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September 27, 2023
September 27, 2023

Psychology Homework

Part One

Create a short story involving the following categories. Use your knowledge of the impact of the type of loss/relationship to deceased and developmental stage and describe examples of the understanding of the death, reactions to the loss, developmental concerns, and three interventions.

Person Who Died

Death of a Parent (mother)

Type of Death

Death from Cancer

Developmental Stage of Grieving Child


Spiritual Beliefs


Part Two

Create a short script to explain the Type of Death/Person Lost in Part One:


School Age


Part Three

Create a Resource List of books, organizations, and websites that would be appropriate for the Type of Death in Part One. Write a short description for the books/resources and include a photo/logo for each.

Include at least:

Five (5) Children’s Books

Three (3) Local Resources (Elizabeth City NC)

Three (3) National Resources

Psychology Homework

Part One

Create a short story involving the following categories. Use your knowledge of the impact of the type of loss/relationship to deceased and developmental stage and describe examples of the understanding of the death, reactions to the loss, developmental concerns, and three interventions.

Person Who Died

Death of a Parent (mother)

Type of Death

Death from Cancer

Developmental Stage of Grieving Child


Spiritual Beliefs


Part Two

Create a short script to explain the Type of Death/Person Lost in Part One:


School Age


Part Three

Create a Resource List of books, organizations, and websites that would be appropriate for the Type of Death in Part One. Psychology Homework. Write a short description for the books/resources and include a photo/logo for each. Create a Resource List of books, organizations, and websites that would be appropriate for the Type of Death in Part One. Write a short description for the books/resources and include a photo/logo for each.

Include at least:

Five (5) Children’s Books

Three (3) Local Resources (Elizabeth City NC)

Three (3) National Resources

Use APA referencing style.

September 26, 2023
September 26, 2023

Diversity – American History

Chapter 1 – Education in a Changing Society

Reflective Questions

  1. Identify three changes that American society is undergoing, how you experience them, and discuss how those changes are reflected in schools.
  2. Think back to your experiences in elementary or high school. What indication do you have that your school was attempting to become a different kind of school? What indication do you have that your school was reflective of an information-age school?
  3. In the case study, Sam questions why she needs to be in a diversity course. What experiences have you had that might lead you to say that you are well prepared for diversity? In what areas do you not feel as well prepared?

Diversity – American History

Chapter 2 – Reflective questions

  1. This chapter suggests that the experiences encountered during the civil rights movement remain in the public mind. Do you agree that this is, in fact, the case? If so, why? If not, why?
  2. This chapter presents the histories of both multicultural and global education. How do you think those histories are similar and how are they different? Diversity – American History. What are some similarities between the objectives and after practices in multicultural and global education? What commonalities can you identify? What might be an advantage of looking for similarities between the two types of education?

Chapter 2 – Reflective questions

  1. This chapter suggests that the experiences encountered during the civil rights movement remain in the public mind. Do you agree that this is, in fact, the case? If so, why? If not, why?
  2. This chapter presents the histories of both multicultural and global education. How do you think those histories are similar and how are they different? What are some similarities between the objectives and after practices in multicultural and global education? What commonalities can you identify? What might be an advantage of looking for similarities between the two types of education? Diversity – American History. Use APA referencing style.
September 26, 2023
September 26, 2023

Women History Assignment. Read chapters 4 and 5 of Through Women’s Eyes to select a 19th century “noteworthy woman”. You may also want to look ahead to chapters 6 and 7 for additional ideas about “noteworthy women” of the later half of the 19th century [the 1800s]. Select a woman from one of these sections whom you would like to research, or another women in U.S. history who played a prominent role in the 19th century. Write 1 page paper in which you identify the name of the woman you selected along with a description of what makes her interesting to you. Your description could include:

    • A brief statement about the woman’s contributions, and the realm of her significant activities [for example, to the field of education, or politics, or labor, or the arts, or a social movement]
    • the dates she lived, the places she lived, her race or social class, so we know what era and historical events she lived through.

