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November 30, 2023
November 30, 2023

Personal Brand Marketing

Online, content is king. It is the equivalent to your brand’s currency. You’ll need to consistently deliver valuable and relevant content for purpose of grabbing the attention of your target audience while helping them move closer to the point of hiring you or working with you in some way. The richest form of content is video due to its consumption rate and versatility.

By completing this assignment, you will be able to: (1) Tell your personal brand story through videos that help move viewers closer to working with you by applying call-to-actions that convert, (2) Craft your brand’s message and position your brand so that it speaks directly to your target audience, and (3) Identify and produce the type of content your target audience desires.

Personal Brand Marketing

To prepare for your project this week, complete the following:
Watch a few of the student examples provided below (click on the links to navigate to the demo site). There are many different creative directions you can take this personal brand video. Watching these examples will help move you in the right direction.
Attend all lectures, take notes, and ask clarifying questions.
Personal Brand Video: Student Examples
Take a few moments are review some of the student examples found on the demo site linked below. These examples should inspire and show you how many creative paths your personal brand video could take to meet the project’s intent and objectives.

Personal Brand Marketing


Please note that these are not all expects of perfect student work and, therefore, should not be mimicked exactly. They may be missing the required components. Use them for inspiration on how many ways you can tell your story.

For inspiration [ONLY], consider the professional personal brand videos I found on YouTube (located below).

Note: these are not Full Sail students nor is their work affiliated in any way with this project, course, or University.

While the production quality in these videos is beyond what is expected for this assignment, the concepts applied throughout (storytelling, unique value proposition, professionalism, brand advantage, brand position, vision, values, purpose, and passions) are precisely what you should include in your video.
Professional Level:

Personal Brand Video
For this assignment, you will create a personal brand video that will eventually be embedded in the header section of your website’s portfolio page.
Create a personal brand video that tells your professional story to your chosen THREE TARGET AUDIENCE MEMBERS from week 1. You must speak through the entirety of this video.

The video should showcase your

unique value proposition,
brand position,
professional philosophy,
and personal attributes.
However, do not simply present these in bulleted format. Instead, tell the story of your professional journey thus far and provide a glimpse into where you are headed in your career in a proper story structure. This should be of interest to those three audience members based on your research.
The video must have a strategic call-to-action that gives the viewer something to do immediately after watching the video. This must be said out loud (verbally) and shown on the screen at the same time. It may help to spell out any hard-to-spell names.

Personal Brand Marketing

For instance, “To learn more about how I can help your company improve its digital marketing campaigns, please contact me by visiting my LinkedIn page at www.linkedin.com/in/my name.”
The video needs to be short and concise, between 1-3 minutes long, and you must appear on camera at some point in the video (preferably the entire video). After all, this video is all about you as a professional.

If you choose to include b-roll narration in the video, then please be sure to include pictures of you so the viewer walks away with a visual of who you are and what you do. Once the video is completed, upload the video file to your YouTube channel and publish it. For this activity, it is recommended that you do NOT use background music.

Lastly, your video must be uploaded to YouTube and set to either Public or Unlisted.

***If your video is set to Private, your instructor, and your website visitors will not be able to view the video, which means it cannot be graded and, worse, cannot be viewed by your intended audience.

The personal brand video should be uploaded to YouTube and set to Public OR Unlisted. Use APA referencing style.

November 30, 2023
November 30, 2023

Korean Dramas

The paper should be structured with an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion for a total of 4-5 pages double spaced in length or 1000-1250 words, MLA format. Be sure to have the paper proofread prior to submission. Your research should include at least two academic journals Please be sure to include answers to these questions: 1. What are the origins of your topic? 1. How was it created? 2. Was it an act of hybridity, if so, explain. 3. Transnationalism? 2. Why aspects of it make you consider this an Asian American popular culture phenomenon? 1. What made it become so popular? 3. Is it possible to consider it an American popular culture phenomenon? 4. What enabled it’s longevity and/or hurt it’s lasting power?

