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February 3, 2025
February 3, 2025

Islam in the Modern World

Drawing on the course materials (textbook, power points, your notes from class sessions, and any other items posted on the course website), type answers to the following questions into the space provided. Avoid going to other sources or doing internet searches.

Make sure that your answers are detailed and comprehensive; the space will expand as you type. Since the quiz is open book and you are allowed to directly use the course materials, a higher level of answer will be expected. Be sure that you use full sentences with proper spelling and grammar.

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It goes without saying that you are to answer the questions in your own words; copying from other sources or getting someone or something else (such as generative AI) to compose your answers constitutes plagiarism and will be penalized.  If you need to quote something, provide a full reference. Collaborating with your classmates or copying answers from them is also not allowed. Note that even grammar check software such as Grammerly now include AI composition, and so should be avoided.

When you have completed the quiz, convert it to pdf and submit it through the appropriate icon on the course website by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, February 3.


Islam in the Modern World             


  1. Describe the main difference between a modern and a traditional perspective in terms of orientation towards time OR explain the two main types of secularism. In either case indicate why this is important for Muslims in the modern world (2 marks).
  2. Define “Sharia” and “Fiqh” and explain the difference between them. Especially note which one is believed to be of divine origin and which one is believed to be a human activity. How do they work together? (3 marks)
  3. Describe ONE of the following: Asma Afsaruddin’s conclusions from her study of the history of Muslim interpretations of Qur’an 4:59 OR Jamal al-Banna’s criticism of the use of a hadith by traditional Muslim scholars to establish the death penalty as the punishment for apostasy. (2 marks)
  4. Define and explain ONE of the following: uṣūl al-fiqh OR maqāṣid al-sharīꜤa OR hadith criticism: (2 marks)

Check more tips on Assignment Help.

Islam in the Modern World

  1. Describe the importance of events in 1258 and 1924 in the history of the caliphate: (1 mark)
  2. Outline ‘Abd al-Raziq’s main argument (in his 1925 work) about (a) whether the caliphate is a religiously required and necessary way of political organization for Muslims; and about (b) whether the Prophet Muhammad’s authoritative prophetic role also included his role as political leader of the umma during his time in Medina. Then outline the traditional view of past Muslim scholarly consensus on the same issues. [Note that you just need to describe the main arguments; you do not need to list all the evidence that is brought forward to support these arguments]: (4 marks)
  3. Demonstrate ONE of the following: How Qu’ran 2:256 could be used to counter the traditional scholarly argument that the spread of Islam needs to include the spread of Muslim political domination; OR how Qur’an 5:48 could be used to counter the traditional scholarly argument that Muslims must be united under a single political structure: (1 mark)

Total = 15 marks

  1. Bonus Question: Briefly describe how the film assignment you did at the beginning of the class relates to the course content so far.
February 3, 2025
February 3, 2025

Title Sequence Concept

Theme: Dynamic & Engaging (adjust based on your music video’s style)

Duration: 10 seconds


Parallax effect (using an image from Pexels)
Keyframed animated title
Subtle camera movement for depth

Step-by-Step Guide

Title Sequence Concept

Create the Parallax Effect

  1. Choose an image from Pexels that fits the theme of your music video (e.g., a cityscape, nature, abstract textures).
  2. Open Photoshop (if available) and separate the foreground, midground, and background using the selection tool & layer masking.
  3. Save each layer separately as PNGs with transparency.
  4. Import these layers into Premiere Pro (or After Effects) and stack them in layers on the timeline.
  5. Use the Position & Scale keyframes to create a slow, subtle movement for the parallax effect (foreground moves faster than the background).

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Title Sequence Concept

Add the Animated Title

  1. Go to Graphics > New Layer > Text and type the title of your music video.
  2. Select the text layer and go to Effects Controls:
    • Opacity Keyframes: Fade in at 1 second, stay visible, then fade out at 9 seconds.
    • Position Keyframes: Animate the text sliding in from the left or bottom.
    • Scale Keyframes: Slight zoom-in effect for a cinematic feel.
  3. Apply “Directional Blur” (optional) to smooth the motion.

