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September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023

Colonoscopy Care & Pressure Ulcer


You are the quality director at a long-term care facility. Your manager has asked you to investigate two areas of care: colonoscopy care and pressure ulcer injuries. Your facility has seen a recent increase in their patients needing colonoscopy care that goes beyond what your facility can provide. It would be helpful to gather information on the quality of colonoscopy care by local hospitals.

For pressure ulcer injuries, you are concerned about this quality indicator: the percentage of patients with pressure ulcer injuries that are new or that have worsened since their arrival at your facility. In your facility, that quality indicator is 15% of residents, while the state percentage is 2.5%. Your manager has requested that you investigate how to improve this quality indicator in your long-term care facility so that the percentage will become closer to the state percentage. This assignment will help prepare you for your course project through the application and analysis of problem-solving frameworks.


Colonoscopy Care & Pressure Ulcer Part 1: For the first part of this assignment, explore the following websites that are public sources of healthcare industry data: AHRQ; Find and Compare Nursing Homes, Hospitals, and Other Providers Near You; and About the National Quality Strategy. Take some time to review the content of each of these sites in terms of available data information, and then write a 1-page paper on what you found.

Colonoscopy Care & Pressure Ulcer

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Types of data information: Types of data information: Describe the types of data information that the find-and-compare website contains on providers and hospitals.
  2. Data example: Data example: Discuss one example of data from either the AHRQ site or National Quality Strategy site related to colonoscopy care and how this information could be valuable to a healthcare organization (you must provide the link for the data source that you used).

Part 2: In the second part of this assignment, you will select a process improvement framework from the list in the first item below and then apply that framework to your goal of lowering your facility’s metrics on pressure ulcer injuries. Colonoscopy Care & Pressure Ulcer. Nursing Home Pressure Ulcer Rates: Spring 2019 provides data on pressure ulcer injuries in long-term care facilities. You should consider preventative measures such as understanding which residents are at higher risk, ensuring frequent changes in their position, providing proper nutrition, and using specialized beds to reduce pressure on the skin. Write 2–3 pages for Part 2.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Differentiate between frameworks: Differentiate between frameworks: Differentiate between the following problem-solving/performance improvement frameworks by examining their goals and processes:
  2. Root cause analysis (RCA)
  3. Plan-do-study-act investigation (PDSA)
  4. Tracers
  5. Failure mode effect analysis (FMEA)
  6. Framework steps: Framework steps: Select one of the four frameworks and discuss each step in the process of your chosen framework.
  7. Benefits of framework: Benefits of framework: Explain the value and benefits of your chosen framework.
  8. Apply framework: Apply framework: Apply your framework to the problem at your facility with pressure ulcer injuries.
  9. List what you would do in each step of your chosen framework for that issue.
  10. Assess the significance of any data or metrics in each step.
  11. Organizational process improvement: Organizational process improvement: Discuss what healthcare organizational issue or process might need to be revised to improve the performance area.

What to Submit

Colonoscopy Care & Pressure Ulcer. Submit this assignment as a Word document. It must be 3–4 pages in length. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. If you need writing support, you can access the Online Writing Center through the Academic Support module of your course.

September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023

Elementary Methods Every state has its own set of academic standards to guide students’ learning at each grade level. When it comes to science standards, some states have adopted the Next Generation Science Standards and other states have developed their own science standards based on the same framework. Elementary Methods

As a teacher, you will be using academic standards to help guide the focus of your teaching. You will create lesson plans that address certain standards. For this assignment, you will find your state’s science standards and practice developing appropriate and measurable objectives. Assignment Deliverable Cite at least one source using an in-text citation and provide a reference list. Includea title page for all assignments! Elementary Methods Also, organize your paper with headings, double-space, use 12 point Arial or Times Roman font and follow APA format. Access the Next Generation Science Standards site and scroll down to the map to find your state’s science standards. Research your state’s fourth-grade science standards and do the following: Select a fourth-grade performance expectation. Write 3 developmentally appropriate and measurable objectives. Identify 2 or 3 content vocabulary terms (for example: rocks, minerals, matter, bacteria, etc.) related to your focus, and describe the instructional strategies you would use to teach those terms to students

. Elementary Methods As a teacher, you will be using academic standards to help guide the focus of your teaching. You will create lesson plans that address certain standards. For this assignment, you will find your state’s science standards and practice developing appropriate and measurable objectives. Assignment Deliverable Cite at least one source using an in-text citation and provide a reference list. Includea title page for all assignments! Also, organize your paper with headings, double-space, use 12-point Arial or Times Roman font and follow APA format. For this assignment, you will find your state’s science standards and practice developing appropriate and measurable objectives. Assignment Deliverable Cite at least one source using an in-text citation and provide a reference list. Includea title page for all assignments! Use APA referencing style.

