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October 10, 2023
October 10, 2023

Role of Congress in Governance

Please make sure to write a well-considered response of at least 200 words Remember, you do not have to agree with the political views presented, only respectfully respond to them.

Watch this video: https://youtu.be/FrqVBclJVco

If you’ve taken Texas Government with me, you know about Barbara Jordan. Jordan blazed trails as the first African-American since Reconstruction to hold office in the Texas state senate and the first African-American woman ever to hold that position. She then went to Washington D.C. in 1973, after winning a landslide election, to become the first black woman to represent Texas in the U.S. House.  While in Congress, she sat on the Judiciary Committee, where she gave the opening speech during the Committee’s hearing to impeach Richard Nixon. Her speech is considered to be one of the greatest political speeches ever made.

Role of Congress in Governance

Role of Congress in Governance

Now watch her history-making speech. After you watch, respond to what you heard. You may consider these questions: What checks-and-balances does she mention? What does she think about the role of Congress regarding impeachment? What is her reasoning for Congress bringing forth these articles and what is the “standard” she uses? How does she explain the “nature of impeachment” and its role in balancing the government?

If the link above is not working, another video is here: https://youtu.be/FrqVBclJVco

Role of Congress in Governance. Please remember that impeachment is not the same thing as removal. A person can be impeached and still serve in office without being removed. Impeachment is the “list of charges” made by the House. The trial and vote for removal would then take place in the Senate. Nixon was never removed because he resigned before any votes were made in the Senate. Please remember that impeachment is not the same thing as removal. A person can be impeached and still serve in office without being removed. Impeachment is the “list of charges” made by the House. The trial and vote for removal would then take place in the Senate. Nixon was never removed because he resigned before any votes were made in the Senate. Use APA referencing style.

October 10, 2023
October 10, 2023

Safe and Clean Neighborhoods Program

Choose one of the two topics below. 

Topic #1:

In the mid-1970s, the state of New Jersey announced a “Safe and Clean Neighborhoods Program,” designed to improve the quality of community life in twenty-eight cities. As part of that program, the state provided money to help cities take police officers out of their patrol cars and assign them to walking beats. Five years after the program started, the Police Foundation, in Washington, DC, published an evaluation of the foot-patrol project. What did this evaluation find? What was the significance?

Safe and Clean Neighborhoods Program

Topic #2:

Safe and Clean Neighborhoods Program. Philip Zimbardo, a Stanford psychologist, reported in 1969 on some experiments testing the broken-window theory. He arranged to have an automobile without license plates parked with its hood up on a street in the Bronx and a comparable automobile on a street in Palo Alto, California. What did Zimbardo find in his experiment and how does his help explain the broken window concept?


  1. At least 800 words, or at least three pages.
  2. Time New Roman font, 12pt, 1’’ margins on all sides, typed and double-spaced.
  3. Use APA format to write your paper, including in-text citations and references.
  4. Use at least one other source (journal articles, books, etc.) in addition to your textbook as references.
  5. Grammar and writing style will be taken into account when grading. Be sure you are writing professionally and academically.
  6. It is due on October 8th at 11:55 p.m., 2023.

No academic dishonesty will be tolerated. Once discovered, your grade of this section will be ZERO. Safe and Clean Neighborhoods Program. Philip Zimbardo, a Stanford psychologist, reported in 1969 on some experiments testing the broken-window theory. He arranged to have an automobile without license plates parked with its hood up on a street in the Bronx and a comparable automobile on a street in Palo Alto, California. What did Zimbardo find in his experiment and how does his help explain the broken window concept? Use APA referencing style.

October 10, 2023
October 10, 2023

Current Events Essay

Description: This is a research essay. Students are expected to conduct research on topics of their choice using articles for reputable news sources. For example, if students have interest in how Texas budget needs to be improved, search news articles that talk about this topic. Students are expected to make direct connections from the content of their article selection with the content of this course.  Content includes lectures, textbook readings and discussion posts. Students should consider the amount of time it will take to complete this assignment. A strong essay submission will require at least 2.5 to 3 full hours.

Current Events Essay

Current Events Instructions:

Research any social, governmental, or political event that has occurred within 2023. You may only find an event that has happened within any of these Texas government.  You may not write about news outside of TEXAS. You may not complete a current event on the following topics:

  • Abortion
  • Anything related to COVID-19
  • Anything about COVID-19 Vaccinations
  • Monkey Pox
  • NRA or anything related to guns or active shooters
  • Marijuana
  • Immigration or DACA
  • Black Lives Matter/Back The Blue

While these are all great subjects to discuss, you should think beyond these subjects and uncover a new topic.

