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September 25, 2023
September 25, 2023

Patient Care Outcomes Analysis. As you move forward with your sustainability initiative project, it is important to understand how to use tools that will benefit you as you assess situational change. In this part of your project for your organization, you will identify which services are affected by your initiative and then determine ways that the initiative will improve patient care and outcomes. The leadership team at the health care organization where you are working on your sustainability plan has asked you to evaluate how these sustainability ideas may affect patient services. Create a mind map of the patient services offered at the health care setting you selected for your sustainability initiative. Identify which services are affected by your sustainability initiative and brainstorm ways that the initiative will improve patient care and outcomes. Write at least 350 – 700 words. Cite at least two peer-reviewed references.

Patient Care Outcomes Analysis

Patient Care Outcomes Analysis. As you move forward with your sustainability initiative project, it is important to understand how to use tools that will benefit you as you assess situational change. In this part of your project for your organization, you will identify which services are affected by your initiative and then determine ways that the initiative will improve patient care and outcomes. The leadership team at the health care organization where you are working on your sustainability plan has asked you to evaluate how these sustainability ideas may affect patient services. Create a mind map of the patient services offered at the health care setting you selected for your sustainability initiative. Identify which services are affected by your sustainability initiative and brainstorm ways that the initiative will improve patient care and outcomes. Write at least 350 – 700 words. Cite at least two peer-reviewed references. As you move forward with your sustainability initiative project, it is important to understand how to use tools that will benefit you as you assess situational change. Use APA referencing style.

September 25, 2023
September 25, 2023

Concept Analysis Paper. See chapter 3 in McEwen and Wills. Use the method by Walker and Avant Box 3-1 (p 60)

Title Page: Select one of the following topics

Advanced Practice Competency: A Concept Analysis

Diversity in Nursing: A Concept Analysis

Social Determinants of Health: A Concept Analysis

Format Outline(s)

Introduction ( Using Walker and Avant)

What is the concept selected-state and define the terms? Aims or purposes of this analysis-why are you doing the analysis? Discuss all possible uses of the concept briefly-how is the concept used in different contexts, examples and then how are you using it for this paper. Determine the defining attributes-regardless of where it exists, what are the common identifiers that the person has this characteristic. Identify a model case-Use the attributes you’ve identified and highlight them in a case. Concept Analysis Paper. A case that is hypothetical, from a text, or that you have experienced in practice. Identify a borderline case and contrary case-what is a case that is something like the model case, but misses some attributes. Identify antecedents and consequences-what happens before the concept instance is identified; what happens as a result of acquiring it? Define empirical referents- how do you know that what you are seeing is really it? How would you measure it? Or know that you are reserving it?

Concept Analysis Paper

What is the concept selected-state and define the terms? Aims or purposes of this analysis-why are you doing the analysis? Discuss all possible uses of the concept briefly-how is the concept used in different contexts, examples and then how are you using it for this paper. Determine the defining attributes-regardless of where it exists, what are the common identifiers that the person has this characteristic. Concept Analysis Paper. Identify a model case-Use the attributes you’ve identified and highlight them in a case. A case that is hypothetical, from a text, or that you have experienced in practice. Identify a borderline case and contrary case-what is a case that is something like the model case, but misses some attributes. Identify antecedents and consequences-what happens before the concept instance is identified; what happens as a result of acquiring it? Define empirical referents- how do you know that what you are seeing is really it? How would you measure it? Or know that you are reserving it? Use APA referencing style.

September 25, 2023
September 25, 2023

Writing a Literacy Narrative

Write a 175- to 250-word narrative in which you respond to the following question:  In your education journey, identify 1 key moment that stands out. This key moment could be from any point in your life, but it should be from your academic, professional, or personal experience that impacted your education. How did this moment affect you? How did it impact your education? What type of education was impacted? What did you learn about yourself from this moment?

In your narrative, ensure you:

Share your own story, scenario, or example about your education journey. Ensure you meet the word count requirements. Part of your score for this assignment will be based on meeting the word count minimum and staying under the word maximum, so create a narrative that is descriptive and robust enough to meet that requirement but does not go beyond the scope of the assignment. Be detailed yet concise. Writing a Literacy Narrative. Apply what you know from your readings about narrative writing and: Convey the importance of the event or circumstances. Provide descriptive details. Engage the audience. Review and edit your narrative using the Microsoft Word spelling and grammar checker or grammar tools from the Center for Writing Excellence. Submit your assignment as a Word document.

Writing a Literacy Narrative

Write a 175- to 250-word narrative in which you respond to the following question:  In your education journey, identify 1 key moment that stands out. This key moment could be from any point in your life, but it should be from your academic, professional, or personal experience that impacted your education. How did this moment affect you? How did it impact your education? What type of education was impacted? What did you learn about yourself from this moment?

