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February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

History and Physical SOAP Note

  •      Label each section of the SOAP note (each body part and system).
  •      Do notuse unnecessary words or complete sentences.
  •      Use standard abbreviations.

SUBJECTIVE DATA (S): (information the patient/caregiver tells you)

Includes all of the information the patient tells you Identifying data Initials age race gender marital status Name of informant if not patient.,

History and Physical SOAP Note

CHIEF COMPLAINT (CC): The reason for this health care visit. A statement describing the symptom problem condition diagnosis physician recommended return or other factors that are the reason for this patient visit, (even if they bring no specific problem). If possible, use the patient’s own words in quotation marks.

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS (HPI): If the patient presents with specific problems, symptoms, or complaints, a chronological description of the development of the patient’s present illness from the first sign of each symptom to the current visit is recorded using the elements of a symptom analysis. Those elements are:

  • Location: Where it started where it is located now
  • Quality: Unique properties or characteristics of the symptom
  • Severity: Intensity, quantity, or impact on life activities; duration: length of episode
  • Timing: When symptom started, frequency (patient’s “story” of the symptom), context (under what conditions it occurs)
  • Setting: Under what conditions the symptoms occur, activities that produce the symptoms
  • Alleviating and aggravating factors: What makes it better and/or worse, what meds have been taken to relieve symptoms, did the meds help or not, does food make symptoms worse or better
  • Associated signs and symptoms: Presence or absence of other symptoms or problems occurring with their complaint; include pertinent negatives and information from the patient’s charts (e.g., lab data or previous visit information)

In the case of a well visit, describe the patient’s usual health and summarize health maintenance needs and activities.


  • Allergies
  • Current medications prescription and over the counter
  • Age/health status
  • Appropriate immunization status
  • Previous screening tests result
  • Dates of illnesses during childhood (may not be very important in adults; exceptions may include rheumatic fever or chronic illnesses continuing into adulthood)
  • Major adult illnesses (include history of diabetes, hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases, pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS, gynecological or urological problems, drug and/or alcohol abuse, and psychiatric illness)
  • Injuries
  • Hospitalizations (reason, hospital, attending physician [if known])
  • Surgeries (include hospital and year)

FAMILY HISTORY (FH): Age and current health status or age at death and cause of death of each family member (parents, siblings, and children) is recorded. Occurrence within the family of illnesses of an environmental, genetic, or familial nature are recorded in family history. Ask about the presence in the family of any of the following conditions: asthma, glaucoma, myocardial infarctions, heart failure, hypertension, cancer, tuberculosis, diabetes, kidney disease, hemophilia, sickle cell trait or disease, psychiatric diseases, alcoholism allergies, family violence, mental retardation, epilepsy, and congenital abnormalities.

Record any specific diseases related to problems identified in CC, HPI, or review of symptoms (ROS).

SOCIAL HISTORY (SH): Record important life events marital status occupational history military service level of education., Record lifestyle and current health habits (may be here or in ROS): exercise, diet, safety (smoke alarms, seatbelts, firearms, sports), living arrangements, hobbies, travel. Record religious preference relevant to health, illness, or treatment. Record habits: use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

Resources: resources to pay for care, insurance, worries about cost of care, history of postponing care.

Reproductive Hx: Menstrual history (date of last menstrual period [LMP]), pregnant (gravida and Parity), nursing/lactating (yes or no), contraceptive use (method used), types of intercourse (oral, anal, vaginal, other), gender sexual preference, and any sexual concerns.

REVIEW OF SYSTEMS (ROS): There are 14 systems for review. Record a summary for each system. Unexpected or positive findings need complete symptom analysis.

