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October 10, 2024
October 10, 2024

HTN GAD  Skin Melanoma

66-year-old female with a history of HTN, GAD,  skin melanoma who came for a first tie consultation , she states she changed insurances recently and needs new doctor for her refills. oon the physical examination there is evidence of a  lesion on the left side of her face asymmetrical, with irregular border, changes on coloration and with elevation, she states she noticed since a while but has not been able to take a look at it. Patient education was provided, referral to dermatologist to consider skin biopsy recommended as soon as possible, we sent refill for medications


HTN GAD  Skin Melanoma

66-year-old female with a history of HTN, GAD,  skin melanoma who came for a first tie consultation , she states she changed insurances recently and needs new doctor for her refills., on the physical examination there is evidence of a  lesion on the left side of her face asymmetrical with irregular border changes on coloration and with elevation, she states she noticed since a while but has not been able to take a look at it., Patient education was provided referral to dermatologist to consider skin biopsy recommended as soon as possible we sent refill for medications.,

66-year-old female with a history of HTN, GAD,  skin melanoma who came for a first tie consultation , she states she changed insurances recently and needs new doctor for her refills. oon the physical examination there is evidence of a  lesion on the left side of her face asymmetrical, with irregular border, changes on coloration and with elevation, she states she noticed since a while but has not been able to take a look at it. Patient education was provided, referral to dermatologist to consider skin biopsy recommended as soon as possible, we sent refill for medications. 66-year-old female with a history of HTN, GAD,  skin melanoma who came for a first tie consultation , she states she changed insurances recently and needs new doctor for her refills. oon the physical examination there is evidence of a  lesion on the left side of her face asymmetrical, with irregular border, changes on coloration and with elevation, she states she noticed since a while but has not been able to take a look at it. Patient education was provided, referral to dermatologist to consider skin biopsy recommended as soon as possible, we sent refill for medications.

October 10, 2024
October 10, 2024

Race and Ethnicity in Juvenile Justice

Demonstrating awareness of the value of diversity and equity in the administration of justice begins with understanding the needs, values, and backgrounds of justice-involved individuals before developing suitable solutions or interventions. In this final week, you will consider juvenile justice and factors that may impede fair and equitable treatment of juveniles of ethnically diverse backgrounds.


Race and Ethnicity in Juvenile Justice

Select an issue related to race and ethnicity in juvenile justice. Review Ch. 9, “Juvenile Justice” of Race and Crime. Examples include:

  • Disproportionate minority contact (DMC)
  • School-to-prison pipeline
  • Minority female delinquency
  • Life without parole sentencing

Write a 700- to 1,050-word blog post in which you examine the role of policies and procedures in maintaining equity in the juvenile justice system.

Audience: You are a criminal justice professional who has been asked to write a blog post about contemporary issues in juvenile justice.

In your blog post, be sure to:

  • Summarize the issue. Include relevant details or examples to support your summary.
  • Describe the negative impact on juveniles of diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds.
  • Summarize a policy or procedure associated with the issue. How is it designed to address the issue?
  • Evaluate whether the policy/procedure supports or maintains equity in the juvenile justice system. Does the policy/procedure work as intended? Is it effective?
  • If yes, explain why or how the policy addresses the issue.
  • If no, explain the changes you would recommend.

Cite at least 3 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook to support your ideas.

Format citations and references according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assessment.

Demonstrating awareness of the value of diversity and equity in the administration of justice begins with understanding the needs, values, and backgrounds of justice-involved individuals before developing suitable solutions or interventions. In this final week, you will consider juvenile justice and factors that may impede fair and equitable treatment of juveniles of ethnically diverse backgrounds.

Select an issue related to race and ethnicity in juvenile justice. Review Ch. 9, “Juvenile Justice” of Race and Crime. Examples include: Race and Ethnicity in Juvenile Justice

  • Disproportionate minority contact (DMC)
  • School-to-prison pipeline
  • Minority female delinquency
  • Life without parole sentencing

Write a 700- to 1,050-word blog post in which you examine the role of policies and procedures in maintaining equity in the juvenile justice system.

Audience: You are a criminal justice professional who has been asked to write a blog post about contemporary issues in juvenile justice.

