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December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023

Finance-Nursing Homework

To prepare:

Reflect on current gaps or opportunities for enhanced services within your healthcare organization.
Select one of these gaps or opportunities that you would like to analyze and for which you would like to propose a healthcare product or service solution. Choose your product or service carefully as it needs to meet three distinct parameters for use in this course. It must have a capital investment (start-up costs) and there must be annual cost and revenue that you can estimate for each of 5 years. An example is a capital equipment purchase that is a direct charge to the patient such as a 12-lead EKG. There would be start-up cost for the purchase of the equipment in Year 0. Then each use requires some disposable electrodes and staff to perform the procedure. Revenue is based on the patient charge.

Finance-Nursing Homework
Reflect on the impact this issue/opportunity and product/service solution have (or could have) on various stakeholders and systems across your healthcare organization.
Identify one or more individuals within your healthcare organization to act as “finance counselor” with whom you can consult on financial and budget items such as costing, estimating, and budget request processes.
Reflect on the current costs associated with the selected issue or opportunity, including direct financial costs to the organization and financial costs to patients, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders. Also consider non-financial costs, including opportunity costs.
Consider how you would communicate a proposal to leadership that addresses the selected issue/opportunity within your organization.
The two-part assignment: Develop an executive summary and structure for a healthcare budget request for your new product or service idea by completing the following: Part 1: Executive Summary Using the Healthcare Budget Request Template (attached below-page 2), develop a 1- to 2-page executive summary that describes the issue or opportunity that you are analyzing. In your executive summary, you should:

Finance-Nursing Homework

Describe the healthcare issue or opportunity you selected. (Linda put the topic that they did for the week 1 discussion in this parathesis)
Describe the stakeholder groups impacted by this issue/opportunity.
Explain which stakeholder groups would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue or opportunity you selected and why. Be specific and provide examples.
Describe the healthcare product or service that you propose to address the identified gaps/opportunities and explain why.
Provide scholarly support for the issue or opportunity and your new product or service idea.
Part 2: Excel Assignment Workbooks you progress through this course on the development of a Healthcare Budget Request, you will apply financial ratios and other calculations to make the business case for your idea. In this component of the assignment, you will customize a spreadsheet workbook and prepare it for use in your analysis. To do this, you will:

Finance-Nursing Homework

Review the Healthcare Budget Request Guide file found on page 14-15 (attached below). Open the Excel Assignment Workbook file (attached below); follow the instructions in the guide (page 14-15), which will help you:
Create a template that you will use for future analysis you will conduct in subsequent parts of your Healthcare Budget Request.
Format your spreadsheet for presentation of results.
Save and close the spreadsheet file. Use APA referencing style.

December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023

Financial Forecast Project

Project 3 materials may be found in the Module: Project 3 Fall 2023 on the Canvas course site.
There are 11 questions on Project 3. Some of the questions have multiple parts. Be sure to answer each part of each question. Clearly identify your answer to each part of each question.

Financial Forecast Project

You are expected to work on this project by yourself. You may consult with me if you have any questions.
Please provide me with a Printed (no electronic copies will be accepted) copy of each problem in Project 3.
The Printed copy should be formatted and assembled in the following manner:
Staple all problems together so they are not lost or separated
Print your name, course number (FIN 4453), and section number at the top of each page
Print Row and Column Headings for each problem as demonstrated in class
Print out formulas used in each problem as demonstrated in class
Clearly identify your answer to each part of each question.
If you use Goal Seek to determine an answer please identify the
Set Cell
To Value
By Changing Cell
If you use Solver to determine an answer, please identify the
Set Objective (Cell)
To Value
By Changing Variables Cell
Subject to (if used)

Financial Forecast Project

Please format and present the problem solutions is such a manner that another individual would be able to look at your solutions and follow your logic in solving the problem. If you were not available, then another individual should be able to solve a similar problem by following the logic of your solution.
In order to achieve the above, you may need to document and comment on your solution logic.
The project will be graded on the basis of correct solutions, presentation and formatting of solutions, and the explanation of solutions. You should view this as a professional report you would submit to your supervisor in a professional setting. Be sure to use proper grammar in your explanations. Use APA referencing style.

December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023

Education Journal Assignment

Your Journal entry must meet the minimum length requirement of a paragraph of approximately 150 words. It needs to be well written and clearly organized using standard English, characterized by strong writing style elements, and free from grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling errors.

For this Journal, imagine that you are the teacher in the following scenario.

Education Journal Assignment

Your class has started a KWHL chart on the topic of bees. During circle time, you asked the children what they already knew about bees. They replied with facts such as bees are black with yellow stripes; they sting, they fly around flowers, and they live in a hive. You write the children’s input about what they already know into the K column of your chart.

Education Journal Assignment

K: bees are black with yellow stripes, they sting, they fly around flowers, and they live in a hive.

You then led a discussion with the children about what they would like to know about bees. They replied: I want to know if they all sting. I wonder what they eat. Where do they live in the winter? You recorded their wonderings in the W column.

W: I want to know if they all sting. I wonder what they eat. Where do they live in the winter?

Education Journal Assignment

Now, imagine that you are preparing to fill in the H (How) section of the chart with the children in your class. In your initial discussion post, respond to the following:

What probing questions will you ask the children to determine how (H in the KWHL chart) you and the children will learn what they want to know about bees? List two questions.
What types of resources or sources of information will you use with the children to find answers to their questions? List three (3) resource types and explain why each is valuable to help children in their inquiry.
Share strategies to engage the families of your students as partners and teachers in learning about bees. What activities could teachers suggest to families for home and community explorations? What are the leading questions (provocations) about bees that children can bring home for family exploration? Use APA referencing style.

December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023

Education Cookery Project

Menu 1 – Plan an à la carte menu.

Your menu must contain at least 3 choices each for:

Main Courses
+ 1 each, a vegetarian entrée and a vegetarian option for a main course

The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the courses offered including the following.

cooking methods
nutritional values
seasonally available ingredients

Education Cookery Project

The dishes you plan for the menu must fit the customer profile you have described in Part A and meet a price level that matches what you have currently on offer in the establishment.

Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your trainer and obtain feedback. Document what the feedback entailed and what you will change, accordingly. Attach this draft and comments to this assessment marked “Menu 1.”

Establish standard recipe cards for each dish, listing the ingredients and required quantities.

Produce an equipment list which covers the equipment requirements for producing each menu item. Identify which equipment you have available in your workplace. This must include sufficient numbers to ensure the menu items can be produced in a time efficient manner in terms of mise end place and during service across all relevant sections of the kitchen.

Where equipment for menu dishes is not available you are required to provide adjustments to your menu draft and recipes.

Identify the staffing requirements to produce and manage this menu and the menu items during service at a capacity typical for your workplace. For example, an upmarket menu with multiple components and an average occupancy of 50 customers per setting is not likely to be managed with 2 chefs.

Establish a yield test sheet for all ingredients, using the attached template “Yields” and calculate the net yields, and net costs.

Education Cookery Project

Finalize the standard recipe cards for each dish and cost each dish based on a ‘per serve/per person’ price based on a food cost of not exceeding 27% for each dish – Adjust menu items accordingly.

Identify the dishes that feature best in terms of profitability.

Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice no smaller than size 12.
Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner, and true in its features and ingredients.
Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the style of cuisine.

Education Cookery Project


Once implemented, obtain feedback for the success of the menu using a method outlined in the task section above and attach the feedback to this assessment marked “Menu 1”

Provide an overview of the evaluation processes undertaken including the parties who were consulted, and what was discussed.

Make adjustments to your menu as identified in the feedback and attach all changes to this assessment marked “Menu 1 – Adjustments.” Use APA referencing style.


December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023

Coaching Techniques Business/Finance

Through defining both coaching and mentoring, you have a better vision for the necessary techniques to aid in the success of the mentoring process. Review your coaching and mentoring techniques that you brainstormed in your “Individual Development Plan” outline. Develop a comprehensive plan (1,250-1,500 words) of your coaching and mentoring techniques that addresses the following:

Include coaching techniques to support your mentee in reaching the short-term and long-term goals. How will you use these to support the growth of your mentee? How can you use these techniques as a manager or leader of a team of people?
Include mentoring techniques to support your mentee in reaching the short-term and long-term goals. How will you use these to support the growth of your mentee? How can you use these techniques as a manager or leader of a team of people?

