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November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

County Issue Analysis

The assigned county is shelby county Texas. Select one issue you believe is critical to your assigned county. Identify an interest group active in Texas that could either support or oppose making changes within the county based on your identified issue. Include some background information on that group and write an editorial on the issue and the group’s potential input. (CT/SR/PR). 5 pages minium. The assigned county is shelby county Texas. Select one issue you believe is critical to your assigned county. Identify an interest group active in Texas that could either support or oppose making changes within the county based on your identified issue. Include some background information on that group and write an editorial on the issue and the group’s potential input. (CT/SR/PR). Include some background information on that group and write an editorial on the issue and the group’s potential input. (CT/SR/PR). 5 pages minium.

County Issue Analysis

County Issue Analysis

The assigned county is shelby county Texas. Select one issue you believe is critical to your assigned county. Identify an interest group active in Texas that could either support or oppose making changes within the county based on your identified issue. Include some background information on that group and write an editorial on the issue and the group’s potential input. (CT/SR/PR). 5 pages minium. The assigned county is shelby county Texas. Select one issue you believe is critical to your assigned county. Identify an interest group active in Texas that could either support or oppose making changes within the county based on your identified issue. Include some background information on that group and write an editorial on the issue and the group’s potential input. (CT/SR/PR). Include some background information on that group and write an editorial on the issue and the group’s potential input. (CT/SR/PR). 5 pages minium. Use APA referencing style.

November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

Critical Incident Plan Development

Goal: Develop a Critical Incident Plan Pan

Critical Incident: I Had Them Right Where I Wanted Them . . . I Thought Stan was excited. It was his chance to show his CEO that he could be counted on for the important jobs. Stan was going to meet with an executive team that had flown in from Tokyo, Japan.

This executive team represented a large computer company that could place enough orders to make up a quarter of Stan’s company’s current sales of microchips. Stan was supposed to close the deal to secure a commitment from this company. When Stan entered the room where the Japanese executives waited, he didn’t waste any time heading for his computer to start what he thought was his finest PowerPoint presentation ever. Before he began to speak, each executive handed Stan a business card held in both hands with a slight bow.

Critical Incident Plan Development

Stan took out three of his own cards and handed them to one of the executives while keeping one hand on his computer. During the presentation, Stan was getting a good vibe from the executives as they continuously nodded their heads in agreement with what Stan was presenting about the quality and state of the art of the technology his company could offer them. At the end of the presentation the executives asked Stan if he would like to join them for drinks, but Stan, who didn’t have a high level of tolerance for alcohol, declined their offer. They bowed as Stan left, and he felt like he had just earned the respect of three international businessmen.

Stan strutted through the office for the rest of the day, confident that he had just secured one of his company’s largest orders. Later that day his boss called him in and asked him to sit down. Stan waited with anticipation and a slight curiosity as he noticed the vein on his boss’s head throbbing. Stan’s boss cleared his throat and surprised Stan with the next words that came out of his mouth. “Stan, I don’t know what happened during your meeting with the Tokyo executive team, but all deals are off. They are flying back to Japan tonight and said that they would look for another supplier.”

Critical Incident Plan Development


1. Did Stan do anything wrong before his presentation?

2. Did Stan make inappropriate assumptions about the nonverbal behavior of the Japanese executives?

3. Is there anything that Stan or his company can do to rectify the situation?

You are to review the critical incident questions based on the assignment scenario and write a 2-4 page double-space summary answer to the questions in APA format. Please make sure you have a MSOL title page (see thesis handbook) and the assignment is properly formatted.:

Leadership Applications: Explain how the ideas, concepts, principles, methods, techniques, etc., discussed in the article better help leaders to lead change effectively and successfully.

Paper Construction: Cover Page, APA Formatting, Report Length & Reference Page

This paper should be well-formatted with the above three clear headings and subheadings and should be in APA format, Times New Roman 12, and should be a minimum of 3 pages double-spaced, excluding cover or title and reference pages. This completed paper must be submitted under the appropriate assignment tab in MS Word format. Use APA refencing style.

