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March 23, 2024
March 23, 2024

MSN-FP6026 Assessment 3

Letter to the Editor: Population Health Policy Advocacy    

This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete the Letter to the Editor: Population Health Policy Advocacy assessment. You may find it useful to use this document as a pre-writing exercise or as a final check to ensure that you have sufficiently addressed all the grading criteria for this assessment. This document is a resource to help you complete the assessment. Do not turn in this document as your assessment submission.

MSN-FP6026 Assessment 3

Evaluate the current state of the quality of care and outcomes for a specific issue in a target population.

  • Based on the data that you used to identify your chosen issue in Assessment 1, what is the current state of the quality of care and outcomes?
  • To what degree does the current state of the quality of care and outcomes need to be improved?
  • How does the current performance compare to any relevant benchmarks?
  • How does the current performance adversely impact the health of the target population?

MSN-FP6026 Assessment 3

Analyze how the current state of the quality of care and outcomes for a specific issue in a target population necessitates health policy development and advocacy.

  • How does the current state of the quality of care and outcomes related to your chosen issue and target population illustrate the need for improvements?

o          Why do you consider policy development and advocacy necessary?

o          How will developing a health policy help to improve the quality of care and outcomes related to your chosen issue and target population?

o          Why is advocating for health policy development necessary to drive improvements?

Justify why a developed policy will be vital in improving the quality of care and outcomes for a specific issue in a target population.

MSN-FP6026 Assessment 3

  • Why will your proposed policy (from Assessment 2) be vital in improving the quality of care and outcomes related to your chosen issue and target population?

o          How will your proposed policy help drive improvements?

          What evidence or best-practices supports this? How does the evidence provide support?

Advocate for policy development in other care settings with regard to a specific issue in a target population.

  • Why is it important that policy development focused on your chosen issue and target population take place in care environments and settings beyond that for which you proposed the policy?

o          How will wider development of policies help to drive improvements related to your chosen issue and target population?

MSN-FP6026 Assessment 3

o          Ideally, what is the end result of wider policy development and implementation?

Analyze the ways in which interprofessional aspects of a developed policy will support efficient and effective achievement of desired outcomes for the target population.

  • What are the relevant interprofessional aspects of your policy?

o          How will these interprofessional aspects support efficient achievement of your desired outcomes for your target population?

o          How will these interprofessional aspects support effective achievement of your desired outcomes for your target population?

Communicate in a professional and persuasive manner, writing content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

  • Is your writing clear and professional?
  • Is your writing free from errors?
  • Is your writing persuasive?
  • Does your submission conform to the format and length requirements of your chosen journal?

MSN-FP6026 Assessment 3

Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references.

  • Did you use 3–5 sources (or the number required by your chosen journal) in your assessment?

o          Are the sources you used no more than five years old?

  • Are your sources cited in APA format (or the journal’s preferred style) throughout your letter?
  • Have you included an attached reference list?
  • Did you follow the formatting guidelines of your chosen journal?

Did you attach the submission and formatting guidelines for your chosen journal at the end of your assessment submission?

March 23, 2024
March 23, 2024

Cheyenne Fuel Tank Case

Related by Greg Keethler Deputy Commander, 721st Space Group (at the time)

When I became deputy commander of the 721st Space Group at the Cheyenne Mountain Complex in the early 90’s, I was provided briefings by each subordinate squadron on its mission and associated major activities, projects, issues, concerns, etc.  Among other things, the Civil Engineering Squadron briefed a military construction project valued at about $5 million (as I recall) to completely rebuild the fuel storage tank in the underground complex.  This immediately struck me as a questionable undertaking, so I began to ask questions about it.