Korean Dramas

Korean Dramas

The paper should be structured with an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion for a total of 4-5 pages double spaced in length or 1000-1250 words, MLA format. Be sure to have the paper proofread prior to submission. Your research should include at least two academic journals Please be sure to include answers to these questions: 1. What are the origins of your topic? 1. How was it created? 2. Was it an act of hybridity, if so, explain. 3. Transnationalism? 2. Why aspects of it make you consider this an Asian American popular culture phenomenon? 1. What made it become so popular? 3. Is it possible to consider it an American popular culture phenomenon? 4. What enabled it’s longevity and/or hurt it’s lasting power?

Korean Dramas

The paper should be structured with an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion for a total of 4-5 pages double spaced in length or 1000-1250 words, MLA format. Be sure to have the paper proofread prior to submission. Your research should include at least two academic journals Please be sure to include answers to these questions: 1. What are the origins of your topic? 1. How was it created? 2. Was it an act of hybridity, if so, explain. 3. Transnationalism? 2. Why aspects of it make you consider this an Asian American popular culture phenomenon? 1. What made it become so popular? 3. Is it possible to consider it an American popular culture phenomenon? 4. What enabled it’s longevity and/or hurt it’s lasting power?

November 30, 2023
November 30, 2023

Personal Brand Exploration

Personal branding is a strategic marketing approach that allows you to successfully promote yourself for the sake of fulfilling your life’s work. Developing a strong personal brand requires you to clearly state who you are, who you want to serve, and how you are different than your competition. A successful brand delivers a clear, consistent, and constant message designed to help you achieve your career goals. But perhaps most importantly, a strong personal brand affords you a higher quality of life as you embrace your fullest potential through authenticity and transparency. Anne Morrow Lindbergh said it best, “The most exhausting thing you can do is to be inauthentic.”

Personal Brand Exploration

The purpose of this project is to help you understand your personal brand and how to improve it. The Canvas concept is easy to use and serves as a practical visual framework that helps you understand why you are unique and how to let your future employer, customers, or clients know it. You will also continue to build the foundations of your digital portfolio website.

To prepare for your project this week, complete the following:
Conduct the appropriate research as indicated below under the header “Research.”
It is up to you to discover and develop your personal brand. However, it is important to do the required research so that you can properly focus your brand on an appropriate target audience. In other words, you should be clear with your audience that you solve their problems and/or meet their needs/wants. You want to stand out above other people that you are competing against for your audience’s attention.
For most undergraduate students, your target audience will likely be hiring managers at companies that you want to work for. For entrepreneurs, your audience will likely be companies that you want to do work for, investors and/or people that you want to sell ad space to on a podcast, radio station or other media outlets.
For this project, it may be best to focus your search on companies that you would like to work for (or with as an entrepreneur) and your future occupation (or current). You will use a few websites to conduct your research and then reflect on your readiness to meet the needs of an employer or potential client.

Personal Brand Exploration

In preparation for your project this week, please complete the following:
Go to Onet Online and research at least three occupations (job titles) that you think you might want to explore for your future. You may have to try a few titles for information since not all job titles will be found in this system. Take note of the information that comes up related to tasks, skills, knowledge, activities, etc.
Search LinkedIn and/or ZipRecruiter for different companies that you may be interested in working with/for. Take a look at the job postings that these companies have posted. Take note of the information displayed related to tasks, skills, requirements, knowledge, and education. You may also want to look up job titles and look at what individuals holding those positions do in their jobs (this may be listed on their profile pages).
Review the companies and jobs that you researched on LinkedIn and Onet Online within Glassdoor.com. Make notes of the content in the reviews for the companies, salary ranges, benefits, strengths and weaknesses, challenges, etc.
Search for a “career” page directly on the website of a few companies you would like to work for. This page is typically found in the footer area at the bottom of the site. Take a look at the job postings that these companies have posted. Take note of the information displayed related to tasks, skills, requirements, knowledge, and education.