November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

Leadership Theories Reflection

After assessing the theoretical building blocks of leadership (Montgomery Van Wart’s Contingency Factors Leader behaviors or styles & Leader effectiveness). Comment on some that you feel are important to the Christian leader and why. Compare transformation and transactional leadership effectiveness. Assess and comment on leadership approaches Christians should avoid. Apply at least 1 biblical passage that speaks to biblical leadership approaches and styles or give an example of a biblical leadership approach using a verse. Explain why you picked the passage and what it means to you. Apply at least 1 biblical passage that speaks to biblical leadership approaches and styles or give an example of a biblical leadership approach using a verse. Explain why you picked the passage and what it means to you.

Leadership Theories Reflection

Leadership Theories Reflection

After assessing the theoretical building blocks of leadership (Montgomery Van Wart’s Contingency Factors Leader behaviors or styles & Leader effectiveness). Comment on some that you feel are important to the Christian leader and why. Compare transformation and transactional leadership effectiveness. Assess and comment on leadership approaches Christians should avoid. Apply at least 1 biblical passage that speaks to biblical leadership approaches and styles or give an example of a biblical leadership approach using a verse. Explain why you picked the passage and what it means to you.

Leadership Theories Reflection

After assessing the theoretical building blocks of leadership (Montgomery Van Wart’s Contingency Factors Leader behaviors or styles & Leader effectiveness). Comment on some that you feel are important to the Christian leader and why. Compare transformation and transactional leadership effectiveness. Assess and comment on leadership approaches Christians should avoid. Apply at least 1 biblical passage that speaks to biblical leadership approaches and styles or give an example of a biblical leadership approach using a verse. Explain why you picked the passage and what it means to you. Use APA referencing style.

November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

Business Finance Research Assignment

You are a legal assistant for the attorney of the ABCD company. For this assignment you must conduct research and find three (3) court opinions (i.e. cases that have been previously decided by the court precedent (i.e. have similar facts and issues of law) to the case below. You must provide the case title and citation of each of the three (3) cases you find. You can use Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/) or other resources from the school library in order to conduct your research. In addition, you must utilize the format provided below in order to brief (summarize) each of the cases that you list for this assignment.

Business Finance Research Assignment

The Church of Narnia vs. ABCD Company: Six months ago, the CEO for ABCD Company sent a letter to the Bishop for the Church of Narnia pledging a $5,000,000.00 donation to the Church. Upon receipt of this news, the bishop contacted ABCD’s CEO who re-assured the bishop that the Church would be receiving a check for this amount within the ensuing four to six weeks. The bishop, who for several years badly wanted to expand the Church in order to increase its congregation, immediately hired an architect and paid him $200,000.00 to design the new ambitious project. The bishop was in love with the architect’s design, so he quickly hired a general contractor for $1,000,000.00 to start the building process. In addition to the $1,000,000.00 for the labor, the bishop paid another 3,000,000.00 for the tools and materials needed for the project. On week five after receiving the letter and first speaking to ABCD’s CEO on the phone, the bishop called ABCD because he was nervous about the fact that he had not received the check and he had already incurred such significant expenses. Note that the only reason the bishop engaged in this ambitious construction project was because of the extra money he was counting on getting from ABCD since the Church’s structure did not need it to continue its regular operations. The CEO at that point told the bishop that soon after committing to donate the money, ABCD’s finances started going terribly wrong and as such at this point, they were not able to make a donation to the church. The bishop is now demanding that ABCD still true to its word and give the church the donation.

Business Finance Research Assignment

Format for Case Briefs (your case briefs must include these sections):

1- Case Title & Citation

2- Issue (a combination of the legal question the Court is asked to decide and the key facts of the case)

3- Rule (the law that the Court identifies as applicable/binding in the case)

4- Application (the Court’s application of the rule identified by the Court to the key facts and legal issue of the case)

5- Conclusion (a brief statement of the outcome of the case). Use APA referencing style.