Coaching Techniques Business/Finance
Determine the most effective technique selected for helping your mentee identify their potential and take initiative to achieve their goals.
Discuss your emotional and social intelligence skills that will contribute to the success of the mentoring experience. Address how they can be further developed.
Identify the relevant cultural and ethical considerations you incorporated into the design of your plan and selection of techniques. Discuss how your decisions for your plan and techniques are in line with a specific Christian value or belief.
Consider how mentoring and leading in a group environment with multiple stakeholders may impact the mentoring plan you have developed so far in this course. What strategies might you develop to implement and manage change within an organization?
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

Coaching Techniques Business/Finance

Use a minimum of four scholarly sources to support your explanation.

Through defining both coaching and mentoring, you have a better vision for the necessary techniques to aid in the success of the mentoring process. Review your coaching and mentoring techniques that you brainstormed in your “Individual Development Plan” outline. Develop a comprehensive plan (1,250-1,500 words) of your coaching and mentoring techniques that addresses the following:

Coaching Techniques Business/Finance

Include coaching techniques to support your mentee in reaching the short-term and long-term goals. How will you use these to support the growth of your mentee? How can you use these techniques as a manager or leader of a team of people?
Include mentoring techniques to support your mentee in reaching the short-term and long-term goals. How will you use these to support the growth of your mentee? How can you use these techniques as a manager or leader of a team of people?
Determine the most effective technique selected for helping your mentee identify their potential and take initiative to achieve their goals.
Discuss your emotional and social intelligence skills that will contribute to the success of the mentoring experience. Address how they can be further developed.
Identify the relevant cultural and ethical considerations you incorporated into the design of your plan and selection of techniques. Discuss how your decisions for your plan and techniques are in line with a specific Christian value or belief.
Consider how mentoring and leading in a group environment with multiple stakeholders may impact the mentoring plan you have developed so far in this course. What strategies might you develop to implement and manage change within an organization?
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

Use a minimum of four scholarly sources to support your explanation. Use APA referencing style.

December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023

Business Management Case Analysis

Gemini Electronics Case Analysis
Use the Excel spreadsheet provided to conduct a financial analysis of Gemini Electronics. Use this analysis to inform your decisions about the company. Assuming the role of Sarah McIvor, CA, prepare a 2-3 page memorandum that analyzes the financial condition of Gemini Electronics and makes recommendations relating to the company’s desired expansion. The memo should be divided into sections describing:
Liquidity – Use the current and cash ratios to evaluate Gemini’s ability to cover their short-term liabilities (up to 12 months). As compared to industry averages, what do these ratios tell you about Gemini’s financial position and how might that influence its expansion capability?

Business Management Case Analysis
Asset management – Consider the various inventory ratios, A/R and A/P ratios, cash conversion cycle, and asset turnover. Do these support Gemini’s desire to expand? If so, how? If not, why not?
Long-term debt paying ability – Examine Gemini’s debt and long-term debt to total capitalization ratios. What do these tell about Gemini’s use of debt vs. equity to fuel its growth and its ability to be sustainable going forward? Also consider Gemini’s TIE and cash flow coverage ratios. How do all these ratios impact Gemini’s expansion potential?
Profitability – Use the three profit margin ratios and items in the horizontal and vertical income statement and balance sheet to evaluate Gemini’s performance. Look also at ROA and ROE as compared to industry averages.
Recommendations regarding Gemini’s growth potential
What recommendations do you have for Gemini related to expanding product lines?
What recommendations do you have regarding their distribution in the USA and outside the USA?
What recommendations do you have regarding use of capital (R&D, marketing, reducing days to pay A/P, potential acquisitions, etc.) and sources of capital (debt vs. equity)?

Business Management Case Analysis

A few online resources to help you calculate and understand these ratios are found below. There are other online resources, as well, but these are a good start.

Important note regarding industry average ROA.
The industry average ROA in the Excel spreadsheet is correct. The industry average on page 7 of your case study is a typo.

The main objective of the case analysis is the decision regarding growth. However, that decision is highly influenced by the company’s financial performance and the story (information) that the data tells.

New due date: Thursday, Dec. 7 by 5:00 p.m.

Business Management Case Analysis

You will be graded on the following:
Accuracy of your financial calculations (ratios, analysis) – 25%
Accurate analysis of liquidity, asset management, debt repayment, and profitability – 30%
Appropriateness of and support for your recommendations – 30%
Spelling and grammar – 15%

Do your own work. Do NOT use ChatGPT or any other AI tools for your calculations, analysis, or recommendations. Doing so will result in a grade of 0 for the Case Study Analysis section of this course and likely failure in the course. Use APA referencing style.

