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October 5, 2023
October 5, 2023

Strategic Human Resource Management

  1. What is strategic HR management? What is the purpose of strategic HR management? What are the steps in the strategic management process? Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
  2. What is a SWOT analysis? How can a SWOT analysis be beneficial to an organization during times of change? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.
  3. Explain items that are included in a human resources (HR) audit. Why are HR audits important? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.
  4. What is a mission and vision statement? Why are vision and mission statements important? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Strategic Human Resource Management

Strategic Human Resource Management

  1. What is strategic HR management? What is the purpose of strategic HR management? What are the steps in the strategic management process? Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
  2. What is a SWOT analysis? How can a SWOT analysis be beneficial to an organization during times of change? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.
  3. Explain items that are included in a human resources (HR) audit. Why are HR audits important? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.
  4. What is a mission and vision statement? Why are vision and mission statements important? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Strategic Human Resource Management

  1. What is strategic HR management? What is the purpose of strategic HR management? What are the steps in the strategic management process? Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
  2. What is a SWOT analysis? How can a SWOT analysis be beneficial to an organization during times of change? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.
  3. Explain items that are included in a human resources (HR) audit. Why are HR audits important? Your response must be at least 75 words in length.
  4. What is a mission and vision statement? Why are vision and mission statements important? Your response must be at least 75 words in length. Use APA referencing style.
October 5, 2023
October 5, 2023

HRM – Job Description

  1. Nicki is new to the human resources (HR) department. Nicki was asked to create a job description for a call center. What are the steps Nicki should take before she creates a job description? Describe each step. Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
  2. Identify three sections that should be included in a job description. Explain the three sections in detail, and discuss why each is important. Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
  3. One of the goals for most organizations is for managers to improve employee engagement. Identify three strategies or activities that can help managers improve employee engagement. Why is employee engagement important? Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
  4. The hiring process is very time-consuming and complex. Discuss the steps that HR professionals take before they select who to hire. Why are the activities important? Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

HRM – Job Description

HRM – Job Description

  1. Nicki is new to the human resources (HR) department. Nicki was asked to create a job description for a call center. What are the steps Nicki should take before she creates a job description? Describe each step. Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
  2. Identify three sections that should be included in a job description. Explain the three sections in detail, and discuss why each is important. Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
  3. One of the goals for most organizations is for managers to improve employee engagement. Identify three strategies or activities that can help managers improve employee engagement. Why is employee engagement important? Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
  4. The hiring process is very time-consuming and complex. Discuss the steps that HR professionals take before they select who to hire. Why are the activities important? Your response must be at least 200 words in length. Use APA referencing style.
October 5, 2023
October 5, 2023

Case – The Subway Family. In 1965, a young man named Fred DeLuca wanted to become a medical doctor. Looking for a way to pay for his education, a family friend – Peter Buck – advised him to open a submarine sandwich shop. With a loan of $1,000, Peter offered to become Fred’s partner. Their first submarine sandwich shop opened in Bridgeport, Connecticut in August, 1965. Soon after opening their first shop they set a goal of having 32 sandwich shops opened in 10 years. Business went well and in 1974, Fred and Peter owned and operated 16 submarine sandwich shops throughout Connecticut. However, they realized that they would not reach their goal – 32 shops – in time.

Case - The Subway Family

Therefore, they began franchising, launching the Subway brand into a period of substantial growth. Today, Subway is one of the fastest growing franchises in the world with approximately 34,695 restaurants in 98 countries as of June 2014. Franchising is the practice of using another firm’s successful business model. For Fred and Peter, franchising was an alternative to building ‘chain stores’ to distribute submarine sandwiches; they allowed others to use their business model and to run a Subway submarine sandwich shop in return for an agreed-upon fee.

Case – The Subway Family. Subway’s main operations office is in Milford, Connecticut, and five regional centers support Subway’s growing international operations. The regional office for European franchises is located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Fin Green is a Senior Manager at the regional office for European franchises. Fin’s main challenge is how best to maintain control over Subway’s franchisees in Europe without excessively constraining their entrepreneurial spirit. He has asked Bart Veldkamp, a master student from Tilburg University specializing in Strategic Management, to investigate this issue. Bart has developed a conceptual model based on a paper of Strutton, Pelton, and Lumpkin (1993). The dependent variable in the model is “Satisfaction with the Franchisor”; the independent variables in the model are “Innovation”, “Pressure”, “Cohesion”, “Recognition”, “Autonomy”, and “Fairness”. To test this model Jan has created the following questionnaire.