In your narrative, ensure you:

Writing a Literacy Narrative. Share your own story, scenario, or example about your education journey. Ensure you meet the word count requirements. Part of your score for this assignment will be based on meeting the word count minimum and staying under the word maximum, so create a narrative that is descriptive and robust enough to meet that requirement but does not go beyond the scope of the assignment. Be detailed yet concise. Apply what you know from your readings about narrative writing and: Convey the importance of the event or circumstances. Provide descriptive details. Engage the audience. Review and edit your narrative using the Microsoft Word spelling and grammar checker or grammar tools from the Center for Writing Excellence. Submit your assignment as a Word document. Use APA referencing style.

September 25, 2023
September 25, 2023

The Persuasion of Statistics. Too often, statistics are used to ‘prove’ some point or to persuade an audience to some particular point of view, without really being accurate, complete, or honest. This issue has been the subject of numerous texts. You may be interested in reading such titles as: Damned Lies and Statistics, or How to Lie with Statistics. To fulfill this discussion board activity, complete the following:

Research one example where data analysis might have been misused or misapplied. Read about the example thoroughly so that you understand how analytics was used, and why it was problematic. The Persuasion of Statistics. Share your chosen example, documenting your source. Be sure to summarize the scenario thoroughly. Explain why use of analytics contributed to the problem. Discuss the consequences of the matter. Did the company/organization involved suffer any adverse consequences? If so, were the related to public opinion/trust, were they financial, were they punitive, etc.?

The Persuasion of Statistics

Too often, statistics are used to ‘prove’ some point or to persuade an audience to some particular point of view, without really being accurate, complete, or honest. This issue has been the subject of numerous texts. You may be interested in reading such titles as: Damned Lies and Statistics, or How to Lie with Statistics. To fulfill this discussion board activity, complete the following:

Research one example where data analysis might have been misused or misapplied. Read about the example thoroughly so that you understand how analytics was used, and why it was problematic. The Persuasion of Statistics. Share your chosen example, documenting your source. Be sure to summarize the scenario thoroughly. Explain why use of analytics contributed to the problem. Discuss the consequences of the matter. Did the company/organization involved suffer any adverse consequences? If so, were the related to public opinion/trust, were they financial, were they punitive, etc.? Use APA referencing style.

September 25, 2023
September 25, 2023

Types of Ethics Assignment. Modern philosophy splits ethics into three groups: metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics. The core question of metaethics is: “What is morality, and where does it come from?” It is also concerned with the emergence of human values, motivation, and reasoning.

Normative ethics seeks to answer the question, “How should I act?” An example of a normative moral theory is Kant’s Categorical Imperative: Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law. In other words: be kind. Applied ethics seeks to apply moral considerations into real-life controversial subjects. Its contents can vary greatly and touch bioethics as well as criminal justice. It studies specific actions and practices from the point of moral acceptance. However, ethics does not end with these three types. Over the centuries, philosophers have proposed various ethical theories. Their four general categories are deontological, utilitarian, right, and virtue ethics.

Types of Ethics Assignment

A deontologist is a person with a set of moral duties from which they will not adhere. When faced with an ethical conflict, they will always act according to their self-proclaimed obligations. For a utilitarian, a decision needs to yield the greatest benefit for the majority. If rights are the root of an ethical theory, these are the highest priority. A person’s rights can either be established in a society by law or bestowed from one individual upon another. Types of Ethics Assignment. Judging someone by virtue means considering a person’s character rather than their actions. Here, an individual’s reputation, motivation, and ethics play a crucial role. Now that you know the basics, you have the perfect ground to start your midterm ethics essay. You must write an essay on any of the following ethical questions below, using critical thinking and communication.

Only pick one question below to write your paper on. Explain your argument using the types of ethics aforementioned in this assignment (normative, utilitarian, etc.) and why. The paper must be at least 3-5 pages long. You must use at least 3 scholarly sources (references). And do the paper in APA style writing. Pick only one of the ethical questions below to write your paper.

Types of Ethics Assignment. Is it ethical to hire someone to do assignments for you? If you are charged less than the listed price for a product, do you need to let the seller know? When can you justify cheating? If your boss or teacher gives you credit for work that you did not do, is it okay to accept the praise? Your paper must be in Word format and a total of 5-6 pages (not including the cover page and the reference page) using APA format and a minimum of 4 scholarly resources.

