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October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023

Opioid and Substance Abuse

Scenario: Opioid and Substance Abuse in Latin America

Carla is a 26-year-old woman from Medellin, Colombia. She works as a server in a local restaurant. Her employer found her unresponsive in the restaurant’s staff room and took her to the local hospital. After she was revived with the opioid antagonist naloxone (called la naloxona in Colombia), Carla was found to have nearly overdosed on opioids. Carla admitted to hospital staff that this was part of a pattern of episodic drug use she had engaged in over the past decade of her life. Additionally, read the World Opioid and Substance Use Epidemic: A Latin American Perspective article to get a more holistic view of the opioid crisis in Latin America.

Opioid and Substance Abuse


Apply your disciplinary perspective to analyze and prioritize the major determinants of health implied by the case. In other words, defend your professional viewpoint regarding the most important factors that contribute to the health challenge. Then, in your responses, work as a group to refine those initial assessments. In your initial post, address the following elements. Provide at least one scholarly source from the last five years to support your claims: Identify the most important mental health considerations for this case. In other words, which mental health challenges are most relevant for understanding and addressing Carla’s case?

Opioid and Substance Abuse. Be sure to substantiate your claims with evidence. Identify the most important nutritional considerations for this case. In other words, which nutrient deficiencies are most relevant for understanding and addressing Carla’s case? Be sure to substantiate your claims with evidence. Identify the most important food safety and insecurity considerations for this case. In other words, which drivers of food insecurities are most relevant for understanding and addressing Carla’s case? Be sure to substantiate your claims with evidence. Use APA referencing style.

Reading: Global Health Care: Issues and Policies, Chapters 8 and 16

Textbook link: https://bncvirtual.com/vb_econtent.php?ACTION=econtent&FVENCKEY=AD9EE8D798DCAFC7E76B5FB7C978DD86&j=43766531&sfmc_sub=1597096465&l=23329524_HTML&u=695880241&mid=524003857&jb=40753&utm_term=10242022&utm_source=transactional&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Direct_Ebooks

World Opioid and substance use Epidemic: A Latin American perspective Article: https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/doi/full/10.1176/appi.prcp.20180009

October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023

Theme Analysis – The Lottery. Write a summary analyzing the connection between theme and setting in Jackson’s story “The Lottery.” What is the theme of the story? What is the setting? Why does the author situate a story about ritual sacrifice in such an unlikely place and time? How does it relate to America’s past and present?

Theme Analysis – The Lottery

Write a summary analyzing the connection between theme and setting in Jackson’s story “The Lottery.” What is the theme of the story? What is the setting? Why does the author situate a story about ritual sacrifice in such an unlikely place and time? How does it relate to America’s past and present?

Theme Analysis – The Lottery. Write a summary analyzing the connection between theme and setting in Jackson’s story “The Lottery.” What is the theme of the story? What is the setting? Why does the author situate a story about ritual sacrifice in such an unlikely place and time? How does it relate to America’s past and present?

Write a summary analyzing the connection between theme and setting in Jackson’s story “The Lottery.” What is the theme of the story? What is the setting? Why does the author situate a story about ritual sacrifice in such an unlikely place and time? How does it relate to America’s past and present?

Write a summary analyzing the connection between theme and setting in Jackson’s story “The Lottery.” What is the theme of the story? What is the setting? Why does the author situate a story about ritual sacrifice in such an unlikely place and time? How does it relate to America’s past and present?

Theme Analysis – The Lottery. Write a summary analyzing the connection between theme and setting in Jackson’s story “The Lottery.” What is the theme of the story? What is the setting? Why does the author situate a story about ritual sacrifice in such an unlikely place and time? How does it relate to America’s past and present? Use APA referencing style.

October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023

Starbucks Coffee – Brand Audit

Develop an original brand audit report for Starbucks Coffee

Word Length: 4600 words

References: 8

Please follow the layout below.

