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December 26, 2023
December 26, 2023

Beyond Meat Case Study

Beyond Meat, a producer of plant-based meat substitutes, was founded by Ethan Brown and Brent Taylor in 2009 in Los Angeles, California. The company’s aim was to change the world and try to slow down average meat consumption for the well-being of humans and animals. Beyond Meat had many high- profile investors, including Bill Gates and Twitter co-founders Biz Stone and Evan Williams. Beyond Meat’s vision was for consumers to enjoy a meat-like taste and texture in their favourite dishes while avoiding many chemicals that were used in processed meat and reducing the number of animals killed every year for their meat. The company wanted to reduce global meat consumption by 25 per cent by 2020. While this seemed to be a huge goal, Beyond Meat was striving to educate consumers about the superior benefits that eating vegan meat alternatives would provide to not only the consumers, but also to the environment they live in and the animals they live around. The big questions for Beyond Meat were: How could the company market a product that was still in development? How could consumer behaviour and tastes regarding eating meat be changed?

Beyond Meat Case Study

Beyond Meat Case Study

COMPETITION A key strength of Beyond Meat was that it offered by far one of the more appealing innovations to the meat alternative, the vegan industry. There had been many vegan meat alternatives for quite some time now, but based on consumer reviews, the taste and texture of Beyond Meat’s products were almost like the real thing. Other products, such as Quorn and Gardein, could not meet the standards of Beyond Meat, whose chicken strips, for example, looked, felt and tasted closer to real meat, especially since they contained reduced sodium, an important feature for the company’s target market of health-conscious people. The organization’s strategy was also interesting: it pushed stores to stock its meat along the real meat counter instead of with vegetarian options such as tofu. In an interview in Slate, Brown stated that he wanted consumers to think of the product as protein, regardless of whether or not it came from an animal or a plant. Future goals for management included reducing prices once production ramped up to prices lower than actual meat and to expand into India and China so that much more of the world’s market share would satisfy their meat cravings with this vegan alternative. Brown was confident that, someday, modern society would accept his innovations as it had accepted so many other technological changes.

Beyond Meat Case Study

GOING VEGAN The main benefits of vegan products were the absence of the antibiotics, hormones, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), trans fats and cholesterol, among many other additives, that were normally found in the real meat products that so many people consume everyday. These chemicals played a huge part in developing illnesses such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity. In addition, Beyond Meat suggested many other interesting benefits of cutting meat out of consumers’ diets. For instance, studies concluded that people on vegetarian diets had much better moods than people whose diets included meat and fish since they contained many fatty acids, particularly omega 6, that when consumed in large amounts could cause depression or bipolar disorder. Eating more vegetarian meals also improved hormonal health as a result of cutting out animal proteins, which contained many unsafe hormones. Additionally, the same studies concluded that reducing animal meat consumption could improve body odours and sexual performance. The main benefit for most consumers was that eating healthy foods and less meat could prolong one’s life: vegetarians had much lower incidences of heart diseases, cancers and other life-threatening illnesses. The company claimed to save more than 1.5 million chickens per year, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals gave Beyond Meat its company of the year award in 2013.

Beyond Meat Case Study

COMPANY BACKGROUND Brown received a Masters of Business Administration from Columbia University and a master of public policy from the University of Maryland; he was mainly inspired by his dad’s virtues as a farmer and his childhood experiences with farm animals. He developed a promising career in the private and public energy sector, where he held leadership positions including at Ballard Power Systems, where he reported directly to the president. Taylor was also fuelled by his passion for agriculture and food; he held several positions as a partner for a vegetable seed technology start-up and represented investors and operators in international markets such as India and Turkey. Taylor graduated from the University of California at Los Angeles with Bachlor of Arts degrees in International Economics and Political Science and received his Masters Business Administration with honours from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. At Wharton, his independent focus was on agribusiness investments in emerging markets. According to its website, Beyond Meat was backed by private equity, venture capital and an angel investor. It used non-GMO soy and pea proteins for its beef crumble, chicken strips and new prototype, the “Beast Burger.” Being a producer of foods, its key competitors were Kraft Foods, Garden Protein International, Kellogg Company, Tofutti Brands and many others.

Beyond Meat Case Study

Because vegan meat was much easier and required less energy to produce, contained no saturated fats and saved animals, Beyond Meat’s production process was rather simple. The meat was made by forming a powdered protein — soy for chicken strips and pea protein for beef — into a liquid paste, which then was heated, extruded through a machine and finally cooled. According to Brown, the key was to get the heating/cooling sequence right and then apply the right pressure through the extrusion. The animal meat industry was worth approximately $177 billion dollars, and Brown hoped to take a chunk of that within 50 years by penetrating the market with meat alternatives. He performed a great marketing initiative when he went to a New York Mets baseball game to let athletes taste test the new beast burgers, which were known for enhancing performance as well. Claiming it had “as much protein as beef, more omega-3s than salmon and more antioxidants than blueberries,” he used these famous athletes to try to convince meat-loving Americans to make the change to vegetarian meat. Beyond Meat also paid for ads in Citi Field and presented sliders to fans outside the stadium before the game.

