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March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024


There are two different questions, and you should answer both. The questions use different data sets (mat files), which can be found on Moodle alongside these test instructions. Use Matlab to analyse the data, and write your answers in a Word file.

In your answers, explain what you are doing. Start from the question and explain which statistical method you used and why. Explain any special choices you made, e.g. options to a Matlab command. Then show the code and output, and explain what the results mean, statistically and interpreted with respect to the question. Also explain anything you have done in Matlab which is not obvious from the code, e.g. if you used a Matlab menu option.

Copy your Matlab commands and their outputs into the Word document, with the output directly following the command. Use a monospaced font (typewriter-style, e.g. Courier) for Matlab code and text output, and a regular font for the explanations. If you want to include plots, you can either use a screenshot tool or copy from the Matlab figure window:

Try to answer both questions since they receive equal weighting. Even if you do not reach a satisfactory answer, explain how you were thinking about the question and what you tried to do (including code and output), because you could still receive partial credit.


Question 1

In a now classic experiment, participants were asked to construct short sentences from lists of words. They performed several trials of this task. Unbeknownst to the participants, they had each been allocated to one of two groups.

In one group, a word associated with being elderly (e.g. “wrinkle”, “grey”) appeared amongst the other randomly selected words on every list, so as to unconsciously prime this concept. For the second group, there was no common concept primed across different trials – the words on each list were simply random.


After this test, participants were asked to walk to another room, where they had been told a second study would be undertaken. In reality, however, there was no second study – the walk to the second room was timed with a stopwatch, in order to assess whether people can be unconsciously primed (by the concept of being elderly) to walk more slowly.

The data are in the file SocialPriming.mat, which contains a table with the same name. The variables are:


the experimental condition a participant was assigned to; “neutral” or “elderly”


the time the participant took to walk to the other room, in seconds

  1. Estimate the mean time taken by each group to walk to the second room, and express the uncertainty in your estimates.
  1. Did walking time vary between conditions?
  1. The recent “replicability crisis” has led researchers to question many classic findings from psychology, especially social psychology. A researcher wants to run an exact replication of this study, with 95 % power. How many participants should they run?


Question 2

A cohort of put-upon students are in their first year of a BSc Psychology degree. They are required to take a maths course in preparation for learning about inferential statistics. Their lecturer routinely provides a formative assignment mid-way through term for which she provides feedback, but which does not contribute to the final mark. The final mark instead depends on their score in an end-of-term exam.

The lecturer decides to investigate the effect of feedback on the final test score. For this purpose, she randomly splits the cohort into quarters, and provides different types of feedback for the formative assignment to the different quarters: encouraging, neutral, critical, or none.

Prior to the experiment, she calculated each student’s average entry mark (based on how they did at their age 18 school-leaving exams) to control for any differences in their overall academic ability.


The data are in the file Maths.mat, which contains a table with the same name. The variables are:


an integer number identifying the participant (student)


the student’s average entry mark


the type of feedback provided on the formative assignment; “encouraging”, “neutral”, “critical”, or “none”


final test score from 0 to 100

  1. Perform an analysis of the data to determine whether the type of feedback affects the final test score.
  1. The result of the previous analysis only tells us whether there is an effect, not what it looks like in detail. What would you expect – which of the four feedback groups will have the highest mean test score, the second highest, etc.? Write this out as a ranking list. (Regarding this list, there is no right or wrong answer.)

After you have written your list, calculate the mean test score in each of the four groups. Does the result correspond to what you expected?

  1. Take the feedback types you originally ranked highest and lowest, and check whether the test scores are different between the corresponding groups.


March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024

BUS499 Strategic Management Paper

GLO-BUS Paper (drop box directions)

You will individually write a 7-8 page paper (not including cover page, reference page, or tables/graphs) covering your company’s performance, strategy, and operation as a concluding or wind-up exercise for the Glo-Bus simulation. The paper is an excellent way to debrief your experience and explore “lessons learned”. This should be a paper that discusses the company you have created in the simulation and all that you have learned and should be detailed enough for the reader to know the specific points about strategy and its effects on the company.