  • Constitutional symptoms: Overall health, weight gain or loss, ideal weight, fever, fatigue, repeated infections, ability to carry out activities of daily living.
  • Eyes: eye care, poor eyesight, double or blurred vision, use of corrective lenses or medications, redness, excessive tearing, pain, trauma, date and results of last vision screening or eye exam
  • Ears, nose, mouth, and throat: Ears: hearing acuity, exposure to high noise level, tinnitus, and presence of infection or pain, vertigo, use of assistive hearing device. Nose: sense of smell, discharge, obstruction, epistaxis, sinus trouble. Mouth and teeth: use of oral tobacco or smoking cigarettes, last dental exam date and result, pattern of brushing and use of dental floss and fluoride toothpaste, dentures, bleeding of gums, sense of taste, mouth odor or ulcers, sore tongue. Throat: sore throat, hoarseness, dysphagia.
  • Cardiovascular: Exercise pattern to maintain cardiovascular health. History of abnormal heart sounds (including murmur), chest pains, palpitations, dyspnea, activity intolerance, usual blood pressure, ECG (date, reason), cholesterol level (date), edema, claudication, varicose veins.
  • Respiratory: Exposure to passive smoke. History of respiratory infections, usual self-treatment, cough, last chest x-ray (date, result), exposure to tuberculosis (TB) and last TB skin test (date and result), difficult breathing, wheezing, hemoptysis, sputum production (character, amount), night sweats.
  • Gastrointestinal: Dietary pattern, fiber and fat in diet, use of nutritional supplements (vitamins, herbs), heartburn, epigastric pain, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, food intolerance, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, usual bowel pattern, change in stools, hemorrhoids, jaundice.
  • Genitourinary: Nocturia, dysuria, incontinence, sexual practices, sexual difficulty, venereal disease, history of stones. Men: slow stream, penile discharge, contraceptive use, self-testicular exam. Women: onset, regularity, dysmenorrhea, intermenstrual discharge or bleeding, pregnancy history (number, miscarriages, abortions, duration of pregnancy, type of delivery, complications), menopause (if present, use of hormone replacement therapy), last menstrual period (LMP), contraceptive use, last pap smear (date and result), intake of folic acid.
  • Musculoskeletal: Exercise pattern, use of seatbelts, use of safety equipment with sports, neck pain or stiffness, joint pain or swelling, incapacitating back pain, paralysis, deformities, changes in range of motion of activity, screening for osteoporosis, knowledge of back injury/pain prevention.
  • Integumentary (skin and/or breast): Use of skin protection with sun exposure, self-examination practices in assessing skin, general skin condition and care, changes in skin, rash, itching, nail deformity, hair loss, moles, open areas, bruising. Breast: practice of self-breast exam, lumps, pain, discharge, dimpling, last mammogram (date and result).
  • Neurologic: Muscle weakness, syncope, stroke, seizures, paresthesia, involuntary movements or tremors, loss of memory, severe headaches.
  • Psychiatric: Nightmares, mood changes, depression, anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, suicidal thoughts, potential for exposure to violence.
  • Endocrine: Thyroid problems, cold or heat intolerance, polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, changes in skin, hair or nail texture, unexplained weight change, changes in facial or body hair, change in hat or glove size, use of hormonal therapy.
  • Hematologic/lymphatic: Bruising, unusual bleeding, fatigue, history of anemia, last HCT and result, history of blood transfusions, swollen and/or tender glands.
  • Allergic/immunologic:Seasonal allergies, previous allergy testing, potential for exposure to blood and body fluids, immunized for hepatitis B, immunosuppression in self or family member, use of steroids.

A concise report of physical exam findings. Systems (there are 12 systems for examination)

  1. Constitutional (VS: Temp, BP, pulse, height and weight); a statement describing the patient’s general appearance
  2. Eyes
  3. Ear, nose, throat
  4. Cardiovascular
  5. Respiratory
  6. Gastrointestinal
  7. Genitourinary
  8. Musculoskeletal
  9. Integument/lymphatic pertaining to each location
  10. Neurologic
  11. Psychiatric
  12. Hematologic/immunologic

Results of any diagnostic testing available during patient visit.


  • List and number the possible diagnoses (problems) you have identified. These diagnoses are the conclusions you have drawn from the subjective and objective data.
  • Diagnosis must be codable (CPT codes).
  • Provide adequate information to justify ordering additional data (e.g., lab, x-ray).
  • Do not write that a diagnosis is to be “ruled out.” State the working definitions (symptoms, probable diagnoses) of patient problems in the following areas:
    • Health maintenance
    • Acute self-limited problems
    • Chronic health problems

In cases where the diagnosis is already established, indicate whether the diagnosis has the following characteristics: improved, well controlled, resolving, resolved, inadequately controlled, worsening or failing to change as expected.

Note: Inadequately controlled chronic conditions should have a possible etiology written (e.g., exacerbation, progression, side effects of treatment) if known.

PLAN (P): (The plan should be discussed with and agreed on by the patient.)

