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October 2, 2024
October 2, 2024

Race Analysis Vs Coaches’


Pick a sports team—it can be a professional team or a college team—and take a look at the racial demographics of the athletes, coaches, and owners. Summarize your findings from the table, then answer the questions below. Make sure you tie your answers to the course and course content.


Race Analysis Vs Coaches


Critically analyze the racial/ethnic demographics of sports teams.

Apply course concepts and ideas in a real-world context.

Fill out the Table

After selecting your team, navigate to their website and note the race of the players. Do this to the best of your ability based on the pictures on the website. Use your best guest. Race Analysis Vs Coaches

Provide the total for each row and column. Tally the number and calculate the percentage for each group (put percentages in parentheses as modeled in the table).

you select a college team, there won’t be an owner so put N/A or leave these cells blank.

You can edit the table slightly as-needed by adding or deleted categories—keep this within reason to preserve the goals of the assignment.

What team did you pick? _____________________

What’s the sport? _____________________

Table 1. Racial/Ethnic Demographics of Sports Teams


Black or African AmericanRace Analysis Vs Coaches

Asian or Pacific Islander

American Indian or Alaska Native

Hispanic or Latinx


# (%)

# (%)

# (%)

# (%)

# (%)

# (%)





In the space provided, summarize the table above.

For the next few questions, use the Messner (2000) article and “Episode 51: Racialized Organizations Politics(and Sports) with Victor Ray” of The End of Sport Podcast as support for your answers. Race Analysis Vs Coaches,

Thinking about the interpersonal level of social interaction (micro) explain your findings in the table. ,Do your findings make sense in the context of what we’ve been learning in class?, To support your answer use terminology, resources and readings from the course. ,

Thinking about the cultural level of social interaction (meso) explain your findings in the table. ,Do your findings make sense in the context of what we’ve been learning in class?, To support your answer use terminology, resources and readings from the course. ,

Thinking about the structural level of social interaction (macro)explain your findings in the table. ,Do your findings make sense in the context of what we’ve been learning in class?, To support your answer use terminology resources and readings from the course.

Explain whether and how the sport and team you chose is an example of a racialized organization.

What surprised you the most in completing this assignment?

October 1, 2024
October 1, 2024

Critical Thinking Assignment

Part A

For this week’s discussion board we will focus on the skill of analysis. First, in your own words, explain why analysis is the most basic or fundamental skill of strategic thinking. Then, find a work of art online and save it to your post either as an attachment or by pasting it directly into your post.


Critical Thinking Assignment 

Let me know if you do not know how to do this. Next I want you to do a component analysis, an outline analysis, and a focal plane analysis of the artwork. I also want you to explain what you think the artwork is about (what is it trying to say) or what is important about it using your focal plane analysis. Here are some instructions on how to do this, or see my post for an example. Analysis-With-Art-revised-January2018.pdf Critical Thinking Assignment



Part B

Practical Exercise 1


Analysis is the most basic skill of strategic thinking and one that we use all the time without even realizing it. For this assignment you will apply the skill by analyzing a short news article or news editorial.

The Assignment

Do #3 from exercise 4.3 on page 62 of your textbook. (I don’t have the textbooks, so find whatever you can find on this topic.Critical Thinking Assignment

Perform a focal plane analysis to the article answering the following questions (in addition to the questions from exercise 4.3):,

How is the conclusion of the piece supported with sufficient arguments or factual evidence?,

Use concrete examples from the article (quotes) to evaluate its quality.,

What are the implications of the ideas of the author?,

Reflect on what could be the consequences of the ideas presented by the author. ,Evaluate the author’s perspective using sufficient supporting evidence. (what are the consequences if the author is correct in their statements?),

What do you think are the author’s influences?,

Reflect on what lines of thought, contexts, or assumptions can influence the ideas presented in the editorial. (how objective or biased is the author and why?

Finally, include your opinion on the topic

Consider the complexity of the issue and present your own arguments in support or contrast of the position of the author of the article. Reflect on what lines of thought, contexts, or assumptions can influence your own ideas.Critical Thinking Assignment

For your news story (or, if you prefer, news editorial), you may use online news sources such as CNN.com, MSNBC.com or similar sites. Make sure you include the link to the story you use for this assignment so that I might see it too. Write your answers to the above as a short informal essay, apx. ¾ page in length, no less than 200 words using a size 12 font and double spacing. This assignment does not have to be in MLA format.

