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December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023

Health Promotion Guidelines

This assignment allows the learner to apply knowledge gained about health promotion concepts and strategies, enhance written communication skills, and demonstrate a beginning understanding of cultural competency.
Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
Discuss the professional nurse’s role in health promotion activities. (PO 1 and 2)
Discuss health promotion, illness prevention, health maintenance, health restoration, and rehabilitation in relation to the nurse’s role in working with various populations. (PO 1, 2, and 8)
Identify health promotion strategies throughout the life span. (PO 1, 2, and 4)
Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.
Total points possible: 100 points
Preparing the assignment

Health Promotion Guidelines Read More

December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023

Nursing Interview Assignment

Review the Learning Resources on the spirit of motivational interviewing.

Review the document entitled, “Rating Samples for MI Spirit.” Consider whether each of the
exchanges are consistent with the spirit of motivational interviewing. Why, or why not?
Submit a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
Explain whether each exchange in the “Rating Samples for MI Spirit” document is consistent with the
spirit of motivational interviewing. Why, or why not? Be specific.

Nursing Interview Assignment
In instances where you do not believe that the exchange is consistent with the spirit of motivational
interviewing, explain how the practitioner could have responded to be consistent with the spirit of
motivational interviewing. Again, be specific.
Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft,
access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area.
1. To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment
as WK2Assgn1_LastName_Firstinitial.
2. Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.
3. Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.

Nursing Interview Assignment

Review the Learning Resources on the spirit of motivational interviewing.
Review the document entitled, “Rating Samples for MI Spirit.” Consider whether each of the
exchanges are consistent with the spirit of motivational interviewing. Why, or why not?
Submit a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
Explain whether each exchange in the “Rating Samples for MI Spirit” document is consistent with the
spirit of motivational interviewing. Why, or why not? Be specific.
In instances where you do not believe that the exchange is consistent with the spirit of motivational
interviewing, explain how the practitioner could have responded to be consistent with the spirit of
motivational interviewing. Again, be specific.
Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft,
access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area.
1. To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment
as WK2Assgn1_LastName_Firstinitial.
2. Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.
3. Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review. Use APA referencing style.

December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023

Nursing Research and Biostats

Literature Review Paper: A literature review is a written approach to examining.
published information on a particular topic or field. An author uses this review to
create a foundation and justification for their research or future project to demonstrate.
current knowledge on the topic area. The term literature review can often be.
misinterpreted to mean a collection of source summaries, like annotations or article.
abstracts. Please approach this assignment as a comprehensive representation
through analysis and synthesis of the literature.

Nursing Research and Biostats
This analysis promotes a better understanding of a topic or field, such as what has.
already been done, or found, and how the information can be used in the nursing.
practice setting. Then, also using these sources, you can demonstrate the need for
future research based on the studies’ limitations.

Nursing Research and Biostats

It is NOT a summary or listing of all the information. The assignment goal is to
analyze and synthesize the evidence of 5 current studies and compile it into 1 research.
literature review that addressed your subject area and purpose, or PICOT.
Outline: Use this outline as a tool to guide a detailed analysis and synthesis of the 5
research articles. Use these mandatory headings:
Title page (one page)
Abstract (one page)
Purpose Statement & PICOT
Method of Search (search engines used)
Findings/Results (the synthesis)
Nursing Implications and Inter-Professional Perspectives
o Limitations (compare those seen in the articles)
o Future research
References page
The literature review paper should be a total of 10 pages, (minimum of 9) excluding a
one or two-page reference list. The total pages should include one title page and one.
abstract page plus a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed primary journal articles (no
websites) from 2018 through and including 2023. It should be formatted in APA.
style, 7th ed. This paper will not be read after 11 pages, as it should be concise.
PICO-T Question: This helps guide the development of the literature review paper.
It should be a one sentence statement or question that informs the reader of the
general purpose of nursing focused research, which must reveal an independent
variable and how it will affect the dependent variable.
Abstract: The abstract helps guide the development and organization of the paper
and provides a summary of the information to the reader.

