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March 2, 2025
March 2, 2025

Security Policies

In this assignment, you will develop corporate policies for system security monitoring, patch management, and updates that cover both wired and wireless components. A web search will provide multiple examples of policy documents. The following resources may also be helpful as you draft your policy documents:


Security Policies


  • SANS. No date. https://www.sans.org/blog/cis-controls-v8/?msc=main-nav . https://www.sans.org/critical-security-controls/?msc=main-nav
    • This resource provides a list of case studies highlighting how security professionals have made improvements in their security controls.
  • SANS. No date. Security Policy TemplatesLinks to an external site.. https://www.sans.org/information-security-policy/
    • This resource provides a number of security policy templates that might be helpful in drafting your policy documents.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Recommend best practices for monitoring, updating, and patching systems.

Security Policies


Write a paper in which you:

  • Establish a system security monitoring policy addressing the need for monitoring, policy scope, and exceptions and supported by specific, credible sources.
    • Justify the need for monitoring.
    • Define the scope of the policy (the personnel, equipment, and processes to which the policy applies).
    • Provide guidelines for policy exceptions, if approved by the IT and Security departments.
  • Establish a system security patch management and updates policy addressing the need for patch management and updates, policy scope, and exceptions and supported by specific, credible sources.
    • Justify the need for patch management and updates, aligned with ISO/IEC 27002.
    • Define the scope of the policy (the personnel, equipment, and processes to which the policy applies).
    • Provide guidelines for policy exceptions, if approved by the IT and Security departments.
  • Support your main points, assertions, arguments, or conclusions with at least four specific and credible academic sources synthesized into a coherent analysis of the evidence.
    • Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.

Security Policies

  • Establish a system security monitoring policy addressing the need for monitoring policy scope and exceptions and supported by specific credible sources.,
    • Justify the need for monitoring.,
    • Define the scope of the policy (the personnel equipment and processes to which the policy applies).,
    • Provide guidelines for policy exceptions if approved by the IT and Security departments.,
  • Establish a system security patch management and updates policy addressing the need for patch management and updates policy scope and exceptions and supported by specific credible sources.,
    • Justify the need for patch management and updates aligned with ISO/IEC 27002.,
    • Define the scope of the policy (the personnel equipment and processes to which the policy applies).,
    • Provide guidelines for policy exceptions if approved by the IT and Security departments.,
  • Support your main points, assertions, arguments, or conclusions with at least four specific and credible academic sources synthesized into a coherent analysis of the evidence.
    • Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.



March 2, 2025
March 2, 2025

Theological Principles

What theological principle underlies Paul’s application for his original

audience?, In other words what theology drives his application?, Give

evidence to support your conclusion.,

  1. Is that principle still valid today? Is it a timeless principle or relevant only to Paul’s time? Defend yo7r answer.,
  2. If your answer was “no,” why is that principle no longer valid? If “yes,” what

is (are) the corresponding situation(s) in our lives today in which the principle

should be employed?


Theological Principles

  1. Given this (or these) situation(s) that correspond to the Philippians’ context,

what does God expect people to do today? How ought we apply the principle?

Text Philippians 2:6-11

What theological principle underlies Paul’s application for his original

audience? In other words, what theology drives his application? Give

evidence to support your conclusion.

Theological Principles

  1. Is that principle still valid today? Is it a timeless principle or relevant only to Paul’s time? Defend yo7r answer.
  2. If your answer was “no,” why is that principle no longer valid? If “yes,” what

is (are) the corresponding situation(s) in our lives today in which the principle

should be employed?

  1. Given this (or these) situation(s) that correspond to the Philippians’ context,

what does God expect people to do today? How ought we apply the principle?

Text Philippians 2:6-11

What theological principle underlies Paul’s application for his original

audience? In other words, what theology drives his application? Give

evidence to support your conclusion.

Theological Principles

  1. Is that principle still valid today? Is it a timeless principle or relevant only to Paul’s time? Defend yo7r answer.
  2. If your answer was “no,” why is that principle no longer valid? If “yes,” what

is (are) the corresponding situation(s) in our lives today in which the principle

should be employed?

  1. Given this (or these) situation(s) that correspond to the Philippians’ context,

what does God expect people to do today? How ought we apply the principle?

