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September 20, 2023
September 20, 2023

Marketing Mix Project. Please take the time to read and re-read these instructions for your final project. There are 20 points in the grading rubric for following instructions. There are another 20 points spelling, grammar, and for having at least three references, citing all of your references and having references for all of your citations and APA formatting. Please reach out to me with questions.

It is a minimum of 7-8 pages including a separate Title page and a separate Reference page. There is no maximum number of pages. Pick a good or a service that you are interested in and prepare a report on the Marketing Mix actually used for that product. You are required to choose a product by brand name. You may choose a well-known name like Tommy Hilfiger, Nike, and Coke or a lesser-known brand such as Louisville Slugger, Peavey, or Furby. It can be a familiar product such as a soft drink, automobile, backpack, a piece of sports equipment or a computer; or one that is of special interest to you that is less familiar to most of us such as deer stands, paint ball equipment, or a musical group. Marketing Mix Project. The choice is yours but my one criterion is just to ensure that there is enough marketing information readily available on the good or service.  Discuss this product/service/brand/product line in a single report describing Product, Place, Promotion, and Price.  There should be at least one page for each of the 4P’s.

Marketing Mix Project


This section is the heart of the marketing mix and should describe the product offering and product strategy. The product includes not only the physical unit but also its product depth and breadth of the line/service, package, warranty, after-sale service, brand name, company image, value and many other factors like the products life cycle stage.


This section should describe the Place associated with your product. Place is concerned with making products available when and where customers want them.  A part of place is physical distribution, which involves all the business activities concerned with storing and logistical transporting of the finished products distribution channel and channel management. The goal is to make sure that the products arrive in usable conditions at designated places where they are needed.


This section should describe the Promotion associated with your product. Promotion includes advertising, public relations, sales promotion and personal selling tactics that create attention, interest, desire and action. Promotion’s role in the marketing mix is to bring about mutually satisfying exchanges with target markets by informing, educating, persuading and reminding them of the benefits of an organization or product.


Marketing Mix Project. This section should describe the Pricing strategies associated with your product. Price is what a buyer must give up to obtain a product.  The “value” they see associated with it versus competition which fosters lower pricing. What pricing strategy is used also relates to distribution availability (supply and demand).  It is often the most flexible of the four mix elements- the quickest element to change. It is an important competitive weapon and is very important to the organization because price multiplied by the number of units sold equals total revenue for the firm. PAPER FORMAT- USE APA Style.

September 20, 2023
September 20, 2023

Business Research Proposal. This is the concluding project for this Graduate Business Analytics and Research Methods course. It offers students the opportunity to show mastery of all key elements of Research Design, Research Methods, Analytics, and mastery of designing and executing a business-related research proposal. The big picture is for students to assume the position of a research analyst for a corporation or being an independent research analyst, tasked to understand a corporate problem and offer solution(s) via a professionally conducted proposal that would mitigate or alleviate the problem or issue. Three phases fulfill this project:  weeks 3, 5, and 7 (Phase III is a combination of all phases to make a full document). Therefore, phase content scoring less than 75 percent will result in a redo of some parts of the phase or complete phase.

For Phase II:

Do not combine with Phase I content. Address the below:

Introduction to your paper… Since the first paragraph or section of a document is assumed to be the introduction of the paper, the word ‘Introduction’ is not needed. Do not begin a paper with the word ‘Introduction’ as a heading (APA, 2020, p. 47). The paper’s title should be the first heading above the first body paragraph of your paper and must be bolded – Check Sample Student paper (APA, 2020, pp. 61-67)

Business Research Proposal

The Scope of the Study (full details – chapter 1-4, & 19). In the situation of a project report on some business, or industry, the scope of the study covers the upper and lower limits of the area you have studied. Business Research Proposal. The scope covers what, how, when, and where the study was done or will be done. What data were/will be taken as  inputs, what criteria were used/to be used for comparing the data, what  was/will be the outcome of the comparison, etc. a) The details of the  scope depends upon the area you have selected, the bigger the industry  the more details are in the scope. b) This scope of the study will be the basis for the business decision.

Literature Review (Comprehensive – chapter 5) A literature review is a comprehensive summary of previous research on a topic (the problem already discussed). The literature review surveys scholarly articles, books, and other sources relevant to a particular area of research. The review should enumerate, describe, summarize, objectively evaluate, and clarify this previous research/problem.

