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Author Archives: Academic Wizard

November 25, 2024
November 25, 2024

Suspected Child Maltreatment

In Illinois mandated reporters are required to report suspected child maltreatment immediately when they have “reasonable cause to believe” that a child known to them in their professional or official capacity may be an abused or neglected child”. (325 ILCS 5/4) ,In your opinion what possible signs of child maltreatment may create a “reasonable cause to believe” the child is being maltreated?, Provide brief example.,    Consider your ethical role of meeting cultural beliefs regarding parenting children.,  For example how will you balance your legal duty as a mandated reporter (that may require a report) and honor cultural/family beliefs about discipline of minors?


Suspected Child Maltreatment

Minimum use of textbook to demonstrate review of course materials.  Additionally, integrate ACA code of ethics or peer reviewed journal article into main post.  Demonstrate understanding by paraphrasing content into your own wording.  APA format.

In Illinois, mandated reporters are required to report suspected child maltreatment immediately when they have “reasonable cause to believe” that a child known to them in their professional or official capacity may be an abused or neglected child”. (325 ILCS 5/4) In your opinion, what possible signs of child maltreatment may create a “reasonable cause to believe” the child is being maltreated? Provide brief example.    Consider your ethical role of meeting cultural beliefs regarding parenting children.  For example, how will you balance your legal duty as a mandated reporter (that may require a report) and honor cultural/family beliefs about discipline of minors?

Minimum use of textbook to demonstrate review of course materials.  Additionally, integrate ACA code of ethics or peer reviewed journal article into main post.  Demonstrate understanding by paraphrasing content into your own wording.  APA format.

In Illinois, mandated reporters are required to report suspected child maltreatment immediately when they have “reasonable cause to believe” that a child known to them in their professional or official capacity may be an abused or neglected child”. (325 ILCS 5/4) In your opinion, what possible signs of child maltreatment may create a “reasonable cause to believe” the child is being maltreated? Provide brief example.    Consider your ethical role of meeting cultural beliefs regarding parenting children.  For example, how will you balance your legal duty as a mandated reporter (that may require a report) and honor cultural/family beliefs about discipline of minors?

Minimum use of textbook to demonstrate review of course materials.  Additionally, integrate ACA code of ethics or peer reviewed journal article into main post.  Demonstrate understanding by paraphrasing content into your own wording.  APA format.  Suspected Child Maltreatment

November 25, 2024
November 25, 2024

Policy Literature Review

The purpose of this assignment is to critically analyze a recent healthcare legislature and review the relevant literature, focusing on the role of nursing in advocating for and supporting policy changes. You will conduct a literature review of peer-reviewed articles, examine statistical data, and assess the impact of the legislature on health outcomes and populations. (CSLO #3, #5)


Policy Literature Review

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Select a Recent Healthcare Legislature:
    Choose a healthcare legislature passed within the last 5 years that is of interest to you., The legislature should be relevant to healthcare delivery access or practice. ,Examples include legislation addressing healthcare reform access to services public health policies or advanced practice nursing roles. Policy Literature Review
  2. Literature Review (3 Peer-Reviewed Articles):
    Conduct a literature review of at least three peer-reviewed articles that explore the issue related to the chosen healthcare legislature., These articles should provide an evidence-based overview of the issue and offer insights into the implications of the legislation on the healthcare system patient outcomes and professional practice.
  3. Statistical Data and Health Outcomes:
    Provide statistical data relevant to the issue, including population demographics and the health outcomes impacted by the issue and the legislature., Discuss the scope of the problem, including any disparities or specific population groups affected by the legislature.
  4. Nursing Role in the Legislature:
    Analyze the role of nurses in advocating for, supporting, or implementing the healthcare legislature. What role did advanced practice nurses or nursing organizations play in the passage of the legislation? Discuss how nursing leadership contributed to influencing this policy.
  5. Formatting and Submission Guidelines:
    • The paper should be a maximum of 5 pages (not including the title page and references).
    • Use APA 7th edition format for citations and references.
    • References must be published within the last 5 years. Policy Literature Review


  • Paper length: Maximum 5 pages (excluding title page and references).
  • Sources: Include at least 3 peer-reviewed articles.
  • APA Formatting: Proper citation and referencing using APA 7th edition.
November 25, 2024
November 25, 2024

Argumentative Essay

Directions: Write the 5 – 7 page Research Essay on a selective topic below. The research essay is an extension of the Argumentative Essay. You must use credible sources to support your argument.  Failure to credit all sources will result in immediate failure of the assignmentFollow MLA Guidelines when completing this assignment. This assignment should be completed in MS Word and uploaded. Choose one of the writing prompts below. Please do not revise writing prompts. Use the exact prompt as the title. 