The treatment plan includes a wide range of management actions:

  • Laboratory test
  • Consultation requested and justification
  • Medications prescribed (name, dose, route, amount, refills)
  • Appliances prescribed
  • Lifestyle modifications: diet, activity modification
  • Patient education and patient responsibilities (e.g., keeping food diary or BP record)
  • Patient counseling related to lab/diagnostic results, impression, or recommendations
  • Family education
  • Details concerning coordination of care: arranging and organizing patient’s care with other providers and agencies
  • Follow-up should be specified with time (in days, weeks, months) and/or circumstances of return or noted as PRN

Note: Number the plan to correlate with the problem list in the Assessment.

February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

Health Policy

At this stage, you are almost done with your project. First, you must consider the legal and regulatory policies that compel health policy., You will then compile your project for submission.

Health Policy

Complete the remaining segments of your analysis and add them to the other segments for submission.

  1. Legal and regulatory policies
    • Regulatory compliance
    • Politics as a driver of health policy
    • Quality of care
  2. Conclusion and recommendations
  3. References

The completed project has the following parts:

Title Page

  1. Executive summary
  2. Challenges facing hospitals
  3. Managerial perspectives
  4. Service and practice management
  5. Decision making and technology
  6. Planning, measurement, and evaluation
  7. Legal and regulatory policies
  8. Conclusion and recommendations
  9. References

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, that you will need the following

  • Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation. health policy

At this stage, you are almost done with your project. First, you must consider the legal and regulatory policies that compel health policy. You will then compile your project for submission.

Complete the remaining segments of your analysis and add them to the other segments for submission.

  1. Legal and regulatory policies
    • Regulatory compliance
    • Politics as a driver of health policy
    • Quality of care
  2. Conclusion and recommendations
  3. References

The completed project has the following parts:

Title Page

  1. Executive summary
  2. Challenges facing hospitals.
  3. Managerial perspectives
  4. Service and practice management
  5. Decision making and technology
  6. Planning, measurement, and evaluation
  7. Legal and regulatory policies,
  8. Conclusion and recommendations
  9. References Health Policy

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, that you will need the following

  • Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.
February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

Healthy People Assignment

The Healthy People project is a collection of national health objectives that serve to inform

community and public health departments by identifying preventable threats to health and

establishing national goals to reduce health threats. Healthy People Assignment

Healthy People Assignment

Visit the Healthy People website at: http://www.healthypeople.gov. Click on Healthy People

2030 and locate answers to the following questions about the project:

  1. What is Healthy People 2030 and how was it developed? (10 points)
  2. List the four overarching goals? (4 points)
  3. In your own words, briefly explain what each goal means. (8 points)
  4. Discuss the 4 foundation health measures: General Health Status, Health-Related

Quality of Life and Well-Being, Determinants of Health and Disparities using the

following guide. Healthy People Assignment

  1. Briefly describe all the measures of progress listed under each foundation

health measure., (20 points)

  1. For each foundation measure category select any one measure of progress

and briefly discuss what it means and how it can be used to evaluate the

foundation health measure category, (15 points)

  1. Identify one health problem that you have observed in your local community briefly

describe it., How big of a problem is it and who does it affect most and why?, (10


  1. Go to the Home page again and click on Topics and Objectives. Then click on Public

Health Infrastructure.

  1. Briefly describe the mission and importance of Public Health Infrastructure., (2 points)
  2. List the three key elements and give an example of each. (3 points)
  3. Using the 10 essential public health services describe how as a nurse you can use

each of the ten essential public health services to manage the health problem you have

identified in your local community. (20 points)

  1. Mechanics, APA format and quality of presentation and writing (8 points)

Healthy People Assignment

The Healthy People project is a collection of national health objectives that serve to inform

community and public health departments by identifying preventable threats to health and

establishing national goals to reduce health threats. Healthy People Assignme

Visit the Healthy People website at: http://www.healthypeople.gov. Click on Healthy People

2030 and locate answers to the following questions about the project:

  1. What is Healthy People 2030 and how was it developed? (10 points)
  2. List the four overarching goals? (4 points)
  3. In your own words, briefly explain what each goal means. (8 points)
  4. Discuss the 4 foundation health measures: General Health Status, Health-Related

Quality of Life and Well-Being, Determinants of Health and Disparities using the

following guide. Healthy People Assignment

  1. Briefly describe all the measures of progress listed under each foundation

health measure. (20 points)

  1. For each foundation measure category, select any one measure of progress

and briefly discuss what it means and how it can be used to evaluate the

foundation health measure category (15 points)

  1. Identify one health problem that you have observed in your local community briefly

describe it. How big of a problem is it and who does it affect most and why? (10


  1. Go to the Home page again and click on Topics and Objectives. Then click on Public

Health Infrastructure.