Personal Brand Exploration

Complete the following:
Personal Brand Exploration Presentation
Develop a presentation using Keynote or PowerPoint that explores the following components of your personal brand. Each component below with [RESEARCH-BASED] next to it must relate back to your findings during your research efforts and should have cited sources.

Title Slide – Include the title “Personal Brand Exploration,” your name, course, and date.
Identity – Briefly summarize what makes you unique. Include a glimpse into your core values or principles, culture, professional history, personal attributes, and more.
Profession – Which industry, market, and/or field do you want to work within? Be specific. Include three (3) job title variations you discovered on OnetOnline.org. Include a brief synopsis of how you approach your work differently than others through the prism of your top brand archetype (Week 1 discussion). [RESEARCH-BASED]
Target Audience – Which group of employers, customers, or clients need to know you? Address this both broadly and specifically. i.e., “recruiters and hiring managers at Company X” and “Jane Doe, HR Director at Company X.” Find three people within the broad category of your target audience that you will reach out to in the near future. Include a brief explanation of your plan to prepare for, make contact with, and follow up with all three of your ideal audience members. [RESEARCH-BASED]
Career Goals – List three (3) career goals you hope to achieve over the course of your life’s work. Do so by breaking these goals up into short-term (immediately following graduation), mid-term (5-10 years), and long-term (15-20 years) goals. Write your goals with specific and measurable attributes. i.e., “I will grow my brand awareness online by developing and consistently publishing branded content on my social media platforms. Specifically, I will increase my LinkedIn connections by 15% by December 31, 2020.”
Skills Analysis – Articulate your two (2) most notable hard (technical) skills and two (2) most notable soft (transferrable) skills to date. Indicate your proficiency in each skill by highlighting Novice, Adept, or Expert. Include two (2) most notable hard skills and two (2) most notable soft skills required in your trade and grade your current proficiency in each skill. NOTE: the purpose of this slide is to identify gaps in your skillsets, so focus on skills you can improve upon under the “required in trade” section. This information must be derived from OnetOnline.org and/or directly from a job description of a company of interest. [RESEARCH-BASED]
Promise – Include a single sentence that accurately reflects a promise you will make to your target audience. What value will you provide your audience? What promise will you make to your future employer, customers, or clients? What problem(s) do you solve? This will eventually be updated/revised as a version of the personal brand statement you publish on your About page.
Credentials – Include elements such as your work experience, education, awards, leadership roles, volunteer work, certifications, and more. Why are you credible? What makes you trustworthy to your future employer, customers, or clients? These credentials should speak directly to the “Required Qualifications” and/or “Preferred Qualifications” listed in the job description(s) you discovered during your research in Week 1. [RESEARCH-BASED]
Competition – Include two (2) separate slides comparing and contrasting your current personal brand with the personal brand of two (2) people on LinkedIn who would be considered your competition. One should be a fellow Full Sail student in your degree program or a recent alum from your degree program. Another should be someone currently holding a similar position to the one you are seeking immediately following graduation. Include at least these five elements in each review: (1) Industry Experience, (2) Education, (3) Leadership / Noteworthy Experience, (4) Skills & Proficiencies, and (5) Overall Online Presence. [RESEARCH-BASED]
Competition – See above. [RESEARCH-BASED]
Brand Position – Speak to your audience’s emotions in a statement that reflects how others will benefit from interacting with you. “It’s not a factual claim, but rather, an emotional reason for people to want to be around you. It should capture the essence of who you are and how you have defined your personal brand” (Joseph, 2013, para. 5). Why should someone hire or work with you rather than your competition? How do you want your audience to think of you? How are you different than your competition? This requires you to compare and contrast yourself to your competitors.

