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June 8, 2024
June 8, 2024

Nursing Practicum Experience Plan

As you establish your goals and objectives for this course, you are committing to an organized plan that will frame your practicum experience in a clinical setting, including planned activities, assessment, and achievement of defined outcomes. In particular, they must address the categories of clinical reasoning, quality in your clinical specialty, and interpersonal collaborative practice. For this Assignment, you will consider the areas you aim to focus on to gain practical experience as an advanced practice nurse. Then, you will develop a Practicum Experience Plan (PEP) containing the objectives you will fulfill in order to achieve your aims. In this practicum experience, when developing your goals and objectives, be sure to keep psychiatric assessment and diagnostic reasoning in mind.

Nursing Practicum Experience Plan

Nursing Practicum Experience Plan

Review your Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form you submitted last week and think about areas for which you would like to gain application-level experience and/or continued growth as an advanced practice nurse. How can your experiences in the practicum help you achieve these aims?
Review the information related to developing objectives provided in this week’s Learning Resources. Your practicum learning objectives that you want to achieve during your practicum experience must be:
Reflective of the higher-order domains of Bloom’s taxonomy (i.e., application level and above)
Note: Please make sure your objectives are individualized and outlined in your Practicum Experience Plan (PEP). While you may add previous objectives to continue to work toward. You must have 3 new objectives for each class, each quarter.

Nursing Practicum Experience Plan

Discuss your professional aims and your proposed practicum objectives with your Preceptor to ascertain if the necessary resources are available at your practicum site. Select one nursing theory and one counseling/psychotherapy theory to best guide your clinical practice. Explain why you selected these theories. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.
Create a timeline of practicum activities that demonstrates how you plan to meet these goals and objectives based on your practicum requirements.
Record the required information in each area of the Practicum Experience Plan template, including three to four (3–4) practicum learning objectives you will use to facilitate your learning during the practicum experience. Use APA referencing style.

June 8, 2024
June 8, 2024

Law Homeland Security

Submit a 5-7 page, APA formatted paper that addresses the following:

Beginning on page 222 of the text, review and examine the issue of Rights in Prison as related to due process and human rights.
Locate and examine the case of Talley v. Stephens (information also located in footnote 302) and provide a synopsis of the facts of this case, the issues addressed and the holding of the Court.
Then go to page 233 and compare and contrast this case and the decision to the ICCPR and the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights.

Law Homeland Security
Upon completion provide your opinion as to the Courts decision and the requirements of the aforementioned international requirements.
Law Homeland Security

Beginning on page 228 of the textbook, read the discussion on the issue of Customary International Law of Human Rights as United States Law.
Review the information presented pertaining to Article 6 of the United States Constitution, and the discussion about treaties as the supreme law of the land. (Refer to footnotes on page 336 for some additional information.)
Based on the information in the text, the footnotes, and research you conduct pertaining to this issue, describe the current official legal position of the United States pertaining to Customary International Law and Article 6 of the United States Constitution.

Law Homeland Security

Submit a 5-7 page, APA formatted paper that addresses the following:

Beginning on page 222 of the text, review and examine the issue of Rights in Prison as related to due process and human rights.
Locate and examine the case of Talley v. Stephens (information also located in footnote 302) and provide a synopsis of the facts of this case, the issues addressed and the holding of the Court.
Then go to page 233 and compare and contrast this case and the decision to the ICCPR and the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights.
Upon completion provide your opinion as to the Courts decision and the requirements of the aforementioned international requirements.
Beginning on page 228 of the textbook, read the discussion on the issue of Customary International Law of Human Rights as United States Law.
Review the information presented pertaining to Article 6 of the United States Constitution, and the discussion about treaties as the supreme law of the land. (Refer to footnotes on page 336 for some additional information.)
Based on the information in the text, the footnotes, and research you conduct pertaining to this issue, describe the current official legal position of the United States pertaining to Customary International Law and Article 6 of the United States Constitution. Use APA referencing style.