  1. Table of Contents: Main topics and corresponding page numbers.
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Brand History and Profile
  4. Background about the industry
  5. Company’s Mission Statement
  6. SWOT Analysis
    • Strength
    • Weakness
    • Opportunities
    • Threats
  7. Marketing Strategies
    • Positioning
    • Branding
    • Company’s Marketing Mix
      1. Product
      2. Price
      3. Place
      4. Promotion
        • 4.1. Advertising
        • 4.2. Personal selling
        • 4.3. Promotions
        • 4.4 Public relations
  8. Consumer analysis (trends, segmentation, behavior)
  9. Brand inventory
    • Elements, current marketing programs, POPs, PODs
    • Branding strategies (extensions, sub-brands, etc.)
    • Brand portfolio analysis
    • Competitors’ brand inventory
    • Strengths and weaknesses
  10. Brand exploratory
    • Brand associations
    • Brand positioning analysis
  11. Brand equity evaluation
  12. Strategic brand management recommendations
  13. References (APA style)

Starbucks Coffee – Brand Audit

Starbucks Coffee – Brand Audit

Develop an original brand audit report for Starbucks Coffee

Word Length: 4600 words

References: 8

Please follow the layout below.

  1. Table of Contents: Main topics and corresponding page numbers.
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Brand History and Profile
  4. Background about the industry
  5. Company’s Mission Statement
  6. SWOT Analysis
    • Strength
    • Weakness
    • Opportunities
    • Threats
  7. Marketing Strategies
    • Positioning
    • Branding
    • Company’s Marketing Mix
      1. Product
      2. Price
      3. Place
      4. Promotion
        • 4.1. Advertising
        • 4.2. Personal selling
        • 4.3. Promotions
        • 4.4 Public relations
  8. Consumer analysis (trends, segmentation, behavior)
  9. Brand inventory
    • Elements, current marketing programs, POPs, PODs
    • Branding strategies (extensions, sub-brands, etc.)
    • Brand portfolio analysis
    • Competitors’ brand inventory
    • Strengths and weaknesses
  10. Brand exploratory
    • Brand associations
    • Brand positioning analysis
  11. Brand equity evaluation
  12. Strategic brand management recommendations
  13. References (APA style)

Develop an original brand audit report for Starbucks Coffee

Word Length: 4600 words

References: 8

Please follow the layout below.

  1. Table of Contents: Main topics and corresponding page numbers.
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Brand History and Profile
  4. Background about the industry
  5. Company’s Mission Statement
  6. SWOT Analysis
    • Strength
    • Weakness
    • Opportunities
    • Threats
  7. Marketing Strategies
    • Positioning
    • Branding
    • Company’s Marketing Mix
      1. Product
      2. Price
      3. Place
      4. Promotion
        • 4.1. Advertising
        • 4.2. Personal selling
        • 4.3. Promotions
        • 4.4 Public relations
  8. Consumer analysis (trends, segmentation, behavior)
  9. Brand inventory
    • Elements, current marketing programs, POPs, PODs
    • Branding strategies (extensions, sub-brands, etc.)
    • Brand portfolio analysis
    • Competitors’ brand inventory
    • Strengths and weaknesses
  10. Brand exploratory
    • Brand associations
    • Brand positioning analysis
  11. Brand equity evaluation
  12. Strategic brand management recommendations
  13. References (APA style)
October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023

Critical Analysis Essay. The Short Story assignment is to do a critical analysis of one of the short stories in the Back to the Lake textbook as the source, which you will cite parenthetically in the body paragraphs, and with the “Works Cited” page as the last page, according to MLA. This shorter literary essay should be a minimum of 750 words If you do not make the length of this assignment, you will not pass. You will also not pass the assignment if you do not have the required number of quotes You must have at least one direct quote in every body paragraph. For the essay, your only direct quotes will be from the story itself. It will be expansion of your TEAL OUTLINE. However, it will be in paragraph form and have a complete introduction and conclusion. You also need s works cited page. Remember to only use third person, present tense verbs, and spell out all contractions. 

This assignment has two goals:

1.You will support your thesis with quotes (only from the story itself) to produce an essay that is a commentary of how the story represents something beyond “the events of the story”.