November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

Interdisciplinary Collaboration Reflection

Script for a recorded video does not need to be APA format. (5 minutes) where you reflect on an interprofessional collaboration experience, proposing recommendations for how to improve interprofessional collaboration that can be shared with leadership and colleagues. Support these recommendations with references to the literature.

The interprofessional project that you reflect on may be one that you collaborated on at your current or former place of practice, or you may choose to imagine you collaborated on the interprofessional project presented in the  Assessment 01 Supplement: Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video [PDF] Download Assessment 01 Supplement: Collaboration and Leadership Reflection Video [PDF] resource and reflect on that.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration Reflection

Be sure that your assessment addresses the following criteria. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you will know what is needed for a distinguished score:

  • Reflect on an interdisciplinary collaboration experience, noting ways in which it was successful and unsuccessful in achieving desired outcomes.
  • Explain aspects of the collaboration that helped the team make progress toward relevant goals or outcomes.
  • Explain aspects of the collaboration that could have been improved.
  • Identify how poor collaboration can result in inefficient management of human and financial resources, citing supporting evidence from the literature.
  • Discuss the ways in which the interdisciplinary team did not collaborate effectively.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration Reflection

Interdisciplinary Collaboration Reflection

  • Discuss the negative implications for the human and financial resources of the interdisciplinary team and the organization as a whole.
  • Cite the literature for support.
  • Identify best-practice leadership strategies from the literature that would improve an interdisciplinary team’s ability to achieve its goals, citing at least one author from the literature.
  • Identify at least one leadership best practice or strategy that you believe would improve the team’s ability to achieve their goals.
  • Identify the strategy and its source or author and provide a brief rationale for your choice of strategy.
  • Cite the literature for support.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration Reflection

  • Identify best-practice interdisciplinary collaboration strategies to help a team achieve its goals and work together, citing the work of at least one author.
  • Identify at least one best practice or strategy for interdisciplinary collaboration to help the team achieve its goals and work more effectively together.
  • Identify the strategy, its source, and reasons why you think it will be effective.
  • Communicate in a professional manner, and uses proper grammar. Format reference list in current APA style.
  • Submit an APA-formatted reference list for any sources that you cited specifically in your video or used to inform your presentation.
  • The Example Reflection will show you how to cite scholarly sources in the context of an oral presentation.
November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

Cerebral Vascular Accidents

The goal of this assignment is to foster clinical practice skills and facilitate the learning objectives in the understanding of Cerebral Vascular Accidents (CVA’s); along with the nursing responsibility as noted from the neurological lecture.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand what is included in a detailed neuro assessment including use of the NIH stroke scale.
  • Describe the basic assessment related to protection of airway and swallowing in CVA patients.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of CVA specific medications used in acute patient management of

CVA patients.

  • Describe the purpose of CT scan as the first patient treatment modality in the plan of care.
  • Demonstrate use of research to validate your answers and medication treatment response.
  • Demonstrate use of APA scientific writing to support writing and reference.

Medications to Review ● Diltiazem Hydrochloride ● Hydralazine ● TPA ● ASA ● Coumadin

Cerebral Vascular Accidents

Assignment Directions:

  • Thoroughly answer each question based off learned lecture information and individual research. Answers with required referencing should be in APA format; regarding in-text citations and reference section. If a reference is not requested for a question, each answer MUST be in your own words. (NOT copied from a book)
  • Download THIS entire Word document and answer the questions in one colored font of your choice beside black.
  • Each question MUST have a minimum of 75 words and maximum of 150. The goal is to compose answers correctly and concisely.
  • Upload this entire document into the 212 Gero “CVA Assignment” section by the due date of November 13th, 2023 by midnight.
  • Late assignments WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED and you will receive a zero.


  1. Compare and contrast the pathophysiological processes involved in the following types of cerebral vascular accidents
  2. Transient Ischemic attack (TIA) –
  3. Ischemic-
  4. Hemorrhagic –
  1. What common risk factors contribute to the above types of CVA? And why?
  1. What are physical signs and symptoms associated with CVA’s?
  1. What is the overall goal of medical therapy during the treatment of patient’s experiencing an acute CVA?
  1. Describe the components of a full neurological assessment.
  2. How would you assess the patient using the NIH stroke scale?
  1. How are the results of a head CT scan used to determine medical therapy in the acute patient experiencing CVA symptoms? Why is CT scan the most important and first intervention?