This assignment must be completed by the end of this week/module. See the module expectations for the due date.

Grading Criteria

See the attached rubric for more detailed grading criteria.


Textbook: Becoming a Strategic Thinker: Developing Skills for Success by W. James Potter.

The following news sites may be of use in this exercise:

CNN: https://www.cnn.com/ (link opens in new window)

CBS News: https://www.cbsnews.com/ (link opens in new window)

Fox News: https://www.foxnews.com/ (link opens in new window)

ABC News: https://abcnews.go.com/ (link opens in new window)

NBC News: https://www.nbcnews.com/ (link opens in new window)

WRAL News: https://www.wral.com/ (link opens in new window)

ABC 11 News: https://abc11.com/ (link opens in new window)

Fayetteville Observer: https://www.fayobserver.com/

To Submit

1. Click on the title of this assignment.

2. New window will open. Scroll down to bottom of screen to the Assignment Submission area.

3. Click on the Browse My Computer button and browse to the location you have saved your work.  Select the appropriate file and click on the Open button.

4. Click on the “I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database” block.

5.  Click on the Submit button at the bottom of page.

Your work has now been submitted.

Papers that are determined to be clear examples of plagiarism (to include use of AI) will receive a score of zero, (an ‘F’) and cannot be made up.  Repeat offenses will result in

possible administrative or disciplinary action.





October 1, 2024
October 1, 2024
  1. Health History Assignment

Before any nursing plan of care or intervention can be implemented or evaluated, the nurse assesses the individual through the collection of both subjective and objective data. The data collected are used to determine areas of need or problems to be addressed by the nursing care plan. This assignment will focus on collecting subjective assessment data, synthesizing the data, and on identifying health/wellness priorities based on the findings. The purpose of the assignment is two-fold:


Health History Assignment

To recognize the interrelationships of subjective data (physiological, psychosocial, cultural/spiritual, and developmental) affecting health and wellness.

To reflect on the interactive process between self and client when conducting a health assessment.Health History Assignment,

Course Outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:,

CO 1: Explain expected client behaviors while differentiating between normal findings variations and abnormalities. (PO 1),

CO 2: Utilize prior knowledge of theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines to integrate clinical judgment in professional decision-making and implementation of nursing process while obtaining a physical assessment. (POs 4 & 8)Health History Assignment,

CO 3: Recognize the influence that developmental stages have on physical psychosocial cultural and spiritual functioning. (PO 1),

CO 4: Utilize effective communication when performing a health assessment. (PO 3),

CO 5: Demonstrate beginning skill in performing a complete physical examination, using the techniques of inspection palpation, percussion and auscultation. (PO 2),

CO 6: Identify teaching/learning needs from the health history of an individual. (POs 2 & 5),

CO 7: Explore the professional responsibility involved in conducting a comprehensive health assessment and providing appropriate documentation. (POs 6 & 7)

Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.

Total points possible: 100 points

Preparing the assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.

Complete a health assessment/history on an individual of your choice who is 18 years of age or older and NOT a family member or close friend.

The purpose of this restriction is to avoid any tendency to anticipate answers or to influence how the questions are answered. Your goal in choosing an interviewee is to simulate the interaction between you and an individual for whom you would provide care.

Inform the individual that information obtained will be kept confidential and do not use identifying information within the assignment.

Include the following sections when completing the assignment.

Health History Assessment (70 points/70%)

Demographics Health History Assignment

Perception of Health

Past Medical History

Family Medical History

Review of Systems

Developmental Considerations- use Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development- which stage is your participant at and give examples of if they have met or not met the milestones for that stage.

Cultural Considerations- definition, cultural traditions, cultural viewpoints on healing/healers, traditional and complementary medicine, these are examples but please add more

Psychosocial Considerations- support systems-family, religious, occupational, community these are examples but please add more

Collaborative Resources to Improve Health- give examples of resources available to improve the health of the participant such as community, nutritional recommendations, healthcare, spiritual, etc.

Reflection (20 points/20%)

Reflection is used to intentionally examine our thought processes, actions, and behaviors in order to evaluate outcomes. Provide a written reflection that describes your experience with conducting this Health History.