In your blog post, be sure to:

  • Summarize the issue. Include relevant details or examples to support your summary.,
  • Describe the negative impact on juveniles of diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds.,
  • Summarize a policy or procedure associated with the issue. How is it designed to address the issue?,
  • Evaluate whether the policy/procedure supports or maintains equity in the juvenile justice system. Does the policy/procedure work as intended? Is it effective?,
  • If yes explain why or how the policy addresses the issue. Race and Ethnicity in Juvenile Justice,
  • If no explain the changes you would recommend.,

Cite at least 3 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook to support your ideas.

Format citations and references according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assessment.

October 10, 2024
October 10, 2024

CIS 2237 Android Programming

Program 4 TaskList App using Kotlin

TaskList Program 100 points total

//Need to add click on item to get to edit fragment code and also the delete code.


CIS 2237 Android Programming

Turn in Requirements:

• 5 pts. Name your project LastnameP4Part1, such as NelsonP4Part1.

• 10 pts Upload your zipped project through Brightspace. Before you zip your project, delete the build folder in your in your app folder. If you project has not been reduced in size, I will not download it (or grade it).

Program Requirements:

• 5 pts. Write your name, email address and file name at the top of your source code in a comment.

• 5 pts. Put your program title in the title area of the window so it shows when your program runs.

• 5 pts. Add comments as appropriate. Be sure that your program output is neatly presented to the user

Project Name: LastnameP4part1

Package Name: com.cnm.cis2237.lastname.p4part1

Minimum SDK: = 26 or higher, so we can use the Database Inspector

Select Basic Views Activity in the Activity Template screen

Don’t forget to select Kotlin!

Your project will have these files:

1. MainActivity.kt

2. MainFragment.kt

3. Task.kt

4. TaskListAdapter.kt

5. activity_main.xml

6. fragment_main.xml

7. list_item_task.xml

8. navigation_graph.xml

New skills:

• Parcelize a Class

• Code in Kotlin

1. DeleteFirstFragment and SecondFragment That means FirstFragment.java, fragment_first.xml, and FirstFragment in the nav_graph.

CIS 2237 Android Programming

2. Add a new fragment, MainFragment, as a blank fragment. Delete the boilerplate code

3. If you look at the nav_graph, you will see that content_main contains the nav_host_fragment already. Click + to add the MainFragment as the Home.

4. Run your project. It should show the MainFragment and say Hello blank fragment. If it doesn’t, delete your project and create another one.

5. Delete the FAB in MainActivity and activity_main.xml.

6. Create a new Kotlin class. Name it the Task class. It is a data class. It has these class members:

var taskId: Int = 0

var taskName: String = “” 

var taskDue: Boolean = false

7. Open fragment_main.xml

a. Delete the TextView and convert the Frame layout to a Coordinator layout. Right -click on FrameLayout and select Convert view… Select Coordinator layout. Click apply.

b. Add a recyclerview.

CIS 2237 Android Programming

c. id = taskRecycler

d. layout width and height = match_parent

e. layout_margin = 16dp

8. Add a Floating Action Button(FAB)

a. First create a Vector Asset in the drawable folder. In the Configure Vector Asset dialog, click on the clip Art button and search for Add. There are many choices. Pick on to be the icon on the FAB. Click OK, then Next, then Finish.

b. Add a FAB to the screen. Click on your selected icon in the Pick a Resource dialog, The FAB will land at the top left. Don’t worry.

CIS 2237 Android Programming

c. id = addFab

d. layout_width and height = wrap_content

e. layout_gravity = bottom/right

f. layout margin_end and bottom = 10dp

g. Give the button a background color if you want.

h. Add a content Description: Add a new task. Then extract the string resource.

9. Open MainFragment.kt

a. Create a list of tasks. It can be empty: private var taskList = mutableListOf<Task>()

b.  Create a class-scope variable for the adapter, the layoutManager and the recyclerView.

private val adapter = TaskListAdapter(taskList) //This will be red.

private val taskRecycler: RecyclerView? = null

private var layoutManager: RecyclerView.LayoutManager? = null

c. Add an override method, onViewCreated.

d. Call 3 methods recyclerViewSetup(view), observerSetup() and listenerSetup(view). Let AS create them for you outside the method.

e. Code recyclerViewSetup – We’ll do this after we write the Adapter class.

i. Wire up the recycler view variable using view.findViewbyId or use viewbinding,

ii. instantiate the adapter and pass it the layout id (we have not made this yet),

iii. create a linear layout manager for the recycler view,

iv. set the adapter into the recycler view.,

f. Code method listenerSetup : ,

i. Wire up the FAB or use view binding

ii. Create an onClick listener for the fab. We’ll code it later.

g. Let AS create the observerSetup method for you and we’ll code it later.