Beyond Meat Case Study

As meat prices were continually increasing in the United States, the total consumption of meat began to decline, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Even though there was a huge demand for vegetarian options, the market was still relatively small. Total U.S. sales of frozen meat substitutes in 2013 was $394 million dollars, an increase of 5 per cent over 2012 sales. Beyond Meat was indeed leading the new generation of food producers, competing alongside another company known for its vegetarian Gardein brand chicken, Garden Protein International. In 2013, Beyond Meat started selling its newest product, the Beef-free Crumble, an approximation of cooked ground beef based on pea protein. The company’s products were priced higher than average chicken and beef products but were still lower than chicken strips and tenders made from real meat. The largest consumer market for Beyond Meats was the younger generation, which was more health and environmentally conscious and, ultimately, the driving force behind using plant protein for food source.

Beyond Meat Case Study

Could the company reach beyond this demographic to increase sales of its products? Would the food tastes of Americans change quickly enough to ensure that growing profits would attract more investors? These were the issues facing Beyond Meats in 2014. Use APA referencing style.


  1. Examine the trends that are influencing the consumer packages goods (CPG) industry to which Beyond Meat belongs.
  2. Define the market for Beyond Meat. What segmentation variables should the company use and why?
  3. What can beyond meat do to shape consumer behavior and preferences regarding eating a plant-based meat substitute.
  4. Develop a marketing strategy to help beyond meat launch new products.
December 26, 2023
December 26, 2023

Heart Transplant Dilemma

Case Study Excerpt In this scenario, you are the advanced practice nurse on the transplant committee for Hope Medical Center. All members of the committee have to vote to decide which patient will receive a donor heart. Five other people are on the committee with you:

  • The administration member is Wes, the Chief Operating Officer.
  • The physician member is Dr. Haswell, Cardiovascular Surgeon and Head of Transplant Services.
  • The social services member is Mahalia, who has worked closely with all clients on the transplant list.
  • The chaplain member is Pastor Arturo, pastor of a local church and lead chaplain at Hope Medical Center
  • The community member is Dr. Bashist, a retired general surgeon who serves on the Board of Directors.

Early this morning, a 17-year-old died following a motorcycle accident. The parents want their son to be an organ donor. The team at Heart of Mercy Hospital prepared and began harvesting organs and notified Hope Medical Center that they have a heart for their patient Bernadine Smith, a 32-year-old with a congenital heart defect who needs a transplant after recently enduring her third pregnancy and delivering a healthy baby boy. At Hope, Bernadine has been prepped for surgery.

Heart Transplant Dilemma

Heart Transplant Dilemma

As surgery begins, a member of the organ transplant team is on the way by helicopter to pick up Bernadine’s new heart. After the heart is procured and the team member is on the way back with the heart, Bernadine suffers a massive stroke and dies on the table. Hope Medical Center, having already taken possession of the heart, now has just under an hour to decide who gets the heart. Your first job is to interview the following candidates who are next in line for the heart. First is Helen Adams. Helen is a 65-year-old, single Caucasian female with no children or family. Her health history includes coronary artery disease, history of two-packs-per-day smoker, BMI of 29.

Heart Transplant Dilemma

She has modified her diet and gave up smoking 9 months ago. She currently requires 2 LPM oxygen at all times. She is not a candidate for revascularization. As you interview her she states, “Yeah, I quit smoking months ago. God, I miss it. I know you all keep telling me need a new heart or I’ll be dead in a year, but I think I’d feel weird with someone else’s heart in me. I’ve heard people start to like things they never did before and stuff like that. What if it makes me more like the person I get a heart from, and I don’t like it? I’m just not totally sold on the idea.” Second, you interview Quentin West. Quentin is a 38-year-old African American father of four, His wife has been a stay-at-home mom until recently, when Quentin became unable to work as a result of his inability to perform required duties. His health history includes cardiomyopathy, hypertension, and a BMI of 42. He tells you his BMI was much lower in his 20s, when he played professional football as an offensive lineman. He also says he understands that playing football led to his development of cardiomyopathy. He states that he has seen many of his former teammates and friends die of this condition. He does admit to a history of substance abuse but states that he gave that up before his first child was born.