Reflect on your interaction with the interviewee holistically.

Describes the interaction in its entirety: include the environment, your approach to the individual, time of day, and other features relevant to therapeutic communication and to the interview process.

How did your interaction compare to what you have learned?

What barriers to communication did you experience?

How did you overcome them?

What will you do to overcome them in the future?

What went well with this assignment?

Were there unanticipated challenges during this assignment?

Was there information you wished you had available but did not?

How will you alter your approach next time?

Style and Organization (10 Points/10%)

Your writing should reflect your synthesis of ideas based on prior knowledge, newly acquired information, and appropriate writing skills. Scoring of your work in written communication is based on proper use of grammar, spelling, APA, and how clearly you express your thoughts and reasoning in your writing.

Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.

Verbalizes thoughts and reasoning clearly.

Uses appropriate resources and ideas to support topic with APA where applicable.

For writing assistance, visit the Writing Center.

Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned in the review module.

October 1, 2024
October 1, 2024

Child Nutrition and Development

Read Week 5 assigned readings

Explore linked resources, including Ellyn Satter’s approach

Work on NC DCDEE WORKSLinks to an external site. certificates.

Child Nutrition and Development


PART 1: Update us on your Mini-Projects #1 and #2

Provide another brief update on any further progress on your Mini-Projects #1  Make up your topic, and get it from the links below. Read the links included.

Write 2-3 bullet points or sentences about (A) what you have done, and (B) your next steps, if any

Attach some evidence of your progress (ex. draft, notes, outline, photo, drawing, etc.) to show your classmates

OPTIONAL: Let your classmates know what kind of feedback would be helpful to you (Ex. ideas, editing, etc.)Child Nutrition and Development

Links to books below

From Health, Safety, & Nutrition textbook [LINK]

From Section III: Health

Ch. 7: Promoting Good Health & Wellness

From Section IV: Nutrition

Ch. 12: Basic Nutrition for Children

Ch. 14: Providing Good Nutrition

Ch. 15: Menu Planning & Food Safety

From NC Foundations [LINK]

Health & Physical Development (p. 80-86)

^Goals: HPD 1-8

PART 2: Ellyn Satter’s approach

Review the 3 Ellyn Satter documents linked in Module 5 (English + Spanish versions available).,

Identify some possible “pros” and “cons” in Ellyn Satter’s approach.,

Incorporate your personal and/or professional experience to support your claims.,

Reference the following in your response (include source title author or link):,

information from at least ONE of the Paris textbook chapters assigned this week,

at least ONE developmental indicator from Goal HPD-1: Children develop healthy eating habits. (see p. 70 of NC Foundations) Child Nutrition and Development,

at least ONE developmental indicator from Goal HPD-2: Children engage in active physical play indoors and outdoors. (see p. 71 of NC Foundations)

at least TWO strategies from the Physical Health & Growth subdomain (see p. 73- 74 of NC Foundations)

PART 3: Start planning your Mini-Project #3 (on nutrition)

Pick a nutrition-related topic to focus on for your Mini-Project #3.  Think of how you could share this mini-project with others and/or implement it in your own early childhood contexts.

Choose ONE of the following formats for your Mini-Project #3:

Create a lesson, activity plan, or instructional materials for young children.

Write a 1–2-page informational packet or letter for families.

Compile a set of professional development materials for staff/co-workers.

OR propose another format of your choice (message Kelly in Canvas first)

Draft a brief description for your Mini-Project #3 plans using this outline:

My Mini-Project #3 will focus on: ____

I picked this subtopic/strategy because: ____

My project format will be: ____

My project could be useful for: ____

Two resources* I will use for my project content are: ____

*Possible resources include anything from our course materials, such as textbook chapters, websites, charts, videos, etc.  Can include Foundations as one of your resources.

Post your Mini-Project #3 description outline.

OPTIONAL: You can also attach a sketch or

other visual, if relevant to your project idea.


October 1, 2024
October 1, 2024


Taking a Health History

Recall some of your most challenging patients for gathering a health history. If you include a crying young child with a distracted parent, a moody adolescent, or an older adult with perhaps something to hide—or maybe all three—get ready to revisit those patients for this Assessment.

