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October 2, 2023
October 2, 2023

Mock Incident Response Plan. This assignment is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the material we have covered during the course. For this project students will come up with a fictitious incident response plan and develop a PowerPoint presentation containing a minimum of 10 slides. Develop a response plan for a mock incident involving a facility or location in your community. This is a single incident of your choosing, such as a fire, active shooter, natural disaster, etc. We are looking for you to simulate an incident response and use your project as an opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned about the incident command process during the course. The PowerPoint presentation should contain the following slides:

  • Slide 1 – Title Page
  • Slide 2 – Overview of the Incident
  • Slides 3 – 9 – Comprehensive Response Plan
  • Last slide – References

Mock Incident Response Plan

Decide who will be the Incident Commander (IC). Or you could choose a Unified Command (UC). Develop the five ICS functional areas and specific responsibilities for each area pertaining to your incident. Mock Incident Response Plan. A completely developed and detailed Incident Action Plan (IAP) should be included as part of your presentation. You should also include maps, images as well as the completed ICS Forms (excel file) we worked on during the Week 6 Forum.

You should use a minimum of three sources to support your plan. These sources may include applicable federal, state, or local laws, as well as research or other sources relevant to your plan. Your PowerPoint presentation should contain a minimum of 10 slides, including your title and reference slides. Mock Incident Response Plan. All sources used must be properly cited. Your references should be formatted in APA style. External research will generally be required in addition to the assigned readings. Please create your final project in Microsoft PowerPoint, and upload as an attachment for submission. Use the following file name example when uploading your PowerPoint document as an attachment: YourlastnameEDMG230.pptx Use APA referencing style.

October 2, 2023
October 2, 2023

Fasten – Challenging Uber & Lyft. Fasten, a new ridesharing start-up in Boston, entered the scene in September 2015 hoping its unique vision of transparency for both driver and passenger and strategy to keep riders’ fares low and charge drivers a flat $0.99 fee per ride as opposed to the 20-30% commission charged by its competition, would help differentiate it and gain the necessary traction in an ostensibly concentrated market between Uber and Lyft.

Despite both Uber’s and Lyft’s valuations skyrocketing to $50 billion and $5.5 billion respectively, heavy investment in top notch Silicon Valley software developers and technological innovations such as autonomous vehicles, aggressive marketing strategies, and cutthroat poaching practices—all of which forced number three competitor Sidecar out by January 2016—Fasten’s leadership felt confident their 17 years of experience in Russia’s car services industry positioned them well to truly understand their customers and ultimately expand to other major cities.

Fasten - Challenging Uber & Lyft

But with limited budgets to acquire talented and expensive platform developers, Fasten needed to ensure its core IT services could compete, and that its word-of-mouth approach to attract the essential network of drivers and passengers could get it the vital foothold it would need to grow. Define the problem/challenge in the case. Fasten – Challenging Uber & Lyft. You may consider and research developments and outcomes since the case was written. What are the recent trends and performance of the company since the case study?  Apply learnings of agility, business models, digital transformation, technology as an enabler for change, and platforms to this case study.  Provide recommendations and consider alternatives.

Your recommendations should focus on how strategy and technology can be applied to understand and improve business outcomes. The re-statement of facts from the case should be brief. Narrow the focus of facts that support your analysis, recommendations, and consideration of alternatives. Fasten – Challenging Uber & Lyft. Additional questions to consider as you analyze the case and make recommendations with alternatives: What explains the growth of ridesharing companies? How did Fasten’s business and technology strategies compare to other organizations? What is the impact of new or emerging technologies? 8 pages minimum. Turnitin and AI report needed. Use APA referencing style.

October 2, 2023
October 2, 2023

Week Four – Article Review. Select any peer-reviewed study (i.e., it can be a qualitative or quantitative study). Outline the purpose of the study and how the study was implemented (describe the procedure). Be sure to select a study that includes the recruitment of human subjects; do not select a study where the researchers completed a meta-analysis, systematic review, or a simple literature review. Comment specifically on the following ethical issues in your critique of the study:

Week Four – Article Review

Week Four – Article Review. Determine if the participants were vulnerable in any way and explain why or why not. If you had to conduct this study at NCU, identify who would be required to grant permissions to conduct the study (e.g., sites, IRBs). Explain whether participants were coerced in any way to take part in the study. Explain your answer even if the answer is no. Comment on how issues of anonymity were dealt with in the study.

Comment on how issues of confidentiality were dealt with in the study. What restrictions did ethical issues play in the design of this study? For example, was the number and type of participant affected by ethical concerns? Support your assignment with your selected resource. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included. Week Four – Article Review. Length: 4-6 pages, not including title and reference pages. Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy. Upload your document, and then click the Submit to Dropbox button.

