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August 26, 2024


Create a PowerPoint presentation that tells a visual story about the impact of cultural differences on communication between U.S. culture and another culture you have selected. Select images that reflect communication styles or methods in your chosen culture to include in your PowerPoint presentation. Support your digital story with a script. You have the option of creating an audio or written script.


Accomplish the following in your assignment:

  • Investigate the interactive effect that cultural tendencies issues and trends of various cultures have on communication.,
  • Explain how personal interactions are affected by the nonverbal characteristics and differences specific to the U.S. culture and another culture.,
    • Include a reference list containing a variety of resources which may include interviews with members of the culture media presentations websites text readings scholarly articles and other related materials.
  • Select images that reflect communication styles or methods within a selected culture.,
  • Create a script that connects selected visuals to course content.
    • If you choose to create a written script write your sources within your presentation to support your assertions.,
    • If you choose to create an audio script cite your sources orally within your presentation.,

Additional Requirements

  • Written communication: Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
  • APA formatting: Format resources and citations according to APA style and formatting.
  • PowerPoint details: Include title and reference slides along with 8–10 slides of content.
  • Script options: You have the option of creating a written or audio script for your presentation. If you choose the written option, type your script (what you would say to your audience) in the Notes box for each slide. Use the Record feature in PowerPoint or Kaltura if you prefer to incorporate audio for each slide rather than a written script. Refer to the resources in your Week 6 activity, Improve Your Presentation Skills.



Impact of Cultural Differences on Communication

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 2: Develop cultural self-awareness and other-culture awareness.
    • Investigate the interactive effect that cultural tendencies, issues, and trends of various cultures have on communication.
    • Select images that reflect communication styles or methods within a selected culture.
    • Create a script that connects selected visuals to course content.
  • Competency 3: Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes to increase intercultural competence.
    • Utilize effective research methods to gather a variety of applicable sources.
  • Competency 4: Analyze how nonverbal communication (body language) influences intercultural communication.
    • Explain how personal interactions are affected by the nonverbal characteristics and differences specific to the U.S. culture.
  • Competency 5: Communicate effectively in a variety of formats and contexts.
    • Write coherently to support a central idea in an appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.



August 26, 2024
August 26, 2024

Attached are several articles related to job satisfaction, emotions, attitudes, motivation and behavior.    You don’t have to use all of these articles, but you do have to go beyond the text.  Your goal is to convince me you understand these relationships and that you could talk thoughtfully to an employee or to an organization leader about proactive interventions, concerns and potential resolutions.  Use these articles as inspiration or a starting point to address the following prompts.

  • How is job satisfaction related to employee behavior and why do we care?,
  • What is the general state of job satisfaction and has it changed in the last 5 – 7 years?  If so how and why?  If not how is it the same? , Feel free to argue both sides but make sure you provide specific examples.,
  • Which of the dimensions we’ve discussed have the most impact on job satisfaction and behavior -why do you think that?  You can use anything from these articles our text lectures supplemental material personal experience or any additional research you’ve done on your own just make sure you’re providing specific examples that led to your conclusion and references as appropriate.,
  • Most importantly what should employees know about these topics (3-5 things) and what should managers know about these topics (3-5 things).  Spend most of your time and effort here.  This is the important part.
  • Other than that, include anything else you found interesting, surprising or that you just want to share.

Advice for the unmotivated

happiness traps

manage your emoitional culture

Rethink your employee value proposition

Turn the job you want



Job Satisfaction



Use additional resources as needed.