  1. Your essay will support and expand your thesis.

This Little Piggy Didn’t Go to Market by VERENA DOBNIK

Critical Analysis Essay

Topic: Winston’s case is heart-warming rather than pan-warming. How does Dobnik nonetheless avoid (if she does) becoming overly sentimental in her REPORT? What else do Winston and his friends exemplify besides being lucky survivors? Critical Analysis Essay.

Topics- Review: Writing the Definition essay

Lecture – Basic Essay Structure for ENGL 101 and 102

Lecture – Present Tense -2

Introducing and Integrating Quotations— You must do this with each quote

  1. You may use first/second person only in direct quotes.
  2. *Your assignment will not receive a passing grade, if you do not have quotes that are not introduced or cited…. and you will not pass the assignment if it does not meet the length requirement.
  3. You must spell out all contractions.
  4. You may not introduce the quote using simply the author or character’s name.

Writing tips

750 words If you do not make the length of this assignment, you will not pass. You will also not pass the assignment if you do not have the required number of quotes You must have at least one direct quote in every body paragraph (however, adding additional quotes to a final draft is always encouraged).

Formatting: Font: Times New Roman 12 pt.

Critical Analysis Essay. Margins and Spacing: 1″ and double-spaced (no exceptions). Page numbers in the header on the top right (at ½”) as shown on this document. If they are not in the header, the formatting of the entire paper will be off. Heading: Put your first and last name, class and section number, the date, and the assignment in the top left corner at the 1″margin. Put my name as “Instructor Jones.”

October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023

Historical Foundations Assignment

Assignment 1 – APA – 1 page

Referring to Claxton and Wells (Ch. 3, Table 3.3), where do we see elements of the Federalist, Anti-Federalist, and Democratic-Republican ideologies in today’s schools? What has remained and what has changed? What approach do you see as the most valuable in terms of today’s public schools?

Assignment 2 –APA – 4 pages

You will choose to create a scholarly paper that identifies events which evolved the American education system, specifically in the movement to public schools, the development of secondary schools, and American higher education, from the Colonial Period and the Early National Period.  you will use the texts and one to two other scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources.


Wells & Clayton, Foundations of American Education: A Critical Lens, Chapter 3  (book attached in the assignment)

Kevin Currie-Knight. (Jan. 29, 2019). Brief History of K-12 Schooling in America

LaLee’s Kin: The Legacy of Cotton. (2001). HBO. [video; 1

Please attach a reference page for each assignment.

Historical Foundations Assignment

Historical Foundations Assignment

Assignment 1 – APA – 1 page

Referring to Claxton and Wells (Ch. 3, Table 3.3), where do we see elements of the Federalist, Anti-Federalist, and Democratic-Republican ideologies in today’s schools? What has remained and what has changed? What approach do you see as the most valuable in terms of today’s public schools?

Assignment 2 –APA – 4 pages

You will choose to create a scholarly paper that identifies events which evolved the American education system, specifically in the movement to public schools, the development of secondary schools, and American higher education, from the Colonial Period and the Early National Period.  you will use the texts and one to two other scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources.


Wells & Clayton, Foundations of American Education: A Critical Lens, Chapter 3  (book attached in the assignment)

Kevin Currie-Knight. (Jan. 29, 2019). Brief History of K-12 Schooling in America

LaLee’s Kin: The Legacy of Cotton. (2001). HBO. [video; 1

Please attach a reference page for each assignment.

October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023

Literary Analysis – Oedipus The King

For this assignment, please read BOTH versions of the play Oedipus the King here:

Oedipus (Links to an external site)., translated by George Adams

Oedpius (Links to an external site)., translated by F Storr

Your goal here is to take notes and notice the differences between the two versions of the same text. What things do you notice that, despite telling roughly the same story, are totally different in the way it is told or how things play out? Literary Analysis – Oedipus the King. Pay attention to even slight details here–it is important to see the way the texts are altered and influenced.