March 1, 2025
March 1, 2025

Enantiomeric Purity

The following series of reactions were carried out by Phillips and Kenyon and reported in 1923.  Starting from the same compound, two reaction sequences were carried out.  These sequences resulted in the synthesis of 3A and 3B.  However, the enantiomeric purity of 3A and 3B is not the same.  This suggests that the reaction mechanism are not the same.  Your task is to create a presentation showing your proposed mechanisms of the reactions, answering the questions, and narrating an explanation of your work.


Enantiomeric Purity


1) Prepare neatly hand-written pages for the your mechanisms in the two pathways.  Each step should be on a separate page, including push-arrows and transitions states.  For example, the reaction of 1 with KH should have its own page.

Enantiomeric Purity

2) Prepare additional pages for questions. Show your work.

3) Present a narrated presentation of your pages. This is what you will submit.  This can be as simple as recording a video with you phone, explaining the pages.

If you wish, you can incorporate the page images into a Power Point and add narration or use the Kaltura app on Brightspace.  It is up to you, but the pages must be neatly hand written, and there must be an audio narration.

Compounds 12 and 3B are pure enantiomers.  Compound 3A is a mixture of enantiomers.  Pay attention to the optical rotations, as this gives insight into the reaction mechanism(s).  The zig-zag line in 3A indicates a mixture of enantiomers.

Enantiomeric Purity

  1. For compound 1 determine the R or S designation.  Show how you assigned priorities and arrived to the configuration you selected.,
  2. Propose reaction mechanism(s) for both pathways.  Be sure to include the push-arrows and transition state(s) in your mechanism.,
  3. Given your proposed mechanism did the chiral center of the starting material 1in Pathway B undergo retention inversion racemization or partial racemiziation?,
  4. Given your proposed mechanism did the chiral center of the starting material 1in Pathway A undergo retention inversion racemization or partial racemization?,
  5. What specific optical rotation would you expect for 3A if it were the pure enantiomer of3B?,
  6. Calculate the %ee of  Show your calculations.,
  7. Did your mechanism for Pathway A explain the results in terms of optical purity/enantiomeric composition?  If not you need to come up with another mechanism.  Hint: It is possible for a single reaction to have two different mechanisms simultaneously.




March 1, 2025

Emergency Manager & Nonprofit Organization

You will assume the role of an employee of an emergency manager at a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help low-income people in rural (country) and urban (city) communities. You will develop a proposal document for your supervisor proposing that the organization adopt a continuity plan. You will need to:

  • Briefly explain to them what an organizational continuity program is.
  • Convince them that the organization should establish a continuity program.

Emergency Manager & Nonprofit Organization


Your proposal should have sections covering the following topics. Each section should have a unique section header in your paper. So, your paper sections will likely have similar (but not exactly the same) titles as the sections listed below.

Emergency Manager & Nonprofit Organization

In your paper,

  • Explain what you will cover in the proposal in your introduction.,
  • Discuss what a continuity program does in an organization as your background,
    • Describe organizational continuity as a concept and a process.;
    • Identify some practical considerations relative to your nonprofit in maintaining operations during disasters.,
    • Identify some ethical considerations relative to your nonprofit in maintaining operations during disasters.,
  • Explain how social vulnerability is relevant to your stakeholder population (low-income people) during disasters.,
  • Discuss why your continuity program should avoid relying on disaster myths as the basis for the plan.,
  • Describe what types of crime increase during disasters that might be expected among your stakeholder population (low-income people).;
  • Examine mental health considerations that might be relevant to your stakeholder population during disasters.,
  • Review what was covered as your conclusion.
    • Synthesize your key topics from the proposal.,

Emergency Manager & Nonprofit Organization

Overall, your goal is to justify the need for a continuity program at your nonprofit. The continuity program ensures that your organization maintains operations during a disaster and continues to assist its target stakeholders (low-income communities) facing the same disaster your nonprofit is facing.

Each major section covers one of your Course Learning Objectives from this course.

The Organizational Continuity Proposal

  • must be 8  pages double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages)
  • must include a separate title page with the following:
    • title of paper
      • Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.
    • student’s name
    • name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)
    • course name and number
    • instructors name
    • due date
  • must utilize academic voice
  • must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph.
    • Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

must use at least seven scholarly, peer-reviewed sources from the required readings.


March 1, 2025
March 1, 2025

Project Communication Plan

The  final assignment will consist of two parts. For Part 1, you will create  the project communication plan using the project that you have worked  on during this course. For Part 2 of this assignment, you will create a  powerpoint presentation to update the stakeholders with the project status.