  • Using APA or MLA format (whichever you’re most familiar with)
  • Make sure you include an introduction and conclusion.
  • 5-ish page double spaced paper.  4.75 pages is fine, so is 6.  10 pages is not ok; neither is 3.  Cover pages and references don’t count as part of the requirement.  Some of you will look at this assignment and think it is ridiculous to fit all of that information into 5-ish pages.  You can, I promise, you just can’t include the history of the world.  Pick and choose the most important points I should know.  Think of this as practice – you’re keeping the attention of your audience.  They don’t need to know every single think you know – just the important stuff.
  • 12-point font, normal margins, no extra spaces between paragraphs to make it look longer, blah blah blah…
  • If you work with someone else, you should turn in a single document that flows like one paper.  Don’t turn in two 2.5-page papers that you stuck together five minutes before the deadline.  Make sure both names are on the document you turn in.
  • Upload a word.doc.  Please don’t send me a GoogleDoc because I can’t open them, and it makes me grumpy.
  • All submissions are run through plagiarism and AI generation detectors immediately after you hit submit.  If you think I’m going to have a problem with something you submit, it’s best to include a comment about what I’m going to find and why.  Dealing with that stuff takes a ton of time that I’m guessing neither one of us have to spend.


August 26, 2024
August 26, 2024

Use the chapter reading material on Student Diversity: Culture, Language, Gender, and Exceptionalities to complete this assignment.

After reading the chapter, read over each of the questions and choose one topic. Provide a detailed and scholarly summary response to your chosen topic  below.

  1. Define the term culture. Explain how culture, cultural diversity and ethnicity influences learning., What multicultural approaches can educators use to enhance students learning and demonstrate culturally responsive teaching?,
  2. Describe at least three major approaches for helping EL students learn.,
  3. Explain how gender differences influences school success and how effective teachers respond to these differences.,
  4. Explain the specifics of PL 94-142 the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the guidelines it provides for working with students with exceptionalities.,
  5. Explain how schools have changed the ways they help meet students with exceptionalities needs and support learners.,
  6. Explain how federal legislation has identified students for special services., Identify the categories and percentages of students with exceptionalities.,
  7. Who is Howard Gardner and what were his views on intelligence and learning? Describe and identify Gardner’s theory and the dimensions of intelligence.
  8. What is emotional intelligence? What are some of the factors associated with mature emotional intelligence and immature emotional intelligence?
  9. What are learning styles? In at least one paragraph with five or more sentences, explain why it is important to help children identify and recognize their learning style?
  10. What is an IEP and the components addressed in the IEP?



Student Diversity

Summary Paper Guidelines

  • Your paper should be submitted online through CANVAS
  • Your paper should be APA format typed, double-spaced, and spell-checked with minimal grammatical errors.
  • No extra space between paragraphs
  • Indent each paragraph
  • Your paper must be at least 2 pages in length (Title Page and Reference Page does not count as your 2 pages of content)
  • Complete in Microsoft Word
  • Add you name, date, course number and assignment name to your document
  • Give your paper structure with an opening paragraph, main body, and conclusion.
  • The opening paragraph may be brief, about 4 to 5 sentences, but it should offer some overall statement of your perspective based on what you’ve learned
  • Include in-text references and a reference page for any materials you cite using APA citation formatting.
August 25, 2024
August 25, 2024

Ethics in Practice Case

Dark Money and Corporate Political Spending on Campaigns

Recent election cycles have brought new challenges for corporations and their boards of directors. For example, in the 2020 presidential election campaign, candidate Joe Biden unveiled a plan to lower drug prices by letting Medicare negotiate payment for certain high-cost drugs. Yet ironically, the pharmaceutical industry was one of the most generous industry donors to the Biden campaign, as well as those of the other candidates. In fact, the health industry overall (including health professionals, hospitals, HMOs, and pharmaceutical companies) donated more than $80 million to the presidential candidates in 2020, with the pharmaceutical industry donating more to Democrats than Republicans in the lead up to the final election. In essence, the pharmaceutical companies and health-care professionals spent money to promote policies that went against their own financial interests.

This happened in congressional elections as well. In 2020, the pharmaceutical industry’s trade group, PhRMA, donated funds to nonprofit groups that used those funds to hit back on House Democrats’ plan to approve the drug pricing plan to lower prescription drug costs. Some of those funds came from firms including Pfizer, Bayer, and Merck, all manufacturers of contraceptives.

Ethics in Practice Case

Ethics in Practice Case

Political spending is also an issue with individual companies. Target Corporation, a company that had positioned itself as an LGBT-friendly corporation, found itself the target of angry employees and customers when they learned about Target’s political spending. Target, a sponsor of the annual Twin Cities Gay Pride Festival, donated money to a business group that supported an anti–gay rights candidate for Minnesota governor. Angry employees and consumers conducted protests outside Target stores and threatened a boycott.

These examples show how political spending can have dramatic consequences for corporations. Politicians take positions on a range of policies, and so the same politician may hold some positions that support and other positions that damage a corporation’s best interests. This problem was exacerbated when the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizen United decision changed the political spending landscape for corporations. Before that decision, political spending was constrained to political action committees (PACs), and PAC political activity had to be disclosed to the FEC (Federal Election Commission). Now firms can make unlimited contributions directly to candidates or indirectly to 501c4 nonprofits and trade associations, who can then hide both the donors who provided the money and the way the money was spent. These are called “Dark Money” donations, where companies and trade groups can spend millions to shape elections without revealing where their money comes from. Firms are now freer to become politically involved but, as Target and the pharmaceutical companies found out, that freedom comes with risk. Shareholders and other stakeholders are asking firms to be transparent in their political spending. They want to judge those expenditures for themselves to avoid agency problems and other conflicts of interest.

Ethics in Practice Case

The Center for Political Accountability, located in Washington, D.C., in conjunction with the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research at The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania), annually rates leading U.S. public companies on their political disclosure and accountability policies and practices for election-related spending. Interestingly, they found that recent elections have seen much better and stronger policies of disclosure and accountability by businesses regarding their election-related spending. They commented, “Especially striking are the increases in company adoption of board oversight and more detailed committee review of political spending.” It seems that there is some upside for society, in that while the Dark Money continues to pour into campaigns, at least there is a movement toward more transparency and accountability.

Ira M. Millstein, founder of the Ira M. Millstein Center for Global Markets and Corporate Ownership at Columbia Law School, proposed that boards of directors need to step up and institute more measures for accountability regarding corporate political spending. He suggests the following:

(1) Companies should require trade associations of which they are members to report to them on their political spending.

(2) Companies should require trade associations of which they are members to disclose the donors who provide the money for their political spending.

(3) Companies should then disclose the information they receive from their trade associations when they disclose their other spending to shareholders and other stakeholders.

Millstein’s message is clear. If businesses do not implement such measures to deal with “Dark Money,” then they must face the reputational repercussions… just like Target and other companies who may be unaware of the flow of political spending through trade groups.

Ethics in Practice Case

Questions for Discussion

  1. What is your reaction to the issue of political spending? What would you do if you were the CEO of a pharmaceutical company? Would you still belong to PhRMA? Would your membership in PhRMA have any conditions attached?
  2. What is your reaction to the Target situation? How would you handle it if you were the CEO?
  3. It seems like corporate political campaign spending is becoming more transparent. Do you agree?
  4. Should Dark Money spending be more regulated? If so, how?
  5. Do you agree with Ira Millstein? Should companies require trade associations to disclose this information before they join? Should companies then disclose the information they receive? If a trade association refuses to provide that information, should the company refuse to join?


  • There is no minimum or maximum required number of pages. Your analysis will be considered complete, if it addresses each of the 5 components outlined above.
  • Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. A minimum of 3-5 sources (excluding the course textbook) from scholarly articles or business periodicals is required.
  • Include your best critical thinking and analysis to arrive at your justification.
  • Approach the assignment from the perspective of the senior executive leadership of the company.

Submission: Upload/attach your completed paper to this assignment by the due date. Please see the Course Syllabus for the actual due date.

Ethics in Practice Case

Guidelines for Analyzing Cases

Problem and Issue Identification

  1. What are the central facts of the case? What assumptions are you making about these facts?
  2. What is the major overriding issue in the case? What major question or issues does this case address that merits study at this point in the course?
  3. What sub-issues or related issues are present in the case that merit consideration now?

Analysis and Evaluation

  1. Who are the stakeholders in the case, and what are their stakes? What challenges, threats, or opportunities are posed by these stakeholders?
  2. What economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities does the company have, and what is the nature and extent of these responsibilities?
  3. If the case involves company actions, evaluate what the company did or did not do in handling the issue affecting it.
August 25, 2024
August 25, 2024

Rate of Inflation & Unemployment

Two of the biggest issues in macroeconomics are inflation and unemployment. Policymakers would like to keep both measures low. Often, however, there is a trade-off between the two. A strong economy that lowers unemployment can put upward pressure on prices. A weak economy that lowers inflation can increase unemployment.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, we had both very low unemployment and inflation. Then unemployment rose. In the future, unemployment and inflation could change and it’s good to have policy plans in place before either of these problems gets too bad.

Imagine that you oversee macroeconomic policy. Start your discussion by responding to these questions and explaining your answers:

  • What are some of the problems, difficulties, or hardships caused by unemployment?
  • What are some of the problems, difficulties, or hardships caused by inflation?
  • If you had to make a choice today between a policy that would head off increases in inflation or increases in unemployment, which one would you choose Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts and share your opinion about their decision.

Inflation and Unemployment

Rate of Inflation & Unemployment

Two of the biggest issues in macroeconomics are inflation and unemployment. Policymakers would like to keep both measures low. Often, however, there is a trade-off between the two. A strong economy that lowers unemployment can put upward pressure on prices. A weak economy that lowers inflation can increase unemployment.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, we had both very low unemployment and inflation. Then unemployment rose. In the future, unemployment and inflation could change and it’s good to have policy plans in place before either of these problems gets too bad. APA.

Imagine that you oversee macroeconomic policy. Start your discussion by responding to these questions and explaining your answers:

  • What are some of the problems, difficulties, or hardships caused by unemployment?
  • What are some of the problems, difficulties, or hardships caused by inflation?
  • If you had to make a choice today between a policy that would head off increases in inflation or increases in unemployment, which one would you choose Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts and share your opinion about their decision.
August 25, 2024
August 25, 2024

Principles of Economics


In this exercise, you will demonstrate your ability to find macroeconomic data from public sources and display it in an Excel spreadsheet.

  1. Start by choosing one of these three macroeconomic variables: Real GDP, the unemployment rate, or the inflation rate.
  2. Follow these instructions to find numbers for your macroeconomic variable for three consecutive years:
  • Real GDP. Click on “SECTION 1 – DOMESTIC PRODUCT AND INCOME.” Then click on “Table 1.1.6 Real Gross Domestic Product, Chained Dollars (A) (Q)” Next, click on the curved arrow for “Modify.” Choose 2015 as the first year, select the radio button for Series as “Annual” and then click on “Refresh Table.” Line 1 for “Gross domestic product” has the data.

Labor Force Statistics From the Current Population Survey. These unemployment numbers are monthly, not annual. Use the January number for each year.

Principles of Economics

Principles of Economics

CPI for All Urban Corisumers (CPI-U). These inflation numbers are monthly, not annual. Use the January number for each year.

  1. Prepare an Excel spreadsheet that has two columns and four rows. In cells A3, A4, and A5 descending below this heading, type the three years that

you have chosen. 4. In the heading for cell B2, type the name of the variable you chose (Real GDP, Unemployment Rate, or Inflation Rate). In the cells below this heading, type the values for each of the three years.

  1. Underneath your table, type “Source:” and then paste the URL of the source where you found your data.

Resources to Complete This Assignment.

Principles of Economics

CPI for All Urban Corisumers (CPI-U). These inflation numbers are monthly, not annual. Use the January number for each year.

  1. Prepare an Excel spreadsheet that has two columns and four rows. In cells A3, A4, and A5 descending below this heading, type the three years that

you have chosen. 4. In the heading for cell B2, type the name of the variable you chose (Real GDP, Unemployment Rate, or Inflation Rate). In the cells below this heading, type the values for each of the three years.

  1. Underneath your table, type “Source:” and then paste the URL of the source where you found your data.

Resources to Complete This Assignment. APA.

August 25, 2024
August 25, 2024

Financial Markets & Interest Rates

Assignment Details

Interest is what borrowers pay to the lender for using their money. Interest rates are given in percentages and are paid on the principal, the amount of money borrowed. The higher the interest rate, the higher the payment.

Understanding interest rates is important to your personal finances. They also have an impact on economic performance through consumer behavior. This assignment will deepen your insight into how interest rates are determined and their impact on the economy.

Using what you have learned, write a paper that addresses the following:

Explain the key determinants of interest rates in financial markets.

Compare nominal versus real rates of interest.

Discuss the impact of interest rates on consumer or business behavior. (How do behaviors change as interest rates fluctuate?)

Discuss the impact of inflation on consumer or business behavior.

Evaluate the impact of interest rates and inflation on a nation’s economic performance.

Financial Markets & Interest Rates

Financial Markets & Interest Rates

Assignment Details

Interest is what borrowers pay to the lender for using their money. Interest rates are given in percentages and are paid on the principal, the amount of money borrowed. The higher the interest rate, the higher the payment.

Understanding interest rates is important to your personal finances. They also have an impact on economic performance through consumer behavior. This assignment will deepen your insight into how interest rates are determined and their impact on the economy.

Using what you have learned, write a paper that addresses the following:

Explain the key determinants of interest rates in financial markets.

Compare nominal versus real rates of interest.

Discuss the impact of interest rates on consumer or business behavior. (How do behaviors change as interest rates fluctuate?)

Discuss the impact of inflation on consumer or business behavior.

Evaluate the impact of interest rates and inflation on a nation’s economic performance. APA.

August 25, 2024
August 25, 2024

FINC311 Unit3 Discussion Board

Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:

Inflation affects people’s purchasing power. There is a relationship between inflation and interest rates. There are nominal and real rates of interest. The nominal rate is the raw interest rate. The real rate is the interest rate that has been adjusted for inflation. Interest rates will rise and fall in correlation with inflation. Therefore, it directly impacts people’s personal finances and their ability to borrow money.

Using what you have learned, respond to the following:

Evaluate how the rate of inflation impacts personal financial decisions. (Think about your own experience and provide examples.)

Evaluate how interest rates impact personal financial decisions. (Think about your own experience and provide examples.)

Assess the current economic environment with respect to interest rates and inflation.

FINC311 Unit3 Discussion Board

FINC311 Unit3 Discussion Board

Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:

Inflation affects people’s purchasing power. There is a relationship between inflation and interest rates. There are nominal and real rates of interest. The nominal rate is the raw interest rate. The real rate is the interest rate that has been adjusted for inflation. Interest rates will rise and fall in correlation with inflation. Therefore, it directly impacts people’s personal finances and their ability to borrow money.

Using what you have learned, respond to the following:

Evaluate how the rate of inflation impacts personal financial decisions. (Think about your own experience and provide examples.)

Evaluate how interest rates impact personal financial decisions. (Think about your own experience and provide examples.)

Assess the current economic environment with respect to interest rates and inflation. APA.

August 25, 2024
August 25, 2024

Scarcity & Economic Reasoning PPT

Overview: Students will explore how limited resources restrict the goods and services that people may want and how consumers must choose some things and give up others. Students will consider systems and means created to meet and manage the issue of scarcity.


E.02 Define land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship, and explain why they are necessary for the production of goods and services. Include vocabulary slide.

– Define land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship

– state that land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship are the factors of production

– Explain why land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurships are necessary to produce goods and services.

Include vocabulary slide

Please break down the standard so that it will not be so broad.  Any extra is appreciated

Create a teachable power point to go along with the standard. Suitable for high school. No set amount of slides, just enough to get me through a 30 min class.

Scarcity & Economic Reasoning PPT

Scarcity & Economic Reasoning PPT

Overview: Students will explore how limited resources restrict the goods and services that people may want and how consumers must choose some things and give up others. Students will consider systems and means created to meet and manage the issue of scarcity.


E.02 Define land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship, and explain why they are necessary for the production of goods and services

– Define land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship

– state that land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship are the factors of production

– Explain why land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurships are necessary to produce goods and services.

Include vocabulary slide

Please break down the standard so that it will not be so broad.  Any extra is appreciated

Create a teachable power point to go along with the standard. Suitable for high school. No set amount of slides, just enough to get me through a 30 min class. APA.