Instructions on how to complete the Current Event:

  1.  Using Microsoft Word, provide a summary of what is going on in your article (do not rewrite the article, just provide highlights of the main idea in the article. Do not use Google Drive, Box, Microsoft Edge to complete this assignment. I will only accept Word documents. Current Events Essay.
    1. Use reputable news sources such as mainstream news platforms like CNN, ABC, MSNBC, Texas Tribune etc.
    2. Do not use Wikipedia or any social media platforms.
  2. Connect something we have learned in class, lecture or that you have read in your text with the article.
  3. Detail your thoughts feelings and concerns with the source.
  4. You do not need annotate unless you are using a source other than the text and article link. If use an
  5. Copy and paste your article link at the end of your article. Failure to copy and paste the article link is an automatic zero on the assignment.
  6. Essays must have a word count of at least 300 words.
  7.  Be sure to double check your work before submission- 100 points will be deducted for each missing part of your submission.

Suggested Current Event Essay Format:

Class Connection:

Here, connect anything from lectures, textbook readings, and assignments to the article.


State your position about this article. Detail your thoughts or feelings etc.

 Article Source:

Current Events Essay. Copy and paste the link to your article here. Do not forget to copy and paste the link to your article. Failure to copy and paste the article link here is an automatic zero on the assignment. All assignments submitted from a year other than 2023 will earn zero credit. Use APA referencing style.

October 10, 2023
October 10, 2023

Consumer Buying Behavior Study

Client Name: ACME

Industry: Appliances

Product Line: Smart televisions

Consumers: United States, United Kingdom, and Germany smart TV buyers

Competitors:     1. Samsung

  1. LG
  2. Vizio

“Thank you for meeting with us today,” Tarek says. “Market intelligence has shown that our major competitors—Samsung, LG, and Vizio—are all developing new smart televisions. These new televisions have attractive designs, are efficient, durable, and are available in different sizes. In addition, these televisions are competitively priced, and sell between $800-$1,400 dollars each.”

Consumer Buying Behavior Study. Tarek looks to you: “As ACME is debating whether to enter this market, we need you to participate in a new cross-functional product development team that will research the smart TV customers buying habits in our three main markets: The United States, Germany, and the U.K. We also need to know if there’s an unmet demand for these TVs in those markets,” he says. Erik Knops, ACME’s CEO, nods his head in agreement.

Consumer Buying Behavior Study

Tarek continues, “We need to take into consideration the different needs and preferences of smart TV buyers in those markets; as well as the demographics of those buyers such age and gender. The customer requirements for each of those markets may be quite different.” Finally, Tarek remarks, “In addition, we need to know where those customers buy their smart TVs from, and if there is any seasonal variation in sales.”

Erik nods his head again, smiles, and adds, “Tarek and I want you to research the smart TV buyers’ needs and preferences for those three markets, and provide us with a customer buying behavior report in two weeks. Remember, the report should focus on the customers, and not on the competitors!”

Consumer Buying Behavior Study. You know that to give Erik and Tarek the most in-depth report, you will need to conduct an analysis of the smart TVs buyers in those markets. Each market has to be discussed and analyzed separately under its own headings and subheadings (three different discussions and analyses). In addition, you have to create a value proposition for ACME’s proposed product. The value proposition should be clear and specific to ACME’s proposed new product. What value do customers see in the proposed product and what would compel them to buy it? Use APA referencing style.

October 10, 2023
October 10, 2023

Women and Nation Building

Question:  What is the special role women play in nation building? Your answer must address the following: How is this role connected to the sex and gendered roles in society?  How does this role make them vulnerable during conflict?  What does it mean that “war is fought on the bodies of women?”  How does this role affect women how women are seen as victims?  How does the concept of woman as “victim” limit the roles that women are perceived to have in conflict? What does the phrase “women as mothers, monsters and whores” mean? Use ALL of the required materials-reading, slides and videos provided.  When citing the readings, use APA style.  List references at the end of your text.  Your response should be at least 250 words.

Women and Nation Building

Required reading/material:

-Hansen, L. (2001). Gender, Nation, Rape: Bosnia and the construction of security. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 3(1), 55-75. (Only pages 59-64, starting with “Conceptualizing Mass Rape”)-Yuval-Davis, Nira, Gender and Nation, Mujeres y Fronteras, July, 2019,  http://www.mujeresyfronteras.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Yuval-1993-Gender-and-Nation_-ART%C3%8DCULO.pdf

Women and Nation Building. Links to an external site. (Only pages 624-631, starting with “Gender relations, citizenship, membership in the national collectivity”)-Prividera, L. C. & Howard, J.W. III. (2006). Masculinity, Whiteness, and the Warrior Hero: Perpetuating the Strategic Rhetoric of U.S. Nationalism and the Marginalization of Women. Women and Language 29(2), 29-37. (All)

Women and Nation Building

Question:  What is the special role women play in nation building? Your answer must address the following: How is this role connected to the sex and gendered roles in society?  How does this role make them vulnerable during conflict? What does it mean that “war is fought on the bodies of women?”  How does this role affect women how women are seen as victims?  How does the concept of woman as “victim” limit the roles that women are perceived to have in conflict? What does the phrase “women as mothers, monsters and whores” mean? Use ALL of the required materials-reading, slides and videos provided.  When citing the readings, use APA style.  List references at the end of your text.  Your response should be at least 250 words.