September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023

Common supports for disabled students Describe what related services are and how they help students with disabilities in school environments. (2 points) Why do you think there is such a wide range of related services and why is this important to students who have disabilities? (2 points) Once a student is determined to be eligible for special education and related services, what decisions must the multidisciplinary team make about the delivery of the related services? Identify and discuss at least three. (6 points) Under the topic:Common supports for disabled students

Related Services, you will be completing the module titled: Related Services: Common Supports for Students with Disabilities For each of the modules, you will complete the following activities: Click on the icon titled Perspectives and Resources. Read all content, view all media content, and take notes as you navigate through the module. Common supports for disabled students When you have finished the entire Thoughts and Perspectives section of the modules, respond to all questions in the Assessment section, using the guidelines presented in your syllabus.

    1. Your responses must be in a complete sentence and answer all questions thoroughly, using proper grammar and sentence structure.
    2. Cut-and-paste answers from the module will not be accepted.   You must use your own words.
    3. Create a Word document and cut and paste the questions below.  Answer in your own words.
    4. The points will be distributed as follows:
    5. Describe what related services are and how they help students with disabilities in school environments. (2 points)
    6. Why do you think there is such a wide range of related services and why is this important to students who have disabilities? (2 points)
    7. Once a student is determined to be eligible for special education and related services, what decisions must the multidisciplinary team make about the delivery of the related services? Identify and discuss at least three. (6 points). Use APA referencing style.
September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023

Teachers of disabled students Using the following link  Procedural Safeguards Link:
Using the following link

Procedural Safeguards Link: Part B Procederal safeguards Notice florida department of Educational links to an external site.

Complete the following two activities:Teachers of disabled students


  • Develop a list of ten items that teachers of students with disabilities need to know about parents’ rights and explain.  (10 points)
    • Be specific and thorough in your explanations, using complete sentences. (10 points)
    • Be sure to include page numbers.
  • Develop a list of five items you would tell teachers-in-training about due process hearings. (5 points)
    • Be specific and thorough in your explanations, using complete sentences. (5 points)
    • Be sure to include page numbers. Using the following link Procedural Safeguards Link: Using the following link Procedural Safeguards Link: Part B Procedural safeguards Teachers of disabled students Notice Florida department of educational links to an external site.  Be sure to include page numbers. Complete the following two activities: Develop a list of explain ten items that teachers of students with disabilities need to know about parents’ rights and explain.  (10 points) Be specific and thorough in your explanations, using complete sentences. (10 points) Develop a list of five items you would tell teachers-in-training about due process hearings. (5 points)
      • Be specific and thorough in your explanations, using complete sentences. (5 points)
      • Be sure to include page numbers.Using the following link

        Procedural Safeguards Link:
        Using the following link

        Procedural Safeguards Link: Part B Procederal safeguards Notice florida department of Educational links to an external site.

        Complete the following two activities:

        • Develop a list of ten items that teachers of students with disabilities need to know about parents’ rights and explain.  (10 points)
          • Be Teachers of disabled students specific and thorough in your explanations, using complete sentences. (10 points)
          • Be sure to include page numbers.
        • Develop a list of five items you would tell teachers-in-training about due process hearings. (5 points)
          • Be specific and thorough in your explanations, using complete sentences. (5 points)
          • Be sure to include page numbers. Use APA referencing style.
September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023

Special Education Services Eligibility

Part 1

Please review the link below to further analyze the Eligibility process when determining if a student is eligible for special education services.