Taking a Health History 


The setting is Neighborhood Clinic, a fictional community health center. The avatar clinic director, Asha Gill, will introduce and conclude each scenario. You will engage with the following avatar patients:

Archie, age 7, and Gabriel Moore, his father, who are making a first visit to the clinic because a very miserable Archie is sick

Jasmine Walker, age 14, at the clinic for a high school physical but without her mother, who has previously accompanied her to appointments

Colleen Hart, age 76, whose stepson may join the appointment, much to her resistance

Each scenario presents a distinct situation for the professional nurse and involves applying emotional intelligence and knowledge of health history information to gather for each patient.

To prepare:

Access the Health History Challenges template document and review the requirements of this Assessment.,

View the video of each scenario as many times as you need., You are encouraged to take notes for details to support your analysis of each scenario., Keep these questions in mind as you view and analyze each scenario:

What health history information is needed?,

What questions would you ask to obtain it?,

How would you demonstrate emotional intelligence to win trust?,

What may be presenting as a specific problem or need?,

Compete the Assessment based on the interactive media, other Learning Resources, and any additional resources you identify.

To complete the Competency Assessment:

Use the Health History Challenges template document to record your responses for each scenario. Your submitted document should be 4–5 pages plus a reference page. You should address the following:

Click each of the items below for more information on this Assessment.

Scenario 1: Health History for a Young Child

Archie, age 7, and his father, Gabriel MooreTaking a Health History

Analyze Scenario 1 for the specific challenges presented in gathering a patient health history of a young child.

What communication skills does a nurse need in this situation with a parent and young child? Include specific examples based on emotional intelligence.

Explain your specific goals with this parent and child in terms of obtaining a health history.

What information would be a priority to obtain for a health history of this child, and why?

Thinking about the situation in the examining room at the end of Scenario 1, what would be your next steps to get the information you need to make a health assessment of this child? Explain your reasoning.

Scenario 2: Health History for an Adolescent

Jasmine Walker, age 14

Analyze Scenario 2 for the specific challenges presented in gathering a patient health history.

What communication skills does a nurse need in this situation with an adolescent? Include specific examples based on emotional intelligence.

Explain your specific goals with this adolescent in terms of obtaining a health history.

What information would be a priority to obtain, and why?

Thinking about the situation in the examining room at the end of Scenario 2, what would be your next steps to get the information you need to make a health assessment of this adolescent? Explain your reasoning.Taking a Health History

Scenario 3: Health History for an Older Adult

Colleen Hart, age 76

Analyze Scenario 3 for the specific challenges presented in gathering a patient health history.

What communication skills does a nurse need in this situation with an older adult? Include specific examples based on emotional intelligence.

Explain your specific goals with this older adult in terms of obtaining a health history.

What information would be a priority to obtain, and why?

What information would be a priority to obtain from the adult stepson if he joined the appointment, and why?Taking a Health History

Thinking about the situation in the examining room at the end of Scenario 3, what would be your next steps to get the information you need to make a health assessment of thi

s older adult? Explain your reasoning.

October 1, 2024
October 1, 2024

Training Note and Reflection’

Complete Modules 1-3 of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association’s MSUD: Medications for Substance and Opioid Use Disorders.


  1. Training Note and Reflection

Copy and paste: https://e-learning.apna.org/products/msud-medications-for-substance-and-opioid-use-disorders-2023,

Then submit a progress note and answer reflection questions based on the information presented in Modules 1-3 of the MSUD training.,

Reflection questions:

What are your nursing experiences with persons with substance use disorder (SUD)?,

Discuss the universal screening tools for Substance Use disorder? (Module 2),

What is the DSM-5 criteria for diagnosing Substance Use Disorder (SUD)? (Module 3),

The case scenario presented in Module 3 describes a 23 year old female with chronic low back pain who uses opioids., Are medications for Opioid Use Disorder indicated for this patient? Explain why.,

Did completing this training change how you will screen for SUD and treat clients who suffer from SUD? Why or why not?

Psychiatric Note Format

Demographic data: Do not include identifying information. Must be HIPAA compliant.

