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April 2, 2024
April 2, 2024

Policy Analysis Paper

This assignment is an analysis of local, state, or federal health policy.

  1. Select a state health policy reform innovation
  2. Discuss the rationale for the policy, how it was adopted (e.g., federal waivers, passage by state legislature), the funding structure, and (to the extent statistical data are available) its impact. ethical outcome based on evidence.
  3. Examples of state innovations include Maryland’s hospital rate setting, Vermont’s single payer system, and Massachusetts’ health reforms

Submission Requirements:

The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.

The paper is to be formatted per current APA style, 5-7 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.

Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style.

Policy Analysis Paper

Policy Analysis Paper

This assignment is an analysis of local, state, or federal health policy.

  1. Select a state health policy reform innovation
  2. Discuss the rationale for the policy, how it was adopted (e.g., federal waivers, passage by state legislature), the funding structure, and (to the extent statistical data are available) its impact. ethical outcome based on evidence.
  3. Examples of state innovations include Maryland’s hospital rate setting, Vermont’s single payer system, and Massachusetts’ health reforms

Submission Requirements:

The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.

The paper is to be formatted per current APA style, 5-7 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.

Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style.

April 2, 2024
April 2, 2024

Data Analysis and Discussion

Data analysis and discussion – 2000 words

  • Contains the analytical framework for the report project.
  • What are the results of your data?
  • How will you illustrate them (table, graphs, diagrams, …).
  • If interview derived – often quotes may be used to support particular points raised.
  • If questionnaire derived – we would expect some quantitative analysis.
  • How do your results relate to findings of previous research/theories/models?
  • Submission of Evidence of the Collected Data; Students need to submit the evidence (collected data) with their portfolio e.g. interview recordings and/or notes, data, analysis spreadsheets, screen shots and links to all the literature.

Data Analysis and Discussion

Data Analysis and Discussion


  1. a) Outstanding work showing extensive knowledge and understanding of an extensive range of relevant international business management trends, scenarios, issues, concepts, theories and data. Exceptional ability to analyse, synthesise, and evaluate.
  2. b) Solutions and recommendations demonstrate strong ethical appreciation and deep understanding of the need for corporate responsibility.
  3. c) Evidence of extensive reading, study and sense making beyond the course content, and of independent thought.
  4. d) Writing that is fluent, clear, concise and grammatically correct. Tables, diagrams and other figures are highly effectively in supporting the text and presenting key messages.
  5. e) Numeric analysis that is complete and free from errors with application of methods that may be insightful or original
  6. f) A submission that is focused and relevant to the task, comprehensive, accurate, and presented in a very professional manner. Excellent use made of digital technology.
  7. g) Demonstrates strong ability to pursue research at Doctoral Level.
  8. h) Comprehensive, error free citations and reference list.

Data Analysis and Discussion

Data analysis and discussion – 2000 words

  • Contains the analytical framework for the report project.
  • What are the results of your data?
  • How will you illustrate them (table, graphs, diagrams, …).
  • If interview derived – often quotes may be used to support particular points raised.
  • If questionnaire derived – we would expect some quantitative analysis.
  • How do your results relate to findings of previous research/theories/models?
  • Submission of Evidence of the Collected Data; Students need to submit the evidence (collected data) with their portfolio e.g. interview recordings and/or notes, data, analysis spreadsheets, screen shots and links to all the literature. APA.
April 2, 2024
April 2, 2024

Network Security Assignment

Often budgets are a major concern for many organizations with the constant changes and ongoing advances in cybersecurity. Research compensating controls and provide a solution for the scenario:

You head up a small team of IT and cyber professionals tasked with ensuring network security. A recent malware has come to light that involves exploiting several ports and protocols, specifically port 22, port 25, port 53 TCP, port 80, and port 8080. Identify each of the ports and protocols associated. What compensating controls could be utilized to ensure security?

Investigate the advantages and disadvantages of hardware, software, and cloud firewalls. If you were asked to make a firewall recommendation for a business, what information would you need to know about the business to provide the best solution?