Theoretical Framework (well detailed – chapter 6) The theoretical framework in a study is based on an existing theory or theories (e.g., a theory of motivation). Theories are formulated to explain, predict, and understand phenomena and, in many cases, to challenge and extend existing knowledge within the limits of critical bounding assumptions. The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study. The theoretical framework introduces and describes the theory that explains why the research problem under study exists. Do not develop your own conceptual framework from an existing theory because it will take you a long time to complete the project.

Business Research Proposal. Research Design (be very specific – chapters 7-17) Research design is a plan to answer your research question(s). The design of a study defines the study type (descriptive, correlation, semi-experimental, experimental, review, meta-analytic) and sub-type (e.g., descriptive-longitudinal case study), research problem,  hypotheses, independent and dependent variables, experimental design,  and, if applicable, data collection methods. Summary for Phase II and projection of Phase III. The paper must have a minimum of 5 references and in APA format.

September 20, 2023
September 20, 2023

Marketing SWOT Analysis


Choose a company from the list below and do a SWOT analysis. Be sure to broadly consider the company’s own strengths and weaknesses. Opportunities and threats will pertain to the factors impacting the company from the external environment; consider things like legal, technological, competitive, environmental, social, economic, political. Critically analyze all 4 of the SWOT areas. You will need to work to provide 3 bullet points per section, so be sure to critically analyze the company/brand and select only the most relevant content for each of the 4 SWOT sections. Be sure that you explain the implication of each point you analyze to show how it is relevant to the company/brand you have selected.

Marketing SWOT Analysis

A few notes:

Please add your sources to the bottom of the SWOT in a footnote. Please keep this to one page- SWOT’s are always 1 page. Acceptable sources include company website, company 10-K & annual report, business press, trade articles, market research reports, analyst reports, scholarly articles. Marketing SWOT Analysis. Please consider formatting, spelling, grammar in addition to your content. DO NOT copy or use existing SWOT analyses sourced from the web- I want this to be your own analysis of the company and its position

List of Companies:

  • P&G
  • Estee Lauder Companies
  • Apple
  • Disney

Marketing SWOT Analysis. Choose a company from the list below and do a SWOT analysis. Be sure to broadly consider the company’s own strengths and weaknesses. Opportunities and threats will pertain to the factors impacting the company from the external environment; consider things like legal, technological, competitive, environmental, social, economic, political. Critically analyze all 4 of the SWOT areas. You will need to work to provide 3 bullet points per section, so be sure to critically analyze the company/brand and select only the most relevant content for each of the 4 SWOT sections. Be sure that you explain the implication of each point you analyze to show how it is relevant to the company/brand you have selected. Use APA referencing style.

September 20, 2023

Marketing Communication Recommendations Presentation

Assignment Task Overview

For this assignment, you will again assume the role of a marketing analyst. Your consulting firm has been hired to assist with a campaign effort for the client company of your selected product/service. This time the task will be to help create aspects of the marketing campaign. You will communicate your results in a professional presentation slide show commonly known in marketing as a “deck.”  Your client was persuaded that your new segment is a promising one to approach. The client has requested your firm to create a single message that can reflect your client’s brand value proposition and positioning. This message must reach consumers to create awareness of how the brand and offering can satisfy the wants and needs of potential customers.

Marketing Communication Recommendations Presentation

There are three steps to this assignment. Review all three steps before you begin.

Step 1: Refer to the same product/service used for Weeks 2 and 4 assignments.

The same product/service used for Weeks 2 and 4 will be the subject of this assignment. Review any feedback you received on your prior assignments. Follow the specific instructions outlined in Steps 2 and 3 below.

Step 2: Complete each of the following tasks as they relate to your product/service. Note the research and references requirement.

  1. The Marketing Message

Your client was persuaded that your new segment is a promising one to approach. The client has requested your firm to create a single message that can reflect your client’s brand value proposition and positioning. This message must reach consumers to create awareness and generate potential customers’ needs.