Chief complaint:

History of present illness:

Current working diagnoses:

Current psychiatric medications:

Non-psychiatric medications:


Review of Systems: As appropriate, listed by body systems in bullet form

Mental Status Exam:

Physical Exam: Physical exams should be appropriate for the patient and your clinical setting. For example: a telehealth follow up for MDD versus an inpatient psychiatric unit for acute psychosis will have different physical exams.

VS: If obtained

Results: If applicable and results obtained



Impression: Narrative discussion of current status and symptoms, how the patient is tolerating the current treatment and any progress toward goals. Also discuss any change in diagnoses or changes to the plan and the reason why. Always discuss the safety evaluation and current safety plan.


Medication orders

Psychotherapy orders to begin or continue

Safety orders

Non-pharmacologic orders – labs, psychoeducation, referrals

Follow up

Signature: Current credentials, PMHNP student

Training Note and Reflection

Complete Modules 1-3 of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association’s MSUD: Medications for Substance and Opioid Use Disorders.

Copy and paste: https://e-learning.apna.org/products/msud-medications-for-substance-and-opioid-use-disorders-2023

Then submit a progress note and answer reflection questions based on the information presented in Modules 1-3 of the MSUD training.

Reflection questions:

What are your nursing experiences with persons with substance use disorder (SUD)?

Discuss the universal screening tools for Substance Use disorder? (Module 2)

What is the DSM-5 criteria for diagnosing Substance Use Disorder (SUD)? (Module 3)

The case scenario presented in Module 3 describes a 23 year old female with chronic low back pain who uses opioids. Are medications for Opioid Use Disorder indicated for this patient? Explain why.

Did completing this training change how you will screen for SUD and treat clients who suffer from SUD? Why or why not?

Psychiatric Note Format

Demographic data: Do not include identifying information. Must be HIPAA compliant.

Chief complaint:

History of present illness:

Current working diagnoses:

Current psychiatric medications:

Non-psychiatric medications:


Review of Systems: As appropriate, listed by body systems in bullet form

Mental Status Exam:

Physical Exam: Physical exams should be appropriate for the patient and your clinical setting. For example: a telehealth follow up for MDD versus an inpatient psychiatric unit for acute psychosis will have different physical exams.

VS: If obtained

Results: If applicable and results obtained



Impression: Narrative discussion of current status and symptoms, how the patient is tolerating the current treatment and any progress toward goals. Also discuss any change in diagnoses or changes to the plan and the reason why. Always discuss the safety evaluation and current safety plan.


Medication orders

Psychotherapy orders to begin or continue

Safety orders

Non-pharmacologic orders – labs, psychoeducation, referrals

Follow up

Signature: Current credentials, PMHNP student

October 1, 2024
October 1, 2024

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize students with the epidemiology process as a method by which to address healthcare disparities. , For this assignment, students will select a communicable disease identified as an area of concern for his/her geographic region based on results from the Windshield Survey Assignment. ,

Epidemiology Process


Once identified the student will address the disease’s natural life history, the program’s incidence and prevalence risk factors prevention strategies nursing interventions, and resource allocation. , Students will then overlay findings with race/ethnicity gender and/or socioeconomic status to highlight existing disparities.  ,This is not a formal assignment requiring APA formatting.  ,However, citations of sources are needed. Students should complete this project using a grid or spreadsheet and at least two meaningful graphic representations of the data.

Grading Rubric for Health Care Disparities/Epidemiology Assignment

Identify disease and natural life history Epidemiology Process

10 points

Risk factors for occurrence

10 points

Local, state, and national resource allocation for prevention of disease

20 points

Incidence & prevalence of the problem at the local, state, and national levels reported as ***/100,000

20 points

Morbidity/Mortality rates at local, state, and national levels as available

20 points

Availability of primary, secondary, & tertiary care for disease

20 points

Identification of disparate disease burden based on race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status Epidemiology Process

20 points

Graphic representation of data/findings (must have at least two)

20 points

List of References

10 points

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize students with the epidemiology process as a method by which to address healthcare disparities.  For this assignment, students will select a communicable disease identified as an area of concern for his/her geographic region based on results from the Windshield Survey Assignment.  Once identified, the student will address the disease’s natural life history, the program’s incidence and prevalence, risk factors, prevention strategies, nursing interventions, and resource allocation.  Students will then overlay findings with race/ethnicity, gender, and/or socioeconomic status to highlight existing disparities.  This is not a formal assignment requiring APA formatting.  However, citations of sources are needed. Students should complete this project using a grid or spreadsheet and at least two meaningful graphic representations of the data.

