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November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023

Men/Women Relationships-Discussion

How – in your view – men and women differ in their approaches to intimate relationships? Do you think that the traditional gender roles are appropriate in our society?

2. What ethical concerns arise from the use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), such as surrogacy and genetic manipulation? How do we balance individual reproductive rights with potential risks and consequences to society?

3. Lee and Sternberg proposed different types of love. In today’s society, with changing relationship dynamics and societal norms, do you think Lee’s and Sternberg’s theories adequately represents the complexity of modern relationships and love? Are certain love styles more conducive to long-term, committed relationships compared to others? How do these styles fare in various stages of a relationship?

Men/Women Relationships-Discussion

Human Development

View the Introduction video and listen or read “Metacognition: I Know (or Don’t Know) what I Know,” Then:
Define ‘metacognition’. Explain why metacognition is important.
Identify and discuss one biosocial and one psychosocial influence on ‘metacognition,’ and explain what makes them influences on this cognitive development.
This week students were asked to read chapters 12 and 13. Identify and discuss two things from each chapter that you learned this week.

Men/Women Relationships-Discussion

How – in your view – men and women differ in their approaches to intimate relationships? Do you think that the traditional gender roles are appropriate in our society?

2. What ethical concerns arise from the use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), such as surrogacy and genetic manipulation? How do we balance individual reproductive rights with potential risks and consequences to society?

3. Lee and Sternberg proposed different types of love. In today’s society, with changing relationship dynamics and societal norms, do you think Lee’s and Sternberg’s theories adequately represents the complexity of modern relationships and love? Are certain love styles more conducive to long-term, committed relationships compared to others? How do these styles fare in various stages of a relationship?

Men/Women Relationships-Discussion

Human Development

View the Introduction video and listen or read “Metacognition: I Know (or Don’t Know) what I Know,” Then:
Define ‘metacognition’. Explain why metacognition is important.
Identify and discuss one biosocial and one psychosocial influence on ‘metacognition,’ and explain what makes them influences on this cognitive development.
This week students were asked to read chapters 12 and 13. Identify and discuss two things from each chapter that you learned this week. Use APA referencing style.

November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023

Leadership Traits Presentation

This week’s assignment is to create a Powerpoint presentation. This presentation should be 12 slides long in addition to a cover page and a reference page. Use bullets on most slides but each page should include a note section with at least 150 words in addition to the slide (VIEW/NOTES). Cite your work, limit quotes, and edit your work well for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Quotes should always be rare and properly cited. Slides or notes with excessive quotes will have deductions. Use your own words.

Leadership Traits Presentation

Leadership Traits Presentation

Assignment – Examine Trait, Skills, Behavioral, Situational, and Path-goal approaches/theories of leadership. Prepare a presentation as if you were a leadership instructor. You are to prepare it so you will be able to teach a lesson to a class. Using the five approaches/theories of leadership we have discussed in the first three weeks of class, document what the approach or theory is based on, how it is different than the others, and when it is best used. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each one. Give examples of when each theory would work best. For example, consider different positions like a construction plant manager or a school principal or a nurse. What approach would work best for different positions? Incorporate that into your lesson. Your goal is to have your audience (students) understand the five approaches and when to use them.

Leadership Traits Presentation

This week’s assignment is to create a Powerpoint presentation. This presentation should be 12 slides long in addition to a cover page and a reference page. Use bullets on most slides but each page should include a note section with at least 150 words in addition to the slide (VIEW/NOTES). Cite your work, limit quotes, and edit your work well for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Quotes should always be rare and properly cited. Slides or notes with excessive quotes will have deductions. Use your own words. Use APA referencing style.

