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November 18, 2023
November 18, 2023

Business/Finance Discussion

Students will be able to:

Discover reflective information to analytical skills using data through the FNU library business learning resources.
Reinforce their understanding of business finance components and provide mastery of evaluating the critical issues of the short- and long-range corporate finances.

Business/Finance Discussion

Individual assignment.
Go to the FNU library (LIRN) and perform research on an applied case related to Bond Valuation and Interest Rates (relationship between Present Value and the appropriate market interest rate risk). You can focus on current applications, innovations, or how it is being used in organizations.
Then, please participate in the discussion by providing a short write-up explaining the case study, a short reflection or context, and stating why it is relevant to the class (approximately 200 words).
Please post your participation in the discussion format. No attachments.
Please use additional resources different from the book used for this class. Your submission must include at least four (4) links from LIRN. Other authoritative sources can also be included.
Students will be able to:

Business/Finance Discussion

Reinforce their understanding of business finance components and provide mastery of evaluating the critical issues of the short- and long-range corporate finances.

Individual assignment.
Go to the FNU library (LIRN) and perform research on an applied case related to Bond Valuation and Interest Rates (relationship between Present Value and the appropriate market interest rate risk). You can focus on current applications, innovations, or how it is being used in organizations.
Then, please participate in the discussion by providing a short write-up explaining the case study, a short reflection or context, and stating why it is relevant to the class (approximately 200 words).
Please post your participation in the discussion format. No attachments.
Please use additional resources different from the book used for this class. Your submission must include at least four (4) links from LIRN. Other authoritative sources can also be included. Use APA referencing style.

November 18, 2023
November 18, 2023

Project Planning Scenario

Read the following scenario and address the steps that follow in 525 to 700 words.

Innovative Automotive is an automobile accessories company that has been in business for 15 years. The company’s director of research and development (R&D) has been asked by the president to develop a new product: an after-market accessory that attaches to any windshield wiper and helps solve the problem of removing bugs from the front windshield.

Project Planning Scenario

This product needs to be developed, tested, patented (or patent-filed), and brought to market in 12 months. The R&D director, who has an industrial engineering background and a track record of successfully leading projects of this nature, has assigned you as an in-house project manager (PM) to this project. As the project manager:

List the 3 primary characteristics of this product development project that qualify it to be considered a project.
Describe a project initiation force that caused this project to be initiated.
Explain why you chose the specific type of project.
Summarize the project life cycle that will likely follow this project.
Describe the selection method that has been used to initiate the project.
Identify 2 to 3 of the constraints that the PM will be required to manage.
Identify at least 5 stakeholders you imagine will be key to the success of this project.
Determine the best project structure for this project.

Project Planning Scenario

Read the following scenario and address the steps that follow in 525 to 700 words.

Innovative Automotive is an automobile accessories company that has been in business for 15 years. The company’s director of research and development (R&D) has been asked by the president to develop a new product: an after-market accessory that attaches to any windshield wiper and helps solve the problem of removing bugs from the front windshield.

This product needs to be developed, tested, patented (or patent-filed), and brought to market in 12 months. The R&D director, who has an industrial engineering background and a track record of successfully leading projects of this nature, has assigned you as an in-house project manager (PM) to this project. As the project manager:

List the 3 primary characteristics of this product development project that qualify it to be considered a project.
Describe a project initiation force that caused this project to be initiated.
Explain why you chose the specific type of project.
Summarize the project life cycle that will likely follow this project.
Describe the selection method that has been used to initiate the project.
Identify 2 to 3 of the constraints that the PM will be required to manage.
Identify at least 5 stakeholders you imagine will be key to the success of this project.
Determine the best project structure for this project. Use APA referencing style.

November 18, 2023
November 18, 2023

Gender and Disaster Management

Please use attached files and video links for assignment. Please follow all instructions.

Gender dynamics impact both the way people are affected by disasters and their capacity to withstand and recover from them. Gender inequalities can result in gender-differentiated disaster impacts, and differentiated impacts can influence gender dynamics, which in turn affect future resilience to shocks. Disaster risk management policies are designed to maximize results, taking local conditions, including gender dynamics (World Bank).