Project Communication Plan



Your project communication should contain the following information:

  • The purpose or goals of the communication plan.,
  • Specific information about each stakeholder and his or her role in the project.,
  • The types of information that needs to be shared with the specific shareholders.,
  • The methods used to communicate the project information.,
  • The frequency of the communications to each stakeholder.,
  • The project team member responsible for the specific project communications.,

The  project communication management plan should be in a report format and  created in a Word document. The length of the plan will vary depending  on how many stakeholders you have and the communications you have  identified in your project.

Project Communication Plan


The video will focus on the concepts that we have covered in this course. The update should include the following:

  • The Project’s Vision
  • Overview of the Project Charter
  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • Project Integration
  • Project Resources Overview
  • Project Status Update

Your  presentation should be a PPT presentation with audio,   The Word document with the project  communication management plan will also be updated to the assignment.

The  final assignment will consist of two parts. For Part 1, you will create  the project communication plan using the project that you have worked  on during this course. For Part 2 of this assignment, you will create a  powerpoint presentation to update the stakeholders with the project status.



Your project communication should contain the following information:

  • The purpose or goals of the communication plan.
  • Specific information about each stakeholder and his or her role in the project.
  • The types of information that needs to be shared with the specific shareholders.
  • The methods used to communicate the project information.
  • The frequency of the communications to each stakeholder.
  • The project team member responsible for the specific project communications.

The  project communication management plan should be in a report format and  created in a Word document. The length of the plan will vary depending  on how many stakeholders you have and the communications you have  identified in your project.


The video will focus on the concepts that we have covered in this course. The update should include the following:

  • The Project’s Vision
  • Overview of the Project Charter
  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • Project Integration
  • Project Resources Overview
  • Project Status Update

Your  presentation should be a PPT presentation with audio,   The Word document with the project  communication management plan will also be updated to the assignment.


March 1, 2025
March 1, 2025

Touchstone Projects

Touchstones are projects that illustrate your comprehension of the course material, help you to refine skills, and demonstrate application of knowledge. You can work on a Touchstone anytime, but you can’t submit it for grading until you have completed the unit’s Milestone. After you’ve submitted a Touchstone, it will be graded and counted towards your final course score.


Touchstone Projects


Touchstone 3: Success Narrative

ASSIGNMENT: For this Touchstone, you will be writing a 2-3 page success narrative consisting of three components. Specifically, you will write about the following:

  1. Who I Am Now: Create a brief biographical statement describing your academic and professional history, as well as any relevant personal characteristics you’d like to share.
  2. My Goals: Identify three (3) professional and/or academic long-term goals for your future.
  3. How I Will Get There: Based on the professional or academic goals you created, identify at least two (2) short-term steps for each of these goals, and set target dates for each of these short-term steps. Make sure that in your plan to achieve these goals, you account for obstacles that may present themselves along the way.

Sample Touchstone

A. Directions

Step 1. Who I am Now

Touchstone Projects

In this section of your narrative, write a paragraph describing your academic and professional history, and related personal characteristics.

  • Share your academic background including your field of study notable achievements and any professional experience you have.,
  • Highlight relevant personal characteristics, skills, or experiences that have shaped your journey so far.,
  • Consider including personal anecdotes or impactful experiences that influenced your choices.,

Step 2. My Goals

In this section of your narrative write a paragraph stating three professional and/or academic long-term goals and provide a brief description of each goal.,

  • Identify three significant professional or academic aspirations you aim to achieve in the future.,
  • Express how these goals align with your passions skills and values.,
  • Touchstone Projects

Step 3. How I Will Get There

In this section of your narrative write a paragraph describing two or more short-term actions that you can take to achieve each goal described above.,

  • For each of the three long-term goals, outline at least two short-term steps that will contribute to achieving them.,
  • Consider potential obstacles or challenges that might hinder progress toward each step.,
  • Provide strategies to overcome these obstacles or alternative plans if necessary.

Refer to the checklist below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.

1. Who I Am Now
❒ Have you provided a brief biographical statement explaining your educational and career experiences thus far?
❒ Have you shared any personal characteristics (e.g., determination, flexibility) that you feel are relevant to your narrative?

2. My Goals
❒ Have you provided three long-term goals you wish to accomplish?
❒ Have you connected those goals to either your academic or professional aspirations?

3. How I Will Get There
❒ Have you identified and explained at least two short-term steps for achieving each of your three goals?
❒ Have you set target dates for each of these steps?
❒ Have you addressed any obstacles you might face in pursuit of these goals?