 Enhancements (Optional)

  • Add Lens Flare or Light Leaks for an artistic touch.
  • Use a subtle glitch effect if your music video has an edgy or futuristic style.
  • Include a soft glow or drop shadow behind the text for better visibility.
  • Sync the title animation with the beat of the music for extra impact.

Check more tips on Assignment Help.

Final Sequence Flow (10s)

📌 0-1s: Background appears with slight movement
📌 1-4s: Foreground parallax elements slide in
📌 2-5s: Title animates in (slide & fade-in)
📌 6-9s: Title holds on screen with slight zoom
📌 9-10s: Title fades out, leading into the music video

Title Sequence Concept


This week’s project requirements are:

– Create a 10 second animated title sequence for your week 3 music video

– The animated title sequence must include:
+ A parallax (using any image of your choice from pexel)
+ An animated title of your video using key frames

Week 4 Submission Notes:

– Read the instructor critiques from week 3 and make the adjustments for your week 4 submission

– You can create the parallax in a separate premiere project, export it, and then add it to your music video or create it within your original music video project.

Submit the following:

– MP4 of your music video project including the parallax, animated title and critique changes. Name it “Last Name, First Name – Parallax

– Screenshot of your main Premiere timeline.
Name it “Last Name, First Name – Week4 – Premiere

– Screenshot of your Photoshop parallax project.
Name it “Last Name, First Name – Week4 – Photoshop

February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

Service Leadership Project
Background: The Global Strategies Institute’s leadership course links learning about the world in
2022 to envisioning 2050, emphasizing actionable solutions to future challenges. Its required
service-learning component applies classroom knowledge to real-world contexts, while the
service experience reinforces lessons from course materials.

Service Leadership Project
You are being tasked with finding a way to meaningfully engage with one or more of the topics
we have discussed in this course; the specific topic and project are up to you. You should commit
at least 5 hours total to this project, and you will be graded on both the quality of your work and
your ability to relate that work to the materials from the course.
For this assignment, you are being asked to accomplish three things.
Step #1 – Select from the following choices one avenue that you will pursue to engage the trends:
• Read a book and provide a written book report of the book.
Provide a review of a movie about one of the class topics and write a written report.,
Organize a watch party with your friends or family over a film.,
Respond to a TED talk that is relevant to the course material and write a paper about your
Raise money to buy a family a goat from www.heifer.org.,
Join a non-profit and provide a written report on what they are doing.,
• Participate in an event sponsored by Lions in Service (activity must be documented by
Lions in Service and with an accompanying photo or video).
Step #2 – Submit your assignment in Course Content under the Selecting Service Leader
Assignment submission for approval.
• Once you get the approval from your instructor, complete the service project.
Step #3 – Written Report
• A 1000-word minimum report about what you did and what it means. Include pictures of
your project, videos, website links, and other materials as appropriate.
• APA format, title page, reference, and citations (no abstract is needed).
Grading Rubric is located in Course Resources.
Your project will be graded according to the following criteria:
• Your project submission should be on time and clear.
• You should connect an issue raised in your service directly to at least one of the class
• Your report should critically assess the ideas, arguments, and sources you refer to.
• Your report should contain suggestions for how others may act in this area.
• Your report should reflect on your place in the world and connection with humanity.

Read the information about the Leadership Service Project that is attached. Then, submit your Service Leadership Project proposal for approval.


1) The project from Step 1 in the instructions

2) The specific topic, book, movie, TED Talk, etc.

Word document is required. APA format is not required.

It must include proper spelling and grammar.

February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

AI technology to China

The article 221011_Allen_China_AccesstoAI.pdf discusses the potential implications of

the US government’s decision to restrict the export of AI technology to China., Do you

think this is a good decision Why or why not?, What are the potential benefits and risks

of this decision?,

AI technology to China

In your essay, you should address the following points:

  • Your own opinion on whether or not you think this is a good decision.
  • Support your opinion with evidence from the article and your own knowledge

of AI.