Network Security Assignment

Network Security Assignment

Often budgets are a major concern for many organizations with the constant changes and ongoing advances in cybersecurity. Research compensating controls and provide a solution for the scenario:

You head up a small team of IT and cyber professionals tasked with ensuring network security. A recent malware has come to light that involves exploiting several ports and protocols, specifically port 22, port 25, port 53 TCP, port 80, and port 8080. Identify each of the ports and protocols associated. What compensating controls could be utilized to ensure security?

Investigate the advantages and disadvantages of hardware, software, and cloud firewalls. If you were asked to make a firewall recommendation for a business, what information would you need to know about the business to provide the best solution?

Network Security Assignment

Often budgets are a major concern for many organizations with the constant changes and ongoing advances in cybersecurity. Research compensating controls and provide a solution for the scenario:

You head up a small team of IT and cyber professionals tasked with ensuring network security. A recent malware has come to light that involves exploiting several ports and protocols, specifically port 22, port 25, port 53 TCP, port 80, and port 8080. Identify each of the ports and protocols associated. What compensating controls could be utilized to ensure security?

Investigate the advantages and disadvantages of hardware, software, and cloud firewalls. If you were asked to make a firewall recommendation for a business, what information would you need to know about the business to provide the best solution? APA

April 2, 2024
April 2, 2024

NSG4220 Population Health Nursing

Population Health Assessment and Prevention Project

Part I – Windshield Survey: Drive through your community on different occasions (day vs evening and weekday vs. weekend) to observe and gather data to complete Part 1)

As you assess each area consider the impact on the health of the community and potential community needs (intervention). For example:

  • The effect of the physical environment; contamination of air or water; safe sidewalks for walking; or the quality of housing and potential impact on health outcomes.
  • Consider the implications of reduced access to health care services, food, or emergency care.
  • Consider the implications of educational and work/economic opportunities.

NSG4220 Population Health Nursing

  • Consider the impact of social determinants on health outcomes (for example: relationship between older homes in the community and high rates of lead exposure in children under the age of 5).
  • Think about individual behavior, health beliefs/values or perspectives and the effect on the implementation of health promotion and disease prevention strategies?
  • Observe where and when people “hang out” and their behavior. Are kids playing in the street due to lack of parks/recreation facilities or are the parks/recreation areas unsafe (observe who is “hanging out” in the parks/recreational facilities).

NSG4220 Population Health Nursing

Part II – County Data:

Go to https://www.countyhealthrankings.org/explore-health-rankingsLinks to an external site.


Review the data on the Robert Wood Johnson (RWJ) website and enter the values for your county and state as demonstrated in the template.

For each indicator/cause of death: Find one (1) interprofessional resource that delivers programs or provides information to address each key indicator. The resource should be from either an agency/facility in your county or from your own state Department of Public Health (SDPH), which you can find by searching here: https://www.usa.gov/state-healthLinks to an external site..

NSG4220 Population Health Nursing

Part III – Community Member Interviews: Interview three Community Members (for example: police or fireman; school teacher, community member (no official title), mechanic, or librarian; business owner or store clerk/manager) to determine their perspective on the health of the community.

Part IV – Population Health Prevention Strategies: Identify indicators that present the greatest risks to population health across the lifespan for your state and county. Describe one evidence-based prevention strategy from government resources such as HP 2030, the CDC, or journal articles. Select sources published within the past 5 years; cite using APA guidelines.

Part V – Collaborative Community Planning: Meet with a healthcare member (for example: public health nurse, school nurse, Red Cross nurse, OR a healthcare professional in another discipline) in the community and present assessment findings. Collaborate with the healthcare member to review collected data for the assessed community and outline a program plan to address one priority need for a target population.

April 2, 2024
April 2, 2024

Prepare a Media Plan

Prepare a media plan including a brief overview of the campaign with a list of resources and a media blocking chart.

Remember: This campaign should include owned earned paid and shared media.

Also it needs to stay within the budget of $1M for the full duration of the campaign (Up to 6 months).