  1. Briefly describe the mission and importance of Public Health Infrastructure. (2 points)
  2. List the three key elements and give an example of each. (3 points)
  3. Using the 10 essential public health services, describe how as a nurse you can use

each of the ten essential public health services to manage the health problem you have

identified in your local community. (20 points)

  1. Mechanics, APA format and quality of presentation and writing (8 points)
February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

Community-Based Nursing

Overview: Agency Serving a Vulnerable Population

Select a clinic agency within the community., The organization you select must

serve the needs of a vulnerable population group., Research the clinic or agency to obtain a

clear idea of services provided and the specific population it serves.,

Community-Based Nursing

Examples of clinical or community health agencies:

  • Parishes
  • Employee/Occupational Health
  • Public Health Department
  • Refugee Centers
  • Child/Adult Protective Services
  • School Health Clinic
  • Hospice
  • Halfway House: Drug Abuse, Prison, etc.
  • Homeless Center
  • Public Clinics: Pediatric, Psychiatric, OB, Geriatric, Migrant, etc.
  • Rehab Program: Cardiac, etc.
  • Shelters: Homeless, Women’s, etc.
  • HIV/AIDS programs/clinics
  • Veterans’ agencies
  • Adolescent Programs
  • Group homes for MHMR clients, etc.
  • Support groups for cancer, sexual abuse, etc. survivors


Research the selected agency and using the following headings, discuss: Community-Based Nursing

  1. Name of agency and why you selected this agency? 5 %
  2. Brief history and mission of the agency 20 %
  3. Target population the agency serves, 10%
  4. Services and programs offered 15%
  5. What criteria ie income age etc must clients meet in order to be served by the

agency?, 20%

  1. What you found interesting about this agency or helpful for you as a professional

nurse?, 20%

  1. Cite and reference as appropriate 10%




Overview: Agency Serving a Vulnerable Population

Select a clinic or community agency within the community. The organization you select must

serve the needs of a vulnerable population group. Research the clinic or agency to obtain a

clear idea of services provided and the specific population it serves. Community-Based Nursing

Examples of clinical or community health agencies:

  • Parishes
  • Employee/Occupational Health
  • Public Health Department
  • Refugee Centers
  • Child/Adult Protective Services
  • School Health Clinic
  • Hospice
  • Halfway House: Drug Abuse, Prison, etc.
  • Homeless Center
  • Public Clinics: Pediatric, Psychiatric, OB, Geriatric, Migrant, etc.
  • Rehab Program: Cardiac, etc.
  • Shelters: Homeless, Women’s, etc.
  • HIV/AIDS programs/clinics
  • Veterans’ agencies
  • Adolescent Programs
  • Group homes for MHMR clients, etc.
  • Support groups for cancer, sexual abuse, etc. survivors


Research the selected agency and using the following headings, discuss:

  1. Name of agency and why you selected this agency? 5 %
  2. Brief history and mission of the agency 20 %
  3. Target population the agency serves 10%
  4. Services and programs offered 15%
  5. What criteria (i.e. income, age, etc,) must clients meet in order to be served by the

agency? 20%

  1. What you found interesting about this agency or helpful for you as a professional

nurse? 20%

  1. Cite and reference as appropriate 10% Community-Based Nursing




February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

Human Resources Policy Manual

HR policies need to contain enough information regarding how employees will interact with the organization to ensure fair and legal treatment. There are many aspects of this objective, so the topics discussed in HR policies must diverse and current.

Human Resources Policy Manual

For this assignment, you will determine which topics you feel are necessary for an HR policy manual,  create a table of contents that includes the titles of the policies you feel should be included., Divide the topics into sections that combine topics of similar content employment compensation benefits accountability etc.)., Don’t write the policies, just the policy titles. Human Resources Policy Manual

You will also provide a 2- to the 3-sentence justification for each of your decisions.

Length: 3 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources

Fried, B., & Fottler, M. D. (2015). Human resources in healthcare: Managing for success (4th ed.). Health Administration Press.
Read chapters 5 and 12

Human Resources Policy Manual

HR policies need to contain enough information regarding how employees will interact with the organization to ensure fair and legal treatment. There are many aspects of this objective, so the topics discussed in HR policies must diverse and current. Human Resources Policy Manual

For this assignment, you will determine which topics you feel are necessary for an HR policy manual and create a table of contents that includes the titles of the policies you feel should be included. Divide the topics into sections that combine topics of similar content (employment, compensation, benefits, accountability, etc.). Don’t write the policies, just the policy titles.

