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June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

Lab Orientation and Set-Up

Lab Overview


The software used for the course’s Lab Activities is Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel is a software program using spreadsheets to organize numbers and data for analysis using formulas and functions. Tedious calculations can be done using Microsoft Excel, freeing up students to focus on statistical concepts.


With Microsoft Excel, you can generate decision-making information quickly by using powerful statistics, understanding and effectively presenting your results with high-quality tabular and graphical output, and sharing your results with others via using a variety of reporting methods. Results from your data analysis enable you to make smarter decisions more quickly by uncovering key facts, patterns, and trends.

Lab Orientation and Set-Up

Lab Orientation and Set-Up

In your professional life, you can use Microsoft Excel in a variety of areas, including

  • survey and market research and direct marketing;
  • academia;
  • administrative research, human resources, and resource planning;
  • medical, scientific, clinical, and social science research;
  • planning and forecasting;
  • quality improvement;
  • reporting and ad hoc decision making; and
  • enterprise-level analytic application development.

In this class, we will be using Microsoft Excel for the analytical process – planning, data collecting, data access, data management and preparation, data analysis, reporting, and deployment. Customers use Excel to anticipate change, manage both daily operations and special initiatives more effectively, and realize positive, measurable benefits. By incorporating predictive analytics into their daily operations, they become predictive enterprises – able to direct and automate decisions to meet business goals and achieve measurable competitive advantage.

What Does Predictive Analytics Do?

Predictive analytics informs and directs decision making by applying a combination of advanced analytics and decision optimization to an organization’s enterprise data, with the objective of improving business processes to meet specific organization goals.

Lab Orientation and Set-Up

Predictive analytics offers numerous advantages for organizations recognizing the inherent value locked within their existing enterprise data. Strategically, predictive analytics provides a quantitative foundation for rapidly identifying, objectively evaluating, and confidently pursuing new market opportunities. Tactically, predictive analytics identifies precisely whom to target, how to reach them, when to make contact, and what messages should be communicated. Organizations incorporating predictive analytics into their daily operations in this way improve their business processes, enhancing decision making and gaining the ability to direct, optimize, and automate decisions, on demand, to meet defined business goals. Through predictive analytics, they not only better manage the present, but also increase the probability of future success.


Work through the Lab (link to Introduction and Set Up Instructions Document below). When finished, submit a one-page summary of the navigational challenges and issues you had in set up, as well as what you liked to what excited you about learning Microsoft Excel. Some students may already have this software on their computer. In this instance, please share specifics on what you like and dislike with the program. Submit your summary to the Week 1: Lab Assignment location. APA.

June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

Required Writing Assignment

Please choose to answer only one of the following questions for your writing assignment.

In your answer, please provide an opening statement, three arguments in support of your opening statement (opinion), three pieces of empirical research (i.e., studies) as support for your arguments, and a closing statement.

You may use any empirical, rigorous scientific research as support, however, do not use anecdotal evidence, or unpublished work. You should use journal articles that report original data/studies as evidence. If you do not know what this means or what kinds of papers to look for then you must ask me. Do not use textbooks, websites, chapters of edited books, review papers or meta-analyses as evidence. Please be sure to provide references for your empirical support (APA-format; with reference list and paper citations in text).

Required Writing Assignment

Possible Questions (choose one only)

Option 1: In your opinion and based on scientific, peer-reviewed published evidence, does

children’s motor development interact with/affect children’s cognitive and/or perceptual


– or –

Option 2: In your opinion and based on scientific, peer-reviewed published evidence, what features, properties, and/or experiences in the world and with people

Required Writing Assignment

Paper Format

Please format your paper into 5 separate paragraphs – an opening statement, three paragraphs for your three arguments and accompanying description of empirical evidence and a closing statement.

  1. Opening Statement = should include a restatement of the question posed to you in the assignment, your opinion (clearly stated), and a description of the three arguments you will use to support your opinion. For each of three arguments, I suggest a one-sentence summary of the specific findings from the study you will review below in each argument paragraph. Thus, you will have three sentences, each summarizing specific findings (arguments) in support of your opinion. This will be in addition to a restatement of the question you selected (in your own words), and a clear opinion on the question posed.
  2. First Argument = you should start this paragraph with your first argument in support of your opinion. Again, I suggest a one-sentence summary of the specific findings from the study you are about to review in this paragraph. This argument should be the very first sentence of the paragraph. The bulk of the paragraph will then be used to describe research in support of this argument. You should describe at least one empirical study in support of your first argument in some detail. In your description of the study, please include the following information: (1) a description of the question the authors were examining; (2) a description of who and how many participants were used; (3) a description of the stimuli and/or assessments used to gather information on participants; (4) a description of the procedure used to gather this data; (5) the type of data collected (provide information about independent and dependent variables); (6) a summary of specific results of study; (7) a statement of how these specific findings provide support for your opinion.