10. We need to work on our recycler view.

a. We need a layout for each row

a. Create a new LayoutResource File, called list_item_task. This layout will hold each line in the recycler view. Make its root element a constraint layout.

b. The layout height should be wrap_content.

c. Add a linear layout to the constraint layout or simply constrain the two items in the layout.

CIS 2237 Android Programming

d.  I added a layout margin of 8dp

e. Next, add a TextView ,which will display the title or name of the task.

f.  Give it an id, txtName

g. I made the text size = 20sp

h. And added a margin to the top of 8dp

i. The text can be blank for both.

j. Add another TextView, txtDue, which will display when the task is due to be done

k. Probably make it wrap_content for height and width.

l. Maybe center it in the layout?

11. Add a new Kotlin class called TaskListAdapter.

a. It will have one private variable in its constructor, taskItemLayout, an Int

b. It also extends RecyclerView.Adapter and then we add the part where we say the Adapter works with theView Holder <TaskListAdapter.ViewHolder(){

c. Implement the three methods required and also create the ViewHolder class.

d. Code the methods as we did in Java, only in Kotlin ???? Like this:

e. Let’s finish the ViewHolder class first, that will keep the red squigglies from taking over.

i. In its constructor, pass it itemView:View and have the class inherit from RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView)

ii. Add two variables:

var taskName: TextView = itemView.findViewbyId(R.id.taskName)

var taskDue: CheckBox = itemView.findViewbyIdR.id.taskDue

f. You can also declare them separately and wire them to the widgets in an init block

g. Back in the TaskListAdapter, we need a class-scope reference to taskList: private var taskList: List<Task>? = null

h. For onCreateViewHolder, break up the layout inflation and return ViewHolder(view)

i. For onBindViewHolder, add the code for the two widgets to be accessed:

val name = holder.taskName

val due= holder.chkDue


title.text = it!![position].taskName

done.isChecked = it!![position].taskDone }

j. Or you can put them together for shorter code:

holder.taskTitle.text = taskList!![position].taskName

holder.chkDone.isChecked = taskList!![position].taskDone

k. For getItemCount(), return if(taskList == null) 0 else taskList!!.size

l. Add a method:

CIS 2237 Android Programming

setTaskList(tasks: List<Task>){

taskList = tasks


m. And another method:

fun getAllTheTasks() : List<Task>? {

return taskList}

12. In order to see the new Task object in MainFragment, we must return the object through safeargs.

13. First, we need to make the Task class parcelable.:

a. open libs.versions.toml and add:

b. [versions]: kotlinPlugin = “1.8.10”

c. [plugins]: kotlin-parcelize = { id = “org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.parcelize”, version.ref = “kotlinPlugin” }

d. In build.gradle (Module), add to the plugins at the top: id(“kotlin-parcelize”)

e. Open the Task data class.

i. Above the declaration, data class Task( add @Parcelize

ii. After the ending ) add : Parcelable

iii. You will need to import both.

14. Then, add the safeargs dependencies:

a. In libs.versions.toml: [Libraries]

androidx-navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin = { module = “androidx.navigation:navigation-safe-args-gradle-plugin”, version.ref = “navigationFragmentKtx” }

b. In build.gradle (Project ), add at the top of the file, before the plugins:




c. In build.gradle (Module) add this at the top under plugins: id(“androidx.navigation.safeargs”)

d. Sync

15. Now open the nav_graph.

a. Add an action from AddTask fragment back to MainFragment.. rename it if you want to.,

b. Still in the nav_graph, select the MainFragment, which is the destination for passing the new Task object.,

c. Under Arguments press the + and see this dialog: ,

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

d. Add the name of the class Task and select Custom Parcelable from the drop-down list of type choices. You will see this new dialog:

October 10, 2024
October 10, 2024

Growth Mindset Assignment


Watch the video below and respond in between 200 – 300 words in a Word document to the following questions:,

  1. What is a growth mindset?,
  2. What can we do to develop a growth mindset?,
  3. What kind of a mindset do you have and how has this shaped your life?,


Growth Mindset Assignment



Watch the video below and respond in between 200 – 300 words in a Word document to the following questions:

  1. What is a growth mindset?
  2. What can we do to develop a growth mindset?
  3. What kind of a mindset do you have and how has this shaped your life?

