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September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023

Touchstone – Presenting Research Plan

SCENARIO: Your supervisor has approved your research question and plan for studying some aspect of diversity and/or collaboration in a community group. Now it is time to conduct your literature review and develop your hypothesis and research plan.

ASSIGNMENT: In the first Touchstone, you developed a research question and prepared a preliminary bibliography for your literature review. You will now conduct your literature review, formulate your hypothesis and research plan, and develop a set of notecards that summarize your work. REQUIREMENTS: You must create 8-11 notecards using the touchstone template below. Your notecards will include:

introduction card, research question card, literature review (4–6 cards), hypothesis card, operational definitions card (if needed), research method card.

  1. Directions

Step 1: Revise Touchstone 1

First, return to the community group description, research question, and proposed bibliography that you submitted in Touchstone 1, and make any necessary changes based on feedback from the grader. You will likely want to refine your reading list based on the feedback you received and what you learned about diversity and collaboration in Unit 3.

Touchstone - Presenting Research Plan

Step 2: Conduct a Literature Review

Touchstone – Presenting Research Plan. Next, complete your reading for your literature review. Reminder of attributes of good readings for your literature review: They are academic, scholarly works about research findings or they are reliable journalistic reporting based on scientifically credible and reliable data. They should have been published in the last 20 years—unless they are a landmark work on the topic and provide important background or as a comparison. They look at different sides of the argument and a variety of perspectives. As you complete each reading, take notes. Some of the questions you could ask about each reading include:

Who wrote this article? Is it the researchers themselves, or is it a journalist writing about their findings? Where was it published? Is it a scholarly publication like an academic journal, or is it for a popular audience? If the publication is for a popular audience, how would you characterize the audience? Do they have an academic affiliation? Are the researchers sociologists, or are they of a different discipline? When was the research conducted? What question were the researchers attempting to answer? How does this question/topic relate to my question/topic? What methods did they use to study their question? What conclusions did they draw from their results? How do their conclusions impact my research question, hypothesis, or research plan? As you did for your first Touchstone, you will include five key elements for each source, with each element separated by a period:

Touchstone – Presenting Research Plan. Author’s name(s), Publisher and publication date, Title of the source, in quotation marks, Page numbers (if applicable), Source’s location for web-based texts (URL) Step 3: Formulate a Hypothesis, State Your Operational Definitions, and Choose a Research Method. Hypothesis Next, formulate a hypothesis for your research question and choose a sociological research method appropriate for testing your hypothesis. While you won’t be conducting the research, you will write up a description of how you plan to conduct your research. (HINT: Refer back to Lesson 1.3.5: Formulating a Hypothesis, Lesson 1.3.6: Collecting Data: Quantitative Approaches , and Lesson 1.3.6: Collecting Data: Quantitative Approaches for help.)

A formal hypothesis states the relationship between two variables—one is independent (IV) and one is dependent (DV). It must also be formatted as an If/Then statement, for instance: If people eat chocolate (IV), then they will get pimples (DV). If people go to the gym (IV), then they will be fit (DV).

Operational Definitions

Operational definitions identify important concepts related to the research. For example, If your community organization includes students, are they K-12? College? Medical? Or are students defined as: young adults between the ages of 18-21 who are attending a particular college or university?

Research Method

Deciding on a research method will also take some thought and planning: Will you use qualitative or quantitative research or a combination? How will you engage subjects or find your data? What kinds of tools and assessments will be used to gather the data?

Step 4: Prepare Your Notecards

Finally, incorporate Steps 1-4 to prepare a set of notecards for your proposed research study. Use the template provided to create 8-11 notecards that present the work you completed in Steps 1-4. Use APA referencing style.

September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023

Methods and Results


The final project for this course is a formal research project based on one of the psychological topics provided, or a topic of your choice (to be approved by your instructor), and it will include the following components: abstract, introduction, methods and results, discussion, and references. Your report should be developed as if it were being presented at an undergraduate research conference. The final project is meant for you to propose a hypothetical study. You are not and should not be conducting human-subject research for this project. It is not necessary for the purposes of this assignment. All human-subject research requires written approval from the SNHU COCE Institutional Review Board in order to protect the welfare and ensure ethical treatment of the subjects.”