You will also provide a 2- to the 3-sentence justification for each of your decisions.,

Length: 3 pages, not including title and reference pages. Human Resources Policy Manual

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources

Fried, B., & Fottler, M. D. (2015). Human resources in healthcare: Managing for success (4th ed.). Health Administration Press.
Read chapters 5 and 12

February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

Recruiting Plan for Your Organization

Healthcare organizations need to be constantly recruiting employees. Two main factors create the need for continuous recruiting demands organic organizational growth requiring more staff;, and 2) employee turnover, which requires replacement staff.

Recruiting Plan for Your Organization

Regardless of the cause of the vacancies effective and high quality patient care depends on the HR department’s ability to deliver qualified applicants to the hiring manager on a timely basis.,

Over a long period of time, two strategies emerge: 1) short-term, which is needed to fill immediate needs and is used when recruiting applicants who are in ready supply; and 2) long-term, where either a training lag exists between those interested in that career and those applicants being eligible to be hired, or it is known that a steady supply of applicants will be needed and there aren’t sufficient sources from which to immediately draw from to satisfy demand. Recruiting Plan for Your Organization

This longer-term strategy requires the creation of networks and relationships with training schools and other sources of applicants and often requires a mutual support system to be established to ensure the relationship is maintained over time.

Therefore, a comprehensive recruiting strategy needs to be in place to ensure both foci are being adequately addressed., Recruiting Plan for Your Organization

Prepare a recruiting strategy that addresses both short- and long-term sourcing and recruiting. Mention in both the long-term and short-term plan the organization’s plan for ensuring diversity in its recruiting and hiring practices.

In the short-term strategy, include where applicants will be found, how they will be contacted, and what methods will be used to attract them to your organization to apply. In the long-term strategy, including the types of partners you will seek and how you will ensure the relationship is not only long-term but also produces applicants your organization can hire.

Include in your plan a reference to your organization’s compensation and benefits philosophy as it relates to your ability to attract and retain qualified staff., Part of the plan should include a need to stay current on both the expense of the compensation/benefit plans as well as the manner in which the organization will ensure competitiveness regarding the kinds of compensation plans and benefit offerings. Recruiting Plan for Your Organization

Be sure to include strategies for all major professions in your organization such as physicians nurses ancillary professionals technicians skilled and semi-skilled support staff Business Office Nutrition Services etc.), etc.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 6 scholarly resources Recruiting Plan for Your Organization

Berkowitz, A. D., Downes, J. I., & Patullo, J. E. (2018). Navigating the maze of state and local employment laws concerning sick time and family leave, criminal and salary history checks, pregnancy and lactation accommodation, and anti-discrimination protection for medical marijuana users. Employee Relations Law Journal, 43(4), 3–27

Casey, J., & Meredith, A. (2017). Preparing for tomorrow’s success: What to consider when creating an effective onboarding program. Training, 54(2), 42-43.

Earl, G. B. (2017). A patient-centered culture begins with a focus on healthcare workers. Talent Development, 71(1), 48-51. Recruiting Plan for Your Organization

Fried, B., & Fottler, M. D. (2015).Human resources in healthcare: Managing for success (4th ed.). Health Administration Press. Recruiting Plan for Your Organization
Read Chapter 2

Gretczko, M., & Cleary, W. (2016). The candidate as customer: A proactive approach to talent acquisition. Workforce Solutions Review, 7(3), 8-10.

Help new nurses by establishing a strong onboarding program. (2017). Homecare Direction, 25(1), 9-10.

Ondina, R., & Cristian, P. (2016). E-recruiting platforms: Features that influence the efficiency of online recruitment systems. Informatică Economică, 20(2), 46-55.

February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

Legal and Regulatory Policies

At this stage, you are almost done with your project. First, you must consider the legal and regulatory policies that compel health policy. You will then compile your project for submission.

Legal and Regulatory Policies

Complete the remaining segments of your analysis and add them to the other segments for submission.

  1. Legal and regulatory policies
    • Regulatory compliance
    • Politics as a driver of health policy
    • Quality of care
  2. Conclusion and recommendations
  3. References

The completed project has the following parts:

Title Page

  1. Executive summary
  2. Challenges facing hospitals
  3. Managerial perspectives
  4. Service and practice management
  5. Decision making and technology
  6. Planning, measurement, and evaluation
  7. Legal and regulatory policies
  8. Conclusion and recommendations
  9. References

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, that you will need the following

  • Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.