8a. Describe the Pharmacodynamics only of the listed medications below: (Use a drug reference guide; either book, web or ‘up to date’ for your answers. Be sure to list the reference used in the reference section).

  1. Warfarin
  2. Hydralazine
  3. Diltiazem
  4. TPA
  5. ASA

 8b. For the above medications, list the following for each medication, include:

  • Indications for use
  • Risks of use
  • Potential complications
  • Contraindications
  • Antidotes

 *Leave question 8b in bullet point format. Do not create paragraph’s. *

Cerebral Vascular Accidents

Example Answer:


  • Indications for use
  • Risks of use –
  • Potential complications –
  • Contraindications –
  • Antidotes –
  1. What potential complications may result in a patient following an acute CVA? How would the nurse manage each complication? (List at least 2 potential complications).
  1. What nursing interventions are designed to prevent each complication you have listed above. *Remember interventions MUST be actionable* (Answer this question using APA format which includes in-text citations and a proper reference section. No more than 300 words.)
November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

Compliance Training Session

As the chief compliance officer for Moreno Medical Center, you need to create an employee training session to keep employees up to date on compliance protocol.

Review the Moreno Medical Center website.

Review the Compliance Resource Portal on the Office of Inspector General (OIG) website.

Compliance Training Session

Select 1 of the following topics:

Human resources
Documentation and coding
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services fraud
Waste and abuse training
Confidentiality issues
Develop an employee training session about the topic you selected. For the training session:

Create a schedule topical content to fill a single 2-hour session.
Explain, as part of the introduction to the training, the role of a compliance officer, including:
Skills required.
Qualifications (education and licenses/certifications)
How the compliance officer can affect the culture of the organization.
Outline topics, objectives, activities, and assessments that you are planning to facilitate.

Compliance Training Session

Include in the outline –

Details on the activities you will develop that will help learners understand and apply the material.
Include details about the essential components you will cover.
Insert charts, diagrams, or other materials that you will use in the training.
Include how this training will help create a culture of compliance in your organization.
Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Select 1 of the following topics:

Human resources
Documentation and coding
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services fraud
Waste and abuse training
Confidentiality issues
Develop an employee training session about the topic you selected. For the training session:

Create a schedule topical content to fill a single 2-hour session.
Explain, as part of the introduction to the training, the role of a compliance officer, including:
Skills required.
Qualifications (education and licenses/certifications)
How the compliance officer can affect the culture of the organization.
Outline topics, objectives, activities, and assessments that you are planning to facilitate. Use APA referencing style.

November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

Enneagram-Strength Discovery

Please make sure that you understand the instructions



Complete the Enneagram personality type test.
Identify your Enneagram personality type.
Analyze how your Enneagram test results relate to your desired career path.
In this week’s discussion board, you will take the Enneagram test to discover your personality type.

Enneagram-Strength Discovery




Part 1
Take the Enneagram test here: https://globalleadershipfoundation.com/rheti/test.html.
Capture a screenshot of the score that shows your personality type results and embed it as an image to the discussion board. Do not upload as a link or document. Your personality type will be the one with highest number in the chart results. See the image below for reference.
Research and post at least two (2) references to deepen your knowledge of your Enneagram test results. Hint – It can be the articles you read above.
This is a free version of the Enneagram and if you’d like to take a more comprehensive, scientifically validated Enneagram, visit https://www.enneagraminstitute.com.ee.

Your personality type will be the one with highest number in the chart. Sample screenshot of what your results will look like:


Part II
In 4-5 sentences, share what your Enneagram personality type is and summarize at least one new insight that you learned about yourself.
In 4-5 sentences, explain how your Enneagram test results can help you develop your strengths and/or improve an area of growth.
In 4-5 sentences, how does your Enneagram personality type relate to your future career goals?