Literary Analysis - Oedipus The King

For this assignment, I would like you to work with the literary theory New Historicism, or Cultural Studies, as both of these deal very heavily with historical contexts. These schools look to examine where texts come from, what influences their creation, how they are made, who made them, what they wanted to accomplish. Literary Analysis – Oedipus The King. In this assignment, it will be important to think about what Sophocles was hoping for with Oedipus in the first place–what is the story he was trying to tell, and why, and how–and then look at these two translations, roughly 100 years apart, and think about the cultural contexts both of these versions are written for, presented to, and again, how and why?

Literary Analysis – Oedipus The King. Your goal here is to take notes and notice the differences between the two versions of the same text. What things do you notice that, despite telling roughly the same story, are totally different in the way it is told or how things play out? Pay attention to even slight details here–it is important to see the way the texts are altered and influenced. These schools look to examine where texts come from, what influences their creation, how they are made, who made them, what they wanted to accomplish. Use APA referencing style.

October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023

Campaign Financing Essay. Pick One of the following topics and write a 2-3page (single spaces, 12-point font, Times New Roman) essay using what you learned throughout the semester to explain how you would address the issue. What is background of the issue? What can be done? How would you fund the effort? What population would this affect?

What Is Gerrymandering and What Does It Mean for Me as a Voter?

What’s It About? Political party officials have vested interests in gerrymandering the boundaries of voting districts to produce “safe seats,” where there is little chance of anyone who doesn’t belong to that party of winning that seat. The Issue? If gerrymandering is so unfair, why is it tolerated?


  1. What does it mean to be disenfranchised? Is voter suppression real?
  2. What do representatives owe to constituents in their districts who either did not vote for them or did not vote at all?
  3. Are state legislatures capable of taking action to limit or eliminate partisan gerrymandering?
  4. What do you imagine “perfect representation” in the U.S. House of Representatives would look like? Consider why voting district maps are redrawn every 10 years?

Campaign Financing Essay

What’s the Big Deal About Campaign Financing?

What’s It About? In Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010), the Supreme Court fundamentally altered the campaigning and electioneering landscape in the United States by easing restrictions on corporate donations to political campaigns. The Issue? How have campaign financing practices changed after the Citizens United decision? Campaign Financing Essay.


  1. PACs versus Super PACs. What distinguishes these two forms of political action committees?
  2. Should all political speech be transparent—that is, should we always know who the speakers are?
  3. Do you agree or disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United? State your reasons.
  4. Has your knowledge of the Citizens United case caused you to become more cynical or less cynical about the American political process?

Why Is the Government in So Much Debt and Should I Be Worried?

What’s It About? The national debt seems to have a life of its own independent of human control. The Issue? What are the implications of the national debt on public policy and how should we weigh the dangers that debt may pose?


  1. Is the United States in a debt crisis? Make your case.
  2. The dollar amount that the United States has borrowed and owes to creditors (now in the tens of trillions of dollars) is one measure of the national debt. What other statistics or ratios might be used to express it? Is it useful to compare the country’s financial situation with the debt and earnings of a family?
  3. Think of the relationship between debt and investment in the both the private and in the public sense. Are debt and investment always intertwined?
  4. What is the link between foreign policy and the national debt? Does the U.S. debt owned by foreign governments pose any immediate dangers to U.S. foreign policy?

Should We Consider the Constitution to Be “Living” or “Dead”?

What’s It About? Over the course of U.S history, Supreme Court justices have used—and will continue to use—alternative judicial philosophies to render legal decisions about the constitutionality of laws and executive actions. The Issue? What role did judicial philosophy play in the District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) decision, a Second Amendment case on the right to bear arms. Campaign Financing Essay. Use APA referencing style.


  1. Two judicial philosophies (among others not discussed in the video) guide interpretation of the U.S. Constitution: living constitutionalism and originalism. How would you compare living constitutionalism with originalism? Is the nation better served by having justices with different judicial philosophies on the Supreme Court?
  2. Is it possible for two originalist jurists to interpret the intentions of the Framers differently?
  3. What are the implications for gun-control policy in the United States given the Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller?
  4. Did the Explainer video change or influence your thinking about whether we should consider the U.S. Constitution to be living or dead?
October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023

Affirmative Action Essay. Pick One of the following topics and write a 2-3 page (single spaces, 12 point font, Times New Roman) essay using what you learned throughout the semester to explain how you would address the issue. What is background of the issue? What can be done? How would you fund the effort? What population would this affect?