Determine if the participants were vulnerable in any way and explain why or why not. If you had to conduct this study at NCU, identify who would be required to grant permissions to conduct the study (e.g., sites, IRBs). Explain whether participants were coerced in any way to take part in the study. Explain your answer even if the answer is no. Comment on how issues of anonymity were dealt with in the study.

September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023

Education – Assistive Technology

Complete the following:

Discussion Questions

  1. If you were teaching a student with a Specific Learning Disability (SLD) in Math a lesson on two-digit addition, discuss at least 1 differentiated way you could provide instruction (presentation) and at least 1 differentiated way the student could express their understanding of the concept.
  2. Name at least 2 ways instruction can be differentiated for students using Assistive Technology.
  3. In the video, classroom teachers Angela Olton and Claire Moore completed a small group lesson. Were students grouped by disability? Do you think the grouping strategy was effective? Why or why not?
  4. Name and define at least 3 different Co-Teaching methods? Why could these methods be beneficial in an Inclusion class?

Education – Assistive Technology


Please ask interview questions below. Note: Bonus question is not required.

Interview Questions:

  1. Name pros and/or cons that you have experienced collaborating with teachers to provide accommodations to students with IEPs?
  2. What is your perspective on Inclusion? Do you find it effective? If you could change something about Inclusion, what would it be?
  3. What is your perspective on Co-Teaching (for general education teachers, remind them of the different styles of co-teaching, if necessary)? Do you find it effective?
  4. Do you feel as though the special education and general education teacher in the Inclusion class has equal classroom representation to provide instruction?

Bonus Question (If applicable)

Education – Assistive Technology. Have you found unique ways to accommodate students while in the virtual environment?

Interview Questions:

  1. Name pros and/or cons that you have experienced collaborating with teachers to provide accommodations to students with IEPs?
  2. What is your perspective on Inclusion? Do you find it effective? If you could change something about Inclusion, what would it be?
  3. What is your perspective on Co-Teaching (for general education teachers, remind them of the different styles of co-teaching, if necessary)? Do you find it effective?

Use APA referencing style.

September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023

Sentencing Bias & Victim’s Lifestyle. In your textbook, How Do Judges Decide, read the material in Box 3.2 on page 95 titled “The Victim’s Lifestyle and Bias in Sentencing Decisions.” Keep in mind that the case happened 30-years ago. Could this scenario happen today in 2023 in the criminal justice system?  Have we made progress in accepting alternative lifestyles? Have attitudes towards gays changed in the last 30 years?  Support your response by providing an example or research with a reference showing that acceptance has or has not changed for the LGBTQ community pertaining to arrests, convictions, or sentencing.

BOOK:  Spohn, Cassia C. (2008). How Do Judges Decide: The Search for Fairness and Justice in Punishment. Sage Publisher. ISBN: 9781412961042

Sentencing Bias & Victim’s Lifestyle

In your textbook, How Do Judges Decide, read the material in Box 3.2 on page 95 titled “The Victim’s Lifestyle and Bias in Sentencing Decisions.” Keep in mind that the case happened 30-years ago. Could this scenario happen today in 2023 in the criminal justice system?  Have we made progress in accepting alternative lifestyles? Have attitudes towards gays changed in the last 30 years?  Support your response by providing an example or research with a reference showing that acceptance has or has not changed for the LGBTQ community pertaining to arrests, convictions, or sentencing.

BOOK:  Spohn, Cassia C. (2008). How Do Judges Decide: The Search for Fairness and Justice in Punishment. Sage Publisher. ISBN: 9781412961042

Sentencing Bias & Victim’s Lifestyle. In your textbook, How Do Judges Decide, read the material in Box 3.2 on page 95 titled “The Victim’s Lifestyle and Bias in Sentencing Decisions.” Keep in mind that the case happened 30-years ago. Could this scenario happen today in 2023 in the criminal justice system?  Have we made progress in accepting alternative lifestyles? Have attitudes towards gays changed in the last 30 years?  Support your response by providing an example or research with a reference showing that acceptance has or has not changed for the LGBTQ community pertaining to arrests, convictions, or sentencing. Use APA referencing style.

BOOK:  Spohn, Cassia C. (2008). How Do Judges Decide: The Search for Fairness and Justice in Punishment. Sage Publisher. ISBN: 9781412961042

September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023

Research Paper – Criminal Investigation


Students will write a scholarly paper that is a minimum of 8-10 pages in length (8-10 pages excluding the title page, abstract, and reference page) in proper APA style format. References may be found in the APUS library or search engines such as Google Scholar.  The paper must include at least five, peer-reviewed sources that cover your chosen topic from the list below. Keep in mind that 5 is the minimum.  A good quality research assignment usually contains more than 10.  Sources should be as current as possible. Do not forget to use in-text citations to credit your sources.