June 8, 2024

Developmental Disabilities Education Assignment

Address specific issues such as independent living, employment, relationships, etc. How can you, as a service provider or program leader, help facilitate this process for the client and family? What resources are currently available? You must reference the reference within the narrative response as well as at the bottom of the response.

Discuss the challenges faced by a person with Cerebral Palsy, when transitioning from childhood to adulthood. Address specific issues such as independent living, employment, relationships, etc. How can you, as a service provider or program leader, help facilitate this process for the client and family? What resources are currently available? You must reference the reference within the narrative response as well as at the bottom of the response.

Developmental Disabilities Education Assignment

Discuss the challenges faced by a person with Cerebral Palsy, when transitioning from childhood to adulthood. Address specific issues such as independent living, employment, relationships, etc. How can you, as a service provider or program leader, help facilitate this process for the client and family? What resources are currently available? You must reference the reference within the narrative response as well as at the bottom of the response.

Developmental Disabilities Education Assignment

Discuss the challenges faced by a person with Cerebral Palsy, when transitioning from childhood to adulthood. Address specific issues such as independent living, employment, relationships, etc. How can you, as a service provider or program leader, help facilitate this process for the client and family? What resources are currently available? You must reference the reference within the narrative response as well as at the bottom of the response.

Developmental Disabilities Education Assignment

Discuss the challenges faced by a person with Cerebral Palsy, when transitioning from childhood to adulthood. Address specific issues such as independent living, employment, relationships, etc. How can you, as a service provider or program leader, help facilitate this process for the client and family? What resources are currently available? You must reference the reference within the narrative response as well as at the bottom of the response. Use APA referencing style.

June 8, 2024
June 8, 2024

Family and Community Relationship

Part A:
Reflect on your personal experience, your interests, your motivations, your passions and your interactions with your friends. Write two short paragraphs. 1. You strengthen that may help you developing relationships and providing services to unknown families in an unknown community. 2. Your limitations that may prevent you from developing good relationships and providing high quality services to unknown families in an unknow community.
Part B:
Create a 10-item survey collecting background information of families and assessing family needs.
Part C:
Write one paragraph to describe what type of families you would like to support or provide service to. What kind of communities this type of families usually lives in? Why do you think they need your support or service?

Family and Community Relationship

Family and Community Relationship

Part A:
Reflect on your personal experience, your interests, your motivations, your passions and your interactions with your friends. Write two short paragraphs. 1. You strengthens that may help you developing relationships and providing services to unknown families in an unknown community. 2. Your limitations that may prevent you from developing good relationships and providing high quality services to unknown families in an unknow community.
Part B:
Create a 10-item survey collecting background information of families and assessing family needs.
Part C:
Write one paragraph to describe what type of families you would like to support or provide service to. What kind of communities this type of families usually lives in? Why do you think they need your support or service?

Family and Community Relationship

Part A:
Reflect on your personal experience, your interests, your motivations, your passions and your interactions with your friends. Write two short paragraphs. 1. You strengthens that may help you developing relationships and providing services to unknown families in an unknown community. 2. Your limitations that may prevent you from developing good relationships and providing high quality services to unknown families in an unknow community.
Part B:
Create a 10-item survey collecting background information of families and assessing family needs.
Part C:
Write one paragraph to describe what type of families you would like to support or provide service to. What kind of communities this type of families usually lives in?  Use APA referencing style.

June 8, 2024
June 8, 2024

Integrating Current and Past Literature

This activity gives you the chance to assess past and current scholarly research addressing concepts related to a new problem and gap in practice. The business story you draw from allows you to analyze a problem and gap in a specific business context while analyzing how past and current literature informs your identified problem and gap.

Employer Expectations
The following skills, which apply to this assignment, frequently appear in articles, job posts, and university reports related to employer expectations of a doctoral degree holder:

Utilize evidence-based literature in guiding the development of solutions.
Express oneself clearly and professionally in writing.

Integrating Current and Past Literature
If you have not done so, practice choosing which excerpts from past and current literature support which gaps by completing the Practice Aligning Current and Past Literature activity. Identify at least two articles (one from the current literature, published within the last 3–5 years, and one from the past literature) that inform your selected problem and gap.