Grading Rubric for Health Care Disparities/Epidemiology Assignment

Identify disease and natural life history

10 points

Risk factors for occurrence

10 points

Local, state, and national resource allocation for prevention of disease

20 points

Incidence & prevalence of the problem at the local, state, and national levels reported as ***/100,000

20 points

Morbidity/Mortality rates at local, state, and national levels as available

20 points

Availability of primary, secondary, & tertiary care for disease

20 points

Identification of disparate disease burden based on race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status

20 points

Graphic representation of data/findings (must have at least two)

20 points

List of References

10 points

October 1, 2024
October 1, 2024

Lesson Plan Assignment

Lesson planning is a key aspect of effective instruction. Lesson planning ranges from long-term planning (such as yearly or unit planning) to short-term planning (such as weekly or daily planning). For this assignment, you will write a daily lesson plan for one grade level/subject.


Lesson Plan Assignment

  • If you are pursuing the MAT: Elementary Education you may focus your lesson on any grade level (K-5) and any one of the four core subject areas (English Math Science Social Studies).,
  • If you are pursuing the MAT: Middle Grades Education you may write the plan for any grade level (6-8) and you must write it in the subject area for which you are seeking endorsement.,
  • If you are pursuing the MAT: Secondary Education you may write the plan for any grade level (9-12) and you must write it in the subject area for which you are seeking endorsement.,


When you are ready to write your Lesson Plan, use the provided Lesson Plan Template. The following details the information needed in each section of the template. Lesson Plan Examples have also been provided for your reference.

Preliminary Information

Candidate Name: Your name

Grade Level: Grade level for the lesson

Candidate’s Endorsement: Your endorsement area

Central Focus: A description of the important understandings and core concepts you want students to develop within the learning segment. The central focus should go beyond a list of facts and skills, align with content standards and learning objectives, and address the subject-specific components in the learning segment. An overarching, big idea for student learning in the subject area (e.g., equivalent fractions, persuasive writing).

Subject: Subject area for the lesson

Learning Segment Theme: A learning segment is a set of 3–5 lessons that build one upon another toward a central focus, with a clearly defined beginning and end. You need to list the specific skill you are teaching that falls under the central focus. This should be specific for this plan (e.g., Central Focus: retelling/ Learning Segment: summarizing a story).

Where in the learning segment does this lesson occur? Choose where this lesson falls in the learning segment (beginning, middle, or end).

Lesson Structure of Grouping: Choose which type of grouping you will use for this lesson (whole class, small group, other).

Student Assets

Complete this section if you are in a practicum setting. If you are not in a practicum setting, please list N/A.

Personal: Refers to specific background information students bring to the learning environment. Students may bring interests, knowledge, everyday experiences, family backgrounds, and so on, which a teacher can draw upon to support learning. Provide specifics about the students in your classroom.

Cultural: Refers to the cultural backgrounds and practices that students bring to the learning environment, such as traditions, languages and dialects, worldviews, literature, art, and so on, that a teacher can draw upon to support learning. Provide specifics about the students in your classroom.

Community: Refers to common backgrounds and experiences that students bring from the community where they live, such as resources, local landmarks, community events and practices, and so on, that a teacher can draw upon to support learning. Provide specifics about the students in your classroom.

Developmental: Refers to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional needs students display that can impact the classroom environment. Provide specifics about the students in your classroom.

Content Standards

  • State Standard(s): Choose and write the specific state standard that your lesson is based on, including the number, letter, and description. Links to the Virginia Standards of Learning and Common Core Standards have been provided with this assignment. Only Virginia Standards of Learning or Common Core Standards may be used for this assignment.

An example of a correctly written state standard is: VA English SOL 2.7 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts (f) identify the problem and solution.

National Standard(s): Choose and write the specific national standard that your lesson is based on, including the number, letter, and description. Links to the National Standards approved for you to use have been provided with this assignment.

An example of a correctly written national standard is: D2.His.1.9-12. Evaluate how historical events and developments were shaped by unique circumstances of time and place as well as broader historical contexts.