October 10, 2023
October 10, 2023

Tsunami PowerPoint

Following aspects of the Tsunami and/or earthquake, making special reference to the earthquake and/or Tsunami of significant magnitude that happened in any part of the world in 2023. The following are the topics you need to cover through the activity.

  1. How are earthquakes caused? Explain the different types of seismic waves. How are they detected? How are earthquakes predicted? Why are tsunamis difficult to detect? What is a Tsunami? How are earthquakes and Tsunami’s related?
  2. Describe the earthquake you have chosen. Make a PowerPoint presentation of the cause, origin, places hit, and the disaster caused by these events. Use maps, pictures and clear information in an organized manner.
  3. Using appropriate visuals, discuss the social and economic impact of the Tsunami and/or the earthquakes on the people affected and the world in general.
  4. How does this earthquake of your study compare with those of two previous years? What were the differences/similarities this time? Were there any forecasts or alerts? Describe them.

Tsunami PowerPoint

Tsunami PowerPoint

Following aspects of the Tsunami and/or earthquake, making special reference to the earthquake and/or Tsunami of significant magnitude that happened in any part of the world in 2023. The following are the topics you need to cover through the activity.

  1. How are earthquakes caused? Explain the different types of seismic waves. How are they detected? How are earthquakes predicted? Why are tsunamis difficult to detect? What is a Tsunami? How are earthquakes and Tsunami’s related?
  2. Describe the earthquake you have chosen. Make a PowerPoint presentation of the cause, origin, places hit, and the disaster caused by these events. Use maps, pictures and clear information in an organized manner.
  3. Using appropriate visuals, discuss the social and economic impact of the Tsunami and/or the earthquakes on the people affected and the world in general.
  4. How does this earthquake of your study compare with those of two previous years? What were the differences/similarities this time? Were there any forecasts or alerts? Describe them. Use APA referencing style.
October 9, 2023
October 9, 2023

Communication Strategy Assignment

1)  Identify each of the Communications Strategy Principles as set forth in your readings.  Define and examine in specific, the principle of ‘focus on the needs of your customers’ and in doing so, describe why you feel this principle is important.

2)  Once done so, select and identify a basic emergency management audience as defined in your readings.  Provide a brief description of the group’s demographics and the specific communications needs that may extend from your presented, assessed social demographics.

  • Are there barriers extending from the group’s demographic attributes that might impact the successful application of the Communication Strategy Principle of ‘focusing on the needs of your customers’ and serve to potentially prevent the group from ‘receiving’ your social media messages?
  • Describe some strategies you would employ to overcome those assessed barriers.  Be specific in support of your position.

Note that research and investigation beyond those materials indicated in the courseware may be required.

  • Your assignment must be properly formatted, and sources cited using the most recent edition of the APA style manual.
  • Do not simply list questions and respond – your work is intended to be a complete, integrative narrative that embodies an introduction, a body within which you respond to the targeted questions, and a summary and conclusion.

Communication Strategy Assignment

Communication Strategy Assignment

1)  Identify each of the Communications Strategy Principles as set forth in your readings.  Define and examine in specific, the principle of ‘focus on the needs of your customers’ and in doing so, describe why you feel this principle is important.

2)  Once done so, select and identify a basic emergency management audience as defined in your readings.  Provide a brief description of the group’s demographics and the specific communications needs that may extend from your presented, assessed social demographics.

  • Are there barriers extending from the group’s demographic attributes that might impact the successful application of the Communication Strategy Principle of ‘focusing on the needs of your customers’ and serve to potentially prevent the group from ‘receiving’ your social media messages?
  • Describe some strategies you would employ to overcome those assessed barriers.  Be specific in support of your position.

Note that research and investigation beyond those materials indicated in the courseware may be required.