Media plan channels can include (you don’t need to have all of them, be strategic):

– Signage (onsite, billboards, transit)

– Traditional advertising (print, direct mail, radio, TV)

– Digital

– Public Relations (community engagement, press releases, media interviews)

– Events (groundbreaking events, onsite sales launch)

– Brand partnerships/influencers

– Marketing collateral costs (brochures, direct mail)

– Content creation costs (video, photography)

– Subcontractor and staffing fees

– Other options that suit your target audience

Make sure your presentation include:

  1. Media objectives: reach / interest / conversion
  2. Media strategy: placements / creatives etc
  3. Media tactics/execution: including metrics / KPIs and budget
  4. Media blocking chart (schedule)

Prepare a Media Plan

Prepare a Media Plan

Prepare a media plan including a brief overview of the campaign with a list of resources and a media blocking chart.

Remember: This campaign should include owned earned paid and shared media. Make sure your presentation include. APA.

Also it needs to stay within the budget of $1M for the full duration of the campaign (Up to 6 months).

Media plan channels can include (you don’t need to have all of them, be strategic):

– Signage (onsite, billboards, transit)

– Traditional advertising (print, direct mail, radio, TV)

– Digital

– Public Relations (community engagement, press releases, media interviews)

– Events (groundbreaking events, onsite sales launch)

– Brand partnerships/influencers

– Marketing collateral costs (brochures, direct mail)

– Content creation costs (video, photography)

– Subcontractor and staffing fees

– Other options that suit your target audience

Make sure your presentation include:

  1. Media objectives: reach / interest / conversion
  2. Media strategy: placements / creatives etc
  3. Media tactics/execution: including metrics / KPIs and budget
  4. Media blocking chart (schedule)
April 2, 2024
April 2, 2024

7BSM2003 Operations & Business Analytics

Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcomes:

  • Evaluate the role of data, analytics and associated technologies in adding value to a variety of organisations
  • Appraise the appropriate use of business analytics to support operational decision making to create and add value to a business

Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:

  • Formulate, evaluate and reflect on operations management issues to be able to determine which business analytical technique is most beneficial
  • Critique the importance of information sharing within the organisation and appraise the impact of this information on decision-making within an organisation
  • Determine the appropriate tools and make recommendations to inform and support strategic decision making

7BSM2003 Operations & Business Analytics

7BSM2003 Operations & Business Analytics

Assignment Title:

Excel Modelling and Reporting

Description of the assignment:


(Any similarities to the student shop at the University of Hertfordshire are entirely coincidental. This is a fictional example.)

The Students’ Union Shop is trying to work out how many cashiers it needs to employ in order to provide an adequate service level. Customers at the shop line up in a single queue and are called forward to pay for their purchases when a till becomes free. To help determine the busy times of the day, the shop has recorded the number of customers arriving at the tills in each 5-minute interval during the shop’s opening hours, from 8am until 6pm (N.B. this is the number who actually make a purchase and does not include customers who are just browsing). Records for a period of 5 weeks are available. All the data were collected during term time.

The shop usually functions with just three cashiers but it has the capacity to support up to 6. The shop is open for approximately 50 weeks each year. The management has also collected data about the time it takes for cashiers to take payment. These data come from term time and 1000 records are available. Management are concerned that customers wishing to buy food, in particular, may be going to other outlets within the university such as the Big Ears Sandwich Shop or the Noddy Bar. Management are also concerned about the turnover of their staff and would like to reduce their stress and also stop them getting bored. They would be interested to hear about any innovative operating strategies for doing this.

7BSM2003 Operations & Business Analytics

You are employed as a consultant for the Students’ Union Shop. The shop management would like to hear insights from you, but does have a few specific questions they would like to ask. These questions are

  • What is the average customer arrival rate per hour based on the current data?
  • The management reckons there are more customers during the lunch break, and would like you to look into this matter. Could you spot any busier period during the day? If so, what are the busier hours?
    • What is the average customer arrival rate per hour during busier period?
    • What is the average customer arrival rate per hour during quieter period?
  • How fast on average does a cashier serve a customer in our shop?
    • Have you spotted any outlier in the collected service data? If yes, did you include (or exclude) those outliers when coming up the average, and why?
  • How many cashiers does the shop need to have a reasonable performance?
    • When taking the average daily arrival? Would you consider the average daily arrival a good measure for cashier arrangement, and why?
    • During busier period if observed?
    • During quieter period if observed?