  1. Before Bart can start analyzing the data, some preliminary steps need to be completed. Discuss these steps briefly.
  2. To get a feel for the data Bart wants to obtain some measures of central tendency and dispersion for each single item in the questionnaire.
  3. Which measures would you use to provide an overview of the items representing the dependent variable and the independent variables of Bart’s model (question 1-24)? Why?
  4. Which measures would you use to provide an overview of the sample characteristics. (question 25-28)? Why?
  5. In hindsight, Bart is not happy with the way he has measured the age of his participants and for how long they have been a franchisee. What could be the problem?
  6. Bart has made 28 pie charts to provide a visual display of the data. Fin Green has told Bart that he also would like to see histograms and box-and-whisker plots for all the items.
  7. What is a histogram?
  8. What is a box-and-whisker plot?
  9. Do you believe that it is a smart idea to provide histograms and box-and-whisker plots for all the items? Why (not)?
  10. Because the variables in Bart’s model were measured with multi-item scales, the consistency of the participants’ answers to the scale items has to be tested for each measure. Bart has decided to use Cronbach’s alpha to test the inter-item consistency of his measures. However,

before submitting the data for reliability tests Bart has to reverse the scores of some of the items in his questionnaire.

  1. What is reverse scoring and why is it necessary?
  2. Which of the items in the questionnaire have to be reverse-scored?

Case – The Subway Family. Grammatically correct paper, no typos, and must have obviously been proofread for logic. Questions must be typed out as headings, with follow up answers in paragraph format, and a summary or conclusion at the end of all answers  as in the outline (Sample provided in Course Resources). Case analysis must be in APA format.

October 5, 2023
October 5, 2023

Country Report. This assignment will be the first of a series with similar prompts. First, choose a country within a trading block (see list posted on D2L). It can be any country you are interested in, that you would like to travel to, or conduct business in. The choice of foreign country will not be graded (there are no wrong options) but try to avoid your own country, or a country in which you are near-native. On the other hand, it may help later on if you know someone from this country but this is not required. For this assignment, you must submit a marketing country report on your country of choice. This country report will be informed by your own research on the country itself. Keep also in mind the trade block it belongs to, because that will be useful for the Economics section.

Country Report

The structure recommended is to have separate sections for Demographics, Economic and Cultural facts. In total, it should be a short (approx. 2 single-spaced pages) bullet-point report of facts, one or two visuals are welcome if relevant. Country Report.  At the end, summarize the main points in the form of a PEST Analysis table. As a reminder, here you will list uncontrollable factors important to the success of any foreign business in that country.

Country Report. The challenge of this assignment is in summarizing an entire human community and reducing it to a considerably short list of sentences, numbers and visuals. You will be graded on how comprehensive but concise your report is, how marketing-relevant and insightful your data is, and how much the report demonstrates effort put into researching and understanding the foreign culture. Write your answers in a Word document or another text processing file and submit the file here. Use APA referencing style.

October 5, 2023

Strategic Marketing – Knowledge Assignment. Assume you were recently hired as a marketing manager for a Five-Star Hotel in New York City, and the hotel’s management has tasked you with developing a new branding campaign for the hotel using traditional advertising methods. The Five-Star Hotel has been struggling for some time. How important do you believe traditional advertising will be to the Hotel’s strategic marketing program? What types of traditional advertising do you think are most appropriate for the strategic marketing program, and why? And how would you go about implementing traditional advertising?

Strategic Marketing - Knowledge Assignment

Mobile marketing has become an important component of digital marketing campaigns. As the new marketing manager for the Five-Star Hotel, you are considering incorporating digital marketing into your marketing program. How could you justify incorporating digital marketing into your marketing program? Describe how you could use mobile marketing to drive website visits as well as patronage for the hotel. Be specific in your ideas.

Strategic Marketing – Knowledge Assignment. Launching a social media campaign is a strategy you are also considering employing to increase public awareness and patronage of your company’s services. You investigated and found you can use any of the following social media strategies for your campaign; Content seeding, Real-time marketing, Video marketing, Influencer marketing, Interactive blogs, Consumer-generated reviews, and Viral marketing. What advantages and disadvantages of advertising on social media do you think you need to consider before deciding to implement a social media strategy? If you have money for only two of the strategies, which two would you choose? Why?

For this assignment, do not simply define concepts; instead, discuss the relevant underlying concepts and relate them to the scenario you are provided in the questions. You will answer all the 3 questions and submit your paper in a Word document formatted per APA Guidelines. Strategic Marketing – Knowledge Assignment. Your paper should be between 2-3 pages excluding the assignment questions, title page, and reference page. You will provide in-text citations and at least 3 references.

October 5, 2023
October 5, 2023

Oreo Case Study. Many Oreo consumers follow the “Twist, Lick, and Dunk” practice, which is an example of a food ritual. One study found that these food rituals may actually enhance our enjoyment of the food we eat. Mondelēz, the maker of Oreos, has invested heavily in promotional activity designed to help us remember how to eat its cookie, including TV and social media ads. What other food categories or brands have rituals associated with them? If you are a participant in one or more of those rituals, do you agree with the study referenced above that this ritual increases your enjoyment of the food?

