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February 16, 2025
February 16, 2025

Social Media Writing Assignment


Imagine you work in the marketing department for a company that sells protein shakes designed to create a healthy and well-balanced diet. The product has been successful on the market, but lately your sales have decreased. To improve sales, you are interested in expanding your marketing strategies to promote your products to a wider audience.


You are required to use Conestoga College’s licensed version of Microsoft Copilot as a tool for this assignment. Do not use a third-party online AI tool like Quillbot or ChatGPT.

Check Tips on How to Do Your Creative Writing Assistance. 

Special Note on Using Generative AI

Third-party AI programs that require you to upload your personal information carry significant privacy and intellectual property concerns. To protect yourself from this risk, please use Conestoga College’s licensed version of Microsoft Copilot.

Social Media Writing Assignment

Social Media Writing Assignment

To practice appropriate academic integrity, you must include a citation with the generated text and a reference for Copilot at the end of your assignment. You may use this example:

Citation: (Microsoft, 2024).

Reference: Microsoft. (2024). Copilot [Large language model]. https://copilot.microsoft.com/

Students who opt to use Grammarly Premium to proofread and edit their work must include at the bottom of all assignments a clear statement of acknowledgement (such as “This assignment was proofread by Grammarly Premium”).


This assignment involves three (3) steps. Complete all three (3) steps using this template.

  • Be sure to include a citation and reference to properly document assistive writing tools used to create this assignment.

Step 1

  1. Create a question that asks how social media influencers help market products on their social media platforms.
    1. Write the question in the space provided.
  1. Next, prompt Microsoft Copilot with that question and paste its response in the space provided. The Copilot response will enable you to learn about potential marketing strategies Social Media influencers employ.

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Social Media Writing Assignment

Step 2

  1. Choose one (1) of the marketing strategies Copilot lists in its response from the space above. You will use this strategy to appeal to a social media influencer in step three (3).
    1. Record the marketing strategy you choose in the space provided.

Step 3

  1. Write a letter in the space provided to a social media influencer to persuade them to endorse your protein shakes on their social media platform. You may choose the influencer of your choice, or write to an imaginary influencer, who promotes health and fitness.

Since this letter is intended to persuade the influencer to accept sponsorship from your company in exchange for product endorsement, use the 4-part persuasive writing strategy to appeal to your audience.

    1. Pitch your product using the 4-part persuasive writing strategy.
    2. Explain the benefits of collaborating by highlighting influencer marketing, the target audience, compensation, and expected outcomes.
    3. Use persuasive language to highlight the win-win situation for both parties.
    4. Write the letter using a business block letter format and limit it to (1) one-page in length.
February 16, 2025
February 16, 2025


Analyzing a Real Proposal

In this assignment you will analyze a real proposal and answer the following questions:

Green_Building_Policy_Proposal.pdfDownload Green_Building_Policy_Proposal.pdf

  • What kind of proposal is this?
  • What problem does it address?
  • What solutions does it offer?
  • What is the structure of the proposal?
  • Who are the multiple audiences?
  • What is the purpose of the proposal?
  • Is there any information that is missing?
  • What is the style of the proposal?


Analyzing a Real Proposal



Adapting Your Message to Your Audience (TED Talk -Strategic Communication)

Due Sunday by 11:59pm

Available Feb 3 at 12am – Feb 16 at 11:59pm

Chapter Fourteen  objective is identify purposes of presentations and how to plan a strategy for presentations, organize effective presentations, plan visuals for presentations and deliver effective in-person and online presentations.


