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November 25, 2023
November 25, 2023

Quality Improvement Discussion

In a recent meeting with the Director of Risk Management, you have been informed that the patient falls on your unit have increased by 15% over the last 12 months. You are asked to develop an immediate plan to reduce the incidence of patient falls.

Question #1

a) Describe the CQI method/model you will use to develop a plan for reducing patient falls.

b) Provide an example for each step of the method/model.

Quality Improvement Discussion

Question #2

a) As the Nurse Leader, examine how to address the occurrence of patient falls on your unit by using an evidenced-based approach.

Quality Improvement

In a recent meeting with the Director of Risk Management, you have been informed that the patient falls on your unit have increased by 15% over the last 12 months. You are asked to develop an immediate plan to reduce the incidence of patient falls.

Question #1

a) Describe the CQI method/model you will use to develop a plan for reducing patient falls.

b) Provide an example for each step of the method/model.

Question #2

a) As the Nurse Leader, examine how to address the occurrence of patient falls on your unit by using an evidenced-based approach.

Quality Improvement

In a recent meeting with the Director of Risk Management, you have been informed that the patient falls on your unit have increased by 15% over the last 12 months. You are asked to develop an immediate plan to reduce the incidence of patient falls.

Question #1

a) Describe the CQI method/model you will use to develop a plan for reducing patient falls.

b) Provide an example for each step of the method/model.

Question #2

a) As the Nurse Leader, examine how to address the occurrence of patient falls on your unit by using an evidenced-based approach.

Quality Improvement Discussion

In a recent meeting with the Director of Risk Management, you have been informed that the patient falls on your unit have increased by 15% over the last 12 months. You are asked to develop an immediate plan to reduce the incidence of patient falls.

Question #1

a) Describe the CQI method/model you will use to develop a plan for reducing patient falls.

b) Provide an example for each step of the method/model.

Question #2

a) As the Nurse Leader, examine how to address the occurrence of patient falls on your unit by using an evidenced-based approach. Use APA referencing style.

November 25, 2023
November 25, 2023

Specialty Area Identification Nursing

Identify your specialty area of NP practice. Mine is Mental Health. Select a nursing theory, borrowed theory, or interdisciplinary theory provided in the lesson plan or one of your own findings. Address the following:

Meaning and scope
Logical adequacy
Usefulness and simplicity

Specialty Area Identification Nursing
Finally, provide an example of how the theory could be used to improve or evaluate the quality of practice in your specific setting. What rationale can you provide that validates the theory as applicable to the role of the nurse practitioner?

Specialty Area Identification Nursing

Identify your specialty area of NP practice. Mine is Mental Health. Select a nursing theory, borrowed theory, or interdisciplinary theory provided in the lesson plan or one of your own findings. Address the following:

Meaning and scope
Logical adequacy
Usefulness and simplicity
Finally, provide an example of how the theory could be used to improve or evaluate the quality of practice in your specific setting. What rationale can you provide that validates the theory as applicable to the role of the nurse practitioner?

Specialty Area Identification Nursing

Identify your specialty area of NP practice. Mine is Mental Health. Select a nursing theory, borrowed theory, or interdisciplinary theory provided in the lesson plan or one of your own findings. Address the following:

Meaning and scope
Logical adequacy
Usefulness and simplicity
Finally, provide an example of how the theory could be used to improve or evaluate the quality of practice in your specific setting. What rationale can you provide that validates the theory as applicable to the role of the nurse practitioner?

Identify your specialty area of NP practice. Mine is Mental Health. Select a nursing theory, borrowed theory, or interdisciplinary theory provided in the lesson plan or one of your own findings. Address the following:

Meaning and scope
Logical adequacy
Usefulness and simplicity
Finally, provide an example of how the theory could be used to improve or evaluate the quality of practice in your specific setting. What rationale can you provide that validates the theory as applicable to the role of the nurse practitioner? Use APA referencing style.