Cheyenne Fuel Tank Case

Cheyenne Fuel Tank Case

Background:  The timeframe was the early 90’s and the Cold War had just ended.  The Cheyenne Mountain Complex was (and is) a facility consisting of fifteen three-story buildings 1700 feet under the peak of Cheyenne Mountain near Colorado Springs, Colorado.  It was built in the 1960’s as an emergency 24/7 project when it was determined that the Soviets had attained enough accuracy in their missiles to threaten above ground facilities.  It has hosted a variety of missions, the most famous of which was the NORAD Command Center, which was responsible at all times for determining whether the United States and/or Canada were under missile or air attack.   The 721st Space Group operated and maintained all the communication and computer systems in the complex as well as all of the facilities (buildings, utilities, survival systems, etc), and provided the security for the entire facility.  In the event of a nuclear attack, the facility was designed to “button up” for 30 days behind two 25 ton blast doors.  As such, it had its own drinking water supply, its own power plant, a stockpile of food, and the capability to pull fresh air from outside through radiological and biological filters.  The power plant consisted of six generators, each driven by a large diesel ship engine that consumed about 100 gallons of diesel fuel per hour; two of the generators could operate the “mission load” of the facility and a sufficient number of lights for safety purposes.  For button up purposes, there needed to be a stockpile of diesel fuel, which was, in fact, a cavern dug into the mountain, with a capacity of about 500,000 gallons of diesel fuel.  There was a steel barrier in front of the cavern to control fumes and keep contamination out of the fuel.

Cheyenne Fuel Tank Case

If the key systems in the complex went down and precluded maintaining attack vigilance, the President would be notified after a classified number of minutes that the nation was “blind.”  We tried very hard every day to keep that from happening, and maintaining power to the mission equipment was central to that effort.

The fuel tank overhaul project consisted of installing some large fuel storage tanks outside the rear entrance to the main tunnel and running a pipeline from there back into the tunnel and down to the power plant (something approaching ¾ of a mile) so the engines could have the needed fuel.  The existing cavern would then be cleaned and lined with concrete, and stainless steel tanks would be installed in the same space to serve as the fuel storage capacity of the complex.  The project would take between 18 months and two years, and during that time, it would not be possible to button up.  The project had been in the works for several years; as a military construction project, it received extreme scrutiny from every level of command up through Air Force Headquarters, then the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and, ultimately, the Military Construction Committees of both houses of Congress, as well as the full Congress itself.  An immense amount of effort had gone into getting the project approved and funded, and it was slated to start in the next fiscal year.  The engineers were quite excited about it—it was the most massive project they had undertaken in many years, and they thrived on doing projects.  (There is a video on Blackboard with pictures of the facility to help you visualize).

Cheyenne Fuel Tank Case

I asked for a meeting with the Civil Engineering Squadron Commander and the appropriate staff members with responsibility for the project.  At the meeting, I asked why we were doing the project.  The answer I got was that it was a requirement of a Federal Law that had been enacted some years earlier regarding underground fuel storage tanks.  The law was aimed at storage tanks at filling stations, which were nearly all single-walled at the time.  It had been found that single-walled tanks were susceptible to corrosion and could leak fuel into the surrounding soil and create a significant pollution problem.  Readers who are old enough may remember a period of time in the 80’s and 90’s wherein all such tanks were dug up at filling stations and replaced with double-walled tanks.  The engineers said that the Cheyenne Mountain tank got caught up in the law because it was an underground fuel storage tank, so that was the impetus for the project.

I asked to see the law, and when I read it, my take was that the law was not applicable to the Cheyenne Mountain fuel storage tank.  I then asked if anyone had gotten an interpretation from the EPA as to whether the law required replacement of the Cheyenne Mountain tank.  The answer was that the question had been asked multiple times, but the EPA never provided an answer.   I questioned that as the basis for proceeding with the project, the response to which was that the engineers had gone to the Colorado version of the EPA, which “thought” it needed to be done.  I asked the engineers to meet again with the Colorado EPA and find out why they were concerned about it and if there was anything else we could to do mitigate their concerns.  At the meeting, they learned that the Colorado EPA feared hydrocarbons from the fuel would find their way into the groundwater surrounding the tank and thereby pollute it.  The two groups came up with a procedure to drill a small hole in the form of a spiral underneath the tank and then sample (and test) the water in the hole three times a day for six months, which the engineers carried out.