Heart Transplant Dilemma

After your interviews, you are headed back to speak to the rest of the committee when you are grabbed by a nurse to help with a cardiac arrest coming in by ambulance. When the patient arrives, you receive the following regarding the patient: Earl, a 42-year-old male was snow skiing nearby when he suddenly collapsed. His girlfriend called 911. When emergency services arrived, the patient had a pulse, but the pulse was lost on the way to the hospital; CPR was initiated, and the patient was intubated. The paramedics were able to get a heartbeat back; however, the patient continues to have arrhythmias and apparent low cardiac output. Earl is found to have a history of coronary artery disease, hypertension, heart failure, and previous heart attack resulting from cocaine use. He is stabilized and moved to the ICU on a heart pump with a poor prospective outcome. When you go in to meet with the ethics committee with your update, you discover that the patient from the ER is the son of Earl Hope Eubanks the third, a major donor to the facility and the person for whom the hospital is named. Mr. Eubanks has contacted the facility and pledged to pay for a new pediatric cancer wing to be developed and built .„ but it is certainly inferred that the money will be donated only if the son receives the donor heart. As the committee sets down to discuss who should receive the heart, the following discussion occurs:

Heart Transplant Dilemma

Wes: Thank you all for gathering on such short notice. As you all know, we have a big decision to make and not a lot of time to make it in. just so that we are all on the same page, we have three candidates for the heart that is en route to this facility. I would like to open the floor for comment,

Mahalia: I need to recuse myself. I feel like I am too emotionally involved to make an objective judgement in this case.

Wes: Thank you, Mahaila. I understand that this is certainly a difficult situation. I appreciate your honesty. Does anyone else wish to recuse themselves? Okay, so let’s open the floor for conversation.

Dr. Hasweh: As the surgeon, I want to be clear that neither of the two are great candidates.

Wes: Don’t you mean three candidates? We cannot forget about Mr. Eubanks.

Dr. Hasweh: Wes, we all know about his cocaine abuse. You know that disqualifies him.

Wes: But what if he quit? Your Mr. West also has a history of substance abuse.

Dr. Hasweh: History of, not current use. Let’s do a drug screen on Mr, Eubanks and see if he is still using and interview that girlfriend that was with him.

Heart Transplant Dilemma

Dr. Bashist: 1 personally believe that we should eliminate Ms. Adams. She isn’t even sure she wants a transplant.

Mahalia: I believe that she is just scared. Maybe she doesn’t want to get her hopes up, 11 she is chosen, she can always refuse and then we move on to the next recipient.

Dr. Bashist: But that is a waste of time.

Pastor Arturo: If it was you who needed the heart, I would think you wouldn’t feel it was a waste of time, I understand human nature and can see Mahalla’s points. Ms. Adams is certainly still a valid candidate. She has made strides toward a healthier lifestyle already.

Dr. Hasweh: Ms. Adams may be the best candidate since she has already shown that she can make the required changes,

Mahalia: What about Mr. West? He has a family to support, and he is so young!

Dr. Hasweh: But he has a history of substance abuse and a BMI of 42!

Mahalia: Well your Ms. Adams claims that she “quit smoking,'” but how can we really prove that?

Heart Transplant Dilemma

Wes: I appreciate all of the conversation, but we must not forget about Mr. Eubanks. Even if he comes back positive for substance abuse, imagine all of the good we could do with a children’s cancer wing. That has to play into this decision. The drug screen comes back inconclusive, and Mr. Eubanks’ girlfriend said she didn’t see him do anything drug related, After much more discussion, a vote is held. Wes and Mr. Bashist vote for Mr. Eubanks, and the chaplain and Dr. Hasweh vote for Mr. West. Ms. Adams is removed as a candidate. Mahalia again recuses herself. Your vote decides who gets the heart.

Committee Members

Advanced Practice Nurse: You

Administration: Wes, Chief Operating Officer

Physician: Dr. Hasweh, Cardiovascular Surgeon, Head of Transplant services.

Social Services: Mahlla, worked closely with all clients on the transplant list.

Chaplain: Pastor Arturo, pastor of a local church and a lead chaplain at the facility.

Community Member: Dr. Bahshist, retired general surgeon who serves on the board of directors.

Patients: Helen Adams Quentin West Earl Hope Eubanks IV

Heart Transplant Dilemma

Answer the following questions in a numbered list in your original list:

  1.  Your vote decides who gets the heart. Who would you choose and why?
  2. How did health inequality and inequities affect your decision?
  3. What ethics would you use to back up your decision?
  4. Why did you not choose the other candidates?
  5. Was this an easy or a difficult decision for you?
  6. Would you want to serve on an ethics committee in the future? why or why not?

In your original response, provide at least two references with in text citation to current literature, and assigned readings to support your assertions. Use APA referencing style.

December 19, 2023
December 19, 2023

Argumentative Power Point

Course Objectives:

CO4: Evaluate and analyze various forms of argument for rhetorical devices, fallacies, and possible pseudo-reasoning. (Evaluate)
CO5: Create an argument free from logical errors. (Create)
For this assignment, you will use MS PowerPoint to present your final argument utilizing one of the three forms covered in the class (Classic/Aristotelian, Toulmin, or Rogerian).

Argumentative Power Point

After a catchy title slide, you will present your introduction paragraph on slide 2. This should be the same introduction produced in week 5, but with some tweaking based on instructor feedback.