Personal Brand Exploration

Networking & Marketing – List three (3) industry events you will attend and/or professional organizations you will join over the next two years. Include the dates and locations for each. State the primary type of content you will produce and publish online on a regular basis. State the primary social media tools you will use to promote and disseminate your content while building your platform. Lastly, include how you will use your digital portfolio to help market your personal brand online. [RESEARCH-BASED]
Professional Development – Include formal education, technical and transferrable skills, and mentorship opportunities you will pursue based on the gap that currently exists between who you are today and who you are becoming professionally. This requires you to review the skills/experience gap you discovered while researching job opportunities in your field. What do you need to improve upon in order to reach your career goals and how will you go about making these improvements? What skills and abilities do you need to develop to stand out from your competition? What type of mentor or coach will you seek to help you develop professionally? How much time do you need to dedicate to these improvements? When will you complete each initiative? [RESEARCH-BASED]
Elevator Pitch – Write your elevator pitch using the following formula: Problem + Solution + Proof. i.e. “You know [problem]? Well, what I do is [solution]. In fact, [proof].” You must include your name and professional headshot on this slide as well.
EXAMPLE: Website Development: “You know how most company websites are out of date. Well, what I do is install software that makes it easy for people to update their own websites, without the need to pay a web designer each time. In fact, I installed the software for one of my clients recently and they saved $2,000 a year in web development costs.”
References – Include references slide citing all sources used throughout the presentation. Examples of required sources include LinkedIn, Company Sites, Glassdoor, Industry Sites, Oneto line, and ZipRecruiter. This must be delivered in proper APA-style formatting.
The presentation must be exactly 15 slides long (using the required template), including a title slide, references slide (APA format), and one slide per section outlined above.

The presentation should include imagery that connects to your personal brand and should detail your thoughts comprehensively using text since you will not be orally presenting the presentation. Use APA referencing style.

November 30, 2023
November 30, 2023

Understanding Research Paper Assignment


The purpose of the Understanding Research Paper Assignment is to critically examine a research article using Jordan & Zanna’s (1999) recommendations for evaluating a research study. This resource is found in the Learn section of Module 5: Week 5. Please locate and read a research article on any topic in psychology that interests you, using the Jerry Falwell Library databases. If you are not familiar with the Jerry Falwell Library and how to find resources, please watch the brief Library tutorial located on the Understanding Research Paper Assignment page under the Understanding Research Paper Resources. Also, please read the information on Defining Databases and Journals located under the Understanding Research Paper Resources on the Understanding Research Paper Assignment page for information on what a scholarly journal article is and how to find them in the research databases.

Understanding Research Paper Assignment


For this Assignment, please locate and read an article on any topic in psychology that interests you. Actively read the article using the evaluation recommendations of Jordan & Zanna (1999).  In your reading by Jordan & Zanna (1999), there are questions to guide you through an evaluation of each section of your research article. Use those questions to actively read the journal article you have selected, and then write a 2–3 page summary evaluation of the article that includes the following:

  • A concise description of the purpose of the study and research questions.
  • An evaluation of the method of the study. Briefly describe how the researcher(s) collected the data for the study and then report any limitations you see. For example, evaluate their sample, how the variables were measured, and any other methodological factors that may have affected the study.
  • A brief description of the results found. What were the major findings? Did the findings support the researchers’ hypotheses?
  • An evaluation of how the authors discussed the findings. Do you agree with how they discussed the findings of their study? Are there possible alternative explanations for what they found (or didn’t find)? Are there things about the way the study was conducted (described above) that could explain why the authors found what they found (or didn’t find)?

The Understanding Research Paper Assignment must also include a title page and reference page in current APA format. The Assignment must include an introduction and conclusion in addition to the body, as outlined above. The title page and reference page are not included in the 2–3 page requirement. Please note that the Understanding Research Paper Assignment is meant to be a concise summary and evaluation of a research article using the recommendations of Jordan & Zanna (1999). You are not expected to review all limitations, but rather to point out some factors that you notice when you critically evaluated the article. Be sure to review the criteria on the Understanding Research Paper Grading Rubric before beginning the Understanding Research Paper Assignment.