Watch the TED Talk below. Answer the following questions: 

  1. What was the purpose of her presentation? Learning objective 14-1
  2. What are the three main points Ms. Brewer wanted to convey? Learning objective 14-2
  3. How strong or weak was Ms. Brewer opening and closing statement, and why? Learning objective 14-3
  4. How well did the visual aids  help with convey the message? Learning objective 14-4
  5. Which non-verbal delivery element (eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, or vocals) was strongest, and why? Learning objective 14-5

Analyzing a Real Proposal

It’s Not Manipulation, It’s Strategic Communication | Keisha Brewer | TEDx Georgetown (youtube.com)



Analyzing a Real Proposal

  • Due Sunday by 11:59p
  • Available Feb 3 at 12am – Feb 16 at 11:59pm

In this assignment you will analyze a real proposal and answer the following questions:

Green_Building_Policy_Proposal.pdfDownload Green_Building_Policy_Proposal.pdf

  • What kind of proposal is this?
  • What problem does it address?
  • What solutions does it offer?
  • What is the structure of the proposal?
  • Who are the multiple audiences?
  • What is the purpose of the proposal?
  • Is there any information that is missing?
  • What is the style of the proposal?

Analyzing a Real Proposal


Adapting Your Message to Your Audience (TED Talk -Strategic Communication)

Due Sunday by 11:59pm

Available Feb 3 at 12am – Feb 16 at 11:59pm

Chapter Fourteen  objective is identify purposes of presentations and how to plan a strategy for presentations, organize effective presentations, plan visuals for presentations and deliver effective in-person and online presentations.


Watch the TED Talk below. Answer the following questions: 

  1. What was the purpose of her presentation? Learning objective 14-1,
  2. What are the three main points Ms. Brewer wanted to convey? Learning objective 14-2,
  3. How strong or weak was Ms. Brewer opening and closing statement and why? Learning objective 14-3,
  4. How well did the visual aids  help with convey the message? Learning objective 14-4,
  5. Which non-verbal delivery element (eye contact facial expressions gestures or vocals) was strongest and why? Learning objective 14-5,

It’s Not Manipulation, It’s Strategic Communication | Keisha Brewer | TEDx Georgetown (youtube.com)




February 16, 2025
February 16, 2025

This journal measures your Mastery of ULOs 4.3 and 4.4.

You are opening your own small business and want to establish a culture of ethical behavior. What are some procedures you should implement to support an ethical culture? What kind of follow-up process would you establish to monitor the effectiveness of these procedures?

Identify a strategic management skill that you learned or acquired in this course, and explain how you would apply it to improve success in your career in a real-world scenario.


Mastery of ULOs

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

his journal measures your Mastery of ULOs 4.3 and 4.4.

You are opening your own small business and want to establish a culture of ethical behavior. ,What are some procedures you should implement to support an ethical culture?, What kind of follow-up process would you establish to monitor the effectiveness of these procedures?,

Identify a strategic management skill that you learned or acquired in this course and explain how you would apply it to improve success in your career in a real-world scenario.,

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

his journal measures your Mastery of ULOs 4.3 and 4.4.

You are opening your own small business and want to establish a culture of ethical behavior. What are some procedures you should implement to support an ethical culture? What kind of follow-up process would you establish to monitor the effectiveness of these procedures?

Identify a strategic management skill that you learned or acquired in this course, and explain how you would apply it to improve success in your career in a real-world scenario.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

his journal measures your Mastery of ULOs 4.3 and 4.4.

You are opening your own small business and want to establish a culture of ethical behavior. What are some procedures you should implement to support an ethical culture? What kind of follow-up process would you establish to monitor the effectiveness of these procedures?

Identify a strategic management skill that you learned or acquired in this course, and explain how you would apply it to improve success in your career in a real-world scenario.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

February 16, 2025
February 16, 2025


HealthCare Service Delivery &  Law

 The case study below is designed to test your ability to issue spot and apply the legal principles discussed in the course to isolated fact patterns. Questions, issues, and, importantly, responses may be pulled from all of the Course Materials (e.g. lectures, readings, etc.). You may use your notes, your book, the slide decks, the internet.  But you cannot consult one another or otherwise coordinate with each other in any way. In addition, you cannot use any type of Artificial Intelligence program or software (e.g., ChatGPT).