Research Paper - Criminal Investigation

The references used for your research needs to be peer-reviewed/scholarly journals. These journals typically have the following characteristics:

  1. articles are reviewed by a panel of experts before they are accepted for publication;
  2. articles are written by a scholar or specialist in the field;
  3. articles report on original research or experimentation;
  4. are often published by professional associations;
  5. utilize terminology associated with the discipline.

The use of newspapers, news magazines, and similar periodicals must be kept to a minimum and will be acceptable only as sources for supplementary information. Research Paper – Criminal Investigation. References like “Wikipedia,” “Psychology Today,” and “Court TV” are not primary sources, are not peer-reviewed (reviewed for empirical integrity, accuracy, and authenticity), and are not appropriate references for scholarly writing (with the possible exception of use for anecdotal background information).

Research Paper Topics

Choose a topic relevant to criminal investigations. Examples include:

4th Amendment

6th Amendment

Crime Prevention

Crimes against children

Crimes against the elderly

Domestic Terrorism

Driving Under the Influence

Human Trafficking

Identity Theft

Juvenile Crime

Landmark Cases

Police Brutality

Police Pursuits

Sex Offender laws

Wrongful Convictions

Research Paper – Criminal Investigation. The paper should be of high quality, free of spelling and grammatical errors, and of original work. In addition, it needs to be in proper APA style format. Plagiarism will not be permitted and occurrences of it will result in the procedures outlined in the “Student Handbook.” IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you have submitted the assignment it is automatically run through a plagiarism checker. Do NOT directly quote. Rather summarize and paraphrase completely in your own words and phrases while giving proper credit to where that information came from.

September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023

Criminal Law – Creative Project

Detailed Instruction

Section 1

Choose a literary work; then divide and categorize the work into sections / stanzas. Outline and discuss each section / stanza of the work. If there are important subtexts in the work you choose, be sure to include that information. Section 1 should be about 600 to 700 words total. Include link(s) to the literary work, if available.

Criminal Law – Creative Project

Section 2

Mashup the literary work with the music of your choice (formatted as a list). Choose both classical and popular music based on the sections / stanzas you discussed in Section 1. You must select some classical music to be included. Criminal Law – Creative Project. Also, include Spotify or YouTube links and times for each piece you choose. At the bottom of the list of pieces, include the total time of the music. Section 2 should include at least 60 minutes of music.


Piece 1—Erlking, by Schubert, 4:14 https://youtu.be/5XP5RP6OEJI

If you are only using one movement from a larger work, and the YouTube video is the entire work, be sure to list the exact times of the music you wish to use (i.e. “0:00 – 12:43”).

Section 3

In paragraph form, defend and discuss your decision for choosing each piece in Section 2. List each section / stanza of the literary work. List the piece of music you wish to “attach” to each section / stanza. Use musical terminology to discuss the pieces and be sure to apply information learned in the Music and Literature unit. Section 3 should be about 1000 words total.

Criminal Law – Creative Project. Mashup the literary work with the music of your choice (formatted as a list). Choose both classical and popular music based on the sections / stanzas you discussed in Section 1. You must select some classical music to be included. Also, include Spotify or YouTube links and times for each piece you choose. At the bottom of the list of pieces, include the total time of the music. Section 2 should include at least 60 minutes of music. Use APA referencing style.

September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023

Source Review – Annotations. Select one of your sources that you will use for your Review. You will be making notes (annotating) this text so that you can see how it is written and use it as a model for techniques you want to employ or avoid in your own writing. This assignment is due midnight Sunday 10/1. I need to be able to see the original text of your source AND your comments. The easiest way to achieve this may be to copy/paste the text of your source into a Word document so you can easily make notes using the “comments” function or by inserting your comments in a different color using the highlighter function. If you choose that route, be sure to copy/paste the title and author names. Alternatively, if you have Adobe Acrobat, or another way to create comments/notes on a text that would be legible to me, that works. If you submit a document that does not display your comments, your assignment will not be considered complete. Make the following annotations/notes on your source:

Source Review – Annotations

At the top of your document, use your own words to indicate what kind of text is this. Another review? A scholarly article? A newspaper or magazine article? Identify the thesis or main point and comment on its placement in the text (is it at the beginning? in the conclusion? why?) Identify reasons that support the thesis. Identify examples that support the reasons and comment on whether these examples are convincing. Source Review – Annotations. Identify any moments where the writer establishes their authority (expertise in the form of education, experience, or research?). Identify any moments where the writer discusses the intended audience of the text they are writing. Identify any use of other sources or other voices and comment on how they contribute to the overall text. You will include your own reflective paragraph (200 words) after your annotated source. Did you find this source helpful? Why or why not?