Also, review the business stories and choose a business you have not used in previous assignments.

Using a business story other than the one you used in previous assignments, choose a problem and its related gap in practice. Choose from the three pairs of problems and gaps in practice linked and labeled for this assignment, which relate to the assignment topics.

Integrating Current and Past Literature

Write a 4–5 page analysis in which you:

State the specific business problem and the gap in practice.
Discuss how the two articles you found for this assignment apply to current trends in the field of leadership, then add these sources to your Capstone Literature Matrix. Download the Capstone Literature Matrix [XLSX] Download Capstone Literature Matrix [XLSX]if you need a new copy.
Based on your selected problem, gap, and the past and current literature you have reviewed for this assignment, identify a related business problem and project using one of three topics appropriate for the field of leadership. Explain why this project would be a good fit to address the problem.
Explain why removing your personal biases from the literature discovery process might help you in identifying more applicable past and current research to provide supporting evidence for your topic and project.
Submit your analysis and literature matrix in the assignment area. Be sure to upload both documents before submitting the assignment.

Additional Requirements
As you complete your assignment, be sure your submission meets the following guidelines:

Capstone Literature Matrix: Submit the completed literature matrix with your selected articles.
Written communication: Use error-free doctoral-level writing, with original (nonplagiarized) content, logical phrasing, and accurate word choices.
APA formatting: Format all references and citations according to the current APA style and formatting guidelines. Visit Evidence and APALinks to an external site. for help with APA.
Font and font size: Use a consistent APA-compliant font, 12 points.
Length: Submit a 4–5 page, double-spaced analysis in addition to the literature matrix.
File naming protocol: Follow the standard naming conventions for any files you upload. Refer to the Submissions RequirementsLinks to an external site. for details.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Integrating Current and Past Literature

Competency 1: Create academically sound annotations into a matrix of literature to support business research of problems and practices occurring in the field of leadership.
Make annotations in a literature matrix that convey how the literature provides adequate evidence for the problem, gap, and project need.
Competency 2: Critically integrate existing relevant literature to determine an important and meaningful gap in practice for leadership.
Identify examples of current and past articles that provide evidence for a chosen problem and gap in practice.
Competency 3: Identify personal bias to create project topics in leadership based on need versus want.
Describe the role of removing personal biases in the project discovery process.
Competency 5: Analyze trends in the field of leadership as drivers of business problems and gaps in practice.
Discuss how selected current and past articles apply to current trends in the field of leadership.
Competency 6: Integrate results from multiple sources to formulate a problem and rationalize a business project in the field of leadership.
Identify and provide a rationale for a business problem and project appropriate for the field of leadership.
Use varied sentence structures and correct grammar to convey clear meaning and engage readers.
Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing. Use APA referencing style.

June 8, 2024
June 8, 2024

Education Presentation Composition

Compose a 10-12 presentation to middle school teachers on the counselor’s role with students and families affected by substance abuse. Include the following
Identifying Substance Abuse in Students
> Signs and Symptoms of Substance Use in Students
> Signs and Symptoms of Students Living with Substance Use
› Effects of Substance Use on Students
› Effects of Substance Use on Family Dynamic
> School Counselor’s Role
› Interventions, Programs, and Resources Available
3-5 sources

Education Presentation Composition

Education Presentation Composition
Compose a 10-12 presentation to middle school teachers on the counselor’s role with students and families affected by substance abuse. Include the following
Identifying Substance Abuse in Students
> Signs and Symptoms of Substance Use in Students
> Signs and Symptoms of Students Living with Substance Use
› Effects of Substance Use on Students
› Effects of Substance Use on Family Dynamic
> School Counselor’s Role
› Interventions, Programs, and Resources Available
3-5 sources

Education Presentation Composition

Compose a 10-12 presentation to middle school teachers on the counselor’s role with students and families affected by substance abuse. Include the following
Identifying Substance Abuse in Students
> Signs and Symptoms of Substance Use in Students
> Signs and Symptoms of Students Living with Substance Use
› Effects of Substance Use on Students
› Effects of Substance Use on Family Dynamic
> School Counselor’s Role
› Interventions, Programs, and Resources Available