Argumentative Essay

Research Prompt (Use exact topics)

Why Abortion Should be the Decision of the Mother and Not the U.S. Supreme Court

Should Fathers Be Allowed to Take Paternity Leave

The Age When One Should Begin to Date (Anyone not a child)

Paper Format and General Guidelines

  • Double-space the text of your paper using 12 point Times New Roman font.
  • Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all sides.
  • Title should be centered beneath the date. (There should be no separate title page.) 
  • Create a Works Cited Page for your Essay (It is made up of the sources in the paper. It should appear at the end of the paper. Sources should be listed alphabetically.)
  • Make sure each entry in Works Cited Page has a hanging indention.
  • Length Requirement: 5 – 7 pages
  • Sources 5 – 7 credible sources(These sources should be the same ones used in the Annotated Bibliography.)Directions: Write the 5 – 7 page Research Essay on a selective topic below. The research essay is an extension of the Argumentative Essay. You must use credible sources to support your argument.  Failure to credit all sources will result in immediate failure of the assignmentFollow MLA Guidelines when completing this assignment. This assignment should be completed in MS Word and uploaded. Choose one of the writing prompts below. Please do not revise writing prompts. Use the exact prompt as the title. 

    Research Prompt (Use exact topics)

    Why Abortion Should be the Decision of the Mother and Not the U.S. Supreme Court,

    Should Fathers Be Allowed to Take Paternity Leave,

    The Age When One Should Begin to Date (Anyone not a child),

    Paper Format and General Guidelines

    • Double-space the text of your paper using 12 point Times New Roman font.,
    • Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all sides.,
    • Title should be centered beneath the date. (There should be no separate title page.) ,
    • Create a Works Cited Page for your Essay (It is made up of the sources in the paper. It should appear at the end of the paper. Sources should be listed alphabetically.),
    • Make sure each entry in Works Cited Page has a hanging indention.
    • Length Requirement: 5 – 7 pages
    • Sources 5 – 7 credible sources(These sources should be the same ones used in the Annotated Bibliography.)
November 25, 2024
November 25, 2024

Orality and Literacy

In your own words please summarize the contents from the Introduction and Chapter 1 of “Orality and Literacy”., I am not necessarily putting a length bc you may write it using paragraphs and/ or bullet points., Just be sure to cover the content, well. Also, remember to cite any information taken from the text.


Orality and Literacy

In-text: (author’s last name [no comma] page number) Example (Wong 12)


(0-25 points) Content

(0-10 points) Critical Thinking (effort)

(0-10 points) Writing Conventions

In your own words, please summarize the contents from the Introduction and Chapter 1 of “Orality and Literacy”. I am not necessarily putting a length bc you may write it using paragraphs and/ or bullet points. Just be sure to cover the content, well. Also, remember to cite any information taken from the text.

In-text: (author’s last name [no comma] page number) Example (Wong 12)


(0-25 points) Content

(0-10 points) Critical Thinking (effort)

(0-10 points) Writing Conventions

In your own words, please summarize the contents from the Introduction and Chapter 1 of “Orality and Literacy”. I am not necessarily putting a length bc you may write it using paragraphs and/ or bullet points. Just be sure to cover the content, well. Also, remember to cite any information taken from the text.

In-text: (author’s last name [no comma] page number) Example (Wong 12)


(0-25 points) Content

(0-10 points) Critical Thinking (effort)

(0-10 points) Writing Conventions

In your own words, please summarize the contents from the Introduction and Chapter 1 of “Orality and Literacy”. I am not necessarily putting a length bc you may write it using paragraphs and/ or bullet points. Just be sure to cover the content, well. Also, remember to cite any information taken from the text.

