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October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023

Affirmative Action Essay. Pick One of the following topics and write a 2-3 page (single spaces, 12 point font, Times New Roman) essay using what you learned throughout the semester to explain how you would address the issue. What is background of the issue? What can be done? How would you fund the effort? What population would this affect?

Why Is Affirmative Action So Controversial and Do We Still Need It?

What’s It About? Affirmative action was established after passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as a corrective to better balance historic prejudice against disadvantaged applicants for employment and admissions to college. The Issue? Do we still need affirmative action?


  1. Outline the terms of the debate regarding affirmative action in college admissions using the facts of the Supreme Court case in Grutter v. Bollinger (2003).
  2. What is meant by “positive discrimination”?
  3. Explain structural racism in terms of racial versus socioeconomic diversity.
  4. In our increasingly diverse society, why should one group, or class, of college applicants be treated differently than others?

Affirmative Action Essay

Is Discrimination Ever Legal?

What’s It About? Who knew? Discrimination—the unequal treatment of a person or persons on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, national origin, race, religious belief, sex, or sexual identity—can be legal in specific circumstances. The Issue? When is it OK to discriminate? Affirmative Action Essay.


  1. Identify some of the circumstances in which a group of persons may be lawfully discriminated against. What reasons for discrimination will the courts uphold?
  2. Explain the claims of discrimination that underlie the Masterpiece Cakeshop suit.
  3. Do sincere religious beliefs exempt restaurant owners from adhering to anti-discrimination law if their beliefs permit them, for example, to single out some groups for privileged treatment or to refuse to serve other groups?
  4. Should the First Amendment right to free speech outweigh the First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion, or to any other right protected by the First Amendment, when those rights come into conflict?

What’s Next for Political Parties in America?

What’s It About? Any consideration of the two-party system and its durability over the course of U.S. history surely touches on all the following and more: the functions of political parties, trends in party identification among American voters today, and third parties. The Issue? How will each party define itself for the next generation? Affirmative Action Essay.


  1. What are some of the possible reasons why over 40 percent of Americans don’t identify themselves as either Republicans or Democrats?
  2. Can you provide examples of the four functions of political parties itemized in the video—mobilize voters, recruit candidates, facilitate governance, and monitor opposing party—at work?
  3. What are the arguments for and against third-party solutions to issues in American politics?
  4. Are you registered to vote? If not, why not?

What Is the Filibuster and How Is It Being Used?

What’s It About? The filibuster is a tool that allows U.S. senators to halt progress on legislation by engaging in extensive debate. The Issue? Once universally acknowledged as a means of protecting minority rights and of facilitating compromise, filibusters are now often derided as grossly unfair. Is the filibuster a legislative atrocity? Use APA referencing style.


  1. What is the relationship between the filibuster and the rights of the party in the minority?
  2. How does cloture work?
  3. What is the so-called nuclear option? How did the nuclear option affect the nomination and eventual confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court?
  4. Do the merits of the filibuster outweigh its defects, and would you support or oppose the elimination of the Senate rule that permits filibusters?
October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023

Free Speech Essay. Pick One of the following topics and write a 2-3page (single spaces, 12-point font, Times New Roman) essay using what you learned throughout the semester to explain how you would address the issue. What is background of the issue? What can be done? How would you fund the effort? What population would this affect?

When Is It Legal for the Police to Search and Seize My Property or Me?

What’s It About? Often young people are profiled by law enforcement for search and seizure, especially in states and locales where drug laws are aggressively enforced. The Issue? What are a citizen’s rights regarding lawful and unlawful search and seizure? Where do those rights come from?


  1. What is the gist of the Supreme Court’s decision in Terry v. Ohio (1968)? Why did the defense cite the Fourth Amendment as grounds for dismissing Terry’s conviction for carrying a concealed weapon?
  2. What is the source of Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures?
  3. Why has stop-and-frisk policing been criticized as “indirect racial profiling”? In your opinion, is the criticism justified?
  4. Since the Terry decision, “reasonable suspicion” is the standard by which police may lawfully detain people and conduct searches. Is a new standard needed? What new standard do you envision?