Compose a 10-12 presentation to middle school teachers on the counselor’s role with students and families affected by substance abuse. Include the following
Identifying Substance Abuse in Students
> Signs and Symptoms of Substance Use in Students
> Signs and Symptoms of Students Living with Substance Use
› Effects of Substance Use on Students
› Effects of Substance Use on Family Dynamic
> School Counselor’s Role
› Interventions, Programs, and Resources Available

Compose a 10-12 presentation to middle school teachers on the counselor’s role with students and families affected by substance abuse. Include the following
Identifying Substance Abuse in Students
> Signs and Symptoms of Substance Use in Students
> Signs and Symptoms of Students Living with Substance Use
› Effects of Substance Use on Students
› Effects of Substance Use on Family Dynamic
> School Counselor’s Role
› Interventions, Programs, and Resources Available
3-5 sources. Use APA referencing style.

June 8, 2024
June 8, 2024

Education-Assignment Questions

you will evaluate your own work, include the following:
Describe three key insights you gained about eLearning design by reviewing your peer’s course.
Examine how an innovative or creative approach utilized in your peer’s course enhanced the overall learning experience.
Discuss how viewing your own work inspires ideas for your future eLearning designs and teaching approaches.
Critique the effectiveness of your course through the lens of three dimensions of Kahn’s Web-Based Framework.
Imagine yourself as the new owner of your course. Describe the adjustments you would make to align your course with your instructional style.
Include 3-5 credible, scholarly sources using (SWS) format.

Education-Assignment Questions

Education-Assignment Questions

you will evaluate your own work, include the following:
Describe three key insights you gained about eLearning design by reviewing your peer’s course.
Examine how an innovative or creative approach utilized in your peer’s course enhanced the overall learning experience.
Discuss how viewing your own work inspires ideas for your future eLearning designs and teaching approaches.
Critique the effectiveness of your course through the lens of three dimensions of Kahn’s Web-Based Framework.
Imagine yourself as the new owner of your course. Describe the adjustments you would make to align your course with your instructional style.
Include 3-5 credible, scholarly sources using (SWS) format.

Education Assignment Questions

you will evaluate your own work, include the following:
Describe three key insights you gained about eLearning design by reviewing your peer’s course.
Examine how an innovative or creative approach utilized in your peer’s course enhanced the overall learning experience.
Discuss how viewing your own work inspires ideas for your future eLearning designs and teaching approaches.
Critique the effectiveness of your course through the lens of three dimensions of Kahn’s Web-Based Framework.
Imagine yourself as the new owner of your course. Describe the adjustments you would make to align your course with your instructional style.
Include 3-5 credible, scholarly sources using (SWS) format. Use APA referencing style.

June 8, 2024

Education Presentation PowerPoint Assignment

Many parents/guardians of students from birth to age 8 do not have a firm understanding of the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), particularly Parts B and C. Often times general education teachers at the preschool and kindergarten grade levels are the first to identify potential disabilities in students and initiate the referral process. Ensuring that these teachers can accurately explain IDEA and the legal requirements of IDEA to parents/guardians using family-friendly language is a must.

Education Presentation PowerPoint Assignment

Education Presentation PowerPoint Assignment

You have been tasked with providing a professional development session focused on IDEA for a group of preschool and kindergarten teachers to ensure they know the legal compliance requirements related to IDEA Parts B and C.

Using the topic Resources and your own research, create a 12-15 slide digital presentation that can be used to educate preschool and kindergarten teachers about IDEA. The presentation should address the following:

Explanation of why it is important to know and understand IDEA Parts B and C and what is necessary for legal compliance
Summary of IDEA Part B including eligibility criteria and specific guidelines, procedures, and timelines that must be followed in order to be compliant with the law
Summary of IDEA Part C including eligibility criteria and specific guidelines, procedures, and timelines that must be followed in order to be compliant with the law
Explanation of the key differences between IDEA Part B and Part C and include discussion about when students might transition from one to the other
Title slide, reference slide, and presenter notes
Support the assignment with 3-5 scholarly resources.

