Play & Pedagogies – Early Childhood Education
Summary Title Assessment 2 – Design Task Type Design Task
Due Date – Monday, 9th October 11:59 pm AEST (start of Week 7)
Length – 2000 words
Weighting – 50%
Unit Learning Outcomes
Play & Pedagogies – Early Childhood Education. This assessment task maps to the following ULOs: ULO1: identify and analyse the role of play in learning and examine the challenges pertaining to play and pedagogies ULO2: discuss the diversity of approaches to pedagogies utilised in early childhood education and care, and how they position children, teachers and parents/carers ULO3: analyse the relationships between the philosophy, theory and pedagogy to learning environment for all young children (birth – 5 years) ULO4: critically reflect on personal philosophy to play and pedagogies for learning and teaching as an early childhood professional 2 Rationale Part of your role as an Early Childhood Teacher is to plan and implement learning environments and experiences that support children’s learning and development through play. These decisions must be underpinned by relevant early childhood research, theory and policy documents.

Task Description
This task requires students to reflect upon key issues presented in Modules 1-6 and design a play space and learning experience for children 0-5 years, supported by a written statement.
Task Instructions
You are to design an indoor and/or outdoor play space for an age group of your choice. You can choose from birth-2 years, 2-3 years or 3-5 years. Your design may be created using any computer program you wish, or it can be hand drawn. Consider the layout of and resources in your play space. Your design must be inserted into the template (word document) provided and it must be clearly labelled. Your play space design will need to demonstrate the knowledge and understanding you have gained throughout the unit. Your design choices must be supported by the theories, curriculum and policy documents, and unit content we have explored.
Play & Pedagogies – Early Childhood Education. Using the learning experience template provided, you are to plan a small group play-based learning experience for your chosen age group that could take place in your designed play space (approximately. 500 words). Your learning experience will need to demonstrate the knowledge and understanding you have gained throughout the unit. It must be underpinned by the theories, curriculum and policy documents, and unit content we have explored. Your play space design and your play-based learning experience must be supported by a written statement (1500 words), justifying your choices for the design and learning experience. You must make clear links to the Early Years Learning Framework (AGDE, 2022) and relevant early childhood theories, research and literature, including the unit textbook.
Follow the steps to complete the task:
Open the Design Task Template on the unit site and save it with your surname and initials and the assessment task’s name. E.g: MillsA_assessment2_designtask
Edit the cover page with the following details:
- Student name and Student ID
- Unit code and name o Unit Assessor and Tutor names
- Date submitted
- Insert your play space design, learning experience and written statement into the template.
- Complete one reference list on word document
- Once complete, submit task via the Turnitin link in the Assessment and Submission section of the unit site.
APA 7th referencing format is required with a minimum of 5 references. Sources should include relevant early childhood policy and peer-reviewed literature. Students must use the unit textbook.
- Australian Government Department of Education. (2022) Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning framework for Australia (V2.0).
- Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (n.d.). Developmental milestones and the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standards.
- Robinson, C., Treasure, T.,O’Connor, D., Neylon, G., Harrison, C., Wynne, S. (2018). Learning through play. Oxford University Press.
Task Submission
Assessments should be submitted using the Turnitin link on the Assessments Tasks & Submission section on the Blackboard site. Only Microsoft Word documents submitted via the Turnitin portal on Blackboard will be accepted. You must label your submission with your surname and initials and the assessment task’s name. 4 Academic Integrity At Southern Cross University academic integrity means behaving with the values of honesty, fairness, trustworthiness, courage, responsibility, and respect in relation to academic work. The Southern Cross University Academic Integrity Framework aims to develop a holistic, systematic, and consistent approach to addressing academic integrity across the entire University. For more information see the SCU Academic Integrity Framework NOTE: Academic Integrity breaches include poor referencing, not identifying direct quotations correctly, close paraphrasing, plagiarism, recycling, misrepresentation, collusion, cheating, contract cheating, fabricating information.
Play & Pedagogies – Early Childhood Education. GenAI May Not be Used Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools, such as ChatGPT, may not be used for this Assessment Task. You are required to demonstrate if you have developed the unit’s skills and knowledge without the support of GenAI. If you use GenAI tools in your assessment task, it may result in an academic integrity breach against you as described in the Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules, Section 3. Special Consideration Students wishing to request special consideration to extend the due date of an assessment task must submit a Request for Special Consideration form via their MyEnrolment page as early as possible and prior to the original due date for that assessment task, along with any accompanying documents, such as medical certificates. Please refer to the Special Consideration section of Policy