November 30, 2023
November 30, 2023

Professional Headshot

As you continue developing your digital portfolio, you’ll need to consider what story will be told through this website. In many instances, your website will give your target audience a first impression of who you are and the value you can potentially provide. The overall look and feel of your site’s design should be purposeful and strategic.

Furthermore, a professional headshot can tell future employers and clients a good deal about your personal brand. This week, begin thinking about how your headshot can align with what you want to be known for. In other words, attention to detail is extremely important when preparing for and taking your headshot.

Professional Headshot

Professional Headshot

By completing this discussion, you will be able to:
Research headshots of professionals on LinkedIn.com.
Take a professional headshot that aligns with personal brand.
Discuss how a headshot conveys the message of a personal brand.
For this discussion, you will write a little bit about yourself and your brand and share the first “draft” of your professional headshot. You will also solicit public feedback and feedback from your classmates to be able to finalize a headshot to be shared on your digital portfolio site.
In preparation for your first post, please complete the following:
START THIS DISCUSSION EARLY…by Monday afternoon if possible.
Watch “Business Content: Why you need a Headshot & Personal Branding” to understand the importance of having a great headshot for your personal brand.
Read “Here’s How You Can Fake a Professional Headshot Photo Shoot for Free” for some tips on taking your own professional looking photo for your personal brand.
Make a list of the skills that you have, the industry that you want to be in and what you want to be known for.
Research people in similar positions on LinkedIn and the web and take note of the clothing they are wearing, the expressions on their faces, the background, and the general set up of the photos they have as their profile pictures.
Plan out and take your new professional headshot.
As a reminder, these are common guidelines for headshots and will be assessed as part of your grade:
Dress appropriately for your industry AND your field
Scout out a location for the photo; the location must not distract from your professionalism.
Include your whole head in the headshot.
Make the shot tight (close-up); you should be 80% of the picture.
Use proper focus.
Use proper cropping.
Use proper framing.
Use proper lighting.
Upload your brand-new headshot to Photofeeler.com. Set your photo to “Business” category.
You must obtain at least 15 votes to solidify and validate the results. Vote on several other photos on Photofeeler.com. This will give you “Karma points” and help you get more votes from the public. Screenshot your profile screen/scores after you have voted for a bit.
For your first post (due by Wednesday at 11:59 pm ET):

Professional Headshot

In at least two full paragraphs, respond to the prompts below. Ensure you use details from the content above and provide further personal explanations.
Consider your brand archetype results from Week 1’s discussion board.
How do you want your visitors to feel after visiting your future portfolio site (coming in week 4)?
How do you want your visitors to remember you?
What personality traits, personal anecdotes, mission, and purpose will you try to convey in your website’s imagery?
How will your portfolio website’s imagery effectively communicate your values, principles, or ideas to your visitors?
Embed your new headshot (high-quality) and the screenshot of your Photofeeler.com page that shows your picture and the votes earned (you must have 15 votes before posting).
Discuss the following as it aligns with your headshot:
(1) What is your future industry and occupation?
(2) What are you trying to convey in your headshot?
(3) Why did you choose the background, clothing, and facial expression?
(4) Why do you feel this picture best aligns with your personal brand? Use APA referencing style.

November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023

Supply Chain Management


We are the Best & Co. is a Company located near to Barcelona.

They manufacture and distribute computer screens.

The are producing 5 different models (screen sizes).

Sales volume of the different sizes during the last 3 years was as follows:

Supply Chain Management

























In order to assembly any model, 10 different components are required.

Six of these components are common two all models whereas the other four are specific for each size.

Profit and loss results of the last three years as well the forecasted one for 2022 are as follows:





















Supply Chain Management










Supply Chain Management








































The behavior of the available cash has been the following:


Supply Chain Management




















“We are the Best” is selling the screens in Spain, France and Portugal.

Customers are big distribution Companies as well wholesalers.

30% of the total sales are concentrated during the Christmas period.