Cheyenne Fuel Tank Case

When the six months were up, the engineers came to me with the results.  There had not been a single trace of hydrocarbons found in any of the samples.  The reason, they said, was that the cavern was 1700 feet underground, so the pressure exerted by the groundwater was far greater than that exerted by the fuel in the tank.  The result was that groundwater constantly infiltrated the tank, and we had to actually use a centrifuge to separate the water from the fuel before sending it to the generators.  The Colorado EPA said their concerns were satisfied by the tests and no longer felt the project was necessary.   The engineers recommended proceeding with the project anyway because it would result in an improved fuel storage capability and we would no longer have to centrifuge the fuel.

I informed the Group Commander of all of this and told him I recommended cancelling the project—not only was it not required, but it would provide a massive disruption to daily operations and prevent us from being able to button up for almost two years.  The marginal improvements in fuel storage capability did not justify the cost and disruption.  He agreed, so I met with the engineers again and informed them the project was cancelled and the reasons why.  They informed me that the project could not be cancelled because it was a military construction project that had been approved by Congress—it was in the LAW.  I quickly defused that argument (I had served as a legislative liaison officer and knew how all that worked).  They then argued that we should retain the project because if we cancelled it, we wouldn’t get to keep the money.   In fact, not even the Air Force nor the Department of Defense would get to keep the money, they said—it would just go back into the Treasury.  I asked what was wrong with that, and I got silence and resentful stares in return.

Cheyenne Fuel Tank Case

For the rest of my tour at Cheyenne Mountain, the Civil Engineers resented that I had interfered in their prized project and, in their view, took it away from them.  I pointed out that all I had done was ask questions and make the obviously right recommendation when those questions were answered.  It didn’t matter—they begrudged me for it.  If I had just left things alone, they felt, everything would have been fine.

Compare this story to the story related by John Maxwell in “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership,” Chapters 4 (The Law of Navigation) and 14 (The Law of Buy-in), about his vision to cancel an activity center project at his church (which 65% of the members had approved) and replace it with a project for a new auditorium.  Although he tells the story a little differently in the two chapters, the essence is that he had the “right” vision (i.e., navigation) and he smoothly worked to get buy-in to his project by stalling the activity center project while he sold the congregation on the auditorium.  Per his account, he was very successful—the congregation abandoned the activity center and approved the auditorium with a 98% favorable vote.  In both cases, the leader’s vision was realized.  In one case, the leader was lauded and loved, in the other, the leader was resented. Use APA referencing style.

Address the following four questions in a four page paper (1000-1100 words).  Note:  you don’t have to address each question separately, as long as you adequately address it as part of the discussion.

  1. What are the similarities in these two scenarios from a leadership standpoint? What are important differences, if any?
  2. What are the ethics implications of the two approaches taken by these leaders, if any?
  3. What might have been done in the Cheyenne Mountain scenario to get more buy-in from the engineers to cancelling the project?
  4. Compare and contrast the leadership methods used by the two leaders in these examples, using material from Lincoln, Northouse and the Maxwell texts to support your points.
March 23, 2024
March 23, 2024

Healthcare Programs Compliance

Course Objective for Assignment:

  • Assess the roles of various healthcare stakeholders to ensure that health care programs meet the needs of the recipients and comply with regulatory and payor requirements.

Instructions: Complete a Managerial Report based upon the case and your selected role. The healthcare setting in the report will be based upon the course’s selected case study and the role will be based upon your selected role for the course. An example Managerial Report Template has been provided for your reference, ensure each section is completed with sufficient details. Students are welcome to customize their report, but all aspects of the report must be completed with the appropriate amount of details for each section. Please provide a separate APA cover page and APA reference page with the managerial report that includes at least two credible sources. (Refer to the Announcement Page for the case or the Week 1 Content.)    Managerial Report Template PDF    Managerial Report Template Word Document  (Student may elect to use the Word document, if desired. Please appropriately adjust the spacing and formatting, when entering your information into the report.)

Healthcare Programs Compliance

Healthcare Programs Compliance

The managerial report should include the following items:

  1. Managerial Issue Defined: Identification of one managerial issue with the information on the severity, impact, and scope. Ensure the report includes the appropriate amount of details for each element of the managerial issue, impact, severity, and scope.