PLEASE NOTE: The paper must adhere to APA style guidelines, should be well organized, double-spaced, and include 12-point font. The paper should contain an introduction, conclusion, headings, smooth transitions from one topic to the next, tables/graphs, cover page, reference page, and include a minimum of 3 references from the course. Proofread your paper, making sure to use proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

The paper is due at the end of Module 6 and should be submitted in the “GLO-BUS Final Paper” Assignment submission box. See the attached document for detailed guidelines.

BUS499 Strategic Management Paper

BUS499 Strategic Management Paper

Separate document attached to assignment and posted on the course template

Company Paper Guidelines.doc

The paper should be 7-8 pages in length, not including appendices. You should use tables and graphs where applicable. You will submit this paper through the drop box.

Guidelines – these are only guidelines for each of the categories you will be evaluated on with the grading rubric.

Introduction: The purpose of the assignment is described comprehensively, delivering all relevant information necessary for full understanding of the assignment by the audience.

The Current Situation (2 page): Include the history, development, and growth of the Company/Industry. Apply Porter’s five force model to the industry in which your simulation company is based. (intensity of rivalry among existing firms, threat of entry, pressure from substitutes, the bargaining power of buyers, and the bargaining power of suppliers.)  In addition, apply the four classes of macro-environmental forces: (political-legal, economic, social, and technological.)

BUS499 Strategic Management Paper

SWOT (1-2 page):  Based on your decisions in the simulation, what are the strengths and weaknesses of your simulation company?  (e.g. if you have made product quality your focus, you must have positioned your company to have a strength in that area).  What do you think are the opportunities and threats the company faces in its industry?  How do they position themselves in the market?

Strategies (1-2 pages):  Some things to consider in your submission are:  On the corporate level, which corporate profile do you think your company is operating under?  What strategic alternative (growth, stability, or retrenchment) is your company using?  Assess the business level strategies (Porter’s Seven (7) Generic Business Strategy typologies) being pursued by your company.  On the Functional level, which functional activities does your company coordinate together?  Is there consistency among the functions?  Why or why not?

BUS499 Strategic Management Paper

Simulation Rounds (2 pages):   Discuss what changes you made in the simulation rounds for year 6 through 10 and the results of those changes based upon your knowledge and positioning of your simulation company. Include specific data and decisions. What did you learn?  What did you do well?  What could you have done better?  Some things you should report specific data and decisions on:

  • Trends in the company’s annual total revenues
  • Trends in the company’s annual earnings per share (EPS)
  • Trends in the company’s annual return on equity investment (ROE)
  • Trends in the company’s annual credit rating
  • Trends in the company’s year-end stock price
  • Trends in the company’s annual image rating

Include tables and charts to help illustrate this section. When you launch the Decisions and Reports program, there is a Performance Summary containing bar graphs showing your company’s performance on each of the above six performance indicators. To create charts showing your company’s trends for these six measures, simply click on the “Copy to Clipboard” button under each of the bar charts for the final year of the simulation and paste in your Word document. If you wish to create additional performance graphs, you can do so, but the above indicators tell an adequate story about your company’s historical performance. APA.

March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024

Economics Report Assessment

Introduction (400 words approx.)

  1. Introduce your chosen country and industry.
  2. Rationale for choosing the country including whether the country is developed or developing country. You can discuss any factor(s) that makes your country developed, developing, or an emerging economy.
  3. Rationale for choosing your industry including background information of your industry. Explain the market structure your industry belongs discussing the relevant features.

Main Body (500 words approx.)

  1. Discuss the macroeconomic environment and/or the economic system in your chosen country and use appropriate macroeconomic school of thought to support the country’s choice of economic system.
  2. Discuss the impact of the macroeconomic environment on your industry.

Economics Report Assessment

Economics Report Assessment

Analysis (1,200 words approx.)