Why Is Affirmative Action So Controversial and Do We Still Need It?

What’s It About? Affirmative action was established after passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as a corrective to better balance historic prejudice against disadvantaged applicants for employment and admissions to college. The Issue? Do we still need affirmative action?


  1. Outline the terms of the debate regarding affirmative action in college admissions using the facts of the Supreme Court case in Grutter v. Bollinger (2003).
  2. What is meant by “positive discrimination”?
  3. Explain structural racism in terms of racial versus socioeconomic diversity.
  4. In our increasingly diverse society, why should one group, or class, of college applicants be treated differently than others?

Affirmative Action Essay

Is Discrimination Ever Legal?

What’s It About? Who knew? Discrimination—the unequal treatment of a person or persons on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, national origin, race, religious belief, sex, or sexual identity—can be legal in specific circumstances. The Issue? When is it OK to discriminate? Affirmative Action Essay.


  1. Identify some of the circumstances in which a group of persons may be lawfully discriminated against. What reasons for discrimination will the courts uphold?
  2. Explain the claims of discrimination that underlie the Masterpiece Cakeshop suit.
  3. Do sincere religious beliefs exempt restaurant owners from adhering to anti-discrimination law if their beliefs permit them, for example, to single out some groups for privileged treatment or to refuse to serve other groups?
  4. Should the First Amendment right to free speech outweigh the First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion, or to any other right protected by the First Amendment, when those rights come into conflict?

What’s Next for Political Parties in America?

What’s It About? Any consideration of the two-party system and its durability over the course of U.S. history surely touches on all the following and more: the functions of political parties, trends in party identification among American voters today, and third parties. The Issue? How will each party define itself for the next generation? Affirmative Action Essay.


  1. What are some of the possible reasons why over 40 percent of Americans don’t identify themselves as either Republicans or Democrats?
  2. Can you provide examples of the four functions of political parties itemized in the video—mobilize voters, recruit candidates, facilitate governance, and monitor opposing party—at work?
  3. What are the arguments for and against third-party solutions to issues in American politics?
  4. Are you registered to vote? If not, why not?

What Is the Filibuster and How Is It Being Used?

What’s It About? The filibuster is a tool that allows U.S. senators to halt progress on legislation by engaging in extensive debate. The Issue? Once universally acknowledged as a means of protecting minority rights and of facilitating compromise, filibusters are now often derided as grossly unfair. Is the filibuster a legislative atrocity? Use APA referencing style.


  1. What is the relationship between the filibuster and the rights of the party in the minority?
  2. How does cloture work?
  3. What is the so-called nuclear option? How did the nuclear option affect the nomination and eventual confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court?
  4. Do the merits of the filibuster outweigh its defects, and would you support or oppose the elimination of the Senate rule that permits filibusters?
October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023

Free Speech Essay. Pick One of the following topics and write a 2-3page (single spaces, 12-point font, Times New Roman) essay using what you learned throughout the semester to explain how you would address the issue. What is background of the issue? What can be done? How would you fund the effort? What population would this affect?

When Is It Legal for the Police to Search and Seize My Property or Me?

What’s It About? Often young people are profiled by law enforcement for search and seizure, especially in states and locales where drug laws are aggressively enforced. The Issue? What are a citizen’s rights regarding lawful and unlawful search and seizure? Where do those rights come from?


  1. What is the gist of the Supreme Court’s decision in Terry v. Ohio (1968)? Why did the defense cite the Fourth Amendment as grounds for dismissing Terry’s conviction for carrying a concealed weapon?
  2. What is the source of Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures?
  3. Why has stop-and-frisk policing been criticized as “indirect racial profiling”? In your opinion, is the criticism justified?
  4. Since the Terry decision, “reasonable suspicion” is the standard by which police may lawfully detain people and conduct searches. Is a new standard needed? What new standard do you envision?