Impact: An effect one event makes on the other.  For example, the impact would be the restriction to the health services accessibility for all area residents served by the hospital due to the impacted transportation and infrastructure systems. Another impact point could have been the lowered capacity of the hospital to offer health care services to all served area residents (in-patient and out in the community) due to the power failure.

Severity: The fact or condition of being severe. Talking about the severity you needed to concentrate on the wider community. For example, a snowstorm affected a half of the served area living in widespread geographic allocation. The power failure and infrastructure issues would generate public health issues in the community. That should serve as an argument that this is a severe situation for the only health service organized institution in the area which duty is to prevent and mitigate public health issues along with offering routine services.

Healthcare Programs Compliance

Scope:  The opportunity or possibility to do or deal with something.  Power failure and the infrastructure system failure in the community restrict the scope of hospital influence (opportunity and possibility) on the natural disaster and associated health issues developing in the community.

  1. Identify 2 Healthcare Case Study Issues: Discuss at least two healthcare-related characteristics of the case.
  2. Role Perspective: Offer insight to the situation through the lens of your role.
  3. Identify a Minimum of 2 Policies, Laws, and/or Regulations with Responsible Parties Information: Describe the two policies, laws, or regulations and include a discussion on the responsible parties such as the government agency or regulatory body.
  4. Explain Your Role for Managing the Situation: Offer at least two specific tasks or steps that you can conduct to appropriately address the issues.
  5. Identify at Least 2 Stakeholders: Provide a response that includes two stakeholders that your role will work with to address the issues, explain the relationship of the stakeholder to your role, and why this relationship is important.
  6. Provide at least 2 credible sources with corresponding in-text citations.

Healthcare Programs Compliance

Full sentences with proper grammar, articulation, and punctuation are required throughout the report. Provide the in-text citations throughout the report for the supervising manager’s reference.

Example of Responses for a HIPAA & Compliance Director for a Case Study Involving an Urgent Care Setting: (Please note that these examples may not be used in your submission and the responses are not reflective of a managerial report format.)  

  • High severity issue: Potential for patient safety violations, Protected Health Information (PHI) violations, and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) violations. (Note: Offer supporting details on the severity level.)
  •  Impact-HIPAA violations, PHI exposed, patients’ information at risk, and patient safety at risk. (Note: Offer supporting details on the impact.) Scope-Operational, Clinical, & Legal. (Note: Offer supporting details on the scope.)
  • Urgent Care Case Study: 2 Issues- Patient tracking issues and staff unaware of patients’ locations including the collection of blood and urine. (Note: Offer supporting details regarding the two issues for the assigned course’s case study, clearly stating the issues as each one relates to the role and healthcare setting.)
  • Role Perspective- Compliance & HIPAA Director: Address the identified issues to minimize the risks, ensuring all aspects of compliance are clearly defined, while following all regulatory elements, rules, and laws. (Note: Describe your role as this leader related to the response provided.)

Healthcare Programs Compliance

  • 2 Policies/Laws with Regulatory Parties- Apply HIPAA regulations to the issues and revise the organization’s PHI policy. Students do not need to identify specific regulatory definitions but need to demonstrate an understanding of HIPAA regulations and PHI policies for this example. The regulatory parties that may be involved with these laws include the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) including CMS surveyors, the Joint Commission, or the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR) related to HIPAA enforcement. (Note: Students must include the regulatory body for the selected policies, laws, or regulations that will be presented in the managerial report.)
  • 2 Collaborative Stakeholders: Under this scenario, two collaborative stakeholders could be the facility manager and the risk manager. (Note: Discuss how, and why, these two stakeholders were selected, offer a discussion on their roles associated to your role, and provide information to the importance of their role.
March 23, 2024
March 23, 2024

Sustainable Healthcare Delivery

Course Objective for Assignment:

  • Identify and evaluate the inter-dependencies of organizations within the healthcare system to recommend partnerships and alliances for sustainable healthcare delivery.