At this stage, you are almost done with your project. First, you must consider the legal and regulatory policies that compel health policy. You will then compile your project for submission.

Complete the remaining segments of your analysis and add them to the other segments for submission. Legal and regulatory policies

    • Regulatory compliance
    • Politics as a driver of health policy
    • Quality of care
  1. Conclusion and recommendations
  2. References

The completed project has the following parts:

Title Page

  1. Executive summary
  2. Challenges facing hospitals
  3. Managerial perspectives
  4. Service and practice management
  5. Decision making and technology
  6. Planning measurement and evaluation
  7. Legal and regulatory policies
  8. Conclusion and recommendations
  9. References

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, that you will need the following

  • Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper., The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.
February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

Supply Chain Risk Analysis

For this project, you will write a research-based report on Cyber and IT supply chain risks which the client company Sifers-Grayson must be aware of., This report will be presented to the company’s executive leadership to help them understand the overall problem of Cyber and IT supply chain risk., This problem has been raised to the attention of the company’s executive leadership by two influential customers  the US Department of Defense and US Department of Homeland Security., These two customers have raised concerns about the company’s preparedness to address and mitigate cybersecurity risks which could result from supply chain attacks. In their letter to Sifers Grayson these customers asked the company what are you doing to prevent supply chain attacks?, Supply Chain Risk Analysis

Supply Chain Risk Analysis


Nofsinger consultants met with the government officials and learned that they were concerned about managing the risks from attacks such as the 2020 Solar Winds attacks and longstanding trojans/backdoor attacks in network hardware (e.g. Huawei routers) and computer system components. The Solar Winds attack compromised the software update mechanisms for a widely used set of network management tools (Korolov, 2021). Supply chain attacks which compromise hardware components purchased from non US sources are also of concern., Supply Chain Risk Analysis

Nofsinger consultants also analyzed the internal business processes involved in the engineering supply chain for client Sifers-Grayson. They have learned that, when a Sifers-Grayson engineer needs parts to build a robot or drone, the engineer will place an internal order from the company’s parts stockroom. If the stockroom does not have the  part immediately available, an employee will place an order with an approved vendor. These vendors are equipment resellers who purchase components from a number of manufacturers and suppliers. The company also makes purchases of components for some systems via e-Commerce websites and has encountered supply chain issues as a result of using these systems to purchase common components such as CPU chips, memory chips, programmable control chips, power supplies, graphics cards, network interface cards, and mass storage devices. Some may be brand-name components while other, less expensive products, are made by companies who are less well known. They also learned that Sifers-Grayson does not have a controlled process for testing software updates prior to the updates being installed on computer systems in the company’s R&D labs.

Finally, the consultants learned through interviews that, at times, there are supply chain shortages which may result in a reseller substituting generic products for brand name products. The consultants informed Sifers-Grayson that such substitutions can increase risks associated with purchasing products from third parties whose reputations are unknown or less well established. The company responded that it has a quality assurance process which checks purchased parts for physical damage or lack of functionality. The consultants believe that this process can be improved to reduce the likelihood of an undetected supply chain attack (e.g. malware loaded onto a USB or SSID mass storage device, programmable control chip, etc.). Supply Chain Risk Analysis

Your Task

Your task is to build upon the business analysis previously conducted by the Nofsinger consultants (see overview section in this file). You must research the problems of hardware and software supply chain attacks and then write a research-based report for Sifers-Grayson executives which will provide them with information they can use to evaluate proposed solutions for addressing the identified supply chain risks. Use the authoritative sources provided below (under “Research”) to start your investigation into the issues. Then, follow the required outline (See “Write” in this file) to organize and write your report. You must paraphrase information from your authoritative sources and provide appropriate citations which identify your sources so that readers can fact check your work.