Gender and Disaster Management

Question: What is disaster response? In answering this question, you should address the following: identify elements of disaster response assistance; define emergency management; identify both domestic and international organizations involved in responding to disasters; differentiate between the missions of FEMA and USAID; identify the “common” disaster impacts of men and women; discuss the “different” disaster impacts of men and women; explain how gender inequality impacts disaster response; identify the pillar of UNSCR 1325 relates to disaster response and how.

Use ALL of the required materials-reading, slides and videos provided. When citing the readings, use APA style. Your response should be at least 250 words.

Required readings/material: Shah, pages 724-737, beginning with III. “Gender as a Determinant Factor in the Success of Disaster Relief and Restoration of Stability;” Ruston, All; all other reading, videos

Optional: Gomez

Video links:

Gender and Disaster Management

Please use attached files and video links for assignment. Please follow all instructions.

Gender dynamics impact both the way people are affected by disasters and their capacity to withstand and recover from them. Gender inequalities can result in gender-differentiated disaster impacts, and differentiated impacts can influence gender dynamics, which in turn affect future resilience to shocks. Disaster risk management policies are designed to maximize results, taking local conditions, including gender dynamics (World Bank).

Question: What is disaster response? In answering this question, you should address the following: identify elements of disaster response assistance; define emergency management; identify both domestic and international organizations involved in responding to disasters; differentiate between the missions of FEMA and USAID; identify the “common” disaster impacts of men and women; discuss the “different” disaster impacts of men and women; explain how gender inequality impacts disaster response; identify the pillar of UNSCR 1325 relates to disaster response and how. Use APA referencing style.

November 18, 2023
November 18, 2023

Project Management-Business & Finance

Assuming that the project sponsor has formally authorized your project (from group assignment 4) and funding has been approved, now it is time to start your planning phase. Project management is typically a team-based management methodology. For training purposes, however, the lab assignments will be completed individually. The objective of the lab assignments is to use MS Project to develop a performance measurement baseline (PMB). The PMB includes three baselines: the scope baseline, the schedule baseline, and the cost baseline.

Project Management-Business & Finance

Connections to the Course Learning Outcomes

Use Microsoft Project to develop a schedule, allocate resources to project activities, resolve resource allocation issues, set a baseline, and determine the cost baseline of a project.
Create project reports and evaluate project performance based on the baseline.

1. Create a new project file in Microsoft Project and use the “Save as” function to rename the file with your last name, your first initial, and your project title. Example: AlexisJ_EletricTruckProject. (1point).

2. Use the file Properties from the “Backstage” view in Microsoft Project to enter a brief description of the project objectives in the Comments field. Remember, project objectives must be SMART. Complete the other Properties as appropriate. (Hint: Go to File>Info>Project Information>Advanced Properties>Comments). (2points)

3. From the Gantt chart view, with the Entry Table applied, enter 20 deliverables for your project in the Task Name column, including some project management deliverables. Remember, typically, a deliverable is a component part of the project and is expressed as a noun/adjective – NOT a verb (Hint: see the lecture on project planning for examples). It is acceptable to breakdown your project into phases, and then deliverables and sub-deliverables. (7points). The 20 deliverables include sub-deliverables and work packages. A work package is a small deliverable.

4. If you have not done so, breakdown the deliverables of your project into work packages and enter them as subtasks under the deliverables. Remember, it is okay to combine a phase-based with a deliverable-based approach. In fact, you are encouraged to use the phases you created for your project earlier in the course. If you need a hint, refer to the lecture on scope management. (2 points)

5. Breakdown the work packages into project activities. Note that unlike deliverables, activities are the actual actions you need to perform to complete the deliverables/work packages or phases. Activities are expressed as verb phrases. If you need a hint, review the lecture on schedule management. (6 points)

6. Use the “Indent/Outdent Task” command from the Task tab in Microsoft Project to create a hierarchy of deliverables/work packages/activities. This hierarchy will help you plan better your project. (1point)

7. Use the default WBS coding system in MS Project to code your WBS. (Hint: From the Format tab> Outline Number). (1point)

Project Management-Business & Finance

Note: The total items in your project files should consist of at least 50 lines, including deliverables, work packages, and activities. Remember that planning is an iterative process. You can always revise your plan as more information becomes available. Your project activities must be completely original – do not copy information from another source. You will receive a zero score for any assignments that are not original.

Hint: Review the attached file to see how to structure your deliverables, work packages, and activities. Pay careful attention to the nomenclature.
PJM5900_WBS And Activity Example-1.pdf

Note: This assignment is to test your understanding of the difference between project deliverables and activities. Do not enter any information other than what is required to complete the assignment. For example, do NOT enter activity duration – do NOT enter resources. We will progressively complete the schedule and budget for your project. Microsoft Project Training Resources are available in Canvas>Modules>Microsoft Project Resources.

Save your work and submit your Microsoft Project file to your instructor via the submission link below. This assignment is due no later than Sunday of the EIGHTH week of the class. E-mail submission will be rejected.
Watch these videos before you submit lab assignment 1:
https://youtu.be/UvI6ueM8QQwLinks to an external site.
https://youtu.be/WoL_FQG6R4MLinks to an external site. Use APA referencing style.

November 15, 2023
November 15, 2023

Internship-Social Science Homework

—->Please answer each prompt individually. It’s a total of four.

——–>Remember this is a School Counselor course

E. Describe your experiences with prevention and/or intervention strategies. (i.e., motivation, student efficacy, time management, study skills, constructive problem solving, and teacher-student rapport)

Internship-Social Science Homework

F. Describe your experiences with educational transitional strategies including career development and exploration, throughout the lifespan including using multiple career assessments and planning tools.

G. Describe your experiences with post-secondary planning and/or implementation.

H. Describe your experiences applying student engagement strategies and/or pedagogical best practices.

Internship-Social Science Homework

—>Please answer each prompt individually. It’s a total of four.

——–>Remember this is a School Counselor course

E. Describe your experiences with prevention and/or intervention strategies. (i.e., motivation, student efficacy, time management, study skills, constructive problem solving, and teacher-student rapport)

F. Describe your experiences with educational transitional strategies including career development and exploration, throughout the lifespan including using multiple career assessments and planning tools.

G. Describe your experiences with post-secondary planning and/or implementation.

H. Describe your experiences applying student engagement strategies and/or pedagogical best practices.

—>Please answer each prompt individually. It’s a total of four.

Internship-Social Science Homework

——–>Remember this is a School Counselor course

E. Describe your experiences with prevention and/or intervention strategies. (i.e., motivation, student efficacy, time management, study skills, constructive problem solving, and teacher-student rapport)

F. Describe your experiences with educational transitional strategies including career development and exploration, throughout the lifespan including using multiple career assessments and planning tools.

G. Describe your experiences with post-secondary planning and/or implementation.

H. Describe your experiences applying student engagement strategies and/or pedagogical best practices.

—>Please answer each prompt individually. It’s a total of four.

——–>Remember this is a School Counselor course

E. Describe your experiences with prevention and/or intervention strategies. (i.e., motivation, student efficacy, time management, study skills, constructive problem solving, and teacher-student rapport)

F. Describe your experiences with educational transitional strategies including career development and exploration throughout the lifespan including using multiple career assessments and planning tools.

G. Describe your experiences with post-secondary planning and/or implementation.

H. Describe your experiences applying student engagement strategies and/or pedagogical best practices. Use APA referencing style.

November 15, 2023

Individual Counselling Theories Introduction

Week 5 – Discussion: Typical Issues that are barriers to student achievement.

Summarizing thus far, we have reviewed what is considered, typical development, typical challenges, and some crises that children face, such as stress around academic performance, self-esteem, conflicts, bullying, loss, and more.

Individual Counselling Theories Introduction

Respond to the following prompt in the Typical Issues discussion forum: In reading about the different theoretical approaches, which approach(es) do you see as providing essential counseling skills, techniques, and strategies needed for individual counseling in addressing some of these typical issues? Why?

Types of Approaches discussed:

  • Ch 6: Nondirective Approaches
  • Ch 7: Mindfulness
  • Ch 8: Directive Approaches
  • Individual Counselling Theories Introduction

    Week 5 – Discussion: Typical Issues that are barriers to student achievement.

    Summarizing thus far, we have reviewed what is considered, typical development, typical challenges, and some crises that children face, such as stress around academic performance, self-esteem, conflicts, bullying, loss, and more.