InTASC Standard(s): Choose and write the specific InTASC standard that your lesson is based on, including the number, letter, and description. A link to the InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards has been provided with this assignment. Write a sentence to show how the InTASC standard(s) applies to your specific lesson.

An example of a correctly written InTASC standard is: Standard #4: Content Knowledge. The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.

Learning Objective(s)

Objective: Write an objective based on your chosen state standard. The objective should be succinct and contain a clear Condition, Performance, and Criterion. Here is an objective example with each part numbered ([1] Condition, [2] Performance, [3] Criterion): [1] After reading three fictional short stories, [2] the student will correctly identify each story’s main conflict and resolution from a list of choices [3] with 4/6 identified correctly.


Launch/Hook/Anticipatory Set: Describe how you will open the lesson. This should capture students’ attention and narrow their focus for the instruction ahead. Ideas for this include telling an interesting story, asking a thought-provoking question, sharing a fun fact, singing a song, or anything else that will meaningfully connect to the instruction.

Instruction/Modeling: This will be one of the most detailed parts of the lesson. Explain very clearly how you will teach the skill/content of the chosen state standard and the objective. To do this, provide a step-by-step description of what you will do (as the teacher) and what students will do. You are encouraged to use numbers or bullet points.

Guided Practice: Describe how students will practice the skill/content taught during Direct Instruction/Modeling. This includes teacher monitoring, support, and feedback. Guided practice is intended to help students form their learning in a meaningful way, enhancing their understanding and/or accuracy of the skill/content. Guided Practice can also be known as “Supervised Practice”.

Independent Practice: Describe how students will continue practicing the skill/content taught during Direct Instruction/Modeling. This includes less teacher support than Guided practice. Instead, this practice gives students a chance to develop fluency and/or accuracy with the skill/content. This may include an opportunity for the application of the skill/content. Independent Practice can also be known as “Extended Practice”.

Closure: Describe how you will close the lesson. This should tie the lesson together in a meaningful way.

Evidence and Assessment of Student Learning

Diagnostic/Pre-assessment(s): Diagnostic or pre-assessments may be done at the beginning of a lesson or completed prior to the lesson being taught (pre-test, checklist, diagnostic testing). Describe how you will assess prior learning before the lesson.

Formative Assessments/Feedback to Learners: Formative assessments often take place during the lesson and should provide feedback to learners. Often, formative assessments take place during your Guided and Independent Practice. Describe how you will assess student learning during the lesson. Lesson Plan Assignment

Summative Assessment: Summative assessment is the evaluation of the Objective. Describe how you will assess student learning after the instruction has occurred. This could be in the form of a quiz, test, set of questions, recitation, project, or something else; be certain that this relates directly to the Objective. Note that there may be formative assessments embedded within the instruction areas as students are forming their learning, but the Summative Assessment is the final assessment and links back to the Objective.

Academic Language Demands

Important Note: Detailed information about these areas is found in the edTPA Handbook. Please consult this for important information about each area.

Language Demands: Describe how students use academic language to participate in the learning tasks of the lesson to demonstrate their understanding.

Language Supports: Describe the support(s) that will be in place to help students understand the language demands.

Essential Vocabulary: List vocabulary terms that are essential for students to understand during the lesson.

Luo Soe-Specific Lesson Requirements

Character Education: Describe how you will connect to a character quality or life skill in the lesson (e.g., Group work will involve student cooperation and kindness.).

Materials: List all materials that would be necessary to teach the lesson. For example, tangible items, links to planned technology, handouts, manipulatives, or any other item that would be used to carry out the plan as it is written.

Technology Connection: Describe the specific instance(s) where technology is meaningfully integrated into the lesson. Note that technology should be integrated at least once within an instructional area of the plan (in the Opening, Direct Instruction/Modeling, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, and/or Closure). Lesson Plan Assignment

Supports: Differentiation/ Extension

Planned Supports: How will you support students to meet your goals? Explicitly describe what you will do. List planned supports (instructional strategies, learning tasks and materials, and other resources deliberately designed to facilitate student learning of the central focus).

Exceptionalities (special needs-IEPs/504 plans, gifted and talented, accommodations, etc.): Describe how the lesson will include specific planning, modifications, and/or accommodations for students with special needs. Areas to consider would be students with learning disabilities, physical impairments, and gifted and talented.