Eligibility Process

In addition, below is an example of an Eligibility Meeting for a student being considered for Specific Learning Disability (SLD). The Eligibility team discussed the student’s multi-tiered approach and data collection (including a psychological) used as a comprehensive evaluation to determine if the student was eligible for Special Education services. Please review link below. https://youtu.be/gEDeAyMghUw

Special Education Services Eligibility

IEP Team/Process

If a child has been determined eligible for Special Education services, he/she will be provided with an Individual Education Plan Team who will develop his/her Individual Education Plan (IEP). From the date that the parent signs the consent to evaluate the student, the IEP team has 60 calendar days to determine eligibility, develop and implement an IEP. The function of and IEP is to allow him/her to gain access to education in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) when given appropriate accommodations/modifications according to his/her individual needs. Please review the provided link below to further analyze the IEP team and process. Please Review Link Below:  Individual Education Plan Team (Pg. 59-61) Below is a Sample (blank) copy and Quick Guide of an IEP plan/form. It may look slightly different than plans you have seen, but the components/sections of this sample are the same.

Please Review Links Below:

Components/Sections of an IEP Blank Review

Components/Sections of an IEP-Quick Guide

Discussion Questions:

Please review the supportive links. Thoroughly answer the initial Discussion questions below by Thursday 11:59pm using details and citing evidence from the links, when necessary. Then, respond to at least 2 of your classmate’s answer with supporting and insightful comments/questions by Sunday 11:59pm.

  1. What are the data sources that are reviewed by the team when assessing a child’s eligibility for special education services?
  2. At a minimum, who must the IEP team include?
  3. After viewing the Sample Eligibility meeting video, what are your thoughts on the process? Have you been apart of an Eligibility meeting yet? If so, are there any similarities or differences noticed?
  4. Does the parent have the right to reschedule an IEP meeting? Name at least 3 ways in which a parent could be involved in the IEP meeting.


Write a roll-out speech for a routine in your classroom in the manner you would present it to your students. Make sure to give clear directions using “economy of language”. Your tone should convey a positive and firm presence.


Special Education Services Eligibility. Use the Engineering Efficiency template below to design a classroom routine or procedure. Use APA referencing style.

September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023

Addressing Crime – Criminal Case. As a way to address the crime that occurred in the criminal case you found, write a proposal for a new or changed process or practice that is based on a victimization theory.

Part I (250–500 words)

Explain how the applicable theory or theories could apply to the case you found.

Part II (500–750 words)

Choose one theory of focus that applies to the case. Identify an existing process or practice that would benefit from a change. For the purpose of this assignment, consider a process or practice to be an action that can be taken at the day-to-day level, such as employing certain interview techniques, increasing patrols, improving response times, etc. Explain why that change would be beneficial. Addressing Crime – Criminal Case. Propose the following to address the circumstances in your chosen case: A theory-based process or practice change that could help prevent another occurrence of the crime. A theory-based process or practice change that could improve outcomes for the victim. Explain how this type of change could create positive social change. Be sure to draw upon examples from the case you selected and the Learning Resources to support your response.

Addressing Crime - Criminal Case

Addressing Crime – Criminal Case. Choose one theory of focus that applies to the case. Identify an existing process or practice that would benefit from a change. For the purpose of this assignment, consider a process or practice to be an action that can be taken at the day-to-day level, such as employing certain interview techniques, increasing patrols, improving response times, etc. Explain why that change would be beneficial. Propose the following to address the circumstances in your chosen case: A theory-based process or practice change that could help prevent another occurrence of the crime. A theory-based process or practice change that could improve outcomes for the victim. Explain how this type of change could create positive social change. Be sure to draw upon examples from the case you selected and the Learning Resources to support your response. Use APA referencing style.

September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023

Ethical Issues in Education. Select a controversial issue of your choice (the world is your oyster… anything that people might reasonably… or not? debate). How might people’s differing ethical evaluations be understood or explained? And how might interdisciplinary analysis help us understand and untangle these differences? According to your book, people tend to make ethical decisions based on one or more of the following:

“They can perform consequential analysis, asking whether the act benefits the world more than it hurts it. (People might, of course, disagree about the likely consequences of an act, but then we can apply interdisciplinary strategies to try to achieve greater consensus about likely effects.) They can follow certain rules, such as the Golden Rule (treat others as you would like to be treated in their position), or adherence to certain rights. Ethical Issues in Education. They can celebrate certain virtues, such as honesty or courage, and act always in accord with these. They can do what their intuition tells them, avoiding acts that make them feel guilty. They can follow tradition, doing what members of their group(s) do in such situations.”