Then, you will add at least one slide for each of the components of that type of argument. For example, if you choose the Classical argument, you will need at least one slide labeled for each component: Statement of the Background, Position, Proof, and Refutation. Be sure you see the lesson on Refutations.

You are NOT pasting a paper into the slides. Doing so will cost points for not following directions.

Each slide should have several bullets providing your best points for each component. Those bullets are then explained in the notes as commentary or in the transcript for any dialogue should you choose to narrate the presentation.

Be sure to include citations of scholarly resources either on the slides or in the notes (or both) and a final slide or two with APA or MLA formatted references.

Convince me that your position on your topic is the right one!



Argumentative Power Point

Course Objectives:

CO4: Evaluate and analyze various forms of argument for rhetorical devices, fallacies, and possible pseudo-reasoning. (Evaluate)
CO5: Create an argument free from logical errors. (Create)
For this assignment, you will use MS PowerPoint to present your final argument utilizing one of the three forms covered in the class (Classic/Aristotelian, Toulmin, or Rogerian).

After a catchy title slide, you will present your introduction paragraph on slide 2. This should be the same introduction produced in week 5, but with some tweaking based on instructor feedback.

Then, you will add at least one slide for each of the components of that type of argument. For example, if you choose the Classical argument, you will need at least one slide labeled for each component: Statement of the Background, Position, Proof, and Refutation. Be sure you see the lesson on Refutations.

You are NOT pasting a paper into the slides. Doing so will cost points for not following directions.

Each slide should have several bullets providing your best points for each component. Those bullets are then explained in the notes as commentary or in the transcript for any dialogue should you choose to narrate the presentation.

Be sure to include citations of scholarly resources either on the slides or in the notes (or both) and a final slide or two with APA or MLA formatted references.

Convince me that your position on your topic is the right one!


***ARGUMENT ATTACHED*** Use APA referencing style.

December 19, 2023
December 19, 2023

Business Accounting Assignment

1) You are in the market for a used car. At a used car lot, you know that the blue book value for the cars you are looking at is between $20,000 and $24,000. If you believe that the dealer knows as much about the car as you, how much are you willing to pay? Why? Assume that you care only about the expected value of the car you buy and that the care values are symmetrically distributed.
Now, you believe the dealer knows more about the care than you. How much are you willing to pay? Why?

Business Accounting Assignment

2) Define financial frictions and explain why an increase in financial frictions a key element in financial crises is. How does a general increase in uncertainty as a result of a failure of a major financial institution lead to an increase in adverse selection and moral hazard problem?

3) If the Fed sells $2 million of bonds to the First National Bank, what happens to reserve and the monetary base? Use T-accounts to explain your answer.
4) If a switch occurs from deposits into currency, what happens to the federal funds rate? Use supply and demand analysis of the market for reserves to explain your answer.

Business Accounting Assignment

1) You are in the market for a used car. At a used car lot, you know that the blue book value for the cars you are looking at is between $20,000 and $24,000. If you believe that the dealer knows as much about the car as you, how much are you willing to pay? Why? Assume that you care only about the expected value of the car you buy and that the care values are symmetrically distributed.
Now, you believe the dealer knows more about the care than you. How much are you willing to pay? Why?

2) Define financial frictions and explain why an increase in financial frictions a key element in financial crises is. How does a general increase in uncertainty as a result of a failure of a major financial institution lead to an increase in adverse selection and moral hazard problem?

3) If the Fed sells $2 million of bonds to the First National Bank, what happens to reserve and the monetary base? Use T-accounts to explain your answer.
4) If a switch occurs from deposits into currency, what happens to the federal funds rate? Use supply and demand analysis of the market for reserves to explain your answer. Use APA referencing style.

December 19, 2023
December 19, 2023

Nursing Task Discussion

To Prepare:
⦁ Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry.
⦁ Review the materials offering guidance on using databases, performing keyword searches, and developing PICO(T) questions provided in the Resources.
⦁ Based on the clinical issue of interest and using keywords related to the clinical issue of interest, search at least two different databases in the Walden Library to identify at least four relevant peer-reviewed articles related to your clinical issue of interest. You should not be using systematic reviews for this assignment, select original research articles.

Nursing Task Discussion
⦁ Review the Resources for guidance and develop a PICO(T) question of interest to you for further study. It is suggested that an Intervention-type PICOT question be developed as these seem to work best for this course.
*Library tip:
Walden Library recommends starting your search broadly with one concept or search word and adding more elements one at a time. Depending on your topic, the evidence will not necessarily address all the aspects of your PICO(T) question in one article. Select the most important concepts to search and find the best evidence available, even if that means assembling evidence from multiple articles.
Nursing Research ⦁ Page⦁ Links⦁ to an external site. – databases and resources specifically for Nursing
⦁ Evidence-Based Practice guide: ⦁ Evidence ⦁ Types⦁ Links⦁ to an external site.
Nursing and Health research ⦁ videos⦁ Links⦁ to an external site., including a 15-minute introduction.
Get ⦁ Help⦁ Links⦁ to an external site. page, including ⦁ Ask a ⦁ Librarian⦁ Links⦁ to an external site. service
Quick Answers:
How do I find an article that reports on research that uses a specific ⦁ methodology? ⦁ Links⦁ to an external site.
How do I find original or primary research that analyzes empirical ⦁ data? ⦁ Links⦁ to an external site.
What is the Find at Walden ⦁ button? ⦁ Links⦁ to an external site.