Free Speech Essay

Can Totally Free Speech Lead to Less Inclusive Discussion?

What’s It About? The First Amendment guarantees every American the right to free speech. But in an increasingly diverse country with seemingly louder-than-ever fringe groups, some people are beginning to question this right. The Issue? Is the right to free speech as free as we think? Free Speech Essay.


  1. Why was Google able to terminate the employment of a software engineer who wrote a memo blasting the company’s efforts to promote diversity? Is the firing of that employee evidence that free speech is under threat in corporate America?
  2. When is speech subject to prosecution?
  3. When, if ever, should speech on a college campus be limited?
  4. What is the role of the marketplace of ideas in debates about the freedom of speech?

What Are “Executive” Actions and Do They Give the President Too Much Power?

What’s It About? The American system of government is predicated on an intricate system of checks and balances. But in times of divided government, presidents from both parties have bypassed Congress and instead have relied on executive actions to achieve policy goals. The Issue? What are the merits of executive action? What are its deficiencies? Free Speech Essay. Use APA referencing style.


  1. What distinguishes executive actions from laws?
  2. What three forms can executive actions take? Why are executive orders numbered?
  3. What recourse does Congress have to check executive actions? How else can executive actions be challenged? Are these checks sufficient for maintaining the balance of power among federal, legislative, and judicial branches of government?
  4. Can you identify any commonalities that characterize the circumstances that may have led Presidents Roosevelt, Truman, and Bush, respectively, to issue the executive orders that interned Japanese Americans during World War II (in 1942), integrated the U.S. armed forces (in 1948), and established the Office of Homeland Security (in 2001)?
October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023

Political Science Essay. Pick One of the following topics and write a 2-3page (single spaces, 12point font, Times New Roman) essay using what you learned throughout the semester to explain how you would address the issue. What is background of the issue? What can be done? How would you fund the effort? What population would this affect?

Marijuana & Federalism: Who’s in Charge?

What’s It About? With recreational and medicinal cannabis legal in certain states, marijuana businesses and users are caught between permissive state laws and federal statutes that criminalize all forms of cannabis use. The Issue? What is the effect of federalism on drug policy in America?


  1. What is federalism? In answering this question, be explicit about what is meant by enumerated powers, reserved powers, and concurrent powers.
  2. Why are state laws that conflict with federal law permitted to be enacted if, as the supremacy clause in the U.S. Constitution states, federal law takes precedence over state laws?
  3. What is the significance of the Cole Memorandum?
  4. Are there appropriate roles for the federal government and the states in setting drug policy? How would you define those roles?

Political Science Essay

What Is the Electoral College and Is It Still Relevant in Our Democracy?

What’s It About? The reasons why the Electoral College exists are often poorly understood. They needn’t be. The Issue? Is the Electoral College obsolete? Political Science Essay.


  1. Some delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 wanted members of Congress to elect the president of the United States. Other delegates argued for election by popular vote—that is to say, for a direct election by the people. Why did the Framers of the Constitution ultimately reject both these ideas?
  2. What is the three-fifths compromise? How would you assess its impact on the results of the presidential elections in the early history of the American republic?
  3. What are the strongest arguments for and against the relevance of the Electoral College today?
  4. What factors may have enabled Donald J. Trump and George W. Bush, who lost the popular vote in the presidential elections of 2016 and 2000, to win the presidency?

How Is a Rapidly Changing Media Affecting Democracy?

What’s It About? Understanding how people engage with the media is as important as the substance of any of the debatable issues affecting American politics and government. The Issue? Thanks to the Internet, is the public better informed about the issues and policies that affect democracy? Political Science Essay. Use APA referencing style.