  1. Research Cyber Supply Chain Risks affecting industry in general. Here are some suggested resources to get you started:
    1. https://www.zdnet.com/article/supply-chain-attacks-are-getting-worse-and-you-are-not-ready-for-them/
    2. https://www.cshub.com/attacks/articles/cyber-attacks-top-list-of-risks-impacting-supply-chain
    3. https://www.lmi.org/blog/securing-supply-chain-cybersecurity-and-digital-supply-chain
    4. Information and Communications Technology Supply Chain Risk Management (ICT SCRM) https://csrc.nist.gov/CSRC/media/Projects/Supply-Chain-Risk-Managements/documents/nist_ict-scrm_fact-sheet.pdf
    5. Key Practices in Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management: Observations from Industry (NISTIR 8276) https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/ir/2021/NIST.IR.8276.pdf
  2. Research Hardware Supply Chain Attacks including trojans/backdoors in commercial network hardware
    1. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/apr/30/alleged-huawei-router-backdoor-is-standard-networking-tool-says-firm
    2. https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/21/k/private-5g-security-risks-in-manufacturing-part-4.html
    3. https://www.techdesignforums.com/practice/guides/hardware-trojan-security-countermeasures/
  3. Research Software Supply Chain Attacks including the Solar Winds Attack
    1. https://www.mitre.org/sites/default/files/publications/pr-18-0854-supply-chain-cyber-resiliency-mitigations.pdf
    2. https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/defending_against_software_supply_chain_attacks_508_1.pdf
    3. https://www.mandiant.com/resources/evasive-attacker-leverages-solarwinds-supply-chain-compromises-with-sunburst-backdoor
    4. https://www.datacenterknowledge.com/security/what-are-supply-chain-attacks-and-how-guard-against-them


  1. Research best practices and recommended strategies and approaches for managing Cyber and IT supply chain risks
    1. Best Practices in Cyber Security Supply Chain Risk Management https://csrc.nist.gov/CSRC/media/Projects/Supply-Chain-Risk-Management/documents/case_studies/USRP_NIST_Exelon_102215_05.pdf
    2. Supply Chain Cybersecurity: Experts on How to Mitigate Third Party Risk https://digitalguardian.com/blog/supply-chain-cybersecurity
    3. 5 Cybersecurity Best Practices for your Supply Chain Ecosystem https://supply-chain.cioreview.com/cxoinsight/5-cybersecurity-best-practices-for-your-supply-chain-ecosystem-nid-14195-cid-78.html


  1. An introduction which addresses the problem of Cyber and IT supply chain security. Your introduction should clearly explain what a supply chain is and why it is important to a manufacturing firm like Sifers-Grayson.
  2. A section on Cyber and IT supply chain risks in which you identify and describe specific sources of cyber or IT supply chain risk which could impact Sifers-Grayson’s operations and its products and services. Begin this section with an overview followed by the two required sub-sections. You should have at least 3 hardware supply chain related risks and 3 software supply chain related risks (six or more total risks).
    1. Use a sub-section to address 3 or more risks of attacks which could impact hardware components used in manufacturing robots and drones (focus on components obtained from third-parties and vendors via the hardware supply chain). You should also address the networks and computers used in the manufacturing facility (which are also obtained via the hardware supply chain).
    2. Use a sub-section to address 3 or more risks of attacks against the software supply chain (e.g. attacks against the software supply chain for software used to program and test control systems for the robots and drones produced by Sifers-Grayson).
  3. A section on best practices for reducing risks in the Cyber and IT supply chain. In this section you must identify and discuss 5 or more best practices for managing Cyber and IT supply chain risks in a manufacturing industry. You must also provide an evaluation of the expected benefits from implementing each of these practices.
  4. A summary and conclusions section in which you present an overall picture of the supply chain risk problem in a manufacturing industry and best practices for managing Cyber and IT supply chain risks.

Submit for Grading

Submit your work in MS Word format (.docx or .doc file) using the Project 1 Assignment in your assignment folder. (Attach the file.)


Additional Information

  1. Consult the grading rubric for additional content and formatting requirements for this project.
  2. Your 4-5 page paper should be professional in appearance with consistent use of fonts, font sizes, margins, etc. You should use section and sub-section headings in addition to page breaks to organize your paper.
  3. You are allowed to exceed the page count listed under item #2 but you should focus upon providing a clear and concise written analysis. Graphics, title page, table of contents, and reference list do not count towards the page count.
  4. Your paper should use standard terms and definitions for cybersecurity concepts.
  5. The CSIA program recommends that you follow standard APA formatting since this will give you a document that meets the “professional appearance” requirements. APA formatting guidelines and examples are found under Course Resources. An APA template file (MS Word format) has also been provided for your use CSIA_Paper_Template(TOC+TOF,2021).docx.
  6. You must include a cover page with the assignment title, your name, and the due date. Your reference list must be on a separate page at the end of your file. These pages do not count towards the assignment’s page count. The table of contents from the template is not required for this assignment and does not count towards the page count. However, if you leave the table in place, you must update it so that it shows correct headings and page numbers.
  7. You are expected to write grammatically correct English in every assignment that you submit for grading. Do not turn in any work without (a) using spell check, (b) using grammar check, (c) verifying that your punctuation is correct and (d) reviewing your work for correct word usage and correctly structured sentences and paragraphs.
  8. You are expected to credit your sources using in-text citations and reference list entries. Both your citations and your reference list entries must follow a consistent citation style (APA, MLA, etc.). If you paste in graphics, you MUST provide a caption with an in-text citation that identifies the source (treat it like a quotation).