Nursing Task Discussion


Post a brief description of your clinical issue of interest. This clinical issue will remain the same for the entire course and will be the basis for the development of your PICOT question. Describe your search results in terms of the number of articles returned on original research and how this changed as you added search terms using your Boolean operators. Finally, explain strategies you might make to increase the rigor and effectiveness of a database search on your PICO(T) question. Be specific and provide examples. Use APA referencing style.

December 19, 2023
December 19, 2023

Practicum Project Methodology/Evaluation

Once you have a Practicum Project topic and objectives, you need to determine how you will execute the project. Breaking it down further, you should decide the who, what, how, where, and when associated with each of your Practicum Project objectives. For example, who will make what change, by how much, where, and by when? This methodology will guide the implementation of your project at the practicum site.
But how will you know whether you have met your objectives? How will you know the impact of your project? Formative evaluation, while the project is in progress, and summative evaluation, at the conclusion of the project, offer different types of feedback and information at different points. Thus, evaluation can offer helpful insight into objective achievement.

Practicum Project Methodology/Evaluation
Post a description of your proposed Practicum Project. Identify a project methodology that is appropriate for your project and explain why it will be valuable to use. Then select the model you will use during your project and explain why it is appropriate for your project. Next, summarize two theories that relate to your Practicum Project and evaluate their application to your experience.
Explain how you will evaluate your Practicum Project. Specifically, describe a formative evaluation plan and a summative evaluation plan you will use. Detail what the evaluations will measure and what information you can gain from the evaluations. Then, describe any potential ethical issues that may occur as you complete your Practicum Project. Explain how you will avoid or address these issues.

Practicum Project Methodology/Evaluation

Required Readings
Jasper, M., Rosser, M., & Mooney, G. P. (2013). Professional development, reflection, and decision-making in nursing and healthcare. John Wiley and Sons.
Chapter 4, “Decision-Making in Professional Practice” (pp. 109–135)
Office of the National Coordinator. (2017). Implementing health IT Links to an external site…  https://www.healthit.gov/topic/safety/implementing-health-it
Document: Practicum Project Plan Overview Download Practicum Project Plan Overview (Word document)
Technology Acceptance Model
Kotelawala, Y. (2011). The Technology Acceptance Model: Predicting nurses’ intention to use telemedicine technology (Eisu) Links to an external site. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 29(7), 411–418.
Pai, F.-Y., & Huang, K. (2011). Applying the Technology Acceptance Model to the introduction of healthcare information systems Links to an external site. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(4), 650–660.
Rippen, H. E., Pan, E. C., Russell, C., Byrne, C. M., & Swift, E. K. (2012).  Organizational framework for health information technology. Links to an external site…  International Journal of Medical Informatics, 82(4), e1–e13.
Diffusion of Innovation
Barnett, J., Vasileiou, K., Djemal, F., Brooks, L., & Young, T. (2011). Understanding innovators’ experiences of barriers and facilitators in implementation and diffusion of healthcare service innovations: A qualitative study. Links to an external site. BMC Health Services Research, 11, 342.
Kassi, A. (2012). “Learning” from other industries: Lessons and challenges for health care organizations Links to an external site. Health Care Manager, 31(1), 65–74.
Sociotechnical Theory

Practicum Project Methodology/Evaluation

Ancker, J. S., Kern, L. M., Abramson, E., & Kaushal, R. (2012). The Triangle Model for evaluating the effect of health information technology on healthcare quality and safety Links to an external site… Journal of American Medical Informatics Associations, 19(1), 61–65.
Currie, L., Sheehan, B., Graham, P., Stetson, P., Cato, K., & Wilcox, A. (2009). Sociotechnical analysis of a neonatal ICU Links to an external site. Studies In Health Technology and Informatics, (146), 258-262.
Booth, R. G., Sinclair, B., Brennan, L., & Strudwick, G. (2017). Developing and implementing a simulated electronic medication administration record for undergraduate nursing education using sociotechnical systems theory to inform practice and curricula. Links to an external site. CIN: Computers Informatics Nursing, 35(3), 131–139. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/CIN.0000000000000309
Kaplan, B. (2016). Evaluation of people, social, and organizational issues—sociotechnical ethnographic evaluation. Links to an external site. Studies in Health Technology & Informatics, 222, 114–124. https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-635-4-114
McBride, D. (2018). Evaluation Links to an external site… In B. B. Frey (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (p. 624). SAGE.
Christ, T. J., & Kember, J. (2018). Formative evaluation Links to an external site. In B. B. Frey (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (pp. 697–699). SAGE.
Plotner, A. J. (2018). Summative evaluation Links to an external site… In B. B. Frey (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation (pp. 1636–1637). SAGE. Use APA referencing style.

