BIO0262 Managing People
Assessment Task
Write a 1000-word essay answering a pre-seen question from a pre-seen case study that has been discussed and that has been uploaded to Brightspace.
1,000-word individual assignment (worth 50% of the module mark). The word count does not include title page, table of contents, tables, graphs, figures, pictures, list of references, and appendices.
Task specific guidance:
Critically analyse the effectiveness of Spotify’s “Squad” model in fostering employee autonomy, innovation, and accountability.
Discuss potential benefits, challenges, and limitations of applying this approach in other organisations.
BIO0262 Managing People
In answering this question, you should adhere to the following points as guidance:
- Your essay should be framed within the context of Managing People
- build your argument based on examples from this case study as well as external readings.
- Read widely from journal articles and textbooks and online sources to support your arguments with academic sources using APA 7th citation style.
- You must avoid providing a descriptive account only but remember a critical discussion is expected.
- Your work should be presented as an academic essay and as such should not include numbered headings, bullet points or illustrations.
Opportunities for formative feedback on your work will be available through your tutors. Please ask them about their tutor hours.
BIO0262 Managing People
Learning Outcomes
This section is for information only.
The assessment task outlined above has been designed to address specific validated learning outcomes for this module. It is useful to keep in mind that these are the things you need to show in this piece of work.
On completion of this module, students will need to demonstrate:
1, Develop and demonstrate critical awareness of the integrated dynamic factors that affect people management.
2, Develop critical understandings of key and contemporary theories and models within the HRM literature
4, Effectively communicate information, arguments, and analysis in a variety of forms.
5, Be able to critically analyse, develop and defend academic arguments using appropriate literature
Please note these learning outcomes are not additional questions. APA.