The analysis part of your report should involve economic graph and data driven analysis. Remember this report is based on identifying the key challenges and opportunities in your industry. Therefore, using the impact of COVID-19 in your chosen industry is acceptable.

  1. Identify and discuss the factors affecting demand and supply in your chosen industry.
  2. How has COVID-19 impacted these factors (this is the opportunity for you to use economic graphs to show shift in demand or supply curve).
  3. Discuss the policies that can be used or has been used by government to intervene in the industry. What effect will these policies create (use macroeconomic graphs such as AD and AS to show the effect on the whole economy).
  4. Collect appropriate data on your country that can be used to reflect the impact of COVID-19 and how this created a problem for your industry.

Economics Report Assessment

Conclusion (300 words approx.)

  1. Summarise the report.
  2. Discuss some recommendations for your country based on your analysis.

Remember to use appropriate in-text citations across all your work and a list of references.

Note: This is a guide to help you structure your economics report. However, it is not compulsory to execute your work using this format. Feel free to adapt any format but it must be coherent. APA.

March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024

BUSN8590 Managing Multinational Enterprise

Assignment Task

The  objective  of  this  task  is  to  challenge  the  students  to  individually  develop  a  Scientific Narrative  Review  (SNR),  AKA  Narrative  Review  of  Scientific  Evidence,  in  the  realm  of International  Business  (IB),  covering  one  or  more  topics  included  in  the  program  of  the course that must be found in the Module Guide ( MG ) with a maximum of 3000 words. An  SNR-IB  refers  to  data-driven  storytelling  to  explain,  for  example,  the  evolution  of decision-making  in  multinational  enterprises,  global  market  trends,  economic  forecasts, consumer  behaviour,  and  other  relevant  topics  in  international  business.  It  might  be  worth considering  further  development  of  the  initial  coursework  that  was  completed  for  the group presentation. By  presenting  information  in  the  form  of  a  narrative,  researchers,  analysts,  and  business professionals  can  make  complex  concepts  more  relatable  and  more  accessible  to comprehend  for  a  broader  audience.  This  tool,  frequently  utilized  in Psychology,  can enhance understanding, engagement, and decision-making in international business. Additional information and an example can be found in the following references:

BUSN8590 Managing Multinational Enterprise

  • Baumeister  &  Leary  (1997),  Writing  narrative  literature  reviews.  Review  of  General Psychology, 3(1), 311-320.
  • Kohn, Spencer  C.  and  de  Visser,  Ewart  J.  and  Wiese,  Eva  and  Lee,  Yi-Ching  and Shaw,  Tyler  H.  (2021).  Measurement  of  trust  in  automation:  A  narrative  review  and reference guide. Fontiers in Psychology, 12, 604977.

BUSN8590 Managing Multinational Enterprise

To  support  their  arguments,  students  must  use  relevant  academic  literature,  which  must include  papers  published  in  journals  like  the  Journal  of  International  Business  Studies, International  Business  Review,  Journal  of  World  Business,  and  Management  International Review,  i.e.,  preferentially  classified  with  a  minimum  of  3  in  the  CABS  (Certified  Association of  Business  Schools).  While  occasional  textbook  references  are  acceptable,  students should  primarily  use  textbooks  to  understand  the  key  concepts,  variables,  and  themes  of the  area  under  investigation.  Students  are  encouraged  to  explore  the  vast  amount  of material accessible through online databases on the university’s library site. APA.

March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024

Introduction – Australian Taxation Law

Assessment Details

This assessment task is comprised of two (2) parts — Part A and Part B. Both Parts must be completed.

Part A — Source 10 Newspaper Articles (worth 5%, i.e., 5 Marks)

Part A requires that you review traditional and online media (e.g., print newspapers or reputable online news sites) that explore the proposed Australian Stage 3 Tax Cuts.

You then need to source 10 newspaper articles that:

  • Are reputable and relevant to this topic (the proposed Australian Stage 3 Tax Cuts);
  • Are from an Australian news source;
  • Are dated from either 2023 or 2024; and
  • Are not scholarly journal articles.