Submit a draft of the methods and results sections of your research report. There are several important objectives that need to be accomplished in the methods and results section. The methods section is a thorough description of the procedure you will use for your study, including the following: Methods and Results. A description of the experimental procedure and the setting for your study. The types of subjects and how they will be selected and assigned. How data will be collected, recorded, and analyzed, and a description of the instrumentation used. The methods for the ethical treatment of subjects (e.g., informed consent, debriefing). Clearly described data analysis methods (for the statistics used).

Methods and Results

The results section details the findings from the study and includes the following: Results directly related to the original hypothesis and follow logically from the goals and the design of the research (research questions and hypotheses). Data used to describe patterns and relationships revealed by the study. Conclusions are logically summarized and interpreted in relation to the hypothesis and research questions. The following critical elements in the Final Project Rubric are related to this milestone:

Methods and Results 

Methods and Results. For the next part of your research report, you will develop the methods and results sections, which inform potential readers of how you conducted your study and what the statistical results of the study were. These sections should contain the following elements, which will demonstrate your ability to detail the process of conducting research and to appropriately convey your results:

  1. Explain the methods of how you conducted your study.
  2. Conduct statistical analyses as appropriate.

 What to Submit

The draft of your methods and results sections should be 4–5 pages in length, double spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA formatting. Cite any references using APA formatting.

September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023

Literacy Case – Miss Lucy. Miss Lucy begins her lesson by asking the students to share things they have done that they knew were wrong. After the children describe their experiences, the teacher asks why they did these things. She then tells the children that they are going to read the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears (2009) by Caralyn Buehner. Before reading, she has the children look at the pictures in the book to predict what the story is about. The teacher asks the class to think about who does bad things in the story while they read. The class then reads the story silently from beginning to end. Afterward, the teacher asks questions designed to elicit information about the students’ comprehension of the story theme. She asks, what are the main events in the story? Who are the good characters? Who are the bad ones, and why? Why were they good or bad? Was it okay for Goldilocks to go in the bears’ house uninvited? Why yes or why no? Children are asked to discuss favorite parts of the story and read these parts to the class. A discussion follows about the illustrations in the book. Are the pictures important to the story? Do they help tell parts of the story?

Literacy Case - Miss Lucy

Miss Lucy asks the students what types of extended activities they would like to do related to the story, for example, draw a picture or make a felt story. The children decide to act out the story. The teacher helps the children discuss what the major scenes are and who the main characters are. The children volunteer for roles. They follow the content of the story, but without using the book. The children act out the scenes spontaneously. The class is asked to return to their seats, illustrate their favorite part of the story, and rewrite it in their own words.

Literacy Case – Miss Lucy. After reading the scenario, use the following questions to guide a discussion: Are the teaching strategies appropriate? Why or why not? Do the questions posed by the teacher’s foster factual or interpretive thought? Is there an emphasis on specifics or understanding of questions raised? Is the plan flexible or predetermined? Is there time for problem solving in an interactive manner with peers? Is the atmosphere constricted, controlled, supportive, warm, or rewarding? Can children raise questions? Use APA referencing style.


September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023

Packaging Design Brief. Assume you are the packaging engineer for a large consumer products company. In this company, the Packaging Design Briefs are initiated by the marketing group and forwarded to the Package Engineering group. You currently are working on three packaging design briefs. Copies of these design briefs are attached. Note that the marketing department has completed some information on each brief and the Package Engineering department will complete the remaining information.

Packaging Design Brief

Describe the function(s) that must be served by the primary package for this product (include all that apply). What is your recommendation for the material(s) that should be used for the primary package? Please justify your material(s) selection.  Include the advantages of this material for this purpose and the disadvantages or concerns of using this material. What method of printing do you recommend for the primary package?  Please justify your recommendation of print method.  Include the advantages of this print method for this package and the disadvantages or concerns of using this print method. Have you made any assumptions in choosing the material or print method? What environmental concerns must be addressed for the primary packaging?

Packaging Design Brief. Describe the function(s) that must be served by the secondary package for this product (include all that apply). What is your recommendation for the material(s) that should be used for the secondary package? Please justify your material(s) selection.  Include the advantages of this material for this purpose and the disadvantages or concerns of using this material. What method of printing do you recommend for the secondary package? Please justify your recommendation of print method.  Include the advantages of this print method for this package and the disadvantages or concerns of using this print method. Have you made any assumptions in choosing the material or print method? What environmental concerns must be addressed for the secondary packaging? Use APA referencing style.

September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023

Introduction – Discuss the historical background of theories of pain mechanisms. Analysis of the underpinning for the theory of pain – discuss the analysis of the underpinning for the theory of pain. Theoretical or background work that has been done in the field that will support formation or creation of theory. Applications of the theory of pain – explain how the theory is used in practice. Suggestion for additional research – discuss the need for additional research. Conclusion – all resources correctly referenced. MUST USE SIX CURRENT SCHOLARLY REFERENCES off CINAHL Complete Database, MEDLINE Complete Database, LIRN and EBSCO HOST.

Theories of Pain Mechanisms

Introduction – Discuss the historical background of theories of pain mechanisms. Analysis of the underpinning for the theory of pain – discuss the analysis of the underpinning for the theory of pain. Theoretical or background work that has been done in the field that will support formation or creation of theory. Theories of Pain Mechanisms. Applications of the theory of pain – explain how the theory is used in practice. all resources correctly referenced. Suggestion for additional research – discuss the need for additional research. Conclusion – all resources correctly referenced. MUST USE SIX CURRENT SCHOLARLY REFERENCES off CINAHL Complete Database, MEDLINE Complete Database, LIRN and EBSCO HOST.

Theories of Pain Mechanisms. Introduction – Discuss the historical background of theories of pain mechanisms. Analysis of the underpinning for the theory of pain – discuss the analysis of the underpinning for the theory of pain. Theoretical or background work that has been done in the field that will support formation or creation of theory. Applications of the theory of pain – explain how the theory is used in practice. Suggestion for additional research – discuss the need for additional research. Conclusion – all resources correctly referenced. MUST USE SIX CURRENT SCHOLARLY REFERENCES off CINAHL Complete Database, MEDLINE Complete Database, LIRN and EBSCO HOST. Use APA referencing style.


September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023

Criminal Law Speech. Choose a topic that you are interested in and that your audience might be interested in.


This outline should be at least 3 pages in length and use 12-point font. Use appropriate coordination and subordination. Use full sentences, including subjects and verbs for the main ideas or main points and the 1st order of subordinate ideas or sub-points. Consistently use either full-sentence or list form for 2nd -order sub-points supporting the same 1st order sub-point. Usually use list form for 3rd order, 4th order, and 5th order sub-points.

Criminal Law Speech

Enhance the readability of the outline. Use only one idea per point, only one sentence per point, single-space each point, and double-space vertically between points. Leave a line of white space between each point at every level. Criminal Law Speech. Transitions between major sections and the main points should be provided in the outline. Use transitions to move the audience’s attention from one section to another or from one main point to another. Use a consistent pattern of indentation. Type main points flush with the left margin. Indent 5 spaces for 1st-order sub-points, 10 spaces for 2nd-order sub-points, 15 spaces for 3rd-order sub-points, 20 spaces for 4th-order sub-points.

Use the following system to label the points in the body:

Main Points: upper case Roman numerals [I, II, III, IV, V]

1st -order sub-points: upper case letters [A, B, C, D, E]

2nd -order sub-points: Arabic numerals [1, 2.3, 4, 5]

3rd -order sub-points: lower-case letters {a, b, c, d, e],

4th -order sub-points: Arabic numerals in parentheses [(1), (2), (3)]


Specific Purpose:

Your specific purpose should consist of the following three parts: Specific Communication Word (use an infinitive phrase…to inform, to persuade, to explain) Target Audience (classmates, colleagues, students…) The Content (how to do something, why one thing is better than the other…)

Thesis (or Central Idea Statement):

This should be one complete sentence that provides an overview of your presentation. The introduction should gain attention, orient the audience by stating the topic, offer a reason for listening, and preview the body of the speech. Criminal Law Speech. The introduction (which may be outlined or written word-for-word) is designed to gain the attention of the audience; establish the speaker’s credibility; and establish rapport, offering a compelling reason for listening; and orient the audience to your topic/purpose/central idea; and preview your main points.

Do not say “I will tell the story of ____,” or “I will do X, Y, or Z.” Actually outline or write the story here in the Introduction, such as “Have you ever found yourself repeating mistakes you have made before?” Actually outline or write the question here.

Transitions may link major sections OR main ideas OR subordinate ideas within the body of the speech. The body must contain 2-5 main points using patterns of organization covered in the textbook; other patterns of organization must have prior approval by the instructor. Each main point must be well supported by 2-5 1st-order sub-points designed to illustrate the main points (examples, illustrations, facts, quotations, etc.) Don’t overload the audience with information. Move from simple to complex ideas. Move from familiar to unfamiliar ideas. Define your terms.

Criminal Law Speech. The body develops your ideas, condenses your thinking and research, ensuring that you have done an adequate job of preparation. The entire outline should contain more material than you have time to use in your speech and must be at least 3 pages in length [2 full + 1 partial). You must use two-five (2-5) main ideas and two-five (2-5) subordinate (sub-points) points for each main point or higher-level sub-point. The conclusion (which may be outlined or written word-for-word) communicates a sense of finality and should. You may end with a story or quotation. The conclusion (which may be outline or written word-for-word) is designed to signal the end of your speech; and recap your main points; and provide a clincher.

References: The References section reports where you found the information for your speech. There are two general sources of information: your own personal experience and what you have learned from outside sources (reading or interviewing). You must indicate where you obtained your information. You are expected to provide at least five credible sources for this speech. If some of your information came from your own experience, specify that personal experience in the reference. For example, “I based this speech on water safety totally upon my personal experience as a lifeguard at Norms’ Resort, Cottage Lake, for the seven summers from 1959 until 1965.” Your personal experience will count as only one of five or more sources of information required.

Criminal Law Speech. You must include and cite properly (in APA format) at least one source from the Columbia College library database. Do not use Wikipedia as a source of information. However, if you cite electronic sources, provide enough information so that I could duplicate your search. Include at least the author or editor, title, date, publication medium, publisher, and the Universal Resource Locator [URL], which includes protocol, site, path, and file.

September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023

Colonoscopy Care & Pressure Ulcer


You are the quality director at a long-term care facility. Your manager has asked you to investigate two areas of care: colonoscopy care and pressure ulcer injuries. Your facility has seen a recent increase in their patients needing colonoscopy care that goes beyond what your facility can provide. It would be helpful to gather information on the quality of colonoscopy care by local hospitals.

For pressure ulcer injuries, you are concerned about this quality indicator: the percentage of patients with pressure ulcer injuries that are new or that have worsened since their arrival at your facility. In your facility, that quality indicator is 15% of residents, while the state percentage is 2.5%. Your manager has requested that you investigate how to improve this quality indicator in your long-term care facility so that the percentage will become closer to the state percentage. This assignment will help prepare you for your course project through the application and analysis of problem-solving frameworks.


Colonoscopy Care & Pressure Ulcer Part 1: For the first part of this assignment, explore the following websites that are public sources of healthcare industry data: AHRQ; Find and Compare Nursing Homes, Hospitals, and Other Providers Near You; and About the National Quality Strategy. Take some time to review the content of each of these sites in terms of available data information, and then write a 1-page paper on what you found.

Colonoscopy Care & Pressure Ulcer

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Types of data information: Types of data information: Describe the types of data information that the find-and-compare website contains on providers and hospitals.
  2. Data example: Data example: Discuss one example of data from either the AHRQ site or National Quality Strategy site related to colonoscopy care and how this information could be valuable to a healthcare organization (you must provide the link for the data source that you used).