Marketing Communication Recommendations Presentation. Define the Segment. Refer to your Market Segmentation Memo from Week 4. Describe the segment you recommended for this client in Week 4. You may refine the segment based on any feedback you have received. Present here the revised or updated segment description. Discuss the purpose of your client’s marketing communication with this segment. Define the Value Proposition. Refer to the value proposition from your Value Proposition Memo from Week 2. Refer to the value proposition you identified for this client in Week 2. Adapt that value proposition to your new segment. You also may refine the value proposition based on any feedback you have received. Present here the new value proposition that you will use to create the message for the new segment.  Create the message. Create and provide here an example message that would be appropriate to resonate with your new market segment for the client’s purpose.  See the “Integrated Marketing Strategies” learning resource. Use words and/or images.

  1. The Marketing Communication Tools

Choose the tools. You have determined the message. Now, you’ll consider the marketing communication mix. What are the best marketing communications or promotional tools for this message?  Consider the promotion tools described in the “Tools of Promotion” learning resource. Begin by identifying for yourself which ones are not appropriate and why. Present two tools you recommend for communicating this message to this target segment. Marketing Communication Recommendations Presentation. Choose and discuss at least two different tools described in the “Tools of Promotion” learning resource. Your choices must reflect the characteristics of your target segment. For the two promotional tools you recommended in this section, add additional detail. For example, if “events and experiences” was one of your recommendations, provide an example of an event that would be appropriate to communicate the message to your target segment.

III. Recommendations (Summary and Conclusion)

The right message and medium for the segment. What is the message and the medium you recommend to reach this new target consumer segment? The segment: Summarize the new segment you created. You are reminding the client of the goal. The message: Present the message appropriate for the segment. Use words and/or images. The promotion tool: Present at least two different promotional tools from the major modes of communication, along with an example for each. How to integrate the marketing communications? Make some specific recommendations for your client to best integrate the message and the marketing communications you have recommended.

Step 3: Format your submission as a PowerPoint presentation to comply with these requirements. Meet the research and reference requirements.

Marketing Communication Recommendations Presentation. Communicate your results in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. This is a presentation that would be effective in a professional marketing setting. See Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations. Your presentation will have a cover slide, an agenda slide (also known as index slide), three major content sections (see below), and references slide(s). It is reasonable to expect this assignment to be about 10 slides in length, not including cover and references slides.

Research and References Requirement

All statements of fact within the memo must be supported by a credible source, and that source must be cited using APA in-text citations. See Is my source credible? Include a slide with a list of your sources in APA format. The reference list slide is required and should appear at the end of the slide deck.

September 20, 2023
September 20, 2023

Steam Chart Mapping. Rather than teaching science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics as separate and discrete subjects, STEAM integrates them into interdependent learning units based on real-world applications. This allows students to make cross-curricular connections and teaches them to apply their learning. It can also be beneficial in allowing students to access their own strengths and use them to build on their weaknesses. For example, a student who struggles with fractions may have less trouble applying them in a real-life science project compared to a general list of practice problems.

Steam Chart Mapping

This assignment requires research of STEAM activities. Use the “STEAM Chart” to create inquiry-based learning activities that align to the various components of STEAM. For each grade range (K-3, 4-8, and 9-12), select a domain/anchor standard related to health or science. Create an activity to connect that domain/anchor standard to each component of STEAM. Steam Chart Mapping. At the bottom of the STEAM Chart, write a 250-500 word rationale explaining how you would use performance data from the activities to guide and engage students in their own thinking and learning and promote discovery in the inclusive classroom. Include how the data could inform future instructional planning based on identified learning gaps and patterns.

Rather than teaching science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics as separate and discrete subjects, STEAM integrates them into interdependent learning units based on real-world applications. This allows students to make cross-curricular connections and teaches them to apply their learning. It can also be beneficial in allowing students to access their own strengths and use them to build on their weaknesses. For example, a student who struggles with fractions may have less trouble applying them in a real-life science project compared to a general list of practice problems.

Steam Chart Mapping. This assignment requires research of STEAM activities. Use the “STEAM Chart” to create inquiry-based learning activities that align to the various components of STEAM. For each grade range (K-3, 4-8, and 9-12), select a domain/anchor standard related to health or science. Create an activity to connect that domain/anchor standard to each component of STEAM. At the bottom of the STEAM Chart, write a 250-500 word rationale explaining how you would use performance data from the activities to guide and engage students in their own thinking and learning and promote discovery in the inclusive classroom. Include how the data could inform future instructional planning based on identified learning gaps and patterns. Use APA referencing style.

September 20, 2023
September 20, 2023

Cardiovascular Case

CC: “Chest pain”

HPI: This is a 14yo male, no PMH, who presents to the PCP for evaluation of right-sided chest pain, which began 1 day ago after he sustained an injury playing football. He states he was playing tackle football with his friends when he received an injury to the right side of the chest from am players elbow. He immediately fell to the ground in pain. He laid still for 1-2 minutes, expecting the pain to subside, but it did not. He attempted to continue playing but experienced difficulty taking a deep breath and the pain was more noticeable when running and twisting. He took 600mg ibuprofen the night before, but the medication did not relieve his pain. After a restless night, his mother has brought him in for evaluation.

Cardiovascular Case


ROS positive for SOB, CP, pain with movement

Negative for fever, chills, cough, palpitations, edema, N/V/D, numbness, tingling

PMH: unremarkable; Immunizations UTD

PSHX: none

Medications: None; took 600mg IBU x 1

FHX: Lives with mother and father, 10 yo sister

SHX: Denies ETOH, tobacco, illicit drugs

Allergies: NKDA

Physical Exam:

VS: T37.7C (99.8F), HR 102, RR24, BP124/76, SPO2 98% WT 61KG, HT162CM BMI 23

General: No acute distress

Psych: Mildy anxious

Skin, Hair, Nails: no rash, skin warm and dry. No abnl findings with hair or nails

Chest: Ecchymosis and tenderness to palpation of the right lateral chest wall located in mid-axillary line at approximately the 4th-5th ICS. No pain with lateral rotation of torso. Pain elicited with forward flexion and extension of torso. Symmetrical movement of chest wall with inspiration and expiration.

Lungs: Clear to auscultation bilaterally with diminished breath sounds in RLL. Percussion to posterior chest wall on right demonstrates hyperresonance.

Heart: RRR,  no murmurs, rubs or gallops


  1. What are your differential diagnoses?
  2. What is the most likely Diagnosis, why?
  3. What would you like to order on patient? Labs? Imaging? Why?
  4. Next appropriate steps for this patient?
  5. Patient education?

Cardiovascular Case. If not managed appropriately, what are the medical/legal concerns that may arise? APA format, and references, scholarly resource cited in APA format from 2018-2023 only. (Within the last 5 years)

September 20, 2023
September 20, 2023

Geopolitical and Phenomenological Impact. Discuss how geopolitical and phenomenological place influence the context of a population or community assessment and intervention. Describe how the nursing process is utilized to assist in identifying health issues (local or global in nature) and in creating an appropriate intervention, including screenings, referrals, resources and spiritual support for the community or population. Describe how community resources can aid in the implementation process of an intervention. How could the Christian worldview influence one’s perspective of human value and dignity in an intervention?

Geopolitical and Phenomenological Impact

Discuss how geopolitical and phenomenological place influence the context of a population or community assessment and intervention. Describe how the nursing process is utilized to assist in identifying health issues (local or global in nature) and in creating an appropriate intervention, including screenings, referrals, resources and spiritual support for the community or population. Geopolitical and Phenomenological Impact. Describe how community resources can aid in the implementation process of an intervention. How could the Christian worldview influence one’s perspective of human value and dignity in an intervention?

Discuss how geopolitical and phenomenological place influence the context of a population or community assessment and intervention. Describe how the nursing process is utilized to assist in identifying health issues (local or global in nature) and in creating an appropriate intervention, including screenings, referrals, resources and spiritual support for the community or population. Describe how community resources can aid in the implementation process of an intervention. How could the Christian worldview influence one’s perspective of human value and dignity in an intervention?

Geopolitical and Phenomenological Impact. Discuss how geopolitical and phenomenological place influence the context of a population or community assessment and intervention. Describe how the nursing process is utilized to assist in identifying health issues (local or global in nature) and in creating an appropriate intervention, including screenings, referrals, resources and spiritual support for the community or population. Describe how community resources can aid in the implementation process of an intervention. How could the Christian worldview influence one’s perspective of human value and dignity in an intervention? Use APA referencing style.

September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023

Pain A Subjective Experience. Aron Ralston, an avid outdoorsman, was hiking in a narrow canyon in Southern Utah when he upset a large boulder that rolled down the canyon after him. As it fell, the boulder relodged itself between the narrow canyon walls and in the process pinned Aron’s right wrist between the boulder and the canyon wall. Aron was alone and was unable to free himself from the situation. After being trapped for five days, with no help arriving, Aron eventually made the decision to free himself by breaking the bones in his forearm with the weight of his body and amputating his hand with a dull pocketknife.