Ethical Issues in Education

Select a controversial issue of your choice (the world is your oyster… anything that people might reasonably… or not? debate). How might people’s differing ethical evaluations be understood or explained? And how might interdisciplinary analysis help us understand and untangle these differences? According to your book, people tend to make ethical decisions based on one or more of the following:

Ethical Issues in Education. “They can perform consequential analysis, asking whether the act benefits the world more than it hurts it. (People might, of course, disagree about the likely consequences of an act, but then we can apply interdisciplinary strategies to try to achieve greater consensus about likely effects.) They can follow certain rules, such as the Golden Rule (treat others as you would like to be treated in their position), or adherence to certain rights. They can celebrate certain virtues, such as honesty or courage, and act always in accord with these. They can do what their intuition tells them, avoiding acts that make them feel guilty. They can follow tradition, doing what members of their group(s) do in such situations.” Use APA referencing style.

September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023

Professional Trifold Brochure. This assignment will reinforce knowledge and application of copyright, fair use, and common domain laws and guidelines for the educational setting. You will create a professional trifold brochure that defines and gives examples of applying copyright, fair use, and public domain in the educational setting.  You will have applied fair and ethical practices when using creative works covered by public licenses in the educational setting. You will have researched current issues in birth-grade 12 education. You will have explained the role of the federal government in public and private education.

Professional Trifold Brochure

Part 1:

Create a professional trifold brochure designed to educate or remind fellow educators about the laws concerning copyright, fair use, and public domain. The brochure should share the basics and provide at least one professional resource where readers can go to get further information. Be creative in your design. Use colorful graphics to catch the eye and make it appealing to read.


Professional Trifold Brochure. Use a Microsoft Office software product or other software approved by your instructor to create a one-page trifold brochure. The brochure should include color graphics, have a professional appearance, and utilize college-level writing. Include general information about copyright, fair use, and public domain. Additionally, include at least one resource for additional information. It is vitally important that you do not plagiarize or break any copyright law as part of this assignment. Cite any sources used if necessary, using APA documentation guidelines. Grading Criteria; Use of color graphics, Professional appearance, Information on copyright, Information on fair use, Information on public domain, College-level writing including proper grammar and punctuation and Resource for additional information.

This assignment will reinforce knowledge and application of copyright, fair use, and common domain laws and guidelines for the educational setting. You will create a professional trifold brochure that defines and gives examples of applying copyright, fair use, and public domain in the educational setting.  You will have applied fair and ethical practices when using creative works covered by public licenses in the educational setting. You will have researched current issues in birth-grade 12 education. You will have explained the role of the federal government in public and private education.

September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023

Practical Statistics for Educators. Textbook: Ravid, R. (2020). Practical statistics for educators (6th ed.). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISBN: 9781475846836. Read: Chapters 7 & 8. In the back of the required textbook, you will find some scenarios of testing opportunities. These listed scenarios each differ in the type of situation and variables being collected. Please review scenarios 1, 6, and 8 (page 220) before continuing with this assignment.

Now that you have read all three scenarios, you are to select one of the three options and develop a short but informative context for this presented virtual environment. Write about this school site, carefully including within your descriptive writing the necessary problem that is being asked by the introductory scenario that you selected. Next, create a database of at least a sample of 30, whose numbers appear to be logical in their development. Practical Statistics for Educators. Create this database using an Excel spreadsheet so it will allow you to run statistical correlational and regression measures once it is created. Place in your paper, a sampling of the type of reported data that you have collected, explaining how it was collected and why the two sets of data may appear to be correlated.

Practical Statistics for Educators

Describe in the next paragraph the actual statistical measures that you have selected to use to better understand the needed answer. Since this assignment is related to being able to understand and use correlation and regression, be sure to select these along with any other options you want to share. Now that you have set up all the necessary background for this scenario, you can run the appropriate correlation and regression statistical measure using an excel spreadsheet. Create a report in the form of a table to show what was found when you used the statistical measure with Excel. Remember to look at how to create the proper table using APA guidelines (no vertical lines allowed and very few horizontal).

Practical Statistics for Educators. Finish this assignment by writing a conclusion to what the table is suggesting. Remember you should not suggest that the one incident caused the other, but only that there is a type of correlation between the listed variables. Write a 1500- word essay addressing each of the above points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the prompts for each point and include your Excel data tables within the body of your essay. There should be separate sections, one for each topic above. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which topic you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) citations in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount.