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November 11, 2023
November 11, 2023

Social Media Paper


This assignment will engage the learner to gain a better understanding of social media use in their work environment, the risks and benefits of social media, protection of patient privacy, and the importance of appropriate social media use and content as a form of communication. This assignment will be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. PowerPoints should be concise and briefly highlight information. Slides should be presented in APA 7th ed. format, be clearly presented, free of spelling and formatting errors, information should be paraphrased and include citations. Images need to be correctly credited and should include a minimum of 2 images. Turn it in report should be less than 10%

  1. This assignment is based on the following article by the National Council State Boards of Nursing. The article is located in the content area of the course on D2L.

NCSBN. (2011). White paper: A nurse’s guide to the use of social media.

  1. Please review the ANA Factsheet on social media and website found in D2L

Social Media Assignment Instruction

Social Media Paper


Prepare a power point presentation and include the following:

Title Slide: Name of presentation, Student Name, Instructor Name, College and Course, Date.

Social Media Policy: Discuss the types of policies that are used in your place of work. NO AGENCY names, use initials only and describe the facility. For example, small rural hospital, a hospice agency or a nursing home. Include the date you viewed the policy and when the policy was written/and or reviewed. How is social media being used in your place of work? For your citation and reference use Agency policy and the date on the policy. Policies should be reviewed yearly so it would be a recommendation if they are outdated.  Discuss findings in brief. No more than 2 slides.

Social Media Risk and Benefits:  List and describe 2 of the benefits of social media for nursingBelow is a list of possible benefits. List and describe 2 risks of social media? Minimum 2 reference/citation for benefits and 2 reference /citation for risks. No more than 4 slides total.

Social Media Paper


  1. Keep up with current health issues, trends, and up to date EBM
  2. Opportunities to dialogue with colleagues
  3. Education and training
  4. Instant alerts in cases of disaster management
  5. Dedicated phone for emergency calls to MD
  6. Professional groups such as LinkedIn or Research Gate.
  7. Facebook to recruit and inform public

Moral /Practice Issues: Describe at least 2 moral or practice issues have you seen arise from the use of social media.  No more than 2 slides total with at least one journal reference

Workplace Social Media: In this section identify specific social media use concern or issue for where you currently or formerly work. Illustrate the social media issue concern or issue in the form of a scenario.  How will you correct the issue or concern? Examples could include:

  • training for staff and what would this training include or the
  • development of a departmental/hospital policy and what would need to be included.


  • Recommendations on the use of social media in your place of work. Use at least 4 recommendations based on the literature reviewed. Be specific and these should be clearly stated and reasonable to the identified setting.

Social Media Paper

No more than 6 slides total for this section with Reference /citation to the reading for this assignment ANA Factsheet on Social Media and NCSBN. (2011). White paper: A nurse’s guide to the use of social media.

Summary: End the presentation with a short statement of the main points.

References: Make sure to include 3 different references or more from additional scholarly journals or credible websites in addition to the ANA white paper and Facility policy reference.

APA: You may lose additional points for not using APA format and citing references appropriately both within the slides and on a reference page.

November 11, 2023
November 11, 2023

Brand Credibility

Read “When a Brand Stands Up for Racial Justice, Do People Buy It?” located in the Topic 8 Resources. The authors wrote the article in response to the recent media attention around social justice initiatives triggered by the killing of Black people by police officers. The authors use the idea of “brand authenticity” as a way to gauge the sincerity of the brand as it relates to social issues. The authors assert that brand authenticity has two orientations, corporate (as defined by issues of continuity and credibility) and social (as defined by integrity and symbolism). Using the four-windowpane matrix in the article titled, “Consumer Perceptions of Authenticity of Racial Justice Brand Actions,” evaluate Levi Strauss’s response.