Here are some additional questions that you may want to consider in your essay:

  • What are the ethical implications of restricting AI exports to China?
  • How will this decision affect the global AI race?
  • What are the implications for China’s economy and national security?
  • What are the implications for the development of AI for good?

The article 221011_Allen_China_AccesstoAI.pdf discusses the potential implications of

the US government’s decision to restrict the export of AI technology to China. Do you

think this is a good decision? Why or why not? What are the potential benefits and risks

of this decision?

In your essay, you should address the following points:

  • Your own opinion on whether or not you think this is a good decision.
  • Support your opinion with evidence from the article and your own knowledge

of AI.

Here are some additional questions that you may want to consider in your essay:

  • What are the ethical implications of restricting AI exports to China?
  • How will this decision affect the global AI race?
  • What are the implications for China’s economy and national security?
  • What are the implications for the development of AI for good?

The article 221011_Allen_China_AccesstoAI.pdf discusses the potential implications of

the US government’s decision to restrict the export of AI technology to China. Do you

think this is a good decision? Why or why not? What are the potential benefits and risks

of this decision?

In your essay, you should address the following points:

  • Your own opinion on whether or not you think this is a good decision.
  • Support your opinion with evidence from the article and your own knowledge

of AI.

Here are some additional questions that you may want to consider in your essay:

  • What are the ethical implications of restricting AI exports to China?,
  • How will this decision affect the global AI race?,
  • What are the implications for China’s economy and national security?,
  • What are the implications for the development of AI for good?,
February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

Howard Gardner’s Five Minds

To prepare for this journal review Howard Gardner’s Five Minds for the Future. You will

specifically refleHoward Gardner’s Five Mindsct on each competency within the source:

  • A disciplined mind
  • A synthesizing mind
  • A creative mind
  • A respectful mind
  • An ethical mind

Throughout your program you have discussed, and will continue to discuss, the

importance of becoming a 21st century educator. Equally important is preparing your

students for being 21st-century learners. One way to do both is through reflective

guidance in what Howard Gardner describes as the “Five Minds for the Future

  • According to Gardner (2008), the “Five Minds are competencies which young

people and the society need in the twenty-first century going forward”. For your

leadership journal, reflect on each of these competencies as a leader in early

childhood education.

Part 1: Content/Course Reflection (1 pt.)

  • How will you prepare those children their families and the staff in your care in

each competency?, Be sure you provide specific details on each competency.

  • If you were to add a sixth competency what would it be and why?

Part 2: Program/Personal Reflection (2 pts.)

  • How does each competency influence you as a leader personally?, Be sure you

provide at least one example for each competency.

  • How does your understanding of each of these competencies positively impact

your ability as a leader to evaluate curriculum materials and models and ensure

alignment with standards?,

Integrative and Critical Thinking Expectations (demonstrated within the

content of the journal):

  • Connections to Experience (.5 point): Meaningfully synthesizes

connections among experiences both within and outside of coursework to deepen

understanding of fields of study and to broaden own points of view.

  • Reflection and Self-Assessment (.5 point): Envisions a future self and

possibly makes plans that build on experiences that have occurred across

multiple and diverse contexts.,

Research and Resource Expectations:

Sources are not required for your journal assignments. However, if you need to cite

information, you must cite in APA format and include a reference page.

  • Writing and Formatting Expectations:
  • Professional Reflective Voice (.25 points): Journals may be written in a

less formal, but still professional voice (avoids casual language). First person

voice is encouraged.

  • Organization (.25 points): Demonstrates logical progression of ideas.
  • Syntax and Mechanics (.25 points): Writing displays meticulous

comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling,

grammar, and punctuation.

  • APA Formatting (.25 points): Papers are formatted properly and all sources

(if used) are cited and referenced in APA style.

  • Suggested Assignment Length: Three double-spaced pages, not including

title and reference pages.


West, A. D. (Director). (2007, May 1). Howard Gardner’s “Five minds for the

future” [Television series episode]. In R. Isaacson (Executive Producer), The open

mind. PBS.



February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

Key Aspect of Organizational Development

This assignment requires that you explore a key aspect of organizational development Lewin’s Change Model within a large business setting,  prepare a substantive outline detailing the program that you intend to design develop implement and maintain for the benefit of the organization identified., For the purposes of this assignment, you must select a Fortune 1000 company (Publix Supermarket) for this project.

Key Aspect of Organizational Development

Prepare an outline with bullet points of the topics, subtopics, theories, and concepts that you plan to ultimately cover in your research paper. Key Aspect of Organizational Development


  1. Outline includes all required sections Introduction Body and Supporting Details and Conclusion., Outline is at least 1 page.
  2. clearly communicates, organizes and synthesizes complex information from various sources.
  3. has supporting detail in the body of the outline that will contribute to a well-rounded paper.
  4. Writing or bullet points flow smoothly and logically.  Main topic is clearly articulated in introduction. There is coherence in each section of outline. Flow of information demonstrates logical reasoning without jumps or shifts.
  5. Writing is free of proofreading errors. The writing contains sentences that are always complete and grammatically correct, and free of confusion and ambiguity.
  6. Student provides a high-caliber, correctly formatted assignment in the assigned citation style. All citations in the text and in the references are accurately cited in the appropriate style.

This assignment requires that you explore a key aspect of organizational development (Lewin’s Change Model) within a large business setting, and prepare a substantive outline detailing the program that you intend to design, develop, implement, and maintain for the benefit of the organization identified. For the purposes of this assignment, you must select a Fortune 1000 company (Publix Supermarket) for this project.

Prepare an outline with bullet points of the topics, subtopics, theories, and concepts that you plan to ultimately cover in your research paper. Key Aspect of Organizational Development


  1. Outline includes all required sections: Introduction, Body and Supporting Details and Conclusion. Outline is at least 1 page.
  2. clearly communicates organizes and synthesizes complex information from various sources.,
  3. has supporting detail in the body of the outline that will contribute to a well-rounded paper.,
  4. Writing or bullet points flow smoothly and logically.  Main topic is clearly articulated in introduction. There is coherence in each section of outline. Flow of information demonstrates logical reasoning without jumps or shifts.
  5. Writing is free of proofreading errors. The writing contains sentences that are always complete and grammatically correct, and free of confusion and ambiguity. Key Aspect of Organizational Development
  6. Student provides a high-caliber, correctly formatted assignment in the assigned citation style. All citations in the text and in the references are accurately cited in the appropriate style.
February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

Humanities Literary Analysis

For this assignment, you will create an essay that analyzes what is being said about personal identity within a selected short story poem novel or memoir focused on this theme.

Humanities Literary Analysis


    • Locate and examine printed or digital text (CO 1),
    • Identify literary devices (CO 1, CO 2, CO 3),
    • Analyze literary themes (CO3),
    • Compose appropriate text with conventional use of language (CO 4, CO 5),
    • Document sources through proper MLA citation (CO 5)


For this assignment, you will analyze a literary work (such as a novel, memoir, short story, or poem) in which the protagonist struggles with cultural expectations. In your analysis, you will discuss the cultural conflict and its impact.

Your analysis should be at least 500 words and include a clear thesis statement, textual evidence, and proper formatting and documentation of sources. Be careful not to just summarize the plot.