November 25, 2023
November 25, 2023

Cultural Diversity Homework

Select one of the discussions prompts below and respond to it with an initial post by Day #4 of the unit week. Your initial post needs to thoroughly address all parts of the selected prompt and be supported by at least one scholarly source. Then, respond to at least two threads on two additional days to drive the weekly discussions. All posts must demonstrate critical thinking and effective written communication including proper spelling, grammar, professional language, and APA formatting of references and in-text citations. All posts must also be submitted no later than the last day of the unit week.

Cultural Diversity Homework

Discussion Prompts

Prompt #1

Discuss the spectrum model of sex, gender identity, and gender expression. What advantages does the spectrum model offer over binary models of sex, gender identity, and gender expression?

(USLO 4.1)

Prompt #2

Discuss sexism, intersexes’, cisgenders, and transphobia and explain at least one way that each of these concepts leads to the oppression of women, intersex individuals, and transgender persons.

(USLO 4.2)

Prompt #3

Develop and present a strategic plan for how one should comport themselves and their behavior to strengthen their allyship in relation to gender and intersex identities.

(USLO 4.3)

Prompt #4

Discuss the spectrum model of sexual identity. What advantages does the spectrum model offer over binary models of sexual identity?

(USLO 4.4)

Prompt #5

Discuss homophobia, heterosexism, and heteronormativity and explain at least one way that each of these concepts leads to the oppression of members of the LGBTQIA community.

(USLO 4.5)

Prompt #6

Develop and present a strategic plan for how one should comport themselves and their behavior to strengthen their allyship in relation to members of the LGBTQIA community.

Cultural Diversity Homework

Select one of the discussions prompts below and respond to it with an initial post by Day #4 of the unit week. Your initial post needs to thoroughly address all parts of the selected prompt and be supported by at least one scholarly source. Then, respond to at least two threads on two additional days to drive the weekly discussions. All posts must demonstrate critical thinking and effective written communication including proper spelling, grammar, professional language, and APA formatting of references and in-text citations. All posts must also be submitted no later than the last day of the unit week. Use APA referencing style.

November 25, 2023
November 25, 2023

Legal and Ethical Issues Assignment

While you do have to share an article, I want this discussion to be relevant to the creation of your courses and that of your peers. Research articles are of no value if they don’t have a practical application.

There are many ethical and legal issues surrounding the use of technology in an educational setting. This week, you will discuss some of these issues and consider how they might impact the development of your online course. Find a recent article in a peer-reviewed nursing or educational journal that discusses potential legal and ethical issues relevant to the use of technology in nursing education (focus on education, not practice).

Legal and Ethical Issues Assignment

In one paragraph, describe a few highlights of the article, focusing on the most relevant information for you and your classmates to consider as you create your online courses.
Provide at least two ways that you will incorporate this information into your course design/content in a practical way. Be specific.

Legal and Ethical Issues Assignment

While you do have to share an article, I want this discussion to be relevant to the creation of your courses and that of your peers. Research articles are of no value if they don’t have a practical application.

There are many ethical and legal issues surrounding the use of technology in an educational setting. This week, you will discuss some of these issues and consider how they might impact the development of your online course. Find a recent article in a peer-reviewed nursing or educational journal that discusses potential legal and ethical issues relevant to the use of technology in nursing education (focus on education, not practice).

In one paragraph, describe a few highlights of the article, focusing on the most relevant information for you and your classmates to consider as you create your online courses.
Provide at least two ways that you will incorporate this information into your course design/content in a practical way. Be specific. Use APA referencing style.

November 19, 2023

Interpersonal Violence – Assessment & Treatment

Steps to prepare this assignment:

(1) Imagine you are a therapist conducting a first session with a family and then develop a case conceptualization that includes treatment options.  The family consists of a same-sex couple (two males) with two adolescent children (one male and one female). The adolescent girl is the identified client who has been acting out.  Based on the intake materials you have read, it was noted that in the past there has been police involvement due to domestic violence in the family.