November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023

Child & Adolescent Development Projects

Self-reflection Review one of the developmental theories presented in our textbook (e.g., Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory, Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory, Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory) or review 2-3 research studies that focus on one of the topics covered in the textbook (e.g., parenting styles, adolescent attachment, early/late maturation, achievement) to determine the focus of your reflection. Choose one theory or research focus. Reflect on your own experiences when you were adapting to a specific1 developmental experience, change, or challenge. This experience should be related to the theory or research studies you’ve reviewed above. Provide detailed descriptions of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors during the selected experience. You may want to journal your thoughts throughout the reflection so that you have a written record that you can refer to as you write the second section of the paper. Discuss how the research studies or theory you’ve chosen relates to or might explain the process you went through during this period of development. 1 Your self-reflection should focus on a particular experience or group of closely related experiences around a particular challenge you faced. It should not be a list of loosely connected memories of experiences.

Child & Adolescent Development Projects

Child & Adolescent Development Projects

Organization of Paper

The final paper should be organized as follows:

Section 1: Description of the theory, theoretical stage, and/or research findings you will study. Try to focus on aspects of the theory/research that are relevant to what you will gather information on in Section 2. For example, do not provide detailed descriptions of Piaget’s four stages if you are only looking at one of them. (1 – 1½ pages) Section

2: Detailed description of the relevant information you gathered during your observation, reflection, or interview – describe what you saw and heard that is related to the theory or research you reviewed in Section 1. (2 – 2½ pages) Section

3: Discuss how the information presented in Section 2 supports, conflicts, or extends the theory or research you reviewed in Section 1. Here is where you can explain why you think something you observed, heard, or reflected on did or did not match with what the theory or research would predict. Remember it is important to discuss when what you saw or heard supports the theory as well as when what you saw conflicts with the theory or research findings. (1 – 2 pages). Use APA referencing style.

November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023

Psychology Research Presentation

Your video should be at least 5 minutes in length, but no longer than 10 minutes. Using the guidelines included below, either use Microsoft PowerPoint or Zoom to record yourself giving a talk about your primary research findings. Your video should do the following:

Psychology Research Presentation

Introduce yourself.
Tell the audience about your topic and why you picked it.
Explain the methods for your primary research (these are the details from Milestone #3)
And then go over the findings from your original research — either share your survey results or explain what you learned from your interview.
It is important to note just say what you learned but to also explain why it is important.
Tell the audience about your topic and why you picked it.

End the video with a thoughtful conclusion — how is the information you learned useful? How could people benefit from your research?
How could people benefit from your research?
I will be posting a video tutorial on how to complete the recording. You should consider how you want to share your information. I recommend making a few slides that you can show to outline the important points you are speaking about.

Psychology Research Presentation

Your video should be at least 5 minutes in length, but no longer than 10 minutes. Using the guidelines included below, either use Microsoft PowerPoint or Zoom to record yourself giving a talk about your primary research findings. Your video should do the following:

Introduce yourself.
Tell the audience about your topic and why you picked it
Explain the methods for your primary research (these are the details from Milestone #3)
And then go over the findings from your original research — either share your survey results or explain what you learned from your interview.
It is important to note just say what you learned but to also explain why it is important.
End the video with a thoughtful conclusion — how is the information you learned useful? How could people benefit from your research?
I will be posting a video tutorial on how to complete the recording. You should consider how you want to share your information. I recommend making a few slides that you can show to outline the important points you are speaking about. Use APA referencing style.

November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023

Mental Health in Adolescents

1. Population: Briefly describe your population

2. Quantitative Research
Method: Describe the method or approach you would use in your study. Examples: experimental, pre-experimental, quasi-experimental, action research, etc.

Mental Health in Adolescents

3. Inclusion criteria: Characteristics your population must have to be in your study.

4. Exclusion criteria: Characteristics that would be reasons to exclude people from your study

5. Sampling and recruiting methods: Name the sampling method you will use. Describe how you will find and recruit participants for your study.

Mental Health in Adolescents

1. Population: Briefly describe your population

2. Quantitative Research
Method: Describe the method or approach you would use in your study. Examples: experimental, pre-experimental, quasi-experimental, action research, etc.