9.  References

Korolov, M. (2021, January 12). What are supply chain attacks, and how to guard against them. Retrieved from https://www.datacenterknowledge.com/security/what-are-supply-chain-attacks-and-how-guard-against-them

February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

Reflection on Canadian Multiculturalism


The common metaphor for Canadian multiculturalism is that of a mosaic whereas the United States is seen as a melting pot., Which of these two metaphors make the most sense to you and why?,

Reflection on Canadian Multiculturalism

Write 250-500 words (one – two double-spaced page) explaining your response. You may also choose to design this reflection using a form of creative expression, such as video recording, podcast, interviews, digital media posters, artwork (drawing or painting). If you choose to use creative expression where the meaning might not be clear (as in artwork), provide a short-written description.


Upload Word file to the submission link in Moodle.

Reflection on Canadian Multiculturalism


The common metaphor for Canadian multiculturalism is that of a mosaic whereas the United States is seen as a melting pot. Which of these two metaphors make the most sense to you and why?

Write 250-500 words (one – two double-spaced page) explaining your response. You may also choose to design this reflection using a form of creative expression, such as video recording, podcast, interviews, digital media posters, artwork (drawing or painting). If you choose to use creative expression where the meaning might not be clear (as in artwork), provide a short-written description.


Upload Word file to the submission link in Moodle.

Reflection on Canadian Multiculturalism


The common metaphor for Canadian multiculturalism is that of a mosaic whereas the United States is seen as a melting pot. Which of these two metaphors make the most sense to you and why?

Write 250-500 words one  two double spaced page explaining your response., You may also choose to design this reflection using a form of creative expression such as video recording podcast interviews digital media posters artwork drawing or painting., If you choose to use creative expression where the meaning might not be clear as in artwork), provide a short-written description.


Upload Word file to the submission link in Moodle.

February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

Paradigm of a Healing Environment

Consider how the paradigm of a healing environment influences your philosophy of care. Write an essay of 500-750 words that addresses the following:

Paradigm of a Healing Environment

  1. Describe the components of a healing environment and their relationship to spirituality., Include the perspectives of medicalization and the patient’s worldview.,
  2. What are the challenges of creating a healing environment in light of the barriers spiritual physical emotional and complexities of providing health care and wellness?,
  3. What aspects of the Christian worldview support the concept of a healing environment?,
  4. How will the concepts of a healing environment inform your philosophy of health care and wellness?,

Consider how the paradigm of a healing environment influences your philosophy of care. Write an essay of 500-750 words that addresses the following:

  1. Describe the components of a healing environment and their relationship to spirituality. Include the perspectives of medicalization and the patient’s worldview.
  2. What are the challenges of creating a healing environment in light of the barriers (spiritual, physical, emotional) and complexities of providing health care and wellness?
  3. What aspects of the Christian worldview support the concept of a healing environment?
  4. How will the concepts of a healing environment inform your philosophy of health care and wellness?

Consider how the paradigm of a healing environment influences your philosophy of care. Write an essay of 500-750 words that addresses the following:

  1. Describe the components of a healing environment and their relationship to spirituality. Include the perspectives of medicalization and the patient’s worldview.
  2. What are the challenges of creating a healing environment in light of the barriers (spiritual, physical, emotional) and complexities of providing health care and wellness?
  3. What aspects of the Christian worldview support the concept of a healing environment?
  4. How will the concepts of a healing environment inform your philosophy of health care and wellness?

Consider how the paradigm of a healing environment influences your philosophy of care. Write an essay of 500-750 words that addresses the following:

  1. Describe the components of a healing environment and their relationship to spirituality. Include the perspectives of medicalization and the patient’s worldview.
  2. What are the challenges of creating a healing environment in light of the barriers (spiritual, physical, emotional) and complexities of providing health care and wellness?
  3. What aspects of the Christian worldview support the concept of a healing environment?
  4. How will the concepts of a healing environment inform your philosophy of health care and wellness?