THE LINK TO THE VIDEO Growth Mindset Assignment


Watch the video below and respond in between 200 – 300 words in a Word document to the following questions:

  1. What is a growth mindset?
  2. What can we do to develop a growth mindset?
  3. What kind of a mindset do you have and how has this shaped your life?



Watch the video below and respond in between 200 – 300 words in a Word document to the following questions:

  1. What is a growth mindset?
  2. What can we do to develop a growth mindset?
  3. What kind of a mindset do you have and how has this shaped your life?



Watch the video below and respond in between 200 – 300 words in a Word document to the following questions:

  1. What is a growth mindset?
  2. What can we do to develop a growth mindset?
  3. What kind of a mindset do you have and how has this shaped your life?



Watch the video below and respond in between 200 – 300 words in a Word document to the following questions: Growth Mindset Assignment

  1. What is a growth mindset?
  2. What can we do to develop a growth mindset?
  3. What kind of a mindset do you have and how has this shaped your life?



October 9, 2024
October 9, 2024

Quantitative or Qualitative

Comparison of Quantitative and Qualitative Research, and One Associated Research Critique (Quantitative or Qualitative)


Quantitative or Qualitative


Exploring the effectiveness of Partial Hospitalization Programs in decreasing hospital readmission rates, increasing medication compliance and improving long-term outcomes and quality of life in adults with psychiatric conditions.

Attached are the template and the instructions!!!!!!

Please follow APA format add citations and references., Document will be verified for plagiarism and AI use., 

Comparison of Quantitative and Qualitative Research and One Associated Research Critique (Quantitative or Qualitative),


Exploring the effectiveness of Partial Hospitalization Programs in decreasing hospital readmission rates, increasing medication compliance and improving long-term outcomes and quality of life in adults with psychiatric conditions.

Attached are the template and the instructions!!!!!!

Please follow APA format, add citations and references. Document will be verified for plagiarism and AI use.

Exploring the effectiveness of Partial Hospitalization Programs in decreasing hospital readmission rates, increasing medication compliance and improving long-term outcomes and quality of life in adults with psychiatric conditions.

Attached are the template and the instructions!!!!!!

Please follow APA format, add citations and references. Document will be verified for plagiarism and AI use. 

Comparison of Quantitative and Qualitative Research, and One Associated Research Critique (Quantitative or Qualitative)


Exploring the effectiveness of Partial Hospitalization Programs in decreasing hospital readmission rates, increasing medication compliance and improving long-term outcomes and quality of life in adults with psychiatric conditions.

Attached are the template and the instructions!!!!!!

Please follow APA format, add citations and references. Document will be verified for plagiarism and AI use. 

Exploring the effectiveness of Partial Hospitalization Programs in decreasing hospital readmission rates, increasing medication compliance and improving long-term outcomes and quality of life in adults with psychiatric conditions.

Attached are the template and the instructions!!!!!!

Please follow APA format, add citations and references. Document will be verified for plagiarism and AI use. 

Comparison of Quantitative and Qualitative Research, and One Associated Research Critique 


Exploring the effectiveness of Partial Hospitalization Programs in decreasing hospital readmission rates, increasing medication compliance and improving long-term outcomes and quality of life in adults with psychiatric conditions.

Attached are the template and the instructions!!!!!!

Please follow APA format, add citations and references. Document will be verified for plagiarism and AI use. 

October 9, 2024

Healthcare Information and Management Systems

Visit the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Healthcare IT NewsLinks to an external site. homepage.

Select an article published within the past 6 months related to artificial intelligence or precision medicine.


Healthcare Information and Management Systems

  1. Use Microsoft Word most current version to complete the assignment. Submit as a .doc or .docx file.,
  2. Write 1-2 total pages (excluding title and reference pages). ,
  3. Follow APA current edition rules for grammar spelling word usage and punctuation consistent with formal scholarly writing.,
  4. Include in-text citations and matching references in APA current edition format.,
  5. Abide by Chamberlain University’s academic integrity policy.,

Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the grading rubric):

  1. Summarize the article. Identify and define the emerging technology described in the article. Provide support from at least one scholarly source.
  2. Describe your intended area of practice. Provide an example of how the emerging technology could be used in your future area of nursing practice. Provide support from at least one scholarly source.
  3. Identify potential legal, ethical, and client safety concerns related to the emerging technology. Provide support from at least one scholarly source. Healthcare Information and Management Systems
  4. Describe strategies to mitigate the identified concerns. Provide support from at least one scholarly source.
  5. Identify whether you support the use of the technology in healthcare. Provide a rationale for why or why not.  Reflect on how the knowledge will improve your effectiveness as an advanced practice nurse.Visit the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Healthcare IT NewsLinks to an external site. homepage.