September 25, 2023
September 25, 2023

Lesson Plan Assignment. Open the Ohio Learning Standards (Links to an external site.) and select a standard from a grade level and a subject you would like to teach. Open the University Lesson Plan template to be provided by the instructor. Using the explanation of the SOE Lesson Plan Elements provided by the instructor, create your lesson plan and record it on the University Lesson Plan template. Be sure to include any additional worksheets or materials used in your lesson plan. Submit your completed lesson with any additional materials.

Open the Ohio Learning Standards (Links to an external site.) and select a standard from a grade level and a subject you would like to teach. Open the University Lesson Plan template to be provided by the instructor. Using the explanation of the SOE Lesson Plan Elements provided by the instructor, create your lesson plan and record it on the University Lesson Plan template. Be sure to include any additional worksheets or materials used in your lesson plan. Submit your completed lesson with any additional materials.

Lesson Plan Assignment

Open the Ohio Learning Standards (Links to an external site.) and select a standard from a grade level and a subject you would like to teach. Open the University Lesson Plan template to be provided by the instructor. Lesson Plan Assignment. Using the explanation of the SOE Lesson Plan Elements provided by the instructor, create your lesson plan and record it on the University Lesson Plan template. Be sure to include any additional worksheets or materials used in your lesson plan. Submit your completed lesson with any additional materials.

Lesson Plan Assignment. Open the Ohio Learning Standards (Links to an external site.) and select a standard from a grade level and a subject you would like to teach. Open the University Lesson Plan template to be provided by the instructor. Using the explanation of the SOE Lesson Plan Elements provided by the instructor, create your lesson plan and record it on the University Lesson Plan template. Be sure to include any additional worksheets or materials used in your lesson plan. Submit your completed lesson with any additional materials. Use APA referencing style.

September 25, 2023
September 25, 2023

Supervisor Subordinate Relationship. One of the ethical challenges of a supervisor/supervisee relationship is maintaining boundaries and avoiding multiple relationships. There are scenarios addressing a supervisor being asked to provide counseling for the supervisee. Discuss what the AAMFT code of ethics says about such a dual relationship? What are the questions that would need to be answered for you to come to a sound ethical decision? One of the ethical challenges of a supervisor/supervisee relationship is maintaining boundaries and avoiding multiple relationships. There are scenarios addressing a supervisor being asked to provide counseling for the supervisee. Discuss what the AAMFT code of ethics says about such a dual relationship? What are the questions that would need to be answered for you to come to a sound ethical decision?

Supervisor Subordinate Relationship

One of the ethical challenges of a supervisor/supervisee relationship is maintaining boundaries and avoiding multiple relationships. There are scenarios addressing a supervisor being asked to provide counseling for the supervisee. Discuss what the AAMFT code of ethics says about such a dual relationship? What are the questions that would need to be answered for you to come to a sound ethical decision? Supervisor Subordinate Relationship. One of the ethical challenges of a supervisor/supervisee relationship is maintaining boundaries and avoiding multiple relationships. There are scenarios addressing a supervisor being asked to provide counseling for the supervisee. Discuss what the AAMFT code of ethics says about such a dual relationship? What are the questions that would need to be answered for you to come to a sound ethical decision?

Supervisor Subordinate Relationship. One of the ethical challenges of a supervisor/supervisee relationship is maintaining boundaries and avoiding multiple relationships. There are scenarios addressing a supervisor being asked to provide counseling for the supervisee. Discuss what the AAMFT code of ethics says about such a dual relationship? What are the questions that would need to be answered for you to come to a sound ethical decision? Use APA referencing style.

September 25, 2023
September 25, 2023

Literature Review – Chosen Problem

Should conduct a review of relevant literature about the chosen issue/problem. Discuss the nature of the issue/problem and give thorough examples of its significance, and the effects on the organization’s success/growth. Based on the reviewed literature, present feasible solutions. Support your arguments with 8 – 10 current scholarly references and present your paper with a minimum of 8 pages and no more than 10.

Content and Structure of the assignment:

Begin the essay with the introductory section. The first sentences should highlight the focus of the assignment, a statement about the topic showing its relevance. You should further explain in this section the purpose and content of the paper following the structure/organization. The introductory section for assignments replaces the abstracts and should inform the reader what he or she is about to read.

Literature Review – Chosen Problem

The issue/problem (description and contextualization). Present the problem/issue and the context (i.e., field/type of workplace or organization without real names). Literature Review – Chosen Problem. Perhaps you need to define the problem, to better guide the reader (i.e., attrition defined by the Department of Education as..) should add the source of the definition. Further explain what it entails, its consequences, and who is involved.

The problem: A Brief Review of the Literature. Present what is discussed in the current literature (i.e., academic journals preferably peer-reviewed) related to the selected problem/issue, evidence (i.e., justification of the existence and relevance) theories related to the problem/issue, and approaches for addressing it.