Here are some guiding questions to get you started:

    • What does the protagonist question about the expectations placed on him her?,
    • How or does the protagonist rebel against expectation and if so how?,
    • What role if any does the protagonist’s family or community influence support or discourage them?,
    • What self discovery if any takes place?,
    • Does the story question cultural or social expectations and if so how?,

Choose from the following:


“Barbie Girl” (Marge Piercy)

“today i am a homicide in the north of the city” (Wanda Coleman)

“Secretary Chant” (Marge Piercy) Humanities Literary Analysis

Short stories

  • “Bartleby” (Herman Melville)
  • “A&P” (John Updike)
  • “The Necklace” (Guy de Maupassant)
  • “How Far She Went” (Mary Hood)
  • “Story of an Hour” (Kate Chopin)
  • “The Yellow Wallpaper” (Charlotte Perkins Gilman)
  • “The Worn Path” (Eudora Welty)
  • “The Outcasts of Poker Flats” (Bret Harte)
  • “Battle Royal” (Ralph Ellison)
  • “Good Country People” (Flannery O’Connor)
  • “The Curse” (Andre Dubus) *trigger warning—sexual assault
  • “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker
  • “How to Fight Monsters” by Sherman Alexie
  • “Identities” by W.D. Valgardson https://xpressenglish.com/our-stories/identities/
  • “On the Sidewalk Bleeding” by Evan Hunter Humanities Literary Analysis


  • “Mirror Image” by Lena Coakley




    • “Barbie Girl” (Marge Piercy)
    •  “wishes for sons” (Lucille Clifton)
    • “today i am a homicide in the north of the city” (Wanda Coleman)

Work should be submitted as an attached document.

Use MLA style for formatting and documentation. Humanities Literary Analysis

Length: 500-700 words


Part B

Read the article above from the Harvard Business Review.


  • Use the steps and develop a proposal to Persuade your Boss that Your

Idea is Great for the Company’s mission and goals. Think of a process,

system, product or service that would be great for the company’s

sales, mission, goodwill, brand or all the above.

  • You must do your research to provide proof/evidence the idea is great.

Possible evidence examples of successful companies that are

implementing the system, product, or service. Academic research that

provides evidence the idea will work. Statistical data, charts, etc.

  • The proposal is minimal two-pages.
  • Provide at least two to three credible sources to prove the idea is

great.  You must use APA format to cite your sources.

  • Reference Page is required. Your citations must be in APA st
February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

Develop an implementation action plan

In Unit 7, you started Part 1 of this two-part assignment. In Unit 8, you will complete Part 2 of this assignment by executing the requirements below. Do not proceed to Part 2 of this assignment in Unit 8 until Part 1 in Unit 7 has been completed. Procrastination can be detrimental to your success in this class. The quality and depth of learning demonstrated in these deliverables matter.

Develop an implementation action plan

The following Course Outcome is assessed in this assignment:

GB580-3: Develop an implementation action plan using strategy tools.

In this assignment, you will develop a narrated PowerPoint® presentation to deliver a strategy implementation plan with an embedded action plan to direct the staff of the Turul Winery to carry out a strategy for expansion into domestic and international markets. To successfully complete this assignment, immerse yourself in the following scenario.


As the general manager of the Turul Winery, you developed a strategic plan for expansion into domestic and international markets. The owner of the Turul Winery provided feedback on your strategic plan but predominantly agreed with the overall direction you proposed for the business. Now it is time to implement the strategy. Choose either the domestic or international expansion strategy you created, and develop a strategic implementation action plan.

It will require enthusiastic cooperation and a great deal of work from your staff if you implement a successful strategy. This strategic implementation plan will be addressed to the Turul Winery staff. It must be enthusiastic, concise, and straightforward. However, it must be detailed enough to synergize your team. You will present this strategic implementation plan to the staff of the Turul Winery within one week’s time. Use the following criteria to develop your strategic implementation plan with an embedded action plan to direct the staff on how to carry out the work necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the approved strategic plan.