    Select an article published within the past 6 months related to artificial intelligence or precision medicine.

    1. Use Microsoft Word most current version to complete the assignment. Submit as a .doc or .docx file.
    2. Write 1-2 total pages (excluding title and reference pages).
    3. Follow APA current edition rules for grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation consistent with formal, scholarly writing.
    4. Include in-text citations and matching references in APA current edition format.
    5. Abide by Chamberlain University’s academic integrity policy.

    Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the grading rubric):

    1. Summarize the article. Identify and define the emerging technology described in the article. Provide support from at least one scholarly source.
    2. Describe your intended area of practice. Provide an example of how the emerging technology could be used in your future area of nursing practice. Provide support from at least one scholarly source.
    3. Identify potential legal, ethical, and client safety concerns related to the emerging technology. Provide support from at least one scholarly source.
    4. Describe strategies to mitigate the identified concerns. Provide support from at least one scholarly source.
    5. Identify whether you support the use of the technology in healthcare. Provide a rationale for why or why not.  Reflect on how the knowledge will improve your effectiveness as an advanced practice nurse.
October 9, 2024
October 9, 2024

Cancer as the Leading Cause of Death


Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women., Caring for the cancer patient and family requires a multidimensional approach.,

What does it mean to provide a multidimensional approach?, What are some examples of how the care team can meet the patient and the family’s needs?, Who are the members of the care team and how are they involved in providing multidimensional care?,


Cancer as the Leading Cause of Death

Cancer as the Leading Cause of Death


Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women. Caring for the cancer patient and family requires a multidimensional approach.

What does it mean to provide a multidimensional approach? What are some examples of how the care team can meet the patient and the family’s needs? Who are the members of the care team and how are they involved in providing multidimensional care?

Cancer as the Leading Cause of Death


Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women. Caring for the cancer patient and family requires a multidimensional approach.

What does it mean to provide a multidimensional approach? What are some examples of how the care team can meet the patient and the family’s needs? Who are the members of the care team and how are they involved in providing multidimensional care?

Cancer as the Leading Cause of Death


Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women. Caring for the cancer patient and family requires a multidimensional approach.

What does it mean to provide a multidimensional approach? What are some examples of how the care team can meet the patient and the family’s needs? Who are the members of the care team and how are they involved in providing multidimensional care?

October 9, 2024
October 9, 2024

Pleasant Careers Ray Bradbury

“Just write every day of your life. Read intensely. Then see what happens. Most of my friends who are put on that diet have very pleasant careers Ray Bradbury

  • Objectives:  Persuasive Essay Outline Begin
    –Understand the Hook sentence, Thesis statement, and Main Ideas organization.
    –Identify credible research sources
    –Know how to use the online College Research Database
  • Pleasant Careers Ray Bradbury

     Learn about the Thesis Statement, Essay Organization and Hook:
    —See Hook ideas by viewing document in Materials Hook-Thesis handout:
    —More on the Persuasive Thesis statement by watching this video (click on arrow below the slides to start and turn on your volume) (Note: for your thesis you need 3-points, but in this video they may not model 3-points. See information on 3-points thesis in the above document Essay Organization With Thesis found in Materials)
    2) Read the document Credible Sources.pdf in Materials.  The criteria in the document need to be considered when picking your sources for your Annotated Bibliography assignment.
    You will start your Persuasive Outline this week and it is due the following week.  You will need the two weeks to complete the Outline since it involves many steps. I you want me to look at it before it is due, let me know.
    3) To write your Persuasive Outline and essay, you will pick one of the following topics for your Persuasive Essay.  You must pick a side – you either agree or disagree. You will need to add extra details to create your specific, arguable thesis statement. Remember, you are like a lawyer arguing your case, so stick with your viewpoint on the topic  These are topics to choose from:
     Choice #1) Remote learning for school harms students.  OR
    Remote learning for school is beneficial to students.

            Choice #2) Everyone should go to college. OR

                              Not all students should attend college.