Enneagram-Strength Discovery

Please make sure that you understand the instructions.



Complete the Enneagram personality type test.
Identify your Enneagram personality type.
Analyze how your Enneagram test results relate to your desired career path.
In this week’s discussion board, you will take the Enneagram test to discover your personality type. Use APA referencing style.

November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

Ethical Dilemma Worksheet

An ethical dilemma is when we are faced to choose between decisions that are morally/ethically incompatible or being in a situation when decisions are being made that contradict your moral/ethical values.   Ethical dilemmas, out involvement in them, and making decisions against our own values can lead to moral/ethical distress. Moral/ethical distress is when we feel psychological distress when we act against our moral/ethical values or are not permitted to act on them.  This form of distress is a leading cause for nursing attrition and unhealthy coping mechanisms (including drug us to suicide).

  1. Think of a time at work where you experienced an ethical dilemma. This could be a situation where you were directly involved or one you simply observed. Briefly describe the scenario and what you deemed to be the ethical dilemma.
  2. Describe what you felt in the situation. What was it wrong or difficult for you?
  3. What id you do in the situation and what was the outcome. If you did nothing, explain why.
  4. Did you experience moral/ethical distress? If so what did you do to address and/or cope with it?

Ethical Dilemma Worksheet

Ethical Dilemma Worksheet

Review the ethical dilemma you shared in Worksheet “A”

  1. Read “A clinician’s approach to clinical ethical reasoning” by L. C. Kaldjian
  2. Reassess the ethical dilemma you examined in worksheet “A” and identify each step below that was not performed in your ethical dilemma example.
  3. For each step you identified, describe what your or another professional could have done to use clinical ethical reasoning using suggestions from the article.
  4. After evaluating your ethical dilemma through the clinical ethical reasoning model, answer the journal question.

6 -step Clinical Ethical Reasoning Checklist:

    • Identify problem
    • Medical Facts
    • Medical Goals
    • Patient’s Goals & Preferences
    • Context

Question: Reflect on the ethical dilemma you presented in Worksheet “A”.  After reexamining it through the clinical ethical reasoning model, discuss whether or not you see the scenario differently? Do you still feel this incident is an ethical dilemma, why or why not? Minimum 300 words

Ethical Dilemma Worksheet

Review the ethical dilemma you shared in worksheet “A”

  1. Read “Moral Resilience: A capacity for navigating moral distress in critical care” by C.H. Rushton
  2. Answer the following questions:


  1. Rushton shares eight ways to develop moral resiliency. First, identify which areas you feel you need to further develop to support growth in moral resiliency by check the box next to each step.  Since we continually need to foster these skills, please identify at least 3 areas you wish to develop in the near future. Use APA referencing style.

Rushton shares eight dimensions to support moral resilience.

  • Foster self awareness
  • Develop self-regulatory capacities
  • Develop ethical competence
  • Speak up with clarity and confidence
  • Find meaning in the midst of despair
  • Engage with others
  • Participate in transformational learning
  • Contribute to a culture of ethical practice.
  1. Using Ruston’s dimensions to support moral resilience, discuss how you can develop each of the three areas you identified in Question 1. Be sure to cite the dimension you are referencing.  Minimum 600 words.
November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

Psychology Research Summary Paper

To write a summary paper, you will need to find an appropriate scientific journal article. You can find psychology journals in the periodical section of the DePaul Library. You can also retrieve many journal articles from the library’s website. While some scientific articles can be found through a standard search engine (Google, Bing, etc.), it is recommended that you use the DePaul Library search tool. On the library web site you can go to “databases” and select APA PsycArticles. Select “Empirical Study” under Methodology and hit Search. (You can narrow it down more by entering a keyword before hitting Search, and by limiting the publication year and limiting to Scholarly Journals.) The Psychology entry under “Research Guides” on the library website is also very helpful: https://libguides.depaul.edu/psychology

