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April 29, 2024
April 29, 2024

Case Study Analysis Assignment

Module 7:

Scenario 1: A 32-year-old female presents to the ED with a chief complaint of fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and vaginal discharge. She states these symptoms started about 3 days ago, but she thought she had the flu. She has begun to have LLQ pain and notes bilateral lower back pain. She denies dysuria, foul-smelling urine, or frequency. States she is married and has sexual intercourse with her husband. PMH negative.


Labs: CBC-WBC 18, Hgb 16, Hct 44, Plat 325, Neuts & Lymphs, sed rate 46 mm/hr., C-reactive protein 67 mg/L CMP wnl

Vital signs T 103.2 F Pulse 120 Resp 22 and PaO2

Case Study Analysis Assignment

Case Study Analysis Assignment

99% on room air. Cardio-respiratory exam WNL with the exception of tachycardia but no murmurs, rubs, clicks, or gallops. Abdominal exam + for LLQ pain on deep palpation but no rebound or rigidity. Pelvic exam demonstrates copious foul-smelling green drainage with the reddened cervix and + bilateral adnexal tenderness. + chandelier sign. Wet prep in ER + clue cells and gram stain in ER + gram-negative diplococci.

The case reflects PID. One would suspect the patient is not forthcoming or husband is not monogamous

  1. The factors that affect fertility (STDs).
  2. Why inflammatory markers rise in STD/PID.
  3. Why infection happens.
  4. Explain the causes of a systemic reaction from infection (Lab values, Vital Signs, physical presentation, and exam).

Practicum info is asked to be placed here for admin review. If not entering practicum classes next term add N/a, if pending just post what you have and mark pending.

Case Study Analysis Assignment

To prepare:

By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study scenario for this Case Study Assignment. Please see the “Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor.

The Assignment (1- to 2-page case study analysis)

In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following:

The factors that affect fertility (STDs).

Why inflammatory markers rise in STD/PID.

Why prostatitis and infection happens. Also explain the causes of systemic reaction.


Submit your Case Study Analysis Assignment by Day 7 of Week 10.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. APA.

April 29, 2024
April 29, 2024

Patient Presentation Outline

 Empowering Yourself with Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

  1. Taking Charge of Your Healthcare with EHRs:
    Concept 1:

Improved Transparency: Explain how EHRs provide a centralized view of your medical history, including allergies, medications, diagnoses, lab results, and immunizations. This allows you to see the bigger picture and understand your health journey.
Concept 2:

Enhanced Communication: Discuss how EHRs facilitate communication between you and your healthcare providers. You can access doctor’s notes, appointment summaries, and medication instructions, leading to informed discussions and better decision-making.
Concept 3:

Informed Participation: Explain how EHRs can empower you to participate actively in your care. Accessing upcoming preventive screenings, understanding treatment options, and researching recommended medications helps you become a partner in your health.

Patient Presentation Outline

Patient Presentation Outline

  1. Accessing and Amending Your Personal Health Information (PHI):

Concept 1:

Understanding Access Points: Discuss different ways to access your EHR, such as secure patient portals offered by clinics or hospitals, or dedicated apps authorized by them. Mention the importance of strong passwords and secure login practices.
Concept 2:

Exercising Your Right to Request Amendments: Explain the process for requesting changes to your EHR data if you find inaccuracies or missing information. Highlight the importance of clear communication with providers and potential timelines involved.
Concept 3:

Understanding Data Sharing Practices: Briefly discuss how healthcare providers may share your PHI with other providers involved in your care or for public health purposes. Emphasize your right to control how your information is shared and the importance of reviewing consent forms.

Patient Presentation Outline

III. Contributing Data to Your EHR:

Concept 1:

Sharing Relevant Information: Discuss how patients can contribute valuable information like personal health history, lifestyle details (diet, exercise), and tracking data from wearable devices. Explain how complete information benefits diagnosis and treatment planning.
Concept 2:

Reporting Symptoms and Experiences: Explain the importance of patients reporting symptoms, progress with medications, and any side effects experienced. This can help healthcare providers adjust care plans and personalize treatment approaches.
Concept 3:

Providing Feedback on Care: Discuss how providing feedback on appointments, procedures, and communication with healthcare providers can improve the quality of care for yourself and future patients.