Oreo Case Study

Choose a food brand without an apparent ritual and come up with one that could be used in a promotional activity. (No dunking allowed.) How could Oreo assess the impact of the twist, lick, and dunk ritual? Create a simple experiment that could provide Oreo marketers with data to judge the role that the ritual plays in some marketing metric of interest (e.g., brand loyalty, likely increased frequency of purchase, or differentiation from competitive offerings).

Many Oreo consumers follow the “Twist, Lick, and Dunk” practice, which is an example of a food ritual. One study found that these food rituals may actually enhance our enjoyment of the food we eat. Mondelēz, the maker of Oreos, has invested heavily in promotional activity designed to help us remember how to eat its cookie, including TV and social media ads. Oreo Case Study. What other food categories or brands have rituals associated with them? If you are a participant in one or more of those rituals, do you agree with the study referenced above that this ritual increases your enjoyment of the food?

Oreo Case Study. Choose a food brand without an apparent ritual and come up with one that could be used in a promotional activity. (No dunking allowed.) How could Oreo assess the impact of the twist, lick, and dunk ritual? Create a simple experiment that could provide Oreo marketers with data to judge the role that the ritual plays in some marketing metric of interest (e.g., brand loyalty, likely increased frequency of purchase, or differentiation from competitive offerings). Use APA referencing style.

October 5, 2023
October 5, 2023

Case Analysis – Strategy for BMW

1- What are the opportunities and threats that could impact the organization? Review all the general environmental categories. (PESTEL Analysis) Use Porter’s Five Forces model to analyze the company’s industry. Identify key competitors and analyze their strategies, core competencies, and competitive response.

2- What are the strengths or weaknesses of the organization?

Review factors within the company that are critical to the strategy of the firm and classify them as strengths or weaknesses. Look for resources, capabilities, and core competencies. Use the “Four Criteria of Sustainable Competitive Advantage”.

3- In the past, BMW has been able to successfully differentiate its products by engaging in value-adding value chain activities. What are some of these specific activities? How can BMW ensure its ability to continue with value-adding activities as it evolves into a maker of self-driving cars? Use the “Value Chain Analysis” to identify value-adding activities and functions. This question is not about Business or Corporate level strategies. focus on the functional level.

Case Analysis - Strategy for BMW

Case Analysis – Strategy for BMW

1- What are the opportunities and threats that could impact the organization? Review all the general environmental categories. (PESTEL Analysis) Use Porter’s Five Forces model to analyze the company’s industry. Identify key competitors and analyze their strategies, core competencies, and competitive response.

2- What are the strengths or weaknesses of the organization?

Review factors within the company that are critical to the strategy of the firm, and classify them as strengths or weaknesses. Look for resources, capabilities, and core competencies. Use the “Four Criteria of Sustainable Competitive Advantage”.

3- In the past, BMW has been able to successfully differentiate its products by engaging in value-adding value chain activities. What are some of these specific activities? How can BMW ensure its ability to continue with value-adding activities as it evolves into a maker of self-driving cars? Use the “Value Chain Analysis” to identify value-adding activities and functions. This question is not about Business or Corporate level strategies. focus on the functional level. Use APA referencing style.

October 5, 2023
October 5, 2023

Literature – Annotated Bibliography. The annotated bibliography provides hands-on practice, as well as the foundational framework, for writing the literature review section of a Single Subject Intervention Research Study proposal and report. The goal of completing the bibliography is to examine, analyze, and summarize an evidence-based practice that is an appropriate social work intervention for the population served by the student’s field placement agency/organization.


Literature - Annotated Bibliography

The bibliography must consist of at least three (3) journal articles, and the articles must summarize the findings of research studies published in peer-reviewed professional journals. Years from 2019-2023. Literature – Annotated Bibliography. The articles must show a direct relationship between the theoretical foundation and the evidence-based practice that is the basis for the intervention selected by the student for the research study.


  • What is the evidence-based practice (intervention) addressed in the article?
  • What is the theoretical foundation for the intervention.
  • What is the problem being addressed?
  • Who is the population?
  • Why is this intervention the best suited for the problem and population?

The annotated bibliography provides hands-on practice, as well as the foundational framework, for writing the literature review section of a Single Subject Intervention Research Study proposal and report. The goal of completing the bibliography is to examine, analyze, and summarize an evidence-based practice that is an appropriate social work intervention for the population served by the student’s field placement agency/organization.