Introduction - Australian Taxation LawIntroduction – Australian Taxation Law

The 10 newspaper articles must be submitted in PDF format in accordance with the requirements noted under ‘Important Information’ further below. Links to any newspaper articles will not be accepted.

You do not need to provide a summary of the 10 newspaper articles.

As example, reputable Australian news sources might include: The Australian Financial Review, ABC News, The Sydney Morning Herald, 9News etc. You may also find the Factiva Database within the Curtin Library useful. A factsheet on how to use this database and a short video presentation is included in the assessment folder for this assignment on BlackBoard.

Part B — Write a Research Essay (worth 20%, i.e., 20 Marks)

After reading your newspaper articles and exploring the topic in more detail, you will then need to comment and offer your opinion within a short 1,100 word research essay.

Introduction – Australian Taxation Law

Your research question is to:

Critically explore the benefits and detriments of proceeding with the proposed Australian Stage 3 Tax Cuts to determine whether you believe the benefits of adopting the proposed Australian Stage 3 Tax Cuts outweigh their detriments. APA.

In answering this question, you should:

  • Have an understanding of the structure and purpose of the Australian Taxation System;
  • Explore how the proposed Australian Stage 3 Tax Cuts will alter the Australian Taxation System;
  • Explore the benefits and detriments of adopting the proposed Australian Stage 3 Tax Cuts for Australian taxpayers; and
  • Provide your opinion on whether you think the benefits of adopting the proposed Australian Stage 3 Tax Cuts will outweigh their detriments. This area is about your opinion so you need to ensure that you provide your own personal views of the topic in a professional and constructive manner.

Please do not just provide a detailed summary of the newspaper articles you have included in Part A. As this is a research essay, it is expected that you will need to perform more robust research beyond your 10 newspaper articles provided in Part A. This may include referring to, if applicable, scholarly journal articles, Australian Taxation Office Rulings, wider research platforms or tax professional organisations.

March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024

Homeland Security Partnership Engagement

Traditional and non-traditional partnerships have become the norm in the private and public sectors.  Intelligence is only as good as its sources, and sources are only as good as their access. Discuss the value of DHS in working with high-valued partnerships and the risk of poorly aligned partnerships.  Include:

Describe how collaboration and strategic partnerships are fundamental to benefiting homeland security such as information access, improved collection, innovative technology, greater regional and cultural knowledge, etc. Support with real-world examples.

Discuss the risks such as security, insider threats, inequities in exchange, loss of operational control, legal implications, etc.

Make recommendations on improving and expanding partnerships that can lead to bigger. and more innovative opportunities.

Requirements: Your paper should be at least 8-10 pages double-spaced, not including the cover page, introduction, and references.

Homeland Security Partnership Engagement

Homeland Security Partnership Engagement

The paper must cite at least one (1) academic or professional reference for each page written, located through the UMGC library.

Resources must be properly cited within the body of the text and reflected in the references using APA 7th edition format and citation rules.

Stay focused on your task.  Use course materials, carefully cite your information, and ensure that the paper is plausible.

Be concise.  Longer papers do not fare better if they contain irrelevant material.

Inform the reader. As with most Intelligence writing, shorter and more focused is best.

Make sure sources page has url link to each source

Homeland Security Partnership Engagement

Traditional and non-traditional partnerships have become the norm in the private and public sectors.  Intelligence is only as good as its sources, and sources are only as good as their access. Discuss the value of DHS in working with high-valued partnerships and the risk of poorly aligned partnerships.  Include:

Describe how collaboration and strategic partnerships are fundamental to benefiting homeland security such as information access, improved collection, innovative technology, greater regional and cultural knowledge, etc. Support with real-world examples.

Discuss the risks such as security, insider threats, inequities in exchange, loss of operational control, legal implications, etc.

Make recommendations on improving and expanding partnerships that can lead to bigger. and more innovative opportunities.