HealthCare Service Delivery &  Law


You are to approach each question as if you are corporate and/or individual counsel engaged by your client to identify the legal issues involved in each fact pattern below. There are no word limits for responses, however in rendering your advice you should endeavor to be accurate and concise (e.g. you will not be awarded extra points for providing additional analysis that is not applicable to the situation at hand). Answers receiving full points will (1) correctly identify all applicable legal issues; (2) summarize the rule(s) applied to each legal issue; and (3) correctly apply the rule to the fact pattern at hand

Question 1 (20 points

Patient is admitted to the hospital with severe headaches.  Patient initially seems to have all his mental faculties, but the nurses notice that while he understands the diagnoses of his symptoms as the nurses communicate them, he has trouble remembering certain facts (such as his wife’s name or the last time IU made the NCAA tournament).  The longer the day goes on he has trouble speaking in coherent sentences when talking to the nursing staff and physicians.

HealthCare Service Delivery &  Law

  1. Will this patient be deemed to have decisional capacity? Discuss what factors will be considered by the physician, and how those appear to cut in this case?
  2. Assume that the patient has become incapacitated and has not executed an advance directive naming a Health Care Representative or Health Care Power of Attorney. Knowing that the patient’s health has been deteriorating throughout the day, the patient’s wife and only sister are at the hospital when the physician recommends that the patient undergo surgery because the benefits of the surgery would outweigh the risks of not having the surgery.  The patient’s sister agrees with the physician’s recommendation, but the wife disagrees because she can’t bear the thought of her husband undergoing surgery.  The physician calls you to ask whether she can perform the surgery.  What do you tell the physician?  What steps do you take to reach that conclusion?
  1. Assume the patient has become incapacitated, has not executed an advance directive naming a Health Care Representative or Health Care Power of Attorney, and the sister tells you that the wife just recently filed for a petition for dissolution of marriage in court. Does this change your answer in (b)?  Why or why not?
  1. Assume the patient has become incapacitated, but has executed an advance directive naming his sister as his Health Care Representative. Does this change your answer in (b)?  Why or why not?

HealthCare Service Delivery &  Law

Question 2 (15 points

Rob Knight, avid Purdue fan living in Indianapolis, hits the bars hard the night after Purdue loses yet another basketball game.  The next morning, he has a raging headache and asks one of his roommates to take him to the nearest hospital emergency room (which happens to be an IU Health facility).  Other than a massive headache, there does not seem to be anything wrong with Rob.

  1. What obligation does the hospital have to Rob Knight under these circumstances?,

While IU Health Hospital properly completes its obligations (as you’ve just described), they discover that Rob has what they believe to be Purdue-Basketball-phobia (fear of rooting for a team that never fulfills expectations).  However, to their relief it is determined that when Rob Knight was out drowning his sorrows, he fell and hit his head (as he is in severe pain).

  1. What additional obligations does this discovery create for the hospital?

Rob is such a huge Purdue fan and so sick about the mounting losses that he can’t stand to be at the IU Health Hospital and demands that he be transferred to another hospital where he will not have to look at IU logos at every turn

  1. Can IU Health Hospital transfer Rob as he requests? What criteria must they consider, and how might those criteria cut in this case?

HealthCare Service Delivery &  Law

Question 3 (15 points)

A medium sized county hospital (Hospital) enters into an arrangement with a local cardiologist (who regularly practices at the hospital) for the provision of call coverage services at the Hospital.  The hospital will pay the cardiologist $500 per day for call coverage, which is fairly standard in the industry for this type of call coverage.  The parties draft a contract which has a term of 1 year.

  1. Do these payments implicate the Stark Law? Why or why not?,
  1. Assume the Stark Law is implicated, what needs to be done to ensure compliance with the Stark Law, and please explain how the current facts help meet compliance, and what additional facts you’d want to be sure of to ensure compliance with the Stark Law?,
  1. Do we have a legal problem under the Anti-kickback statute? ,Why or why not? If you need more information, what do you need to know and why?,

Question 4 (20 Points)

Horizon Health System is embarking on an ambitious plan to expand its services with the establishment of a new hospital.  The Board of Directors at Horizon feels that this was allow the entities to vastly expand the patient populations they serve, however, its administrative team does not have any experience with opening a new facility and has come to you with threshold questions about the regulatory and reimbursement environments that .