  1. The statistic that 67 percent of U.S adults access news via social media is misleading in one crucial respect, according to one of the media experts presented in the video. Why is it misleading?
  2. Briefly describe the reality of your media-consuming habits. How does your individual media landscape both affect and reflect your identity?
  3. What is confirmation bias and why is it relevant to discussions of an informed public being the key to a lasting democracy?
  4. What steps can the public can take to demand more substance and less sensationalism from the press?
October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023

20TH Century Historical Events

Week 7 tasks chapter 22 (6%) are due next Monday, October 2 before 8am. ONE FULL WEEK. Get a head start. If tasks done and requirement fulfilled, you will earn the points which will show under the gradebook link. Total words are number minimum expected. Enjoy! Read and see you online. Comment on at least one classmate’s posting when required by the activity. Post your answers at once right on one posting or attach a pdf document (NO GOOGLE DOCS) with your answers. You can also post an audio/video file answer for a specific activity. Check chapter review and chronology at the end of the chapter, pages 978-979.


Chapter section, images, maps (1%) Comment on the section you enjoyed the most, and comment also on ONE image that relates to your selection. (100 words). Focus Questions chapter 22: ANSWER ALL THREE SETS. SPECIFY TEXTBOOK PAGES USED AS REFERENCE (120 WORDS EACH) 3%

1.Assess the impact of the consumer culture during the 1920s. What contributed to its growth? 2.What were the other major social and cultural trends and movements that became prominent during the twenties? How did they challenge traditional standards and customs?

3.What does “modernism” mean in intellectual and artistic terms? How did the modernist movement influence American culture in the early twentieth century?

20TH Century Historical Events


Videos: Watch number ONE AND TWO. Choose ONE from THREE. (comment 50 words for each video) 2% 20TH Century Historical Events.

1.Watch the documentary on the 1920’s. Provide your impression, and perspective on life and culture. It is about 100 years ago. Comment on a classmate posting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN7ftyZigYs  (50 words) 1%

2.Watch and comment on John Greene’s perspective on the 1920’s. Any new perspective to contrast or add to our textbook? Which? Comment on classmate posting. (50 words) 1%. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfOR1XCMf7A&t=228s

3.Watch ONE of the 1920’s cartoons. Comment on social, cultural or economic message you catch. Comment on classmate posting. Share the links you watched. (50 words) 1% https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=+1920%27s+cartoons

OPTIONAL: WATCH EPISODE ONE KEN BURN’S DOCUMENTARY ‘JAZZ’ (for your enjoyment and awareness) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZZhieONyto&list=PLuDrqfL4qtOIcc0h574Igd0Lok0eF9yGg

October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023

Women’s History Assignment

Chicago Style

3 ½ pages

Our assigned readings capture the lives of many women, ranging from “ordinary” women carrying out their day-to-day duties to a number of “extraordinary” women who in the years leading up to the Civil War began engaging in political and social activities that ultimately changed the course of history for American women.  Biographical Essay is to prepare a biographic essay about one of these noteworthy women. Because we are studying women’s history, I have chosen a collective approach as a way of illuminating one more method of feminist history writing. Feminist work often is done collectively and emphasizes the creation of knowledge through conversations. I hope you enjoy this project.

 Women’s History Assignment

Here’s what I’d like you to do:

Women’s History Assignment. Read chapters 4 and 5 of Through Women’s Eyes to select a 19th century “noteworthy woman”. You may also want to look ahead to chapters 6 and 7 for additional ideas about “noteworthy women” of the later half of the 19th century [the 1800s]. Your biographical essay or slide show should analyze the life of the noteworthy woman you are studying in the context of: major (or minor) historical events occurring in the USA during the time the woman lived, such as the relationships of the individual woman’s life to social institutions, social movements, political events, cultural or artistic movements, etc. Not all of these aspects need to be covered in each of your essays–just what is relevant to explaining your noteworthy woman’s significance and her contributions to American history.

Women’s History Assignment. Our assigned readings capture the lives of many women, ranging from “ordinary” women carrying out their day-to-day duties to a number of “extraordinary” women who in the years leading up to the Civil War began engaging in political and social activities that ultimately changed the course of history for American women.  Biographical Essay is to prepare a biographic essay about one of these noteworthy women. Because we are studying women’s history, I have chosen a collective approach as a way of illuminating one more method of feminist history writing. Feminist work often is done collectively and emphasizes the creation of knowledge through conversations. I hope you enjoy this project. Use APA referencing style.

