


Business Efficiency & Employee Productivity


Research Topic: The Impact of Remote Work

Research Questions: How has the shift to remote work influenced

Will there be a shift in productivity with employees that are being forced back into the office?

What factors contribute to higher or lower efficiency in remote work enviornments ?

What are the effects of remote work on employee work-life balance and mental health?

Research Topic: The Impact of Remote Work on

Research Questions: How has the shift to remote work influenced

Will there be a shift in productivity with employees that are being forced back into the office?

What factors contribute to higher or lower efficiency in remote work enviornments ?

What are the effects of remote work on employee work-life balance and mental health?

Research Topic: The Impact of Remote Work on

Research Questions: How has the shift to remote work influenced business efficiency and employee productivity?

Will there be a shift in productivity with employees that are being forced back into the office?

What factors contribute to higher or lower efficiency in remote work enviornments ?

What are the effects of remote work on employee work-life balance and mental health?

Research Topic: The Impact of Remote Work on

Research Questions: How has the shift to remote work influenced business efficiency and employee productivity?

Will there be a shift in productivity with employees that are being forced back into the office?

What factors contribute to higher or lower efficiency in remote work enviornments ?

What are the effects of remote work on employee work-life balance and mental health?










February 28, 2025
February 28, 2025

Managing Difficult Employees as a health care supervisor

Find/read/submit an article on the above topic: In summarizing the article, be sure to focus on the Key Terms: Difficult Employee & Labeling highlighted in your textbook (Term listed below)

Difficult Employee: Usually, a standard or minimally acceptable performer, this is the employee who is seen as exhibiting an attitude problem: a bad attitude, a poor attitude, or a generally negative attitude


Managing Difficult Employees

Labeling: The tendency to apply simplistic labels to employees based on their behavior, for example, “grouch,” “know it all,” “hothead,” and such. Labels will forever be used as a matter of convenience, but it must be recognized that labels tend to stigmatize, and rarely if ever is a label completely descriptive of an individual.

Word Count: 250 words

Assignment 2

Lab project #7

Answer the two questions posed by demonstrating your application of being a team leader.,

1)  What are the hazards Janet faces in (1) dealing firmly with Bonnie’s behavior and (2) ignoring Bonnie’s absences and saying nothing?,

2) Assuming Janet decides to confront Bonnie how should she go about doing so?,

In your own words (using 300 words) answer the questions thoroughly and substantively.,  Be sure to demonstrate that you have read the assigned reading and/or other references along with any personal or observed knowledge about confrontation at home school or in the workplace.

Managing Difficult Employees

Please see “case” reading below (2nd pg)

Two separate assignments

Assignment 1

HIT Article #3

TOPIC:  Managing Difficult Employees as a health care supervisor

Find/read/submit an article on the above topic: In summarizing the article, be sure to focus on the Key Terms: Difficult Employee & Labeling highlighted in your textbook (Term listed below)

Difficult Employee: Usually, a standard or minimally acceptable performer, this is the employee who is seen as exhibiting an attitude problem: a bad attitude, a poor attitude, or a generally negative attitude

Labeling: The tendency to apply simplistic labels to employees based on their behavior, for example, “grouch,” “know it all,” “hothead,” and such. Labels will forever be used as a matter of convenience, but it must be recognized that labels tend to stigmatize, and rarely if ever is a label completely descriptive of an individual.

Word Count: 250 words

Managing Difficult Employees

Assignment 2

Lab project #7

Answer the two questions posed by demonstrating your application of being a team leader.

1)  What are the hazards Janet faces in (1) dealing firmly with Bonnie’s behavior and (2) ignoring Bonnie’s absences and saying nothing?

2) Assuming Janet decides to confront Bonnie, how should she go about doing so?

In your own words (using 300 words), answer the questions thoroughly and substantively.  Be sure to demonstrate that you have read the assigned reading and/or other references; along with any personal or observed knowledge about confrontation at home, school, or in the workplace.

Please see “case” reading below (2nd pg)


February 28, 2025
February 28, 2025

Psychological First Aid Training Aid Summary or Research Paper [60 pts]:

  1. Students will complete the on-campus Psychological First Aid Training., At the completion of the training you will provide and upload to Canvas a Summery (PFA Summary) typed minimum 500 words in content (not counting cover page) reflection paper ., This short paper should include (1) a summary of the training (2) its utility to non-counseling trained individuals (3) its utility to counseling trained individuals, (4) how you might use this in daily counseling practice / services, (5) the pros and cons of utilizing Psychological First Aid techniques in crisis and non- crisis situations. (60 points – Objectives 1 – 3, 5, 6, 8 – 10). There will be an additional 10 bonus points added for those students that attend in-person.

Psychological First Aid Training


Summaries: Summaries should (1) have a cover page that is the title of the training, (2) should touch on the major points of training and (3) should be no less than 500 words in length (more is okay).


  1. Students will complete the on-campus .At the completion of the training, you will provide and upload to Canvas a Psychological First Aid Training Summery (PFA Summary) typed minimum 500 words in content (not counting cover page) reflection paper on the Psychological First Aid training. This short paper should include (1) a summary of the training, (2) its utility to non-counseling trained individuals, (3) its utility to counseling trained individuals, (4) how you might use this in daily counseling practice / services, (5) the pros and cons of utilizing Psychological First Aid techniques, in crisis and non- crisis situations. (60 points – Objectives 1 – 3, 5, 6, 8 – 10). There will be an additional 10 bonus points added for those students that attend in-person.

Summaries: Summaries should (1) have a cover page that is the title of the training, (2) should touch on the major points of training and (3) should be no less than 500 words in length (more is okay).


Summaries: Summaries should (1) have a cover page that is the title of the training, (2) should touch on the major points of training and (3) should be no less than 500 words in length (more is okay).