Please do not write about Sojourner Truth, Hariette Stowe and Agelina G.

Women History Assignment

Women History Assignment. Read chapters 4 and 5 of Through Women’s Eyes to select a 19th century “noteworthy woman”. You may also want to look ahead to chapters 6 and 7 for additional ideas about “noteworthy women” of the later half of the 19th century [the 1800s]. Select a woman from one of these sections whom you would like to research, or another women in U.S. history who played a prominent role in the 19th century. Write 1 page paper in which you identify the name of the woman you selected along with a description of what makes her interesting to you. Your description could include:

    • A brief statement about the woman’s contributions, and the realm of her significant activities [for example, to the field of education, or politics, or labor, or the arts, or a social movement]
    • the dates she lived, the places she lived, her race or social class, so we know what era and historical events she lived through.

Please do not write about Sojourner Truth, Hariette Stowe and Agelina G. Use APA referencing style.

September 26, 2023
September 26, 2023

Essay – Gilded Age. Your assignment is to find a web resource about one of the topics in our readings and films this week and then write a short essay about it.  You will post your short essay for your professor and classmates to read in our weekly discussion board.  In a way, you are playing two roles this week.  You are a student learning more about a topic, and you are a teacher telling us about that topic. Obviously, you will need to pick a solid web resource with quite a bit of information in order to write a five-paragraph essay about it.  Choose wisely.  Don’t just pick from the first ones that pop up on a search.  Browse a bit, find one with substance. Do you need help with an APA-formatted reference for your source?  Citation Machine is a very helpful website.  Also, Purdue University has an excellent guide.

Essay – Gilded Age

You can find links to these resources in the “Toolbox” button on the left side of the screen.  Please write your five-paragraph essay based on the format you learned in our learning module last week. Be sure to edit and proofread your short essay before posting it to our weekly discussion board as your new thread for the week. Essay – Gilded Age. A tip: If you copy and paste your essay from your word processor into Blackboard, then it is easier for your classmates to access and you might get more replies.  This is why it is better to copy and paste your main posting rather than attaching a file. The parts of your new discussion thread:

  1. A subject line that describes your new thread.
  2. The APA-formatted reference for your web resource.
  3. An introductory paragraph, including a thesis statement.
  4. Three main paragraphs, each with an important point and supporting details/evidence/examples.
  5. A concluding paragraph.

Essay – Gilded Age. A subject line, an APA-formatted reference of the article, and five separate paragraphs. Check the discussion rubric if you aren’t sure what a good discussion posting looks like. This rubric is in Part II of our syllabus. Remember to have all required parts for this posting. Post this new thread in our Week 4 Discussions board on or before Friday night at 11:59 pm Central time.

September 26, 2023
September 26, 2023

Applied History – Historical Event. Historical awareness informs various aspects of our lives. We live in a time of rapid change, and we often think more about the future than better understand our own lives in the context of the places we live and society in general. In America, specifically, the government is information shift will eventually move throughout the different levels of government, effecting widespread change. For the projects in this course, you will select a historical event that has impacted American society in some way. You may select an event your own event, with instructor approval. You may consider using the event you chose to work on in your Perspectives in History class, if through this assessment. In Project 1, you will develop a plan for an essay on this historical event. The plan will include a brief description of the selected historical. In addition, you will identify an audience for your essay and decide how to communicate your information to this audience. In Project 2, you selected, examining its impact on society as well as its impact on you personally.

Project 1 addresses the following course outcomes:

Select appropriate and relevant primary and secondary sources in investigating foundational historic events. Communicate effectively to specific audiences in examining fundamental aspects of human history. Apply key approaches to studying history in addressing critical questions related to historical narratives and perspectives.