December 19, 2023
December 19, 2023

Evidence-Based Nursing Assignment

To Prepare:
Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry.
Develop a PICO(T) question to address the clinical issue of interest you identified in Module 2 for the Assignment. This PICOT question will remain the same for the entire course.
Use the key words from the PICO(T) question you developed and search at least four different databases in the Walden Library. Identify at least four relevant systematic reviews or other filtered high-level evidence, which includes meta-analyses, critically appraised topics (evidence syntheses), critically appraised individual articles (article synopses). The evidence will not necessarily address all the elements of your PICO(T) question, so select the most important concepts to search and find the best evidence available.

Evidence-Based Nursing Assignment
Reflect on the process of creating a PICO(T) question and searching for peer-reviewed research.
The Assignment (Evidence-Based Project)
Part 2: Advanced Levels of Clinical Inquiry and Systematic Reviews
Create a 6- to 7-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following:
Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest.
Describe how you developed a PICO(T) question focused on your chosen clinical issue of interest.
Identify the four research databases that you used to conduct your search for the peer-reviewed articles you selected.
Provide APA citations of the four relevant peer-reviewed articles at the systematic-reviews level related to your research question. If there are no systematic review level articles or meta-analysis on your topic, then use the highest level of evidence peer reviewed article.
Describe the levels of evidence in each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected, including an explanation of the strengths of using systematic reviews for clinical research. Be specific and provide examples.

Evidence-Based Nursing Assignment

To Prepare:
Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry.
Develop a PICO(T) question to address the clinical issue of interest you identified in Module 2 for the Assignment. This PICOT question will remain the same for the entire course.
Use the key words from the PICO(T) question you developed and search at least four different databases in the Walden Library. Identify at least four relevant systematic reviews or other filtered high-level evidence, which includes meta-analyses, critically appraised topics (evidence syntheses), critically appraised individual articles (article synopses). The evidence will not necessarily address all the elements of your PICO(T) question, so select the most important concepts to search and find the best evidence available.
Reflect on the process of creating a PICO(T) question and searching for peer-reviewed research.
The Assignment (Evidence-Based Project)

Part 2: Advanced Levels of Clinical Inquiry and Systematic Reviews
Create a 6- to 7-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following:
Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest.
Describe how you developed a PICO(T) question focused on your chosen clinical issue of interest.
Identify the four research databases that you used to conduct your search for the peer-reviewed articles you selected.
Provide APA citations of the four relevant peer-reviewed articles at the systematic-reviews level related to your research question. If there are no systematic review level articles or meta-analysis on your topic, then use the highest level of evidence peer reviewed article.
Describe the levels of evidence in each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected, including an explanation of the strengths of using systematic reviews for clinical research. Be specific and provide examples. Use APA referencing style.

December 19, 2023
December 19, 2023

Anxiety Disorder Case Study

Casie Weider Gender: female Age: 53 years old T- 99.0 P- 102 R 24 156/86 Hit 5’4 Wt. 1lbs73 Background: Lith her husband in Memphis, TN, has one daughter aged 25. She has never worked. Raised by mother, she never knew her father. Mother with hex of generalized anxiety and was verbally abusive, abused benzodiazepines, no substance hex for patient. No previous psychiatric treatment. Has one glass red wine with dinner. Sleeps 12-13 hrs.; appetite decreased. Has overactive bladder, untreated. Allergic to Zofran; complains of headaches, takes prn Tylenol, has diarrhea 2-3 times weekly, takes OTC Imodium. Symptom Media. (Producer). (2016). Training title 40 [Video]

Anxiety Disorder Case Study

Anxiety Disorder Case Study

Transcript of Video:






00:00:15[She nervously plays with her scarf as she breathes anxiously]

00:00:25OFF CAMERA Hello Mrs. Wieder. Are you ok? Do you want some water or something?

00:00:30MRS. WEIDRE I’m ok. I’m fine.

00:00:35OFF CAMERA, I understand you wanted to see me today.

00:00:40[She breathes anxiously]

00:00:40MRS. WEIDRE I just really needed to sit and talk.

00:00:40OFF CAMERA Well, tell me what’s wrong, what are you feeling?

00:00:50MRS. WEIDRE I’m just so… so unsure. I’m tired of being stuck in my house. I don’t like it.

00:01:00OFF CAMERA Stuck in your house? Do you have difficultly left your house?

00:01:05MRS. WEIDRE Yes. All the time.

00:01:05OFF CAMERA When do you go out?

00:01:10MRS. WEIDRE …maybe, once or twice.