Main customers in 2021 were (under brackets central warehouse)

El Corte Inglés (Madrid): 5 Mio €
Carrefour (Paris): 3,5 Mio €
FNAC (Barcelona): 3 Mio €
The rest are 9 wholesalers/distributors located in Bilbao (2), Valencia (2), Zaragoza, Sevilla, Oporto (Portugal), Vigo and Bordeaux (France).
All these customers bought less than 0,5 Mio € each.
There is also a huge potential customer (between 3 and 4 Mio € sales) located in Lisbon (Portugal). Big marketing and sales efforts have been made trying to catch this customer.

“We are the best” has 4 warehouses: Barcelona (located in the factory), Madrid, Sevilla and Zaragoza. Inventory of all manufactured products (sizes) is available in all warehouses. Additionally, they always have safety stock of at least 20 days average sales of all products in the central warehouse.

The delivery time agreed with customers are 4 labor days.

Total time for assembly is 2 days.

Factory works from Monday to Friday.

Organization is as follows.

Owner/Managing Director: Joan Soler

Sales and Marketing Manager: Sonia González

Manufacturing and Purchasing: Raúl López

Logistics manager (Transportation and Warehousing): Rafael González

Financial Manager: Pilar Gómez

They have a Board of Directors meeting once a month. Everyone explains improvement and results in their area. Raul and Rafael are very good friends. They work very closely. They think they shouldn´t need any sales department because “with only 3 main customers, Mr. Soler could take care of them”. “Why do we need marketing if there are no new customers to discover.?”

“We give a good service. There are no stockouts and customers are satisfied with our quality.”

Although “We are the best” is the only computer screens manufacturer located in Spain, their market share in the Spanish market is 18%. Their competitors are foreign Companies.
During last Board of Directors Sonia proposed she would like to work closely with Raúl and Rafael. She though it would be a good idea to show to customers the assembly process as well the warehousing facilities.

Rafael and Raúl considered customers didn´t need to visit them. “You are responsible for customers. You take care of them, and you deal prices with them. But this is not our business”.

By the other side, Pilar is really concerned because their cash needs are increasing and, as the working capital has been growing the last 3 years (mainly final products inventories), she has problems to fulfill the financial and cash requirements for running the daily activity.

Mr. Soler decided he should need a Managing Director with new ideas. Her older daughter, Marta, recently graduated at the EU Business School at Barcelona, took this position and joined the Company 2 weeks ago and during his first Board of Directors, he said: “We must build an efficient supply chain organization, to improve our customer service and to increase profits”.

Sonia is really excited about this proposal, but Raúl and Rafael consider things are running good enough. “The only thing we need to increase profits is to increase sales prices!!!! said Rafael”.

What would you do if you were Marta Sole for the following areas/activities?


· Transportation strategy

· Warehousing location

· Supply range optimization

· Manufactured components (possible optimization) Read More

November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023

Nursing Informatics Assessment


This assessment explores your understanding of how the field of nursing informatics integrates with American Nurses Association (ANA) standards of practice to enhance quality outcomes for health care organizations.


Imagine that you are a director of nursing informatics and have decided to give a presentation to staff about the relationship between the American Nurses Association (ANA) standards and quality outcomes and how data can contribute to strengthening and enhancing those outcomes.

Present the topic to your staff in a Kaltura presentation that is 10 minutes or less in length. The goal is to create a presentation to stakeholders that ensures accurate and efficient transmission of data, information, and plans.

The presentation should consist of no more than 10–12 PowerPoint slides, which should include the following with speaker’s notes:

Nursing Informatics Assessment

Nursing Informatics Assessment

Title slide.

Develop a general overview about the use of standards in practice. Briefly describe:

How validated data can identify gaps in practice.

How to distinguish between invalidated and validated data.

How ethical and legal practices contribute to quality outcomes.

Why standards are important to follow.

The value of theoretical frameworks or models used for nursing informatics.

Provide a specific example to illustrate the use of standards in practice.

Apply a theoretical framework or model in practice to this example.