Nursing Research and Biostats

The abstract is a succinct, single-block paragraph summary of your paper, which must.
include specific components: 1) be a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 250.
words: 2) have concisely written sentences that include the introduction, background,
purpose statement, search method, findings, nursing implications, and conclusion; 3)
include select keywords used to determine the appropriate research articles reviewed.
Some authors write the abstract last.
APA Manual 7th ed. (No manual? No sweat!)
For APA formatting, the Purdue Owl website has a reference example of a student.
paper. However, you will also need to include an abstract. Note that in the
student sample, you will not need a running head on every page.
Often, the best way to synthesize the findings from your studies is to break down the
information into themes. Depending on your subject area, you may find consistent.
themes throughout. Breaking these down into 3-4 themes (no more) may help to
categorize information and show comparison and contrasts between the research articles’ results. Use APA referencing style.

December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023

Diversity and Health Assessments


Paloma Hernandez, 26-year-old, Spanish speaking patient who presents to the clinic for the last 2 days in a row complaining of abdominal pain that is getting worse. The first visit the staff relied on her younger bilingual daughter to translate. She was treated with Omeprazole and encouraged to take OTC medication. Today she presents with the same problem. Her daughter states it is the same problem but worse today.

Diversity and Health Assessments

May 2012, Alice Randall wrote an article for The New York Times on the cultural factors that encouraged black women to maintain a weight above what is considered healthy. Randall explained—from her observations and her personal experience as a black woman—that many African American communities and cultures consider women who are overweight to be more beautiful and desirable than women at a healthier weight. As she put it, “Many black women are fat because we want to be” (Randall, 2012).

Randall’s statements sparked a great deal of controversy and debate; however, they emphasize an underlying reality in the healthcare field: different populations, cultures, and groups have diverse beliefs and practices that impact their health. Nurses and healthcare professionals should be aware of this reality and adapt their health assessment techniques and recommendations to accommodate diversity.

In this Discussion, you will consider different socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors that should be taken into considerations when building a health history for patients with diverse backgrounds.

Diversity and Health Assessments

To prepare:

Reflect on your experiences as a nurse and information the provided in this week’s Learning Resources on diversity issues in health assessments.
By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned a case study by your instructor. Note: Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your case study assignment.
Reflect on the specific socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors related to the health of the patient assigned to you.
Consider how you would build a health history for the patient. What questions would you ask, and how would you frame them to be sensitive to the patient’s background, lifestyle, and culture? Develop five targeted questions you would ask the patient to build his or her health history and to assess his or her health risks.
Think about the challenges associated with communicating with patients from a variety of specific populations. What strategies can you as a nurse employ to be sensitive to different cultural factors while gathering the pertinent information?
Post an explanation of the specific socioeconomic, spiritual, lifestyle, and other cultural factors associated with the patient you were assigned. Explain the issues that you would need to be sensitive to when interacting with the patient, and why. Provide at least five targeted questions you would ask the patient to build his or her health history and to assess his or her health risks. Use APA referencing style.

December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023

Vaccines-Nursing Assignment

Vaccines have effectively produced protection to a wide variety of infectious microbes.
What infectious microbe would you create a vaccine to protect people from the disease?
Describe how you would design the vaccine.
What are some new additives being used in vaccines and how do they help produce immunity?
How much will the vaccine cost?
Who should receive your vaccine?
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Vaccines-Nursing Assignment

Vaccines-Nursing Assignment

Vaccines have effectively produced protection to a wide variety of infectious microbes.
What infectious microbe would you create a vaccine to protect people from the disease?
Describe how you would design the vaccine.
What are some new additives being used in vaccines and how do they help produce immunity?
How much will the vaccine cost?
Who should receive your vaccine?
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Vaccines have effectively produced protection to a wide variety of infectious microbes.
What infectious microbe would you create a vaccine to protect people from the disease?
Describe how you would design the vaccine.
What are some new additives being used in vaccines and how do they help produce immunity?
How much will the vaccine cost?
Who should receive your vaccine?
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Vaccines have effectively produced protection to a wide variety of infectious microbes.
What infectious microbe would you create a vaccine to protect people from the disease?
Describe how you would design the vaccine.
What are some new additives being used in vaccines and how do they help produce immunity?
How much will the vaccine cost?
Who should receive your vaccine?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format. Use APA referencing style. Use APA referencing style.