December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023

Law-Media and Empathy

In this module, you learned how the media can influence empathy as it pertains to the criminal justice process. You also explored how the media can influence both empathy of the general public for the victim and legislative decision making. For this discussion, you will share a criminal case in which the media influenced empathy. There are several ways in which the media can influence empathy in a case: pretrial publicity, judicial remedies (such as change of venue), cameras in the courtroom, or extensive coverage of a high-profile case. In addition, it’s important to keep in mind that social media can impact those involved in a criminal case.

Media and Empathy

Choose a criminal case in which the media influenced empathy. It can be a high-profile case (6 Intriguingly Famous Court Cases That Captivated the Nation) or a local case in the area in which you live.

Law-Media and Empathy

In your initial post, describe the case or provide quality resources that explain the case. Include the following in your description:

Explain how the media influenced empathy in the case.
How was media used in the case?
In your opinion, who was affected by the media?
Do you think the media and its influence on empathy changed the case outcome?
In response to two of your peers, compare and contrast how the media influenced empathy in your case and in theirs. Consider the following in your comparison:

Are there any similarities in the two cases such as how the media was used or who was affected by the media?
Explain how the case outcome could have been different if the media had not influenced empathy in the case they chose.
Provide any additional insights or thoughts regarding the case and how the media influenced empathy.
To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

Law-Media and Empathy

In this module, you learned how the media can influence empathy as it pertains to the criminal justice process. You also explored how the media can influence both empathy of the general public for the victim and legislative decision making. For this discussion, you will share a criminal case in which the media influenced empathy. There are several ways in which the media can influence empathy in a case: pretrial publicity, judicial remedies (such as change of venue), cameras in the courtroom, or extensive coverage of a high-profile case. In addition, it’s important to keep in mind that social media can impact those involved in a criminal case. Use APA referencing style.

December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023

Law Project Guidelines

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
Analyze how victimization data informs problem solving in criminal justice.
You are a crime analyst who has been hired by Pete Costa, the police commissioner in the city of Mason, to analyze an area of crime and
victimization data. For this task, you will use the following sources of data: Bureau of Justice Statistics, the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Internet Crime Complaint Center, and the Polaris Project (which runs the National Human Trafficking Hotline).

Law Project Guidelines You will examine the data on
rape/sexual assault, cybercrime, or human trafficking for the most recent year available. You will then present to the police commissioner a
clear and sustainable plan to help reduce the risk of victimization. The plan will include the data examined, an explanation of how the data was.
collected, risk factors that increase the likelihood of being a victim of crime analyzed in the data, how victimization data can be applied to
address problems in the criminal justice system, and identification of a National Institute of Justice program that can address the crime data.
Using the provided scenario and the data for one of the crimes below (the same crime you chose in the Module Four assignment), create a
written plan to reduce the risk of victimization for the crime selected.
Rape and sexual assault data (Click Crime Victimization Crime Victimization for last year and then Full Report Full Report.)
Cybercrime data (Click IC3 Annual Report IC3 Annual Report for last year.)
Human trafficking data

Law Project Guidelines

Include the following required elements:
1. Explain the data examined in relation to the crime you selected (150 to 200 words). Include the following in your description:
1. Identify the crime.
2. Describe the data.
3. Identify trends or any distinguishing factors in the data.
2. Explain how and why the data was collected Explain how and why the data was collected (150 to 200 words). Include the following in your explanation:
1. Identify the data source.
2. Provide background information regarding the data source.
3. Explain how the data was collected (survey, questionnaire, and reported crime).
4. Explain why this data is collected.
3. Identify risk factors that may increase the likelihood of being a victim of the crime selected Identify risk factors that may increase the likelihood of being a victim of the crime selected (100 to 150 words).

Law Project Guidelines

1. Determine who is most likely to be identified as a victim (people, businesses, or corporations) in that specific crime and the risk factors
that may contribute to the victimization.
4. Explain how victimization data is applied to address problems in the criminal justice system Explain how victimization data is applied to address problems in the criminal justice system (200 to 250 words). Address the
following in your explanation:
1. Identify problems related to the crime selected.
2. Provide an example that shows how the use of data for the crime selected can result in strategies to reduce the risk of victimization for that specific crime.