Brand Authenticity

Brand Credibility

Read “The Price of Being Political” located in the Topic 8 Resources for an additional perspective on this topic. Finally, read “We Stand With the Black Community” located in the Topic 8 Resources. Levi Strauss is an iconic American brand. The president of Levi Strauss & Company posted a letter on the company website about the same time this article was written.  Refer back to “When a Brand Stands Up for Racial Justice, Do People Buy It?” Using the four-windowpane matrix in the article titled, “Consumer Perceptions of Authenticity of Racial Justice Brand Actions,” evaluate Levi Strauss’s response. Using the four-windowpane matrix in the article titled, “Consumer Perceptions of Authenticity of Racial Justice Brand Actions,” evaluate Levi Strauss’s response.

Brand Credibility

In 300-350 words, briefly address the following:

Define brand authenticity and the two orientations (corporate and social), and assess Levi Strauss. Is their response one of Atone, Allure, Acknowledge, or Advocate? Or are they a combination of the four responses?  Defend your choice(s).  What does this lead you to conclude about Levi Strauss as a brand? Does the brand’s stand make you more or less positive toward the brand, whether you purchase Levi’s or not? APA style

Resource:  https://hbr.org/2020/07/when-a-brand-stands-up-for-racial-justice-do-people-buy-it?

November 11, 2023
November 11, 2023

Nursing Brochure Assignment

Please view the lecture on brochure creation before attempting this assignment. This assignment requires you to choose a specific topic in your major (Nursing) and design a brochure suitable for conveying information to the public. Your brochure should be focused on a single subject with a specific message or angle. For example, you might create a brochure that instructs readers on proper procedures to care for a cut or abrasion. Or you might create a brochure advocating the importance of daily teeth brushing.

It is very possible you will be finding and using information from sources outside of yourself. If you do so, and the content does not meet general use guidelines (see syllabus), you will need to provide citations. I would highly recommend using a CSE citation system, as superscript numbers are much easier to find room for in a confined space than name citation systems, although you are welcome to use any citation system you wish as long as you are consistent.

Nursing Brochure Assignment

Nursing Brochure Assignment

I strongly suggest you do all of your work on the same computer or in the same lab, as changing computers may change your layouts and (believe me) this can be frustrating. Your assignment will be based on the appropriateness of information presented and an attractive page layout (including at least one visual), as well as the absence of errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar. See the rubric for more grading details. It is very possible you will be finding and using information from sources outside of yourself. If you do so, and the content does not meet general use guidelines (see syllabus), you will need to provide citations. I would highly recommend using a CSE citation system, as superscript numbers are much easier to find room for in a confined space than name citation systems, although you are welcome to use any citation system you wish as long as you are consistent. Use APA referencing style.

November 11, 2023
November 11, 2023

Cost-Benefit Analysis


The following resources are required to complete this assignment. Cost-Benefit Analysis Template [XLSX].Download Cost-Benefit Analysis Template [XLSX]. Cost-Benefit Analysis and Example listed on the Week 6: Cost-Benefit AnalysisLinks to an external site. reading list.


For this assignment continue to use the organization you selected in the Week 3 assignment.


Suppose an issue has emerged in your organization that presents significant risks to the stakeholders involved. Your supervisor has asked you to conduct a cost-benefit analysis (CBA), make a recommendation, and present it to the board of directors. You are expected to consider the numbers within the context of the organizational mission, strategic direction, patient safety, risk management issues, regulatory requirements, patient and stakeholder satisfaction, and the dynamics within the healthcare industry. Select a relevant issue within your workplace, or one from the resources provided for this assignment, for which a CBA may be conducted. The CBA should include one of the following course-related topics:


Patient safety.

Risk management.

Regulatory standards.


Patient and stakeholder satisfaction.

Step One: Identify Costs

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Read the Cost-Benefit Analysis and Example and apply the process to identify costs:

Make a list of all monetary costs that will be incurred upon implementation and throughout the life of the project. These include start-up fees, licenses, production materials, payroll expenses, user acceptance processes, training, and travel expenses, among others. Include the assumptions for your totals. An example would be $2,000 for licenses and includes $100 for 20 providers. Make a list of all non-monetary costs that are likely to be absorbed. These include time, low production of other tasks, imperfect processes, potential risks, market saturation or penetration uncertainties, and influences on one’s reputation. An example would be the organization has a 60-day waiting list for new appointments. A new provider salary is $XXX,XXX and our reimbursement rate for this type of appointment is $XXX. The new provider will see XX patients per day.