Week 1 Assignment: Your Role to the Assigned Course’s Case Study

Assignment Scenario: You will apply your selected role to the assigned case study for this research paper.

Research Paper Requirements

  • Assignment Submission Due: Tuesday of Week 1 by 11:59 pm EST
  • APA 7th Edition Style: Research Paper, Title Page, and Reference Page
  • Length: Two (2) to three (3) pages, excluding the title page and reference page.
  • Sources: Minimum of four (4) credible references with correlating in-text citations.  One (1) source must be the assigned case study and one (1) source must be from the course content. All sources must be from the last five years unless the sources are seminal works.
  • Scholarly Evidence: Provide scholarly evidence to support your information throughout the research paper.
  • Paper Requirements: Provide an introduction, responses to each Aspect, and include a conclusion. Be sure to sufficiently discuss each Aspect (Aspect 1, Aspect 2, and Aspect 3) and address each topic that is listed under each aspect.

Sustainable Healthcare Delivery

Sustainable Healthcare Delivery

Include the Following Aspects and Topics in Your Research Paper:

Aspect 1. Introduction:

(a.)  Provide an introductory paragraph(s) that clearly discusses the information that will be presented in the paper. Include your selected job title/role; provide any pertain details regarding the case you want to share; and include your thesis statement.

Aspect 2. Your Role Description with Specific Details

(a.) Explain your selected role/title, providing specific details on:

  • Job Description: Functions, duties, and/or responsibilities.
  • Job Requirements: Skills, education, and experience.
  • Organizational and Reporting Structure: Include your potential immediate supervisors and/or managers; subordinate chain; organizational reporting requirements; and/or the employees you may be responsible for managing.
  • Professional Growth Goal: Define at least one goal that you have to achieve by the end of this class associated to your selected role and/or title, include how this new knowledge may support you in your current and/or future professional career.

Sustainable Healthcare Delivery

Aspect 3. Your Role to the Assigned Case Study

(a.).  Discuss one role-specific managerial point that affects the organizational performance with specific details on:

  • Description of one (1) job-specific managerial point that affects organizational performance.
  • Explain how the managerial point may affect the organizational performance from the position of at least two of the following stakeholders: healthcare provider, payer, patient, and/or producer/supplier.

(b.).  Apply your job-specific managerial point to the following topics:

  • A possible organizational outcome for your selected job-specific managerial point.
  • Provide a brief explanation of the potential organizational solution for this job-specific managerial point.
  • Summarize how this proposed solution may impact your job/role and how this solution may impact a provider, payer, and patient.

Sustainable Healthcare Delivery

Aspect 4. Your Role’s Interactions

(a.) Describe the potential role interactions that you may encounter to address the organizational performance, based on your possible organizational outcome and proposed solution with details on:

  • Who are you working with, in what capacity, and why?
  • Provide one (1) example of an interaction with others that may occur to address the organizational performance and solutions.

Aspect 5. Conclusion:

(a.)  Provide a conclusion that rephrases your thesis statement; discusses the importance of the information you shared in the paper; and conveys the broader implications (or bigger picture) to the reader.  You may want to include the significance of your findings from your research and the details that you want the reader to remember.

Click here to access the Week 1 Assignment: Additional Guidance and Tips (Resources & Assignment Example Summary)

March 23, 2024

Management Business307 – Organizational Change

About this Assignment

As organizations grow, particularly in the global space, change is inevitable. As businesses take on a more global facing model, management must be ready to facilitate the changes that ensue. This means creating plans for introducing and managing change. Lewin’s 3-Stage Model of Change and Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model are widely used to help overcome barriers to change in organizations.

Drawing on what you’ve learned in this course, please choose one of the following prompts and write a 2,000 word (minimum) report to address it.

Management Business307 - Organizational Change

Prompt 1

You are in upper management for a mid-sized manufacturing company. Recent economic changes forced upper management to move much of the manufacturing to a foreign country. As a result, many of the state-side employees will be forced to work directly with foreign counterparts. There is great concern that the existing employees may not embrace the change, and you’ve been tasked with creating a plan to minimize the fallout.