Note: Dear student, kindly research the ideas and information you will put in your concepts. I posted the guidelines on this section. APA.

April 29, 2024
April 29, 2024

Market Research

ON RESEARCH, the research journal of EU Business School has contacted you to collaborate with them related to your marketing expertise. In pairs, you must develop a Marketing Research Project based on a clear and specific marketing problem or opportunity of your choice (validated with the professor), detailing the objectives, and explaining why they chose their research design method and how they arrived at their results. It should be a professional paper that could be published.

The expected table of contents:

  1. Introduction and aim:

Select a marketing research problem or opportunity of interest.

What are the research questions that you have?

  1. Background to the problem/opportunity:

Organize this section based on the topics your topic explores.

Include academic references using our library/Google Scholar/etc.

Include recent information about the topic.

Present data in a compelling manner, using illustrations, graphs, charts, etc.

Market Research

Market Research

  1. Methodology:

How will you answer the research questions? Type of research.

Address: quantitative, qualitative, mixed, etc.

Address: primary data and secondary data

Sampling: method, type of sample, sample size, rationale. What will you analyze?

Develop the primary data ensuring clarity, relevance and appropriateness of questions/procedure.

  1. Conclusion: Key insights and current situation/state-of-the-art of the problem.
  2. List of references
  3. Appendices (if necessary)

Market Research

You will present your research in the last session, remember to present data in a visual, engaging, sophisticated, and clear manner. Remember that is important that you justify your answers and include in-text citations throughout the submitted document, as seen in class, as well as a list of references. This directly affects the quality and credibility of your work, as well as your evaluation.


Word count: 2000 words.

Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded from the total word count.

Font: Arial 11, line spacing 1.5

The in-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvard’s citation style.

April 29, 2024
April 29, 2024

Preparing for Rainy Day

For this assignment, you are to prepare a paper that serves primarily as an organized outline for the preparation of the conversation you plan to have with your CEO. Your CEO has requested a meeting with you with some degree of urgency. Here is the issue.

  • Budget fluctuation – As a budget manager, your system has experienced a significant budget fluctuation. For this assignment, you are welcome to define that fluctuation in any way that you would like.  You have read in this learning module about budget fluctuations and you have identified earlier in this course a specific organizational context in which you are working. You will define the budget fluctuation in preparation for this meeting in this assignment.
  • Enrollment fluctuation – Unfortunately, as of late, the university has done a very poor job overall of forecasting enrollment. Numbers have gone up and down without any conceivable explanation. Sadly, when things have gone well and enrollment has risen, there has been very little predictive capacity. Similarly, when enrollments have dropped, no one seems to have a thoughtful explanation.
  • It is raining… now what? – Simply put, for this assignment you are planning on sitting down with our CEO and responding to these issues. This has been an unanticipated fluctuation that has everyone in the organization up in arms. Your first goal is going to be to make sure that your CEO can put these fluctuations in the appropriate context and likewise has faith in you as a budget manager to deal with it. To that end, you are to write a paper which will once again serve as an outline in preparation for this conversation.

Preparing for Rainy Day

Preparing for Rainy Day

Your work should come in the form of a formal APA paper and come in the following components.

  • Component 1: Introduction – In this introduction, you will provide an overview of the role of budget fluctuation in businesses today. How common is it? Is this something we should be prepared for?
  • Component 2: Define the fluctuations –Once again, you were afforded some poetic license here in describing the fluctuations and articulating how they relates to the business that you are in. You are welcome to get creative here but make sure that indeed your reflections are directly related to the case study you have created and what you have learned in this chapter and through other ancillary readings.
  • Component 3: Your suggested response – What is your suggested response here? What do you suggest that the organization do in relationship to this change? What steps should be taken next?

Please ensure in executing this assignment that you make specific references to the readings provided as well as the utilization of at least three outside references that can be used to support your ideas presented. The use of outside sources is important because even though the materials provided for this course are excellent, as a graduate student you are expected to be able to consult a variety of sources regarding a given topic and synthesize that scholarly input into a thoughtful set of recommendations, conclusions, etc.

Preparing for Rainy Day

The essay should be 1850- words and should include at least three (3) citations. The sections should be clearly marked with headings so that your instructor knows which points you are addressing. Follow the guidelines for APA writing style. The title page and references page do not count towards the minimum word amount for this assignment.

Assignment Expectations

Length: 1850- words; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner.

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count toward the minimum word count for this assignment.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

April 29, 2024
April 29, 2024

MN7029SR Financial Decision Making

Your summary should provide an executive viewer with all the key points of your presentation.

Using appropriate financial analytical tools (such as financial ratios) and financial data present the financial performance of the business over the period and the position of the business at the end of year (round) 4.

Give reasons for, and interpretations of the ratios.

The chosen ratios should be kept to a manageable number – the emphasis should be on quality rather quantity. Some key ratios such as Return on Capital Employed and Profitability Ratios are expected.

For an excellent mark your historic financial performance and forecast should include analysis of revenue and profit in total and by products.

MN7029SR Financial Decision Making

MN7029SR Financial Decision Making

You will cover the key decisions made in the business and what impact these had on performance

  • What product lines did you decide to stock?
  • How did you finance growth?
  • What pricing decisions did you make?
  • How did you choose suppliers?

Summarise your key decisions in respect of items as described above.

Using appropriate financial analytical tools (such as financial ratios) and financial data present the financial projections for the business over the coming 3 years

You should consider returns to shareholders, profitability and share price.

You should deliver a professionally structured and delivered presentation that is free from errors and is correctly referenced throughout.

MN7029SR Financial Decision Making

Your summary should provide an executive viewer with all the key points of your presentation.

Using appropriate financial analytical tools (such as financial ratios) and financial data present the financial performance of the business over the period and the position of the business at the end of year (round) 4.

Give reasons for, and interpretations of the ratios.

The chosen ratios should be kept to a manageable number – the emphasis should be on quality rather quantity. Some key ratios such as Return on Capital Employed and Profitability Ratios are expected.

For an excellent mark your historic financial performance and forecast should include analysis of revenue and profit in total and by products. APA.

April 27, 2024
April 27, 2024

Psychology Test Measurement Administration

For your assignment you will be administering three tests, scoring them, and writing up a small report. The first test you will administer is the MBTI Personality test, the second is the Attachment to God test, and the third is the purpose in life test. Here are what each of these measure:

The Purpose in Life Test

The purpose in life test is used to investigate if the individual is experiencing existential angst in regards to whether or not the life they live is meaningful and has purpose. Victor Frankl and a number of other humanistic and existential psychologists believe if an individual has a strong sense of meaning and purpose they will flourish. Those who do not, suffer and struggle with life and lack the resilience to overcome difficulties. Therefore, it is hoped that people who take this test will score more than 50 points indicating they have a strong sense of meaning and purpose. This test is easy to score and the directions are at the bottom of the page.

Psychology Test Measurement Administration

MBTI Personality Type Test

This is a short version of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator personality test. It is used to capture particular personality traits and characteristics of an individual. While this is not the full blown personality test, it does a good job capturing the essence of someone’s type within the parameters of this particular approach to understanding personality. Scoring for this assessment is not difficult and the instructions are found on the fourth page of the document.

Psychology Test Measurement Administration

The Attachment to God

Inventory Attachment theory basically indicates if you have a strong attachment to your caregiver you will have better relationships and experience less anxiety in life. The same might be said of someone’s attachment to God. This test uses attachment theory to understand how someone’s attachment to God may reflect their attachment style. Note, this test requires you to reverse score some of the items. Reverse scoring is often used in an instrument as a way to guarantee the test captures accurate data. ( I did this already. The results are in the attached files) Doing the Assignment Here is what you need to do for the assignment: Find an individual who is willing to complete all three assessments ( I did this part see attached files) Score all three assessments according to the instructions ( I did this part see attached files)

Write a paper (5 to 7 pages) that answers the following questions. Your paper should be structured in the following way and include ALL of these components:


Discuss each test you are administering and what they measure. Then describe who your participant is (i.e. gender, age, occupation, level of education, etc). Any demographic data is helpful.

Psychology Test Measurement Administration

Purpose in life section

Answer the three questions below What was the result of the purpose in life test that your participate took? What does the score mean about the participant? Why do you believe the individual scored this way?

MBTI Section

Answer the three questions below What was the result of MBTI Personality Type Test that your participate took? What does the score mean about the participant? Why do you believe the individual scored this way?

Attachment to God section

Answer the three questions below What was the result of MBTI Personality Type Test that your participate took? What does the score mean about the participant? Why do you believe the individual scored this way?

Conclusion section

Discuss your experience administering, scoring, and synthesizing the information about each test. (Indicating a lengthy scoring session, double checking of numbers to ensure accuracy and any others that may come into play.)


List your references in APA 7 style You should have some outside sources to answer the questions above.

April 27, 2024
April 27, 2024

OMGT2327 Distribution & Freight Logistics


In this assessment, you are required to analyse the business model of Rubbermaid Corporation and its implications on retail logistics operations.  Examine the case study provided and assist the company board to decide the future strategy for the company.


A case study scenario will examine your decision-making capability pertaining to logistic and distributional complexities. This assessment will also enable you to define and prioritise customers to improve service quality and deploy a quick response strategy to service delivery based on a customer segmentation approach. This assessment reinforces the learning from the topics on retail logistics models and distribution strategies covered in this course. This assessment contributes to learning and skills development in presenting critical and coherent analyses of a case study and management decision process on aspects of retail freight logistics.

Course learning outcomes

This assessment is linked to the following course learning outcomes:

CLO 1 Examine and evaluate key concepts, models and theories in the field of distribution and freight logistics.

CLO 2 Develop and present critical and coherent analyses and management discussions on aspects of freight logistics.

CLO 3 Apply appropriate techniques and methods to analyse freight distribution and movement patterns and make applicable recommendations.

OMGT2327 Distribution & Freight Logistics

OMGT2327 Distribution & Freight Logistics

Assessment Details

Read the Rubbermaid Corporation (RBC) case study. You have been engaged as a consultant and you are required to analyse the information provided and assist the company board to decide the future strategy for the company. You must prepare your response to the following questions:

  • What are the critical components of RBC’s transportation costs?
  • Do you think that the decision to outsource some parts of RBC’s logistics operations to a 3PL provider is logical?
  • What are your recommendations for the company to overcome the present crisis?

Target Audience

The target audience for this assessment is the company board.

Recommended Length and Structure

Your report will be approximately 1500 words long. It should follow the following format:

  1. Setting out the business context of RBC

In this section, you should set out the business context of RBC including the logistical challenges and opportunities to outsource to 3PL. The context needs to be grounded on the literature review on 3PL and course materials.  Information can be selected from scientific journal articles, books and similar credible sources to support your argument.

OMGT2327 Distribution & Freight Logistics

  1. Critical evaluation and economic rationalisation

In this section, you are required to undertake cost-benefit analysis of outsourcing distribution/transportation function to 3PL as a business strategy to reduce operational costs. Your analysis should consider economic rationalisation of the proposed strategy and its implications on business operations, service quality, and staffing. Use of tables and figures are encouraged to present your argument and decision thought process succinctly and effectively.

  1. Recommendations

You should propose a set of recommendations to the company, along with justification and the potential implications. The relation of recommendations with the previous sections of the report should be clear and understandable for the reader. You should explain how the recommendations can improve the current state. Additionally, the feasibility and applicability of recommendations is crucial as sometimes optimistic recommendations are not feasible in the practice

Referencing Guidelines

Use Harvard style referencing style for this assessment. If you are using secondary sources, include these as a reference list in your report.  You must acknowledge all the sources of information you have used in your assessments. Refer to the RMIT Easy Cite referencing tool to see examples and tips on how to reference in the appropriate style. You can also refer to the Library referencing page for other tools such as EndNote, referencing tutorials and referencing guides for printing.

April 27, 2024
April 27, 2024

BUSM4602 Managing Supply Contracts

Assessment 1: Supply chain complexity and the implications for contract management in a global environment


The aim of this assignment is to evaluate the student’s understanding of the principles and concepts of Supply Chain Management (SCM) in a Global environment. The student’s understanding of the role of the contract, contract management instruments (Statements of Work, Schedules to contracts, Pricing, Requirements, Service Level Agreements (SLA’s), and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)) and operating structures in supply chains will be assessed, as well as their understanding of the supply chain complexity and the impacts and associated risks to all parties involved in the contract including public who are sometimes the end customers or recipients of the contracted products and services in the contract.  Linked learning outcomes

  • CLO 1 Critically evaluate the impact of the growing complexity of global business on supply contract relations.
  • CLO 2 Discuss and apply the contractual frameworks and theories commonly used in supply relations.
  • CLO 6 Discuss the different types of contracts and assess their role and application.

BUSM4602 Managing Supply Contracts

BUSM4602 Managing Supply Contracts

This assessment will determine your ability to:

  • Identify the global Supply Chain Management (SCM) complexities that are faced by suppliers, customers, consumers across all types of products and services.
  • Establish categories of risks that are impacted by these Supply Contract Management (SCM) complexities.
  • Develop mitigation strategies and plans that are pertinent and implemented by all stakeholders to identify, record, manage and monitor such risks.
  • Identify benefits of a Global Supply Contract Management (SCM) model – who are the major winners in this process.
  • List the differences that apply to domestic SCM vs global SCM.
  • Show how contract instruments are used in Supply Contract Management (SCM) and what purposes do they serve in this process.
  • Develop insights into contract management and the obligations on suppliers and customers.
  • Have an appreciation for large multinational organisations that source from hundreds of suppliers with varying levels of size and market strength.

BUSM4602 Managing Supply Contracts

Assessment details

As trade is increasingly conducted in a global environment, businesses have begun to focus on SCM (Supply Contract Management) and the risks and benefits associated with operating in a global environment. In this assignment, you will work individually to prepare a comprehensive review of two key cases and develop a well- structured and referenced report on the SCM complexities. The report will discuss the risks and benefits of SCM and how these factors impact on the way businesses negotiate contracts in this context to meet their objectives.

You will conduct research across TWO key cases in a global supply chain contract environment and prepare a report demonstrating the following:

  • Present the complete procurement life cycle that operates in a supply contract environment
  • Comment on the key steps in the life cycle that are pertinent to the supply contract development and execution
  • Identify FIVE (5) key supply contract risks that exist within a global supply contract environment, and explain the mitigation plans for both the supplier and the customer
  • Discuss supply chain complexities in a global context and state the benefits and opportunities available to suppliers and the end customers
  • Explain how supply chain complexity affects contract management structures, processes and outcomes in a business context
  • Outline FIVE (5) pitfalls common in supply chain complexities, in each case comment on the causes of such outcomes
  • Adopt an innovative approach to responding to previously identified pitfalls.
  • Summarise the concept of supply contract complexities in a global environment and the key instruments used to manage them including negotiation techniques.

BUSM4602 Managing Supply Contracts

Guiding principles for completing the report

The quality of your work will be determined mainly by:

▪ Clarity and coherence of the structure of your report

▪ Clearly illustrated arguments showing that you have researched the relevant topics and provided cases extensively

▪ Coverage of the report that ensures you have understood the concepts and complexities of supply contracts in a global environment

▪ Ability to articulate practical examples and or relevant business experience to support your summary.


The report word count must be strictly adhered to and there must be clear evidence that this is your own work and this is an individual assignment. APA.

Case 1: Boeing (link in Assessment 1 page on Canvas)

Case 2: Toyota’s answer to high fuel costs and carbon emissions environmental and social risks (document in Assessment 1 page on Canvas)

April 27, 2024
April 27, 2024

AF5038 Derivatives and Risk

Instructions on Assessment:

The assignment is an individual written piece of work (as opposed to a piece of written group work) and you are required to answer all three elements of the question.

The investment management department of your company has asked you to construct a speculative trading strategy using options.

You have been instructed to invest £100,000 in an options trading strategy for a publicly

traded company’s shares for the period between 1st March 2024 and 26th April 2024 (inclusive). You are encouraged to use European options for UK-listed companies from the non-financial sector, however this is not a requirement.

AF5038 Derivatives and Risk

AF5038 Derivatives and Risk

Section A: (1000 words, 35 marks)

For the company whose shares are to be the underlying for your options, set up a speculative option-based trading strategy given your view of the company, current market sentiment regarding the segment in which it operates, and likely market movements over the period.

You must support your analysis using real-world market data (appropriately evidenced) as well as suitable academic literature covering analysis methods such as, for instance, macroeconomic, news, fundamental, technical, etc.

You must include screenshot evidence of the source of your options pricing in an appendix and

discuss how the strategy you are proposing is consistent with your share price forecast and market outlook.

Out of 35 marks awarded for Section A, 25 marks are allocated to your forecasting of the underlying and 10 marks are allocated to the justification of the speculative option strategy consistent with such a forecast.

AF5038 Derivatives and Risk

Section B: (500 words, 10 marks)

What is the payoff structure of the strategy you have suggested and what is the annualised return you are targeting based on your approach?

Assess the risk that your strategy will not produce the returns you have anticipated. You must also discuss and evaluate the risks that the use of an options derivative instrument has introduced to the investment management department. APA.

Section C: (500 words, 15 marks)

Report on the actual profit and loss of your strategy over the period and analyse its realised performance relative to your forecast.

Discuss why the strategy achieved the observed results.

April 27, 2024
April 27, 2024

Photo Essay

 For this assignment, you will take 5 photos that reflect different forms of inequality in your community (e.g. race/class/gender or any other category of social difference) and write a 300-to-500-word analysis of each photo applying sociological concepts. The analysis of each photo should utilize different concepts. Students will submit their photos and written analysis as one document on Blackboard. For this assignment, you will take 5 photos that reflect different forms of inequality in your community (e.g. race/class/gender or any other category of social difference) and write a 300-to-500-word analysis of each photo applying sociological concepts. The analysis of each photo should utilize different concepts. Students will submit their photos and written analysis as one document on Blackboard.

Photo Essay

Photo Essay

 For this assignment, you will take 5 photos that reflect different forms of inequality in your community (e.g. race/class/gender or any other category of social difference) and write a 300-to-500-word analysis of each photo applying sociological concepts. The analysis of each photo should utilize different concepts. Students will submit their photos and written analysis as one document on Blackboard. For this assignment, you will take 5 photos that reflect different forms of inequality in your community (e.g. race/class/gender or any other category of social difference) and write a 300-to-500-word analysis of each photo applying sociological concepts. The analysis of each photo should utilize different concepts. Students will submit their photos and written analysis as one document on Blackboard.

Photo Essay

 For this assignment, you will take 5 photos that reflect different forms of inequality in your community (e.g. race/class/gender or any other category of social difference) and write a 300-to-500-word analysis of each photo applying sociological concepts. The analysis of each photo should utilize different concepts. Students will submit their photos and written analysis as one document on Blackboard. For this assignment, you will take 5 photos that reflect different forms of inequality in your community (e.g. race/class/gender or any other category of social difference) and write a 300-to-500-word analysis of each photo applying sociological concepts. The analysis of each photo should utilize different concepts. Students will submit their photos and written analysis as one document on Blackboard. APA.