Applied History – Historical Event


Your writing plan should answer the following prompt: Select a historical event that has impacted American society. Develop a plan selecting appropriate resources for your research, and identifying an audience for your essay. Applied History – Historical Event. The purpose of this writing plan is to provide thinking about how to support your thesis statement. The following critical elements will be assessed in a 1- to 2-page word document. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  1. Describe the historical event that you selected. Why is this event significant?
  2. Describe at least two secondary sources that you could use to research your historical event. Your sources must be relevant to your selected event.

In your description, consider questions such as: What are the similarities and differences in the content of your sources? What made you investigating your event? What was your thought process when you were searching for sources? How did you make choices?

III. Describe at least two primary sources that you could use to research your historical event. Your sources must be relevant to your event your description, consider questions such as: How do these sources relate to your secondary sources? What do they add to your understanding appropriate and relevant for investigating your event?

  1. Based on your review of primary and secondary sources, develop a research question related to the historical event you selected.
  2. Identify an audience that would be interested in your historical event and research question. For example, who would benefit most.
  3. Describe how and why you can tailor your message to your audience, providing specific examples. For example, will your audience understand what’s associated with your event, or will you need to explain these? How will you communicate effectively with your audience?

What to Submit

Applied History – Historical Event. Your writing plan should adhere to the following formatting requirements: 1–2 pages, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font. Use APA referencing style.

September 26, 2023
September 26, 2023

Clinical Condition Discussion Assignment. Post on the clinical condition that you selected earlier in the semester (remember, you cannot present on the same condition as a classmate). Post your assignment directly on this discussion board (not as an attachment). Do not copy exactly from sources or do not plagiarize but paraphrase.

This assignment will be graded as follows:

Comprehensive information on the condition you have chosen, including: the definition, diagnosis, and symptoms 30%, possible causes or risk factors 20%, possible treatments of the clinical condition 20%, at least two references 10%. You must use standard English grammar and spelling and post directly on this discussion board. 80%Substantial comment to one classmate (Do not simply say “Good posting” or “Interesting”. Add new information or mention a specific case and ask a question or two.) 10%Substantial comment to one more classmate (Do not simply say “Good posting” or “Interesting”.  Add new information or mention a specific case and ask a question or two.)10%

Clinical Condition Discussion Assignment

Clinical Condition Discussion Assignment. Post on the clinical condition that you selected earlier in the semester (remember, you cannot present on the same condition as a classmate). Post your assignment directly on this discussion board (not as an attachment). Do not copy exactly from sources or do not plagiarize but paraphrase.

This assignment will be graded as follows:

Comprehensive information on the condition you have chosen, including: the definition, diagnosis, and symptoms 30%, possible causes or risk factors 20%, possible treatments of the clinical condition 20%, at least two references 10%. You must use standard English grammar and spelling and post directly on this discussion board. 80%Substantial comment to one classmate (Do not simply say “Good posting” or “Interesting”. Clinical Condition Discussion Assignment. Add new information or mention a specific case and ask a question or two.) 10%Substantial comment to one more classmate (Do not simply say “Good posting” or “Interesting”.  Add new information or mention a specific case and ask a question or two.)10%. Use APA referencing style.

September 26, 2023
September 26, 2023

Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment. For part one of this assignment, select a type of (for example: alcohol treatment, drug treatment). Utilize the SAMHSA Treatment Locator and find adolescent substance abuse treatment one treatment facility that treats this category. Call or visit this treatment facility and inquire about the following:

  1. Describe what their process is for determining eligibility for treatment.
  2. Explain how they determine an adolescent is ineligible for care.
  3. Explain any differences between inpatient-outpatient care.
  4. Provide criteria for determining the level of care for adolescents dealing with the selected type of abuse.
  5. Explain the methods involved in gathering required information about an adolescent client used in treatment planning.

Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment

Place your findings into a 10-12-slide presentation using the digital presentation application of your choice (PowerPoint, Google Slides, Beautiful.ai, etc.) to submit to your instructor for feedback. You will use this feedback to revise your presentation for the Topic 4 assignment. Note: If you decide to use a presentation software other than PowerPoint, you will need to save the presentation as PowerPoint (pptx) file to upload to the digital classroom for feedback. Include a title slide, references slide, and speaker notes. Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

September 26, 2023
September 26, 2023

HR Challenges – Global Organizations


In brand new interconnected international, global agencies face specific and complex, demanding situations in handling their human assets. The dynamics of a global staff, various cultural contexts, and ever-evolving regulatory landscapes pose widespread hurdles for HR experts. For students thinking about write my dissertation, analyzing the challenges faced through HR in global companies provides an interesting and applicable research avenue. In this newsletter, we are able to explore the multifaceted landscape of HR challenges in global organizations and provide insights into how to structure your dissertation on this important subject. So, if you’re deliberating your dissertation, examine directly to discover the possibilities within this area.

Information of the HR challenges in international organizations

Dealing with HR in worldwide businesses requires addressing quite a number of complicated, demanding situations:

Cultural range:

worldwide companies comprise personnel from various cultural backgrounds, every with specific values, conversation styles, and work expectations. HR must foster inclusivity and cultural sensitivity.

Compliance with local laws:

Adhering to various labor laws and policies across one-of-a-kind countries may be daunting. HR have to ensure compliance even as preserving global HR rules.

Expertise Acquisition:

identifying, attracting, and preserving pinnacle expertise across borders is challenging. HR needs to develop effective global recruitment and retention strategies.

HR Challenges - Global Organizations

Far off paintings:

The upward push of remote and virtual teams necessitates HR to evolve policies, generation, and management processes for remote employees.

Global Mobility:

handling worldwide assignments and expatriate packages involves complex logistics, together with visa necessities, taxation, and pass-cultural education.HR Challenges – Global Organizations.

Dissertation strategies in HR challenges in international agencies

When selecting HR dissertation topics associated with HR demanding situations in global organizations, bear in mind the following methods:

Move-Cultural HR management:

look at techniques for coping with cultural variety within global groups, selling inclusivity and collaboration.

Global labour legal guidelines:

examine the impact of various hard work laws and guidelines on HR practices in global businesses, and endorse compliance techniques.

Global talent control:

observe the fine practices in talent acquisition, improvement, and retention for worldwide businesses, thinking about the role of HR.

Far off work regulations:

explore the demanding situations and possibilities provided by way of remote paintings, and check out HR guidelines and practices for handling digital groups.

Expatriate control:

Analyze the complexities of global assignments, including expatriate choice, training, and guide, and their impact on HR.

Shape of Your Dissertation

To make certain a nice structure of dissertation on HR demanding situations in global groups, keep in mind the following components:


provide an outline of your research subject, its relevance, and the shape of your dissertation.

Literature overview:

overview present literature on HR demanding situations in worldwide groups, highlighting gaps in studies and figuring out relevant theories and frameworks. HR Challenges – Global Organizations.


Describe your studies methods, records collection strategies, and facts evaluation approaches, particularly if you plan to conduct surveys or interviews across borders.


gift your research findings, which include insights, traits, or sizable correlations, based totally on your research of HR demanding situations in international organizations.


examine your findings in-depth, connecting them to existing literature and theories, and discuss their implications for HR practices in worldwide contexts.


Summarize your key findings and their implications, and advocate avenues for future research on HR challenges in international businesses.


offer sensible tips for HR practitioners and international corporations based to your studies.


Cite all resources, research, and literature used in your dissertation.


encompass any supplementary fabric, consisting of survey questionnaires or interview transcripts.

Writing Your Dissertation

Whilst writing your dissertation on HR demanding situations in international organizations, keep the subsequent suggestions in mind:

Readability and Conciseness:

ensure your writing is obvious, concise, and well-prepared.

Crucial analysis:

provide essential evaluation and synthesis of current literature, case research, and your research findings.

Realistic Relevance:

Emphasize the sensible relevance of your research and its capacity to inform HR practices in international corporations.