In-text: (author’s last name [no comma] page number) Example (Wong 12)


(0-25 points) Content

(0-10 points) Critical Thinking (effort)

(0-10 points) Writing Conventions

In your own words, please summarize the contents from the Introduction and Chapter 1 of “Orality and Literacy”. I am not necessarily putting a length bc you may write it using paragraphs and/ or bullet points. Just be sure to cover the content, well. Also, remember to cite any information taken from the text.

In-text: (author’s last name [no comma] page number) Example (Wong 12)


(0-25 points) Content

(0-10 points) Critical Thinking (effort)

(0-10 points) Writing Conventions

November 25, 2024
November 25, 2024

Effective Recruiting and Retention Program

Research Outline:

Topic: Creation and implementation of an effective recruiting and retention program to enhance the quality of employees and management within the organization.

Prepare an outline of what you plan to cover in your research paper from the topic listed above. Your outline should also include a sentence or two (with citations) regarding content and direction in each section.


Effective Recruiting and Retention Program

Below is a good example of a sample outline:

APA outline example

  1. Introduction (2 – 3 paragraphs) (cite)
  2. The topic of interest or main idea
  3. Problem statement (why)
  4. Background of the problem
  5. Main body – Section 1 (4 – 6 paragraphs) (cite)
  6. Extent of problem




  1. Who and how of the problem (cite)



III. Body – Section 2

  1. Cause and effect (cite)

1.This is/was the problem, and this is the solution

  1. Body – Section 3
  2. Possible solutions

1.What measures must be taken

2.What will work and what will not


  1. Conclusion (cite)
  2. Summarize relating back to introduction/problem
  3. Restate thesis


This research paper outline example will guide you in formatting the layout for a clear direction to work on., It eliminates the inconsistency along with lacking proper substance in the paper., Be sure to include citations within your outline to further support your writing. Effective Recruiting and Retention Program


Research Outline:

Topic: Creation and implementation of an effective recruiting and retention program to enhance the quality of employees and management within the organization.,

Prepare an outline of what you plan to cover in your research paper from the topic listed above., Your outline should also include a sentence or two (with citations) regarding content and direction in each section.,

Below is a good example of a sample outline:

APA outline example

  1. Introduction (2 – 3 paragraphs) (cite)
  2. The topic of interest or main idea
  3. Problem statement (why)
  4. Background of the problem
  5. Main body – Section 1 (4 – 6 paragraphs) (cite)
  6. Extent of problem




  1. Who and how of the problem (cite)



III. Body – Section 2

  1. Cause and effect (cite)

1.This is/was the problem, and this is the solution

  1. Body – Section 3
  2. Possible solutions

1.What measures must be taken

2.What will work and what will not


  1. Conclusion (cite)
  2. Summarize relating back to introduction/problem
  3. Restate thesis


This research paper outline example will guide you in formatting the layout for a clear direction to work on. It eliminates the inconsistency along with lacking proper substance in the paper. Be sure to include citations within your outline to further support your writing.

November 25, 2024
November 25, 2024

Request for Proposal

For this assignment, you will use an RFP (request for proposal) to compare two vendors and select the best fit. You will then create a PowerPoint presentation with information on these vendors and how they meet the RFP’s requirements. There is one deliverable for this assignment: a PowerPoint presentation with voiceover. See rubric for detailed grading information.


Request for Proposal

Scenario: You are the HIM Director at Broward Hospital. Your organization is seeking to partner with a vendor to provide coding and other HIM services on an “as-needed” basis. A Request for Proposal (RFP) has been issued to potential vendors. As the HIM Director, you are responsible for selecting a vendor based on these specific RFP requirements.