October 2, 2023
October 2, 2023

Nursing Case Study. Write a 2-page paper. Your patient has just been diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2 and the doctor prescribed metformin. Describe the mechanism of action of metformin and potential contraindications. What education that the registered nurse would have provided would you reinforce? Explain lifestyle changes a person should if diagnosed with diabetes type 2?


Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format. APA format and in-text citation. 3 References – must contain at least three professional references, published within the past 5 years.

Nursing Case Study

Nursing Case Study. Write a 2-page paper. Your patient has just been diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2 and the doctor prescribed metformin. Describe the mechanism of action of metformin and potential contraindications. What education that the registered nurse would have provided would you reinforce? Explain lifestyle changes a person should if diagnosed with diabetes type 2?


Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format. APA format and in-text citation. 3 References – must contain at least three professional references, published within the past 5 years.

Nursing Case Study. Write a 2-page paper. Your patient has just been diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2 and the doctor prescribed metformin. Describe the mechanism of action of metformin and potential contraindications. What education that the registered nurse would have provided would you reinforce? Explain lifestyle changes a person should if diagnosed with diabetes type 2?


Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format. APA format and in-text citation. 3 References – must contain at least three professional references, published within the past 5 years. Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format. APA format and in-text citation. 3 References – must contain at least three professional references, published within the past 5 years. Use APA referencing style.

October 2, 2023
October 2, 2023

Nursing Leadership Assignment. After studying the lesson “Nursing Leadership” in Chapter 21 of the textbook (eBook), open a discussion forum by answering the following questions: What is leadership? What is a leader? How does a nurse demonstrate leadership characteristics? Explain. Do you think Florence Nightingale was a leader in the nursing profession? Why? Explain. Describe the following types of leadership: autocratic, democratic, and Laissez-Faire. Give an example of each one within the nursing field. This topic will be part of class discussion this week (Module 7). In addition to the eBook, you are required to use at least two more primary references. Remember APA style when use references “in-text” citation and in the References at the final of your publication.

Submission Instructions:

Submit your discussion post by 5:59 PM Eastern on Thursday, October 5th, 2023. Your initial post should include at least 2 academic sources, formatted and cited in APA. Respond to your classmates’ discussion posts by 11:59 PM Eastern on Saturday, October 7th, 2023. Ask a question and provide a different viewpoint.

Nursing Leadership Assignment

Nursing Leadership Assignment. After studying the lesson “Nursing Leadership” in Chapter 21 of the textbook (eBook), open a discussion forum by answering the following questions: What is leadership? What is a leader? How does a nurse demonstrate leadership characteristics? Explain. Do you think Florence Nightingale was a leader in the nursing profession? Why? Explain. Describe the following types of leadership: autocratic, democratic, and Laissez-Faire. Give an example of each one within the nursing field. This topic will be part of class discussion this week (Module 7). In addition to the eBook, you are required to use at least two more primary references. Remember APA style when use references “in-text” citation and in the References at the final of your publication.

Submission Instructions:

Nursing Leadership Assignment. Submit your discussion post by 5:59 PM Eastern on Thursday, October 5th, 2023. Your initial post should include at least 2 academic sources, formatted and cited in APA. Respond to your classmates’ discussion posts by 11:59 PM Eastern on Saturday, October 7th, 2023. Ask a question and provide a different viewpoint.

October 2, 2023
October 2, 2023

Philosophy of Perspective. Are Things as They Appear? The philosopher Nick Bostrom gives us three possibilities in “Are We Living In a Computer Simulation”.  Please read this inclusion in Chapter 9 (page 442) and review the following video: Nick Bostrom’s Simulation Argument Links to an external site. Which of the 3 options presented by Bostrom seems most plausible to you? Why?  Is this argument worth investigating? Why or why not? Your initial post should be between 250-300 words. Use APA referencing style.