Required Writing Assignment

  1. Second argument = you should start this paragraph with your second argument in support of your opinion. Again, I suggest a one-sentence summary of the specific findings from the study you are about to review in this paragraph. This argument should be the very first sentence of the paragraph. The bulk of the paragraph will then be used to describe research in support of this argument. You should describe at least one empirical study in support of your first argument in some detail. In your description of the study, please include the following information: (1) a description of the question the authors were examining; (2) a description of who and how many participants were used; (3) a description of the stimuli and/or assessments used to gather information on participants; (4) a description of the procedure used to gather this data; (5) the type of data collected (provide information about independent and dependent variables); (6) a summary of specific results of study; (7) a statement of how these specific findings provide support for your opinion.
  2. Third argument = you should start this paragraph with your third argument in support of your opinion. Again, I suggest a one-sentence summary of the specific findings from the study you are about to review in this paragraph. This argument should be the very first sentence of the paragraph. The bulk of the paragraph will then be used to describe research in support of this argument. You should describe at least one empirical study in support of your first argument in some detail. In your description of the study, please include the following information: (1) a description of the question the authors were examining; (2) a description of who and how many participants were used; (3) a description of the stimuli and/or assessments used to gather information on participants; (4) a description of the procedure used to gather this data; (5) the type of data collected (provide information about independent and dependent variables); (6) a summary of specific results of study; (7) a statement of how these specific findings provide support for your opinion.

Required Writing Assignment

  1. Closing statement = should again include a restatement of the question posed to you in the assignment, your opinion (clearly stated), and a description of the three arguments you used to support your opinion. For each of three arguments, I suggest a one-sentence summary of the specific findings from the study you will review below in each argument paragraph. Thus, you will have three sentences, each summarizing specific findings (arguments) in support of your opinion. This will be in addition to a restatement of the question you selected (in your own words), and a clear opinion on the question posed.

Other Paper Formatting

All assignments must be typed double-spaced, 12-point Times (or Times New Roman) font, 1-inch margins. There are no minimum or maximum page limits; but please be sure to review the grading rubric to make sure you are including all the details and content required (more details the better). Please include a reference page, that has been APA formatted and include in-text citations for the references. All assignments will be run through Turnitin Software, and I will examine Turnitin results carefully for issues with plagiarism and or with automated software use such as ChatGPT. Any assignment returning a similarity score of 20% or higher will be carefully examined for plagiarism. APA.

June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

Scenario Two Case Study

A couple enter for their intake regarding pre-marital counseling. They have been dating for approximately fifteen months. They are wanting to get married; however, they are concerned with several issues. The woman has been married twice before. She has one child with each of her past ex-husbands. She has an eight-year-old girl and a four-year-old boy. The man has been married once before. He has one child, a boy, age 13. Both woman’s ex-husbands play a large role in the children’s lives. However, the man’s ex-wife has nothing to do with her son. The woman receives a large alimony check that she would lose if she re-marries. This is a concern since she does not work outside the home. The man has a good job, but they would be living on a tight budget without her alimony check each month.

Scenario Two Case Study

They have discussed living together, but, if it is proven that they are cohabitating, she would still lose the alimony. The children have not met each other at this point. The woman’s ex-husbands are not aware that she has been in a serious relationship. The 13-year-old boy has been in trouble with the juvenile court system for inappropriately touching girls at school. The last episode was six months ago. He has been in counseling for over one year. The man has not told the woman of his son’s issues. Again, they have come in for pre-marital counseling and how they should tell the children the news if they decide to marry.

  1. Presenting Symptoms/Issues (i.e., Anxiety, Depression, etc.) (Spaces are provided for three symptoms or issues, but you may have less or add more, if needed.)
  2. Information that Supports Item I. (How did you arrive at the above conclusions? Again, you may have less or more information here.)

Scenario Two Case Study

III. Treatment Theoretical Approach(es): List and describe one or two theories that you, as the counselor, would use to work with the individual/family and give a rationale for choosing those approaches. Please do not describe a “integrated” approach but, rather, describe one or two specific theories. For each theory you list here, describe it using at least 250 words. Cite at least two scholarly sources in this description (no websites!).