What You Should Produce

You are required to produce a model using Excel, which could be used by the Students’ Union Shop management team for evaluation of their performance using the data provided or any new data that becomes available in a similar format. If there is any further information you believe to be essential, make a realistic assumption and explain clearly what you have done (in the report below).

The model should be supported by a report (using Report Sheet) in which you should address management’s questions listed above. They are looking for calculations (e.g. average arrival rate) and short explanations, where applicable. You are also expected to give convincing arguments to support your answers, e.g. by showing the benefit of adding an extra cashier in terms of staff utilisation and customer waiting time. APA.

April 1, 2024
April 1, 2024

CJ406 Module Four Assignment


In this assignment, you will summarize a criminal case in which the broadcast media had an impact, and explain how the media may have influenced the public’s perception of the case.


In this module, you learned about ways in which perceived bias in media coverage of criminal cases and police activity may play a role in society’s perception of police. One of those ways is the role the media play in a criminal case. If the media are biased, it may impact how society interprets and reacts to a criminal case and the criminal justice professionals involved. The media’s involvement in a case can also affect criminal justice practices. For this assignment, you will choose a criminal case to focus on. This case will be the basis for both this assignment and Project Three, which is due in Module Seven. You will craft a summary of the case and explain how the media may have influenced the public’s perception of the case.

CJ406 Module Four Assignment

CJ406 Module Four Assignment

First, choose the case of one of the following criminals:

William R. Horton

Pamela Smart

Dominic Cinelli

George Zimmerman

As you begin to research the case, the Project Three Case Resources PDF document may be of assistance.

Then, address the following rubric criteria:

In 75 to 100 words, craft a brief summary of a criminal case in which the media had an impact.

CJ406 Module Four Assignment

Describe the pertinent facts and legal points of the case.

Describe who was involved and where the case took place.

In 100 to 150 words, explain how the media may have influenced the public’s perception.

Describe any actions by the public that may have been a result of the media’s influence.

Explain the role the media may have played in the public’s perception of the criminal justice professionals involved in the case and/or practices related to the case.

What to Submit

This assignment should be submitted using the Module Four Assignment Template Word Document. Any references must be cited in APA style. See the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

April 1, 2024
April 1, 2024

PSY 3761 Questions Week4

Imagine that a person has a diagnosed panic disorder. Based on the latest research, outline a treatment plan for this person that would have the greatest chance for both short-term and long-term success.

What are some problems with using the DSM-5 to diagnose personality disorders? Explain two alternatives to DSM-5 diagnoses that are receiving research attention today.

List and describe three important shortcomings of modern intelligence tests.

Discuss the concerns and status regarding the diagnosis of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents.

PSY 3761 Questions Week4

According to the psychodynamic, behavioral, and cognitive perspectives, what causes obsessive-compulsive disorders?

Increasingly, people seeking treatment for mental health reasons are members of managed care programs. How are managed care programs changing how psychological services are provided? Discuss one advantage and one disadvantage of such programs.

Based on law established and interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court, list the major rights to treatment that people committed to mental institutions have.

PSY 3761 Questions Week4

Many clinicians view their approach as “eclectic.” What is an eclectic approach to abnormality? Describe at least one example of an eclectic approach to abnormality.

What is demonology? How does demonology stand in the way of a more complete understanding of the causes and treatment of psychological abnormality?

A major shortcoming of a correlational study is that even when a correlation between two variables is statistically significant, one cannot infer causation. For example, a significant correlation exists between life stress and depression, yet one cannot say for sure that life stress causes depression. Given this major shortcoming, what are some specific reasons one might still wish to conduct a correlational study, as opposed to an experimental study (from which one might infer a cause-and-effect relationship)?

Describe the origins of abnormality according to any three of these models: sociocultural, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic-existential, biological.

PSY 3761 Questions Week4

What are the distinguishing characteristics of autism spectrum disorder? Offer explanations for the cause of this disorder.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of using drugs in psychotherapy?