    Respond to the following prompt in the Typical Issues discussion forum: In reading about the different theoretical approaches, which approach(es) do you see as providing essential counseling skills, techniques, and strategies needed for individual counseling in addressing some of these typical issues? Why?

    Types of Approaches discussed:

    • Ch 6: Nondirective Approaches
    • Ch 7: Mindfulness
    • Ch 8: Directive Approaches

    Individual Counselling Theories Introduction

    Week 5 – Discussion: Typical Issues that are barriers to student achievement.

    Summarizing thus far, we have reviewed what is considered, typical development, typical challenges, and some crises that children face, such as stress around academic performance, self-esteem, conflicts, bullying, loss, and more.

    Respond to the following prompt in the Typical Issues discussion forum: In reading about the different theoretical approaches, which approach(es) do you see as providing essential counseling skills, techniques, and strategies needed for individual counseling in addressing some of these typical issues? Why?

    Types of Approaches discussed:

    • Ch 6: Nondirective Approaches
    • Ch 7: Mindfulness
    • Ch 8: Directive Approaches. Use Apa referencing style.
November 15, 2023
November 15, 2023

Career Exploration/Short Research

Research two or three career paths of interest in your prospective field. In 750-1,000 words, include the following:

Labor market and availability (e.g., location)
Income range
Education/training needed.
Job availability
Future stability
Time Demands
Challenges (e.g., burnout propensity)
Opportunities for advancement
Does it match your skill level?
Does it align with your personality? Value system?
Summarize which path best suits you and your career choices. Explain why.
Discuss any surprising factors surrounding the career paths of your prospective field.
At least two to three scholarly, peer reviewed sources published within the last five years are required for this assignment.

Career Exploration/Short Research

Career Exploration/Short Research
Research two or three career paths of interest in your prospective field. In 750-1,000 words, include the following:

Labor market and availability (e.g., location)
Income range
Education/training needed.
Job availability
Future stability
Time Demands
Challenges (e.g., burnout propensity)
Opportunities for advancement
Does it match your skill level?
Does it align with your personality? Value system?
Summarize which path best suits you and your career choices. Explain why.
Discuss any surprising factors surrounding the career paths of your prospective field.
At least two to three scholarly, peer reviewed sources published within the last five years are required for this assignment.

Research two or three career paths of interest in your prospective field. In 750-1,000 words, include the following:

Labor market and availability (e.g., location)
Income range
Education/training needed.
Job availability
Future stability
Time Demands
Challenges (e.g., burnout propensity)
Opportunities for advancement
Does it match your skill level?
Does it align with your personality? Value system?
Summarize which path best suits you and your career choices. Explain why.
Discuss any surprising factors surrounding the career paths of your prospective field.
At least two to three scholarly, peer reviewed sources published within the last five years are required for this assignment. Use APA referencing style.

November 15, 2023
November 15, 2023

Critical Analysis

From Developmental Dyslexia (work will be attached)

two articles: critical analysis- Developmental Dyslexia (600 words per article):

In this analysis, you should focus specifically on two recent (last 05 years) academic articles related your topic (developmental dyslexia).

Critical Analysis

Provide for each article (using approx. 200 words for each dot point below):

• A summary of the research question, methods and research context

• A discussion of the results/findings of the research, as it relates to the wider field (based on research from Part A: Developmental Dyslexia)

• An evaluation of the results in the context of the wider field (based on research from Part A) Do not feel that you need to offer a peer review of an expert’s article. Rather, the aim is that you develop your ability to understand and articulate academic research at the graduate level. The goal is to help you develop your skills in reading and responding to research.

Critical Analysis

From Developmental Dyslexia (work will be attached)

two articles: critical analysis- Developmental Dyslexia (600 words per article):

In this analysis, you should focus specifically on two recent (last 05 years) academic articles related your topic (developmental dyslexia).

Provide for each article (using approx. 200 words for each dot point below):

• A summary of the research question, methods and research context

• A discussion of the results/findings of the research, as it relates to the wider field (based on research from Part A: Developmental Dyslexia)

• An evaluation of the results in the context of the wider field (based on research from Part A) Do not feel that you need to offer a peer review of an expert’s article. Rather, the aim is that you develop your ability to understand and articulate academic research at the graduate level. The goal is to help you develop your skills in reading and responding to research.

from Developmental Dyslexia (work will be attached)

two articles: critical analysis- Developmental Dyslexia (600 words per article):

In this analysis, you should focus specifically on two recent (last 05 years) academic articles related your topic (developmental dyslexia). Use APA referencing style.

November 15, 2023
November 15, 2023

Discussion Board-Psychology


Mental Health Conditions and Substance Abuse in Adolescents

Restate the aims of your research Then identify the population and the variables. Finally, refine your research question.

Discussion Board-Psychology

First, revise and state the purpose of your study:


Purpose: The purpose of the research is to compare level of trauma stress between adults on the autism spectrum who have experienced workplace bullying and those who have not experienced workplace bullying.

Next, identify the population and variables in your study. Provide an operational definition of the variables and identify the level of measurement for each variable.


Population: The population is employed adults on the autism spectrum

Independent variable: The independent variable is workplace bullying. This variable is defined as whether the person has experienced workplace bullying or not. The level of measurement would be nominal because there are two categories: bullied/not bullied.

Dependent variable: The dependent variable is the trauma stress effect of bullying. This variable is defined as level of trauma stress. The level of measure would be interval or ratio because the measurement tool will give trauma score.

Now, refine your research question. Make sure your population and variables are included in the question:


Do adults on the autism spectrum who experience workplace bullying have higher trauma stress levels than adults on the autism spectrum who have not experienced workplace bullying?

Discussion Board-Psychology ASSIGNMENT

First, restate the aim of your study:


Next, identify the population and variables in your study:


Independent variable:

Dependent variable:

Now, refine your research question. Make sure your population and variables are included in the question:

Research question:


Mental Health Conditions and Substance Abuse in Adolescents

Restate the aims of your research Then identify the population and the variables. Finally, refine your research question.

First, revise and state the purpose of your study:


Purpose: The purpose of the research is to compare level of trauma stress between adults on the autism spectrum who have experienced workplace bullying and those who have not experienced workplace bullying. Use APA referencing style.

November 15, 2023
November 15, 2023

English Argumentative Homework

Using Dave Zirin’s “Pre-Game” as a source, you will write a 6-page argument that explores how American athletes’ political ideologies were either accepted or rejected by the general public. Ask yourself if the athletes’ political views were popular at the time and in your opinion should they have used their platforms to speak out on social issues or kept quiet. What were the results? Did Americans eventually adopt the athletes’ cause(s)? Briefly mention the political climate in America at the time of the controversy.

English Argumentative Homework

Should athletes speak out on social/political issues is the basis of your argument? Does the public gain or the athlete lose credibility and lucrative endorsements for speaking out?

This is not the space to share the biography of the athlete. Do not waste time writing about where the athlete was born and raised.

English Argumentative Homework

You will select four athletes from this list to explore what sports critics/sports columnists/ political leaders, team owners said about the athletes who decided to enter politics or who fought for a specific political stance. You will add a fifth American athlete of your own choice and include at least six outside sources from newspapers, magazines.

Select any four from this list:

Caitlyn Jenner (aka Bruce Jenner)

Muhammad Ali

Colin Kaepernick

Billie Jean King

Herschel Walker

John Carlos (1968 Mexico Olympics)

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Jesse Ventura

Jackie Robinson

Bill Bradley

You will need a thesis statement.

Proper use of MLA in-text citation

At least two direct quotes from each athlete from previously published interviews.

Six additional outside sources – from sports columnists, team owners, politicians who supported or opposed the athletes’ cause.

Concise topic sentences.

Proper use of the quotation formula discussed in class.

Proper MLA format

Works Cited Reference

English Argumentative Homework

Using Dave Zirin’s “Pre-Game” as a source, you will write a 6-page argument that explores how American athletes’ political ideologies were either accepted or rejected by the general public. Ask yourself if the athletes’ political views were popular at the time and in your opinion should they have used their platforms to speak out on social issues or kept quiet. What were the results? Did Americans eventually adopt the athletes’ cause(s)? Briefly mention the political climate in America at the time of the controversy. Use APA referencing style.