3. Inclusion criteria: Characteristics your population must have to be in your study.

4. Exclusion criteria: Characteristics that would be reasons to exclude people from your study

5. Sampling and recruiting methods: Name the sampling method you will use. Describe how you will find and recruit participants for your study.

Mental Health in Adolescents

1. Population: Briefly describe your population

2. Quantitative Research
Method: Describe the method or approach you would use in your study. Examples: experimental, pre-experimental, quasi-experimental, action research, etc.

3. Inclusion criteria: Characteristics your population must have to be in your study.

4. Exclusion criteria: Characteristics that would be reasons to exclude people from your study

5. Sampling and recruiting methods: Name the sampling method you will use. Describe how you will find and recruit participants for your study.

Mental Health in Adolescents

1. Population: Briefly describe your population

2. Quantitative Research
Method: Describe the method or approach you would use in your study. Examples: experimental, pre-experimental, quasi-experimental, action research, etc.

3. Inclusion criteria: Characteristics your population must have to be in your study.

4. Exclusion criteria: Characteristics that would be reasons to exclude people from your study.

5. Sampling and recruiting methods: Name the sampling method you will use. Describe how you will find and recruit participants for your study. Use APA referencing style.

November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023

Health Promotion Plan Assignment

This week’s assignment will provide you with the outline for your Patient Education Brochure that you will develop later in the course. By completing the Health Promotion Plan template, you will:

  1. Identify a short-term goal that indicates what the reader can accomplish by reading your brochure.
  2. List three objectives you want the reader of your brochure to achieve.
  3. Provide details and rationale for each objective.
  4. Outline the content you will use in the brochure to help your reader achieve the stated objectives.
  5. Plan an evaluation strategy for each objective.
  6. Use evidence to support each of your rationales and evaluation strategies. Provide references for scholarly or professional sources used.

Submit your completed Health Promotion Plan template to this dropbox for grading.

Health Promotion Plan - Dropbox Assignment

Health Promotion Plan Assignment

This week’s assignment will provide you with the outline for your Patient Education Brochure that you will develop later in the course. By completing the Health Promotion Plan template, you will:

  1. Identify a short-term goal that indicates what the reader can accomplish by reading your brochure.
  2. List three objectives you want the reader of your brochure to achieve.
  3. Provide details and rationale for each objective.
  4. Outline the content you will use in the brochure to help your reader achieve the stated objectives.
  5. Plan an evaluation strategy for each objective.
  6. Use evidence to support each of your rationales and evaluation strategies. Provide references for scholarly or professional sources used.

Submit your completed Health Promotion Plan template to this dropbox for grading.

Health Promotion Plan Assignment

This week’s assignment will provide you with the outline for your Patient Education Brochure that you will develop later in the course. By completing the Health Promotion Plan template, you will:

  1. Identify a short-term goal that indicates what the reader can accomplish by reading your brochure.
  2. List three objectives you want the reader of your brochure to achieve.
  3. Provide details and rationale for each objective.
  4. Outline the content you will use in the brochure to help your reader achieve the stated objectives.
  5. Plan an evaluation strategy for each objective.
  6. Use evidence to support each of your rationales and evaluation strategies. Provide references for scholarly or professional sources used.

Submit your completed Health Promotion Plan template to this dropbox for grading.

November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023

Cultural Diversity Discussion Assignment

Select one of the discussion prompts below and respond to it with an initial post by Day #4 of the unit week. Your initial post needs to thoroughly address all parts of the selected prompt and be supported by at least one scholarly source. Then, respond to at least two threads on two additional days to drive the weekly discussions. All posts must demonstrate critical thinking and effective written communication including proper spelling, grammar, professional language, and APA formatting of references and in-text citations. All posts must also be submitted no later than the last day of the unit week.

Discussion Prompts

Prompt #1

Take a day or a week in your present life and list all things tied to religion. These can include religious structures in your neighborhood, religious or spiritual study groups, saying prayers before meals, the pledge of allegiance, cultural festivities, social media messages, or tv shows and movies with religious connotations. What do you observe? Is it a picture of religious diversity? Do you or people in your social settings practice religious tolerance or religious inclusivity? Explain with specific examples.