December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023

Nursing Case study Discussion

Topic: Case Study: Mrs. Georgia D’Angelo
Mrs. Georgia D’Angelo is 76 years old. She has been married to her husband Marcus for 58 years. Marcus is 80 years old. The D’Angelo’s live in a well-kept, middle-class home. The D’Angelo’s have three grown children: two sons and one daughter. All of the children are married and only their daughter lives close to them. The two sons each live more than three and a half hours away. The D’Angelo’s are very close to their children and talk with the children every day. Four months ago, Mrs. D’Angelo noticed her skin was “yellowish” in color, and upon calling her primary care provider, she was told to go immediately to the emergency room for evaluation. After having a CT scan of the abdomen and laboratory studies, Mrs. D’Angelo was told she had pancreatic cancer and that she should immediately have a Whipple Procedure. This news was devastating to the D’Angelo’s and their family and friends. Mrs. D’Angelo called a friend who is a nurse and asked who she might go to for a second opinion. A second opinion was obtained, and the second opinion reaffirmed the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer; however, the recommendation was to have chemotherapy prior to the Whipple Procedure. Mrs. D’Angelo began the chemotherapy and has suffered severe issues secondary to the chemotherapy and her quality of life is greatly impacted with a huge decrease in her functional status and activities of daily living. As of today, Mrs. D’Angelo has not discussed her fear of dying with you as the primary care provider or with her family. She has an excellent attitude about “fighting this horrible disease.”

Nursing Case study Discussion

Nursing Case study Discussion

Based on this case study, imagine you are the nurse practitioner providing primary care for Mrs. D’Angelo. Please address each of the following:
Discuss the advanced practice nurse role facilitating end-of-life care and advance directives for Mrs. D’Angelo.
Compare and contrast the types of advance directives and discuss the relevance of advance directives to this case study.

Nursing Case study Discussion

Describe how you would approach the topic/issue of advance directives with Mrs. D’Angelo.
Identify two ethical principles and two legal challenges related to end of life and palliative care for Mrs. D’Angelo that could be an issue if advance directives are not addressed at this time.
Describe communication strategies you will use as the nurse practitioner to effectively engage and collaborate with other members of the interprofessional healthcare team and Mrs. D’Angelo’s family. Use APA referencing style.

December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023

Behavior Modification – Section A

This paper is designed with 2 objectives in mind. First, I want you to be personally invested in the topic by choosing a behavior change you are invested in. This should be a behavior that you would like to change in yourself – either a behavioral deficit or behavioral excess. Second, I would like you to research the topic and see what behavior modification attempts have been studied in the chosen area and the outcomes of such approaches. Ideally I would like for you to leave this class with a practical approach to managing a personal behavior you would like to modify, while also having a strong understanding of the field of behavior modification itself. Thus, a blend of theory and practice.

Behavior Modification - Section A


  1. (a)Begin be clearing describing a target behavior you would like to adjust/modify/change/eradicate/increase. Operationally define your target behavior. Be as specific as possible because you are going to monitor this behavior. For example, I would like to decrease my sugary food intake to 3 times per week. Sugary foods include, but are not limited to: sodas and fruit juices, dessert-foods (e.g., cake, ice-cream, pie), processed snacks (e.g., donuts, cookies, chocolate bars). Try to be expansive and inclusive in your operational definition of anything that would fall under, or be descriptive of, your target behavior. The more detail provided the better.

(b)Then, explain why you currently find your target behavior to be an issue you would like to focus on. What problem(s)/challenge is the behavior causing you at present? [minimum 2 detailed paragraphs in length]

Behavior Modification – Section A

  1. (a)For 2 weeks (Monday through Sunday for 14 days) you are going to monitor your target behavior and record each and every time it occurs or doesn’t occur. So, if you were focusing on nail-biting, you would keep a daily tally of every time you catch yourself biting your nails. [You can choose whatever consecutive 2 week window suits your schedule.]

(b)I would like you to quantify your behavior in terms of frequency and duration. If you were monitoring attending the gym you would track how many times you attended across the 14 days, what you did while at the gym, and how long you worked out at the gym. Again, the goal is to get a detailed baseline of the behavior as it is currently occurring.