Requirements: Your paper should be at least 8-10 pages double-spaced, not including the cover page, introduction, and references.  Use APA referencing style.

March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024

International Political Economy

Since the mid-1970s regimes have figured prominently in IR and IPE theory. Indeed, regimes have become a focal point of contestation (disagreement) among the different theoretical approaches. While supporters praise regime theory for its parsimony, insight, and relevance, critics maintain regime theory obfuscates and confuses rather than clarifies and illuminates, and distorts by concealing bias instead of revealing and removing it. Write an essay that explains and evaluates regime theory. Be sure to include the following in your response:

A definition of a regime, that is, what is a regime?

What is the international trade regime? That is, who are its main actors and what do they do? (Feel free to use the international debt regime, instead.)

Who would a neomercantilist (realist), neoliberal institutionalist, orthodox Marxist, and Gramscian explain and evaluate regimes in general and the international trade (or international debt) regime in particular?

Which explanation(s) and evaluation(s) of the regime is most persuasive? Why?

International Political Economy

International Political Economy

Since the mid-1970s regimes have figured prominently in IR and IPE theory. Indeed, regimes have become a focal point of contestation (disagreement) among the different theoretical approaches. While supporters praise regime theory for its parsimony, insight, and relevance, critics maintain regime theory obfuscates and confuses rather than clarifies and illuminates, and distorts by concealing bias instead of revealing and removing it. APA. Write an essay that explains and evaluates regime theory. Be sure to include the following in your response:

A definition of a regime, that is, what is a regime?

What is the international trade regime? That is, who are its main actors and what do they do? (Feel free to use the international debt regime, instead.)

Who would a neomercantilist (realist), neoliberal institutionalist, orthodox Marxist, and Gramscian explain and evaluate regimes in general and the international trade (or international debt) regime in particular?

Which explanation(s) and evaluation(s) of the regime is most persuasive? Why?

March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024

Financial Management for Hospitals

As an aspiring manager you are tasked with creating a report which covers the following


Explain and evaluate why the motive of profit maximisation is not appropriate within Financial Management. Critically consider which alternative objectives are more appropriate and will lead to long term financial stability and/or improvement within either a private or public healthcare business.

Critically explain and evaluate how the time value of money can reduce the cost of longterm investment in a healthcare business.

Evaluate and explain the financial benefits of leasing for a healthcare organisation?

Financial Management for Hospitals

Critically evaluate the use of a Balanced Scorecard in your organisation (or a previous

organisation you have worked in:

Outline the Key Strategy (What is the overall goal?)

Develop a series of metrics based on Financial Performance, Customer, Internal Processes and finally Learning and Growth

Financial Management for Hospitals

Explain and identify how your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will meet the strategy goals

Evaluate the challenges of Balanced Scorecard and the challenges to achieving the goals in point 2c (20)

Zebra Pharma plc is looking to take on a new investment. The company will evaluate

two mutually exclusive projects, whose details are given below. The company’s cost of

capital is 12%.

BD Millions Project A Project B
Initial Investment (125) (138)
Year 1 40 80
Year 2 50 60
Year 3 60 50
Year 4 50 20
Year 5 75 10


Calculate the Payback period

Calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) of both projects (20)

Critically discuss the merits of each investment appraisal method, then discuss the

result of the evaluations you have made of the two projects and advise the company

which project should be undertaken (10)

Target word count: 3,500 words

Explain and evaluate why the motive of profit maximisation is not appropriate within Financial Management. Critically consider which alternative objectives are more appropriate and will lead to long term financial stability and/or improvement within either a private or public healthcare business.

Critically explain and evaluate how the time value of money can reduce the cost of longterm investment in a healthcare business.

Evaluate and explain the financial benefits of leasing for a healthcare organisation? APA.