Touchstone Projects

C. Requirements

The following requirements must be met for your submission to be graded:

  • Composition must be 2-3 pages (approximately 500-750 words), double-spaced, with one-inch margins.
  • Use a readable 11- or 12-point font.
  • Composition must be original and written for this assignment and all writing must be appropriate for an academic context.
  • Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited.
  • Submission must include your name, the name of the course, the date, and the title of your composition.
  • Include all of the assignment components in a single .doc or .docx file.

My personal information:

Who I Am Now

I am a seasoned Human Resources professional with a robust 15-year career that has been marked by dedication, strategic thinking, and a deep understanding of organizational dynamics. My journey in HR has allowed me to develop a comprehensive skill set, from talent acquisition to employee relations and strategic planning. Currently, I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Business Management with a concentration in Human Resources, which will formalize my practical experience with academic theory and the latest industry practices. My personal characteristics include strong leadership, empathy, and an unwavering commitment to ethical practices. A defining moment in my career was when I successfully mediated a workplace conflict that resulted in improved team dynamics and productivity, reinforcing my belief in the power of effective HR management.

My Goals

My long-term goals are a blend of professional growth and academic achievement. First, upon completing my bachelor’s degree, I aim to enroll in a Master’s program specializing in Human Resources Management. This advanced education will equip me with cutting-edge knowledge to lead HR departments adeptly. Second, I aspire to be in position within a forward-thinking organization where I can influence positive change and foster a culture of continuous improvement and employee engagement. Third, I plan to contribute to the field of HR by publishing articles and research on emerging trends and best practices, thereby shaping the future of HR management.

How I Will Get There

To realize these goals, I have mapped out actionable steps with specific target dates. For my master’s degree aspiration, the first step is to complete my bachelor’s degree with a high GPA, targeted for the next two years. The second step involves researching graduate programs and preparing my application materials six months prior to graduation. To overcome potential challenges such as balancing work, study, and personal life, I will seek flexible learning options and time management strategies. In pursuit of the Director role, my initial step is to gain broader experience in various HR functions over the next two years. Following this, I will focus on developing executive leadership skills through mentorship and professional development courses within the next seven years. Anticipating obstacles like competitive job markets, I will build a robust professional network and maintain a portfolio of significant achievements.

With a clear vision and proactive approach, I am confident in my path toward these professional and academic milestones.

March 1, 2025
March 1, 2025

Culture & Counselling Skills

Please Answer the Bullet questions. Do not put the question Together.

  • Please describe in 200 words why youdesire to become a mental health counselor and indicatethe type of counselor certification you plan to seek after graduation(Licensed Profession Counselor?
  • Describe in 200 words an occasion inwhich you have interacted with anindividual or a group of individuals fromanother culture. Identify the culturaldifferences which were present and howyou demonstrated respect for thosedifferences.
  • Describe in 200 words how you formeffective interpersonal relationships with others in individual and group settings

Culture & Counselling Skills


Please Answer the Bullet questions. Do not put the question Together.


  • Please describe in 200 words why youdesire to become a mental health counselor and indicatethe type of counselor certification you plan to seek after graduation(Licensed Profession Counselor?,
  • Describe in 200 words an occasion inwhich you have interacted with anindividual or a group of individuals fromanother culture., Identify the culturaldifferences which were present and howyou demonstrated respect for thosedifferences.,
  • Describe in 200 words how you formeffective interpersonal relationships with others in individual and group settings

Culture & Counselling Skills

Please Answer the Bullet questions. Do not put the question Together.


  • Please describe in 200 words why youdesire to become a mental health counselor and indicatethe type of counselor certification you plan to seek after graduation(Licensed Profession Counselor?
  • Describe in 200 words an occasion inwhich you have interacted with anindividual or a group of individuals fromanother culture. Identify the culturaldifferences which were present and howyou demonstrated respect for thosedifferences.
  • Describe in 200 words how you formeffective interpersonal relationships with others in individual and group settings

Culture & Counselling Skills

Please Answer the Bullet questions. Do not put the question Together.