00:01:15OFF CAMERA A Day?

00:01:15[She clutches her hands to her chest]

00:01:15MRS. WEIDRE A week. Tuesdays and Saturdays.

00:01:20OFF CAMERA Why Tuesday and Saturday?

00:01:30MRS. WEIDRE Because when my husband gets home, he can go with me.

00:01:35OFF CAMERA What do you do when you go out?

00:01:40MRS. WEIDRE I take walks.

00:01:40OFF CAMERA Where do you walk?

00:01:40MRS. WEIDRE I only go to the end of the block, and then I cross the street, and turn around, and I go back around the cul-de-sac. I’ll do those three times. [Losing breathe] No more, then I have to go back inside… I also go in my backyard. That’s usually okay.

00:02:15OFF CAMERA On the walks, why do you have to go back after three times? What happens?

00:02:20MRS. WEIDRE [She nervously looks around] I just can’t go any further.

00:02:25OFF CAMERA Is this a physical problem, knees or something?

00:02:30[She plays with her scarf]

00:02:30MRS. WEIDRE No. No. Well… maybe. I just can’t breathe if I’m out any longer.

00:02:40OFF CAMERA Oh, breathing?

00:02:40MRS. WEIDRE Yeah.

00:02:40OFF CAMERA What do you feel?

00:02:45MRS. WEIDRE [Her voice quivering] I’m just so frightened. Really, really scared. You don’t realize what it took for me to get here today. I really had to. I willed it. I closed my eyes, and my husband turned the radio up all the way as he drove. And then he led me into the building.

00:03:20OFF CAMERA Is there something that triggers this, anything in particular?

00:03:30MRS. WEIDRE I don’t like people. Maybe that’s it. I mean I can tolerate them. Ethan, the little boy next door, I’ll bake things for him and say hello. Sometimes, sometimes I watch him when his parents are gone. I mean I can be around people. Maybe that’s not that’s not what I meant.

00:04:00OFF CAMERA Ok, can you walk me through what happens when you do leave the house?

00:04:05MRS. WEIDRE I get shortness of breath, everything, the world just seems to close in on me, and everything gets feels really tight, the air in my body, my chest. I get dizzy. I don’t know what’s wrong… I could be sick. What is this?

00:04:30OFF CAMERA There can be many different causes for this. What is it that frightens you?

00:04:40MRS. WEIDRE [She’s short of breath] Death. I’m afraid to die.

00:04:45OFF CAMERA You’re afraid you might die?

00:04:50MRS. WEIDRE Yes. Among other things but that’s what pops into my head.

00:04:55OFF CAMERA Is their other stuff?


00:05:05MRS. WEIDRE Cars go to fast. And there’s murders and rapes that I see on the news. And flashfloods. I just think it’s close, it’s safer to stay close to home.

00:05:15OFF CAMERA How long have you had this fear?

00:05:20MRS. WEIDRE I don’t really know.

00:05:20OFF CAMERA Do you know when it all started?

00:05:25MRS. WEIDRE I’m not sure.

00:05:30OFF CAMERA Do you know what started it?

00:05:30MRS. WEIDRE No.

00:05:35OFF CAMERA When was the last time you really ventured out for any length of time?

00:05:40MRS. WEIDRE Fifteen years.

00:05:45[She nervously shifts in her chair]

00:05:45OFF CAMERA That long. Is this the farthest you’ve been in fifteen years? What happened fifteen years ago?

00:06:00MRS. WEIDRE I don’t really know.

00:06:05OFF CAMERA There is nothing that happened to you personally that could have made you afraid of dying?

00:06:10MRS. WEIDRE I always was. My mother died the year before that. But it happened little by little. First it was planes. And then I couldn’t drive on the freeway, then I couldn’t drive at all, then errands, then it was going out… and soon… here I am.

00:06:40OFF CAMERA It must have taken you extraordinary courage to come here today. What finally brought you to see me?

00:06:50MRS. WEIDRE My grandson was born. But I couldn’t go and see him. I still haven’t seen him. My daughter gave birth last week and she’s not going to bring him to see me for several months and I don’t want to wait that long.

00:07:10OFF CAMERA You miss out.

00:07:15MRS. WEIDRE Yes! Of course, I do! My grandson is a thousand miles away and I can’t leave the God damned house.



Anxiety Disorder Case Study


Incorporate the following into your responses in the template: Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation

Consider what history would be necessary to collect from this patient.
Consider what interview questions you would need to ask this patient.
Identify at least three possible differential diagnoses for the patient.
Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis? What is the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life?
Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment?
Assessment: Discuss the patient’s mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses with supporting evidence, listed in order from highest priority to lowest priority. Compare the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria for each differential diagnosis and explain what DSM-5-TR criteria rules out the differential diagnosis to find an accurate diagnosis. Explain the critical-thinking process that led you to the primary diagnosis you selected. Include pertinent positives and pertinent negatives for the specific patient case.
Reflection notes: What would you do differently with this client if you could conduct the session over? Also include in your reflection a discussion related to legal/ethical considerations (demonstrate critical thinking beyond confidentiality and consent for treatment!), health promotion and disease prevention taking into consideration patient factors (such as age, ethnic group, etc.), PMH, and other risk factors (e.g., socioeconomic, cultural background, etc.).