Assign monetary values to the costs identified in steps one and two. To ensure equality across time, monetary values are stated in present value terms. If realistic cost values cannot be readily evaluated, consult with market trends and industry surveys for comparable implementation costs in similar businesses. Add all anticipated costs together to get a total costs value.

Step Two: Identify Benefits

Continuing with the CBA, proceed with the identification and quantification of benefits, per the Cost-Benefit Analysis and Example. Make a list of all monetary benefits with assumptions that will be experienced upon implementation and thereafter. These benefits include direct profits from products or services, increased contributions from investors, decreased production costs due to improved and standardized processes, and increased production capabilities, among others.

Make a list of all non-monetary benefits with assumptions that one is likely to experience. These include decreased production times, increased reliability and durability, greater customer base, greater market saturation, greater customer satisfaction, and improved company or project reputation, among others. Assign monetary values to the benefits identified in steps one and two. Be sure to state these monetary values in present value terms as well. Add all anticipated benefits together to get a total benefits value.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Enter the cost and benefit data you developed for the CBA in your preparation steps into the Cost-Benefit Analysis Template [XLSX] Download Cost-Benefit Analysis Template [XLSX]. Then, write an analysis in which you do the following: Specify the focus and stakeholders for the cost-benefit analysis. Identify your stakeholders and describe the risk management issue for which you have created the CBA.

Develop a value proposition for change management that incorporates quality and risk management concepts. Present a value-based proposal and describe strategies for how you would identify and evaluate the process for reducing or avoiding risk within this organization. Please ensure you evaluate your risk management concern through a DMAIC lens. Conduct the cost-benefit analysis for the risk management intervention. Present your recommended best options for improving your risk management issue, as it relates to the organization in question.

Identify your key performance indicators (KPIs). Using the SMART method, present your KPIs for your recommendations. Use your CBA assumptions as a guide. For example, if you are presuming that your revenue is based on an increased daily volume, that volume should be the target for a corresponding KPI.

Evaluate the cost versus benefit according to the general guidelines outlined in the Cost-Benefit Analysis and Example. Describe recommendations to influence and impact the needed changes for quality improvement. Make a recommendation as to whether the benefits are sufficient to outweigh the costs of the proceeding. Describe the systems-based context for your recommendations, integrating the CBA within the organization as a whole. Describe how the issue relates to the organization’s vision, mission, and strategic direction. Provide a rationale that explains how your recommendations are appropriate for your organization’s capacity and strategy.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Your analysis should use proper APA style and formatting and include the following sections. Each section, except the title page, should include the appropriate section heading. APA Format: Use appropriate APA format for a clear, concise presentation of information. Refer to the APA ModuleLinks to an external site. to help with APA style guidelines. Communicate information and ideas accurately, utilizing peer-reviewed sources, including proper APA reference citations.

Length of paper: 5–6 typed, double-spaced pages.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Appendix: Include your Cost-Benefit Analysis Template [XLSX] Download Cost-Benefit Analysis Template [XLSX]as an appendix to your analysis.

November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

SWOT Analysis Project

My chosen organization is Tesla.

During this process, you will be responsible for submitting a draft of SWOT analysis.

You will develop a comprehensive, professional SWOT analysis that will help form long-term planning and sustainability strategies, outlined in a project management plan (PMP).

Lay the foundation for conducting your SWOT analysis by comprehensively describing the selected organization and discussing the issues or problems that the organization is facing. Overall, it is important to include information that is pertinent for comprehending the organization and its problems. It is up to you to establish a robust context for understanding and responding to the organization’s need(s).

SWOT Analysis Project

Part of establishing a solid framework for analyzing the organization will be incorporating information that supports why the problem(s) exists and how it is valid. For instance, based on your chosen organization, you should include both a quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis that speak to the organization’s need and identified problem. After conducting a SWOT analysis, you will bring your analysis together by synthesizing the results and identifying potential solutions.