  • Your assignment must be properly formatted, and sources cited using the most recent edition of the APA style manual.
  • Do not simply list questions and respond – your work is intended to be a complete, integrative narrative that embodies an introduction, a body within which you respond to the targeted questions, and a summary and conclusion.
October 9, 2023
October 9, 2023

World Societies Assignment

Assignment Content

As part of this assignment, you will compare and contrast two countries about which we have learned on three different issue/topic/category

Country Options (you need to choose two)




West Africa (you can choose a specific country or engage with the area more generally)

East Asia (you can choose a specific country or engage with the area more generally)


Europe (you can choose a specific country or engage with the area more generally)




Social Hierarchy/Race and Ethnicity (you can break these up or combine them depending on what you want to look at)



Women and Gender

Family and Children


Foreign Relations

Safety and Justice Issues

World Societies Assignment

You can develop your comparisons in several ways:

World Societies Assignment. A summary with a paragraph for each issue/topic/category. A table with a row for each issue/topic/category and then columns for county A, country B, and comparison (bullet points may seem easier, but you need to make sure that they convey a complete thought/idea). A slideshow/slide deck with an overview of each country and topic for a slide and then comparison slides. A series of infographics that demonstrate the traits of each country for each issue/topic/category and then one or more for comparison. Use APA referencing style.

World Societies Assignment. A summary with a paragraph for each issue/topic/category. A table with a row for each issue/topic/category and then columns for county A, country B, and comparison (bullet points may seem easier, but you need to make sure that they convey a complete thought/idea). A slideshow/slide deck with an overview of each country and topic for a slide and then comparison slides. A series of infographics that demonstrate the traits of each country for each issue/topic/category and then one or more for comparison. Use APA referencing style.

October 9, 2023

SCOT Analysis – Hypertension Homeless Population. Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities and Threats (SCOT) is to assess the positive and negative forces within and outside your organization so you can be better prepared to act effectively. It reminds the project leader to build on strengths, minimize challenges, seize opportunities, and counteract threats. Write a SCOT analysis in the Nurse student family practice (Family clinical ) that identifies strengths, challenges, opportunities and threats to assist in making strategic plans and decisions in the implementation of the EBP. Relate it to project: Hypertension in the homeless. Include a diagram.


APA format with intext citations. Word count minimum of 500, in a diagram not including references. References: at least 2 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format. Plagiarism free. Turnitin receipt. APA format with intext citations. Word count minimum of 500, in a diagram not including references. References: at least 2 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format. Plagiarism free. Turnitin receipt.

SCOT analysis - Hypertension Homeless Population

SCOT Analysis – Hypertension Homeless Population. Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities and Threats (SCOT) is to assess the positive and negative forces within and outside your organization so you can be better prepared to act effectively. It reminds the project leader to build on strengths, minimize challenges, seize opportunities, and counteract threats. Write a SCOT analysis in the Nurse student family practice (Family clinical ) that identifies strengths, challenges, opportunities and threats to assist in making strategic plans and decisions in the implementation of the EBP. Relate it to project: Hypertension in the homeless. Include a diagram.


APA format with intext citations. Word count minimum of 500, in a diagram not including references. References: at least 2 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format. Plagiarism free. Turnitin receipt. APA format with intext citations. Word count minimum of 500, in a diagram not including references. References: at least 2 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format. Plagiarism free. Turnitin receipt.

October 9, 2023
October 9, 2023

Journal – Philosophy of Education


For this assignment, you will complete a journal entry reflecting on how your experience and observation may have confirmed, impacted, or shaped your personal philosophy of education and teaching. You will revisit the philosophy you created earlier and analyze if your recent observation has solidified the philosophy or caused you to want to make changes.

The Assignment

Respond to the following questions. Revisit the personal philosophy of education that you wrote earlier in the course. Write a one-paragraph summary of your philosophy. Discuss any classroom observations that either confirmed or made you question any part of your personal philosophy. Share the specifics of what you observed that has caused you to have this reflection on your philosophy. Share your thoughts on how you think further observation may shape your philosophy. This shaping can be a confirmation or a readjustment.

Acceptable Length

Lengths will vary. Question 1 requires a minimum of a one-paragraph response. Question 2 requires at least three examples of classroom events that confirmed or caused questions. The examples should be explained in detail. This would likely take more than one paragraph. Question 3 will also take a minimum of one paragraph to answer.

Journal – Philosophy of Education

Journal – Philosophy of Education


For this assignment, you will complete a journal entry reflecting on how your experience and observation may have confirmed, impacted, or shaped your personal philosophy of education and teaching. You will revisit the philosophy you created earlier and analyze if your recent observation has solidified the philosophy or caused you to want to make changes.

The Assignment

Respond to the following questions. Revisit the personal philosophy of education that you wrote earlier in the course. Write a one-paragraph summary of your philosophy. Discuss any classroom observations that either confirmed or made you question any part of your personal philosophy. Journal – Philosophy of Education. Share the specifics of what you observed that has caused you to have this reflection on your philosophy. Share your thoughts on how you think further observation may shape your philosophy. This shaping can be a confirmation or a readjustment.

Acceptable Length

Lengths will vary. Question 1 requires a minimum of a one-paragraph response. Question 2 requires at least three examples of classroom events that confirmed or caused questions. The examples should be explained in detail. This would likely take more than one paragraph. Question 3 will also take a minimum of one paragraph to answer. Use APA referencing style.