Interpersonal Violence - Assessment & Treatment

Interpersonal Violence – Assessment & Treatment

(2) Expand on the basic details in the above scenario to create an in-depth case narrative.  In other words, use your creativity to fill in the details and elaborate on what is going on in this family.  Be specific about and provide some examples of, the nature of the domestic violence (it is up to you to determine in which family relationships the violence occurs).  Based on your readings for this class and other outside academic resources, describe one approach to assessment, one intervention, and two therapeutic goals for this family.

Interpersonal Violence – Assessment & Treatment

To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

  1. Identify ways in which counselors/therapists assess interpersonal violence and abuse in their work with couples and families.
  2. Apply evidence-based treatment to families, including same-gender abuse dynamics.

Required Reading:

Cui, M., Durtschi, J. A., Donnellan, M. B., Lorenz, F. O., & Conger, R. D. (2010). Intergenerational transmission of relationship aggression: A prospective longitudinal study. Journal of Family Psychology, 24(6), 688-697.

Foster, K., & Sandel, M. (2010). Abuse of women with disabilities: Toward an empowerment perspective. Sex Disability, 28, 177-186.

Ray, S. L. (2001). Male survivors’ perspectives of incest/sexual abuse. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 37(2), 49-59.

Samuelson, S. L., & Campbell, C. D. (2005). Screening for domestic violence: Recommendations based on a practice survey. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 36(3), 276–282.

November 19, 2023

Cultural Factors – Abuse & Interpersonal Violence

Imagine you are a counselor at a community mental health agency serving a culturally diverse clientele.  Recently there has been an increase in reports of suspected child abuse/neglect with the clients at the clinic.  As part of a series of workshops, each therapist was asked by the clinic supervisor to create a workshop for staff development training that addresses discipline and parenting practices from a multicultural perspective.  You are to choose a cultural/ethnic group other than your own, conduct research on that culture, and create a presentation that addresses the following:

Cultural Factors - Abuse & Interpersonal Violence

Cultural Factors – Abuse & Interpersonal Violence

An overview of some common characteristics, beliefs, and values of families from that cultural/ethnic group in general,

An overview of parenting/child rearing beliefs and practices common to this cultural group, specifically addressing what you found in the research related to common beliefs and practices related to discipline,

A section that addresses strategies therapists can use when working with families in this culture if they are faced with a situation of abuse/neglect.

This assignment should be a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 12-15 slides (excluding title and reference slides) and use at least 5 current peer reviewed resources, properly cited according to APA format.

Cultural Factors – Abuse & Interpersonal Violence

To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

Discuss the issues related to interpersonal violence and child abuse pertaining to clients from diverse backgrounds.

Apply the areas of knowledge and multicultural competencies that are required for effective work with diverse client populations.

Evaluate counseling interventions for their appropriateness and effectiveness when used with clients from diverse backgrounds who are dealing with issues related to interpersonal violence and child abuse. Use APA referencing style.

Cultural Factors – Abuse & Interpersonal Violence

Required Reading:

Alaggia, R. (2001). Cultural and religious influences in maternal response to intrafamilial child sexual abuse: Charting new territory for research and treatment. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 10(2), 41-60.

Gilligan, P. & Akhtar, S. (2006). Cultural barriers to the disclosure of child sexual abuse in Asian communities: Listening to what women say. British Journal of Social Work, 36(8), 1361-1377.

Robinson, T. L. (2000). Making the hurt go away: Psychological and spiritual healing for African American women survivors. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 28(3), 160-176.

Rodriguez, C. M. (2008). Ecological predictors of disciplinary style and child abuse potential in a Hispanic and Anglo-American sample. Journal of Family Studies, 17, 336-352. doi: 10.1007/s10826-007-9145-2

November 19, 2023
November 19, 2023

Families in Crisis Assignment

Research the current professional literature for two different evidence-based treatment interventions for families dealing with the crisis of intimate partner violence or abuse (i.e. child, elder). compare and contrast each intervention.  Make sure to highlight with what particular population/s the intervention has been shown to be effective, and also strengths and coping skills each intervention fosters in the family.