  1. Select two vendors to evaluate (possible options are listed below)., These companies provide services for HIM but may or may not provide all of the services Broward seeks., You are also welcome to use another relevant company.
    • In Record Time
    • Kiwi-Tek
    • Pena4
    • CSG Coding Services Group
    • Ciox Health
    • Aviacode
    • Oxford Global Resources
    • Trubridge
    • Allied Billing Services
  2. Review the RFP Download RFPfrom Broward Hospital System particularly the vendor requirements in Section VII. ,
  3. Compare the RFP requirements to your two vendors and determine which requirements they meet and do not meet., Select the vendor that best meets the requirements.,
  4. Create a PowerPoint presentation with the following components:,
    • Brief summary/purpose of RFP – what Broward is looking for (1 slide)
    • Vendor 1 background information, services, etc. (1 slide)
    • Vendor 1 specific RFP requirements met/not met (1 slide)
    • Vendor 2 background information, services, etc. (1 slide)
    • Vendor 2 specific RFP requirements met/not met (1 slide)
    • Winning vendor with a bulleted list of reasons why vendor was selected (1 slide)

Voiceover on each slide, must add additional content beyond what is written (do not read directly off slide). Your presentation MUST

For this assignment, you will use an RFP (request for proposal) to compare two vendors and select the best fit. You will then create a PowerPoint presentation with information on these vendors and how they meet the RFP’s requirements. There is one deliverable for this assignment: a PowerPoint presentation with voiceover. See rubric for detailed grading information.

Scenario: You are the HIM Director at Broward Hospital. Your organization is seeking to partner with a vendor to provide coding and other HIM services on an “as-needed” basis. A Request for Proposal (RFP) has been issued to potential vendors. As the HIM Director, you are responsible for selecting a vendor based on these specific RFP requirements.


  1. Select two vendors to evaluate (possible options are listed below). These companies provide services for HIM, but may or may not provide all of the services Broward seeks. You are also welcome to use another relevant company.
    • In Record Time
    • Kiwi-Tek
    • Pena4
    • CSG Coding Services Group
    • Ciox Health
    • Aviacode
    • Oxford Global Resources
    • Trubridge
    • Allied Billing Services
  2. Review the RFP Download RFPfrom Broward Hospital System, particularly the vendor requirements in Section VII.
  3. Compare the RFP requirements to your two vendors and determine which requirements they meet and do not meet. Select the vendor that best meets the requirements.
  4. Create a PowerPoint presentation with the following components:
    • Brief summary/purpose of RFP – what Broward is looking for (1 slide)
    • Vendor 1 background information, services, etc. (1 slide)
    • Vendor 1 specific RFP requirements met/not met (1 slide)
    • Vendor 2 background information, services, etc. (1 slide)
    • Vendor 2 specific RFP requirements met/not met (1 slide)
    • Winning vendor with a bulleted list of reasons why vendor was selected (1 slide)

Voiceover on each slide, must add additional content beyond what is written (do not read directly off slide). Your presentation MUST




November 22, 2024
November 22, 2024

Modern Nursing Literature

APA Style Paper

  1. Use of the concept in modern nursing literature (Since WWII). Find 5 articles that use the concept., Integrate the ideas presented in each of these into a several page description of the nursing profession’s current understanding of the concept., Contrast this with what you saw through the Christian ages.,
  2. Write implications for advanced practice nursing from the nursing literature you reviewed.,
  3. Write implications for advanced practice nursing from the historical analysis of the concept.,

Write a personal application to yourself of the materials reviewed throughout the whole investigation.



Modern Nursing Literature


Welcome to paper #3.  For this paper you will use the concept you chose in week 1 in modern nursing literature.  You are to find 5 articles that use the concept.Integrate the ideas presented in each of these into a several page description of the nursing profession’s current understanding of the concept. Contrast this with what you saw through the Christian ages.

Write implications for advanced practice nursing from the nursing literature you reviewed.

Write implications for advanced practice nursing from the historical analysis of the concept.

Remember to use the rubric and any samples.

APA Style Paper

  1. Use of the concept in modern nursing literature (Since WWII). Find 5 articles that use the concept. Integrate the ideas presented in each of these into a several page description of the nursing profession’s current understanding of the concept. Contrast this with what you saw through the Christian ages. Modern Nursing Literature
  2. Write implications for advanced practice nursing from the nursing literature you reviewed.
  3. Write implications for advanced practice nursing from the historical analysis of the concept.

Write a personal application to yourself of the materials reviewed throughout the whole investigation.


Welcome to paper #3.  For this paper you will use the concept you chose in week 1 in modern nursing literature.  You are to find 5 articles that use the concept.Integrate the ideas presented in each of these into a several page description of the nursing profession’s current understanding of the concept. Contrast this with what you saw through the Christian ages.