  1. Assume that Horizon Health System operates in a state that requires hospital licensure. How can their new hospital ensure continued compliance with licensure laws?
  2. What steps must the hospital take before it can participate in the Medicare program?
  3. Do you recommend that the hospital be accredited by an accreditation organization approved by CMS or wait for a State Agency survey?
  4. What methods of payment will be used for inpatient services provided at the hospital? What about for outpatient hospital services?


February 16, 2025
February 16, 2025

Critical Analysis Research Article

Module 1 Discussion


The purpose of this discussion is to introduce formulas, cell referencing, and data formatting in Excel and calculate decimals and percentages.

Action Items


Critical Analysis Research Article


Initial Post Directions

  1. Find an example of data from your life, work, home, interests, etc., with 10 to 20 data elements.
    Examples could include monthly history from a utility bill, the amount you spend with Amazon or DoorDash, the time you spend in the car/online/at the gym, etc.
  2. Enter the numerical data into column B of an Excel sheet. Use column A to label the data points.
  3. Use Excel formulas =SUM()  and =COUNT() to find the sum of the data set and the number of data items on the list.
  4. Capture a screenshot or image of your spreadsheet data.
  5. Attach your original Excel sheet to the post. This should be the file, not an image.
  6. Write a short paragraph to explain the relevance and source of your data and upload the screenshot as an image.

Module 1: Discussion


Here is the link for the book :


  • Engage in critical analysis of the research article


Initial Post

  1. Review the following sections in Chapter 1 by McMillan & Schumacher (2022)
    • Types of Educational Research
    • Research Article Organization
    • Anatomy of a research Article

Critical Analysis Research Article

  1. Review the Discussion Guidelines. Note that you must post your initial response beforeyou can view your peers’ responses.
  2. Read the sample mixed methods dissertation proposalDownload sample mixed methods dissertation proposalby Ivankova and answer the questions below. Be specific and provide concise answers to each item listed below:
    1. What are the research questions for both qualitative and quantitative part of the study?,
    2. What are the data collection instruments for both qualitative and quantitative part of the study?,
    3. Who are the participants for both qualitative and quantitative part of the study?,
    4. What is the data collection process for both qualitative and quantitative part of the study?,
    5. What is the data collection analysis plan for both qualitative and quantitative part of the study?,
    6. How did the researcher ensure that her research was using 3 Belmont Principles?, See Table 2.2 Belmont Principles and Applications for Researchin Chapter 2, McMillan (2022) textbook.
      • Respect for Persons (informed consent)
      • Beneficence (establishing confidentiality or anonymity of the data collected)
      • Justice (the sample is drawn from the population that is of direct benefit it)

Module 1: 5-4-3-2-1 Reflection

Critical Analysis Research Article


This assignment is intended to help you learn to:

  • Organize and process the information you learned in this module’s readings.
  • Reimagine material for future personal or social benefit.


Considering what you learned this module, you’ll write 5 categories of reflections about the information we covered.

Action Items

Critical Analysis Research Article

  1. Consider what you learned in this unit and write the “5-4-3-2-1” response, outlined below:
    • 5 bullets of what you learned to expect from students in your licensure area.
    • 4 bullets of what you learned about your actions as a teacher in the classroom.
    • 3 bullets of Disconnect, Disagreement or Confusion based on what you read.
    • 2 Questions you have about the material.
    • 1 Personal or Professional Connection you made to the material.


February 16, 2025
February 16, 2025

Healthcare Leadership and Management

This Assessment requires submission of one email of 3–5 paragraphs, a 1- to 2-page infographic, and a memo of 3 paragraphs.

*Please have to be three separate documents. Thanks

To complete this assessment, read the Healthcare Leadership and Management Scenario and complete Parts 1–3 below.


Healthcare Leadership and Management


Healthcare Leadership and Management Scenario
You work on a team of medical assistants at a busy children’s clinic. The absence of a manager who has been out of the office due to personal illness is causing significant stress in the workplace. HR sees the need for a new manager. As the senior member of your team, you have been asked to participate in the process of writing a job description and hiring a new manager.