(c)Summarize your findings over the 2 week period (see [b]). [all charts, quantitative data, and detailed summary paragraph are to be included]

Behavior Modification – Section A

  1. After recording your two weeks of data tracking, you want to address the following questions: – where does the behavior takes place; who is around when the behavior does or does not occur? – what reasons did you find for engaging, or not engaging, in the target behavior over the past two weeks? – what were the antecedents (i.e., what happened right before the failure to perform the target behavior or that caused you to perform the target behavior? For example, if the behavior was vaping which you want to stop, what happened right before you decided to vape or not vape that is related to your choice to engage or not engage in the behavior? – what was the consequence of engaging or not engaging in the target behavior? (e.g., emotional reactions and accompanying thoughts you experienced at the time?) – any other observations or insights gleaned from your tracking efforts?

Behavior Modification – Section A

  1. Given the observations you’ve stated above in part 3, I would like you to ask yourself what you think is the biggest hurdle to your own self-control. Look back at the lecture notes for Chapter 25 at the beginning where I provide a bullet-point list of causes for issues with self-control. What do you feel is the biggest reason impacting why you are putting off (and have been putting off) engaging in the desired target behavior currently in your life? Or, why you can’t let go of a habit you really want to change. Or why can’t you start a new behavior you really want to adopt? Discuss. [minimum 2-3 paragraphs] Use APA referencing style.
December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023

Nursing Policy Proposal Guidelines

Write a 4–6-page policy proposal and practice guidelines for improving quality and performance associated with the benchmark metric underperformance you advocated for improving in Assessment 1.
Propose an organizational policy and practice guidelines that you believe will lead to an improvement in quality and performance associated with the benchmark underperformance you advocated for improving in Assessment 1. Be precise, professional, and persuasive in demonstrating the merit of your proposed actions. The policy proposal requirements outlined below correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, be sure to note the requirements for document format and length and for supporting evidence. Explain the need for creating a policy and practice guidelines to address a shortfall in meeting a benchmark metric prescribed by local, state, or federal health care policies or laws.

Nursing Policy Proposal Guidelines
What is the current benchmark for the organization and the numeric score for the underperformance?

Nursing Policy Proposal Guidelines

How is the benchmark underperformance potentially affecting the provision of quality care or the operations of the organization?
What are the potential repercussions of not making any changes?
What evidence supports your conclusions?
Summarize your proposed organizational policy and practice guidelines.
Identify applicable local, state, or federal health care policy or law that prescribes relevant performance benchmarks that your policy proposal addresses.
Keep your audience in mind when creating this summary.
Analyze the potential effects of environmental factors on your recommended practice guidelines.
What regulatory considerations could affect your recommended guidelines?
What resources could affect your recommended guidelines (staffing, financial, and logistical considerations, or support services)?
Explain ethical, evidence-based practice guidelines to improve targeted benchmark performance and the impact the proposed changes will have on the targeted group.
What does the evidence-based literature suggest are potential strategies to improve performance for your targeted benchmark?

Nursing Policy Proposal Guidelines

How would these strategies ensure performance improvement or compliance with applicable local, state, or federal health care policy or law?
How can you ensure that these strategies are ethical and culturally inclusive in their application?
What is the direct impact of these changes on the stakeholders’ work setting and job requirements?
Explain why particular stakeholders and groups must be involved in further development and implementation of your proposed policy and practice guidelines.
Why is it important to engage these stakeholders and groups?
How can their participation produce a stronger policy and facilitate its implementation?
Present strategies for collaborating with the stakeholder group to implement your proposed policy and practice guidelines.
What role will the stakeholder group play in implementing your proposal?
Why is the stakeholder group and their collaboration important for successful implementation?
Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions.
Proofread your proposal, before you submit it, to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult for them to focus on the substance of your proposal.
Use paraphrasing and summarization to represent ideas from external sources.
Be sure to apply correct APA formatting to source citations and references.
Policy Proposal Format and Length
It may be helpful to use a template or format for your proposal that is used in your current organization. The risk management or quality department could be a good resource for finding an appropriate template or format. If you are not currently in practice, or your organization does not have these resources, many appropriate templates are freely available on the Internet.
Your policy should be succinct (about one paragraph). Overall, your proposal should be 4–6 pages in length.
Supporting Evidence
Cite 3–5 references to relevant research, case studies, or best practices to support your analysis and recommendations. Use APA referencing style.