Free Speech Essay

Can Totally Free Speech Lead to Less Inclusive Discussion?

What’s It About? The First Amendment guarantees every American the right to free speech. But in an increasingly diverse country with seemingly louder-than-ever fringe groups, some people are beginning to question this right. The Issue? Is the right to free speech as free as we think? Free Speech Essay.


  1. Why was Google able to terminate the employment of a software engineer who wrote a memo blasting the company’s efforts to promote diversity? Is the firing of that employee evidence that free speech is under threat in corporate America?
  2. When is speech subject to prosecution?
  3. When, if ever, should speech on a college campus be limited?
  4. What is the role of the marketplace of ideas in debates about the freedom of speech?

What Are “Executive” Actions and Do They Give the President Too Much Power?

What’s It About? The American system of government is predicated on an intricate system of checks and balances. But in times of divided government, presidents from both parties have bypassed Congress and instead have relied on executive actions to achieve policy goals. The Issue? What are the merits of executive action? What are its deficiencies? Free Speech Essay. Use APA referencing style.


  1. What distinguishes executive actions from laws?
  2. What three forms can executive actions take? Why are executive orders numbered?
  3. What recourse does Congress have to check executive actions? How else can executive actions be challenged? Are these checks sufficient for maintaining the balance of power among federal, legislative, and judicial branches of government?
  4. Can you identify any commonalities that characterize the circumstances that may have led Presidents Roosevelt, Truman, and Bush, respectively, to issue the executive orders that interned Japanese Americans during World War II (in 1942), integrated the U.S. armed forces (in 1948), and established the Office of Homeland Security (in 2001)?
October 3, 2023
October 3, 2023

Political Science Essay. Pick One of the following topics and write a 2-3page (single spaces, 12point font, Times New Roman) essay using what you learned throughout the semester to explain how you would address the issue. What is background of the issue? What can be done? How would you fund the effort? What population would this affect?

Marijuana & Federalism: Who’s in Charge?

What’s It About? With recreational and medicinal cannabis legal in certain states, marijuana businesses and users are caught between permissive state laws and federal statutes that criminalize all forms of cannabis use. The Issue? What is the effect of federalism on drug policy in America?


  1. What is federalism? In answering this question, be explicit about what is meant by enumerated powers, reserved powers, and concurrent powers.
  2. Why are state laws that conflict with federal law permitted to be enacted if, as the supremacy clause in the U.S. Constitution states, federal law takes precedence over state laws?
  3. What is the significance of the Cole Memorandum?
  4. Are there appropriate roles for the federal government and the states in setting drug policy? How would you define those roles?

Political Science Essay

What Is the Electoral College and Is It Still Relevant in Our Democracy?

What’s It About? The reasons why the Electoral College exists are often poorly understood. They needn’t be. The Issue? Is the Electoral College obsolete? Political Science Essay.


  1. Some delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 wanted members of Congress to elect the president of the United States. Other delegates argued for election by popular vote—that is to say, for a direct election by the people. Why did the Framers of the Constitution ultimately reject both these ideas?
  2. What is the three-fifths compromise? How would you assess its impact on the results of the presidential elections in the early history of the American republic?
  3. What are the strongest arguments for and against the relevance of the Electoral College today?
  4. What factors may have enabled Donald J. Trump and George W. Bush, who lost the popular vote in the presidential elections of 2016 and 2000, to win the presidency?

How Is a Rapidly Changing Media Affecting Democracy?

What’s It About? Understanding how people engage with the media is as important as the substance of any of the debatable issues affecting American politics and government. The Issue? Thanks to the Internet, is the public better informed about the issues and policies that affect democracy? Political Science Essay. Use APA referencing style.


  1. The statistic that 67 percent of U.S adults access news via social media is misleading in one crucial respect, according to one of the media experts presented in the video. Why is it misleading?
  2. Briefly describe the reality of your media-consuming habits. How does your individual media landscape both affect and reflect your identity?
  3. What is confirmation bias and why is it relevant to discussions of an informed public being the key to a lasting democracy?
  4. What steps can the public can take to demand more substance and less sensationalism from the press?