Analyze the specific regulatory bodies that apply to this example and how these standards contribute to quality outcomes.

Nursing Informatics Assessment

Evaluate ethical and legal practices that relate to this example.

In the context of this example, analyze how the use of validated data can help to identify gaps in practice.

Reference slide.

Include the following in your assignment submission:

A narrated Kaltura presentation of your PowerPoint slides.

The full PowerPoint presentation as a separate .ppt or .pptx file, including speaker’s notes in the slides. Note: The speaker’s notes will act as a transcript for your presentation.

When finished, submit the full PowerPoint presentation (with speaker’s notes for the slides) as an attachment. You may submit the assignment only once, so make sure all the components are present before submitting. Use APA referencing style.

November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023

Changing Statistics Presentation

Assignment Content
Select a healthcare-related statistical sampling (e.g., re-admissions for hip surgery patients, false claims violations, compliance with meaningful use, etc.).

Analyze the most current data with previous data and evaluate the trends.

Changing Statistics Presentation
Use the following websites as resources:
National Center for Health Statistics
United States Census Bureau
Create a 10-minute, 9- to 12-slide voice-over presentation using either Microsoft® PowerPoint® or websites such as Google Slides™, Adobe® Slate, or Prezi™.

Direct the presentation to an organization’s chief executive officer (CEO).

Examine the following in your presentation:
Did the rates change? Why or why not?
What factors influenced the change?
What was compliance’s role in monitoring the area selected?
What changes to an organization would you advise?
Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Changing Statistics Presentation

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Assignment Content
Select a healthcare-related statistical sampling (e.g., re-admissions for hip surgery patients, false claims violations, compliance with meaningful use, etc.).

Analyze the most current data with previous data and evaluate the trends.

Use the following websites as resources:
National Center for Health Statistics
United States Census Bureau
Create a 10-minute, 9- to 12-slide voice-over presentation using either Microsoft® PowerPoint® or websites such as Google Slides™, Adobe® Slate, or Prezi™.

Changing Statistics Presentation

Direct the presentation to an organization’s chief executive officer (CEO).

Examine the following in your presentation:
Did the rates change? Why or why not?
What factors influenced the change?
What was compliance’s role in monitoring the area selected?
What changes to an organization would you advise?
Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Assignment Content
Select a healthcare-related statistical sampling (e.g., re-admissions for hip surgery patients, false claims violations, compliance with meaningful use, etc.).

Analyze the most current data with previous data and evaluate the trends.

Use the following websites as resources:
National Center for Health Statistics
United States Census Bureau
Create a 10-minute, 9- to 12-slide voice-over presentation using either Microsoft® PowerPoint® or websites such as Google Slides™, Adobe® Slate, or Prezi™.

Direct the presentation to an organization’s chief executive officer (CEO).

Examine the following in your presentation:
Did the rates change? Why or why not?
What factors influenced the change?
What was compliance’s role in monitoring the area selected?
What changes to an organization would you advise?
Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Format your citations according to APA guidelines. Use APA referencing style.

November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023

Rhetorical Analysis – Journal Article

Choose a peer reviewed journal article from your field. You are looking for an article that has either made a new discovery or is reporting on primary research the authors have conducted using an IMRD structure. A literature review (summary of the research on a topic), as described in the handout on Blackboard, will not work well for this assignment. When you submit this worksheet, you must include a copy of the article. A link will NOT be sufficient. PDF, Word, or other “savable” files are acceptable. I will be reviewing your source article first and then your worksheet.

Read the article carefully until you have a good understanding of it and then answer 10 of the following questions. Use complete sentences, and insert your answers into this document. Please clearly identify your answers with an alternative font color or treatment, such as bolding or italics. Be specific and give examples.

  1. Based on class lecture and discussion, what is this article’s purpose?
  2. What is the article’s title? Where was it originally published and when?
  3. What is the article about and what is its thesis statement?
  4. Who wrote this document? What are their credentials? (What does the article tell you? What can you assume is true about this author or authors? What does additional research tell you? The first author’s credentials is sufficient for research outside of the article itself.)