  1. Treatment Modalities (i.e., Specify Group, Family, Couple, Individual—make sure that your choice of treatment modalities correlates with what you are going to do with the individuals in the scenario.)
  2. Reasons for the Chosen Modalities in Item IV
  3. Frequency of Sessions for Each Modality in Item IV

VII. Measurable Treatment Goals (Be sure to state these using action verbs. For example, “The client(s) will be able to identify, discuss, describe, etc.”)

VIII. Techniques from Theoretical Approaches: Based on the theory you described in section III above, list and describe three techniques that you could use for this case. Describe each technique using at least 150 words. These techniques/interventions should be directly related to the theory you described in Item III. Besides your textbook, include at least two other scholarly sources (articles or textbooks; no websites). APA.

  1. Frequency for Evaluating Each Goal (Will you evaluate after each session? …after two sessions? etc.)
  2. How will Progress be Defined? [What will you be looking for regarding progress with your client(s)?]
June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

Scenario One Treatment Plan

A family comes to your practice for help. Here is the following information that is collected during their intake. Mom and Dad have been married for twenty years. They have a middle-class income. Mom works twenty hours per week as a para legal. Dad is a college professor at the local four-year institution. They have three children. The oldest is a 16-year-old girl. She is a straight A student, and she is well liked at her school and the family’s church. She does not play any sports. Her hobbies are reading, art, and theatre club at the school. She just received her driver’s license about three months ago. It is rare that she is ever in trouble and in need of discipline for breaking family or school rules.

Scenario One Treatment Plan

The second child is 12-year-old male. This young man seems to find trouble anywhere he goes during the day. He struggles in school, but the teachers state he is fully capable of completing the work; he just refuses to do the work. He is defiant at school and at home. He spends most of his time defying authority figures who are left in charge of him each day. He can go for days without getting in trouble and then he could go a week getting in trouble every day. Even when he is presented with a “video” of his infraction, he will sit and deny it. He never claims that anything is his fault. He has been known to get into fights at school and even with his older sister. The older sister never fights back. She tries to get away from him rather than engage. He will intentionally break a rule at home and blame it on his older sister or younger brother.

Scenario One Treatment Plan

Spanking him only makes him madder and more out of control. Time-out ruins everyone’s night because he sits in time-out and verbally says things to bother the rest of the household. The only person he has never shown the behavior is his grandmother on his mother’s side. The third child is a 10- year-old boy. The boy is identical to the older sibling. He makes good grades, and he is well liked by others. He does show some of the “baby of the family” traits. For example, when his older brother picks on him, he immediately cries and screams for his mother.

  1. Presenting Symptoms/Issues (i.e., Anxiety, Depression, etc.) Spaces are provided for three symptoms or issues, but you may have less or add more, if needed. UWA students have access to the full-text DSM-5 via the Library website (found at uwa.edu/currentstudentsfacultyandstaff). The DSM is in a database titled “Psychiatry Online”. This database is filled with incredible diagnostic information.
  2. Information that Supports Item I. (How did you arrive at the above conclusions? Again, you may have less or more information here.)

Scenario One Treatment Plan

III. Treatment Theoretical Approach(es): List and describe one or two theories that you, as the counselor, would use to work with the individual/family and give a rationale for choosing those approaches. Please do not describe a “integrated” approach but, rather, describe one or two specific theories. For each theory you list here, describe it using at least 250 words. Cite at least two scholarly sources in this description (no websites!). Include the two sources in a reference section at the end of your document (after case

  1. Treatment Modalities (i.e., Specify Group, Family, Couple, Individual—make sure that your choice of treatment modalities correlates with what you going to do with the

VII. Measurable Treatment Goals (Be sure to state these using action verbs. For example, “The client(s) will be able to identify, discuss, describe, etc.”)

VIII. Techniques from Theoretical Approaches: Based on the theory you described in section III above, list and describe three techniques that you could use for this case.  Describe each technique using at least 150 words. These techniques/interventions should be directly related to the theory you described in Item III. Besides your textbook, include at least two other scholarly sources (articles or textbooks; no websites). Include your sources in the reference section at the very end of your document (after case #2). APA.

June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

Unit 5 Accounting Principles

The following sales figures are for the months of November 2023 to June 2024. The figures from January 2024 onward are estimated:

Actual sales:  
November 2023 24000
December 2023 36000
Forecast sales:  
January 2024 42000
February 2024 54000
March 2024 60000
April 2024 60000
May 2024 57600
June 2024 57600


50% of the sales are normally paid for in the month in which they occur and the customers are rewarded with a 10% cash discount. The remaining sales are paid for net in the month following the sale.