Potential Solutions for the issue/problem. Literature Review – Chosen Problem. Based on the reviewed literature, discuss ways to address the adverse consequences of the issue/problem discussed previously in the paper. A brief summary of what is discussed in the body of the paper. No new information should be added. The introductory section informed the reader about what he or she was about to read. The conclusions summarize what was found/learned.  Often the readers review the introductory section and the conclusions; then review the section(s) of the paper calling their attention. Use APA referencing style.

September 25, 2023
September 25, 2023

Representation of Crime victims

Goals of the activity: (1) Gain experience collecting and analyzing data, (2) learn how to interpret and use victimization data, and (3) develop a critical perspective on how crime victimization is represented in media.

Pre-Activity Reflection: In the space below, discuss who comes to mind when you hear the word “crime victim”, Provide a description and discuss what factors (e.g., culture, gender, age, socioeconomic) you think informed your view.

Directions: Record your responses in the spaces provided.

Part 1: Collect Data

Representation of Crime victims. Do a Google image search for “victim stock photos.” Record data for the first 50 images that appear in the Data Collection Table below. Exclude non-crime images in your count of 50 (e.g., heart attack victim). Use your best judgment to determine characteristics. It’s OK if you cannot determine one or more characteristics in a photo. Percentages may not add to 100% for this reason. If there is more than one victim in a single image and their characteristics differ (e.g. one young, one old), then count the image in both categories.

Data Collection Table

Victim characteristic Number of photos with characteristic Percent of all 50 photos

% = (Number / 50) * 100

Child victim (up through age 17)    
Young adult victim (age 18-39)


Middle-aged victim (age 40-65)


Older adult victim (age 65 and older)


White victim


Black victim


Victim neither White nor Black


Male victim


Female victim



Part 2: Identify Patterns

Use your data from the Data Collection Table above to answer these questions: What percentage of the photos included a female victim? A male victim? What percentage of the photos included a White victim? A Black victim? A victim who is neither White nor Black? What age group is most represented among the victims in the photos—children, young adults, middle-aged, or older persons? If someone were learning everything there is to know about criminal victimization based on these photos, what would they conclude? Include factors other than the demographics of victims.

Representation of Crime Victims

Part 3: Compare to NCVS data

Determine if the “typical victim” in the images matches what we know about the demographics of crime victims from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS).  Examine the NCVS table below and use it to answer the questions that follow. What age group was most likely to report serious violent victimization? Report rates to support your answer. Are men/boys or women/girls more likely to report serious violent victimization? How large is the difference between their rates of victimization? Report rates. Which racial/ethnic groups are the most and least likely to report serious violent victimization? How large are the differences? Report rates. Do the photos you analyzed accurately represent the demographics of crime victims in the U.S., based on the NCVS data? Why or why not?

Part 4: Critical evaluation

Why does it matter if media representations of victims (in stock photos, news, social media, TV) fail to match the reality of victimization? Identify at least three possible consequences. Use APA referencing style.

September 25, 2023
September 25, 2023

Clinical Psychology. Topic Selection: Chosen topic: Clinical Psychology

Topic Narrowing: narrow your topic to a population, specific idea, or subcategory of study. Craft: craft a useable research statement to guide further research. Conduct Research: with the given 5 scholarly sources find an additional source for a total of six (6) scholarly sources. Specifics about the types of allowable information found in the Formatting Requirements section below. Read, Synthesize, and Critically Analyze the sources you located for your paper. Write: Write a 1,250-to-1,500-word literature review. Write and Cite: Use APA 7th edition writing and citing rules when you are writing your paper.

Clinical Psychology

Formatting Requirements:

Clinical Psychology. The paper will be between 1250 and 1500 words in length (not including title page, abstract, or references). Your paper MUST include an introduction that includes a well-developed research statement, and a comprehensive conclusion, in addition to the body of your work. Your paper will feature a critical analysis of the information sources used in the paper. You must locate and use at least one (1) .gov site with information pertinent to your research. You are not allowed to use .com or .org sites! Your paper MUST adhere to APA 7th edition style of writing and citation. Use APA referencing style.

You must use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. You must write in a 12-pt. standard font (Times, Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri). Your paper will have 1-inch margins. The entire assignment will be double-spaced. There will be no direct quotes anywhere in the paper, referenced or not. This is to encourage you to learn effective analysis and paraphrasing techniques. Cut and paste transfers from any source is considered plagiarism and will not be tolerated. Plagiarism and will result in an immediate zero on the essay and will be reported to the Brenau University administration. Use APA referencing style.