The following sections should be included:

Strengths: Identify the strengths of the organization.
Weaknesses: Identify the weaknesses of the organization.
Opportunities: Identify potential opportunities that the organization should explore in order to expand.
Threats: Identify external factors that could potentially negatively affect the organization.
Improvements: Develop potential solution(s) addressing the identified weaknesses and threats listed in the SWOT that would add value to the organization with minimal risk.
Milestone One must be four to five pages in length with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three citations in APA format.

SWOT Analysis Project

My chosen organization is Tesla.

During this process, you will be responsible for submitting a draft of SWOT analysis.

You will develop a comprehensive, professional SWOT analysis that will help form long-term planning and sustainability strategies, outlined in a project management plan (PMP).

Lay the foundation for conducting your SWOT analysis by comprehensively describing the selected organization and discussing the issues or problems that the organization is facing. Overall, it is important to include information that is pertinent for comprehending the organization and its problems. It is up to you to establish a robust context for understanding and responding to the organization’s need(s).

Part of establishing a solid framework for analyzing the organization will be incorporating information that supports why the problem(s) exists and how it is valid. For instance, based on your chosen organization, you should include both a quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis that speak to the organization’s need and identified problem. After conducting a SWOT analysis, you will bring your analysis together by synthesizing the results and identifying potential solutions.

The following sections should be included:

Strengths: Identify the strengths of the organization.
Weaknesses: Identify the weaknesses of the organization.
Opportunities: Identify potential opportunities that the organization should explore in order to expand.
Threats: Identify external factors that could potentially negatively affect the organization.
Improvements: Develop potential solution(s) addressing the identified weaknesses and threats listed in the SWOT that would add value to the organization with minimal risk.
Milestone One must be four to five pages in length with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three citations in APA format. Use APA referencing style.

November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

Lorem Ipsum-Marketing Homework

The Delphi Method/Technique is a procedure that is used often in business. Consider this scenario. You owe you own daycare that merits you a great deal of money annually.
You have always done well with your business and to your credit, you have developed an excellent reputation. Within the last few months, you have become concerned about your business. Your business is growing, which is great, but you are concerned about liabilities, finances, organizational and management skills, time management, ineffective marketing, and how to care for the children even better than you have in the past. You have created a plan that you think is good, but you want to involve a Delphi Method in your planning. For these concerns, who do you call to be a part of this Delphi Method Team?

Lorem Ipsum-Marketing Homework

Lorem Ipsum-Marketing Homework

The Delphi Method/Technique is a procedure that is used often in business. Consider this scenario. You owe you own daycare that merits you a great deal of money annually.
You have always done well with your business and to your credit, you have developed an excellent reputation. Within the last few months, you have become concerned about your business. Your business is growing, which is great, but you are concerned about liabilities, finances, organizational and management skills, time management, ineffective marketing, and how to care for the children even better than you have in the past. You have created a plan that you think is good, but you want to involve a Delphi Method in your planning. For these concerns, who do you call to be a part of this Delphi Method Team?

The Delphi Method/Technique is a procedure that is used often in business. Consider this scenario. You owe you own daycare that merits you a great deal of money annually.
You have always done well with your business and to your credit, you have developed an excellent reputation. Within the last few months, you have become concerned about your business. Your business is growing, which is great, but you are concerned about liabilities, finances, organizational and management skills, time management, ineffective marketing, and how to care for the children even better than you have in the past. You have created a plan that you think is good, but you want to involve a Delphi Method in your planning. For these concerns, who do you call to be a part of this Delphi Method Team? Use APA referencing style.

November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

Vulnerable Population-Nursing Homework

1). Many vulnerable populations exist in the United States. Which vulnerable population do you think is the most challenging to care for, and how might your nursing care change when caring for this population as opposed to individual clients?

Examples of Vulnerable Population

* Pregnant Teenagers
* Migrant Farmworkers
* Homeless persons
* Persons in poverty
* Substance abusers
* Individuals with mental illness
* Persons living with HIV/AIDS
* Victims of abuse/violence
* Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender populations

Vulnerable Population-Nursing Homework

1). Many vulnerable populations exist in the United States. Which vulnerable population do you think is the most challenging to care for, and how might your nursing care change when caring for this population as opposed to individual clients?