Goods are sold at a mark-up of 20% on the goods purchased one month before sale. Half of the purchases are paid for in the month of purchase and a 5% prompt settlement discount is received. The remainder is paid in full in the following month.

Unit 5 Accounting Principles

Unit 5 Accounting Principles

Rent of $8,000 per month are paid in the month in which they are earned. It is expected that the rent will be increased by 10% from 1 April 2024.

  • The company has to repay a bank loan of $10,000 in March
  • The half-yearly interest on $200000, 10% debentures of $1 each is due to be paid on 5 February
  • The ordinary dividend of $25,000 for the year 2023 will be paid in March
  • The bank balance at 31 December 2023 is $52,000.

Prepare a cash budget for the four months ending 30 April 2024. Give your answers to the nearest dollar ($).

Discuss the benefits and limitations of budgets and budgetary planning, and control for Topgun Co. Ltd. Evaluate the extent to which using budgets can help to identify problems and corrective actions.

Justify budgetary control solutions and their impact on organisational decision making to ensure efficient and effective deployment of resources.

Unit 5 Accounting Principles

Rent of $8,000 per month are paid in the month in which they are earned. It is expected that the rent will be increased by 10% from 1 April 2024.

  • The company has to repay a bank loan of $10,000 in March
  • The half-yearly interest on $200000, 10% debentures of $1 each is due to be paid on 5 February
  • The ordinary dividend of $25,000 for the year 2023 will be paid in March
  • The bank balance at 31 December 2023 is $52,000.

Prepare a cash budget for the four months ending 30 April 2024. Give your answers to the nearest dollar ($).

Discuss the benefits and limitations of budgets and budgetary planning, and control for Topgun Co. Ltd. Evaluate the extent to which using budgets can help to identify problems and corrective actions.

Justify budgetary control solutions and their impact on organisational decision making to ensure efficient and effective deployment of resources. APA.

June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

Research Plan & Annotated Bibliography

Project 2 has two components that work towards one main purpose-prepping you to write an argument with research in the next unit. You will use the topic and research from Project 2 for Project 3/Researched Argument.

For Project 2, you will create one document that contains two parts: a Research Plan and an Annotated Bibliography. These parts work in tandem to help you explore a topic and establish a research foundation. Complete the unit’s learning activities and review the student examples to prepare for this project.

Part 1: Research Plan

Purpose: The research plan helps you get started thinking about crafting an argument. Your job for part one is to propose a topic that you will research. Your Research Plan should provide:

  • a concise description of the issue or subject you wish to research

explain the importance of the subject

establish a research plan for moving forward

  • conclude with a tentative thesis statement that will be refined in your argument essay (aka Project 3).

To transition to your Annotated Bibliography, at the end of your Research Plan you will also include a brief statement that explains how evaluated your sources (2-3 sentences is fine).

Research Plan & Annotated Bibliography

Research Plan & Annotated Bibliography


Your research plan should be brief (300 – 500 words). It should be typed in 12-point font size; standard font (Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman). All margins should be one inch, and your proposal should be double-spaced.

Part 2: Annotated Bibliography


Annotated bibliographies are used in research as tools to help select sources. In addition to being a list of materials, an annotated bibliography also describes and evaluates them. It is also a tool for writers to evaluate their own research. The purpose of the one you will write is to help you decide which sources are worth using for your argument. Essentially, it helps you know what kinds of sources are out there, gives you a broader scope of information related to your topic, and helps you to prioritize sources for the next project.

Research Plan & Annotated Bibliography

Your Task:

For this part of Project 2, you will cite, summarize, and evaluate ten (10) sources related to your proposal topic. At least five of those sources need to from the library’s databases. The other five can come from online internet websites (just remember your skills from Unit 1 to gauge the credibility of web content). Each annotated bibliography entry should be between 100-200 words.

Tips for Your Annotated Bibliography

Each entry in your annotated bibliography has three parts:

  1. Correctly formatted MLA or APA bibliographic entry*
  • *Your choice. If you are researching a topic related to science, technology, education, or health

related, I suggest APA. If you are researching a topic related to the humanities, then use MLA.

  1. A short, neutral, and accurate description of the source
  2. A brief evaluation of the source and how it could be useful for your research purpose

Other Considerations:

  • Make sure the sources you choose to include are relevant to your topic. Your evaluation of the sources may be negative, but don’t waste time on irrelevant or unrelated sources.
  • Make sure your entries are consistent in format. As well as using MLA or APA style, the description/evaluation sections need to be written in a similar manner each time. Pick a style and stick with it for the whole document.

