Social Media Marketing
Task 2.1 – Proposal Marketing Plan
You will choose a small and local brand/business with less than 10,000 followers in Instagram and based on it, you will submit a questionnaire published on the course site with basic information about that brand. Be aware that you are going to use this for Task 2.2, Task 2.3 and Task 2.4.
Task 2.2 – Draft Marketing Plan
You will write a 500 to 600-word SWOT analysis for the brand and country selected (both of them) in Task 2.1. This is going to be the base of your social media marketing plan, so include any technical, legal, environmental, financial and competitive information that might be useful when writing your plan. Social Media Marketing. Additionally, list the five tactics you are going to propose as the center of their marketing plan without explaining them in detail. Be sure all of them are different and use different platforms and techniques. This is your opportunity to demonstrate you think beyond what is obvious and you dominate different social media platforms.
Task 2.3 – Social Media Marketing Plan
Based on the SWOT analysis submitted in Task 2.2, you will create a digital marketing plan for the brand in the specific country selected (both of them) in task 2.1. The Plan, that must be customer, must include:
Target Audience – Define two target audiences you are going to build a digital marketing plan for and describe them in detail using at least three different criteria.
Objectives – Define at least three objectives you want to achieve with this digital marketing plan and write them in a SMART way.
Tactics – explain the five tactics you listed and submitted in Task 2.2 for some of the digital platforms studied during the course and explain them in detail. The more specific and detailed the better. This is the core of your paper, so do not fall short on it. Do not simply explain what they are from a theoretical point of view, be very specific on how the company must implement them.
KPIs – Specify the marketing metrics you are going to use to measure the success of this digital marketing plan with their respective goals. At least one KPI for each tactic.
Schedule – Build a schedule for your campaign, including all main activities in the planning, creation and communication process.
Task 2.4 – Social Media Marketing Plan
You are to post a link to a video presenting the marketing plan you created. Start by doing a presentation with no more than 10 slides summarizing the most important information included in your plan. The content must be clear, well developed, and interesting. It is not just copying and pasting the content from a word document into a power point file. Social Media Marketing. Includes images and graphics to make it more explanatory and enjoyable. Be sure the visuals are professionally designed, attractive, relevant and add to understanding. Prepare yourself to present. After several rehearsals, dress nicely, get ready and record yourself presenting your plan as if you were in a classroom. Both the student presenting, and the presentation with the slides must be seen within the image. Use APA referencing style.