Anxiety Disorder Case Study

American Psychiatric Association. (2022). Anxiety disorders. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders Links to an external site. (5th ed., text rev.). https://go.openathens.net/redirector/waldenu.edu?URL= https://dsm.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/appi.books.9780890425787.x05_Anxiety_Disorders

Med Easy. (2017). Anxiety, OCD, PTSD and related psychiatric disorders | USMLE & HomeLinks to an external site. [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BwzQF9DTlY. Use APA referencing style.

December 19, 2023
December 19, 2023

Business/Finance Essay Question


In a 1,200-word-long essay, you are tasked with analyzing and discussing the topic you were provided with. You are strongly advised to carry out some thorough research and highlight the wider context of your findings and indicate the sources you elaborated on in the reference page (either in APA or MLA format).

Business/Finance Essay Question

After banning Dire Straits’ Money for Nothing tune of 1985 for its allegedly sexist, racist, and homophobic verses, the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council took into account the considerable amount of additional information concerning some of the inappropriate words and lifted the ban. The event made headlines all over the world and generated harsh criticism that shed light on one of the most decisive characteristics of the Canadian media system.

Demonstrate and analyze how this event relates to a democratic, pluralist media system that includes the right to complain and the functioning system of self-correction.

Business/Finance Essay Question

In a 1,200-word-long essay you are tasked with analyzing and discussing the topic you were provided with. You are strongly advised to carry out some thorough research and highlight the wider context of your findings and indicate the sources you elaborated on in the reference page (either in APA or MLA format).


After banning Dire Straits’ Money for Nothing tune of 1985 for its allegedly sexist, racist, and homophobic verses, the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council took into account the considerable amount of additional information concerning some of the inappropriate words and lifted the ban. The event made headlines all over the world and generated harsh criticism that shed light on one of the most decisive characteristics of the Canadian media system.

Demonstrate and analyze how this event relates to a democratic, pluralist media system that includes the right to complain and the functioning system of self-correction.

In a 1,200-word-long essay, you are tasked with analyzing and discussing the topic you were provided with. You are strongly advised to carry out some thorough research and highlight the wider context of your findings and indicate the sources you elaborated on in the reference page (either in APA or MLA format). Use APA referencing style.

December 18, 2023
December 18, 2023

Mood Disorders Treatment

Review this week’s Learning Resources. Consider the insights they provide about assessing, diagnosing, and treating mood disorders.
Review the Focused SOAP Note template, which you will use to complete this Assignment. There is also a Focused SOAP Note Exemplar provided as a guide for Assignment expectations.
Review the video, Case Study: Petunia Park. You will use this case as the basis of this Assignment. In this video, a Walden faculty member is assessing a mock patient. The patient will be represented onscreen as an avatar.
Consider what history would be necessary to collect from this patient.
Consider what interview questions you would need to ask this patient.
Consider patient diagnostics missing from the video:
Provider Review outside of interview:
Temp 98.2  Pulse  90 Respiration 18  B/P  138/88
Laboratory Data Available: Urine drug and alcohol screen negative.  CBC within normal ranges, CMP within normal ranges. Lipid panel within normal ranges. Prolactin Level 8; TSH 6.3 (H)

Mood Disorders Treatment
Mood Disorders Treatment

Develop a Focused SOAP Note, including your differential diagnosis and critical-thinking process to formulate a primary diagnosis. Incorporate the following into your responses in the template:
Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomatology to derive your differential diagnosis? What is the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life?
Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment?
Assessment: Discuss the patient’s mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses with supporting evidence, listed in order from highest to lowest priority. Compare the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria for each differential diagnosis and explain what DSM-5 criteria rules out the differential diagnosis to find an accurate diagnosis. Explain the critical-thinking process that led you to the primary diagnosis you selected. Include pertinent positives and pertinent negatives for the specific patient case.
Plan: What is your plan for psychotherapy? What is your plan for treatment and management, including alternative therapies? Include pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments, alternative therapies, and follow-up parameters as well as a rationale for this treatment and management plan. Also incorporate one health promotion activity and one patient education strategy.
Reflection notes: Reflect on this case. Discuss what you learned and what you might do differently. Also include in your reflection a discussion related to legal/ethical considerations (demonstrate critical thinking beyond confidentiality and consent for treatment!), social determinates of health, health promotion, and disease prevention that takes into consideration patient factors (such as age, ethnic group, etc.), PMH, and other risk factors (e.g., socioeconomic, cultural background, etc.). Use APA referencing style.