Management Business307 – Organizational Change

Develop a plan that will facilitate as smooth of a transition as possible, optimizing employee buy-in, satisfaction, and productivity. Write a report that explains the details of your plan, and be sure to integrate concrete examples and supportive reasoning for how to implement this plan following each step of Lewin’s 3-Stage Model of Change.

Prompt 2

You are an executive-level manager for a large marketing firm. Up until recently, your marketing executives enjoyed a myriad of perks including travel to meet with clients, laptop computers, free gym memberships, and company cars. However, after your firm lost a high producing account, marketing executives will lose some of the important benefits to which they’ve grown accustomed. It is your job to get the executives to buy into the changes. These changes include the restricted use of personal vehicles, limited travel benefits, elimination of telecommuting and the return of smartphones and tablets. You know this will not be easy.

Integrating Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model, create a change management plan that will convince the soon-to-be disgruntled executives to buy into the change. Write up your plan as a report that you will give to the CEO for approval before you implement it. Within the report, explain and justify specific steps you will take and your methods of communication with the employees about the changes.

Management Business307 – Organizational Change


As part of your research and justification, you may refer to the course material for supporting evidence, but you must also use credible outside sources and cite them using APA formatting. Please include a mix of both primary and secondary sources, with at least one source from a scholarly peer-reviewed journal. If you use any Study.com lessons as sources, please also cite them in APA (including the lesson title and instructor’s name).

Primary sources are first-hand accounts such as interviews, advertisements, speeches, company documents, statements, and press releases published by the company in question. Secondary sources come from peer-reviewed scholarly journals, such as Trends in Cognitive Sciences and Memory and Cognition. You may use JSTOR, Google Scholar, and PsycINFO to find articles from these journals. Secondary sources may also come from reputable websites with .gov, .edu, or .org in the domain. (Wikipedia is not a reputable source, though the sources listed in Wikipedia articles may be acceptable.)

March 23, 2024
March 23, 2024

Advocacy & Legislation – Social Work

How important is in-depth knowledge about legislation and the legislative process for social work advocates engaging in legislative campaigns? What specific skills and knowledge areas are crucial for effective advocacy in this context?

What interpersonal skills do you believe are most critical for social work advocates to effectively communicate their messages and achieve their legislative goals? Provide examples of how these skills might be applied in real-world scenarios.

How important is in-depth knowledge about legislation and the legislative process for social work advocates engaging in legislative campaigns? What specific skills and knowledge areas are crucial for effective advocacy in this context?

What interpersonal skills do you believe are most critical for social work advocates to effectively communicate their messages and achieve their legislative goals? Provide examples of how these skills might be applied in real-world scenarios.

Advocacy & Legislation - Social Work

Advocacy & Legislation – Social Work

How important is in-depth knowledge about legislation and the legislative process for social work advocates engaging in legislative campaigns? What specific skills and knowledge areas are crucial for effective advocacy in this context?Provide examples of how these skills might be applied in real-world scenarios.

What interpersonal skills do you believe are most critical for social work advocates to effectively communicate their messages and achieve their legislative goals? Provide examples of how these skills might be applied in real-world scenarios. Provide examples of how these skills might be applied in real-world scenarios.

How important is in-depth knowledge about legislation and the legislative process for social work advocates engaging in legislative campaigns? What specific skills and knowledge areas are crucial for effective advocacy in this context?

What interpersonal skills do you believe are most critical for social work advocates to effectively communicate their messages and achieve their legislative goals? Provide examples of how these skills might be applied in real-world scenarios. Use APA referencing style.

March 23, 2024
March 23, 2024

Harold’s Symptom Case Scenario

The following cases have strange and unusual visual deficits, what is going on (or not going on as the case may be) in their brains? Based on what you’ve gathered from lectures and the textbook, please explain what is going with each symptom in each case.  Make sure not only to be specific with your answers but also explain why you came to your conclusions.