Assignment Part 2 Requirements:

Strategy Implementation Presentation

  • Design a professional title slide.
  • Format and build a table of contents.
  • Use a consistent and professional presentation design throughout the PowerPoint.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Explain how key performance indicators (KPIs) are used as a tool to implement strategy.,
  • Construct a key performance indicator (KPI) tree to illustrate a path to success for strategic goals and objectives.,
  • Explain the key performance indicator (KPI) tree is used to measure success completion of strategic goals objectives and initiatives.,

Systems, Resources, & Accountability

  • Determine the systems needed to implement each task in a strategy.
  • Determine the allocation of resources (financial, labor, capital assets, time, supplies, etc.) necessary to implement each task in a strategy.
  • Determine what employees will be assigned and be held accountable for the execution of each goal, objective, and strategic initiative. Develop an implementation action plan


  • Illustrate a timeline for the completion of each goal strategic stretch financial objective and strategic initiative for the chosen domestic or international strategy implementation.,
  • The timeline should consist of no more than five phases of action.
  • Assign a creative title to each phase of the timeline.,
  • Concisely explain each phase of the timeline.  Develop an implementation action plan

Phase One of Action Plan

  • Develop actions (work effort) for all employees that are supportive of the organizational structure within phase 1 of the action plan.
  • Identify the employees by job title that are accountable for the success of each strategic initiative.
  • Explain the process for decision-making and approvals.
  • Identify who monitors progress and how progress is monitored.
  • Develop a process for making adjustments to continuously improve the strategy’s implementation.


Audience, Reasoning, and Research

  • The strategy report addresses the staff of the Turul Winery.
  • Uses reasoning skills to support your statements, ideas, and decisions.
  • Uses a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic research resources to substantiate your thoughts, opinions, and ideas. Develop an implementation action plan

Verbal Narration and Notes

  • Speaks loudly enough to be heard; varying voice pitch and volume to ensure audience interest and attention.
  • Pronounces words correctly and enunciates clearly.
  • Each slide has professionally written notes substantiated with research. Develop an implementation action plan

APA Style

  • Apply APA style to in-text citations with no errors.
  • Apply APA style to references with no errors.
  • Resources should be from reliable and/or scholarly sources.

Writing Conventions

  • Writing should be focused, concise, and organized.
  • Articulate at a college level.
  • There should be few or no grammar or punctuation errors.
  • Use non-offensive, inclusive, and respectful language.

Review the Unit 8 Assignment rubric.

Directions for Submitting your Assignment

Compose your assignment in a PowerPoint save it as Username GB580 Unit 8 Assignment (Example: JSmith GB580 Unit 8 Assignment.pptx). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 8: Assignment Dropbox.

February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025

High-Quality IEP

Your assignment is to review a sample IEP (linked below). The goal is to look at a well-written IEP and take note of the required sections so you can write your own IEP based on an evaluation. Please review the IRIS resource (Read and Study) for information about a High-Quality IEP.

High-Quality IEP

Please review this IEP and write about 2-3 pages double-spaced the IEP’s overall strengths overall weaknesses your opinion of how the following sections were written and if you would change anything in these sections:

II Present levels of academic achievement and functional performance

III Transition services

V Goals and objectives

VI Special education/related services/supplementary aids and services/program modifications

VII Educational placement

VIII Penndata Reporting.

Finally, make at least two connections to class content and what you have already learned, as well as how this assignment will be helpful when writing your own IEP (for the next assignment or your future students). Do not use bullet points and instead write in complete paragraphs.

Your assignment is to review a sample IEP (linked below). The goal is to look at a well-written IEP and take note of the required sections so you can write your own IEP based on an evaluation. Please review the IRIS resource Read and Study for information about a High-Quality IEP.

Please review this IEP and write about (2-3 pages double-spaced) the IEP’s overall strengths, overall weaknesses, your opinion of how the following sections were written, and if you would change anything in these sections:

II Present levels of academic achievement and functional performance

III Transition services

V Goals and objectives

VI Special education related services supplementary aids and services program modifications

VII Educational placement

VIII Penndata Reporting.

Finally, make at least two connections to class content and what you have already learned as well as how this assignment will be helpful when writing your own IEP for the next assignment or your future students. Do not use bullet points and instead write in complete paragraphs.