To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

Analyze helpful coping skills for families dealing with the crisis of IPV and abuse.  Integrate evidence-based counseling interventions appropriate for working with families dealing with the crisis of IPV and abuse.

Families in Crisis Assignment

Families in Crisis Assignment

Research the current professional literature for two different evidence-based treatment interventions for families dealing with the crisis of intimate partner violence or abuse (i.e. child, elder). compare and contrast each intervention.  Make sure to highlight with what particular population/s the intervention has been shown to be effective, and also strengths and coping skills each intervention fosters in the family.

To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

Analyze helpful coping skills for families dealing with the crisis of IPV and abuse.  Integrate evidence-based counseling interventions appropriate for working with families dealing with the crisis of IPV and abuse. Use APA referencing style.

Families in Crisis Assignment

Required Reading:

Boal, A., Banks, J. B., Hathaway, L. M., & Schuettler, D. (2011). Coping with stressful events: Use of cognitive words in stressful narratives and the meaning-making process. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 30(4), 378-403.

Haskins, C. (2003). Treating sibling incest using a family systems approach. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 25(4), 337-350.

Sheinberg, M., & True, F. (2008). Treating family relational trauma: A recursive process using a decision dialogue. Family Process, 47(2), 173-195.

Haskins, C. (2003). Treating sibling incest using a family systems approach. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 25(4), 337-350.

November 19, 2023
November 19, 2023

Suicide Risk & Crisis Intervention

When someone seeks treatment after trauma, counselors must complete a risk assessment, even when clients may not be demonstrating behaviors that seem high risk.

Complete Parts 1 and 2 of this form including references. Submit the completed form for your assignment.

Part 1: Suicide Risk Assessment

Assess risk for the client in the case study using the Suicide Risk Assessment Form based on the Suicide Assessment Five-step Evaluation and Triage from SAMHSA in 175–260 words. Use full sentences and appropriate grammar. Support your assessment with appropriate terminology from the DSM-5.

Step 1: Identify Risk Factors

What risk factors exist for this individual? Which factors can be modified to reduce risk?

Step 2: Identify Protective Factors

Which factors can be enhanced to protect the patient? Note: These protections may not counteract high risk factors.

Suicide Risk & Crisis Intervention

Suicide Risk & Crisis Intervention

Step 3: Conduct Suicide Inquiry

Has this individual had any ideations, plans, behaviors, or intentions to die by suicide? To what extent does the patient intend to carry out their plan? How lethal or self-injurious do they think their plan would be? What are their reasons to live or die?

Step 4: Determine Risk Level / Intervention

After using your best judgment to assess the patient in Steps 1-3, what risk level do you think they are demonstrating?

Step 5: Document

  1. What do you think is the patient’s risk level? Justify your reasoning for this determination.
  2. What intervention do you recommend that addresses the current risks? What is your plan for treatment? What can you and the client do to reduce these risks (e.g., medication, setting, psychotherapy, interventions, contact with significant others, consultation)?
  3. Provide firearms instructions, if relevant.
  4. What is the follow-up plan? In the case of youths, what roles should the parent/guardian have?

Suicide Risk & Crisis Intervention

Part 2: Crisis Intervention and Safety Plan

Describe how you would apply the ABC model of crisis intervention in this situation in 260–350 words. List the next steps you would take and what might be included in a safety plan for this individual in 50–100 words. Cite the selected case and any other supporting resources used. Format your citations and references according to APA guidelines.

November 19, 2023
November 19, 2023

Origins Assessment

Be sure you answer Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and the Reference section of this assignment before submitting.

Part One: Christian Beliefs

Respond thoroughly to the prompts in this part, using total of 250-350 words combined. Use the Bible and at least one academic source (textbook, topic overview, or peer-reviewed article). Cite all of the resources used with in-text citations. Include all the sources you cite on a reference section at the end of this document.