Examples of Vulnerable Population

* Pregnant Teenagers
* Migrant Farmworkers
* Homeless persons
* Persons in poverty
* Substance abusers
* Individuals with mental illness
* Persons living with HIV/AIDS
* Victims of abuse/violence
* Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender populations

Vulnerable Population-Nursing Homework

1). Many vulnerable populations exist in the United States. Which vulnerable population do you think is the most challenging to care for, and how might your nursing care change when caring for this population as opposed to individual clients?

Examples of Vulnerable Population

* Pregnant Teenagers
* Migrant Farmworkers
* Homeless persons
* Persons in poverty
* Substance abusers
* Individuals with mental illness
* Persons living with HIV/AIDS
* Victims of abuse/violence
* Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender populations

1). Many vulnerable populations exist in the United States. Which vulnerable population do you think is the most challenging to care for, and how might your nursing care change when caring for this population as opposed to individual clients?

Examples of Vulnerable Population

* Pregnant Teenagers
* Migrant Farmworkers
* Homeless persons
* Persons in poverty
* Substance abusers
* Individuals with mental illness
* Persons living with HIV/AIDS
* Victims of abuse/violence
* Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender populations

1). Many vulnerable populations exist in the United States. Which vulnerable population do you think is the most challenging to care for, and how might your nursing care change when caring for this population as opposed to individual clients?

Examples of Vulnerable Population

* Pregnant Teenagers
* Migrant Farmworkers
* Homeless persons
* Persons in poverty
* Substance abusers
* Individuals with mental illness
* Persons living with HIV/AIDS
* Victims of abuse/violence
* Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender populations

1). Many vulnerable populations exist in the United States. Which vulnerable population do you think is the most challenging to care for, and how might your nursing care change when caring for this population as opposed to individual clients?

Examples of Vulnerable Population

* Pregnant Teenagers
* Migrant Farmworkers
* Homeless persons
* Persons in poverty
* Substance abusers
* Individuals with mental illness
* Persons living with HIV/AIDS
* Victims of abuse/violence
* Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender populations

Use APA referencing style,

November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

Reflective Journal Entry

In this informal reflective journal entry, you have an opportunity to consider your hopes for your learning in this course and engage in initial brainstorming for your assignments. Reflection is the necessary bridge in the learning process that takes place when you are involved in a learning experience. To prepare, you should use this reflection activity to brainstorm your ideas for next week’s assignment, make connections to previous work completed in the course, and analyze how you might apply what you learn to your personal and/or professional life. As a reminder, in your assignment for next week, you will research the needs and social justice issues of the location you chose in your Week 5 Assignment.

Reflective Journal Entry

Reflective Journal Entry

Please address the following as you craft your response:

Based on your Week 5 Assignment, what are some needs and social justice issues you plan to explore for your Week 8 Assignment?

What connections to what you’ve already learned in the course do you plan to explore as you complete your Week 8 Assignment next week?

How could you apply what you’ve learned so far in this course to your personal and/or professional life?

Provide specific examples in your response.

Reflective Journal Entry

In this informal reflective journal entry, you have an opportunity to consider your hopes for your learning in this course and engage in initial brainstorming for your assignments. Reflection is the necessary bridge in the learning process that takes place when you are involved in a learning experience. To prepare, you should use this reflection activity to brainstorm your ideas for next week’s assignment, make connections to previous work completed in the course, and analyze how you might apply what you learn to your personal and/or professional life. As a reminder, in your assignment for next week, you will research the needs and social justice issues of the location you chose in your Week 5 Assignment. Use APA referencing style.

November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

Fundamental Rights

In the textbook, Straus defines human rights as a “set of rights afforded to individuals on the basis of being human, i.e., irrespective of national citizenship, gender, ethnicity, or other traits” (1). We see, however, that despite the international system of defining and guaranteeing human rights known as the human rights regime, not every individual or government has the same concept of human rights. For this assignment, you will explore national and international policy responses to a human rights issue.