ELL (English Language Learners): Describe how the lesson will include specific planning, modifications, and/or accommodations for English Language Learners.

Learning Styles/Student Engagement: Describe how the plan supports student learning. Include how the plan addresses different learning styles (modalities). Also, describe how the plan includes elements that are engaging/motivating as well as elements that support student-teacher interaction. Lesson Plan Assignment

Extension: Describe how the learning can be extended for students who have already mastered the skill/content. How can these students be challenged while still focusing on the skill/content of the lesson?


Resources: Cite all resources that were used in the creation of the plan. For example, if you used the course textbook to get ideas for activities to include in the guided practice, you would cite it here. For each citation, describe how the source was used in the plan creation.

Research to Support Instructional Design: Cite all research that supports the instructional design, including URLs. At least one research-based source should be included.


Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

October 1, 2024
October 1, 2024

Science Concepts

As a science teacher, it is always a good idea to stay abreast of the latest pedagogical and content-related vocabulary. For this assignment, you will define instruction and science concepts and apply a system to allow for multiple ways to learn the meaning of the word.


Science Concepts

Simply writing down a word and definition will not allow you or the students to learn the meaning of the word., When you analyze words it is important that you get the correct meaning of a word., Don’t settle for an ambiguous definition., If you do not know the exact meaning of a word you should not use it; get it right first., Remember that writing the words down alone will not help you you have to analyze them if you want to make them part of your vocabulary., You should be able to use the word correctly in a sentence.,


Download and complete the Vocabulary Notebook Template. The assignment must contain the following required items: title page, running head, abstract page, font type and size, line spacing, headings, citations, and references. At least five different sources must be cited in the body of the notebook and in a reference list.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Science Concepts

As a science teacher, it is always a good idea to stay abreast of the latest pedagogical and content-related vocabulary. For this assignment, you will define instruction and science concepts and apply a system to allow for multiple ways to learn the meaning of the word.

Simply writing down a word and definition will not allow you or the students to learn the meaning of the word. When you analyze words, it is important that you get the correct meaning of a word. Don’t settle for an ambiguous definition. If you do not know the exact meaning of a word, you should not use it; get it right first. Remember that writing the words down alone will not help you; you have to analyze them if you want to make them part of your vocabulary. You should be able to use the word correctly in a sentence.


Download and complete the Vocabulary Notebook Template. The assignment must contain the following required items: title page, running head, abstract page, font type and size, line spacing, headings, citations, and references. At least five different sources must be cited in the body of the notebook and in a reference list.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

October 1, 2024
October 1, 2024

Deviance and Violence

You will write a Research Paper Assignment focusing on the general topic of deviance and violence as it applies to child/adolescent development. The Research Paper Assignment will primarily discuss assessment and treatment strategies primarily, as well as proactive parenting interventions.  You must select a primary focus from the following issues:


Deviance and Violence

  • Conduct Disorder

Instructions Deviance and Violence

You will complete a minimum 10-page Research Paper Assignment in current APA format related to the focus of the course and course material.  The Research Paper Assignment should be a minimum of 10 pages in length (not including Title Page and References page) and follow APA guidelines, with at least 5 supporting sources including research/journal articles. The paper must close with an appropriate conclusion summarizing the major observations from the research and suggestions for additional study of the topic

Research Paper: Part 1 – Topic Assignment

Topic – Submit a topic with a 300-word rationale detailing why the topic is relevant to the course and its application to current family faith and the future., Include at least five supporting sources.,

Research Paper: Part 2 – Outline Assignment

Outline – Submit an outline for the Research Paper Assignment following the elements expressed in the general instructions section, and including the following:

Introduction – include sub-headings reflecting the various components contributing to this section.,

Heading – include sub-headings reflecting the various components contributing to this section.,

Heading – include sub-headings reflecting the various components contributing to this section.,

Recommendations – include sub-headings reflecting the various components contributing to this section. Deviance and Violence,


Research Paper: Part 3 – Final Assignment

Final submission – Submit a well-constructed research paper on the topic selected, following the elements expressed in the general instructions section.

Be sure to review the appropriate Research Paper Grading Rubric before you begin each part of the Research Paper Assignment.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.