Source Review – Annotations. What strategies do you plan to steal in writing your own writing? Did this writer make any decisions you’d like to avoid in writing your own writing? What suggestions would you have for the writer to improve their text? The last page of the document will be an MLA works cited page including the information for the source you chose. Be sure to include the URL in your citation so I can go find it online if I need to.

September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023

Comparison & Contrast Paper. Produce a complete 2- 4page paper in which you do a comparison and contrast between driverless cars and/or traditionally driven cars. Be sure to define your reason for writing (thesis), and treat both ideas equally as to pros and cons, costs to promote, validity, efficiency to use, probability of success, and manpower requirements, etc. Your paper should contain an introductory paragraph, thesis statement, body paragraphs each supporting a major idea regarding your point for writing, and a concluding paragraph to wrap-up the paper and signal the completion of your support for your reason for writing. Although actual research is not a part of this assignment, provide a brief statement at the beginning of the assignment explaining how you would have gone about finding and providing support for your paper.

Comparison & Contrast Paper

Comparison & Contrast Paper. Produce a complete 2- 4page paper in which you do a comparison and contrast between driverless cars and/or traditionally driven cars. Be sure to define your reason for writing (thesis), and treat both ideas equally as to pros and cons, costs to promote, validity, efficiency to use, probability of success, and manpower requirements, etc. Your paper should contain an introductory paragraph, thesis statement, body paragraphs each supporting a major idea regarding your point for writing, and a concluding paragraph to wrap-up the paper and signal the completion of your support for your reason for writing. Although actual research is not a part of this assignment, provide a brief statement at the beginning of the assignment explaining how you would have gone about finding and providing support for your paper.

Comparison & Contrast Paper. Produce a complete 2- 4page paper in which you do a comparison and contrast between driverless cars and/or traditionally driven cars. Be sure to define your reason for writing (thesis), and treat both ideas equally as to pros and cons, costs to promote, validity, efficiency to use, probability of success, and manpower requirements, etc. Your paper should contain an introductory paragraph, thesis statement, body paragraphs each supporting a major idea regarding your point for writing, and a concluding paragraph to wrap-up the paper and signal the completion of your support for your reason for writing. Although actual research is not a part of this assignment, provide a brief statement at the beginning of the assignment explaining how you would have gone about finding and providing support for your paper. Use APA referencing style.

September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023

The Definition Essay. When someone asks us what a particular word means, we do not just rattle off a dictionary definition; instead, we define the term as we understand it, usually offering up specific examples or other evidence to further clarify the meaning. For our next essay, we are going to further explore a term that is used in the news today.

The topics:

In a 2 to 4-page essay (PLUS a Works Cited page), define one of the following terms:

  1. Universal Basic Income
  2. Fentanyl
  3. Cultural Appropriation
  4. Gerrymandering

What do you have to do? We will include a basic definition as well as an extended definition, which may use specific examples, history, etymology, compare/contrast, and more. The idea is not to write a technical article; instead, we are going to use denotation and connotation together to define a term in such a way that our audience can easily understand.

The Definition Essay

NOTE: This is our first research essay, which means you must include correct in-text citation and a Works Cited page.  Any essay that lacks either will receive a zero F.  Also, any information in the essay without a citation that is not common knowledge is considered plagiarism, which will also result in a grade of zero F. The Definition Essay. Serious cases of plagiarism will be reported for Academic Dishonesty.  I have included lots of notes, video lectures, and quizzes in the Essay #2 module to prepare you.  Learning these rules is up to you! (Remember that first discussion board about self-directed learning!)

Rules to remember:

  • The essay must be typed and in MLA format.
  • It must also cite at least 3 scholarly sources, making sure to use proper MLA citation both in the text and in a Works Cited page.
  • Your 3 sources must come from CQ Researcher, Academic Search Complete, NPR.org, and PBS.org/Newshour.
  • You may use more than three sources, but they can only come from one of these sources listed; information from any other source will be considered plagiarism and result in a grade of zero.

I strongly recommend starting with CQ Researcher, then moving to NPR and PBS Newshour, and filling any specific “holes” in your essay by searching Academic Search Complete. The Definition Essay. Articles in CQ Researcher, NPR and PBS Newshour are all pretty easy to understand; while Academic Search Complete can provide good information, you run the risk of running into some overly technical articles as well.   Do NOT use the dictionary, an encyclopedia, or Wikipedia as a source.