Based on Amnesty InternationalLinks to an external site., Human Rights WatchLinks to an external site., the UN human rights-related organizations (UNHCRLinks to an external site., United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human RightsLinks to an external site.), or another source that you verify with your instructor, choose a human rights policy issue.

Fundamental Rights

Fundamental Rights

Define the issue as a human rights issue according to concepts of human rights. Describe its causes, implications, and locations. Use the following questions to help you frame your explanation:

In what ways has a policy caused human rights violations or been enacted because of human rights violations?

Can you recognize conflicts around human rights policy that stem from divergent understandings of human rights, within a country, between countries, or between a country and an intergovernmental or non-governmental organization?

Consider the history, religion, and culture of the country where the issue is taking place in your examination of the human rights policy issue.

Identify the stakeholders and explain how this issue has an impact on them. Provide references to support the information.

Fundamental Rights

Describe recent and current efforts aimed at solving the human rights issue, including efforts by NGOs, national governments, and IGOs. Provide supporting references.

Based on your analysis of the human rights issue and the policies you have described, provide your opinion on which policy would be appropriate. This can be one of the policies already in place or your suggestion. Support your opinion with references to appropriate resources.

Use four (two government and two peer-reviewed, scholarly) sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides. For this assignment, government resources may include resources from an NGO. Use APA referencing style.

November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

Public Administration Ethics

Ethical Challenges in the City Manager/City Councilmember Relationship

These scenarios were developed by Frank Benest, senior advisor to the International City/County Management Association,and delivered to a meeting of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics Public Sector Roundtable April 20, 2012. Select one (1) of the three scenarios.

Scenario 1

A developer is proposing a major commercial development with of lots of name recognition. The mayor suggests that the council appoint her and another councilmember to a committee in order to negotiate a package of community benefits as part of the entitlement process. The city manager and city attorney are upset that staff have not been designated as the negotiators so the mayor suggests to the council that the manager, attorney and community development director attend the meetings with the developer, but the mayor and the other councilmember will take the lead.

Public Administration Ethics

In the negotiations, both councilmembers push similar community benefits, but the mayor and councilmember clearly have a few different priorities. The negotiations seem to drag on, but finally the developer puts together a package of benefits generally supported by the two councilmembers. At the direction of the council negotiating committee, the city manager then schedules the project and the community benefits package for an upcoming council agenda.

Public Administration Ethics

Just prior to the public hearing in front of the council, the mayor goes privately to the developer and tells him that the mayor won’t the support the project unless the developer adds to the package a pedestrian and bike trail segment that completes the community’s neighborhood trails program. The developer agrees to fund the trails segment, and the mayor indicates that she will publicly support the project at the hearing.

Scenario 2

A councilmember is actively supported by open space advocates in the region. The councilmember approaches a baylands protection, non-profit advocacy group and proposes a baylands public education program for children that could be funded by the city government and operated by the agency. After meeting with the president and executive director of the non-profit, the councilmember approaches the city’s sustainability coordinator and encourages the staff person to develop a proposal to fund the project.

The sustainability coordinator refers the councilmember to the city manager. The councilmember then meets with the city manager and strongly recommends that she schedule the proposal for council consideration. Given the ongoing fiscal challenges of the city, the manager does not feel that the proposal is a priority and suggests that the councilmember approach the mayor to see if the mayor will support the agenda item. The councilmember is upset and feels that the manager is a roadblock.

Public Administration Ethics

Scenario 3

The city manager has an excellent relationship with one of the councilmembers and gets a lot of political support from him regarding her recommendations. The councilmember makes time to meet every week with the manager and gets updated on all important city matters, including upcoming council agenda items. The manager provides more information to this particular councilmember than the other councilmembers. Based on their strong relationship, the councilmember discusses with the city manager strategy to move initiatives forward and to create majority support on the council for specific actions.

Assignment Specifics:

Answer both A and B.

Identify the ethical dilemma (from your selected scenario) and explain the dilemma. Provide no less than two (2) actions that each identified public administrator may take. Explain.

Using Practices to Promote the ASPA Code of Ethics (in this assignment folder) from the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), select one (1) of the eight (8) standards.  Explain how your selected standard relates to your selected scenario. Use APA referencing style.