December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023

Final Exam – General Psychology

Please use this WORD document to submit your Final Exam. Download this WORD document to your desktop to complete your responses. Once the exam is completed     submit this WORD document with your responses to the “Final Exam” link for grading. Critical information pertaining to submission of Final Exam. DO NOT convert this document to a PDF. DO NOT use Google Docs. DO NOT convert this document to any other type, leave it as a word document. DO NOT convert this document in any manner that requires the course professor to obtain permission to open the submission. Note that failure to follow these directions will result in “0” points for the exam.

Final Exam – General Psychology

Final Exam – General Psychology

The final exam covers the six (6) “Student Learning Outcomes” listed in your syllabus. Each answer on this test/exam can be found in your course text book.

  1. Define and explain the following various psychology research methods and their advantages and disadvantages. Cite the page number/s in the text book where you found the answer for each (a-e)                   (a) Define: Experimental Research method its advantages and disadvantages.                                                        (b)Define: Correlational Research method its advantages and disadvantages.                                                              (c) Define: Quasi-experimental Research method its advantages and disadvantages.                                             (d) Define: Clinical Method Research its advantages and disadvantages.                                                                  (e) Define Psychology

Final Exam – General Psychology

  1. Describe the two (2) historical influences and early schools of thought that shaped the field of psychology. Cite the page number/s where you found your answer.
  2. Describe two (2) of the prominent perspectives and approaches used in the study of psychology. Cite the page number/s where you found your answer.
  3. Use terminology unique to the study of psychology (select 2 and define). Cite the page number/s where you found your answer.
  4. Describe two accepted approaches and standards in psychological assessment and evaluation. Cite the page number/s where you found your answer.
  5. Identify factors in physiological and psychological processes involved in human behavior. Cite the page number/s where you found your answer. Use APA referencing style.
December 4, 2023
December 4, 2023

Health Care Philosophical Concerns

1. Explain what Tressie McMillan Cottom means when she says that US health care systems assume black women’s incompetence? Use specifics from the author’s argument as you summarize the main points.
2. As she conveys the story, how might Cottom’s pregnancy have been different had the health care workers involved read her as competent? What would have changed? Name the differences in detail and explain with specifics.

Health Care Philosophical Concerns.
3. Name some A. stereotypes and B. structural features of modern health care that, according to Kidd & Carel, C. make patients especially vulnerable to epistemic injustice?
4. One kind of epistemic injustice in health care is testimonial injustice. A. Define testimonial injustice. B. Give an example of testimonial injustice from Cottom, Kidd & Carel. C. Explain what makes this example a testimonial injustice.
5. Another kind epistemic injustice in health care is hermeneutical injustice. A. Define hermeneutical injustice. B. Give an example of hermeneutical injustice from Cottom, Kidd & Carel. C. Explain what makes it hermeneutical injustice.

Health Care Philosophical Concerns

1. Explain what Tressie McMillan Cottom means when she says that US health care systems assume black women’s incompetence? Use specifics from the author’s argument as you summarize the main points.
2. As she conveys the story, how might Cottom’s pregnancy have been different had the health care workers involved read her as competent? What would have changed? Name the differences in detail and explain with specifics.
3. Name some A. stereotypes and B. structural features of modern health care that, according to Kidd & Carel, C. make patients especially vulnerable to epistemic injustice?
4. One kind of epistemic injustice in health care is testimonial injustice. A. Define testimonial injustice. B. Give an example of testimonial injustice from Cottom, Kidd & Carel. C. Explain what makes this example a testimonial injustice.
5. Another kind epistemic injustice in health care is hermeneutical injustice. A. Define hermeneutical injustice. B. Give an example of hermeneutical injustice from Cottom, Kidd & Carel. C. Explain what makes it hermeneutical injustice. Use APA referencing style.