Pain A Subjective Experience

After freeing himself, he hiked an additional seven miles before the search and rescue crews found him. His arm required further surgery to repair it. After the surgery, the nurses would ask Aron, “On a scale of 0-10, what is your pain level with 0 being no pain and 10 being the most pain you have ever experienced?”. Pain A Subjective Experience. Aron would reply, “0.25”. When asked about giving such an odd answer, he stated that even though he was in pain after the surgery, it was minimal compared to the pain he experienced when he cut through his ulnar nerve to free himself from being trapped by the boulder. Use APA referencing style.

  1. As you reflect on this story, how does it help you understand that pain is a subjective experience for your client? What types of questions will you ask your client to adequately assess their pain level?
  2. Why is it important to understand that not all clients experience pain the same?
  3. What objective data may be noted when a client is in pain?
  4. How might pain be manifested in vital sign measurements?
  5. What effects might chronic pain have on the general health of a client?
September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023

Prenatal Care. Jackie is a 31-year-old pregnant patient (2nd child, two different fathers) single mother of a 6-year-old who is coming for prenatal care since she suspects she is pregnant. She is no longer with the father of Robby, her firstborn. She indicates “pretty serious partying” with the likely father of the baby. By pretty serious partying she means 10-12 drinks per occasion, one to two times per week, plus intermittent methamphetamine use. Which clinical information would be most critical for you to collect in the first visit? What are the greatest risk factors for substance use disorder for this patient? Which harm reduction strategies would you recommend? Identify your city. Then refer this patient to three agencies near you that would support positive health outcomes for this patient.   (These agencies must not have been used in past discussion posts). What was your rationale for choosing these three agencies?

Prenatal Care

Prenatal Care. Jackie is a 31-year-old pregnant patient (2nd child, two different fathers) single mother of a 6-year-old who is coming for prenatal care since she suspects she is pregnant. She is no longer with the father of Robby, her firstborn. She indicates “pretty serious partying” with the likely father of the baby. By pretty serious partying she means 10-12 drinks per occasion, one to two times per week, plus intermittent methamphetamine use. Which clinical information would be most critical for you to collect in the first visit? What are the greatest risk factors for substance use disorder for this patient? Which harm reduction strategies would you recommend? Identify your city. Then refer this patient to three agencies near you that would support positive health outcomes for this patient.   (These agencies must not have been used in past discussion posts). What was your rationale for choosing these three agencies? Use APA referencing style.

September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023

Famous Political Speech. Social Movements are only as important as the person leading them. The person(s) leading a social movement must have charisma and be able to captivate an audience. Political scientists and historians are taught to analyze body language, especially during debates and speeches.

For this assignment, you will watch Dr Martin Luther King’s I Have a DreamLinks to an external site. speech and a speech by Alicia Garza of the Black Lives Matter movementLinks to an external site. and answer questions listed below. Pay special attention to the following aspects in the two speeches. Importance of body language while delivering the speech. Gestures, cadence and delivery style.

Famous Political Speech

For this assignment, you will watch Dr Martin Luther King’s I Have a DreamLinks to an external site. speech and a speech by Alicia Garza of the Black Lives Matter movementLinks to an external site. and answer questions listed below. Pay special attention to the following aspects in the two speeches. Importance of body language while delivering the speech. Gestures, cadence and delivery style.

Answer the following:

Provide a summary of the two speeches. Compare Dr. King’s leadership, charisma, power and passion to capture his audience to Alicia Garza’s speech. What are the similarities, if any? What are the differences, if any? How does the location of the speeches support their messaging? Dr. King’s speech was held in a church and at the Lincoln Memorial, whereas today we have social networking and more avenues to relay messages. Famous Political Speech. Does messaging make a difference? Describe how the audience in Dr. King’s speeches relate to the Alicia Garza’s audience. Do you see a similarity or differences in the speeches and in the audience?


Famous Political Speech. Length: 2-3 pages of substantive content, 12 pt font. Parenthetical in-text citations included and formatted in APA style . References page (a minimum of 2 outside scholarly sources. Title and introduction pages are present.