Part I: Email to Clinic Director

The clinic director has identified a list of responsibilities that he could potentially use within the job description for the manager position, but he wants to gather information from someone who works closely with this department on a regular basis. He asks you to analyze the list of responsibilities and choose 5 that you think are most important. For each of these 5 selected tasks, explain why it is an important responsibility from both a manager and a leader perspective. Draft an email in response to the clinic director’s request that identifies the 5 responsibilities and analyzes each from both perspectives.

Healthcare Leadership and Management

  • Setting a department vision
  • Maintaining a smooth relationship with the physicians
  • Overseeing technology acquisition for the department
  • Being an effective spokesperson for the organization
  • Determining strategies for the future
  • Motivating stakeholders
  • Ensuring patient satisfaction
  • Mentoring new hires
  • Fostering collaboration
  • Assisting with budgeting
  • Aligning team with organizational values
  • Facilitating continuing education for staff
  • Training new employees
  • Connecting people across departments
  • Controlling departmental resources
  • Establishing a department mission

Your email response should be between 3 and 5 paragraphs in length.

Part II: Manager and Leader Responsibility Infographic

In addition to emailing the clinic director regarding the importance of responsibilities from both a leader and manager perspective you have also been asked to communicate these important responsibilities to the employees in your department., You decide to create an infographic that explains the responsibilities from both a leader and manager perspective highlighting the fact that, while not everyone is in a management position everyone on the team can be a leader in some way.

Healthcare Leadership and Management

Your infographic should be 1–2 pages in length and should include at least one APA-formatted resource that supports your explanation of responsibilities. Although not required, you can use this website to help you create an infographic. https://www.easel.ly/

Part III: Response Memo on Evaluation of Candidates

The hiring committee has narrowed their search to three candidates from within your current team: Erica, Kendra, and Arlo. You work with each of these candidates on a daily basis, so the hiring committee asks for your evaluation of the candidates and a recommendation for the manager position. Evaluate the three candidates (Erica, Kendra, and Arlo) based on the responsibilities that you feel are most important and the candidate information provided. Write a memo to the clinical director, who is part of the hiring committee, that includes the following:

  • Make a recommendation for one candidate who best displays both manager and leader characteristics., Reference at least 2 responsibilities that were analyzed within your email to the clinical director in Part 1.,
  • Reference at least 1 appropriate scholarly resource in APA format that supports your recommendation.,

(Recommended length: 3 paragraphs)


February 15, 2025
February 15, 2025

Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner

The purpose of this assignment is to gain insight into the roles and responsibilities of the Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner. (WHNP). This assignment will help you to reflect and learn from the experiences of your colleagues. Hopefully, it will allow you to envision your future as a WHNP  that fulfills your long-term professional nursing goals. This assignment meets these course objectives:


Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner


  • Identify the legal and ethical scope of practice while incorporating current health policies and evidenced based practice for the Advanced Practice Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner,
  • Describe lifelong learning and mentoring for the nurse practitioner,

Conduct a brief interview with a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner  or Family Nurse Practitioner who specializes in OB/GYN to gain insight into the topics outlined below. Here are some sample questions to ask: ,

  1. Describe their role(s) as a Nurse Practitioner,
  2. How do they advocate for lifelong learning,
  3. Are they involved in nursing organizations,
  4. Do they hold leadership positions in the profession/community,

Write a 5 page critique (not including cover page or reference page) of this meeting using APA format for any cited resources and create a document that covers all the below content:

  • Introduction
  • Comprehensive overview of the interview with the nurse practitioner
  • Describe the role(s) that you observed: provider, advocate, consultant, educator, administrator, researcher
  • Describe how you would see yourself in the role(s) observed
  • Identify the NP role(s) that could be implemented in the setting that you observed
  • Describe the organizations content for billing and how it relates to the practice of a NP
  • Utilize Dr. Jean Watson’s theory of human caring science in how you would consult and counsel patients. Give an example of counseling or consultation that you may have observed the NP use in the clinical site
  • Discuss how they handle ethical decision making as a NP
  • Describe the observed NPs involvement in their profession/community. Do they hold leadership positions?
  • Discuss how they advocate for lifelong learning
  • Articulate a plan for your lifelong learning as a WHNP
  • Develop a Personal Philosophy that you will use as a WHNP
  • Conclusion