Education Presentation PowerPoint Assignment

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

While APA format is not required for this assignment, academic writing is expected. In-text citation shall be present within the presentation where appropriate. Additionally, full citations shall be provided at the end of the presentation.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Lopes Write. A link to the Lopes Write technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance. Use APA referencing style.

June 8, 2024
June 8, 2024

Business/Finance Keyword Report

MAR3817CBE Section 01CBE Search Engine Optimization and Mark (11 Weeks) – CBE Online Course – 2024 Spring Quarter

Deliverable 4 – Keyword Report
Deliverable 4 – Keyword Report
Assignment Content
Evaluate keyword targets via a keyword research tool.
Student Success Criteria
View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

Business/Finance Keyword Report

Business/Finance Keyword Report

A new position in the digital marketing department of your company is opening. You want to be proactive in demonstrating your interest and being considered for the position, so you decide to do some research about keywords. You intend to write a report identifying some specific areas of improvement or concern for your organization’s website.
Write a 2-page report that identifies areas of improvement, with keywords in mind, for an organization’s current website.
Select a company of your choice with a website.
Explain the use of keywords in various areas on a website.
Identify at least 5 keywords (other than the brand name) that you think this company should rank highly on.
Google these keywords and find where the company is on the list for each. Determine if the company is doing well or not.

Business/Finance Keyword Report

Using a free keyword generator, identify at least 3 additional keywords or phrases to consider using. Below are some examples of keyword generators:
Or use any generator you prefer or simply Google the term.
Share your findings of the 3 additional keywords from the generator and explain how to incorporate each of these terms into the website.
Library Databases
Business Source Complete via EBSCO (articles): https://guides.rasmussen.edu/ebsco-business
Business via ProQuest (articles): https://guides.rasmussen.edu/pqbus
APA Guide
Use the Writing Lab for timely feedback to help you fine-tune your deliverable before you submit it for grading.
Click on the Business Reports tab in the Business Writing Guide for support with writing reports. Use APA referencing style.

June 6, 2024
June 6, 2024

Sociological Perspective Discussion

Select One topic below to write your initial discussion post. (minimum of 250 words; your reply to a peer should be a minimum of 75 words… SEE BELOW)

  1. What does the statement mean that communication within and between cells is an electrochemical process?
  2. Are research results on the brain more compelling to you than are research results from survey studies on attitudes? Why or why not? How does biological research such as studies of the brain influence public opinion regarding the science of psychology?
  3. A well-documented phenomenon experienced by millennials is the phantom vibration of a cell phone when no actual text message has been received. How can we use signal detection theory to explain this?

Sociological Perspective Discussion

Sociological Perspective Discussion

Notes about discussions

Aim for discussion postings that are thoughtful, well developed and that, extend the course discussion in concrete ways.  Drawing from helpful outside sources to support your ideas, including relevant examples to illustrate your point and posting thoughtful questions about the readings are all ways of developing your discussion postings.

Aim for initial postings of at least 250 words and responses to others that are at least 75 words.  Please avoid posting short responses to others such as, “Great post”, “I agree,” or “Me too.”  Instead, think in terms of commenting on specific areas of others’ posts.  In addition to using fully expressive postings, please remember to always proofread and spell check your work.

Sociological Perspective Discussion

Notes about discussions

Aim for discussion postings that are thoughtful, well developed and that, extend the course discussion in concrete ways.  Drawing from helpful outside sources to support your ideas, including relevant examples to illustrate your point and posting thoughtful questions about the readings are all ways of developing your discussion postings.

Aim for initial postings of at least 250 words and responses to others that are at least 75 words.  Please avoid posting short responses to others such as, “Great post”, “I agree,” or “Me too.”  Instead, think in terms of commenting on specific areas of others’ posts.  In addition to using fully expressive postings, please remember to always proofread and spell check your work. APA.