  • Please describe in 200 words why youdesire to become a mental health counselor and indicatethe type of counselor certification you plan to seek after graduation(Licensed Profession Counselor?
  • Describe in 200 words an occasion inwhich you have interacted with anindividual or a group of individuals fromanother culture. Identify the culturaldifferences which were present and howyou demonstrated respect for thosedifferences.
  • Describe in 200 words how you formeffective interpersonal relationships with others in individual and group settings




March 1, 2025
March 1, 2025

Character Work & Personal Values

In this reflection, there are two questions (5 points each) posed for you to reflect on:

Take a moment and reflect on what is important to you. There are three categories of values:

Character Values – Character values are the universal values that you need to exist as a good human being. They are also the core characteristics that employers look for when hiring. Examples of character values include: commitment, loyalty, positive attitude, and respect.


Character Work & Personal Values

Work Values – Work values are values that help you find what you want in a job and give you job satisfaction. It is especially important to understand what your work values are in order to thrive professionally. Examples of work values are: hands-on, public contact, prestige, and stability.

Personal Values – Personal values are values that help you define what you want out of life and will assist you in being happy and fulfilled. They are the guiding principles of your life. Examples of personal values are: family life, popularity, health, and appearance.

What is some of your Character and Personal values?, How might these values influence your application of ethics?,

What is it like for you to think about being “pushed out of your comfort zone” as you learn about ethics?,

Write at least 100 words in reply to each question (approximately 1/2 page each,

Character Work & Personal Values

In this reflection, there are two questions (5 points each) posed for you to reflect on:

Take a moment and reflect on what is important to you. There are three categories of values:

Character Values – Character values are the universal values that you need to exist as a good human being. They are also the core characteristics that employers look for when hiring. Examples of character values include: commitment, loyalty, positive attitude, and respect.

Work Values – Work values are values that help you find what you want in a job and give you job satisfaction. It is especially important to understand what your work values are in order to thrive professionally. Examples of work values are: hands-on, public contact, prestige, and stability.

Character Work & Personal Values

Personal Values – Personal values are values that help you define what you want out of life and will assist you in being happy and fulfilled. They are the guiding principles of your life. Examples of personal values are: family life, popularity, health, and appearance.

What is some of your Character and Personal values? How might these values influence your application of ethics?

What is it like for you to think about being “pushed out of your comfort zone” as you learn about ethics?

Write at least 100 words in reply to each question (approximately 1/2 page each

March 1, 2025
March 1, 2025

Interview Questions

  1. How would you define empathy?
  2. What inspires you to be a mentor and help one or more individuals during their recovery from alcoholism
  3. What is your point of view concerning the connection between mentorship and empathy?
  4. When is it easier to be empathetic?
  5. When is it most challenging to be empathetic in mentoring students with alcoholism



Interview Questions


  1. When you first began the mentoring relationship, how did you feel, and how did you convey empathy?
  2. In what ways has empathy been helpful to your mentee?
  3. How has your use of empathy or development of empathy changed over time in your mentoring others?
  4. How has mentoring impacted your mentee’s recovery journey?
  5. In what ways was empathy most helpful?

Interview Questions

  1. How would you define empathy?,
  2. What inspires you to be a mentor and help one or more individuals during their recovery from alcoholism,
  3. What is your point of view concerning the connection between mentorship and empathy?,
  4. When is it easier to be empathetic?,
  5. When is it most challenging to be empathetic in mentoring students with alcoholism


  1. When you first began the mentoring relationship, how did you feel, and how did you convey empathy?
  2. In what ways has empathy been helpful to your mentee?
  3. How has your use of empathy or development of empathy changed over time in your mentoring others?
  4. How has mentoring impacted your mentee’s recovery journey?
  5. In what ways was empathy most helpful?

Interview Questions

  1. How would you define empathy?
  2. What inspires you to be a mentor and help one or more individuals during their recovery from alcoholism
  3. What is your point of view concerning the connection between mentorship and empathy?
  4. When is it easier to be empathetic?
  5. When is it most challenging to be empathetic in mentoring students with alcoholism


  1. When you first began the mentoring relationship, how did you feel, and how did you convey empathy?
  2. In what ways has empathy been helpful to your mentee?
  3. How has your use of empathy or development of empathy changed over time in your mentoring others?
  4. How has mentoring impacted your mentee’s recovery journey?
  5. In what ways was empathy most helpful?
March 1, 2025
March 1, 2025

Module 6: Critical Thinking & Application Prompts (Sp25) 

Each week, you will be presented with a series of critical thinking and application prompts.

You will be directed to the applicable set of prompts by clicking the “Take the Quiz” button below.  Prior to starting this assignment, be sure you have carefully reviewed all of the content referenced on the Learning Materials page (and any other pages associated with the module).