Write implications for advanced practice nursing from the nursing literature you reviewed.

Write implications for advanced practice nursing from the historical analysis of the concept.

Remember to use the rubric and any samples.









November 22, 2024
November 22, 2024

Theoretical Competition &  Integration

In paragraph format with proper punctuation and citation format (APA) post a response to the following questions in the Module 6 Discussion Forum. ,This activity is worth 100 points (parts a. through d. are worth 25 points each).


Theoretical Competition &  Integration

  1. What does Akers mean when he distinguishes between theoretical competition and theoretical integration?
  2. Is the criminological discourse multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary? Using the research and the evolution of criminological thought, make your case as to whether criminology is moving toward theoretical integration or theoretical competition? Examples warranted.
  3. The debate between Gottfredson/Hirschi and Sampson/Laub could be construed as the Hatfield and McCoy dispute of criminology. This debate offers the proverbial cat and dogfight over the causes of crime. What do Gottfredson and Hirschi say is the cause of crime? What do Sampson and Laub say is the cause of crime?
  4. Which one of these two perspectives (Gottfredson and Hirschi or Sampson and Laub) enjoys more empirical support? Describe why and how you come to this conclusion

n paragraph format with proper punctuation and citation format (APA), post a response to the following questions in the Module 6 Discussion Forum. This activity is worth 100 points (parts a. through d. are worth 25 points each).

  1. What does Akers mean when he distinguishes between theoretical competition and theoretical integration?,
  2. Is the criminological discourse multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary? ,Using the research and the evolution of criminological thought make your case as to whether criminology is moving toward theoretical integration or theoretical competition? Examples warranted.,
  3. The debate between Gottfredson/Hirschi and Sampson/Laub could be construed as the Hatfield and McCoy dispute of criminology., This debate offers the proverbial cat and dogfight over the causes of crime., What do Gottfredson and Hirschi say is the cause of crime?, What do Sampson and Laub say is the cause of crime?,
  4. Which one of these two perspectives (Gottfredson and Hirschi or Sampson and Laub) enjoys more empirical support?,Describe why and how you come to this conclusion


November 22, 2024
November 22, 2024

Major depressive Disorder

U12CSOAP Note on Major depressive Disorder. Due 11-23-24. 800w and 4 references.  Please use course resource/ textbook and DSM5 as reference. Must Use attached template


Major depressive Disorder


Every other week students will choose one patient encounter to submit a Follow-up SOAP note for review.

Follow the rubric to develop your SOAP notes for this term.,

The focus is on your ability to integrate your subjective and objective information gathering into formulation of diagnoses and development of patient-centered evidence-based plans of care for patients of all ages with multiple, complex mental health conditions., At the end of this term your SOAP notes will have demonstrated your knowledge of evidence-based practice clinical expertise and patient/family preferences as expected for an independent nurse practitioner incorporating psychotherapy into practice. Major depressive Disorder,

All work should be original and submitted as a Word document unless otherwise indicated in the assignment instructions. ,ALL assignments need to be APA 7 format and accompanied title page in APA 7th edition format in order that the work would be properly identified for the student the course and the assignment., Work submitted without a title page will receive a grade of 0.

U12CSOAP Note on Major depressive Disorder. Due 11-23-24. 800w and 4 references.  Please use course resource/ textbook and DSM5 as reference. Must Use attached template


Every other week students will choose one patient encounter to submit a Follow-up SOAP note for review.

Follow the rubric to develop your SOAP notes for this term.

The focus is on your ability to integrate your subjective and objective information gathering into formulation of diagnoses and development of patient-centered, evidence-based plans of care for patients of all ages with multiple, complex mental health conditions. At the end of this term, your SOAP notes will have demonstrated your knowledge of evidence-based practice, clinical expertise, and patient/family preferences as expected for an independent nurse practitioner incorporating psychotherapy into practice.

All work should be original and submitted as a Word document unless otherwise indicated in the assignment instructions. ALL assignments need to be APA 7 format and accompanied title page in APA 7th edition format in order that the work would be properly identified for the student, the course, and the assignment. Work submitted without a title page will receive a grade of 0.