Live updated:

live knowledgeable about the present-day trends in international HR management to make sure your studies remain relevant.

Peer review:

are trying to find remarks from mentors or peers, mainly people with worldwide HR knowledge, to refine your dissertation.


HR Challenges – Global Organizations. In the end, HR challenges in international agencies are complex and multifaceted, requiring modern procedures and strategies. While deciding on HR dissertation topics, don’t forget exploring these demanding situations and their impact on HR practices across borders. With the aid of carrying out rigorous studies and imparting sensible suggestions, you can contribute precious insights to the dynamic area of HR management in international groups. So, in case you’re geared up to embark on your dissertation adventure, use these recommendations to navigate the interesting world of HR research inside this international context. Use APA referencing style.

September 26, 2023
September 26, 2023

Developing Language Skills. Imagine working with a child like Genie or Viktor. Based on our studies in this unit, write a paragraph discussing whether or not you think they could learn or develop language skills, and explain why. Make sure to back up your opinion with at least one scholarly journal article. Also, don’t forget to link your answer to the concept of the ‘critical learning period’ hypothesis. Write clearly, and make sure you use our class material to help support your ideas. https://youtu.be/CMYcUXNUChs

Developing Language Skills

Developing Language Skills. Imagine working with a child like Genie or Viktor. Based on our studies in this unit, write a paragraph discussing whether or not you think they could learn or develop language skills, and explain why. Make sure to back up your opinion with at least one scholarly journal article. Also, don’t forget to link your answer to the concept of the ‘critical learning period’ hypothesis. Write clearly, and make sure you use our class material to help support your ideas. https://youtu.be/CMYcUXNUChs

Imagine working with a child like Genie or Viktor. Based on our studies in this unit, write a paragraph discussing whether or not you think they could learn or develop language skills, and explain why. Make sure to back up your opinion with at least one scholarly journal article. Also, don’t forget to link your answer to the concept of the ‘critical learning period’ hypothesis. Write clearly, and make sure you use our class material to help support your ideas. https://youtu.be/CMYcUXNUChs

Developing Language Skills. Imagine working with a child like Genie or Viktor. Based on our studies in this unit, write a paragraph discussing whether or not you think they could learn or develop language skills, and explain why. Make sure to back up your opinion with at least one scholarly journal article. Also, don’t forget to link your answer to the concept of the ‘critical learning period’ hypothesis. Write clearly, and make sure you use our class material to help support your ideas. Use APA referencing style.

September 26, 2023
September 26, 2023

Criminal Behavior. When clients have a history of criminal activity, in many circumstances counselors and therapists are bound to keep that history confidential.  A client who reveals to a licensed psychologist that she robbed a liquor store last week, for example, probably has a right to have that information kept confidential unless she injured a child or elder or otherwise acted in ways that come under the mandated reporting laws. How do you feel about keeping such information confidential?

Criminal Behavior

Criminal Behavior. When clients have a history of criminal activity, in many circumstances counselors and therapists are bound to keep that history confidential.  A client who reveals to a licensed psychologist that she robbed a liquor store last week, for example, probably has a right to have that information kept confidential unless she injured a child or elder or otherwise acted in ways that come under the mandated reporting laws. How do you feel about keeping such information confidential?

When clients have a history of criminal activity, in many circumstances counselors and therapists are bound to keep that history confidential.  A client who reveals to a licensed psychologist that she robbed a liquor store last week, for example, probably has a right to have that information kept confidential unless she injured a child or elder or otherwise acted in ways that come under the mandated reporting laws. How do you feel about keeping such information confidential?

Criminal Behavior. When clients have a history of criminal activity, in many circumstances counselors and therapists are bound to keep that history confidential.  A client who reveals to a licensed psychologist that she robbed a liquor store last week, for example, probably has a right to have that information kept confidential unless she injured a child or elder or otherwise acted in ways that come under the mandated reporting laws. How do you feel about keeping such information confidential? Use APA referencing style.