Student examples of the Research Plan and Annotated Bibliography are posted in this unit for your reference. Please review them for additional guidance.

Research Plan & Annotated Bibliography


The Research Plan should be 300-500 words and your Annotated Bibliography should be 700-1000 words. Project 3 will be assessed with the following criteria:

Part 1: Research Plan

Concise description of the topic

Intended focus and tentative thesis statement

Indicates rationale for choosing the topic

Describes sources/research needed to pursue this topic

Explains importance/relevance of the topic

Part 2: Annotated Bibliography

Summarizes and evaluates ten (10) sources of varied origin (at least 5 sources are scholarly)

Cites sources accurately and consistently according to MLA or APA format

Maintains a tone for a formal audience

Well-designed and executed with clear organization, including mechanics/grammar/spelling and formatting.

June 12, 2024
June 12, 2024

Grant Real Estate Discussion

Assignment Instructions

The student will complete 3 Discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 400 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned Module: Week. The student must then post 2 replies of at least 300 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the assigned Module: Week. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 1 scholarly citations in APA format and incorporate Scriptural or Biblical principles and experience.

Each reply must incorporate at least 1 scholarly citation(s) in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the course textbook, the Bible, or peer-reviewed journal published within the past five years. Include clear topic sentences for each paragraph, supporting sentences, and a conclusion sentence/paragraph.

Grant Real Estate Discussion

Grant Real Estate Discussion

Discussion Prompt

Eric Welch has been employed at Grant Real Estate for almost two years. Before receiving his real estate license, he was a property manager with a large real estate agency in another community. During the first year with Grant, he was assigned to the residential property division and sold properties totaling $825,000. He then requested and received a transfer to the commercial division. Three months ago, Eric obtained a commercial listing that consisted of 26 acres of land near a growing residential neighborhood. The land is zoned commercial and appears to be ideally suited for a medium-sized shopping center. Eric prepared a detailed prospectus and sent it to Susan Hernandez, president of Mondal Growth Corporation, a firm specializing in the development of shopping centers. One week later, he received a letter from Ms. Hernandez requesting more information. Shortly after receiving Eric’s response, Ms. Hernandez called to set up an appointment to inspect the property. A time and date were finalized, and Eric agreed to meet her and conduct a tour of the property. An hour before the meeting Eric’s friend called and advised him that he thinks another friend would be willing to pay double the price which means double the commission fee. It is not a sure thing, however, he is 80% sure the person would be willing to complete the deal. The friend suggests that Eric, persuade Ms. Hernandez to wait a day before making an offer, this will ensure enough time to show the property and get the required signature. However, Eric is convinced that Ms. Hernandez will like the property. Eric questions if he is conducting himself in an ethical manner.

Grant Real Estate Discussion

Eric is a quiet, amiable person who displays a supportive communication style. Friends say that they like to spend time with him because he is a good listener.

  1. If Ms. Hernandez displays the characteristic of the directive communication style, how should Eric conduct himself during the meeting? Be specific as you analyze those behaviors that would be admired by Ms. Hernandez.
  2. If Ms. Hernandez wants to build rapport with Eric Welch, what behaviors should she display?
  3. It is not a good idea to put a label on someone and then assume the label tells us everything about the person. As Eric attempts to build rapport with Ms. Hernandez, what other personal characteristics should he try to identify?
  4. There are many times when there are hidden agendas in business interactions. Opportunities remain unseen if an individual operates blindly, what steps would you take to ensure you have all of the facts?
  5. Think about your communication style, and how it changes during a dilemma, what areas would you say you need to improve when conveying bad news?


June 12, 2024
June 12, 2024

Career Plan Part I

In Week 8, you will create a long-term career plan. For this assignment, you will engage in shorter term planning, using the SMART goal framework.

Many employers follow an annual evaluation cycle, and often times employees are asked to participate in the creation of their own goals. Toward that end, this assignment will ask you to create a SMART goal based on something you’d like to achieve in your career in one year. Some of you may be familiar with SMART goals already, but if you aren’t, here is what the acronym stands for.

S – Specific: This means it is not excessively broad.

M – Measurable: There is a way to know if you achieved it.

A – Achievable: It is realistically possible to do it.

R – Relevant: It is meaningful to you.

T – Timely: It must be done in a set period of time.