Part 2: In the second part of this assignment, you will select a process improvement framework from the list in the first item below and then apply that framework to your goal of lowering your facility’s metrics on pressure ulcer injuries. Colonoscopy Care & Pressure Ulcer. Nursing Home Pressure Ulcer Rates: Spring 2019 provides data on pressure ulcer injuries in long-term care facilities. You should consider preventative measures such as understanding which residents are at higher risk, ensuring frequent changes in their position, providing proper nutrition, and using specialized beds to reduce pressure on the skin. Write 2–3 pages for Part 2.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Differentiate between frameworks: Differentiate between frameworks: Differentiate between the following problem-solving/performance improvement frameworks by examining their goals and processes:
  2. Root cause analysis (RCA)
  3. Plan-do-study-act investigation (PDSA)
  4. Tracers
  5. Failure mode effect analysis (FMEA)
  6. Framework steps: Framework steps: Select one of the four frameworks and discuss each step in the process of your chosen framework.
  7. Benefits of framework: Benefits of framework: Explain the value and benefits of your chosen framework.
  8. Apply framework: Apply framework: Apply your framework to the problem at your facility with pressure ulcer injuries.
  9. List what you would do in each step of your chosen framework for that issue.
  10. Assess the significance of any data or metrics in each step.
  11. Organizational process improvement: Organizational process improvement: Discuss what healthcare organizational issue or process might need to be revised to improve the performance area.

What to Submit

Colonoscopy Care & Pressure Ulcer. Submit this assignment as a Word document. It must be 3–4 pages in length. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. If you need writing support, you can access the Online Writing Center through the Academic Support module of your course.

September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023

Elementary Methods Every state has its own set of academic standards to guide students’ learning at each grade level. When it comes to science standards, some states have adopted the Next Generation Science Standards and other states have developed their own science standards based on the same framework. Elementary Methods

As a teacher, you will be using academic standards to help guide the focus of your teaching. You will create lesson plans that address certain standards. For this assignment, you will find your state’s science standards and practice developing appropriate and measurable objectives. Assignment Deliverable Cite at least one source using an in-text citation and provide a reference list. Includea title page for all assignments! Elementary Methods Also, organize your paper with headings, double-space, use 12 point Arial or Times Roman font and follow APA format. Access the Next Generation Science Standards site and scroll down to the map to find your state’s science standards. Research your state’s fourth-grade science standards and do the following: Select a fourth-grade performance expectation. Write 3 developmentally appropriate and measurable objectives. Identify 2 or 3 content vocabulary terms (for example: rocks, minerals, matter, bacteria, etc.) related to your focus, and describe the instructional strategies you would use to teach those terms to students

. Elementary Methods As a teacher, you will be using academic standards to help guide the focus of your teaching. You will create lesson plans that address certain standards. For this assignment, you will find your state’s science standards and practice developing appropriate and measurable objectives. Assignment Deliverable Cite at least one source using an in-text citation and provide a reference list. Includea title page for all assignments! Also, organize your paper with headings, double-space, use 12-point Arial or Times Roman font and follow APA format. For this assignment, you will find your state’s science standards and practice developing appropriate and measurable objectives. Assignment Deliverable Cite at least one source using an in-text citation and provide a reference list. Includea title page for all assignments! Use APA referencing style.

September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023

Common supports for disabled students Describe what related services are and how they help students with disabilities in school environments. (2 points) Why do you think there is such a wide range of related services and why is this important to students who have disabilities? (2 points) Once a student is determined to be eligible for special education and related services, what decisions must the multidisciplinary team make about the delivery of the related services? Identify and discuss at least three. (6 points) Under the topic:Common supports for disabled students

Related Services, you will be completing the module titled: Related Services: Common Supports for Students with Disabilities For each of the modules, you will complete the following activities: Click on the icon titled Perspectives and Resources. Read all content, view all media content, and take notes as you navigate through the module. Common supports for disabled students When you have finished the entire Thoughts and Perspectives section of the modules, respond to all questions in the Assessment section, using the guidelines presented in your syllabus.

    1. Your responses must be in a complete sentence and answer all questions thoroughly, using proper grammar and sentence structure.
    2. Cut-and-paste answers from the module will not be accepted.   You must use your own words.
    3. Create a Word document and cut and paste the questions below.  Answer in your own words.
    4. The points will be distributed as follows:
    5. Describe what related services are and how they help students with disabilities in school environments. (2 points)
    6. Why do you think there is such a wide range of related services and why is this important to students who have disabilities? (2 points)
    7. Once a student is determined to be eligible for special education and related services, what decisions must the multidisciplinary team make about the delivery of the related services? Identify and discuss at least three. (6 points). Use APA referencing style.