Harold's Symptom Case Scenario


Case 1: Harold’s Symptom #1 (RVF deficits)

Properly labeled the condition and described what was intact and what was disrupted for portion of his vision

Case 1: Harold’s Symptom #2 (color blind LVF)

great description of a possible mechanism for the colorblindness

Case 2: Jane’s Symptom #1 (MCP in Right Hemisphere)

comprehensive description of what is the function of the magnocellular pathways along with an accurate explanation of how this would then impact vision

Harold’s Symptom Case Scenario

Case 2: Jane’s Symptom #2 (PCP in Left Hemisphere)

Here there was a complete description of the P-cell pathway function along with how, in this particular case, it would be disruptive to one particular visual field

Case 3: Matthew’s Symptom #1 (Dorsal Pathway in Left Hemisphere)

A clear and accurate description was provided of the dorsal pathway and how loss of this pathway in that particular hemisphere would lead to certain

Case 3: Matthew’s Symptom #2 (horizontal cells) name and description of deficits

  1. Case # 1: Harold has several visual deficits.  First, he reports that he is unable to “see” anything in his right visual field.  However, if an object moves within the right visual field he is able to say what direction it moved, but will be unable to name the object that moved.  Secondly, he is colorblind (dichromatic red-green colorblindness) in his intact functioning left visual field.  Based on this limited information, speculate what could be going on in Harold’s brain that would produce such deficits.

Harold’s Symptom Case Scenario

  1. Case # 2: Jane was in a car accident.  The accident damaged the magnocellular pathways in the right hemisphere and the parvocellular pathways in the left hemisphere.  What would you imagine her visual performance would be like after the accident?
  2. Case # 3: Matthew damaged the dorsal pathway of his left hemisphere in a motorcycle accident.  What problems do you think he may have due to this damage?  Also, he was born without the inhibiting connections of horizontal cells between photoreceptor-bipolar interactions.  Thus, his horizontal cells cannot work properly to inhibit surrounding bipolar receptive fields.  What types of function would most likely be lost because of this (name it) and what type of deficits would you expect from the loss of this function

Use APA referencing style.

March 22, 2024
March 22, 2024

Epidemiology & Population Health


One important application of epidemiology is to identify factors that could increase the likelihood of a certain health problem occurring within a specific population. Epidemiologists use measures of effect to examine the association or linkage in the relationship between risk factors and emergence of disease or ill health. For instance, they may use measures of effect to better understand the relationships between poverty and lead poisoning in children, smoking and heart disease, or low birth weight and future motor skills. The following are some common measures used in epidemiology:

Epidemiology & Population Health

  • Odds ratio: The odds ratio quantifies the association between an independent variable (exposure) and a dependent variable (outcome). It is calculated as the odds that an effect will occur given the presence or exposure to a studied variable, compared to the odds when there is no exposure (e.g., lung cancer and smoking)
  • Risk ratio (also called relative risk): Also quantifies the association between an independent variable and a dependent variable. The risk of an effect occurring in one population versus another population (e.g., preeclampsia in women <35 versus >35). Risks greater than one suggest that exposure to a given variable is associated with an increase in the risk of the outcome, and a risk ratio of less than one indicates that the exposure is associated with a decrease in the risk of the outcome.

Epidemiology & Population Health

  • Mortality: Measure of deaths in a particular population during a specified time interval. If this is attributed to a specific cause, it is referred to as cause-specific mortality.
  • Morbidity: Measure of instances of illness or disability in a population from a given cause (e.g., heart disease) during a specified time interval
  • Incidence: The occurrence of new cases of an effect or disease in a population over a defined time period relative to the size of the population at risk (e.g., new cases of COVID-19 in a population over a 7-day period/1000 people)
  • Prevalence: The number of all cases of an effect or disease, not just new ones, in a population at a given time relative to the size of the population (e.g., number of people with autism/1000)

What is the significance of these measures of effect for nursing practice? In this Discussion, you will consider this pivotal question.