Philosophy of Perspective

Philosophy of Perspective. Are Things as They Appear? The philosopher Nick Bostrom gives us three possibilities in “Are We Living In a Computer Simulation”.  Please read this inclusion in Chapter 9 (page 442) and review the following video: Nick Bostrom’s Simulation Argument Links to an external site. Which of the 3 options presented by Bostrom seems most plausible to you? Why?  Is this argument worth investigating? Why or why not? Your initial post should be between 250-300 words. Use APA referencing style. Is this argument worth investigating?

The philosopher Nick Bostrom gives us three possibilities in “Are We Living In a Computer Simulation”.  Please read this inclusion in Chapter 9 (page 442) and review the following video: Nick Bostrom’s Simulation Argument Links to an external site. Which of the 3 options presented by Bostrom seems most plausible to you? Why?  Is this argument worth investigating? Why or why not? Your initial post should be between 250-300 words. Use APA referencing style.

Philosophy of Perspective. Are Things as They Appear? The philosopher Nick Bostrom gives us three possibilities in “Are We Living In a Computer Simulation”.  Please read this inclusion in Chapter 9 (page 442) and review the following video: Nick Bostrom’s Simulation Argument Links to an external site. Which of the 3 options presented by Bostrom seems most plausible to you? Why?  Is this argument worth investigating? Why or why not? Your initial post should be between 250-300 words. Is this argument worth investigating? Use APA referencing style.

October 2, 2023
October 2, 2023

Assessing Quality Literature


You will create the beginnings of your literature matrix. It’s likely that this document will grow with you as you work through your degree program. Please see the attached file for a template to use.  For this first assignment, please do not alter the headings, but know it’s an open conversation with your instructor and that you can edit as you progress through your coursework. Assessing Quality Literature.  You’ll notice two tabs in this file; one for tracking literature, and the second for analysis and synthesis of findings, as prescribed by Bloomberg (2023).  You are only expected to fill out the first tab for this assignment.

Assessing Quality Literature

Tip: Start with the most current research and work backward. If an article is relevant, the reference list should be a jackpot for previous studies – especially seminal/landmark work. Length: Use the attached template and fill in the first tab for this assignment. References: Include five (5) of the scholarly articles you have collected about your topic of study. My topic for research will be: What are the roles of parents and teachers in instilling good ethics and morals in young children during early childhood education? You are only expected to fill out the first tab for this assignment.

Assessing Quality Literature. You will create the beginnings of your literature matrix. It’s likely that this document will grow with you as you work through your degree program. Please see the attached file for a template to use.  For this first assignment, please do not alter the headings, but know it’s an open conversation with your instructor and that you can edit as you progress through your coursework. You’ll notice two tabs in this file; one for tracking literature, and the second for analysis and synthesis of findings, as prescribed by Bloomberg (2023).  You are only expected to fill out the first tab for this assignment. Use APA referencing style.

October 2, 2023
October 2, 2023

Recruitment and Retention Management


Recruitment and retention laws can vary between levels of government. For example, some localities require higher minimum wages than the federal standard because of local livable wage ordinances (local laws). In this assignment, you’ll identify, research, and discuss general federal and local laws affecting recruitment and retention. Imagine yourself as the human resources manager for a local and well-established construction company. Management executives have asked you to redesign the company’s recruiting and retention practices. Your focus will be on updating or creating new policies compliant with local, state, and federal laws governing recruiting and retention. Your first task is to write a brief for management that describes the scope of existing local, state, and federal laws the company must comply with, including any legal requirements specific to the construction field.

Recruitment and Retention Management

Write a 5-6 page management brief using the Management Brief Template (see below) in which you:

Analyze local, state, and federal recruiting and retention laws and practices the company must comply with. Include at least two researched examples of local laws in your area that may impose additional legal requirements on recruitment and retention. These laws are in addition to state and federal legislation. Explain what compensation, benefits, and incentives the company may offer candidates, citing applicable local, state, and federal law. Recruitment and Retention Management. Explain what information the company may and may not solicit from candidates during the recruitment process, citing applicable local, state, and federal law. Explain the legal requirements governing employee retention policies, citing applicable local, state, and federal law. For example, equity in determining promotions and salary. Use at least 5 sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Number and cite each source listed on your source page. Use at least 5 sources to support your writing. Use APA referencing style.