Compare and contrast dissociative amnesia and dissociative fugue.

Discuss the contributions of three individuals to the treatment of abnormal psychology. Include when and where each lived.

Why is psychotherapy so often ineffective in treating the odd personality disorders?


All answers require at least one citation in addition to, or in lieu of, the textbook

All citations with accompanying references must be in APA format

While there is no word count requirement, please be sure to answer each question completely, using proper grammar and spelling

March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024

Strategic Audit Report

Strategic Posture and Corporate Governance

You will continue to research and write a section for the Strategic Audit Report this week by creating three different components under Section II of the Strategic Audit Report (Strategic Posture and Corporate Governance Section).

Researching these areas will help you gain a better understanding of your strategic audit company’s current financial position, what they do and their future direction, and the makeup of their leadership team. Having a firm understanding of where your company is currently will enable you to identify issues that need to be corrected and improved upon for their future.

Strategic Audit Report

Complete Your Deliverable

Provided are the guidelines/questions to complete each part:

  1. How has the company performed over the past year in terms of investment, market share, and profitability?
  2. What are the company’s mission and vision statements? Please ensure the statements are from a valid source, such as the organization’s website. If the company does not have a listed mission or vision statement, then write one for them. Explain what makes a good mission and vision statement and what makes bad ones. Use a reference (correctly cited) to support your explanation/perspective. Then explain if your company’s mission and vision statement (or the one you have written for them) is a good one or a bad one and why.

Review the following video explaining how to write a mission and vision statement.

Strategic Audit Report

What’s the Difference Between Mission and Vision? (YouTube, 00:05:08)Links to an external site.

  1. List the company’s board of directors by name, if they are internal or external board members, what year they were elected to the board, what they do on the board for your company, and what their level of management is.

When you create these sections of your report, review the Strategic Audit Report Guidelines page for details on how you should format and structure the information. See the information listed on the Guidelines for Report Sections and Strategic Audit Report Outline sections of the page for additional details.

Submit Your Results

  • Parts 1, 2, and 3 of your assignment should be one page in length each.
  • All pages should be double-spaced, with sources cited and referenced using current APA formatting.

You should have a total of three (3) pages upon completion of all parts. Compile all pages of your document to submit to this assignment.

March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024

Clinical & Sociocultural Appraisal

Mental Disorders

As a clinician, it is important for you to be able to apply knowledge regarding various client presentations to your appraisal of mental disorders. You need to conceptualize these through both clinical and sociocultural perspectives.

you will demonstrate this ability by evaluating a case study addressing cognitive behavioral therapy for a refugee mother who suffers from depression and anxiety.

Faber, J., & Lee, E. (2020). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for a Refugee Mother with Depression and Anxiety. Clinical Case Studies, 19(4), 239–257.

Appraise the sociocultural factors contributing to this client’s depression and anxiety.

Discuss how the therapist in the case study addressed these sociocultural factors throughout the course of therapy.

Evaluate how the therapist applies clinical concepts, such as cognitive errors and cognitive restructuring, as treatment tools, without imposing their own sociocultural values or beliefs on the client.

What do you believe were the contributory factors to the successful outcomes of this clinical case?

Clinical & Sociocultural Appraisal

Clinical & Sociocultural Appraisal

Mental Disorders

As a clinician, it is important for you to be able to apply knowledge regarding various client presentations to your appraisal of mental disorders. You need to conceptualize these through both clinical and sociocultural perspectives.

you will demonstrate this ability by evaluating a case study addressing cognitive behavioral therapy for a refugee mother who suffers from depression and anxiety.

Faber, J., & Lee, E. (2020). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for a Refugee Mother with Depression and Anxiety. Clinical Case Studies, 19(4), 239–257.

Appraise the sociocultural factors contributing to this client’s depression and anxiety.

Discuss how the therapist in the case study addressed these sociocultural factors throughout the course of therapy.

Evaluate how the therapist applies clinical concepts, such as cognitive errors and cognitive restructuring, as treatment tools, without imposing their own sociocultural values or beliefs on the client.

What do you believe were the contributory factors to the successful outcomes of this clinical case? APA.