            Choice #3) Artificial Intelligence poses a threat to education. OR

                              Artificial Intelligence is a benefit to education.

4) For your essay, you need a total of 4 sources. (You will have 3 sources in agreement with your argument and 1 source against your argument for a counterclaim.)

Two of your sources for the essay are given to you from the provided 3-Sources documents in Materials. See in Materials the documents Sources #1, Sources #2, or Sources #3.
1) Look at these 3 documents to pick your topic,,
2) Next open up and read the provided sources for your chosen topic
3) Decide which sources best represent your topic then use these for your essay information including intext and works cited (you only need 2 sources)., (Remember – 1 out of the 4 total sources needs to be a counterargument to your claim – so it can come from the provided Sources or from the next site, Research Article Database.)

The other two sources will be from the Research Article Database from our Online Library. Watch: How to access the Research Article Database at our MState College Library. See Library Handout from Materials and view this  ENGL 1101 Library video. Once in the Research Database.
1) Once in the Research Article Database, the site Academic Search Premier is the best one to use.  Next,  type your topic into the search bar to search through the research articles.
2) Review the article to see whether you want to use it in your paper. Remember, if you did not pick a counterclaim article in the provided Sources listed in the previous step, then you must have 1 of your 2 sources from Academic Search Premier to be a counterclaim. Pleasant Careers Ray Bradbury
3) For the articles you want to use you can download the article or copy/paste sentences to use as notes for creating your outline/paper. ,
4) Academic Search Premier will also automatically create a MLA citation for you.,  Click on the word ‘cite’ in the right hand column to create your citation. Make sure you choose MLA for the format.  Have a draft document to copy/paste your research notes and the MLA citations.

5) Complete the Persuasive Outline found in Materials.  When finished, upload to the Assignment dropbox next week (due Oct 20) . Decide on the most compelling evidence and complete the Persuasive Outline using that evidence to support your claim. Also provide a counterclaim in paragraph 5 (Your conclusion will be in the 6th paragraph.   On the last page of the Persuasive Outline Assignment, paste your MLA formatted citations. Pleasant Careers Ray Bradbury
6) Complete the Week’s Discussion Board assignment.  Post an initial discussion board post and respond to another student’s initial post for the Week.

October 9, 2024
October 9, 2024

Humanistic-existential Psychotherapy

  • Review the humanistic-existential psychotherapy videos in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Reflect on humanistic-existential psychotherapeutic approaches.
  • Then, select another psychotherapeutic approach to compare with humanistic-existential psychotherapy. The approach you choose may be one you previously explored in the course or one you are familiar with and especially interested in.

Humanistic-existential Psychotherapy

The Assignment

In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following:

  • Briefly describe humanistic-existential psychotherapy and the second approach you selected. ,
  • Explain at least three differences between these therapies., Include how these differences might impact your practice as a PMHNP.,
  • Focusing on one video you viewed explain why humanistic-existential psychotherapy was utilized with the patient in the video and why it was the treatment of choice., Describe the expected potential outcome if the second approach had been used with the patient.,
  • Support your response with specific examples from this week’s media and at least three peer-reviewed evidence-based sources. Explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. ,Attach the PDFs of your sources. Humanistic-existential Psychotherapy,

The second approach I selected is Psychodynamic Psychotherapy



  • American Psychiatric Association. (2022). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed., text rev.). https://go.openathens.net/redirector/waldenu.edu?url=https://dsm.psychiatryonline.org/doi/book/10.1176/appi.books.9780890425787
    • “Culture and Psychiatric Diagnosis”
  • Gehart, D. R. (2024). Mastering competencies in family therapy: A practical approach to theories and clinical case documentation (4th ed.). Cengage Learning.
    • Chapter 8, “Experiential Family Therapies”
  • Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2020). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing.
    • Chapter 6, “
      • (2009, June 29). James Bugental live case consultation psychotherapy videoLinks to an external site.[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl8tVTjdocI
        • Briefly describe humanistic-existential psychotherapy and the second approach you selected.
        • Explain at least three differences between these therapies. Include how these differences might impact your practice as a PMHNP.
        • Focusing on one video you viewed, explain why humanistic-existential psychotherapy was utilized with the patient in the video and why it was the treatment of choice. Describe the expected potential outcome if the second approach had been used with the patient.
        • Support your response with specific examples from this week’s media and at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources. Explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Attach the PDFs of your sources.
          • Reflect on humanistic-existential psychotherapeutic approaches.
          • Then, select another psychotherapeutic approach to compare withThe approach you choose may be one you previously explored in the course or one you are familiar with and especially interested in.