Critical Thinking & Application


Each prompt is generally worthy of at least 250 words (2 – 3 well-written paragraphs) in response.  Be sure to connect with (and informally cite in-text) the applicable readings / videos from the module’s learning materials.

A note on in-text citing and connecting with the learning materials:  As a graduate student in a Master of Science degree program, it’s very important that you offer perspectives and arguments that are grounded in theory and the scientific literature – NOT personal opinion or anecdotal evidence. I don’t want a works-cited page, but I do want you to clearly cite your sources in-text for the various connections you’ll be making between the learning materials and your application thereof.  For example, one might write, “While I marveled at the uncanny ability of the psychic to tap into my true personality, the Barnum Effect (Aronson, Chapter 2) could have well explained my feelings…”  Be sure to use these informal in-text citations to make your arguments and support your perspectives.

Critical Thinking & Application

ProTip:  You may want to copy the essay questions into a Word doc (or similar), and compose your responses to the worksheet prompts offline.  Then you can return to the quiz submission page to “copy and paste” your previously composed responses into the text box associated with each of the prompts.  Once you have done that, you can click the “Submit the Quiz” button near the bottom of the screen in order to submit your essay questions for grading.  The Critical Thinking & Application essay-based quizzes are set to “single attempt” which means you cannot return to the quiz page to make revisions – so please keep that in mind and only “submit” your quiz when you are satisfied with your work!

Module Six Critical Thinking & Application Prompts
(Four Prompts)

Prompt 1: Take a look at the following list of some popular pseudo-scientific beliefs / conspiracy theories:
Channeling / Vaccinations cause autism / Genetic memory / Homeopathy / Intelligent design/ Flat Earth / Moon landing hoax / Angels / Alien abductions. Pick one that interests you and look at the evidence supporting this belief (some brief Googling
should be sufficient). Discuss why (citing concepts discussed throughout the course) the
evidence doesn’t prove, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the claim is an objective truth. Also, comment on why you think that “believers” hold on to the idea as if it were a verifiable truth rather than something rooted in pseudoscience or myth. In other words, knowing what you now know about social psychology, how do you think they might have come to adopt those beliefs?

Prompt 2:
Performance-related problems are problems where someone fails to accomplish some
particular objective in an effective manner (failing grades, missed performance targets such as sales quotas, productivity goals, or poor performance in just about any context).
Think of a specific performance-related problem that you know something about – either a
performance-related issue that you experienced, or that of a family member, friend, or
colleague. Keep that situation in mind as you respond to the prompt: What’s the situation? Describe the context and the performance problem as specifically as possible. Be objective; Avoid making judgments – state only the observable facts. Use examples to illustrate the specifics of the problem and the performance-related behaviors.

Prompt 3:
With respect to the specific performance-related problem you described:
Diagnose the possible root cause(s) of the performance problem (i.e., communication,
knowledge, motivation, resources/support). Are multiple factors responsible? If so, how do they relate to each other?
Critical Thinking & Application

Prompt 4:
With respect to the specific performance-related problem you have in mind:
Consider the TARGET dimensions – look at the questions associated with each
dimension (below) and discuss possible actions / strategies that could have been taken to
improve the performance issue in question. (Note: You are not answering all of the questions below individually – just discussing possible actions / strategies based on the TARGET dimensions you believe are most applicable.)
Task Dimension
• How can specific tasks/goals be reconceptualized to improve performance?,
• Is the task/goal specific and are outcomes measurable?,
• Is the task/goal broken down into appropriate sub-goals / process steps? Does the
employee understand these steps and the measurement criteria associated with
• Is the task appropriately challenging?,
• Can tasks be made more interesting/ stimulating/varied?,
• Is a multidimensional task required to engage the individual with varying levels of
• Has the task been presented with enthusiasm?
Authority Dimension
• What are the opportunities for people to use their own initiative?
• How can people be given more responsibility for their own learning?
• Are people supported in solving their own problems, or is the environment more
Recognition Dimension
• What kinds of formal and informal rewards and incentives are appropriate?
Grouping Dimension
• Can individuals work together more effectively?
• Consider strategies that foster positive interdependence / effective interactions /
individual accountability / collaborative skills / group processing.
Evaluation Dimension
• Are evaluations competitive / threatening?
• Can evaluations be based on personal improvement, progress toward goals,
participation, and/or effort?
Time Dimension
• Is there more of an interest in quantity or quality?
• Does the person feel in control of their wo