March 26, 2024
March 26, 2024

Final Project One


For this assignment, due in Module Two, you will submit a 1- to 2-page (maximum) document that will identify your chosen successful company from the suggested list. You are expected to provide a brief overview of the successful company that you have chosen to benchmark for management best practices. You should also include specific examples related to the fundamental principles of management and the company’s mission and vision statement. Instructor feedback should be applied to your Final Project One submission.

You must select a company from the list of suggested companies provided in the Final Project One Successful Companies and Search Terms document.

Final Project One


Write a 1- to 2-page paper in which you identify the successful company you have chosen from the list in the Overview.

Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:

Provide a brief overview of the successful company that you have chosen to benchmark for management best practices

Include specific examples relating to the fundamental principles of management and the company’s mission and vision statement

Final Project One

What to Submit

Submit your assignment as a 1- to 2-page Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at least two references cited in APA format.

For this assignment, due in Module Two, you will submit a 1- to 2-page (maximum) document that will identify your chosen successful company from the suggested list. You are expected to provide a brief overview of the successful company that you have chosen to benchmark for management best practices. You should also include specific examples related to the fundamental principles of management and the company’s mission and vision statement. Instructor feedback should be applied to your Final Project One submission.

You must select a company from the list of suggested companies provided in the Final Project One Successful Companies and Search Terms document. Use APA referencing style.

March 23, 2024
March 23, 2024

NUR 4015 Environmental Health Issue

This assignment will develop a beginning understanding of environmental health issues encountered in the community setting. Students will consider how Healthy People 2030 objectives impact their community and apply concepts such as “social justice” and “the greater good” in evaluating public health initiatives.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the impact of various environmental public health issues on a chosen community.
  2. Investigate current or proposed strategies that address solutions to environmental public health hazards.
  3. Explore population health concepts such as social justice and equity as it applies to the chosen environmental health issue.

NUR 4015 Environmental Health Issue


Each student will choose one of Healthy People 2030’s (HP 2030) objectives (see table below) to guide their assessment of an environmental health issue. The student will explore how their community is affected and impacted by this theme and what is being done to safeguard or improve societal and environmental health. Students may choose either their own neighborhood or the community that will be assessed for the Windshield Survey clinical assignment.

NUR 4015 Environmental Health Issue

Students should review the below table of HP 2030 objectives and choose a topic; click on the link to review the objective on the HP 2030 website. Students will then search relevant public/governmental agency websites and media/newspaper publications to help understand the environmental issue from historical, present, and future oriented perspectives. The EPA’s My Environment website may also be helpful (click on link). Students will then create a 2-3-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Briefly describe the selected environmental health issue and HP 2030 objective.
  • Explore the selected environmental health situation from historical, present, and future-oriented perspectives.
    • g., how has the environmental issue evolved over time? What do you expect to see in the future regarding this issue?
  • Discuss how your chosen community is affected/impacted by this environmental health theme.
    • Review the “Questions to answer” column in the below table to help guide your assessment.
  • Discuss any strategies planned or implemented to address this environmental health issue to safeguard or improve societal and environmental health.
    • Consider the barriers and facilitators for success of these strategies.
    • If no interventions are currently in place, propose strategies that are evidence-based.
  • Within the paper, students should consider and address population health concepts such as “social justice”, “the greater good” and “equity”.
    • Does your community suffer from an unequal burden of the chosen environmental issue? What evidence shows that your environmental issue is a greater burden in this community than surrounding areas or Chicago? How do the resources and interventions available for your chosen community compare to surrounding areas?

NUR 4015 Environmental Health Issue

  • How can community health nurses promote environmental health? Focus specifically on the issue you choose and consider how that environmental issue may change or impact the way you provide community nursing care to the population. What nursing interventions are appropriate?
    • Hint: Review the Public Health Wheel of Interventions
  • Students should utilize and appropriately cite relevant public/governmental agency websites and media/newspaper publications to substantiate their writing.
  • Students will submit their APA formatted paper to Brightspace by the due date noted in the course calendar.
  • The grading rubric for this assignment is available on Brightspace.
  • This assignment accounts for 5% of your total course grade; see course syllabus for additional information.