Psychology Research Summary Paper

Journal Article Requirements

The article must be from a scientific journal, such as the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General or Psychological Science (just to mention two – there are many others). It can not be from a newspaper or magazine, such as Psychology Today or Time. The two journals Psychological Reports and Perceptual and Motor Skills are also not acceptable sources, although empirical research reports from most other journals are fine. Scientific American articles are acceptable, but only if they are about research that is related to psychology. If you have any question about whether a source is a scientific journal, email the Coordinator and verify that your source is acceptable before you write the paper. Here are some good places to find reputable journals:

o https://improvingpsych.org/collabra-psychology

o https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals

o https://www.psychonomic.org/page/journals

o The article must be about research in or related to psychology. In other words, it must report the results of an empirical study, or summarize the findings from several studies. It must have data.

o The article must be from a current journal issue. This means that the publication date must be from the current calendar year. If, for example, today’s date is Jan. 30, 2024, you must use an article published in 2024. ARTICLES NOT FROM THE CURRENT CALENDAR YEAR WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, even for winter quarter.

Psychology Research Summary Paper

Paper Requirements

Please keep in mind that you will not receive credit for a paper that does not meet the requirements outlined below. To help you a checklist and an example paper are provided below as a guide.

o Deadline: Please turn your papers in to the Psychology Experiment System Coordinators electronically by emailing them to psychexperiments@depaul.edu. Be sure to include the phrase, “Alternative Paper Option” in the subject line. You must turn in all papers by the last scheduled class meeting (before Final Exam week), or by the date stated in the syllabus for your class, if the instructor has set an earlier deadline.

o Rejected papers: If you submit a paper that does not follow the guidelines you will not receive credit. In general you will not be able to revise and resubmit rejected papers. Papers submitted less than a week before the deadline are unlikely to be evaluated in time for you to submit a replacement paper if they are rejected.

Psychology Research Summary Paper

o Citations: All papers must include APA-style citations and a DOI or URL linking to the article. If you are unsure of what this entails, there are numerous resources available online and within the Psychology department to assist you. An easy way to get the formatting right for the list of sources in your References section is to look the article up in Google Scholar (scholar.google.com), click the quotation mark, and copy the APA formatted entry.

o No plagiarism, including recycling of papers, cutting and pasting of text, or verbatim use of phrases from the article. The optional papers are a class assignment, subject to the same rules of academic integrity as any other course work. Plagiarism, turning in the same paper twice or for two different classes, or other violations of academic integrity will be reported to your instructor and the university.

o No direct quotations of more than three words. Everything must be put into your own words.

o Paper Content – see the checklist/template below for details.

Paper Content Checklist/Template

You may cut and paste this template to format your papers. Please use the headings as listed in this template:

o TITLE PAGE (1 Page)

Intro Psych Alternate Research Credit Paper

Insert Name Here

List your name as it appears on the course roster.

Insert Student ID Here

Seven Digit DePaul Student ID No.

Insert Name of Instructor Here

If you have more than one course, only list the name of the instructor for the course listed below.

Insert Course and Section Number

This is the course for which the credit will be assigned. If you are in more than one course then only list the course for which credit is to be assigned.

Insert Reference Information for The Article Here

Last name of Author, Initials. (Date of Publication). Title of Article. Title of Journal , Volume, Page Numbers. DOI (or URL if no DOI is available. The DOI or URL must be a valid link to the article).

Psychology Research Summary Paper

o SUMMARY AND COMMENT (1-2 Pages; 12-point font; double-spaced; 1-inch margins)

Purpose of Study

What were the authors studying and why? What did they expect to find (i.e., what were the hypotheses?)?


Review the basic methods. How did they measure what they were studying? What type of population (abused kids, adults with a disease, college students, rats, etc.) were they studying?

Results & Discussion

What did the researcher(s) find? Did the results support or fail to support the authors’ hypotheses? What is the meaning of the results?


What are your personal thoughts about this study? Does the study relate to your personal life, anything that you have learned in your studies or anything that you have read in the media? Is there anything missing? What questions does this study raise in your mind? If you have other reflections, feel free to include those, as well.