(USLO 5.1)

Cultural Diversity Discussion

Cultural Diversity Discussion Assignment

Prompt #2

In the U.S., which religions are preferred, and which are not? Discuss reasons behind religious privilege and how it impacts people belonging to faiths that are in the minority? Provide examples of individual and institutional forms of religious and spiritual oppression that people experience in the U.S. And list a few social outreach efforts to help diminish religious persecution and provide a sense of community to adherents of all religions.

(USLO 5.2)

Prompt #3

After reading through the unit on religion and spiritual identities,

  • Has your perspective about them changed? If yes, how did it change; if no, why not? Explain.
  • Are you more comfortable conversing about belief systems that are different from your own? Elaborate.
  • Do you have any reservations to stand up as an ally for religious equity and inclusion? Reflect.

(USLO 5.3)

Cultural Diversity Discussion Assignment

Prompt #4

What is a stereotype about your religion/spirituality/non-religion beliefs that upsets you, and why? If there are more than one, include them as well in your response. How would you explain your beliefs to others to educate people about the harmful effects of stereotyping?  Reflect on ways you can create a “safe place” for conversations on religion and spiritual identities different from your own.

(USLO 5.3)

Prompt #5

Why should workplaces, specifically healthcare providers/organizations, be knowledgeable about diversity, equity, and inclusion in the context of religion/spiritual/non-religion identities? Research at least two real-case scenarios in which an individual’s religion/spiritual/non-religion identity had detrimental effects on the person.  What steps would you take to prevent similar incidents from happening? Use APA referencing style.

November 25, 2023
November 25, 2023

Child Portfolio Creation

Throughout this course, you have been creating a portfolio that travels with the child you chose. This week, you will focus on preschoolers. For this assignment, you will consider the child you observed in this week’s discussion. Using the template provided, you will complete the Part 3 sections.

Child Portfolio Creation

To prepare for this assignment,

Watch Early Childhood: Using Data to Inform Instruction Links to an external site..
Watch The Characteristics of Effective Learning: An OverviewLinks to an external site..
Watch Learning through play: A Documentary: 3 to 4 year oldLinks to an external site.
Watch Indoor and Outdoor Learning EnvironmentLinks to an external site..
Watch Early Childhood: Social, Emotional, and Cognitive LearningLinks to an external site..
Read the webpage section More Parenting Tips and ActivitiesLinks to an external site..
Review the courses offered on the PreschoolLinks to an external site. Virtual Lab School webpage.
Find and open your latest version of the Child Portfolio Binder template on your computer. You will be adding on to this document.
Using the Part 3 portion of the template, complete the following on preschoolers:

Child Portfolio Creation

Complete the anecdotal record from this week’s discussion observation.
Summarize three key take-aways from the observation you conducted this week.
Discuss two developmentally appropriate activities to incorporate in the classroom.
The activities must address at least two different domains.
At least one activity must be play-based.
Describe how you would use one topic from the Preschool Links to an external site. Virtual Lab School webpage to further support the needs or strengths of this student.
Describe two elements from a learning environment and how they nurture the physical, socio-emotional, language, or cognitive milestones of this child.
Discuss at least two different domains.
Explain two activities the family can do at home to support this child’s growth and development.
The Child Portfolio Part 3 assignment
Must be two pages in length and formatted according to the template.
Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic VoiceLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance.
Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text. Cite and reference these sources in APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center.
The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source.
To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view the Quick and Easy Library Research Links to an external site. tutorial, which introduces the UAGC Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips Use APA referencing style.