I met with a women’s health nurse practitioner who is a member of AANP.u This should be written based off the duties of an WHNP

February 15, 2025
February 15, 2025

Project Team Members

provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. As a project manager, what are your strengths and opportunities for improvement?
  2. What do you think most likely happened next?,
  1. What could Eddie do next if Gary refused to sign the documents,
  1. Considering the complexities of stakeholder conflicts, what alternative approaches could Eddie explore to address the challenges in prioritizing and scheduling activities within the engineering research laboratory?,
  1. In light of the ongoing conflicts and Gary’s reluctance to intervene, what long-term strategies could Eddie implement to foster a culture of collaboration and stakeholder respect within the organizational structure ensuring smoother project management in the future?,
  1. How can Eddie proactively mitigate resistance from department managers and build alliances with key stakeholders to ensure a more cooperative approach in aligning priorities and schedules within the new facility?,


Project Team Members


  • Addresses each of the 5 components outlined above.
  • Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. A minimum of 3 – 5 sources (excluding the course textbook) from scholarly articles or business periodicals is required.
  • Include your best critical thinking and analysis to arrive at your justification.



Conflicts can occur anywhere in the project and with anyone. Some conflicts are severe while others are easily solvable. In the past, project managers avoided conflicts when possible. Today, we believe that conflicts can produce beneficial results if the conflicts are managed correctly.

Project Team Members

There are numerous methods available to project managers for the resolution of conflicts. The methods selected may vary depending on the severity of the conflict, the person with whom the conflict exists and his/her level of authority, the life‐cycle phase of the project, the priority of the project, and the relative importance of the project as seen by senior management.

Facilities Scheduling at Mayer Manufacturing

Eddie Turner was elated with the good news that he was being promoted to section supervisor in charge of scheduling all activities in the new engineering research laboratory. The new laboratory was a necessity for Mayer Manufacturing. The engineering, manufacturing, and quality control directorates were all in desperate need of a new testing facility. Upper‐level management felt that this new facility would alleviate many of the problems that previously existed.

Project Team Members

The new organizational structure (as shown in Figure I) required a change in policy over use of the laboratory. The new section supervisor, on approval from his department manager, would have full authority for establishing priorities for the use of the new facility. The new policy change was a necessity because upper‐level management felt that there would be inevitable conflict among manufacturing, engineering, and quality control.

After one month of operations, Eddie Turner was finding his job impossible, so he has a meeting with Gary Whitehead, his department manager.

Eddie: “I’m having a hell of a time trying to satisfy all of the department managers. If I give engineering prime‐time use of the facility, then quality control and manufacturing say that I’m playing favorites. Imagine that! Even my own people say that I’m playing favorites with other directorates. I just can’t satisfy everyone.”


Mayer Manufacturing organizational structure

Gary: “Well, Eddie, you know that this problem comes with the job. You’ll get the job done.”

Eddie: “The problem is that I’m a section supervisor and have to work with department managers. These department managers look down on me like I’m their servant. If I were a department manager, then they’d show me some respect. What I’m really trying to say is that I would like you to send out the weekly memos to these department managers telling them of the new priorities. They wouldn’t argue with you like they do with me. I can supply you with all the necessary information. All you’ll have to do is to sign your name.”

Gary: “Determining the priorities and scheduling the facilities is your job, not mine. This is a new position and I want you to handle it. I know you can because I selected you. I do not intend to interfere.”

During the next two weeks, the conflicts got progressively worse. Eddie felt that he was unable to cope with the situation by himself. The department managers did not respect the authority delegated to him by his superiors. For the next two weeks, Eddie sent memos to Gary in the early part of the week asking whether Gary agreed with the priority list. There was no response to the two memos. Eddie then met with Gary to discuss the deteriorating situation.

Project Team Members

Eddie: “Gary, I’ve sent you two memos to see if I’m doing anything wrong in establishing the weekly priorities and schedules. Did you get my memos?”

Gary: “Yes, I received your memos. But as I told you before, I have enough problems to worry about without doing your job for you. If you can’t handle the work, let me know and I’ll find someone who can.”

Eddie returned to his desk and contemplated his situation. Finally, he made a decision. Next week he was going to put a signature block under his for Gary to sign, with carbon copies for all division managers. “Now let’s see what happens,” Eddie said.




February 15, 2025
February 15, 2025

Contingency Plan

Module 6: A Case for Back-up & Recovery

For this assignment, you will need to review the Case Study presented and outline a contingency plan that addresses possible security threats and breaches, provides a strategy to minimize the disruption to hospital operations while protecting patient information.


Contingency Plan


Expand AllPanels Collapse AllPanels

Case Study

DeVry Hospital, a 200-bed acute-care facility, has been encountering security incidents involving a ransomware attack, in addition to a major breach of patient records. The Chief Privacy & Security Officer is requesting a contingency plan that will minimize the potential for security threats and provide for continuity of the necessary hospital operations to care for patients.

Contingency Plan

Action Plan

As a member of the security team, you have been asked to outline a contingency plan to counteract the identified ransomware attacks, data breaches and prepare the hospital for natural disasters and potential system failures. You plan should include clear procedures for mitigating the security breaches.

Steps you will complete the following as part of your proposed contingency plan:

  1. Provide a risk assessment that identifies and prioritizes potential security threats.,
  2. Propose possible strategies to prevent security incidents. This should involve system updates possible employee training that may be needed and security protocols.,
  3. Outline a procedure for regular data backups with a clear data recovery plan in case of a system crash.,
  4. Recommend a process for completing a post-incident review to ensure a thorough investigation is completed to identify any potential gaps in the existing contingency plan.

Your deliverable method can be either in the form of a half-page to full page proposal or PowerPoint slides that outline each of the strategies you are proposing with an action plan for implementing them. For PowerPoint slides, the slides should outline your key points/recommendations and utilize the Notes section under your slides to provide complete sentences for your report as if you were presenting to a board for approval to implement.

Note: If you utilize your textbook or any references to support your recommendations, provide a reference list.

This assignment utilizes TurnItIn, which reviews citations, plagiarism, and artificial intelligence (AI) usage.


Select the Start Assignment button to begin.

Once you have uploaded your file, select Submit Assignment.


Contingency Plan


M6 A Case for Back-up & Recovery


February 15, 2025
February 15, 2025

Critical Thinking & Application Prompts

Each week, you will be presented with a series of critical thinking and application prompts.

You will be directed to the applicable set of prompts by clicking the “Take the Quiz” button below.  Prior to starting this assignment, be sure you have carefully reviewed all of the content referenced on the Learning Materials page (and any other pages associated with the module).


Critical Thinking & Application Prompts


Each prompt is generally worthy of at least 250 words (2 – 3 well-written paragraphs) in response.  Be sure to connect with (and informally cite in-text) the applicable readings / videos from the module’s learning materials.

Critical Thinking & Application Prompts

A note on in-text citing and connecting with the learning materials:  As a graduate student in a Master of Science degree program it’s very important that you offer perspectives and arguments that are grounded in theory and the scientific literature – NOT personal opinion or anecdotal evidence. ,I don’t want a works-cited page but I do want you to clearly cite your sources in-text for the various connections you’ll be making between the learning materials and your application thereof.,  For example one might write “While I marveled at the uncanny ability of the psychic to tap into my true personality the Barnum Effect (Aronson Chapter 2) could have well explained my feelings…” , Be sure to use these informal in-text citations to make your arguments and support your perspectives.

Critical Thinking & Application Prompts

ProTip:  You may want to copy the essay questions into a Word doc (or similar), and compose your responses to the worksheet prompts offline.  Then you can return to the quiz submission page to “copy and paste” your previously composed responses into the text box associated with each of the prompts.  Once you have done that, you can click the “Submit the Quiz” button near the bottom of the screen in order to submit your essay questions for grading.  The Critical Thinking & Application essay-based quizzes are set to “single attempt” which means you cannot return to the quiz page to make revisions – so please keep that in mind and only “submit” your quiz when you are satisfied with your work!