  1. Summarize Christian beliefs about the origins of the universe:
  2. Summarize Genesis 1-2:
  3. Summarize general revelation and special revelation:
  4. Summarize the three major Creationism approaches to Genesis 1-2:

Origins Assessment

Origins Assessment

Part Two: Current Understanding

Respond thoroughly to the prompts in this part, using total of 250-350 words combined. Use the Bible and at least one academic source (textbook, topic overview, or peer-reviewed article). Cite all of the resources used with in-text citations. Include all the sources you cite on a reference section at the end of this document.

  1. My current beliefs about the origin of the universe:
  2. My current beliefs about evolution:
  3. My current beliefs about the age of the earth:
  4. My current beliefs about if the Bible and science can be reconciled:

Origins Assessment

Part Three: Impact of Current Understanding

Respond thoroughly to the prompts in this part, using total of 250-350 words combined. Use the Bible and at least one academic source (textbook, topic overview, or peer-reviewed article). Cite all of the resources used with in-text citations. Include all the sources you cite on a reference section at the end of this document.

  1. Therefore, this is what I believe about the nature of God:
  2. Therefore, this is what I believe about the nature of Humanity:
  3. Therefore, this is what I believe about the care for the Earth:


Use APA referencing style. Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of article. Journal Title, Volume (Issue), Page numbers. Url/permalink.

November 18, 2023
November 18, 2023

Mental Health Conditions/Substance Abuse

Mental Health Conditions and Substance Abuse in Adolescent

Restate the aims of your research Then identify the population and the variables. Finally, refine your research question.

First, revise and state the purpose of your study:


Purpose: The purpose of the research is to compare level of trauma stress between adults on the autism spectrum who have experienced workplace bullying and those who have not experienced workplace bullying.

Mental Health Conditions/Substance Abuse

Next, identify the population and variables in your study. Provide an operational definition of the variables and identify the level of measurement for each variable.

Mental Health Conditions/Substance Abuse


Population: The population is employed adults on the autism spectrum

Independent variable: The independent variable is workplace bullying. This variable is defined as whether the person has experienced workplace bullying or not. The level of measurement would be nominal because there are two categories: bullied/not bullied.

Dependent variable: The dependent variable is the trauma stress effect of bullying. This variable is defined as level of trauma stress. The level of measure would be interval or ratio because the measurement tool will give trauma score.

Now, refine your research question. Make sure your population and variables are included in the question:


Do adults on the autism spectrum who experience workplace bullying have higher trauma stress levels than adults on the autism spectrum who have not experienced workplace bullying?


First, restate the aim of your study:


Next, identify the population and variables in your study:


Independent variable:

Dependent variable:

Now, refine your research question. Make sure your population and variables are included in the question:

Mental Health Conditions/Substance Abuse

Mental Health Conditions and Substance Abuse in Adolescent

Restate the aims of your research Then identify the population and the variables. Finally, refine your research question.

First, revise and state the purpose of your study:


Purpose: The purpose of the research is to compare level of trauma stress between adults on the autism spectrum who have experienced workplace bullying and those who have not experienced workplace bullying.

Next, identify the population and variables in your study. Provide an operational definition of the variables and identify the level of measurement for each variable.

Mental Health Conditions/Substance Abuse


Population: The population is employed adults on the autism spectrum

Independent variable: The independent variable is workplace bullying. This variable is defined as whether the person has experienced workplace bullying or not. The level of measurement would be nominal because there are two categories: bullied/not bullied.

Dependent variable: The dependent variable is the trauma stress effect of bullying. This variable is defined as level of trauma stress. The level of measure would be interval or ratio because the measurement tool will give trauma score.

Now, refine your research question. Make sure your population and variables are included in the question:


Do adults on the autism spectrum who experience workplace bullying have higher trauma stress levels than adults on the autism spectrum who have not experienced workplace bullying?


First, restate the aim of your study:


Next, identify the population and variables in your study:


Independent variable:

Dependent variable. Use APA referencing style.