          The Assignment

          In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following:

        The second approach I selected is Psychodynamic Psychotherapy


      • Reference,
      • American Psychiatric Association. (2022). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed., text rev.). https://go.openathens.net/redirector/waldenu.edu?url=https://dsm.psychiatryonline.org/doi/book/10.1176/appi.books.9780890425787
        • “Culture and Psychiatric Diagnosis”
      • Gehart, D. R. (2024). Mastering competencies in family therapy: A practical approach to theories and clinical case documentation (4th ed.). Cengage Learning.
        • Chapter 8, “Experiential Family Therapies”
      • Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2020). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing. 
        • Chapter 6, “Humanistic-Existential and Solution-Focused Approaches to Psychotherapy”




October 9, 2024
October 9, 2024

Mental Health Presentation


2. ⁠Anxiety

3. ⁠Bipolar

4. ⁠Eating Disorders

5. ⁠Personality Disorder



Mental Health Presentation

Grading rubric for Mental Health Presentation100points

I. Brief definition of Disorder. (5pts)

II. Describe diagnostic criteria for this disorder. (5pts)

III. Describe Risk Factors and Cultural Considerations. (5pts)

IV. Explain Clinical manifestations of the Disorder. (10pts)

V. Management (20pts)

a) Pharmacological (at least 5 drugs, action and rationale for use) (10pts)

b) Side effects of each drug. (4pts)

c) Patient teaching regarding drugs. (include rationale) (4Pts)

d) Which members of the interprofessional team should you collaborate with (2Pts)

VI. Non-Pharmacological. (25pts)

a) Nursing Diagnosis (list 3 in order of priority) 3Nursing dx =6pts, in order of priority=(4pts)

b) Using one of the nursing diagnosis, describe a smart goal. (5 pts)

c.) Describe at least 5 nursing Interventions and rationales for each (10pts)

VII. Identify 3 top priority concerns for a patient with this disorder and measure to address concerns. (6pts) Mental Health Presentation


Students must demonstrate knowledge of disorders and be prepared to describe concept in the video recording. Reading directly from a script will result in lost points. It is ok to have an outline to keep track of presentation content, but not to read directly from it.

IX. Structure, organization of paper and presentation style (10pts).

Presentation must have a structure and flow smoothly. Use APA format with in-text citation and a reference page. (include VARCAROLIS’ FOUNDATIONS OF PSYCHIATRIC-MENTAL


Copyright © 2022 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. in your reference.)

Mental Health Presentation


2. ⁠Anxiety

3. ⁠Bipolar

4. ⁠Eating Disorders

5. ⁠Personality Disorder


Grading rubric for Mental Health Presentation100points

I. Brief definition of Disorder. (5pts),

II. Describe diagnostic criteria for this disorder. (5pts),

III. Describe Risk Factors and Cultural Considerations. (5pts),

IV. Explain Clinical manifestations of the Disorder. (10pts),

V. Management (20pts)

a) Pharmacological (at least 5 drugs, action and rationale for use) (10pts)

b) Side effects of each drug. (4pts)

c) Patient teaching regarding drugs. (include rationale) (4Pts)

d) Which members of the interprofessional team should you collaborate with (2Pts)

VI. Non-Pharmacological. (25pts)

a) Nursing Diagnosis (list 3 in order of priority) 3Nursing dx =6pts, in order of priority=(4pts)

b) Using one of the nursing diagnosis describe a smart goal. (5 pts),

c.) Describe at least 5 nursing Interventions and rationales for each (10pts),

VII. Identify 3 top priority concerns for a patient with this disorder and measure to address concerns. (6pts),


Students must demonstrate knowledge of disorders and be prepared to describe concept in the video recording. Reading directly from a script will result in lost points. It is ok to have an outline to keep track of presentation content, but not to read directly from it.

IX. Structure, organization of paper and presentation style (10pts).

Presentation must have a structure and flow smoothly. Use APA format with in-text citation and a reference page. (include VARCAROLIS’ FOUNDATIONS OF PSYCHIATRIC-MENTAL Mental Health Presentation


Copyright © 2022 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. in your reference.)