The bibliography must consist of at least three (3) journal articles, and the articles must summarize the findings of research studies published in peer-reviewed professional journals. Years from 2019-2023. Literature – Annotated Bibliography. The articles must show a direct relationship between the theoretical foundation and the evidence-based practice that is the basis for the intervention selected by the student for the research study. The bibliography must consist of at least three (3) journal articles, and the articles must summarize the findings of research studies published in peer-reviewed professional journals. Use APA referencing style.

October 5, 2023
October 5, 2023

Psychopathology – Mental Health Patients. Analyze and apply critical thinking skills in the psychopathology of mental health patients and provide treatment and health promotion while applying evidence-based research.


Jax is a 66-year-old Caucasian female whose wife has encouraged her to seek treatment. She has never been in therapy before, and has no history of depression or anxiety. However, her alcohol use has recently been getting in the way of her marriage, and interfering with her newly-retired life. She describes drinking increasing amounts over the last year, currently consuming approximately a six-pack of beer per day. She notes that this amount “doesn’t give me the same buzz as it used to.” She denies ever experiencing “the shakes” or any other withdrawal symptoms if she skips a day of drinking.

Psychopathology - Mental Health Patients

Psychopathology – Mental Health Patients. Jax comments that her wife is her biggest motivation to decrease her alcohol use. She tells Jax that she gets argumentative and irritable when she drinks, though she does not always remember these incidents. She has also fallen while intoxicated twice, causing bruises both times and hitting her head on one of the occasions.


Remember to answer these questions from your textbooks and NP guidelines. At all times, explain your answers. Describe the presenting problems/issues. Is there any information that was not provided that you would need to formulate a diagnosis? Generate a primary and differential diagnosis using the DSM5 and ICD 10 codes. What physiological and psychological processes lead to substance dependence?

Submission Instructions:

Psychopathology – Mental Health Patients. Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.  Your initial post is worth 8 points. You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)  All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible. Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday. Late work policies, expectations regarding proper citations, acceptable means of responding to peer feedback, and other expectations are at the discretion of the instructor. You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date. Use APA referencing style.

October 4, 2023
October 4, 2023

Child Adolescent Psychology

Application Exercise 6.1: Components of Language

In this​ video, Dr. Erin Studer describes a​ fifth-grade boy with very limited language skills. When he started​ kindergarten, he had five words in his oral language vocabulary. Dr. Studer explains how the school has developed IEPs and provided interventions that have helped Pablo progress year after year.

CHIME: Dr. Erin Studer and Pablo

Consider what you have learned about​ Pablo’s speech and language skills and the assessments conducted by the school. Explain​ Pablo’s progress in each aspect of the components of language​ (i.e., content,​ form, and​ pragmatics).

Application Exercise​ 6.2: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students

In this​ video, a high school teacher meets with a group of students from diverse cultures and listens to them express their feelings about the language and cultural differences they experience at school.

English Language Learners

How might teachers proactively address the concern expressed by these students when they state that teachers​ don’t understand their difficulties and their​ struggles?

Child Adolescent Psychology

Application Exercise​ 6.3: Working with Families to Develop​ Students’ Language Skills

Child Adolescent Psychology. In the following​ video, Dr. Studer briefly describes working with Pablo from​ pre-school through the fifth grade. Dr. Erin​ Studer, Executive Director of CHIME​ Institute’s Charter School​ Programs, discusses how a fully inclusive classroom allows Pablo to engage with his school community in meaningful ways that target the social and academic language experiences necessary for​ Pablo’s individualized goals.

CHIME: Pablo

Describe the intervention that helped Pablo begin to develop the pragmatics of language in kindergarten despite his lack of verbal skills.

Application Exercise​ 7.1: Decoding Strategies

In the following​ video, a teacher conducts a phonological awareness skills test with Ana. The teacher refers to the various activities as games and asks Ana to respond to questions about word sounds in each activity.

Phonological Awareness Skills Test

The textbook describes six decoding strategies readers employ to decode words they​ don’t know automatically. Identify the type of decoding strategy emphasized in this video. Use specific examples from the video and explain how this decoding strategy helps students identify words.

Application Exercise​ 7.2: Linguistic Approach

In this​ video, a teacher guides students to recognize similar sounds and spelling patterns in words that constitute a word family.

Word Families

Describe the phonics approach used by the teacher in this video. Identify this approach as explicit or implicit code instruction and support your answer.

Application Exercise​ 7.3: Explicit and Implicit Code Instruction

In this​ video, Mrs. Casey introduces new vocabulary words before students read the assigned story. In her work with the small​ group, Mrs. Casey uses several strategies to help students decode the words.

Mrs. Casey, Small Group Reading

Child Adolescent Psychology. Describe the explicit and implicit code instruction Mrs. Casey uses as she guides students to decode their new vocabulary words. Use APA referencing style.