Epidemiology & Population Health

To Prepare

  • Select item 1, 2, or 3 to use for this Discussion. Consider the definitions, differences, and utility of the two terms listed under your item selection. Your response will need to include both terms in the item selected.
    1. Odds ratio and risk ratio
    2. Mortality and morbidity
    3. Incidence and prevalence
  • Consider how these epidemiologic measures strengthen and support nursing practice.
  • Assess practice limitations of not using these measures in nursing practice.
  • Conduct additional research in the Walden Library and other credible resources, and then locate two examples in the scholarly literature that support your insights.

Post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:

  • Explain how your selected measures of effect strengthen and support nursing practice. Provide at least two specific examples from the literature to substantiate your insights.
  • Assess limitations of notusing measures of effect in nursing practice. Use APA referencing style.
March 22, 2024

Technology & Tackling Environmental Challenges

How one of Industry 4.0 technologies is helping tackle environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) in business?

Each student picks one of the following technologies and researches what that technology is and how it can help overcome environmental challenges or achieve the global SDGs, then showcases the topic for business and/or corporation (s).

You need to introduce the technology, the potential help in addressing environmental challenges and SDGs, and examples on global and business/corporation scales showing the effect of that technology.

The word count is 1000-3000, excluding the title page and references list, in-text citations and references are required, at least ten references (the more, the better), and a consistent style of citation and referencing is required.

The report needs to have at least a title page, abstract/executive summary, table of contents, body text and discussion, and a conclusion. A well-structured report with numbered sections/subsections is preferred.


Cloud Computing

Big data visualization

Technology & Tackling Environmental Challenges

Technology & Tackling Environmental Challenges

How one of Industry 4.0 technologies is helping tackle environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) in business?

Each student picks one of the following technologies and researches what that technology is and how it can help overcome environmental challenges or achieve the global SDGs, then showcases the topic for business and/or corporation (s).

You need to introduce the technology, the potential help in addressing environmental challenges and SDGs, and examples on global and business/corporation scales showing the effect of that technology.

The word count is 1000-3000, excluding the title page and references list, in-text citations and references are required, at least ten references (the more, the better), and a consistent style of citation and referencing is required.

The report needs to have at least a title page, abstract/executive summary, table of contents, body text and discussion, and a conclusion. A well-structured report with numbered sections/subsections is preferred.


Cloud Computing

Big data visualization

Use APA referencing style.

March 22, 2024
March 22, 2024

Data Science Applications & Processes

How might data compiled and analyzed in your healthcare organization or nursing practice help support efforts aimed at patient quality and safety? Why might it be important to consider the how’s and why’s of data collection, application, and implementation? How might these practices shape your nursing practice or even the future of nursing?

Data Science Applications & Processes

For this Discussion, you will explore various topics related to data and consider the process and application of each. Reflect on the use of these applications, but also consider the implications of how these applications might shape the future of nursing and healthcare practice.

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week related to the topics: Big Data, Data Science, Data Mining, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning.
  • Consider the process and application of each topic.
  • Reflect on how each topic relates to nursing practice.

Data Science Applications & Processes

Post a summary on how predictive analytics might be used to support healthcare. Note: These topics may overlap as you will find in the readings (e.g., some processes require both Data Mining and Analytics).

In your post include the following:

  • Describe a practical application for predictive analytics in your nursing practice. What challenges and opportunities do you envision for the future of predictive analytics in healthcare?

Technology & Tackling Environmental Challenges

How one of Industry 4.0 technologies is helping tackle environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) in business?

Each student picks one of the following technologies and researches what that technology is and how it can help overcome environmental challenges or achieve the global SDGs, then showcases the topic for business and/or corporation (s).

Data Science Applications & Processes

You need to introduce the technology, the potential help in addressing environmental challenges and SDGs, and examples on global and business/corporation scales showing the effect of that technology.

The word count is 1000-3000, excluding the title page and references list, in-text citations and references are required, at least ten references (the more, the better), and a consistent style of citation and referencing is required.

The report needs to have at least a title page, abstract/executive summary, table of contents, body text and discussion, and a conclusion. A well-structured report with numbered sections/subsections is preferred. Use APA referencing style.


Cloud Computing

Big data visualization