Rhetorical Analysis - Journal Article

Rhetorical Analysis – Journal Article

  1. Who is the audience of this article? Who are the primary readers? Describe them.
  2. What characteristics do these readers have based on language use, content, and format/organization choices? What does the writer seem to take for granted about the reader’s knowledge of the subject matter, methodologies, or conventions?
  3. Look at the introduction. What does the author/s say about relevant research that came before this project?
  4. In the introduction, what does the author/s say about how this project is different than other research?
  5. In the introduction, what sources are cited and how are they used? What are their purpose in this section?
  6. In the methods/materials section, what do you observe about the author/s description of the methods they used?

Rhetorical Analysis – Journal Article

  1. In the methods/materials section, what kind of sources does the writer cite? How many?
  2. What function do these citations perform in the methods/materials section?
  3. In the results section, on which data and analysis do the researchers-writers concentrate?
  4. In the discussion section, how do the researchers expand the context of the article away from the data collection site(s) to bring in larger issues and perhaps more places and a larger time span? Give an example.
  5. Describe the article’s document design and the article’s use of graphics.
  6. What claims about cause and effect are made?
  7. What correlations are drawn?

Rhetorical Analysis – Journal Article

  1. Pay attention to the qualifying language the writers use in expressing implications in the discussion section. Write down a few of the qualifying words or phrases. (Some common terms include “seems,” “may,” “possibly,” “probably,” “sometimes,” and many other related words or phrases.
  2. Think about the terms from question 18 in stating the implications. Do they affect your reaction to the implications? Do they appear to express the appropriate level of confidence? What changes would you suggest?
  3. What kind of data is offered to support claims? Qualitative? Quantitative? Give a couple of examples.
  4. What tense, mood, and voice are the verbs in? (Do they change from section to section?)
  5. What are the nouns like? (specialized jargon? common nouns?) Give a couple of examples.
  6. What are the adjectives like? (concrete, specific measurements? generally descriptive?) Give a couple of examples.
  7. What is the average length of sentences? Are the sentences mostly simple, compound, or complex?
  8. Give a general summary of whether you feel this article is effective in communicating the discovery with its audience or not and why. Use APA referencing style.
November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023

persuasive Speech Assignment


You are well on your way to becoming an effective speaker! In this assignment, you will select a topic and create an outline for your persuasive speech. The speech and your self-review are due in Week 9.


Persuasive Speech Assignment

  1. For your persuasive speech, select either Topic A or Topic B for your persuasive speech.
    • Topic A: Should Children Under the Age of 10 Own Cell Phones?
    • Topic B: Should Self-Driving Cars Be Legal?
  2. You will use either the Play Posit video Links to an external site. or the Sample Outline [DOCX] Download Sample Outline [DOCX]to create your outline. If you choose to use the Play Posit, we will work together to walk through each section of the outline step-by-step. We will create an attention-grabbing introduction, a detailed body, and a memorable conclusion.
  3. Focus your speech on 2-3 main points so you’ll stay within the 4-minute time limit.
  4. Once you are done with your assignment, submit the completed outline as a Microsoft Word document.

Persuasive Speech Assignment


Persuasive Speech Assignment

Your assignment will be graded according to the following criteria:

  • Outline your topic completely to organize content and provide a solid flow for the speech.
  • Develop an introduction that includes an attention grabber, a purpose/topic statement, and a preview of the main points.
  • Describe the main points and subpoints of the body of the speech. Develop a conclusion that includes a review of the main points, a summary of ideas, and a memorable conclusion.
  • Use at least two credible, appropriate resources to support your points.
    • Cite your sources in a Source list at the end of your outline. Each source list entry should have a matching in-text citation, and vice versa.
  • Write with clarity, following spelling, grammar, and formatting requirements.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Determine strategies for researching and organizing material for engaging informative and persuasive arguments. Use APA referencing style.