Career Plan Part I

Career Plan Part I

Some possibilities for your SMART goal might include the following.

  • Mastering a new skill, such as a programming language
  • Obtaining a certification
  • Presenting at a conference
  • Earning a promotion

There are many other possibilities. If you’re not sure your choice is appropriate, check with your instructor.

You will write this assignment in the style of a workplace email message to your instructor, including the To:, From:, and Subject: headings. The message will address all five components of SMART, devoting at least two sentences to each letter of the acronym. The total length of the assignment should be at least 300 words and should consist of at least two paragraphs.

Career Plan Part I

Some possibilities for your SMART goal might include the following.

  • Mastering a new skill, such as a programming language
  • Obtaining a certification
  • Presenting at a conference
  • Earning a promotion

There are many other possibilities. If you’re not sure your choice is appropriate, check with your instructor.

You will write this assignment in the style of a workplace email message to your instructor, including the To:, From:, and Subject: headings. The message will address all five components of SMART, devoting at least two sentences to each letter of the acronym. The total length of the assignment should be at least 300 words and should consist of at least two paragraphs. APA.

June 12, 2024
June 12, 2024

Updated Targeted ResumeUpdated Targeted Resume

HIM Director position CV

Because CARD415 is a career development refresher course, you should have previously prepared a resume. Evaluate the current version of your resume, and update your resume for a new career advancement opportunity. This could be a new job recently advertised in your field of study or a new advancement opportunity in your current organization.

Attach a copy of the job advertisement or the official position description that was recently announced in your current organization for which your resume has been updated.

On a separate document, write a one-page, double-spaced explanation of the changes you made to update your resume for this assignment.


Updated Targeted Resume

Use the Resume Evaluation ChecklistLinks to an external site.Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader to confirm that your resume is complete and targeted to the position specifications.

Submit your updated targeted resume along with the job ad or position description to which your resume is targeted. When naming files, replace LASTname with your name (for example, PositionCRUZ.docx).

Submit the following three Word documents by the Sunday deadline.

  1. A current job ad with a full description of the position requirements (not a link or a screenshot) or an official position description for an advancement opportunity recently announced in your current organization pasted into a Word document and saved as PositionLASTName.docx (15 points).
  2. Your Updated Targeted Resume saved as ResumeLASTName.docx (40 points).
  3. A one-page, double-spaced explanation of the changes made to update your resume and tailor it to this new job or career advancement opportunity saved as ChangesLASTname.docx (35 points).

Updated Targeted Resume

HIM Director position CV

Because CARD415 is a career development refresher course, you should have previously prepared a resume. Evaluate the current version of your resume, and update your resume for a new career advancement opportunity. This could be a new job recently advertised in your field of study or a new advancement opportunity in your current organization.

Attach a copy of the job advertisement or the official position description that was recently announced in your current organization for which your resume has been updated.

On a separate document, write a one-page, double-spaced explanation of the changes you made to update your resume for this assignment. APA.

June 12, 2024
June 12, 2024

Week 4 Career Networking

There are two parts to this assignment. Follow the following instructions for Parts 1 and 2. Use the References List and Career Networking Contact List FormLinks to an external site.Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader . Remove the descriptors (for example, Name of Reference) and the brackets for each reference, and fill in the information.

Part 1: References List (60 points)

The purpose is to have a list of people who can verify and elaborate on your professional experience, skills, and qualities for employment. This list will be presented to potential employers so they can talk to someone besides you about your work, values, behaviors, and so forth. Be aware that employers may request professional references that include current and previous supervisors and colleagues. Most references are checked via a phone call or email, so you must provide complete contact information.

Week 4 Career Networking

Week 4 Career Networking

Instructions: Obtain permission before including individuals on your references list.

Four Professional References: List four people with names, titles, companies, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.

One Personal/Character Reference: List one person’s name, title organization (if applicable), address, phone number, and email address. For example, a family friend (but not a family member), neighbor, or someone you volunteered with.

Use the headings PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES and PERSONAL/CHARACTER REFERENCE(S) on your reference list to clarify the type of reference. Reminder: It’s important that you contact your references to confirm that they agree to provide a strong, positive reference for you. It’s also important that you keep your references informed about your career search so they are prepared for phone calls or emails from hiring managers.

Week 4 Career Networking

Part 2: Career Networking Contact List (15 points)

Create a list of three career network contacts with names, phone numbers, and email addresses of people who can help you throughout your career. Career network contacts might include the following types of people: instructors, college alumni, coworkers, career advisors, community members, relatives, and friends. APA.