5.Identify a program or practice from the National Institute of Justice that can address crime data analyzed Identify a program or practice from the National Institute of Justice that can address crime data analyzed (150 to 200 words).
1. Select a program or practice deemed effective by the National Institute of Justice that addresses the crime selected.
2. Summarize the program or practice.
3. Explain how the program or practice may reduce the risk of victimization for the crime selected.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
For this assignment, create a 750- to 1,000-word written plan regarding the data analyzed, and focus on reducing the risk of victimization for
the crime selected. Any sources should be cited according to APA style.
Supporting Materials
The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:
Bureau of Justice Statistics
National Institute of Justice

Use APA referencing style.

December 7, 2023
December 7, 2023

Hot Button Topics Discussion

How can you use psychology to adapt to a rapidly changing world? How can psychology be used to improve the world around you? There are many issues that affect individuals and societal groups every day. It is important to be mindful about how these issues can affect someone at a personal level when engaging in controversial dialogue about topics that are important to a healthy society. It is important to use psychological concepts to guide your responses to this discussion, such as emotional intelligence and empathy.

For your initial post, select one hot button topic you are passionate about from the Module Seven Hot Button Topics List PDF and answer the following questions:

Why is this a hot button topic? Why does it matter to you?
How does this hot button topic affect individuals?
How does this hot button topic affect society?
How would you use some of the psychological concepts from this course to understand these issues?
How does this hot button topic apply to any of the following programmatic course themes:
Social justice
Emotional intelligence
Career connections

Hot Button Topics Discussion

How can you use psychology to adapt to a rapidly changing world? How can psychology be used to improve the world around you? There are many issues that affect individuals and societal groups every day. It is important to be mindful about how these issues can affect someone at a personal level when engaging in controversial dialogue about topics that are important to a healthy society. It is important to use psychological concepts to guide your responses to this discussion, such as emotional intelligence and empathy.

Hot Button Topics Discussion

For your initial post, select one hot button topic you are passionate about from the Module Seven Hot Button Topics List PDF and answer the following questions:

Why is this a hot button topic? Why does it matter to you?
How does this hot button topic affect individuals?
How does this hot button topic affect society?
How would you use some of the psychological concepts from this course to understand these issues?
How does this hot button topic apply to any of the following programmatic course themes:
Social justice
Emotional intelligence
Career connections

Use APA referencing style.

December 6, 2023
December 6, 2023

Data Decision and Analytics

⦁ Instructions:

⦁ You have been hired as a marketing consultant in a company. The organization asks you to identify a sample population to determine the demand for a product or service they are planning to offer. You must provide an unbiased sample survey that best represents the population.

⦁ In your post,

⦁ State the organization’s industry or purpose.
⦁ Identify the product or services selected for conducting the survey.
⦁ State the problem that the product or service will solve.
⦁ Explain what the organization wants to learn about the product or services from the survey.
⦁ Explain how and where you determined your sample population and why your sample choice will get the needed data.
⦁ Determine a sample size that will adequately represent the population for your example and how you determined this is an adequate sample size in your survey.

Data Decision and Analytics

Data Decision and Analytics

⦁ Instructions:

⦁ You have been hired as a marketing consultant in a company. The organization asks you to identify a sample population to determine the demand for a product or service they are planning to offer. You must provide an unbiased sample survey that best represents the population.
⦁ In your post,

⦁ State the organization’s industry or purpose.
⦁ Identify the product or services selected for conducting the survey.
⦁ State the problem that the product or service will solve.
⦁ Explain what the organization wants to learn about the product or services from the survey.
⦁ Explain how and where you determined your sample population and why your sample choice will get the needed data.
⦁ Determine a sample size that will adequately represent the population for your example and how you determined this is an adequate sample size in your survey.

Data Decision and Analytics


⦁ You have been hired as a marketing consultant in a company. The organization asks you to identify a sample population to determine the demand for a product or service they are planning to offer. You must provide an unbiased sample survey that best represents the population.

⦁ In your post,

⦁ State the organization’s industry or purpose.
⦁ Identify the product or services selected for conducting the survey.
⦁ State the problem that the product or service will solve.
⦁ Explain what the organization wants to learn about the product or services from the survey.
⦁ Explain how and where you determined your sample population and why your sample choice will get the needed data.
⦁ Determine a sample size that will adequately represent the population for your example and how you determined this is an adequate sample size in your survey. Use APA referencing style.