November 25, 2023
November 25, 2023

Critical Infrastructure(coco)

Critical infrastructure (CI) resilience refers to the ability of CIs to absorb, resist, adapt and recover from the effects caused by a disruptive event. Examples of CIs include the supply of energy (oil, gas, and electricity), information and communication technology (including telecommunications and navigation), nuclear industry, water supply, healthcare (hospitals, medicines, and vaccines), provision of financial services (banks and insurance), civil administration (government functions and facilities), and function of transportation systems (road transport, railway transport, and air traffic). The most reported threats/hazards against CI are (1) natural disasters, (2) aging and decay, (3) cyber threats, (4) terrorist activities, (5) contamination, and (6) cascading failure/threat.

Critical Infrastracture(coco)

How would you promote the adoption and implementation of effective critical infrastructure resilience strategies to develop CI resilience instead of only focusing on the protection of CI?

Critical infrastructure (CI) resilience refers to the ability of CIs to absorb, resist, adapt and recover from the effects caused by a disruptive event. Examples of CIs include the supply of energy (oil, gas, and electricity), information and communication technology (including telecommunications and navigation), nuclear industry, water supply, healthcare (hospitals, medicines, and vaccines), provision of financial services (banks and insurance), civil administration (government functions and facilities), and function of transportation systems (road transport, railway transport, and air traffic). The most reported threats/hazards against CI are (1) natural disasters, (2) aging and decay, (3) cyber threats, (4) terrorist activities, (5) contamination, and (6) cascading failure/threat.

How would you promote the adoption and implementation of effective critical infrastructure resilience strategies to develop CI resilience instead of only focusing on the protection of CI?

Critical Infrastructure(coco)

Critical infrastructure (CI) resilience refers to the ability of CIs to absorb, resist, adapt and recover from the effects caused by a disruptive event. Examples of CIs include the supply of energy (oil, gas, and electricity), information and communication technology (including telecommunications and navigation), nuclear industry, water supply, healthcare (hospitals, medicines, and vaccines), provision of financial services (banks and insurance), civil administration (government functions and facilities), and function of transportation systems (road transport, railway transport, and air traffic). The most reported threats/hazards against CI are (1) natural disasters, (2) aging and decay, (3) cyber threats, (4) terrorist activities, (5) contamination, and (6) cascading failure/threat.

How would you promote the adoption and implementation of effective critical infrastructure resilience strategies to develop CI resilience instead of only focusing on the protection of CI? Use APA referencing style.

November 25, 2023
November 25, 2023

Family’s Voice

The purpose of this assignment is to interpret and special considerations for families of children with special needs from their children’s birth through high school.


Write a reflection discussing your thoughts on this week’s course content.
Try to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes and think about the impact of having a child with disabilities has on parents, siblings, and other family members.
Make sure to include how placing yourself in this situation would make you a better educator. (Basically, how does walking a mile in their shoes help you do your job better?)
Save your reflection on a word document.

Family's Voice

Family’s Voice

The purpose of this assignment is to interpret and special considerations for families of children with special needs from their children’s birth through high school.


Write a reflection discussing your thoughts on this week’s course content.
Try to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes and think about the impact of having a child with disabilities has on parents, siblings, and other family members.
Make sure to include how placing yourself in this situation would make you a better educator. (Basically, how does walking a mile in their shoes help you do your job better?)
Save your reflection on a word document.

Family’s Voice

The purpose of this assignment is to interpret and special considerations for families of children with special needs from their children’s birth through high school.


Write a reflection discussing your thoughts on this week’s course content.
Try to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes and think about the impact of having a child with disabilities has on parents, siblings, and other family members.
Make sure to include how placing yourself in this situation would make you a better educator. (Basically, how does walking a mile in their shoes help you do your job better?)
Save your reflection on a word document.

The purpose of this assignment is to interpret and special considerations for families of children with special needs from their children’s birth through high school.


Write a reflection discussing your thoughts on this week’s course content.
Try to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes and think about the impact of having a child with disabilities has on parents /siblings and other family members.
Make sure to include how placing yourself in this situation would make you a better educator. (Basically, how does walking a mile in their shoes help you do your job better?)
Save your reflection on a word document. Use APA referencing style.